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During the 1st Lagrangian experiment of the North Atlantic Regional Aerosol Characterisation Experiment (ACE‐2), a parcel of air was tagged by releasing a smart, constant level balloon into it from the Research Vessel Vodyanitskiy . The Meteorological Research Flight's C‐130 aircraft then followed this parcel over a period of 30 h characterising the marine boundary layer (MBL), the cloud and the physical and chemical aerosol evolution. The air mass had originated over the northern North Atlantic and thus was clean and had low aerosol concentrations. At the beginning of the experiment the MBL was over 1500 m deep and made up of a surface mixed layer (SML) underlying a layer containing cloud beneath a subsidence inversion. Subsidence in the free troposphere caused the depth of the MBL to almost halve during the experiment and, after 26 h, the MBL became well mixed throughout its whole depth. Salt particle mass in the MBL increased as the surface wind speed increased from 8 m s−1 to 16 m s−1 and the accumulation mode (0.1μm to 3.0 μm) aerosol concentrations quadrupled from 50 cm−3 to 200 cm−3. However, at the same time the total condensation nuclei (>3 nm) decreased from over 1000 cm−3 to 750 cm−3. The changes in the accumulation mode aerosol concentrations had a significant effect on the observed cloud microphysics. Observational evidence suggests that the important processes in controlling the Aitken mode concentration which, dominated the total CN concentration, included, scavenging of interstitial aerosol by cloud droplets, enhanced coagulation of Aitken mode aerosol and accumulation mode aerosol due to the increased sea salt aerosol surface area, and dilution of the MBL by free tropospheric air.  相似文献   

An aerosol dynamics model, AEROFOR2, is developed in the context of the BIOFOR project focussing on boreal forest aerosol. It is the second version of a Lagrangian type box model AEROFOR for investigating the formation and growth of particles under clear sky atmospheric conditions. Particles can consist of soluble and insoluble material and the particle population can be externally or internally mixed. AEROFOR2 includes gas phase chemistry and aerosol dynamics, and calculates the number and composition distributions of particles as functions of time. Observed growth rates of the nucleation mode particles after a typical nucleation event are 2–3 nm/h. The model simulations predict that 3·107 molecules cm−3 of insoluble organic vapour and less than 6·106 molecules cm−3 of soluble vapour condensing onto particles are enough to make them grow in good agreement with the observed growth rates. Then the source rate of the organic vapour must be an order of 105 molecules cm−3 s−1, and its saturation vapour density should be below 106 molecules cm−3. If the aerosol was initially an internal mixture of soluble (70%) and insoluble (30%) constituents it transformed to an externally mixed aerosol during the simulation. By applying the externally‐mixed aerosol based on measured soluble volume fractions, it was concluded that the modelled soluble fraction of the nucleation mode was too low in comparison with the measurements, and thus, a part of the condensable organic vapour must be water soluble.  相似文献   

Fluxes of aerosol particles with sizes larger than 10 nm together with fluxes of momentum, sensible and latent heat and CO2 were measured 10 m above a Scots pine forest with the eddy covariance method. During days when nucleation events were observed particle size distribution measurements showed particle growth from 3 nm sizes to the Aitken mode. Analysis of the experimental data showed systematic differences in fluxes during the days when new particle production was observed compared to other days. During the nucleation events the particle flux measurements showed downward aerosol particle transport, i.e., indicating an elevated source, with respect to the measurement level, of particles larger than 10 nm. Furthermore the turbulence intensity and the heat fluxes were observed to be significantly higher. Evidences of mesoscale circulation were observed in wind speed records as well as in turbulent fluxes on nucleation days. The measurement results show that micrometeorology, the synoptic scale conditions and the particle formation are closely related.  相似文献   

Concurrent observations of particle number densities and size distributions observed at two different heights (near ocean level and 475 m above sea level) in Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard were studied with respect to the diurnal variation during a summer period in June 2004. The results show that observed variation in particle number density in the Arctic boundary layer may be strongly modulated by vertical mixing and dilution. The particles appeared to be formed in the early morning when solar intensity reached about 30% of the mid-day intensity. Based on differences in the observed number densities at the two heights it appears as if particles are formed in the lower part of the boundary layer. The formation rate of 10 nm diameter particles is estimated to be 0.11 cm−3 s−1 and the growth rate is in a range between 1 and 2 nm h−1.  相似文献   

