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The oldest igneous rocks in the Paleoproterozoic (~1.88–1.85 Ga) North Baikal postcollisional volcanoplutonic belt of the Siberian craton are the basaltoids of the Malaya Kosa Formation (Akitkan Group). The youngest are the composite (dolerite–rhyolite) and doleritic dikes cutting the granitoids of the Irel’ complex and the felsic volcanic rocks of the Khibelen Formation (Akitkan Group). The position of Malaya Kosa basaltoids in the Akitkan Group section and published geochronological data on the felsic volcanic rocks overlying Malaya Kosa rocks suggest that their age is ~1878 Ma. The rhyolites from the center of a composite dike were dated by the U–Pb zircon method at 1844 ± 11 Ma, and the dolerites in the dikes are assumed to be coeval with them. Malaya Kosa basaltoids correspond to high-Mg tholeiites and calc-alkaline andesites, whereas the dolerites in the dikes correspond to high-Fe tholeiites. Geochemically, these basaltoids and dolerites are both similar and different. As compared with the dolerites, the basaltoids are poorer in TiO2 (an average of 0.89 vs. 1.94 wt.%), Fe2O31 (9.54 vs. 14.71 wt.%), and P2O5 (0.25 vs. 0.41 wt.%). However, these rocks are both poor in Nb but rich in Th and LREE, εNd(T) being negative. According to petrographic and geochemical data, they derived from compositionally different sources. It is assumed that the basaltoids originated from subduction-enriched lithospheric mantle, whereas the dolerites originated from refractory lithospheric mantle metasomatized by subduction fluids. The isotopic and geochemical features of mafic rocks in the North Baikal belt are well explained by their formation during crustal extension which followed subduction and collision in the region. The early stages of postcollisional extension evidenced the melting of subduction-enriched lithospheric mantle with the formation of parent melts for Malaya Kosa basaltoids. At the final stages of the formation of the North Baikal belt, during the maximum crustal extension, Fe-enriched melts rose to the surface and generated the dolerites of the dikes.  相似文献   

With U-Pb zircon dating, we determined the age of rhyodacites composing sedimentary covers among coarse-terrigenous rocks of the lowermost Chaya Formation of the Akitkan Group (North Baikal volcanoplutonic belt). These rocks are considered to have formed during the sedimentation. The dates (1863±9 Ma) permitted estimation of the age of basal beds of the Chaya Formation and substantiate the age boundary between the Khibelen and Chaya Formations of the Akitkan Group. The determined age and earlier dates of igneous rocks intruding the Chaya Formation deposits suggest that the latter accumulated for 10 Myr.  相似文献   

火山是人类窥探深部岩浆系统的窗口。从全球范围来看,贫晶体富熔体的火山岩(尤其是玄武岩和流纹岩)大面积出露,而富晶体的长英质火山岩仅出露于破火山周围。长英质富晶体火山岩主要可分为两类:一类是成分和晶体含量均一的火山岩;另一类是成分和斑晶含量分带的火山岩。富晶体火山岩是冷储存晶粥接受岩浆反复补给后重熔、再活化,重新具备流动能力而喷发形成的,储库中先存物质的成分决定了再活化形成的富晶体火山岩的类型。富晶体火山岩的存在能够很好地解释岩浆储库具有较长的寿命而岩浆汇聚结晶的过程却是迅速的这种看似矛盾的现象。虽然近年来长英质富晶体火山岩的研究已经取得了明显的进展,但仍有许多问题亟待解决,如碎斑熔岩的成因,如何判别晶粥活化,晶粥再活化与火山喷发的关系,岩浆补给和晶粥活化的时间尺度等。对富晶体火山岩的进一步研究将有助于深入揭示熔体演化、运移、在浅部的聚集和喷发的机制,并可为建立更完善的长英质岩浆演化模型提供更多信息。  相似文献   

