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A random synthesis procedure based on finite fault model is adopted for near field strong ground motion simulation in this paper.The fault plane of the source is divided into a number of sub-sources,the whole moment magnitude is also divided into more sub-events.The Fourier spectrum of ground motion caused by a sub-event in given sub-source,then can be derived by means of taking the point source spectrum,attenuation with distance,energy dissipation,and near surface effect,into account.A time history is synthesized from this amplitude spectrum and a random phase spectrum,and being combined with an envelope function.The ground motion is worked out by superposition of all time histories from each sub-event in each sub-source,with time lags determining by the differences between the triggering times of sub-events and ddistances of the sub-sources.From the example of simulations at 21 near field points in a scenario earthquake with 4 dip angles of the fault plane,it is illustrated that the procedure can describe the rupture directivity and hanging wall effect very well.To validate the procedure,the response spectra and time histories recorded at three near fault stations MCN,LV3 and PCD during the Northridge earthquake in 1994,are compared with the simulated ones.  相似文献   

Seismic hazard assessment based on urban active faults can provide scientific bases for city planning and projectconstruction,while numerical simulation of strong ground motion is an important method for seismic hazard pre-diction and assessment.A 3-D physical model in conformity with real strata configuration of(mainly)the Quater-nary is a prerequisite to ensure the reliability of the simulation results.In this paper,we give a detailed account ofthe technical scheme and process for creating a 3-D physical model in Kunming basin.The data used are synthe-sized from seismogeological data,borehole data,topographic data,digital elevation mode(DEM)data,seismicexploration results and wave velocity measurements.Stratigraphic division is based mainly on shear wave velocity,with strata sequence taken into consideration.The model construction is finally accomplished with ArcGIS andmany relevant programming techniques via layer-by-layer stacking(in depth direction)of the adjacent mediuminterfaces(meshes).Meanwhile,a database of 3-D physical models is set up,which provides model data and pa-rameters for strong ground motion simulation.Some processing methods and significant issues are also addressedin the paper in accordance with different types of exploration and experimental data.  相似文献   

On April 29, 2017 at 0:56 UTC (2:56 local time), an MW =?2.8 earthquake struck the metropolitan area between Leipzig and Halle, Germany, near the small town of Markranstädt. The earthquake was felt within 50 km from the epicenter and reached a local intensity of I0 = IV. Already in 2015 and only 15 km northwest of the epicenter, a MW =?3.2 earthquake struck the area with a similar large felt radius and I0 = IV. More than 1.1 million people live in the region, and the unusual occurrence of the two earthquakes led to public attention, because the tectonic activity is unclear and induced earthquakes have occurred in neighboring regions. Historical earthquakes south of Leipzig had estimated magnitudes up to MW ≈?5 and coincide with NW-SE striking crustal basement faults. We use different seismological methods to analyze the two recent earthquakes and discuss them in the context of the known tectonic structures and historical seismicity. Novel stochastic full waveform simulation and inversion approaches are adapted for the application to weak, local earthquakes, to analyze mechanisms and ground motions and their relation to observed intensities. We find NW-SE striking normal faulting mechanisms for both earthquakes and centroid depths of 26 and 29 km. The earthquakes are located where faults with large vertical offsets of several hundred meters and Hercynian strike have developed since the Mesozoic. We use a stochastic full waveform simulation to explain the local peak ground velocities and calibrate the method to simulate intensities. Since the area is densely populated and has sensitive infrastructure, we simulate scenarios assuming that a 12-km long fault segment between the two recent earthquakes is ruptured and study the impact of rupture parameters on ground motions and expected damage.  相似文献   

本在震源为双侧线状断层破裂模型的假定下,根据震源理论和波谱随空间坐标的展开式,得到了场地两点地震动Fourier谱的表达式Ab(f)=Aa(f)exp(a1δ0 a2δθ,中提出了将双侧破裂模型分解为两个单侧破裂模型计算双侧破裂模型a1和a2的数值方法,以一次地震(M=6)为例,分析了双侧破裂模型对地震动空间相关性的影响,计算了 a1和a2的实部和虚部以及孔径随震中距,方位角和频率变化的三维图像。  相似文献   


北京地区历史上发生多次破坏性地震.在未来50年超越概率10%的中国地震烈度区划中,北京地区烈度为Ⅷ度.北京邻区强震对北京地震烈度的影响已经有一些研究.然而,如果北京地区的断裂发生强震,其地震烈度将有多大?又是如何分布?这是防震减灾所关注的问题.北京活断层研究表明,黄庄—高丽营等断裂具有第四纪分段活动特征.本文首先用有限元方法对北京地区活动地震断裂地震安全度进行评估,确定了黄庄—高丽营断裂(北段)是其中地震安全度相对最低的断裂;然后在此断裂上设定一个MS7.2的情景地震,使用可以考虑真实起伏地形影响的任意曲线网格有限差分方法模拟了这个设定地震在北京地区引起的强地面运动特征和烈度分布细节.强地面运动模拟结果表明,峰值速度PGV>0.7 m·s-1的区域集中在沿断裂东侧的8~9 km宽的条带内,最大值达1 m·s-1;烈度分布显示断裂周围20 km内大都超过Ⅷ度.本文结果可为防震减灾提供参考依据.