Microphysical measurements performed during 8 flights of the CLOUDYCOLUMN component of ACE‐2, with the Meteo‐France Merlin‐IV, are analyzed in terms of droplet number concentration and size. The droplet concentration is dependent upon the aerosol properties within the boundary layer. Its mean value over a flight varies from 55 cm−3, for the cleanest conditions, to 244 cm−3, for the most polluted one. For each flight, the variability of the concentration, in selected cloud regions that are not affected by mixing with dry air or drizzle scavenging, ranges from 0.5 to 1.5 of the mean value. The mean volume diameter increases with altitude above cloud base according to the adiabatic cloud model. The frequency distribution of mean droplet volume normalized by the adiabatic value, for the selected regions, shows the same dispersion as the distribution of normalized concentration. The values of droplet concentration versus mean volume diameter are then examined in sub‐adiabatic samples to characterize the effects of mixing and drizzle scavenging. Finally, the ratio of mean volume diameter to effective diameter is analyzed and a simple relationship between these 2 crucial parameters is proposed.  相似文献   

Latitudinal distribution of radon-222 flux from continents   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Global atmospheric transport models are frequently tested by using 222Rn as a tracer. Generally this tracer is assumed to be emitted at a uniform rate (1 atom cm−2 s−1) from all ice-free land surfaces. The analysis of published data suggests a strong decrease from 30°N northwards to 0.2 atom cm−2 s−1 at 70°N. This could be a result of increasing water tables and proportions of organic soils as indicated by larger proportions of wetlands in northern latitudes.  相似文献   

An atmospheric transport model, NIRE-CTM-96, was evaluated by using measured radon-222 concentrations. The model has 2.5×2.5 degree horizontal resolution and 15 vertical levels. Assimilated global meteorological data for 1990–1996 from the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts were used to drive the model. We used an emanation rate of radon-222 of 1 atom cm−2 s−1 over mostly ice-free land. Simulated concentrations were compared with measured concentrations for 22 sites worldwide including 10 stations in China. Simulated annual mean concentrations for Freiburg, Germany, and Socorro, New Mexico, and for four stations in northern China were consistent with the measured concentrations. Simulated daily concentrations for Ogasawara-Hahajima, Japan, correlated well with the measured concentrations. Simulated upper tropospheric concentrations for Moffet Field, California, demonstrated the cross-Pacific transport from central Eurasia and India-Indochina area. Simulated concentrations for two stations in southern China were almost half of the measured concentrations. Mixing layer depth in the model was consistent with other estimates which indicates higher emanation rate there. Simulated concentrations for the South Indian Ocean and the Antarctic during summer were significantly lower than the measured concentrations; this difference was accounted for when emanation from the ocean at a rate of 0.01 atom cm−2 s−1 was included in the model. The model failed to simulate amplitudes of high-concentration events at Mauna Loa. These high-concentration events were possibly a result of filament-like horizontal structure or laminated vertical structure. The vertical as well as horizontal resolution of the model were supposed to be insufficient to reproduce these fine structures.  相似文献   

The microstructure of orographic clouds related to the aerosol present was studied during the second Aerosol Characterisation Experiment (ACE‐2). Very high cloud droplet number concentrations (almost 3000 cm−3) were observed. These high concentrations occurred when clouds formed on a hill slope at Tenerife in polluted air masses originating in Europe that had transported the order of 1000 km over the Atlantic Ocean. The validity of the measured droplet number concentrations was investigated by comparing with measurements of the aerosol upstream of the cloud and cloud interstitial aerosol. Guided by distributions of the ratios between the measurements, three criteria of typically 30% in maximum deviation were applied to the measurements to test their validity. Agreement was found for 88% of the cases. The validated data set spans droplet number concentrations of 150–3000 cm−3. The updraught velocity during the cloud formation was estimated to 2.2 m s−1 by model calculations, which is typical of cumuliform clouds. The results of the present study are discussed in relation to cloud droplet number concentrations previously reported in the literature. The importance of promoting the mechanistic understanding of the aerosol/cloud interaction and the use of validation procedures of cloud microphysical parameters is stressed in relation to the assessment of the indirect climatic effect of aerosols.  相似文献   

