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A helium model atom that includes 55 He I levels and the He II ground level in a detailed consideration has been constructed to investigate the departures from local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) in the formation of helium lines in stars with effective temperatures from 9300 to 20 000 K. For eight stars with effective temperatures from 9380 to 17 500 K the helium abundance has been determined from He I lines. The neutral helium lines in B stars cannot be described under LTE conditions using the common helium abundance. Furthermore, the profiles of several lines cannot be described in terms of the LTE approach at all. In contrast, a satisfactory coincidence of the theoretical and observed profiles for the entire set of helium lines observed in a wide spectral range can be achieved using virtually the same helium abundance by taking into account the departures from LTE. The LTE and non-LTE helium abundances can differ by up to a factor of 2–3, depending on the stellar parameters. The higher the stellar temperature, the stronger the departures from LTE. As a rule, the lines in the blue spectral region are less affected by non- LTE effects. In the atmospheres of six stars the helium abundance corresponds, within the error limits, to the present-day solar value. A helium underabundance is observed in the atmospheres of Sirius and HD 72660 classified as hot Am stars.  相似文献   

We have performed calculations by abandoning the assumption of local thermodynamic equilibrium (within the so-called non-LTE approach) for Al I and Si I with model atmospheres corresponding to stars of spectral types F–G–Kwith differentmetal abundances. To take into account inelastic collisions with hydrogen atoms, for the first time we have applied the cross sections calculated by Belyaev et al. using model approaches within the formalism of the Born–Oppenheimer quantum theory. We show that for Al I non-LTE leads to higher ionization (overionization) than in LTE in the spectral line formation region and to a weakening of spectral lines, which is consistent with earlier non-LTE studies. However, our results, especially for the subordinate lines, differ quantitatively from the results of predecessors. Owing to their large cross sections, the ion-pair production and mutual neutralization processes Al I(nl) + HI(1s) ? Al II(3s 2) + H? provide a close coupling of highly excited Al I levels with the Al II ground state, which causes the deviations from the equilibrium level population to decrease compared to the calculations where the collisions only with electrons are taken into account. For three moderately metal-deficient dwarf stars, the aluminum abundance has been determined from seven Al I lines in different models of their formation. Under the assumption of LTE and in non-LTE calculations including the collisions only with electrons, the Al I 3961 ?A resonance line gives a systematically lower abundance than the mean abundance from the subordinate lines, by 0.25–0.45 dex. The difference for each star is removed by taking into account the collisions with hydrogen atoms, and the rms error of the abundance derived from all seven Al I lines decreases by a factor of 1.5–3 compared to the LTE analysis. We have calculated the non- LTE corrections to the abundance for six subordinate Al I lines as a function of the effective temperature (4500 K ≤ T eff ≤ 6500 K), surface gravity (3.0 ≤ log g ≤ 4.5), and metal abundance ([M/H] = 0, ?1, ?2, and ?3). For Si I including the collisions with HI leads to the establishment of equilibrium populations in the spectral line formation region even in hot metal-deficient models and to vanishingly small departures from LTE in spectral lines.  相似文献   

We have performed non-LTE calculations for O I with a multilevel model atom using currently available atomic data for a set of parameters corresponding to stars of spectral types from A to K. Departures from LTE lead to a strengthening of O I lines, and the difference between the non-LTE and LTE abundances (non-LTE correction) is negative. The non-LTE correction does not exceed 0.05 dex in absolute value for visible O I lines for main-sequence stars in the entire temperature range. For the infrared O I 7771 Å line, the non-LTE correction can reach ?1.9 dex. The departures from LTE are enhanced with increasing temperature and decreasing surface gravity. We have derived the oxygen abundance for three A-type mainsequence stars with reliably determined parameters (Vega, Sirius, HD 32115). For each of the stars, allowance for the departures from LTE leads to a decrease in the difference between the abundances from infrared and visible lines, for example, for Vega from 1.17 dex in LTE to 0.14 dex when abandoning LTE. In the case of Procyon and the Sun, inelastic collisions with HI affect the statistical equilibrium of OI, and agreement between the abundances from different lines is achieved when using Drawin’s classical formalism. Based on the O I 6300, 6158, 7771-5, and 8446 Å lines of the solar spectrum, we have derived the mean oxygen abundance log ? = 8.74 ± 0.05 using a classical plane-parallel model solar atmosphere and log ? +3D = 8.78 ± 0.03 by applying the 3D corrections taken from the literature.  相似文献   

