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Thirty-one lines of evidence — structural, seismic, paleomagnetic, and others — are listed to show that North America has been migrating toward the Arctic Ocean area, since the end of Paleozoic time, at about two cm/yr. The North American plate has been pulling away from South America, during that time interval, at about one cm/yr; the Gulf of Mexico is the major tensional feature which has developed in Middle America as a result of that separation. Any eastward or westward drift that has been involved must have been either negligible or of such a nature that both Americas had essentially the same rate of displacement. The northern continent has been reshaped by its migration, becoming narrower (east-west) and longer (north-south). This reshaping has been accompanied by second-order grabens and other sag features in the eastern and western parts.During the northward movement, in Mesozoic and Cenozoic times, the Appalachian Mountains have been subjected to a combination of tension and right lateral dislocation. In Paleozoic time, when the Appalachians were closer to, and more nearly parallel with, the equator, the primary deformation was left lateral offset. In mid-Paleozoic time, what is now New York state appears to have been reasonably close to what is now northwestern Venezuela. Since then, North America has undergone counter-clockwise rotation, and South America has undergone clockwise rotation.The Gulf of Mexico, as a major tensional feature, has developed as a large, tectonically quiet, sediment trap. It can be considered a type of the geosyncline which forms along the trailing edge of a moving continental plate. The Paleozoic Appalachian geosyncline, however, was of a different type: the main deformation was strike slip rather than tensional, and sedimentation was more-or-less contemporaneous with deformation.Northward drift of the North American continent, along with poleward motions of at least two other continents, has been responible for Tertiary cooling of the globe and the onset of late Cenozoic glaciation. Inasmuch as North America is still approaching the Arctic, fully developed glaciation, either with or without freeze-thaw cycles, should continue for a geologically-long interval.
Zusammenfassung Es werden 31 Hinweise struktureller, seismischer, paleomagnetischer und anderer Art gebracht, um zu zeigen, da\ Nordamerika zum Arktischen Ozean hin abgewandert ist, und zwar seit dem PalÄozoikum ungefÄhr 2 cm pro Jahr. Die Nordamerikanische Platte hat sich in diesem Zeitintervall von Südamerika ungefÄhr 1 cm pro Jahr entfernt; der Golf von Mexiko ist in Mittelamerika der hauptsÄchliche Ausdruck tensioneller Art dieser Trennung. Jede Trift nach Osten oder Westen, die dabei teilgenommen hat, mu\ daher untergeordnet gewesen sein oder war von solcher Art, da\ die beiden Amerikas im wesentlichen gleichartige Versetzung erfuhren. Der nördliche Kontinent wurde indessen durch seine Wanderung in seinem Umri\ verÄndert, und zwar wurde er schmÄler (Ost-West) und lÄnger (Nord-Süd). Diese VerÄnderung war von GrÄben zweiter Ordnung und von anderen Verschleppungserscheinungen in den östlichen und westlichen Teilen des Kontinents begleitet.WÄhrend der Nordwanderung im Mesozoikum und KÄnozoikum wurden die Appalachian Mountains einer Kombination von Spannung und rechts-lateraler Dislokation unterworfen. Im PalÄozoikum, als die Appalachians nÄher und mehr parallel zum Äquator lagen, bestand die hauptsÄchliche Deformation aus linkslateraler Versetzung. Im MittelpalÄozoikum war die Gegend, die heute den Staat von New York darstellt, anscheinend ziemlich nahe der Gegend des heutigen nordwestlichen Venezuelas. Seitdem hat Nordamerika eine Rotation nach links und Südamerika eine Rotation im Uhrzeigersinn durchgeführt.Der Golf von Mexiko, ein Ausdruck gro\rÄumiger Spannung entwickelte sich als ein gro\es, tektonisch ruhiges Sedimentationsbecken. Man kann es als Typ einer Geosynklinale betrachten, die sich am Rückrand einer wandernden Kontinentalplatte bildet, Als andere Beispiele mögen das Schwarze Meer und die Kaspi-See dienen. Die palÄozoische Appalachian Geosynklinale stellte indessen einen anderen Typ dar: Die Hauptdeformation war Lateralversetzung und nicht tensional, und die Sedimentation verlief mehr oder weniger gleichzeitig mit der Deformation.Nordwanderung des nordamerikanischen Kontinents, zusammen mit polwÄrtiger Bewegung wenigstens noch zwei weiterer Kontinente war für die tertiÄre Klimaverkühlung der Erde und für den Beginn der spÄtkÄnozoischen Vergletscherung verantwortlich. Da sich Nordamerika immer noch der Arktis nÄhert, sollten vollentwickelte Vergletscherungen, entweder mit oder ohne Frost-Tau-Zyklen, noch für ein geologisch langes Zeitintervall andauern.

