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地理信息服务是地理信息发展的新阶段,当前的研究工作主要侧重在模式研究,而对于地理信息服务与企业和商业的具体应用研究目前还不多见。烟草行业是我国财政税收的重要来源,"数字烟草"是烟草企业的信息化的新的战略阶段。地理信息服务进入数字烟草将给烟草企业和相关商业带来革命性的变化。本文结合数字烟草论述企业地理信息服务的具体应用内容,并给出了相关的框架设计和应用实例。  相似文献   

中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所、资源与环境信息系统国家重点实验室创新基地研究员岳天祥博士主编的《资源环境数学模型手册》,由科学出版社 2 0 0 3年 9月出版。中国科学院院士、欧亚科学院院士陈述彭先生为此书作序 ,并对此书的理论与实用价值给予了高度评价。本书系具有深厚数学造诣的作者经过多年积累 ,是继查询、清理“地理学报”有关地学数学模型试点工作之后 ,对近百年来有关应用于资源环境领域的数学模型进行逐一的精选、查证、汇编而形成的资源环境研究领域的一部重要工具书。  相似文献   

青藏高原是全球独待的地质地理单元,素有“地球第三极”和“世界屋脊”之称。1964年以后,中国科学院先后多次组织对青藏高原及周围地区进行了大规模综合科学考察。这些考察获得了大量丰富资料和重要调查研究成果,填补了该地区的研究空白,取得了许多新的发现和认识,包括高原的形成与演化,自然资源及其评价等等。  相似文献   

The first study of erratic boulder exposure ages in the Grove Mountains,interior Antarctica,indicates the two erratic boulders(060131-1 and 060131-2,collected from a typical nunataks,Zakharoff Ridge in the Grove Mountains) have 10Be minimum exposure ages of 1.24±0.11 Ma,1.37±0.12 Ma,and 26Al ages of 0.90±0.12 Ma,0.44±0.04 Ma,respectively.Meanwhile,another erratic boulder sample 060131-4,coming from vicinal ice surface,has 10Be and 26Al minimum exposure ages of 0.47±0.3 Ma and 0.44±0.04 Ma,respectively.The e...  相似文献   

秦巴山地是中国的南北分界线,也是黄河和长江的分水岭,其山体效应的定量化影响秦巴山地山体垂直带的分布格局、非地带性因素的作用强度和机理,以及中国暖温带和北亚热带的具体位置的确定。山体基面高度是影响山体效应最重要和关键的地形因子,其定量化和数字化提取是秦巴山地山体效应定量化研究的重要内容。本研究针对秦巴山地山体效应的定量化研究,使用30 m分辨率的STRM-1数据,分别基于山体特征线和流域分区2种方法提取了秦巴山地的山体基面高度分区,并根据地形起伏度和坡度,确定基面范围,计算了山体基面高度值。结果表明:① 基于山体特征线的方法将秦巴山地分为93个基面高度分区,基于流域分区的方法将秦巴山地分为209个基面高度分区,根据2种分区结果提取的基面高度值相差不大且均体现了秦巴山地地势的特点;② 秦巴山地山体基面高度从东向西呈阶梯状递增的趋势;③ 从南到北,秦巴山地的东段和中段均呈先增高后降低的趋势,即从大巴山向北至汉江谷地降低,再向北至秦岭升高;④ 山地的不同侧翼的山体基面高度不同,秦岭南坡的基面高度(1000~1809 m)明显高于北坡(850~1300 m)。秦巴山地山体基面高度与其植被带分布上限联系密切,实现山体基面高度的数字化提取,为山体效应的定量化研究提供了重要的技术支持。  相似文献   

A method is described for determining dimethylI sulfide (DMS) in seawater. DMS was first extractedfrom the seawater using organic reagent, then reverse-extracted by 5% HgCl2. In the laboratory DMS wasreleased by concentrated HCI and finally measured by GC-FPD. The limit of detection me O.05 ng ofS. Measurements of DMS along surface transects and on wtital profibe across the EaSt China Sca (Ers)continental sheif showed tha itS conodIations of S in the surface seawater ranged from 64-180 ng/L andthat itS vertical djstribuion was divided into 3 trpes. Model talculations of a stagnant film show a DMSflux of 10.6 umol/m_2d the air-sea inteIha.  相似文献   


Daily meteorological data are the critical inputs for distributed hydrological and ecological models. This study modified mountain microclimate simulation model (MTCLIM) with the data from 19 weather stations, and compared and validated two methods (the MTCLIM and the modified MTCLIM) in the Qilian Mountains of Northwest China to estimate daily temperature (i.e., maximum temperature, minimum temperature) and precipitation at six weather stations from i January 2000 to 31December 2009. The algorithm of temperature in modified MTCLIM was improved by constructing the daily linear regression relationship between temperature and elevation, aspect and location information. There are two steps to modify the MTCLIM to predict daily precipitation: firstly, the linear regression relationship was built between annual average precipitation and elevation, location, and vegetation index; secondly, the distance weight for measuring the contribution of each weather station on target point was improved by average wind direction during the rainy season. Several regression analysis and goodness-of-fit indices (i.e., Pearson's correlation coefficient, coefficient of determination, mean absolute error, root-mean-square error and modelingefficiency) were used to validate these estimated values. The result showed that the modified MTCLIM had a better performance than the MTCLIM. Therefore, the modified MTCLIM was used to map daily meteorological data in the study area from 2000 to 2009. These results were validated using weather stations with short time data and the predicted accuracy was acceptable. The meteorological data mapped could become inputs for distributed hydrological and ecological models applied in the Qilian Mountains.  相似文献   

