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李冠成 《海洋学研究》2007,25(3):93-102
介绍了国内外在不同水深海域实施人工鱼礁工程的现状。分析并研究了不同水深海域人工鱼礁工程的建筑和投放技术,分析并研究了与人工鱼礁工程相关的一些问题及解决这些问题的途径,分析并研究了人工鱼礁区渔业资源增值和改善海洋生态环境的机理。分析得出的结论是:人工鱼礁工程在增值渔业资源和改善海洋生态环境方面是很有发展前景的。  相似文献   

人工鱼礁研究现状及未来展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李东  侯西勇  唐诚  张华 《海洋科学》2019,43(4):81-87
人工鱼礁是建设海洋牧场的重要技术手段,鱼礁投放后有助于改善沿海渔业生态环境、保护增殖渔业资源。近几十年,随着人工鱼礁建设事业规模的不断壮大,各国专家学者对人工鱼礁进行了多方面研究。作者在前人研究的基础上,从鱼礁材料、结构设计、流场效应和数值模拟、鱼礁监测技术、管理体制、生态效益调查评估、经济价值评价等多个角度,对人工鱼礁的研究现状进行详细论述,最后从物理稳定性、监测管理、价值评估等3个方面提出人工鱼礁未来研究与发展的方向,以期为中国大规模人工鱼礁建设的可持续发展提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

人工鱼礁作为海洋牧场的重要组成部分,在增殖和优化渔业资源、改善海洋生态环境、调整海洋渔业产业结构方面发挥着重要作用。人工鱼礁的规划设计、施工验收和后续的监测是建设海洋牧场技术方面的关键。为了充分发挥人工鱼礁的功能,需要对人工鱼礁开展精细及大规模的调查研究。传统的水下调查方式受限程度高,作业效率低下,而侧扫声呐可获取高分辨率的海底目标物图像,多波束测深系统可获取高精度的海底地形数据,两者结合可以给人工鱼礁的建设提供精确的海底地形地貌信息及人工鱼礁的空间信息,为人工鱼礁的设计、投放以及监测提供有效的技术支持。本文以目前国内外有关人工鱼礁建设的研究技术文献为基础,从人工鱼礁的前期选址、施工投放、空方量估算和后期监测等方面,归纳总结了水声技术及对应声学设备(侧扫声呐及多波束测深系统)在人工鱼礁建设中的应用,并对该技术应用前景做了展望。  相似文献   

合理的人工鱼礁布局可以为海洋生物提供适宜的生境,促进物种的多样性和生态系统的稳定。然而受多种因素的影响,人工鱼礁投放的实际位置与规划方案多有差异,致使人工鱼礁建设达不到预期效果。文章利用重心误差、外围面积误差、重叠面积误差以及礁体数量误差等4个指标来评价天津海洋牧场人工鱼礁的投放误差状况。结果表明,天津海洋牧场人工鱼礁投放的外围面积误差和礁体数量误差的平均值分别为-0.11和0.067,投放布局的准确性比较高;重心和重叠面积误差平均值分别为0.59和0.73,投放定位的准确性相对较差,需要进一步改进;从年际变化来看,2018年人工鱼礁投放的重心误差、重叠面积误差、礁体数量误差均有明显改善,仅外围面积误差略大,表明随着时间的推移,人工鱼礁投放布局和定位的准确性均已达到预期效果。文章量化了天津海洋牧场人工鱼礁的投放误差,成果可为提高天津海洋牧场人工鱼礁投放效果提供有益参考,为相关政策制定提供科学依据,并指导管理实践。  相似文献   

大亚湾人工鱼礁区浮游植物的种类组成和生物量研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
于2005年11月、2006年5月及2006年12月,对大亚湾人工鱼礁投放区、拟投放区和对照区浮游植物的种类组成及生物量进行了研究.合计观察到藻类种类67种.主要由硅藻门(48种)和甲藻门(13种)组成,同时还有少量蓝藻、绿藻和着色鞭毛藻门等其他藻类(6种).优势种类主要有尖刺拟菱形藻、菱形海线藻、尖刺菱形藻等硅藻类和又状甲藻、海洋原甲藻及海洋原多甲藻等甲藻类,这些优势种类均为可能引发赤潮的赤潮生物.人工鱼礁区的藻类数量和叶绿素含量均比对照区高,说明人工鱼礁的投放促进了藻类的生长:人工鱼礁区和拟投放区的Shannonweaver多样性指数高于对照区,进一步表明人工鱼礁的投放增加了藻类的生物多样性.综合浮游植物的种类组成、生物量及多样性指数的结果表明:人工鱼礁的投放促进了浮游植物的生长,增加了生物多样性,但藻类的优势类群是可引发赤潮的赤潮生物,对海洋水环境具有极大的潜在威胁.  相似文献   