Long-term measurements of fine particle number-size distributions were carried out over 9.5 yr (May 1997–December 2006), in the urban background atmosphere of Helsinki. The total number of days was 3528 with about 91.9% valid data. A new particle formation event (NPF) is defined if a distinct nucleation mode of aerosol particles is observed below 25 nm for several hours, and it shows a growth pattern. We observed 185 NPF events, 111 d were clear non-events and most of the days (around 83.5%) were undefined. The observed events were regional because they were observed at Hyytiälä (250 km north of Helsinki). The events occurred most frequently during spring and autumn. The observed formation rate was maximum during the spring and summer (monthly median 2.87 cm−3 s−1) and the modal growth rate was maximum during late summer and Autumn (monthly median 6.55 nm h−1). The events were observed around noon, and the growth pattern often continued on the following day. The observation of weak NPF events was hindered due to pre-existing particles from both local sources. It is clear that regional NPF events have a clear influence on the dynamic behaviour of aerosol particles in the urban atmosphere.  相似文献   

A set of 152 vertical profiles of aerosol number concentration and size distribution with diameter ranging from 0.12 to 3.0 μm observed by the airborne optical spectrometer probe in Beijing, China, between February 2005 and September 2006 is analysed and discussed. The statistic of aerosol number concentration ( N a) reveals a high aerosol number density in this region with average surface level number concentration ( N 0) of about 6600 cm−3 (0.12–3.0 μm). The average vertical profile of N a approximately satisfies an exponential decline function with a scale height of 1419 m. The N a profiles are influenced by the structures of planetary boundary layer (PBL) significantly and two typical types of N a profile under different conditions of PBL are presented and parametrized in this study. The observations of aerosol size distribution show that, in most cases the aerosol size distributions are not very sensitive to altitude, with effective radii ranging from 0.16 to 0.28 μm. Comparison between aircraft-derived aerosol optical depth (AOD) and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer-derived AOD shows good agreement. The Mie model calculations suggest that the surface level number concentration, the PBL height and the structure of PBL can influence the AOD significantly.  相似文献   

Aerosol properties of mineral particles in the far field of an African desert dust outbreak were investigated that brought Saharan dust over the Mediterranean in different layers to Portugal. The measurements were performed inside the project Desert Aerosols over Portugal (DARPO) which was linked to the Saharan Mineral Dust Experiment (SAMUM). The maximum particle mass concentration was about 150 μg m−3 and the corresponding scattering coefficient was 130 M m−1 which results in a mass scattering efficiency of 0.87 m2 g−1. The aerosol optical depth reached values up to 0.53 and the lidar ratio was between 45 and 50 in the whole dust loaded column. A comparison between particle size distributions and refractive indices derived from different instruments and models showed a general good agreement but some minor differences could also be observed. Measurements as well as calculations with a particle transport model suggest that there is a relatively higher concentration of very large particles in the upper region of the dust layer than on the surface which is likely connected with meteorological conditions at the observational site (Évora, Portugal).  相似文献   

Ambient CO2 concentration, air temperature and relative humidity were measured intermittently for a 3-year period from the floor to the canopy top of a tropical rainforest in Pasoh, Peninsular Malaysia. Mean diurnal CO2 storage flux ( S c; μmol m−2 s−1) and sensible and latent heat storage fluxes ( Q a and Q w; W m−2) ranged from −12.7 to 3.2 μmol m−2 s−1, −15 to 27 W m−2 and −10 to 20 W m−2, respectively. Small differences in diurnal changes were observed in S c and Q a between the driest and wettest periods. Compared with the ranges of mean diurnal CO2 eddy flux (−14.7 to 4.9 μmol m−2 s−1), sensible eddy flux (−12 to 169 W m−2) and latent eddy flux (0 to 250 W m−2), the contribution of CO2 storage flux was especially large. Comparison with summertime data from a temperate Japanese cypress forest suggested a higher contribution of S c in the tropical rainforest, probably mainly due to the difference in nighttime friction velocity at the sites. On the other hand, differences in Q a and Q w were smaller than the difference in S c, probably because of the smaller nighttime sinks/sources of heat and water vapour.  相似文献   