Resumen Son presentadas treinta y una pruebas — estructurales, sísmicas y paleomagnéticas entre otras — para demostrar que desde el final del Paleozoico el continente norteamericano ha ido girando en dirección al área del Océano árctico aproximadamente dos centímetros por año. El bloque norteamericano se ha alejado de América del Sur, durante este intervalo de tiempo, un centímetro por año aproximadamente; el Golfo de México es el mayor rasgo tensional que se ha formado como resultado de esta separación. La deriva que ha debido ocurrir, bien en direcciÔn este u oeste, debió de ser o insignificante o de tal naturaleza que ambas américas tuvieron que tener esencialmente la misma razón de traslación. Sin embargo el continente norteño ha sido reformado a causa de su deriva, estrechándose del este al oeste y alargándose del norte al sur. Esta reforma ha sido acompañada de grábenes de segundo orden y de otros fenómenos de disgregación en las partes este y oeste.Durante el movimiento hacia el norte, en tiempos mesozoicos y cenozoicos, las Montañas Apalachas han estado sujetas a una combinación de tensión y dislocación dextral-lateral. En el Paleozoico, cuando las Apalachas estaban más cercanas al ecuador y más paralelas al mismo, la deformación primaria fue un movimiento sinestral-lateral. En el Paleozoico medio la región que ahora ocupa el estado de Nueva York parece haber estado razonablemente más cercana a la parte noroeste de Venezuela. Desde entonces Norteamérica ha girado en dirección contraria al sentido de las agujas del reloj mientras Sudamérica ha rotado en sentido contrario.El Golfo de México, como mayor fenómeno tensional, se ha desarrollado como una cuenca enorme, tectonicamente tranquila, donde se acumulan sedimentos. Puede considerarse como el tipo de geosinclinal que se forma paralelamente a la parte posterior de un bloque en movimiento. Ejemplos como éste se encuentran en las cuencas del Mar Negro y del Mar Caspio. Sin embargo el geosinclinal de las Apalachas en el Paleozoico era diferente: la deformación más importante y mayor fué mas bien lateral (strike slip) y no tensional; la sedimentación fue más o menos contemporánea a la deformación.La traslación del continente norteamericano hacia el norte, en unión con movimientos hacia el polo de, por lo menos, dos continentes más ha sido la causa de la deterioración climatológica durante el Terciario y de la glaciación durante el Cenozoico superior. En vista de que Norteamérica sigue acercándose al árctico, las glaciaciones — con o sin ciclos de máximas y mínimas — probablemente continuarán durante un intervalo geologicamente largo.

