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大米草多糖的提取及其单糖组成的GC-MS分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了海洋滩涂生物大米草(Spartina anglica)中的多糖成分和单糖组成,为这种生物资源的开发提供科学依据。利用水提醇沉、Sevag法脱蛋白得到纯大米草多糖,经三氟乙酸降解、糖腈乙酸酯衍生,最后用气相色谱-质谱联用法(GC-MS)分析大米草多糖中的单糖组成。结果表明大米草单糖组成为鼠李糖、核糖、阿拉伯糖、木糖、甘露糖、葡萄糖、半乳糖,其质量分数分别是:4.13%,3.02%,11.94%,8.89%,6.82%,27.18%,38.00%。大米草多糖是一种可利用的食品资源,其主要成分半乳糖、葡萄糖都是营养价值很高的单糖,大米草多糖可深入研究开发其生物活性用作保健食品。  相似文献   

The cordgrass Spartina anglica is an introduced species that tends to invade sheltered sand and mudflats, at the upper low marsh level. In Arcachon Bay, a lagoon in South West of France, the cordgrass can also replace Zostera noltii beds. The consequence of cordgrass presence on macrobenthic fauna was estimated and compared to adjacent habitats (bare sands, Z. noltii sea grass beds) during one year. The communities of the three habitats were characterised by low species richness, low abundance and biomass (when Hydrobia ulvae, 90% of abundance, is not considered) and high seasonal stability. The infaunal assemblages were particularly homogeneous between habitats without any characteristic species.Cordgrass eradication experiments were performed and zoobenthic recolonisation was observed the following year. Modifications in benthic fauna were observed on epifauna only.These results highlight the limited structuring effect of habitat heterogeneity at high tidal levels and in soft-bottom sediments where desiccation becomes the dominant factor determining infauna community structure.  相似文献   

As in many other areas, the perennial cord grass Spartina anglica C.E. Hubbard has been extremely successful at colonising the English and Irish south coasts, but it is dying back for reasons that are not completely understood. The present study considers the relationship between die-back and metal concentrations in estuarine sediment. No obvious impact of the metal contamination on the S. anglica growth/die-back could be detected in the study zone, Poole Harbour, although the die-back did seem to have substantially influenced the metal concentrations in the sediments of the estuary. Based on core profiles, the remaining patches of S. anglica still retain elevated concentrations and the overall cadmium concentrations in the sediments have risen since 1925. However, considerable quantities of the cadmium stored in the sediment by S. anglica appear to have been washed out rapidly in the die-back zones. Should serious erosion of the saltmarsh occur, triggered for example by sea-level rise, then sudden and high levels of cadmium release may cause harmful effects to marine biota.  相似文献   

In the Southampton Water estuary (southern England, U.K.), red-tides caused by the planktonic, phototrophic ciliateMesodinium rubrum(=Myrionecta rubra) occur during most summers and sometimes in autumn. These events were investigated in detail between 1985 and 1987 and were characterized by levels of chlorophylla(chl a) of over 100 μg l−1, cell numbers ofM. rubrumof over 1×103 ml−1, oxygen saturations of around 150%, and depleted numbers of macrozooplankton. Initiation of red-water did not appear to be triggered by irradiance or nutrients, but coincided with an increase in temperature and water column stability. This enhanced stability was promoted by increased surface to bottom gradients of both temperature and salinity, and by reduced mixing during neap tides. Development of red-water was accompanied by removal of most of the dissolved NH+4from the water column, whereas some NO3persisted, presumably maintained by freshwater input. NO3and NH+4gradually returned to pre-bloom concentrations as the red-water declined in late summer. Maximal biomass ofM. rubrumappeared to be limited by irradiance, and self-shading probably imposed an upper limit of around 300 mg chl a m−2within the water column. At the observed levels of chl a, irradiance values within the population maximum between 1 and 3 m depth were only just of the order (≈15 μmol photons m−2 s−1) required to balance estimated respiratory demands. Oxygen concentration became undersaturated during the late bloom phase, with minimal values of 20–30% saturation recorded in deeper waters; however, despite this and reduced numbers of macrozooplankton, direct deleterious effects on other organisms were not observed.  相似文献   