文章对美国德克萨斯州墨西哥湾海域人工鱼礁建设情况进行介绍,从目的、计划、分布、效益、管理等方面进行分析,通过查阅相关资料,吸取美国人工鱼礁建设过程中管理、技术等方面的经验,对我国人工鱼礁建设提出参考建议。人工鱼礁建设是一项系统工程,需要全方位、多方面地开展工作,应重点从政府机构协调运作、法律体系建设、加大科研投入、完善管理措施、有效利用新型材料等方面入手,积极有效地进行人工鱼礁建设和管理。  相似文献   

日照前三岛人工鱼礁对渔业资源影响的初步评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了解日照前三岛海域人工鱼礁的投放对其附近海域渔业资源的影响,于2012年9月—2013年8月利用三重定置刺网对日照前三岛人工鱼礁投放海域及其临近海域开展了4个季度的渔业资源调查。根据调查结果分析比较了人工鱼礁区与对照区的渔业物种、优势种的组成;采用Margalef物种丰富度指数D、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数H′和Pielou均匀度指数J′对比了人工鱼礁区与对照区的生物群落多样性;采用刺网单位捕捞努力量渔获量(CPUE)比较了人工鱼礁区与对照区的渔业资源密度。结果表明,鱼礁区的渔业资源总种数是对照区的1.71倍,人工鱼礁区鱼类种数是对照区的2.38倍,虾类、蟹类、棘皮类、头足类鱼礁区都比对照区多;人工鱼礁区不论是渔业物种数量还是丰富度指数、多样性指数都要好于对照区,并且人工鱼礁区优势种更稳定,CPUE高于对照区,资源密度更大。说明日照前三岛人工鱼礁的投放对所在海域聚集海洋生物、改善生物群落结构及增加生物多样性有显著作用,尤其对鱼类的诱集和养护更为明显。本文的研究结果可为人工鱼礁建设和效果评估提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

人工鱼礁的投放是海洋牧场建设的重要措施,为实现大范围人工鱼礁信息的自动识别提取,提出了一套基于侧扫声纳影像的人工鱼礁自动识别方法。首先使用侧扫声纳后处理软件对采集的数据进行预处理,再对预处理后的图像进行均值平滑滤波整体去噪、自适应平滑滤波局部去噪、极差滤波锐化图像、提取目标边缘判定目标、二值化,最后进行矩阵运算提取礁体及其声影区,最终获得鱼礁的位置信息。实验结果表明,本方法应用于两种侧扫声纳图像人工鱼礁识别,正确度达94%以上,完整度达85%以上,且具有良好的通用性,能够为海洋牧场建设中人工鱼礁投放质量评估提供科学的数据支撑。  相似文献   

由于过度捕捞和环境污染,近海生态环境受到严重破坏,渔业资源日渐枯竭,建设人工鱼礁成为修复被破坏的海洋生态环境和恢复渔业资源的一种重要手段。宁波市选择在象山的渔山列岛投放人工鱼礁,人工鱼礁投放后的监测与管理工作成为现在工作的重点和难点,但我们必须加强监测与管理工作。  相似文献   

南麂营造海洋生物"安乐窝"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
浙江省海洋与渔业局在7月中旬将2艘2000余空立方的废旧渔(客)轮沉入平阳县南麂列岛妈祖庙附近海域。据称,这是该市时隔15年后首批投放入海的人工鱼礁。 据海洋与渔业主管部门介绍,此次人工鱼礁的投放目的是改善近海渔场的生态环境,促进渔业资源的养护和增殖。有关研究表明,人工鱼礁  相似文献   

Artificial reefs have been suggested as a tool for conservation and restoration of marine habitats. However, the relationships between coral reef habitats and man-made structures are poorly understood. We experimentally tested whether artificial reefs change grazing patterns in their surrounding environment. We exposed heaps of the macroalgae, Ulva lactuca, to natural grazing, at various distances from three artificial reefs. Results suggest that artificial reefs change grazing patterns in the neighboring area. In all the locations examined grazing was 2-3 times higher near the artificial reefs than in control sites (p < 0.05). We suggest that herbivorous fishes are attracted to the artificial reefs, creating a zone of increased grazing. Therefore, while planning deployment of such artificial reefs it is necessary to consider their overall influence on their natural surroundings, in order to maintain the natural community trophic dynamics.  相似文献   