A dike–vein complex of potassic type of alkalinity recently discovered in the Baikal ledge, western Baikal area, southern Siberian craton, includes calcite and dolomite–ankerite carbonatites, silicate-bearing carbonatite, phlogopite metapicrite, and phoscorite. The most reliable 40Ar–39Ar dating of the rocks on magnesioriebeckite from alkaline metasomatite at contact with carbonatite yields a statistically significant plateau age of 1017.4 ± 3.2 Ma. The carbonatite is characterized by elevated SiO2 concentrations and is rich in K2O (K2O/Na2O ratio is 21 on average for the calcite carbonatite and 2.5 for the dolomite–ankerite carbonatite), TiO2, P2O5 (up to 9 wt %), REE (up to 3300 ppm), Nb (up to 400 ppm), Zr (up to 800 ppm), Fe, Cr, V, Ni, and Co at relatively low Sr concentrations. Both the metapicrite and the carbonatite are hundreds of times or even more enriched in Ta, Nb, K, and LREE relative to the mantle and are tens of times richer in Rb, Ba, Zr, Hf, and Ti. The high (Gd/Yb)CN ratios of the metapicrite (4.5–11) and carbonatite (4.5–17) testify that their source contained residual garnet, and the high K2O/Na2O ratios of the metapicrite (9–15) and carbonatite suggest that the source also contained phlogopite. The Nd isotopic ratios of the carbonatite suggest that the mantle source of the carbonatite was mildly depleted and similar to an average OIB source. The carbonatites of various mineral composition are believed to be formed via the crystallization differentiation of ferrocarbonatite melt, which segregated from ultramafic alkaline melt.  相似文献   

北山古生代火山岩尤其是石炭纪-二叠纪火山岩的形成环境及成因备受学者关注且长期以来存在争议。本文收集了近年来发表的关于北山石炭纪-二叠纪火山岩研究的地球化学数据,岩石地球化学特征显示北山石炭纪玄武岩主要为安山玄武岩,属拉斑系列,二叠纪火山岩主要为安山玄武岩和亚碱性玄武岩,落入拉斑系列及过渡区;石炭纪玄武岩和二叠纪玄武岩均具有LREE富集的球粒陨石标准化稀土元素配分模式,轻重稀土元素分馏程度均较低。在微量元素蛛网图上,石炭纪-二叠纪遭受地壳混染的玄武岩呈现出明显的Nb-Ta亏损和微弱的Ti亏损特征,而未遭受地壳混染作用的绝大多数石炭纪-二叠纪玄武岩主要呈现出与OIB相似的"隆起"状不相容元素标准化配分模式。岩石成因分析认为,石炭纪-二叠纪玄武质岩浆可能主要来源于地幔柱,部分石炭纪-二叠纪玄武岩在形成演化过程中遭受了明显的大陆地壳混染作用,导致其出现十分相似于岛弧或活动大陆边缘的地球化学特征。结合区域构造演化分析及构造环境判别,认为石炭纪-二叠纪玄武岩均形成于大陆板内环境。  相似文献   

碧口群火山岩岩石成因研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
新元古代(846~776Ma)碧口群火山岩喷发于大陆板内裂谷环境。该火山岩系以基性火山岩为主,酸性火山岩次之,中性火山岩少见。根据岩石地球化学数据,碧口群裂谷基性熔岩总体上属于低Ti/Y(<500)岩浆类型。元素和同位素数据表明,碧口群基性熔岩的化学变化不是由一个共同的母岩浆的结晶分异作用所产生。它们极有可能是源于地幔柱源(εNd(t)≈+3,87Sr/86Sr(t)≈0.704,La/Nb≈0.7)。地壳混染作用对于碧口群裂谷基性熔岩的形成有重要贡献。我们的研究揭示,碧口群火山岩存在空间上的岩石地球化学变化。东部红岩沟和辛田坝—黑木林地区的碧口群基性熔岩以拉斑玄武岩为主,产生于幔源石榴子石稳定区的高度部分熔融。相反,西部白杨—碧口地区的碧口群基性熔岩的母岩浆则是形成于幔源的尖晶石-石榴子石过渡带:碱性熔岩是产生于部分熔融程度较低的条件下,拉斑玄武质熔岩则是产生于部分熔融条件较高的条件下。它们经受了浅层位辉长岩质(cpx+plag±ol)分离作用,化学变异较大。  相似文献   