Soil core samples fromRhizophora mangleL. andAvicennia schauerianaStapf & Leech forests from south-eastern Brazil were analysed for their total organic matter content and their sugars, amino acid and amino sugars composition. Organic carbon and nitrogen contents were higher inAvicenniathan inRhizophorasoils. The contribution of sugars and amino acids to the total organic carbon pool was constant with depth inRhizophorasoils whereas inAvicenniasoils it increased. Spectral distribution of sugars and amino acids showed a dominance of Ca-affine monomers, particularly acidic amino acids, and the sugar arabinose. Biogeochemical indicators derived from ratios of individual sugar and amino acid monomers confirm previous studies which showed that organic matter in both soils is mainly of mangrove origin. The results further suggest accumulation of organic matter inRhizophorasoils and a continuing degradation of organic matter inAvicenniasoils. The latter may thus release more nutrients to adjacent ecosystems thanRhizophorasoils.  相似文献   

龙须菜(Gracilariopsis lemaneiformis)是具有重要经济价值和生态效益的大型红藻, 主要用作琼胶提取原料和鲍的饵料。本研究利用生理生化、液相色谱-质谱联用和氨基酸分析等方法, 比较了龙须菜(Gp. lemaneiformis) (wt、981、Gl-1、Gl-s、Gl-g)、异枝龙须菜(Gp. heterocla, Gh)和细基江蓠繁枝变种(Gracilaria tenuistipitata var. liu, Gt)的生长及藻胆蛋白、琼胶、红藻糖苷和氨基酸等的差异, 以期为龙须菜/江蓠栽培中的种质区分及选择提供参考。结果表明Gt在23 ℃和30 ℃条件下生长均最快, 其相对生长速率分别为野生型龙须菜(wt)的2.19倍和2.49倍。龙须菜Gl-s中藻胆蛋白浓度最高, 为wt的1.91倍。除了Gt之外, 其余6种藻中琼胶产率较高(16.22%~18.91%)。Gt中红藻糖苷和海藻糖积累最多, 分别为wt的3.50倍和1.81倍。Gl-g、Gl-s、Gt和Gh多糖丰富, 在36.89%~40.23%; 龙须菜981、Gl-1、wt和Gl-s总氨基酸浓度较高, 在152.35~161.32 mg·g–1干质量之间, 并且981、Gl-1、Gl-s氨基酸评分较优。综合以上结果, 龙须菜981、Gl-1和Gl-s的藻胆蛋白、琼胶和氨基酸等均显著优于其他藻, 并且生长较快, 可用于琼胶、藻胆蛋白及多糖的提取或鲍的饵料; 而细基江蓠繁枝变种生长快、红藻糖苷和海藻糖丰富, 可大规模栽培用作鲍的饵料。该研究为丰富及开发利用中国大型海藻种质资源提供了重要的资料。  相似文献   

Massive green tides caused by Ulva prolifera in the Yellow Sea have occurred every summer since 2007 and have caused huge economic losses for local governments. The Subei(North Jiangsu Province, China) Shoal, with its large-scale Porphyra aquaculture, has been regarded as the most important source of U. prolifera for green tides.To reveal the physical mechanisms of floating and drifting algae in this area, the characteristics of the current, the temperature, the salinity and suspended particulate matter(SPM) in the southwestern Yellow Sea, especially in the Subei Shoal, were studied. The topography of the radial sand ridges in the Subei Shoal constrains the features of the currents and causes net longitudinal and latitudinal movements. The longitudinal net movement is a dominant dynamic factor that can bring U. prolifera into offshore waters. The amount of gas that is produced by algae during photosynthesis determines whether U. prolifera can float well on the sea surface after it is disposed into the water from Porphyra aquacultural apparatus. The Subei Shoal is characterized by a high turbidity, which can result in significant light attenuation and affect the photosynthesis together with the buoyancy of a U.prolifera in the water. According to satellite remote sensing data from 2012, the three-month-averaged surface SPM(April, May and June) in the Subei Shoal was 140 mg/dm3, and the north of the Subei Shoal(the north of34.5°N), it was 11 mg/dm3. According to the monthly averaged surface SPM in April, the transparency in the Subei Shoal was only 0.1 m, but it often exceeded 2.0 m outside of the Subei Shoal. The results explain why the floating ability of U. prolifera increases significantly once the green algae drifted outside the Subei Shoal.  相似文献   