The formation of Zr I and Zr II lines in stellar atmospheres under non-LTE conditions has been considered for the first time. A model zirconium atom has been composed using 148 Zr I levels, 772 Zr II levels, and the ground Zr III state. Non-LTE calculations have been performed for model atmospheres with T eff = 5500 and 6000 K, log g = 2.0 and 4.0, [M/H] = −3, −2, −1, 0. In the entire investigated range of parameters, the Zr I levels are shown to be underpopulated relative to their LTE populations in the line formation region. In contrast, the excited Zr II levels are overpopulated, while the ground state and lower excited levels of Zr II retain their LTE populations. Since the non-LTE effects cause the Zr I and Zr II spectral lines being investigated to weaken, the non-LTE corrections to the abundance derived from Zr I and Zr II lines are positive. For Zr II lines, they increase with decreasing metallicity and surface gravity up to 0.34 dex for the model with T eff = 5500, log g = 2.0, and [M/H] = −2. The non-LTE effects depend weakly on temperature. The non-LTE corrections for Zr I lines reach 0.33 dex for solar-metallicity models. Zr I and Zr II lines in the solar spectrum have been analyzed. The non-LTE zirconium abundances derived from lines in the two ionization stages are shown to agree between themselves within the error limits, while the LTE abundance difference is 0.28 dex. The zirconium abundance in the solar atmosphere (averaged over Zr I and Zr II lines) is log ɛZr,⊙ = 2.63 ± 0.07.  相似文献   

We present the results of our modeling of the O I line formation under non-LTE conditions in the atmospheres of FG stars. The statistical equilibrium of O I has been calculated using Barklem’s quantum-mechanical rates of inelastic collisions with hydrogen atoms. We have determined the non-LTE oxygen abundance from atomic O I lines for the Sun and 46 FG stars in a wide metallicity range, ?2.6 < [Fe/H] < 0.2. The application of accurate atomic data has led to an increase in the departures from LTE and a decrease in the oxygen abundance compared to the use of Drawin’s theoretical approximation. The change in the non-LTE abundance from the infrared O I 7771-5 Å triplet lines is 0.11 dex for solar atmospheric parameters and diminishes in absolute value with decreasing metallicity. We have revised the [O/Fe]–[Fe/H] relationship derived by us previously. The change in [O/Fe] is small in the [Fe/H] range from ?1.5 to 0.2. For stars with [Fe/H] < ?1 the [O/Fe] ratio has increased so that [O/Fe] = 0.60 at [Fe/H] = ?0.8 and rises to [O/Fe] = 0.75 at [Fe/H] = ?2.6.  相似文献   

We have performed statistical equilibrium calculations for Ca I–Ca II, Ti I–Ti II, and Fe I–Fe II by taking into account the nonequilibrium line formation conditions (the non-LTE approach) in model atmospheres of giant stars with effective temperatures 4000 K ≤ T eff ≤ 5000 K and metal abundances ?4 ≤ [Fe/H] ≤ 0. The dependence of departures from LTE on atmospheric parameters has been analyzed. We present the non-LTE abundance corrections for 28 Ca I lines, 42 Ti I lines, 54 Ti II lines, and 262 Fe I lines and a three-dimensional interpolation code to obtain the non-LTE correction online for an individual line and specified atmospheric parameters.  相似文献   

In this article, we present a spectroscopic analysis of 83 field B-type stars from NOAO Indo-U.S. Library. We calculated the fundamental parameters such as effective temperatures, surface gravities, and rotational velocities using Barbier-Chalonge-Divan (BCD) method and line blanketed LTE/NLTE model atmospheres. The projected rotational velocities were estimated by fitting the Mg II4481 Å line profile with theoretical lines calculated from LTE/NLTE models. The evolutionary masses for the program stars are estimated using the evolutionary models. In most of the cases, the present study gives fair agreement with earlier investigations and is even more accurate in some cases.  相似文献   