We test the possibility of applying titanite as indicator of the boundaries between the Belomorian mobile belt and the Karelian craton of the Fennoscandian Shield. U-Pb isotope dating established wide variations of titanite ages in the Belomorian mobile belt and the Karelian craton. The titanites from the Karelian craton are mainly Archean in age (2.52–2.86 Ga), whereas the Belomorian mobile belt contains, with few exceptions, Paleoproterozoic titanites (1.74–1.95 Ga). In the Karelian craton, the age of titanite, in general, records the cratonization of the Earth’s crust (2.8 Ga and 2.6–2.7 Ga, respectively). In the Belomorian mobile belt, it presumably reflects the timing of the exhumation of tectonic nappes from the mid-crustal depths during the collisional stage of the evolution of the Lapland-Kola orogen.  相似文献   

The Palaeo-Tethyan tectonic evolution of central Tibet remains a topic of controversy. Two Permian to Late Triassic arc-like volcanic suites have been identified in the eastern Qiangtang (EQ) block of north-central Tibet. Three competing models have been proposed to explain the formation of these volcanic suites, with two models involving a single stage of long-lived subduction but with opposing subduction polarities, while the other model involves a two-stage subduction process. Here, we present new whole-rock geochemistry, including Sr–Nd isotope data, for late Permian felsic volcanics of the Zaduo area. These volcanics are mainly low to middle K calc-alkaline felsic tuffs and rhyolites with SiO2 concentrations up to 73 wt.%. In primitive mantle-normalized diagrams, the volcanics are typified by large ion lithophile element enrichment and high-field-strength element (e.g. Nb, Ta, P, and Ti) depletion, with slightly negative Eu anomalies. They have initial Sr ratios (87Sr/86Sr) i of 0.70319–0.70547, and ?Nd(t) values of +3.4 to +3.5, suggesting derivation by the partial melting of a depleted mantle wedge, followed by assimilation of crustal material. The available geochemical data indicate the presence of two distinctive igneous evolution trends within the Permian to Late Triassic volcanics of the EQ block, consistent with a two-stage subduction model. Permian to Early Triassic arc-like volcanics are formed during northward (present-day orientation) subduction, whereas the Late Triassic volcanics are related to southward (present-day orientation) subduction of mafic crust of the Garze–Litang Ocean.  相似文献   

Geological observations and petrological and geochemical criteria are used to detect hybrid rocks at the endocontact of a dolerite dike. The hybrid rocks were produced when the material of a mafic intrusion mixed with a felsic melt. The latter was produced by the melting of the metamorphic rocks making up the Goloustnaya basement inlier of the Siberian craton, under the thermal effect of the intruded dike. Two age groups of zircon have been identified in the hybrid rock by SHRIMP analysis. The Paleoproterozoic age of inherited zircon (1902, 1864, 1859, and 1855 Ma) reflects the contribution of ancient sources to the hybrid-rock composition. The young, primary-magmatic, zircon grains, produced by melting at the endocontact of the mafic intrusion (494 ± 5 Ma), are coeval with the hybrid rocks, and their age indicates when the mafic rocks intruded the metamorphic framework. Dikes of close age, with similar geochemical characteristics, are present on the vast southern margin of the Siberian craton—from Goloustnaya to Biryusa salients.  相似文献   

李平  王洪亮  徐学义  陈隽璐  过磊  奚仁刚 《岩石学报》2014,30(12):3553-3568
新疆西准噶尔北部地区的早泥盆世马拉苏组出露有少量富钠低钾的拉斑质中基性熔岩,这些分布于谢米斯台断裂北侧的玄武安山岩和玄武岩多呈夹层状断续产出于火山碎屑岩之中。马拉苏中基性熔岩的Mg#与主、微量元素协变关系及Th-Th/Nd图反映了其并非同源岩浆演化的结果。马拉苏火山岩中的玄武安山岩富集LILE、亏损HFSE,具有较高的Th含量及较低的Hf/Th和(Nb/Th)PM比值,显示出弧火山岩的地球化学特征。其中的玄武岩则具有略为平坦的稀土元素分配样式,较低的Th含量及较高的Hf/Th和(Nb/Th)PM比值,此同MORB地球化学特征极为相似;虽然其也显示有轻微的LILE富集、HFSE亏损,但是较高的La/Nb比值则暗示这同地壳或俯冲物质组分的卷入有关,且一系列构造环境判别图解也进一步印证了马拉苏组内的玄武岩应属似MORB基性熔岩。此外,两类岩石的高场强元素比值Zr/Nb、Hf/Ta同全球平均大洋中脊玄武岩的相应比值极为接近,反映了马拉苏组中基性火山岩的物质源区主体均为MORB地幔物质源区。La/Yb-Gd/Yb原始地幔标准化比值的模拟计算进一步显示了马拉苏组玄武安山岩与受改造(俯冲沉积物或地壳物质的混染)的石榴子石或尖晶石-石榴子石地幔橄榄岩物质源区的部分熔融作用有关,而似MORB型玄武岩则源自尖晶石地幔橄榄岩源区的部分熔融。结合区内同期的蛇绿岩、火山岩和碱性花岗岩的地球化学研究,我们可以进一步推断此类兼具有似MORB和弧火山岩地球化学特征的早泥盆世马拉苏火山岩应当是西准噶尔地块北部在早古生代受后期俯冲作用影响下经历弧后扩张形成的火山-岩浆地质记录。  相似文献   