外来植物入侵问题是当下生态安全和生物多样性的研究热点.研究其入侵机制对制定相应的防控措施具有重要意义.选用外来入侵种互花米草(Spartina alterniflora)的根、茎、叶3种构件,分别提取其水浸液为处理液(0.325 g/cm3),通过设置室内模拟实验,揭示其对闽江河口土著种短叶茳芏(Cyperus malaccensis)植株生长的影响.结果表明:互花米草的根、茎及叶浸提液对短叶茳芏的不同生长指标具有不同程度的化感作用.互花米草浸提液处理3个月后,根、茎及叶浸提液对短叶茳芏的分蘖数、叶面积均具有一定的抑制作用,但仅叶浸提液对分蘖数和叶面积的抑制作用分别达到显著水平和极显著水平,根及茎浸提液的抑制作用均不显著;茎浸提液对短叶茳芏的株高具有一定的促进作用,根及叶浸提液对短叶茳芏的株高具有一定的抑制作用,但三者的作用强度均未达到显著水平;根浸提液对短叶茳芏的根系活力具有轻微的促进作用,茎及叶浸提液对短叶茳芏的根系活力具有显著抑制作用;根、茎及叶浸提液对短叶茳芏的综合化感效应均表现为抑制作用,根与茎浸提液的综合化感效应相当,均小于叶浸提液的综合化感效应.  相似文献   

互花米草(Spartina alterniflora)具有较强的固碳作用,了解互花米草群落的甲烷通量可为评估互花米草的净碳汇功能提供重要参数。本文分析了我国滨海湿地互花米草群落CH4通量的总体特点和机制,结果表明:①不同地区互花米草群落CH4通量无明显规律且差异较大。不同生长环境下的环境因子对CH4排放有综合调控作用,其中很大部分是通过影响土壤中与CH4产生有关的微生物影响CH4通量。②互花米草群落CH4通量夏季最高、冬春较低;日通量则处于不规则的波动中,但总体白天通量高于夜晚。CH4通量季节差异与温度、生物量和光照呈正相关,温度影响参与CH4生成的微生物的活性,生物量为CH4产生提供有机质原料,光照则通过光合作用影响有机质的合成;日通量差异除与温度和光照有关外,最主要还受到潮汐变化的影响。③无潮水覆盖时CH4通量远大于有潮水覆盖时。有潮水覆盖时互花米草下部作为CH4排向大气的重要通道受阻,同时CH4被储存于土壤或排放到潮水中,落潮后才进入大气,因此CH4通量更低。④刈割会降低CH4通量。互花米草植株为CH4的产生提供了重要原料,同时利用通气组织将CH4排放到大气,刈割切断了CH4传输途径并减少了地上生物量,因此降低了CH4通量。  相似文献   

Estuaries are characterised by highly variable environmental conditions largely driven by tidal and atmospheric forces. This study investigates variation in the physical environment and the composition of the seston on various temporal scales in the Quempillén estuary, southern Chile. The water column was sampled throughout the tidal cycle at various times of the year. Total particulate matter, particulate inorganic matter, particulate organic matter, particle numbers, total particle volume, proximate biochemical composition and energy content of the seston, chlorophyll a and chloropigments were routinely measured. In each of the months in which sampling took place, two or three tidal cycles were examined. The information not only helps to explain the dynamics of the estuary, but is essential for an understanding of the physiology and ecology of the suspension-feeders which exploit the seston as a food source, the most dominant being the gastropod Crepipatella dilatata. Temperature and salinity were generally highest during summer, but seston quality, defined by energy content and biochemical composition (lipid, protein and carbohydrate) was higher at the end of winter and during spring. Chlorophyll a values were greatest in late spring (November). Many of the variables studied changed frequently according to the phase of the tidal cycle, and in several cases significant differences were observed among tidal cycles from the same month of the same year. In general the variables measured did not exhibit consistent patterns linked to the tidal cycle, possibly because any such patterns were masked by atmospheric conditions (wind and rain) that dominate the region and greatly influence the estuary. The quantity and quality of the seston available to suspension-feeders is largely determined by these atmospheric forces, which cause an influx of terrigenous material from adjacent areas and also resuspend bottom sediment. These effects are magnified by the shallowness of the estuary (<2 m depth). The food supply for C. dilatata and other suspension-feeders therefore varies on temporal scales varying from hourly (tidal cycle) to daily/weekly (atmospheric forces) to monthly (seasonal influences), but inhibition of feeding by low salinity sometimes limits the ability of C. dilatata to exploit fully the available organic matter.  相似文献   