In situ measurements of optical and physical properties of mineral dust were performed at the outskirts of the Saharan Desert in the framework of the Saharan Mineral Dust Experiment part 1 (SAMUM-1). Goals of the field study were to achieve information on the extent and composition of the dust particle size distribution and the optical properties of dust at the ground. For the particle number size distribution, measured with a DMPS/APS, a size dependent dynamic shape factor was considered. The mean refractive index of the particles in this field study is  1.53–4.1 × 10−3 i   at 537 nm wavelength and  1.53–3.1 × 10−3 i   at 637 nm wavelength derived from measurements of scattering and absorption coefficients, as well as the particle size distribution. Whereas the real part of the refractive index is rather constant, the imaginary part varies depending on the mineral dust concentrations. For high dust concentration the single scattering albedo is primarily influenced by iron oxide and is  0.96 ± 0.02  and  0.98 ± 0.01  at 537 nm and 637 nm wavelength, respectively. During low dust concentration the single scattering albedo is more influenced by a soot-type absorber and is  0.89 ± 0.02  and  0.93 ± 0.01  for the same wavelengths.  相似文献   

Diurnal and annual variations of CO2, O3, SO2, black carbon and condensation nuclei and their source areas were studied by utilizing air parcel trajectories and tropospheric concentration measurements at a boreal GAW site in Pallas, Finland. The average growth trend of CO2 was about 2.5 ppm yr−1 according to a 4-yr measurement period starting in October 1996. The annual cycle of CO2 showed concentration difference of about 19 ppm between the summer minimum and winter maximum. The diurnal cycle was most pronounced during July and August. The variation between daily minimum and maximum was about 5 ppm. There was a diurnal cycle in aerosol concentrations during spring and summer. Diurnal variation in ozone concentrations was weak. According to trajectory analysis the site was equally affected by continental and marine air masses. During summer the contribution of continental air increased, although the southernmost influences decreased. During daytime in summer the source areas of CO2 were mainly located in the northern parts of the Central Europe, while during winter the sources were more evenly distributed. Ozone showed similar source areas during summer, while during winter, unlike CO2, high concentrations were observed in air arriving from the sea. Sulfur dioxide sources were more northern (Kola peninsula and further east) and CO2 sources west-weighted in comparison to sources of black carbon. Source areas of black carbon were similar to source areas of aerosols during winter. Aerosol source area distributions showed signs of marine sources during spring and summer.  相似文献   

During the SAMUM-1 experiment, absorption coefficients and imaginary parts of refractive indices of mineral dust particles were investigated in southern Morocco. Main absorbing constituents of airborne samples were identified to be iron oxide and soot. Spectral absorption coefficients were measured using a spectral optical absorption photometer (SOAP) in the wavelength range from 300 to 800 nm with a resolution of 50 nm. A new method that accounts for a loading-dependent correction of fibre filter based absorption photometers, was developed. The imaginary part of the refractive index was determined using Mie calculations from 350 to 800 nm. The spectral absorption coefficient allowed a separation between dust and soot absorption. A correlation analysis showed that the dust absorption coefficient is correlated ( R 2 up to 0.55) with the particle number concentration for particle diameters larger than 0.5 μm, whereas the coefficient of determination R 2 for smaller particles is below 0.1. Refractive indices were derived for both the total aerosol and a dust aerosol that was corrected for soot absorption. Average imaginary parts of refractive indices of the entire aerosol are 7.4 × 10−3, 3.4 × 10−3 and 2.0 × 10−3 at wavelengths of 450, 550 and 650 nm. After a correction for the soot absorption, imaginary parts of refractive indices are 5.1 × 10−3, 1.6 × 10−3 and 4.5 × 10−4.  相似文献   

The second Aerosol Characterisation Experiment (ACE‐2) was aimed at investigating the physical, chemical and radiative properties of aerosol and their evolution in the North Atlantic region. In the 2nd "Lagrangian" experiment, an air mass was tracked over a 30‐h period during conditions of extensive stratocumulus cover. Boundary‐layer measurements of the aerosol size distribution obtained with a passive cavity aerosol spectrometer probe (PCASP) during the experiment show a gradual growth in size of particles in the 0.1–0.2 μm diameter mode. Simultaneously, SO2 concentrations were found to decrease sharply from 800 to 20 ppt. The fraction of sulphate in aerosol ionic mass increased from 0.68±0.07 to 0.82±0.09 for small particles (diameter below 1.7 μm) and from 0.21±0.04 to 0.34±0.03 for large particles (diameter above 1.7 μm). The measurements were compared with a multicyclic parcel model of gas phase diffusion into cloud droplets and aqueous phase chemical reactions. The model was able to broadly reproduce the observed transformation in the aerosol spectra and the timescale for the transformation of SO2 to sulphate aerosol. The modelled SO2 concentration in the boundary layer fell to below half its initial value over a 6.5‐h time period due to a combination of the entrainment of cleaner tropospheric air and cloud chemical reactions. NH3 and HCl gas were also found to play an important rôle in cloud processing in the model.  相似文献   