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Rare earth elements (REE) have been mined in North America since 1885, when placer monazite was produced in the southeast USA. Since the 1960s, however, most North American REE have come from a carbonatite deposit at Mountain Pass, California, and most of the world’s REE came from this source between 1965 and 1995. After 1998, Mountain Pass REE sales declined substantially due to competition from China and to environmental constraints. REE are presently not mined at Mountain Pass, and shipments were made from stockpiles in recent years. Chevron Mining, however, restarted extraction of selected REE at Mountain Pass in 2007. In 1987, Mountain Pass reserves were calculated at 29 Mt of ore with 8.9% rare earth oxide based on a 5% cut‐off grade. Current reserves are in excess of 20 Mt at similar grade. The ore mineral is bastnasite, and the ore has high light REE/heavy REE (LREE/HREE). The carbonatite is a moderately dipping, tabular 1.4‐Ga intrusive body associated with ultrapotassic alkaline plutons of similar age. The chemistry and ultrapotassic alkaline association of the Mountain Pass deposit suggest a different source than that of most other carbonatites. Elsewhere in the western USA, carbonatites have been proposed as possible REE sources. Large but low‐grade LREE resources are in carbonatite in Colorado and Wyoming. Carbonatite complexes in Canada contain only minor REE resources. Other types of hard‐rock REE deposits in the USA include small iron‐REE deposits in Missouri and New York, and vein deposits in Idaho. Phosphorite and fluorite deposits in the USA also contain minor REE resources. The most recently discovered REE deposit in North America is the Hoidas Lake vein deposit, Saskatchewan, a small but incompletely evaluated resource. Neogene North American placer monazite resources, both marine and continental, are small or in environmentally sensitive areas, and thus unlikely to be mined. Paleoplacer deposits also contain minor resources. Possible future uranium mining of Precambrian conglomerates in the Elliott Lake–Blind River district, Canada, could yield by‐product HREE and Y. REE deposits occur in peralkaline syenitic and granitic rocks in several places in North America. These deposits are typically enriched in HREE, Y, and Zr. Some also have associated Be, Nb, and Ta. The largest such deposits are at Thor Lake and Strange Lake in Canada. A eudialyte syenite deposit at Pajarito Mountain in New Mexico is also probably large, but of lower grade. Similar deposits occur at Kipawa Lake and Lackner Lake in Canada. Future uses of some REE commodities are expected to increase, and growth is likely for REE in new technologies. World reserves, however, are probably sufficient to meet international demand for most REE commodities well into the 21st century. Recent experience shows that Chinese producers are capable of large amounts of REE production, keeping prices low. Most refined REE prices are now at approximately 50% of the 1980s price levels, but there has been recent upward price movement for some REE compounds following Chinese restriction of exports. Because of its grade, size, and relatively simple metallurgy, the Mountain Pass deposit remains North America’s best source of LREE. The future of REE production at Mountain Pass is mostly dependent on REE price levels and on domestic REE marketing potential. The development of new REE deposits in North America is unlikely in the near future. Undeveloped deposits with the most potential are probably large, low‐grade deposits in peralkaline igneous rocks. Competition with established Chinese HREE and Y sources and a developing Australian deposit will be a factor.  相似文献   

《Cretaceous Research》1986,7(3):227-252
Angiosperms appeared in the coastal plains of eastern North America during the latest Barremian or early Aptian, reaching California by the Albian, or perhaps as early as Aptian. In Alaska, however, they are found in sediments only as old as latest Albian. From their earliest Cretaceous appearance, and well into the Late Cretaceous, angiosperms were most abundant and diverse in coastal and fluvial depositional environments, conifers remaining dominant in well drained and inland soils. Extensive dispersal of pioneering, coastal angiosperms occurred at a time of extensive sea-level fluctuation and went hand in hand with their mid-Cretaceous diversification. The early successes of invading angiosperms can most easily be attributed to their ability to colonise disturbed sedimentary surfaces. It is unlikely that they were initially successful in high salinity or other unfavourable habitats, or that they could compete directly with pre-existing plants for nutrients, pollinators or other resources.  相似文献   