Zircon U–Pb ages, geochemical and Sr–Nd isotopic data are presented for the late Carboniferous Baoligaomiao Formation (BG Fm.) and Delewula Formation (DW Fm.) volcanic rocks, widely distributed in northern Inner Mongolia, in the northern part of the Xing'an–Mongolia Orogenic Belt (XMOB). The BG Fm. rocks mainly consist of basaltic andesites and andesites while the DW Fm. rocks include dacites, trachytes, rhyolites, pyroclastic rocks and minor andesites. New LA-ICPMS zircon U–Pb analyses constrain their eruption to late Carboniferous (317–322 Ma and 300–310 Ma, respectively). The BG Fm. volcanic rocks are characterized by enriched large ion lithophile elements (LILE) and depleted high field strength elements (HFSE), with initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.70854–0.70869 and negative εNd(t) (− 2.1 to − 2.4) values. They have low La/Ba (0.03–0.05), high La/Nb (2.05–3.70) ratios and variable Ba/Th (59.5–211) ratios. Such features suggest that they are derived from melting of heterogeneous sources including a metasomatized mantle wedge and Precambrian crustal material. The DW Fm. volcanic rocks are more depleted in HFSE with significant Nb, Ta, P, Ti anomalies. They have high initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.72037–0.72234) and strong negative εNd(t) (− 11 to − 11.6) values which indicate those igneous rocks were mainly derived from reworking of the Paleoproterozoic crust. The late Carboniferous volcanic rocks have geochemical characteristics similar to those of the continental arc rocks which indicate the northward subduction of the Paleo Asian Ocean may have continued to the late Carboniferous. The volcanic association of this study together with the early Permian post-collisional magmatic rocks suggests that a tectonic transition from subduction-related continental margin arc volcanism to post-collisional magmatism occurred in the northern XMOB between the late Carboniferous and the early Permian.  相似文献   

中国东北地区处于古亚洲洋构造域和古太平洋构造域的结合部位,地质演化历史复杂,岩浆构造活动发育。本文选取吉黑东部延边地区的东宁、福洞两个侏罗纪岩体,对其成因及成矿潜力进行了分析。研究表明,东宁花岗岩(198.6±2.6 Ma)具有较高的SiO2含量和较低的MgO含量,富集LILEs和LREEs,亏损HFSEs和HREEs,此外显示亏损的Hf同位素组成(εHf(198.6 Ma)=+1.0^+6.0),具有较高的锆石饱和温度(796~902℃),推测其为玄武质岩浆底侵新生下地壳发生部分熔融而成。福洞黑云母石英闪长岩(173.6±2.8 Ma)和其内部的暗色包体(173.8±7.4 Ma)形成年龄一致,但具有不同的Hf同位素组成,表明福洞岩体为壳幔两端元岩浆混合成因。东宁和福洞岩体的形成与古太平洋板块在侏罗纪时期向东亚大陆边缘俯冲有关,分别代表了地壳重熔和地壳增生的两种过程。与中亚造山带内大型斑岩型矿床的成矿岩浆相比,延边地区的岩体普遍具有较低的锆石Ce4+/Ce3+比值,指示岩浆偏低的氧逸度可能是导致区内不发育大规模斑岩成矿的制约因素。  相似文献   