断层破裂方式对银川盆地强地面运动的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
银川盆地是受断层控制的断陷性盆地,边缘和内部发育了多条断裂带,特别是其内部晚更新世-全新世活动的银川隐伏断层可能对银川市的建设规划和抗震设防影响较大.为了研究银川隐伏断层活动对银川盆地强地面运动特征的影响,本文以银川隐伏活动断层作为目标断层,模拟了断层发生Mw6.5特征地震时,在单侧破裂和双侧破裂两种方式下,银川盆地的强地面运动分布特征.分析结果表明在两种破裂方式下,盆地内强地面运动表现出不同形态的地震条带状分布特征和上盘效应;同时受到银川盆地边缘断裂"西陡东缓"构造特征的影响,地表强地震动分布和断层附近观测点的时程也呈现出独特的盆地边界反射作用.在单侧破裂和双侧破裂两种模式下,近场强地面运动集中区总体上呈现北强南弱的现象,银川市及附近的芦花台等地区是强地面运动分布的主要区域.  相似文献   

采用美国南加州地震委员会(SCEC)Steven Day博士提供的三维有限差分断层瞬态破裂动力学模型(3D-FDM),以1976年唐山M_S7.8地震为例,从简化的断层双侧破裂模式出发,对该地震发震断层的动态破裂过程及近断层地表运动特征进行了仿真模拟和计算.研究区域为围绕发震断层200 km×140 km×40 km(深度)的长方形块体组成,模拟计算的空间分辨率和时间分辨率分别为200 m和0.012 s,形成的空间网格节点数为1051×701×201.在DELL小型上作站上,我们实现了对源程序的移植和并行计算.同时,通过引进计算机可视化技术,对模拟数据进行了3D/4D解释分析.另外,在对源程序修改过程中,实现了对京津唐地区三维地壳速度结构的嵌入,在一定程度上增强了对地震波传播以及地面运动模拟的真实性,并讨论了地震破裂的方向性对近断层地表运动的影响.最后根据初步研究结果结合京津唐地区活动断层构造特征,对唐山M_S7.8级主震后随之而来的1976滦县M_S7.1级余震及宁河M_S6.9级余震的动态触发机制提出了新的解释.由于受主震破裂方向性作用的影响,使得主震对后续两个较大余震产生的动态应力变化的峰值在断层的走滑方向上较大,为2~3 MPa,在逆冲方向上较小,为0.1~0.2 MPa.即唐山主震的发生使得其周边的应力场有一个瞬态的应力调整,唐山主震对后续余震的发生有促发作用.  相似文献   




采用美国南加州地震委员会(SCEC)Steven Day博士提供的三维有限差分断层瞬态破裂动力学模型(3D-FDM),以1976年唐山MS7.8地震为例,从简化的断层双侧破裂模式出发,对该地震发震断层的动态破裂过程及近断层地表运动特征进行了仿真模拟和计算.研究区域为围绕发震断层200 km×140 km×40 km(深度)的长方形块体组成,模拟计算的空间分辨率和时间分辨率分别为200 m和0.012 s,形成的空间网格节点数为1051×701×201.在DELL小型工作站上,我们实现了对源程序的移植和并行计算.同时,通过引进计算机可视化技术,对模拟数据进行了3D/4D解释分析.另外,在对源程序修改过程中,实现了对京津唐地区三维地壳速度结构的嵌入,在一定程度上增强了对地震波传播以及地面运动模拟的真实性,并讨论了地震破裂的方向性对近断层地表运动的影响.最后根据初步研究结果结合京津唐地区活动断层构造特征,对唐山MS7.8级主震后随之而来的1976滦县MS7.1级余震及宁河MS6.9级余震的动态触发机制提出了新的解释.由于受主震破裂方向性作用的影响,使得主震对后续两个较大余震产生的动态应力变化的峰值在断层的走滑方向上较大,为2~3 MPa,在逆冲方向上较小,为0.1~0.2 MPa.即唐山主震的发生使得其周边的应力场有一个瞬态的应力调整,唐山主震对后续余震的发生有促发作用.  相似文献   

近断层地震动的基本特征   总被引:43,自引:11,他引:43  
本文对近断层地震动的基本特征作了详细分析,这些基本特征主要包括近断层强地震动的集中性、地表破裂、地面永久变形、破裂的方向性效应、近断层速度大脉冲和上盘效应。这些特征虽然在一次地震中不一定同时出现,但它们是已经被强震观测资料和数值模拟证实了的,在模拟和预测近断层地震动时,必须充分考虑这些特点,合理的近断层地震动模拟或预测模型和方法应当在结果中再现这些特点。  相似文献   

The seismic disaster presents a zonal distribution along the fault strike. In this paper, rupture zone of ground surface soil caused by the uniform dislocation, inclined dislocation and warped dislocation of buried normal fault are studied by constituting a three-dimensional finite element model in Automatic Dynamic Incremental Nonlinear Analysis (ADINA). According to the critical value of surface rupture, the variational features and influencing factors of width and starting position of the “avoiding zone” in engineering construction are analyzed by using 96 model calculations. The main results are as follows: (1) Since the rupture zone of the ground surface soil from the point of mechanics is different from the “avoidance zone” from the point of engineering safety, the equivalent plastic strain and the total displacement ratio should be considered to evaluate the effect of the seismic ground movement on buildings. (2) During fault dislocation, plastic failure firstly occurred on the ground surface soil of the footwall side, and then the larger deformation gradually moved to the side of the hanging wall of the fault with the increase of fault displacement. (3) When the vertical displacement of buried fault reaches 3 m, the width of “avoiding zone” in engineering construction varies within the range of 10–90 m, which is most affected by the thickness of overlying soil and the dip angle of the fault.  相似文献   

长周期地震动三维有限元数值模拟方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用数值方法对长周期地震动进行模拟已成为当前强地面运动预测的研究方向之一。本文提出了一种有限元并行计算的高效地震动数值模拟方法,可以同时考虑震源、传播途径和场地条件对地震动的影响,并根据昆明地区未来可能发生的设定地震对昆明市的影响地震动进行了预测。这一方法可以应用于国内已探测的发震活断层进行地震危害性评价工作。  相似文献   

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