Part of the interior of the North American continent is covered by relatively undisturbed sedimentary rocks not available to the entrance of ore-bearing fluids from depths, but a wide belt along the Pacific Coast, a narrower belt along the Atlantic Coast, and most of the north-east quadrant of the continent have been mineralized. If we plot all the known ore deposits in these latter areas, we find considerable differences in the densities of occurrences but no well defined patterns except a crowding along most of the area near the Pacific Coast. If, on the other hand, we plot only the major occurrences, we can see some linear patterns transverse to the edges of the continent.Transverse ore deposit patterns in an ENE direction are conspicuous in western United States and northern Mexico and in Ontario and Quebec of Canada but are almost unknown in British Columbia and Alaska. East-west patterns (within 5 degrees of a 90degree azimuth) are much more rare: one in southern British Columbia, one in Quebec and Ontario, one in Missouri, and one in Tennessee. No north-south patterns of any great length can be recognized.In addition to these rich ridges there are many inhomogeneities in the distribution of the major ore deposits, and these I think are due to subcrustal inhomogeneities in the distribution of metals, presumably in the upper mantle and probably of a late stage in the formation of the earth. I will attempt to show that the large ore deposits of North America form belts bounded approximately by parallels of latitude, separated by gaps in which no large deposits occur. Without undue distortions I have been able to draw outlines to include all the approximately 250 major ore deposits, except in the area north of latitude 60 where recorded occurrences are at present too sparse and too widely distributed.The localization of ore deposits in North America is thus the result of linear zones, probably deep crustal or sub-crustal fracture zones, crossing latitudinal belts of anomalous concentrations of metals probably of pre-crustal age.I have no explanations for the processes that formed either the transverse patterns or the latitudinal belts. They are not prominent and will be judged by many to be nonexistent. The lack of an explanation must not, however, be used to deny their existence— an attitude that surely limits the progress of metallogenic theory. Correlations with similar studies on other continents will be most useful.
Zusammenfassung Ein Teil des Inneren des Nordamerikanischen Kontinents ist mit relativ ungestörten Sedimentgesteinen bedeckt, die ein Eindringen von Erz-bringenden Lösungen aus der Tiefe verhinderten. Dagegen sind ein breiter Streifen entlang der Pazifikküste, ein schmalerer Streifen entlang der Atlantikküste und der größte Teil des Nordostquadranten des Kontinentes mineralisiert. Wenn wir alle bekannten Erzlagerstätten in diese Gebiete eintragen, so finden wir auffällige Unterschiede in der Verteilung der Punkte, aber kein regelmäßiges Muster, ausgenommen das Gebiet nahe der Pazifikküste. Wenn wir dagegen nur die größeren Vorkommen auftragen, so ergeben sich lineare Anordnungen, die quer auf die Ecken des Kontinentes zulaufen.Quer verlaufende Muster in ENE-Richtung sind auffallend in den westlichen Vereinigten Staaten, in Nord-Mexico, in Ontario und Quebec; diese Richtung ist jedoch in British Columbia und in Alaska unbekannt.E-W-Muster mit±5° Schwankungen sind sehr viel seltener. Eines finden wir im südlichen British Columbia, eines in Quebec und Ontario, eines in Missouri und Tennessee, N-S-streichende Lineationen sind unbekannt.Über die Anordnung in reichen Zonen hinaus finden wir viele Inhomogenitäten in der Verteilung der wichtigsten Erzlagerstätten; diese sind meiner Meinung nach von subkrustalen Inhomogenitäten in der Verteilung der Metalle bestimmt. Vielleicht spielt hier eine frühe Verteilung im oberen Mantel zur Zeit der Entstehung der Erde eine Rolle. Ich will versuchen zu zeigen, daß die großen Erzlagerstätten an Zonen gebunden sind, die annähernd parallel zu den Breitengraden verlaufen und durch erzfreie Zonen getrennt sind. Ohne Schwierigkeiten lassen sich Umgrenzungen mit dieser Orientierung aufzeigen, die alle 250 größeren Erzlagerstätten umfassen, ausgenommen im Gebiet nördlich des 60. Breitengrades, wo die Dichte der Lagerstätten zu gering ist.Die Anordnung der Erzlagerstätten Nordamerikas ist auf lineare Zonen zurückzuführen, die wahrscheinlich auf Bruchstrukturen der Unterkruste oder des oberen Mantels begründet sind. Die Konzentration der Metalle in Querstrukturen zu den Breitenkreisen ist vermutlich eine Auflage, die vor der Bildung der Kruste entstanden ist. Ich habe keine Erklärung für die Prozesse, die zu dieser Metallkonzentration geführt haben. Viele mögen eine derartig vorgegebene Anordnung ablehnen; man sollte jedoch bedenken, daß das Fehlen einer Erklärung noch nicht zur Ablehnung auffälliger Phänomene berechtigt. Es sollten auch andere Kontinente daraufhin untersucht werden.

