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杨利霞  谢应涛  孔娃  于萍萍  王刚 《海洋学报》2010,32(9):6089-6095
提出了斜入射分层线性各向异性等离子体电磁散射的时域有限差分(FDTD)方法,通过将二维麦克斯韦方程等价地转换为一维麦克斯韦方程,避免了用二维时域有限差分方法分析该散射问题,极大地提高了计算效率.分析推导了TEz和TMz波斜入射线性分层各向异性等离子体电磁散射的FDTD方法,然后通过该方法计算不同入射角的各向异性等离子板的电磁波反射系数,并与其解析解进行比较,结果表明该方法的准确性和有效性.最后,将该算法应用于计算涂覆分层各向异性等离子  相似文献   

逆方法是海洋学研究中一个常用的方法,但是所求解的统计量通常和模式的先验假设不一致。为了解决这一问题,本文尝试将所求解的统计量作为模式的先验统计量,然后进行下一轮求逆运算,并重复这一过程。通过分析一个具体的案例,发现经过数次迭代之后,由于解和模式误差的协方差矩阵的行列式会变为零,从而所求解的统计量和它的先验假设之间的一致性变得很难评估。然而,在迭代过程中,解的后验统计量和先验统计量之间的数值上差异能够逐渐缩小。  相似文献   

赵岩  施伟华  姜跃进 《海洋学报》2010,32(9):6279-6283
利用时域有限差分法(FDTD)模拟仿真了在中心缺陷外出现点缺陷、空气柱位错和内层空气柱发生形变三种缺陷形态对光子带隙型光子晶体光纤(PBG-PCF)色散特性的影响.发现一方面缺陷的出现会使色散曲线趋于平坦,另一方面点缺陷和位错缺陷的出现会使零色散点向长波移动,内层空气柱的形变使零色散点向短波长移动.这对PBG-PCF的实际生产实践会有指导意义.  相似文献   

邹志利  金红 《海洋工程》2012,30(2):38-45
建立具有色散性的水平二维非线性波浪方程,方程的非线性近似到了三阶。方程以波面升高和自由表面速度势表达的微分-积分型数学方程,给出方程的数值求解方法和算例,对方程积分项的处理给出了计算方法。计算结果与Boussinesq方程模型和缓坡方程模型的对应计算结果进行了对比。  相似文献   

众所周知,由于存在插值误差和污染误差的原因,高波数声学问题的有限元解是不可靠的。为了提高有限元法的求解精度,本文提出了一种新型的α有限元法来求解水下声散射问题。在α有限元法中,首先运用基于点的梯度光滑技术得到点光滑的梯度场,然后对点光滑有限元法进行推导。因此,α有限元模型既包含来自点光滑有限元模型的梯度成分又包含来自标准光滑有限元模型的梯度成分,充分利用了点光滑有限元模型的"过软"特性和标准有限元模型的"过刚"特性。为了处理外声场问题,本文运用了Dt N无反射边界条件。数值计算结果表明:与标准有限元法相比,α有限元法在水下声散射计算中具备更高的计算精度和计算效率。  相似文献   

运用泛函微分方法给出弱随机介质中散射问题的散射幅度Born近似的推广形式。讨论了关于阻尼最小二乘法反演介质参数的各价相关函数的方法,并讨论具有有限支集势函数扰动的逆问题的唯一性,其结果对运用Newton法等数值方法有实际意义。  相似文献   

为方便积分差值法的精确处理,利用积分差值法,将运动方程、自由边界条件及人工边界上的吸收边界条件进行积分,根据高斯定理得出了二维非均匀介质中弹性波传播的二阶显式差分格式。并针对几个典型的地质模型,计算了其弹性波传播的数值模拟结果,结果表明,该方法有较好的精度和稳定性。  相似文献   

二维潮流数学模型的四边形等参单元法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文在有限差分和有限元法的基础上,采用四边形等参单元,对在河海域进行了潮流数学模型计算,计算表明:该方法既能较好地拟合边界,又可减少网格划分等前期工作,所得结果与实测资料基本一致。  相似文献   

以复杂介质中的二维探地雷达(GPR)反问题为研究对象,利用同伦方法和信赖域技术,构造了1种具有大范围收敛特点并能自适应选取正则化参数的反演算法,克服了传统数值迭代法容易陷入局部收敛的弱点,放宽了对初值选取的严格限制.数值结果验证了算法的健壮性和有效性.  相似文献   