The distribution of dissolved aluminum in the Yellow and East China Seas   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Water samples containing dissolved aluminum were collected from the Yellow and East China Seas in October-November 2000. The average concentrations of dissolved AI in the Yellow Sea (YS) and East China Sea (ECS) were 0.042 and 0.056 μ molL^-1, respectively. The concentration of dissolved aluminum decreased gradually across the continental shelf. The lower concentrations appeared in the YS cold water center and in the bottom layer at the shelf edge of the ECS, where they were 0.016 and 0.011 μmolL^-1, respectively. The distribution of dissolved Al was controlled by physical mixing processes rather than biological uptake processes. The impact of different water masses along the PN transect was calculated based on the mass balance model. The results show that the impact of the Changjiang River was mainly concentrated on the coastal area and the top thermocline water on the ECS shelf, where the impact percentage decreased from 12.6% to 1.1% in the surface water, while the contribution of the Kuroshio water was dominant on the ECS shelf in this survey, increasing from 77.6% to 97,8% along the PN transect from the Changjiang River Estuary to the Ryukyu Islands. It is concluded that aluminum can serve as a proper tracer for studying the impact of Changjiang terrestrial matter on the ECS shelf water.  相似文献   

东海中南部海域锈斑蟳渔业生物学和数量分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了1998—1999年东海区虾蟹类调查所获的部分锈斑蟳样品与1998~2004年在东海拖虾作业与蟹笼作业等周年逐月渔获物中采集的锈斑蟳样品的生物学特性,结果表明:东海锈斑蟳渔获群体的甲长范围为26~105mm,甲宽范围为36~165 mm,体重范围为5~610 g,雄性个体平均要略大于雌性个体;周年雌蟹略多于雄蟹,性比为1∶0.94,繁殖期为7~12月,繁殖高峰期为8~10月,不同个体怀卵量在113 867~1 594 167粒之间;调查海区10月开始出现幼蟹,5月生长加速,最小抱卵个体的甲长为60 mm,甲宽为85 mm,体重为110 g。另根据1998~1999年调查资料分析得知:锈斑蟳主要分布在长江口渔场以南水深60 m以内海域,中心区分布在闽东渔场,渔期为11月~翌年2月,是舟山、长江口渔场三疣梭子蟹汛期结束后,蟹笼、流刺网作业的又一主捕对象。  相似文献   

This paper studies the relationship between net primary productivity (NPP) and annual average air temperature (GT) at 0cm above ground in permafrost regions by using revised Chikugo NPP model,cubic spline interpolating functions,and non-linear regression methods.The source regions of the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers were selected as the research areas.Results illustrate that:(1) There is significant non-linear relationship between NPP and GT in various typical years;(2) The maximum value of NPP is 6.17,5.87,7....  相似文献   

使用2001年和2003年NCEP/NCAR再分析资料计算夏季亚洲季风区大气热源(汇),再用BUTTER-WORTH带通滤波器对原始热源(汇)场进行带通滤波,得到2001与2003年夏季30-60天的大气热源(汇)的低频分量,然后分析两年夏季东亚各区域大气热源(汇)及其低频变化特征、传播特征和传播差异,得出以下结论:(1)2001年呈连续带状分布;2003年热源中心分布零散且位置显著东移,热源(汇)强度比2001年减弱;(2)2001年和2003年低频分量的平均分布有明显差异,且旱年低频分量强度远大于涝年;(3)2001年低频振荡向北传播范围仅到20°N-30°N的华南至江南地区,而2003年低频振荡多数可达30°N以北的江淮流域;(4)2001年低频分量纬向传播均为自西向东,而2003年在6-8月期间自东向西传播,5月和9月则主要由西向东传播。因此,江淮流域典型旱涝年分2001年和2003年在低频分量的配置和低频波的传播上存在明显差异,这可能正是导致这两年气候巨大差异的原因之一。  相似文献   

Based on the observed surface suspended matter in the East China Sea in February 2007 and June 2015, an empirical model was established using L1 b's band 4 data to retrieve surface suspended matter from the Moderate Resolution Imagine Spectroradiometer Terra imagery. The squared correlation coefficient is 0.8358, and the root mean square error is 0.4285 mg L-1. The model reflects the distribution characteristics of surface suspended matter in the inner shelf of the East China Sea. In this paper, the satellite images of the study area were retrieved in January from 2001 to 2015, and the monthly distribution of surface suspended matter were obtained. The inter-annual distribution of the study area is similar, and the concentration of surface suspended matter is higher near the shore than offshore. A large amount of surface suspended matter is transported southeast under the influence of Zhejiang and Fujian coastal current and Taiwan warm current. Only a small amount of surface suspension can reach the Kuroshio area. The surface suspended matter concentration changes obviously near the estuary because of the effect of differences in the flux of the Yangtze River. Meanwhile, winter monsoon, temperature front, El Ni?o events, and other factors affect the distribution of surface suspended matter in 100 m isobath to coastal water but minimally influence the distribution in 100 m isobath to deep sea.  相似文献   

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