Résumé Une partie de l'intérieur du continent Nord Américain est couverte par des roches sédimentaires peu dérangées et défavorables à l'accès de fluides minéralisants venus de la profondeur. Par contre une large ceinture le long de la côte pacifique, un ceinture plus étroit de long de la côte atlantique, et la majeure partie du quadrant Nord-Est du continent ont été minéralisées. Si l'on reporte sur carte tous les dépôts connus dans ces domaines, on trouve des différences considérables dans les »densités d'occurrences« mais aucun réseau bien défini, à l'exception d'un fort peuplement dans presque tout le domaine proche du Pacifique. Si, d'autre part, on ne reporte que les occurrences majeures, on voit apparaître des lignes directrices transversales sur les bordures du continent.De telles transversales dirigées ENE apparaissent dans l'Ouest des Etats-Unis, le Nord du Mexique, l'Ontario et le Québec (Canada) mais sont presque inconnues en Colombie britannique et en Alaska.Des directions Est-Ouest (avec une variation de 5) sont beaucoup plus rares: une dans le Sud de la Colombie britannique, une dans le Québec et l'Ontario, une dans le Missouri et une dans le Tennessee. Aucune direction Nord-Sud de grande longueur ne peut être reconnue.En plus de ces »arêtes riches« existent beaucoup d'inhomogénéités dans la distribution des gisements importants, et celles-ci sont dues, à mon avis, à des hétérogénéités souscrustales de la distribution des métaux, probablement au niveau du manteau supérieur et remontant à une étape tardive de la formation de la Terre. Je désire essayer de montrer que les grands gisements métallifères de l'Amérique du Nord s'intègrent dans des ceintures approximativement limitées par des parallèles de latitude et séparées par des intervalles dépourvus de grands dépôts. Ainsi, sans distorsions abusives, j'ai pu tracer des enveloppes englobant environ 250 gisements majeurs, sauf dans une aire située au Nord du parallèle 60 Nord, où les occurrences jusqu'ici enregistrées sont encore trop rares et disséminées.La localisation des gisements métallifères de l'Amérique du Nord est donc due à des zones linéaires, probablement des zones de fractures crustales profondes ou sous-crustales, croisant des ceintures latitudinales de concentrations anormales de métaux, elles-mêmes probablement précrustales.Je n'offre pas d'explication pour les processus qui ont formé les ceintures latitudinales et les transversales. Les unes et les autres ne sont pas fortement apparentes, et beaucoup estimeront qu'elles n'existent pas. Cette absence d'explication ne doit cependant pas être utilisée pour nier leur existence, attitude qui limiterait certainement les progrès des théories métallogéniques. Des comparaisons avec des ètudes similaires sur d'autres continents seraient certainement très utiles.

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Saltwater intrusion in coastal regions of North America   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
Saltwater has intruded into many of the coastal aquifers of the United States, Mexico, and Canada, but the extent of saltwater intrusion varies widely among localities and hydrogeologic settings. In many instances, the area contaminated by saltwater is limited to small parts of an aquifer and to specific wells and has had little or no effect on overall groundwater supplies; in other instances, saltwater contamination is of regional extent and has resulted in the closure of many groundwater supply wells. The variability of hydrogeologic settings, three-dimensional distribution of saline water, and history of groundwater withdrawals and freshwater drainage has resulted in a variety of modes of saltwater intrusion into coastal aquifers. These include lateral intrusion from the ocean; upward intrusion from deeper, more saline zones of a groundwater system; and downward intrusion from coastal waters. Saltwater contamination also has occurred along open boreholes and within abandoned, improperly constructed, or corroded wells that provide pathways for vertical migration across interconnected aquifers. Communities within the coastal regions of North America are taking actions to manage and prevent saltwater intrusion to ensure a sustainable source of groundwater for the future. These actions can be grouped broadly into scientific monitoring and assessment, engineering techniques, and regulatory approaches.  相似文献   