互花米草在20世纪70年代后期作为海岸带生态防护工程物种引入我国,由于其超强的繁殖能力,目前已经对我国的滨海湿地生态环境健康与安全造成了严重的威胁,成为生长在中国沿海的一种典型生态入侵植物,引起了相关部门的高度重视。文章选择浙江象山港为重点研究区,通过遥感技术手段,基于2003年,2009年和2014年中分辨率Landsat系列遥感卫星数据,采用空间与光谱特征相结合的综合判读,提出了生境空间环境支持下的植物群落遥感自动识别方法,动态监测了互花米草在象山港的繁衍和入侵过程已经空间格局变化。研究结果表明:过去10年余年,互花米草在象山港呈现指数模型的爆炸性增长。2003年,整个象山港互花米草的分布面积约为590 hm2;2009年其分布面积达到1745 hm2;2014年互花米草在象山港的分布面积超过5715 hm2。2003-1014年10年间互花米草在该区域分布面积翻了近10倍,几乎占据了海岸带所有的泥质海滩,成为象山港滨海湿地区的主导型盐生植被和区域优势种,对附近农田,尤其是淡水水域构成巨大的威胁。而在快速扩张的驱动要素方面,研究认为强劲的自我繁殖性能是互米花草在区域能够快速扩张的主要原因;人类围垦活动促进了这一快速扩张进程。以上研究结论可为区域互花米草的综合治理提供数据支持和遥感监测提供技术参考。  相似文献   

The dietary importance of marsh vascular plants (primarilySalicornia virginica), algae and upland particulate inputs to macro-invertebrate consumers was studied in Carpinteria Salt Marsh, southern California, using stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios. This marsh is predominantly a marine or hypersaline system and succulents are the most common vascular plant species. Of invertebrates collected from the vegetated marsh, tidal flats and channels, only detritivores from the vegetated marsh (Traskorchestia traskiana,Melampus olivaceus) had isotope values (δ13C=−20‰) that suggested some use ofSalicornia-derived carbon.T. traskianacultured in the laboratory on decomposingS. virginicaor blue-green micro-algal mat had distinctive isotopic signatures, reflecting the capability of this consumer to assimilate carbon and nitrogen derived from these sources. The δ13C values (generally −16‰ to −15‰) of species from tidal flats and channels (e.g.Cerithidea californica,Protothaca staminea,Mytilus galloprovincialis,Neotrypaea californiensis) were most similar to values for benthic algae and phytoplankton. Specimens ofM. galloprovincialisalong a gradient of presumed increase in marine influence had similar isotope values, suggesting little contribution to diet from upland runoff. The present results differ most noticeably from published values in the13C enrichment of suspension-feeders, suggesting the use of resuspended13C-enriched benthic microalgae in tidal channels by these consumers, and in the13C depletion and15N enrichment of plants and consumers along a portion of the marsh boundary receiving inputs of nutrient-enriched perched groundwater. In general, the isotopic composition of macro-invertebrates indicated the incorporation of algal production rather than ofS. virginicaor upland sources into the marsh food web.  相似文献   