Oyster reefs and their spatial patterns are deemed to change the local hydrodynamic condition and exert profound impacts on the grain size, concentration and transportation of suspended sediments. Meanwhile, high suspended sediment concentration often results in excess mortality among oysters. Oyster reefs are rare and vital ecosystem in Liyashan national marine park, Jiangsu Coast, China. However, urgent conservation efforts should be made on account of the drastic reduction in reef areas. To investigate the sediment dynamics and the geomorphology, two tripod observation systems were deployed and UAV aerial surveys with elevation measurement using Real Time Kinematic (RTK) were also carried out. High mud content (60%) was found in the bed sediment at the reef ridge, causing much lower drag coefficient than other recorded values of living oyster reefs, indicating the death of oysters and the degradation of reefs in Liyashan. Ridgelines of the string reefs at 45° to the current direction and high suspended sediment concentration in the water body (50–370 mg/L) that exceeds the threshold (200 mg/L), which would affect nutrient uptake efficiency and further result in gill saturation, decrease of clearance rate and associated deposition, were probably crucial causes of the death of oysters. The findings are useful for restoring natural oyster reefs and designing artificial reefs for nature-based coastal defense.  相似文献   

Artificial reefs are used to enhance recreational fishing and diving opportunities in the marine environment. Until recently, demand for artificial reefs in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park (GBRMP) has been low due to the high value placed on the natural ecosystem of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) and the abundance of fishing and diving opportunities it provides. In the GBRMP, where there are multiple stakeholder groups with diverse and often conflicting values and opinions, the deployment of artificial reefs will be a complex and controversial social issue. We review the available socio-economic literature regarding the deployment, use, and management of artificial reefs, and aim to identify and understand potential socio-economic issues and information gaps surrounding deployment of artificial reefs in the GBRMP. We also outline a strategy to guide decision-making and maximize the socio-economic value of artificial reefs should they be deployed in the GBRMP.  相似文献   

针对舟山群岛的海洋环境和渔业资源等情况,设计了一种正六棱柱式人工鱼礁用于改善当地的海洋生态和渔业资源。选用反映鱼礁通透性的ε值和反映鱼礁附着能力的η值两个参数对人工鱼礁的结构进行评价,通过比较发现所设计的正六棱柱式人工鱼礁在具有良好通透性的情况下还能够为海洋生物提供更大的附着面积,满足设计需求。使用Fluent软件对鱼礁进行CFD仿真,发现鱼礁迎流面前部上升流的最大高度随来流速度的增加而增加,鱼礁后方背涡流的长度约为鱼礁高度的9.3~9.6倍,表明其具有很好的水动力特性。为进一步验证鱼礁的水动力学性能,在相同尺寸、相同水域环境下对鱼礁模型设计了水槽实验,与仿真结果相互验证,证明了正六棱柱式人工鱼礁水动力性能的有效性。最后采用实地调查的方法对正六棱柱式鱼礁礁区与箱形鱼礁礁区进行建设效果的对比评价,发现两种鱼礁均能对各自所处的海洋环境起到增殖作用,正六棱柱人工礁区的平均生物密度大于对比礁区的生物密度,证明了其良好的水动力特性对增殖效果的有效性。  相似文献   

The use of artificial reefs in the Arabian Gulf have a history extending back over a century, when date palm trunks, stones, pottery and other materials were sunk in coastal areas to enhance fish catch. Historically, such artificial reefs formed an important component of the socio-economic development of coastal fisheries. In comparison, modern artificial reefs have taken on a variety of forms. The most widely recognized are purpose-build modular artificial reefs designed for the enhancement of fisheries yield, diving, and various other benefits. However, far more common within the Gulf are the large-scale unplanned artificial reefs that have been formed as a result of human activities in the marine system, such as large-scale coastal breakwaters, seawalls, jetties, pipelines, and oil and gas infrastructure. Although there is limited information on the role of these constructions in structuring Gulf marine communities, increasing evidence suggests that abundant and diverse communities of reef fish, coral and other benthos can develop on these structures, with important ecological implications in urbanized coastal areas in the Gulf. However, due to a variety of unintended consequences of artificial reef development such structures may also pose challenges to coastal marine management. We review the current published literature on artificial reefs in the Gulf in order to improve our understanding of the role that these structures play in Gulf coastal ecosystems, and to further develop regional management of artificial reefs. We explore the various types of artificial reef that exist in the Gulf and examine the benefits and challenges that these structures represent for coastal ecology and economics. Such information is essential for our improved understanding and management of these increasingly important ecosystems in the Gulf.  相似文献   