The problem on heating the atmospheres of T Tauri stars by radiation from an accretion shock has been solved. The structure and radiation spectrum of the emerging so-called hot spot have been calculated in the LTE approximation. The emission not only in continuum but also in lines has been taken into account for the first time when calculating the spot spectrum. Comparison with observations has shown that the strongest of these lines manifest themselves as narrow components of helium and metal emission lines, while the weaker ones decrease significantly the depth of photospheric absorption lines, although until now, this effect has been thought to be due to the emission continuum alone. The veiling by lines changes the depth of different photospheric lines to a very different degree even within a narrow spectral range. Therefore, the nonmonotonic wavelength dependence of the degree of veiling r found for some CTTS does not suggest a nontrivial spectral energy distribution of the veiling continuum. In general, it makes sense to specify the degree of veiling r only by providing the set of photospheric lines from which this quantity was determined. We show that taking into account the contribution of lines to the veiling of the photospheric spectrum can cause the existing estimates of the accretion rate onto T Tauri stars to decrease by several times, with this being also true for stars with a comparatively weakly veiled spectrum. Neglecting the contribution of lines to the veiling can also lead to appreciable errors in determining the effective temperature, interstellar extinction, radial velocity, and v sin i.  相似文献   

We present the single stellar population (SSP) synthesis results of our new synthetic stellar atmosphere models library with a spectral sampling of 0.3 Å, covering the wavelength range from 3000 to 7000 Å for a wide range of metallicities (twice solar, solar, half solar and 1/10 solar). The stellar library is composed of 1650 spectra computed with the latest improvements in stellar atmospheres. In particular, it incorporates non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) line-blanketed models for hot  ( T eff≥ 27 500 K)  , and LTE line-blanketed models (Phoenix) for cool  (3000 ≤ T eff≤ 4500 K)  stars. Because of the high spectral resolution of this library, evolutionary synthesis models can be used to predict the strength of numerous weak absorption lines and the evolution of the profiles of the strongest lines over a wide range of ages. The SSP results have been calculated for ages from 1 Myr to 17 Gyr using the stellar evolutionary tracks provided by the Geneva and Padova groups. For young stellar populations, our results have a very detailed coverage of high-temperature stars with similar results for the Padova and Geneva isochrones. For intermediate and old stellar populations, our results, once degraded to a lower resolution, are similar to the ones obtained by other groups (limitations imposed by the stellar evolutionary physics notwidthstanding). The limitations and advantages of our models for the analysis of integrated populations are described. The full set of the stellar library and the evolutionary models are available for retrieval at the websites http://www.iaa.csic.es/~rosa and http://www.iaa.csic.es/~mcs/sed@ , or on request from the first two authors.  相似文献   

Abundance analysis of the cool extreme helium (EHe) star LSS 3378 is presented. The abundance analysis is done using local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) line formation and LTE model atmospheres constructed for EHe stars.
The atmosphere of LSS 3378 shows evidence of H-burning, He-burning, and s -process nucleosynthesis. The derived abundances of iron peak and α-elements indicate the absence of selective fractionation or any other processes that can distort chemical composition of these elements. Hence, the Fe abundance [log ε(Fe) = 6.1] is adopted as an initial metallicity indicator. The measured abundances of LSS 3378 are compared with those of R Coronae Borealis (RCB) stars and with rest of the EHe stars as a group.  相似文献   

We present FUSE spectra of three He-rich sdB stars. Two of these stars, PG1544+488 and JL87, reveal extremely strong C III lines, suggesting that they have mixed triple-α carbon from the deep interior out to their surfaces. Using TLUSTY NLTE line-blanketed model atmospheres, we find that PG1544+488 has a surface composition of 96% He, 2% C, and 1% N. JL87 shows a similar surface enrichment of C and N but still retains a significant amount of hydrogen. In contrast, the third star, LB1766, is devoid of hydrogen and strongly depleted of carbon, indicating that its surface material has undergone CN-cycle processing. We interpret these observations with new evolutionary calculations which suggest that He-rich sdB stars with C-rich compositions arise from a delayed helium-core flash on the white-dwarf cooling curve. During such a flash the interior convection zone will penetrate into the stellar envelope, thereby mixing the envelope with the He- and C-rich core. Such “flash-mixed” stars will arrive on the extreme horizontal branch (EHB) with He- and C-rich surface compositions and will be hotter than the hottest canonical EHB stars. Two types of flash mixing are possible:“deep” and “shallow”, depending on whether the hydrogen envelope is mixed deeply into the site of the helium flash or only with the outer layers of the core. Based on both their stellar parameters and surface compositions, we suggest that PG1544+488 and JL87 are examples of “deep” and “shallow” flash mixing, respectively.  相似文献   