As a result of their morphological complexity, large macroalgae show intra-thallus variations in their nutritional composition and secondary metabolite content, which influences the trophic ecology of herbivorous invertebrates, and ultimately their fitness. In this study, we evaluated for the first time the variability in nutritional quality (protein content, carbohydrates, lipids, and total organic matter), secondary metabolites (phlorotannins), and structure (shape and toughness) between blades and stipes of the macroalgae Durvillaea Antarctica. Specifically, we looked at their effect on feeding preference, rate of consumption, absorption efficiency, and growth rate of the amphipod Orchestoidea tuberculata, one of the most abundant organisms on Chilean sandy beaches. Proteins, carbohydrates, total organic matter and phlorotannin contents were significantly higher in blades than in stipes. Preference experiments revealed that the amphipods preferred blades when fresh pieces of blades and stipes were offered at the same time. Similar results were found when artificial food (in which structures of both parts of the alga were standardized) was offered, suggesting that shape and toughness of the two different parts of the alga did not influence preference patterns of O. tuberculata. Absorption efficiency of O. tuberculata was higher on blades compared to stipes. When the amphipods were kept with each of the algal parts separately (i.e. no choice), they consumed a significantly higher amount of stipe, which suggests that O. tuberculata used food quantity to compensate for the lower nutritional quality of stipes. The higher nutritional values of blades compared to stipes appears to explain observed preference patterns by O. tuberculata. Phlorotannin content did not appear to inhibit blade consumption, suggesting that the nutritional quality of the food could be more important than chemical defense in determining food choice in O. tuberculata. Growth did not differ between the amphipods maintained with either blades or stipes (i.e. no choice), which is consistent with the hypothesis of compensatory feeding. To conclude, O. tuberculata can actively select specific parts of an alga and this selection appears to be based on nutritional quality. The capacity for using different feeding strategies allow O. tuberculata, in some cases, to successfully exploit food types with different nutritional qualities.  相似文献   

为了研究利用滨海湿地草本植物的形态指标来估算植物生物量,根据黄河三角洲互花米草(Spartina alterniflora)的调查数据,运用Pearson相关系数和回归分析法,分析了互花米草的形态指标高度、密度、茎直径与地上生物量、地下生物量、总生物量的相关性,构建了回归模型。结果表明:地上生物量和总生物量均与植株高度、密度、茎直径在0.01水平上显著相关,地下生物量与植株密度在0.01水平上显著相关。将相关性显著的生物量和相应的形态指标进行回归分析发现,其拟合优度较好,其中,拟合优度最优的回归模型分别是地上生物量与高度的“J”型增长曲线模型(拟合优度为R2=0.904)、总生物量与密度的一元线性回归模型(拟合优度为R2=0.659)。经过应用精度验证,上述两个模型评价结果均较好,估算值与实测值绝对误差范围为0.01~0.17 kg/m2,相对误差范围为0.71%~12.02%,符合实际估算应用需求。研究结果说明互花米草的生物量可以通过与其相关性较高的形态指标进行回归估算获得。  相似文献   

Diel changes in vertical distribution and gut pigment contents of Acartia clausi andPseudodiaptomus hessei were studied during several 24-h time series performed between 1993 and 1997 in four sites of the Ebrié Lagoon (Côte d'Ivoire). The sites differed by their morphology and their hydrological structure and by the vertical distribution of chlorophyll biomass. Both species showed classical diel vertical migrations (DVM). Copepodites and adult stages of P. hessei were almost benthic during the day and evenly distributed through the water column at night. The amplitude of DVM of A. clausi increased from copepodites I–III to adults. Copepodites and adults of A. clausi increased significantly their gut fluorescence at night, whereas those of P. hessei showed no clear diel feeding rhythm (DFR). These results suggest that A. clausi feed mostly at night on phytoplanktonic particles and P. hessei feed mostly on benthic algal particles during the day and on sestonic particles at night. No relationship was observed between DFR and DVM because both patterns occurred when food was either vertically homogeneous or vertically stratified. The daily average gut fluorescence of A. clausi increased with ambient chlorophyll concentration until around 12–15 μg l−1, whereas no relationship was found for P. hessei. The implication of these patterns on the adaptation capacities and the behaviour of the two species are discussed. The DVM of P. hessei should explain its rarity in the estuarine area. The comparison of our results with previous ones suggests an evolution of A. clausi DFR between 1981–1982 and 1996–1997, in relation to an intensification of eutrophication.  相似文献   

Suction dredging for cockles removes large cockles from tidal flats and may also cause mortality of non-target fauna and make the habitat less suitable for some species. This study examines whether suction dredging for cockles on tidal flats of the Dutch Wadden Sea had affected densities of non-target fauna, directly after fishing and one year later. Densities of non-target fauna in two randomly chosen undredged locations were compared to densities at the surrounding heavily commercially dredged area. A significant negative effect of cockle dredging on densities of 0-group Macoma balthica was observed and this effect persisted one year after dredging. The dredged area appeared to be less suitable for settlement of mussels Mytilus edulis. No significant effects of dredging on the mudsnail Hydrobia ulvae and on 0 and 1-group C. edule were found. For the mobile young Macoma balthica it seems unlikely that the effect found after one year was still due to the mortality caused by dredging and this suggests that the habitat was less suitable as a consequence of dredging. Thus, even in the highly dynamic ecosystem of the Wadden Sea, effects of bottom disturbance by cockle dredging may persist after one year.  相似文献   