华北克拉通胶东地区~2.7Ga TTG岩石的成因及地质意义   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
胶东是华北克拉通保存~2.7Ga岩石的主要地区之一。通过地质调查和锆石SHRIMP测年,我们在胶东5个地方识别出2.7Ga的岩石,这些岩石包括片麻状英云闪长岩、片麻状花岗闪长岩以及片麻状高硅奥长花岗岩。SHRIMP测年结果显示,除样品QX12126外,其他样品中的锆石大多具有清晰的岩浆环带,207Pb/206Pb加权平均年龄为2718~2743Ma,指示这些样品的原岩结晶年龄为~2.7Ga。样品QX12126中锆石大多遭受后期改造,核部获得的最老的207Pb/206Pb年龄(2710±11Ma)应最接近原岩的结晶年龄。根据地球化学结果,胶东~2.7Ga岩石可以分为两组。组1以高的(La/Yb)N、Sr/Y,低的Yb、Y为特征,并表现出无Eu异常或正Eu异常;组2则具有低的(La/Yb)N和Sr/Y,高Yb、Y的特征,并具有负的Eu异常。这些地球化学特征指示组1可能来自以榴辉岩或斜长石很少的石榴角闪岩为残留的源区,而组2源区残留可能为几乎不含石榴石的角闪岩。结合放射性同位素数据,我们认为组1可能起源于加厚的中太古代玄武质下地壳,榴辉岩下地壳发生拆沉作用,上涌的热的软流圈加热浅部残留的地壳物质,形成高HREE(组2)的TTG岩石。胶东与霍邱地区新太古代早期岩石成因、更早期地质记录存在相似性,两者可能为同一古老陆块。出露~2.7Ga岩石的地区在华北分布分散,不同地区~2.7Ga岩石的成因可能存在差异,在探讨华北克拉通新太古代早期构造演化过程时应充分考虑这些因素。  相似文献   

许王  刘福来  刘超辉 《岩石学报》2017,33(9):2743-2757
大规模出露于胶-辽-吉造山带的北辽河变基性岩(NLHmetabasicrocks)是恢复造山带构造演化的关键之一,然而,研究者们对这些变基性岩的成因和构造环境有很大争议,制约了对胶-辽-吉造山带早期构造演化的深入研究。基于详细的野外地质调查,本文对北辽河变基性岩进行了系统的岩石学研究并提供了新的全岩地球化学数据,结合前人的测试结果,我们对这些变基性岩的成因和构造环境进行了相关探讨。变基性岩侵入于北辽河群的大理岩和碎屑岩中,经历了一定程度的蚀变以及绿片岩相-角闪岩相变质。岩石类型包括变质辉长岩、变质辉绿岩、斜长角闪岩以及石榴斜长角闪岩;前两者具有明显的变余辉长或者辉绿结构,可见自形斜长石,少见原生矿物单斜辉石的残留;后两者主要由斜长石和角闪石组成,部分含有石榴子石变斑晶;此外,岩石中出现大量Fe-Ti氧化物(磁铁矿和钛铁矿)。地球化学研究表明,北辽河变基性岩均属于拉斑玄武岩系列(SiO_2=44.55%~54.11%,Nb/Y=0.16~0.31),以低TiO_2(0.69%~1.99%)和低MgO(多数5.47%~7.97%)为特征,轻稀土轻微富集((La/Sm)_N=1.22~2.66;(La/Yb)_N=1.66~4.56),并具有明显的Nb、Ta、P以及轻微的Zr、Ti亏损,岩石经历了橄榄石、单斜辉石和斜长石等矿物的三相结晶分异以及Fe-Ti氧化物(磁铁矿和钛铁矿)的堆晶;它们的微量元素配分型式类似于E-MORB和地壳岩石,并且地球化学组成与MORB相近,而不同于弧玄武岩和板内玄武岩;这些变基性岩的Ce/Pb(3.07~26.58)、(Ta/La)PM(0.47~1.45)以及(Hf/Sm)PM(0.91~1.15)显示出有限的俯冲相关流体的交代作用;此外,大多数不相容元素比值(例如Th/Nb、La/Nb及Th/La等)的变化趋势则表明北辽河变基性岩的岩浆源区不可能是大陆岩石圈地幔,并且在形成过程中经历了明显的地壳物质混染。基于这些野外地质调查和地球化学研究,我们认为北辽河变基性岩应形成于相对成熟的弧后盆地,这样一个形成环境也表明胶-辽-吉造山带在早期存在~2.1Ga的洋壳俯冲过程,该构造带应该是~1.9Ga岛弧与大陆碰撞形成的一条古元古代造山带。  相似文献   