We will consider Stark broadening of non hydrogenic spectral lines in the impact approximation in compact stars: pre-white dwarf and white dwarf atmospheres. In order to show an example, Stark broadening parameters have been calculated, using the impact semiclassical perturbation approach for four Xe VI spectral lines. Obtained results have been used to demonstrate the influence of Stark broadening in DA and DB white dwarf atmospheres.  相似文献   

In this paper we construct and analyze the uniform non-LTE distributions of the aluminium ([Al/Fe]-[Fe/H]) and sodium ([Na/Fe]-[Fe/H]) abundances in the sample of 160 stars of the disk and halo of our Galaxy with metallicities within ?4.07 ≤ [Fe/H] ≤ 0.28. The values of metallicity [Fe/H] and microturbulence velocity ξ turb indices are determined from the equivalent widths of the Fe II and Fe I lines. We estimated the sodium and aluminium abundances using a 21-level model of the Na I atom and a 39-level model of the Al I atom. The resulting LTE distributions of [Na/Fe]-[Fe/H] and [Al/Fe]-[Fe/H] do not correspond to the theoretical predictions of their evolution, suggesting that a non-LTE approach has to be applied to determine the abundances of these elements. The account of non-LTE corrections reduces by 0.05–0.15 dex the abundances of sodium, determined from the subordinate lines in the stars of the disk with [Fe/H] ≥ ?2.0, and by 0.05–0.70 dex (with a strong dependence on metallicity) the abundances of [Na/Fe], determined by the resonance lines in the stars of the halo with [Fe/H] ≤ ?2.0. The non-LTE corrections of the aluminium abundances are strictly positive and increase from 0.0–0.1 dex for the stars of the thin disk (?0.7 ≤ [Fe/H] ≤ 0.28) to 0.03–0.3 dex for the stars of the thick disk (?1.5 ≤ [Fe/H] ≤ ?0.7) and 0.06–1.2 dex for the stars of the halo ([Fe/H] ≤ ?2.0). The resulting non-LTE abundances of [Na/Fe] reveal a scatter of individual values up to Δ[Na/Fe] = 0.4 dex for the stars of close metallicities. The observed non-LTE distribution of [Na/Fe]-[Fe/H] within 0.15 dex coincides with the theoretical distributions of Samland and Kobayashi et al. The non-LTE aluminium abundances are characterized by a weak scatter of values (up to Δ[Al/Fe] = 0.2 dex) for the stars of all metallicities. The constructed non-LTE distribution of [Al/Fe]-[Fe/H] is in a satisfactory agreement to 0.2 dex with the theoretical data of Kobayashi et al., but strongly differs (up to 0.4 dex) from the predictions of Samland.  相似文献   

The sensitivity of stellar spectra to α/Fe abundance changes is investigated with the aim to be detected photometrically and employed for the scientific goals of the GAIA mission. A grid of plane parallel, line blanketed, flux constant, LTE model atmospheres with different [α/Fe] ratios was calculated. As a first step, the modeled stellar energy fluxes for solar-type stars and giants were computed and intercompared. The spectral sensitivity to α/Fe abundance changes is noticeable and has to be taken into account when selecting photometric filters for GAIA. The Ca II H and K lines and Mg I b triplet are the most sensitive direct indicators ofα/Fe abundance changes. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The non-LTE sodium abundance has been determined from the Na I 6154 and 6161 Å lines for 38 thin-disk stars (15 of them are Ba II stars), 15 thick-disk stars, 13 Hercules-stream stars, and 13 stars that cannot be attributed neither to the thick Galactic disk nor to the thin one. The Na I model atom has been constructed using the most accurate present-day atomic data. For the Na I 6154 and 6161 Å lines, the non-LTEabundance corrections are from ?0.06 to ?0.24 dex, depending on the stellar parameters. No differences in [Na/Fe] abundance between the thick and thin disks have been detected; the derived ratios are close to the solar ones. The existence of a [Na/Fe] overabundance in the Ba II stars has been confirmed. The Hercules-stream stars exhibit nearly solar [Na/Fe] ratios. The results obtained can be used to test the sodium nucleosynthesis models.  相似文献   