Concentrations of organic carbon (OC), elemental carbon (EC), selected trace elements and water-soluble (WS) ions were determined for samples collected from August 2004 to February 2005 to assess the aerosol background at two remote sites in China. The OC and EC concentrations in PM10 from near the Tibetan Plateau at Zhuzhang (ZUZ) were comparable with other background sites, averaging 3.1 and 0.34 μg m−3, respectively, with no pronounced seasonality. At Akdala (AKD) on northern margin of the Zhungaer Basin, the average concentrations were similar (mean OC = 2.9 μg m−3 and EC = 0.35 μg m−3), but the concentrations were higher in winter. The aerosol mass at both sites was dominated by OC and SO42−, but a stronger contribution from soil dust was observed at AKD. At ZUZ, NO3 showed a unique weather-related fluctuation in PM10 with a periodicity of ∼1 week. Anthropogenic sources in the Sichuan Basin and southeastern Yunnan Province evidently influence ZUZ in summer and autumn while pollutants from Russia and the China–Mongolia border affect AKD nearly all year. The identification of these upwind sources demonstrates that transboundary transport needs to be taken into account when assessing air quality in remote parts of China.  相似文献   

Oceanic excess radiocarbon data is widely used as a constraint for air–sea gas exchange. However, recent estimates of the global mean piston velocity  〈 k 〉  from Naegler et al., Krakauer et al., Sweeney et al. and Müller et al. differ substantially despite the fact that they all are based on excess radiocarbon data from the GLODAP data base. Here I show that these estimates of  〈 k 〉  can be reconciled if first, the changing oceanic radiocarbon inventory due to net uptake of CO2 is taken into account; second, if realistic reconstructions of sea surface  Δ14C  are used and third, if  〈 k 〉  is consistently reported with or without normalization to a Schmidt number of 660. These corrections applied, unnormalized estimates of  〈 k 〉  from these studies range between 15.1 and 18.2 cm h−1. However, none of these estimates can be regarded as the only correct value for  〈 k 〉  . I thus propose to use the 'average' of the corrected values of  〈 k 〉  presented here (16.5 ± 3.2 cm h−1) as the best available estimate of the global mean unnormalized piston velocity  〈 k 〉  , resulting in a gross ocean-to-atmosphere CO2 flux of 76 ± 15 PgC yr−1 for the mid-1990s.  相似文献   

During late austral summer and winter 1998, black carbon (BC) aerosols were monitored with an Aethalometer at 2 sites of La Réunion Island (Indian Ocean): Saint‐Denis, the main city and Sainte‐Rose, a quite uninhabited region situated at the east coast. BC concentration data at Saint‐Denis show a marked diurnal cycle, which may be primarily attributed to traffic. The background data found at night‐time display average BC concentrations, ranging from about 80 to 250 ng/m3 whereas during the day, BC concentrations increase by a factor of at least 4. In comparison, BC concentrations vary in the range of 10 to 60 ng/m3 at Sainte‐Rose. Ozone concentration was also measured at Saint‐Denis using a Dasibi photometer and found to be at significant levels (means: 16.5–23 ppbv in April and 28.5–34 ppbv in September). A noticeable increase of ozone concentrations during the day points out the build‐up of pollutants enhancing photochemical transformations. However, during traffic pollution peaks, ozone concentration displays systematic depletion. The comparison of ozone and BC measurements at both seasons points to some possible effects of heterogeneous interaction of ozone and its precursors with BC particles. These interactions were also simulated with a 0D time‐dependent chemistry model using conditions of a polluted site. The measured ozone concentration characteristics (mean concentration and range of variation) are well simulated in the presence of BC. Our model results show that at La Réunion Island adsorption of ozone and its precursors onto BC aerosol particles could be one of the important steps determining ozone concentration characteristics, especially in absence of photochemistry during night‐time.  相似文献   

利用2018年10月1日至2019年9月30日沈阳地区三个高度大气颗粒物浓度和气象要素逐时观测资料,分析了不同高度颗粒物浓度时间变化特征及其与气象要素的关系.结果表明:不同高度的颗粒物浓度均存在明显的季节变化,秋冬季数值明显高于春夏季.冬季,三个高度的PM2.5平均浓度为54.98±12.67μg·m-3、63.77±...  相似文献   

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