本文首次报道了华北克拉通中、新生代典型火山岩(碱性玄武岩、拉斑玄武岩和高镁安山岩)的高精度Hf同位素数据。结果表明,这些中、新生代火山岩具有完全不同的Hf同位素组成,即具有很宽的εHf(t)(-18.4~9.6)变化范围,并和Nd同住素有很好的正相关性。其中新生代昌乐-临朐地区和晚白垩世碱锅(~105Ma)地区的碱性玄武岩具有高Hf同位素(εHf(t)=6.8~9.6)和高Nd同位素组成(εd(t)=0.4~4.9),表明其来源于亏损的软流圈,代表未分异无混染的原始岩浆组成;早白垩世方城(125Ma)碱性玄武岩和拉斑玄武岩具有极低的Hf同位素(εNd(t)=-15.6~-18.4)和低Nd同住素组成(εNd(t)=-12.8--4.4),代表了富集的大陆岩石圈地幔的Hf同位素组成;乌拉哈达(142Ma)地区的高镁安山岩具有较低的Hf同位素(εHf(t)=-2.1~-2.6)和低的Nd同位素组成,代表古老难熔的岩石圈地幔橄榄岩与俯冲的地壳物质相互作用的结果。玄武岩中较大的Hf同位素组成范围(εHf(t)/εNd(t)〉1)说明Hf同位素比Nd同位素具有更好的源区示踪结果。  相似文献   

The Ezop-Yam-Alin zone was studied with emphasis on the geology, composition, and age of its felsic volcanic and intrusive rocks. All these rocks are moderately enriched in Rb (84–268 ppm), Ba (240–881 ppm), Th (10.5–17.9 ppm), and REE and depleted in Nb (5–12 ppm), Ta (0.5–1.2 ppm), and Zr (92–175 ppm). The age dates obtained by U-Pb (94.8 ± 2.2 Ma) and Rb-Sr (95.2 ± 0.69 Ma) methods for the granites of the Ezop Complex correspond to the Cenomanian.  相似文献   

南兴安岭晚中生代中酸性火山岩的岩石成因   总被引:20,自引:6,他引:20  
南兴安岭地区的晚中生代中酸性火山岩的元素-同位素地球化学分析结果显示,区域上存在同期的两类中酸性火山岩组合。第一类火山岩以满克头鄂博组的安山-英安岩和流纹岩组合为代表,其SiO2为60.0-74.9%,MgO变化在0.36- 2.04%之间,具有LREE略富集的REE配分模式(Ce/YbCN=2.6-3.0)和富集Rb、Ba、K和不同程度的Nb-Ta、Ti-P-Sr亏损的微量元素特征;在Sr-Nd同位素组成上类似于同期的玄武安山岩(87Sr/86Sr(i)=0.70522-0.70709;εNd(t)=-1.5- -0.4),而且在空间上与玄武岩共生,为玄武质岩浆高度分异或同化混染作用(AFC)的产物。第二类以玛尼吐组英安岩为代表,以富Al2O3(15.87-16.36%)、Na2O(4.63-4.79%,K2O/Na2O<0.4)、高Sr(709-832μg/g)、低Y(6.9-10.4μg/g) 和低HREE(如Yb=0.37-0.51μg/g),具有与现代俯冲带adakite岩石相似的特征;在Sr-Nd同位素组成上,它们较同期或近期玄武安山岩更低Sr和高Nd同位素比值(87Sr/86Sr(i)=0.70409-0.70425;εNd(t)= 0.9- 2.1),为造山带下地壳镁铁质岩石的部分熔融产物,其低Y和HREE以及高Sr的特点说明残留源区中有石榴子石存在,而斜长石为主要熔融相进入熔体。在熔融动力学方面,同期的玄武岩浆底侵提供大量的热源导致下地壳镁铁质岩石的部分熔融作用。南兴安岭地区晚中生代不同成因类型中酸性火山岩为造山带伸展背景下岩石圈地幔起源的玄武岩浆底侵作用和深部岩浆房分异的结果。  相似文献   

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