Very-high-resolution ( R ∼160 000) spectroscopic observations are presented for the early B-type star, HD 83206. Because it has very sharp metal lines, this star affords an opportunity to test theories of model atmospheres and line formation. Non-LTE model atmosphere calculations have been used to estimate the atmospheric parameters and absolute metal abundances (C, N, O, Mg and Si); an LTE analysis was also undertaken to investigate the validity of this simpler approach and to estimate an iron abundance. For the non-LTE calculations, there is excellent agreement with observations of the Balmer lines H α and H δ and the lines of Si  ii and Si  iii for atmospheric parameters of T eff≃21 700±600 K and log  g ≃4.00±0.15 dex. The agreement is less convincing for the LTE calculations, and a higher gravity is deduced. Careful comparison of the metal line profiles with non-LTE calculations implies that the projected rotational and microturbulent velocities have maximum values of ≃5 and ≃2 km s−1, respectively. The latter value is smaller than has often been adopted in LTE model atmosphere analyses of main-sequence stars. Non-LTE absolute metal abundances are estimated, and a comparison with those for normal B-type stars (deduced using similar non-LTE techniques) shows no significant differences. A comparison of the abundances deduced using non-LTE and LTE calculations implies systematic differences of 0.1–0.2 dex, showing the importance of using a non-LTE approach when accurate absolute abundances are required. Its location in the Hertzsprung–Russell diagram and normal metal abundance lead us to conclude that HD 83206 is probably a main-sequence B-type star. As such, it is among the sharpest-lined young B-type star discovered to date.  相似文献   

The atmospheric parameters and elemental abundances for ten thick-disk red giants have been determined from high-resolution spectra by the method of model stellar atmospheres. The results of a comparative analysis of the [Na/Fe] abundances in the atmospheres of the investigated stars and thin-disk red giants are presented. Sodium in the atmospheres of thick-disk red giants is shown to have no overabundances typical of thin-disk red giants.  相似文献   

In the present paper the abundance anomalies of mercury and its isotopes in the atmospheres of HgMn stars have been studied. Observations have shown strongly anomalous isotopic composition of Hg, Pt, Tl and He in the atmospheres of such CP stars. Generation of elemental abundance anomalies in quiescent atmospheres of CP stars can generally be explained by the mechanism of diffusive segregation of elements due to oppositely directed gravitational and radiative forces. It has been shown that the formation of the observed isotopic anomalies can be successfully explained by a diffusion mechanism called the light‐induced drift (LID). The observed ratios of isotopes also enable to estimate the evolutionary stages of CP stars.  相似文献   

Near‐Infrared high spectral and spatial resolution spectroscopy offers new and innovative observing opportunities for astronomy. The “traditional” benefits of IR‐astronomy – strongly reduced extinction and availability of adaptive optics – more than offset for many applications the compared to CCD‐based astronomy strongly reduced sensitivity. Especially in high resolution spectroscopy interferences by telluric lines can be minimized. Moreover for abundance studies many important atomic lines can be accessed in the NIR. A novel spectral feature available for quantitative spectroscopy are the molecular rotational‐vibrational transitions which allow for fundamentally new studies of condensed objects and atmospheres. This is also an important complement to radio‐astronomy, especially with ALMA, where molecules are generally only observed in the vibrational ground state. Rot‐vib transitions also allow high precision abundance measurements – including isotopic ratios – fundamental to understand the thermo‐nuclear processes in stars beyond the main sequence. Quantitative modeling of atmospheres has progressed such that the unambiguous interpretation of IR‐spectra is now well established. In combination with adaptive optics spectro‐astrometry is even more powerful and with VLT‐CRIRES a spatial resolution of better than one milli‐arcsecond has been demonstrated. Some highlights and recent results will be presented: our solar system, extrasolar planets, star‐ and planet formation, stellar evolution and the formation of galactic bulges (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

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