Recent pollen and macrofossil data from the Southeast is consistent with a displacement of boreal forest species by over 1000 km during full-glacial time. Data from west of the Appalachians suggests a displacement of some 600 km. Thus boreal forests were developed in a broad area south of the ice margin. Few deciduous forest elements persisted in that region. The displacement appears to have been azonal. There is good evidence to suggest a significant mid-Wisconsin interstadial (23,00036,000 BP) characterized by a more temperate biota.  相似文献   

Hydrogeology in North America: past and future   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
This paper is a retrospective on the evolution of hydrogeology in North America over the past two centuries, and a brief speculation of its future. The history of hydrogeology is marked by developments in many different fields such as groundwater hydrology, soil mechanics, soil science, economic geology, petroleum engineering, structural geology, geochemistry, geophysics, marine geology, and more recently, ecology. The field has been enriched by the contributions of distinguished researchers from all these fields. At present, hydrogeology is in transition from a state of discovering new resources and exploiting them efficiently for maximum benefit, to one of judicious management of finite, interconnected resources that are vital for the sustenance of humans and other living things. The future of hydrogeology is likely to be dictated by the subtle balance with which the hydrological, erosional, and nutritional cycles function, and the decision of a technological society to either adapt to the constraints imposed by the balance, or to continue to exploit hydrogeological systems for maximum benefit. Although there is now a trend towards ecological and environmental awareness, human attitudes could change should large parts of the populated world be subjected to the stresses of droughts that last for many decades.
Resumen Este articulo es una retrospectiva sobre la evolución de la hidrogeología en Norte América en los pasados dos siglos, y una breve especulación de su futuro. La historia de la hidrogeología está marcada por desarrollos en muchos campos diferentes tal como hidrología de aguas subterráneas, mecánica de suelos, ciencia del suelo, geología económica, ingeniería del petróleo, geología estructural, geoquímica, geofísica, geología marina, y más recientemente, ecología. El campo se ha enriquecido por las contribuciones de investigadores distinguidos en todos esos campos. Actualmente, la hidrogeología se encuentra en transición de un estado de descubrir nuevos recursos y explotarlos eficientemente para un beneficio máximo, a un estado de gestión juiciosa de recursos finitos, interconectados, que son vitales para el sustento de humanos y otras cosas vivientes. El futuro de la hidrogeología posiblemente esté determinado por el balance sutil con el cual funcionan los ciclos nutricionales, erosionales e hidrológicos, y la decisión de una sociedad tecnológica para ya sea adaptarse a las restricciones impuestas por el balance o para continuar con la explotación de los sistemas hidrogeológicos para un beneficio máximo. Aunque existe actualmente una tendencia hacia la conciencia ambiental y ecológica, las actitudes humanas podrían cambiar en caso de que grandes partes del mundo poblado estén sujetas a las presiones de sequías que duran por muchas décadas.

Résumé Cet article est une rétrospective de lévolution de lhydrogéologie en Amérique du Nord sur les deux derniers siècles, et une brève évaluation de son futur. Lhistoire de lhydrogéologie est marquée par le développement de plusieurs techniques de terrain telles, lhydrologie des eaux souterraines, la mécanique des sols, les sciences du sol, la géologie économique, l ingénierie pétrolière, la géologie structurale, la géochimie, la géophysique, la géologie marine et plus récemment lécologie. La science a été enrichie par la contribution de plusieurs chercheurs distingués, provenant de toutes ces branches. A présent, lhydrogéologie est à la transition entre la volonté de découvrir de nouvelles ressources et l exploitation la plus bénéfique au possible, et un management judicieux des ressources finies, interconnectées, qui sont vitales pour l approvisionnement des hommes et autres formes de vie. Le futur de l hydrogéologie sera dicté par la balance subtile dans laquelle intervient les cycles de lhydrologie, de lérosion, de la nutrition, et la décision dune société technologique qui sadapterait aux contraintes de la balance, ou qui continuerait dexploiter les systèmes hydrologiques pour un bénéfice maximum. Par ailleurs il y a une nette tendance à inclure les aspects écologiques, les aspects environnementaux, et les changements humains qui pourraient être influencés par les modifications hydrogéologiques observées depuis une dizaine dannées.