On the Problems of Epibioses, Fouling and Artificial Reefs, a Review   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Abstract. Artificial reefs in marine environments are in most cases submerged structures consisting of dumped waste material or specific constructions made with the purpose of enriching the local fish populations and other marine life to the benefit of recreational and commercial fisheries. Such structures are susceptible to fouling and will successively develop assemblages, which may or may not resemble epibioses on natural substrata. Studies of artificial reefs have focused predominantly on fish assemblages and have largely disregarded the development of sessile biota and their structural and functional relationships. In addition, most studies are from tropical or subtropical environments. To manage and understand artificial reefs, a whole-ecosystem approach is necessary, incorporating studies of all aspects of hard substratum ecology including both structural and functional variables. This review is an attempt to evaluate the present knowledge of ecological aspects of artificial reefs, emphasising the role of sessile hard substratum biota.  相似文献   

Non-fishery use of artificial reefs has been given attention in recent years. The primary concern associated with non-fishery artificial reefs is their effects to the surrounding ecosystems. This study examined the infaunal communities around two non-fishery artificial reefs (the sunken vessels YO257 and Sea Tiger) in Mamala Bay, Hawaii. Infaunal community structures at these artificial reefs were relatively similar to one at a nearly natural patch reef. A large amount of basalt gravel around YO257 associated with its deployment operation possibly had an effect on the surrounding community by increasing pore space. Polychaete assemblages were compared with existing data throughout the bay, and this revealed that the variation in sediment grain sizes and depths seemed to play some role in structuring the polychaete communities. Nevertheless, the infaunal communities around the artificial reefs were typical and within the range of natural variation in Mamala Bay, supporting their beneficial uses in ecotourism.  相似文献   

人工藻礁是进行藻场建设的重要手段,但由于海胆等食藻类生物的摄食,将会影响藻类的生长,从而影响人工藻场的建设效果.为解决人工藻场建设中海胆的食害问题,从礁体自身设计出发,实验设计了8种不同形状的藻礁,选用光棘球海胆和中间球海胆为实验对象,观察比较了不同形状藻礁对海胆攀爬的阻碍效果,实验发现:侧周面为锯齿形或侧周面缠挂多孔柔性材料的礁型可有效阻止海胆攀爬,起到防止海胆摄食礁顶藻类的目的.研究结果为人工藻礁的设计提供了参考依据.  相似文献   

西沙赵述岛海域珊瑚礁生态修复效果的初步评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
珊瑚恢复是一个协助退化、受损的珊瑚礁生态系统恢复的过程.近10 a来,西沙珊瑚礁生态系统不断退化,至2009年珊瑚覆盖率已下降至不足10%.针对西沙群岛珊瑚礁生态系统的退化状况,2011年12月于西沙赵述岛海域投放人工礁基并开展珊瑚移植实验,比较了人工修复区和自然恢复区1a后的修复效果.结果显示,投放礁基且进行珊瑚移植的区域,移植珊瑚的存活率不到10%;投放礁基但未进行珊瑚移植的区域,珊瑚补充量高达6~7 ind/m2;自然恢复区其珊瑚覆盖率提高了19.4%.依据珊瑚礁生态修复效果评估方法,人工修复且进行移植珊瑚的区域的生物修复权重值为27.5,人工修复但未移植珊瑚区及自然恢复区的生物修复权重值为39.3,珊瑚修复生物指标为亚健康.我们的结果表明,在健康、有良好珊瑚幼虫补充的珊瑚礁生态系统中,珊瑚礁群落可以自行恢复,其恢复只是一个时间的问题;而在缺少珊瑚幼虫附着基底的区域,通过人为增加一些附着基底,可加速其恢复进程.  相似文献   

相位差测深声呐(Phase Differencing Bathymetric Sonar,PDBS),也被称作干涉式声呐(Interferometric Sonar),可以同步采集水深点云数据和双频侧扫声呐图像,完全适用于大范围的近海人工鱼礁探测。本文采用基于PDBS原理的Edge Tech 6205地形地貌一体化测量设备对莱州湾某海域海洋牧场投礁区进行全覆盖探测,获取了高精度水深数据以及双频侧扫声呐图像。对水深数据进行地形特征变量计算,精细刻画了研究区的微地形地貌特征,并结合侧扫声呐图像通过多数据融合实现了对鱼礁边界的精准识别。在此基础上利用地理信息系统中的空间分析方法对人工鱼礁的水下物理参数进行计算和统计,并探讨了研究区地形地貌的成因及其演化模式,最后论证了基于PDBS的近海人工鱼礁探测技术具有高效率、低成本、高精度等诸多优势。研究结果表明,研究区水深介于4.1~7.3 m,鱼礁分布区有较大的海底起伏且在礁体周围存在明显的沉降和冲刷现象;鱼礁总占地面积约占研究区的14.04%,总空方量共计2 528.22 m3,鱼礁高度介于1.26~3.63 m且呈正态分布。本研究为近海人工鱼礁探测提供了数据和技术支撑,具有较强的实践意义。  相似文献   

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