针对卫星遥感技术在对滨海湿地互花米草监测时受分辨率、气候条件等多种因素限制存在一定局限性且通过单一的影像数据提取互花米草时精度不稳定的问题,提出了基于无人机点云与影像融合的面向对象互花米草提取方法。以黄河三角洲自然保护区为研究对象,获取了该区域的点云和多光谱影像。先将地面滤波后提取的植被点云与多光谱影像进行特征组合优化,然后对融合影像采用FNEA算法进行多尺度分割后采用基于改进的最近邻算法进行面向对象分类,最终得到的互花米草生产者精度和用户精度分别达到了82.53%和86.43%,较未融合点云的提取精度分别提高了22.34%和7.66%,分类结果的总体精度从89.54%提升至92.61%,且融合点云后影像能够有效区分两种生长状态的互花米草,表明本文提出的方法能够有效提高互花米草的提取精度。  相似文献   

对实验室培养的两株海洋微藻海洋卡盾藻和中肋骨条藻的可培养细菌进行了分离鉴定,分别在海洋卡盾藻和硅藻中肋骨条藻不同生长时期分离得到48株和34株可培养细菌,去除重复序列后得到12株不同的菌株。这些菌株分属α-变形杆菌纲、γ-变形杆菌纲、拟杆菌和放线菌。α-变形杆菌纲在两种藻的藻际环境中占据优势,其中红杆菌科是最为常见的科,中肋骨条藻的藻际细菌比海洋卡盾藻更为多样化。海洋卡盾藻生长后期细菌密度大幅度上升,可能导致了藻细胞的衰亡。中肋骨条藻相关细菌中有一株对旋链角毛藻的生长具有明显抑制作用,而大部分海洋卡盾藻相关细菌对角毛藻的生长具有抑制作用。本研究结果说明海洋卡盾藻的藻际细菌也许对其与硅藻的种间竞争中具有一定作用。  相似文献   

李晓敏  张杰  马毅  任广波 《海洋科学》2017,41(4):98-107
互花米草(Spartina alterniflora)入侵性非常强,已被正式纳入我国第一批外来入侵物种名单。互花米草的疯狂蔓延已影响到当地土著物种的生长和空间分布,因此有关管理部门迫切需要互花米草的空间分布和扩散动态数据,但目前还没有一个有效的监测手段。针对这一需求,本文作者提出了基于无人机高光谱的外来入侵种互花米草遥感监测研究方案,拟以黄河三角洲为研究区,利用无人机高光谱遥感新型技术,分析不同情形下(不同生长状况、不同观测条件、不同环境条件等)互花米草的光谱特征,建立鲁棒的互花米草遥感检测模型,研究互花米草无人机高光谱图像高效获取方法,以实现互花米草的高效、准确监测,为亟需的外来入侵种互花米草业务化监测提供有效的技术手段。  相似文献   

利用辽宁大连的紫贻贝(Mytilus galloprovincialis)与福建宁德的厚壳贻贝(M.coruscus)为亲本,采用2×2双列杂交设计,构建了紫贻贝自交组(M.galloprovincialis♀×M.galloprovincialis♂)、正交组(M.galloprovincialis♀×M.coruscus♂)、反交组(M.coruscus♀×M.galloprovincialis♂)与厚壳贻贝自交组(M.coruscus♀×M.coruscus♂)4个遗传组合,比较分析了受精率、孵化率、子代的成活率、生长数据等,探讨了紫贻贝与厚壳贻贝种间杂交的可行性,同时为贻贝良种选育提供参考。结果表明,自交组与反交组的受精强度具有不对称性,正交组与自交组受精率无差异,反交组的受精率及孵化率显著低于正交组与自交组(P0.05),且浮游幼虫不能正常存活;正交组子代具有生长优势,第9、11、13天的浮游幼虫及第78天的稚贝壳长均显著大于自交组(P0.05);正交组与紫贻贝自交组在整个幼虫阶段存活率无显著差异,在壳顶幼虫期显著高于厚壳贻贝自交组(P0.05)。  相似文献   

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