Tree decline has been reported from several locations in North America in recent decades. The decline is widespread in areas remote from the classical point sources of air pollution. This paper describes the geographic and spatial extent of the decline, the symptomatology of affected trees, and the known and possible causes. In addition, a few case histories of tree decline in the vicinity of sulphur dioxide and fluoride emitting sources are described.  相似文献   

随着市政部门不断寻求节约成本的创新技术来解决地下基础设施问题,非开挖管线更换技术诸如爆管法成为可行的选择。爆管法是一种用相等或更大口径的新管更换现有地下供水给水、污水排水和燃气输送管线的施工方法。它是唯一一种完全沿旧管线线路铺设的施工方法。这使得安装新管线施工时无须征求额外通行权。爆管法兴起于20纪80年代,现在已遍布北美地区。本文通过对来自2007—2010年加拿大和美国的886个项目的调查问卷结果的总结,讨论了目前非开挖更管技术的趋势,分析了爆管法施工中的因素:包括设备的使用、采购与支付的形式、管线扩径的限制和施工的风险。  相似文献   

Cambrian Correlation Between China and North America   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The Cordilleran region of western North American contains numerous examples of Middle to Upper Triassic carbonate sequences. Many of these developed as broad shallow-water platforms associated with island arcs. These platforms however were not characterized by extensive reef structure. Shallow-water facies in many sequences contain abundant corals, spongiomorphs, sponges, and a variety of rich invertebrate faunas. Most of these are endemic with the exception of the corals, which show much similarity with the Tethyan faunas. Small local reefoid buildups occur within many sequences, especially those of Norian age and contain local organic framework.During the Mesozoic, the accretion to the western margin of North America of a variety of dissimilar rock terranes or microplates and their later structural dislocations have long hampered proper understanding of the paleogeography. Concerted structural, paleomagnetic, and stratigraphic efforts show promise for identification of various terranes, providing the paleogeographic and historical perspectives necessary for proper study of the reefoid carbonates and their associated faunas. Comparisons with counterparts in the German and Austrian Alps may explain some of the apparent differences in carbonate deposition between these two remote regions.
Zusammenfassung In den Kordilleren des westlichen Nordamerika gibt es eine Vielzahl von Beispielen mittelbis obertriadischer Karbonatfolgen. Viele von ihnen entwickelten sich als großflächige Flachwasserplattformen, die mit Inselbögen verbunden waren. Diese Plattformen enthalten aber keine größeren Riffstrukturen. Die Flachwasserfazies vieler Sequenzen enthält häufig Korallen, Spongiomorpha, Schwämme und eine Vielzahl von reichen Invertebratenfaunen. Vieles davon ist endemisch mit Ausnahme der Korallen, die große Ähnlichkeit mit den Faunen aus der Tethys aufweisen. In vielen Folgen sind kleine, lokal begrenzte riffähnliche Buildups norischen Alters enthalten.Das Anwachsen verschieden aufgebauter Gebiete oder Mikroplatten an den westlichen Rand Nordamerikas während des Mesozoikums und ihre spätere tektonische Veränderung haben eine eingehende Interpretation der paläogeographischen Situation lange Zeit erschwert. Strukturelle, paläomagnetische und stratigraphische Untersuchungen ergeben vielversprechende Hinweise für die Identifizierung verschiedener Gebiete, indem sie die paläogeographischen und historischen Grundlagen für eine eingehende Untersuchung der riffähnlichen Komplexe und der damit verbundenen Faunen schaffen. Vergleiche mit Gegenstücken in den Alpen könnten viele der offensichtlichen Unterschiede in der Karbonatbildung dieser beiden entfernten Gebiete erklären.