对二维三温热传导方程组提出一类分数步有限差分格式。利用变分形式及能量方法 ,得到离散 H1范数的最优阶先验误差估计及稳定性  相似文献   

吴兆春 《海洋学报》2010,32(9):6326-6330
本文采用变域变分原理,建立了导热几何形状反演问题的变分原理,同时获得了该问题所需满足的边界条件和附加条件.该变分原理能将未知形状的几何变量及控制方程结合在一个变分泛函中,使得数学描述简洁、紧凑,且几何变量及控制方程的求解能耦合地进行.介绍了运用该变分原理并结合有限元方法进行数值计算的方法.  相似文献   

主动共振浮力摆式波浪能发电装置通过调节内部配重位置实现共振发电。本文以基于机械式动力输出系统(Power Take-off, PTO) 的主动共振浮力摆式波浪能发电装置为研究对象,构建波-电时域动力学模型并验证模型可行性, 该模型的非线性特征主要体现在正弦函数形式的静水回复力矩及止动力矩中。进一步, 研究自振周期同不规则波能量周期一致的共振状态下,不同负载形式及取值大小对装置时域响应曲线、时均功率和效率的影响。研究结果表明: 不同负载设置对俘获宽度比的影响大于PTO 传动效率。阻性负载值过大或过小均会削弱俘获宽度比, 使有功时均值和发电效率下降, 共振状态下, 负载的感性或容性成分会使发电机产生大量无功, 且无功有正有负, 感性或容性成分能有效削弱俘获宽度比、有功时均值和发电效率。  相似文献   

Comparative study was carried out for an acoustic iterative inverse method to estimate bubble size distributions in water. Conventional bubble sizing methods consider only sound attenuation for sizing. Choi and Yoon [IEEE, 26(1), 125–130 (2001)] reported an acoustic iterative inverse method, which extracts the sound speed component from the measured sound attenuation. It can more accurately estimate the bubble size distributions in water than do the conventional methods. The estimation results of acoustic iterative inverse method were compared with other experimental data. The experimental data show good agreement with the estimation from the acoustic iterative inverse method. This iterative technique can be utilized for bubble sizing in the ocean.  相似文献   

This study gives a new approximate analytic solution for water wave scattering by a submerged horizontal porous disk in the context of the linear potential theory. The solution is based on the domain decomposition method. The velocity potentials are determined by two different approaches. One approach is to adopt decompositions for velocity potentials, and the other is to expand the vertical derivative of the velocity potential on the porous disk along the radial direction. Hence the velocity potentials are determined by the matched eigenfunction expansions. Differing from previous solutions with respect to the porous disk, the present solution needs no complex dispersion relations. Thus the new solution is easier for numerical implementation. According to numerical examples, the convergence of the present solution is satisfactory. In addition, the present predictions of the wave surface elevation and the vertical wave force on the disk agree very well with previous results by different approaches. The present solution can also be extended to other structures involving disks, such as a fish cage, a porous disk with finite thickness, and a submerged elastic disk.  相似文献   

1 Introduction In the total radiance received by an ocean color remote sensor, over 80% radiance is the contribution being scattered by air molecule and aerosol, and a wa- ter-leaving radiance carrying the ocean color informa- tion is only a small part. T…  相似文献   

It is a valid route for quantitatively remote sensing on water pollution to build a model according to the physical mechanisms of scattering and absorbing of suspended substance, pollutant, and molecules of water. Remote sensing model for water pollution based on single scattering is simple and easy to be used, but the precision is affected by turbidity of water. The characteristics of the energy composition of multiple scattering, are analyzed and it is proposed that, based on the model of single scattering, if the flux of the second scattering is considered additionally, the precision of the model will be remarkably improved and the calculation is still very simple. The factor of the second scattering is deduced to build a double scattering model, and the practical arithmetic for the calculation of the model is put forward. The result of applying this model in the water area around the Zhujiang(Pearl) River outfall shows that the precision is obviously improved. The result also shows that the seriously polluted water area is distributed in the northeast of Lingding Sea, the Victoria Bay ofHong Kong, and the Shengzhen Bay.  相似文献   

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