Résumé Dans les cordillères de la marge occidentale de l'Amérique du Nord, on trouve de nombreux exemples de séries carbonatées du Trias moyen et supérieur. Un grand nombre de ces séries se sont développées comme de larges plates-formes néritiques liées à des arcs volcaniques. Mais ces plates-formes ne contiennent pas de structures réciphales étendues. Dans ce faciés néritique, on trouve souvent des coraux, des spongiomorphes, des éponges et des faunes d'invertébrés très riches. Une grande partie est endémique à l'exclusion des coraux qui ressemblent beaucoup aux faunes téthysiennes. Danz beaucoup de séries il y a de petits builtups récifaux d'âge norique d'une extension limitée.L'accrétion de régions à structure différente ou de microplaques à la marge occidentale de l'Amérique du Nord au cours du Mésozoïque, et leur dislocation tectonique ultérieure ont empêché longtemps la compréhension de leur paléogéographie. Des analyses structurales, paléomagnétiques et stratigraphiques apportent une promesse favorable à l'identification des régions diverses, dans l'attente d'éléments paléogéographiques et historiques en vue d'une analyse profonde des complexes récifaux et des faunes associées. Les comparaisons avec leur homologues dans les Alpes de l'Allemagne et d'Autriche pourraient expliquer certaines des différences apparentes dans la formation des carbonates entre régions si éloignées.

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High-pressure metamorphism in the Western Cordillera of North America   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Skagit Gneiss, a major component of the crystalline core of the North Cascades, was metamorphosed during a mid-Cretaceous(?) to early Tertiary high-P event driven by the collision of the Insular and Intermontane superterranes. Maximum pressures recorded by metapelitic rocks are 8–10 kbar at 650–725° C. High pressures are also indicated by coexisting staurolite and hornblende in amphibolites in the Skagit Gneiss and adjacent Cascade River Schist. Mineral reactions continued during nearly isothermal decompression from 8–10 kbar to c. 3–5 kbar. Early high-P minerals (e.g. kyanite) are present as armoured relics in garnet in gneisses that contain sillimanite and cordierite in the groundmass. Skeletal relics of kyanite are also present in the groundmass of lower-grade, staurolite-bearing schists that contain texturally later cordierite. This matrix kyanite may have been preserved as a result of rapid uplift following initial decompression at high temperature. These results represent a revision of the metamorphic history of the Skagit Gneiss, which was formerly thought to have experienced only relatively low-P Barrovian metamorphism. Qualitative estimates of metamorphic conditions based on stable matrix mineral assemblages result in an underestimation of maximum pressures because mineral reactions continued during decompression. Geobarometric results for the Skagit Gneiss are interpreted as evidence for major crustal thickening in the North Cascades. Recognition that pressures of c. 9 kbar were attained supports a contractional model for North Cascades orogenesis and requires that tectonic syntheses account for the burial of the Skagit Gneiss protoliths to a depth of c. 25–30 km.  相似文献   

We propose a chronology of late Wisconsinan glacial fluctuations in middle North America, from Alberta to Wisconsin, based on radiocarbon dates derived solely from wood. Previous chronologies of the southwestern margin of the North American Continental Ice Sheet have depended to a considerable degree on radiocarbon dates from fine-grained organic sediment. This material is commonly contaminated with older carbon, resulting in chronologic confusion. By using only dates from wood, much of the confusion disappears. However, because of the scarcity of wood dates, only four of the sixteen identified fluctuations are accurately dated: an advance into Iowa about 14,000 to 13,500 BP, an advance into South Dakota and Iowa about 12,300 BP, an advance into the Lake Michigan basin about 11,700 BP, and an advance into the Lake Superior basin about 9900 BP. In addition, the beginning of late Wisconsinan glaciation, before 20,000 BP, is fairly well documented. None of the fluctuations in the western part of the region are accurately dated.  相似文献   

Winter climatic anomalies in the North Pacific sector and western North America are statistically calibrated with tree-ring data in western North America and reconstructed back to AD 1700. The results are verified using climatic data from the last half of the 19th century, which is prior to the calibration period. Climatic conditions reconstructed for 18th and 19th century winters are then summarized and compared with the 20th century record.  相似文献   

More than 375 14C dates from 150 fossil sites in North America have been analyzed to evaluate the question of extinction of Late Pleistocene megafauna. When critically evaluated, no 14C ages for any extinct Pleistocene genera are younger than 10,000 yr B.P.  相似文献   

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