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Since the 1970s liming has been practised on a large scale in Sweden to mitigate acidification and several thousand lakes and streams are limed repeatedly. The Swedish monitoring program ISELAW (Integrated Studies of the Effects of Liming Acidified Waters) studies the long-term effects of liming. This paper summarizes the paleolimnological part of the program. Sediment cores from 12 lakes were analysed to study the development of the lakes from pre-industrial time until the present, and address questions about natural conditions and the effects of early human impact, acidification, and liming. Diatoms were used to reconstruct the pH history and to study shifts in species composition due to acidification and liming. Analyses of lead and spheroidal carbonaceous particles were applied for indirect dating and as indicators of the atmospheric deposition of pollutants associated with acid rain. Pollen analysis was performed in eight of the lakes to study the vegetation and agricultural history. The natural pH (prior to human disturbance) was between 5.3 and 6.5 in the eight lakes where the complete post-glacial sediment sequence was recovered. Pollen from anthropochores and apophytes indicated early agricultural land use in the vicinity of the lakes from 1000 to 2000 years ago, and pH increased with land use in six of these lakes. Five of the lakes have been acidified during recent decades, and in all 12 lakes some effects of liming were recorded in the diatom assemblage. The lakes show different responses to liming, including a return to a pre-acidification diatom composition or a shift to a state previously not recorded in the lake’s histories. This study accentuates the complexity of biological response to acidification and liming, and highlights the importance of historical perspectives to assess the current state of a lake’s ecosystem and to establish adequate restoration goals.  相似文献   

A combined mineral magnetic and scaled chrysophyte study of lake sediments from Lake Lacawac and Lake Giles in northeastern Pennsylvania was conducted to determine the effects of land-use and sediment source changes on the variation of pH, conductivity, and alkalinity inferred from biotic changes. Ten 30–40 cm long gravity cores were collected from Lake Lacawac and three from Lake Giles. Isothermal remanent magnetizations (IRMs) were given to the lake sediments in a 1.3 T magnetic field to measure magnetic mineral concentration variations. IRM acquisition experiments were conducted to identify magnetic mineralogy. The bedrock, soils and a peat bog on the shores of Lake Lacawac were also sampled for magnetic analysis to determine possible lake sediment sources. The top 10 cm of sediment collected from Lakes Lacawac and Giles was two to four times more magnetic than deeper sediment. 210Pb dating suggests that this intensity increase commenced circa 1900. SEM images of magnetic extracts from the highly magnetic sediments indicates the presence of magnetic fly ash microspheres from fossil fuel burning electric power generation plants. The similarity in magnetic coercivity in the top 8 cm lake sediments and in the peat bog supports an atmospheric source for some of the magnetic minerals in the youngest lake sediments. The highly magnetic sediments also contain an antiferromagnetic mineral in two cores closest to Lake Lacawacs southeastern shore. This magnetic mineral is only present deep in the soil profile and would suggest erosion and significant land-use changes in the Lacawac watershed as another cause for the high magnetic intensities (concentrations) in the top 10 cm of the lake sediments. The most significant changes in the scaled chrysophyte flora occurred immediately above the 10 cm level and were used to infer a doubling of the specific conductivity between circa 1910 and 1929. These variations also support land-use changes in the Lacawac catchment at this time. A similar shift in the scaled chrysophte flora was not observed in the top of Lake Giles, however, distinct changes were found in the deeper sections of the core coupled with a smaller peak in magnetic concentration. Fourier analysis of the 210Pb-dated lake sediment magnetics indicates the presence of a 50 year period, low amplitude variation in the Lake Lacawac, Lake Giles, and Lake Waynewood (Lott et al., 1994) magnetic concentration records. After removal of the land-use/fly ash magnetic concentration peak by Gaussian filtering, the 50 year variation correlates strongly from lake to lake even though the lakes are in different watersheds separated by up to 30 km. When this magnetic variation is compared with Gaussian-filtered rainfall variations observed in New York City and Philadelphia over the past 120–250 years there is a strong correlation suggesting that magnetic concentration variations can record regional rainfall variations with an approximately 50 year period. This result indicates that magnetics could be used to document regional variations in climatic change.  相似文献   

Sediment cores from two neighbouring lakes (Viitna Linajärv and Viitna Pikkjärv) in northern Estonia were studied to determine lake-level fluctuations during the Holocene and their impact on biogeochemical cycling. Organic matter and pollen records dated by radiocarbon and radiolead indicated a water level rise in both lakes during the early Holocene (c. 10 000–8000 BP). A regression followed around 7500 BP and several transgressions occurred during the latter half of the Holocene, c. 6500 and 3000 BP. Human impact during the last centuries has caused short-term lake-level fluctuations and accelerated sediment accumulation in the lakes. The differences in water depth led to variations in sediment formation. During 10 000–8000 BP (Preboreal and Boreal chronozones) mineral-rich sediments with coloured interlayers deposited in L. Linajärv. These sediments indicate intensive erosion from the catchment and oxygen-rich lake, which favoured precipitation of iron oxides and carbonates. Fluctuations in water depth, leaching of nutrients from catchment soils and climatic changes increased the trophy of L. Linajärv around 6000 BP. The subsequent accumulation of gyttja, the absence of CaCO3 and the decrease in both the C/N ratio and phosphorus content in the sediments also indicate anoxic conditions in the hypolimnion. The similarity in the development of L. Linajärv and L. Pikkjärv and their proximity made it possible to discern the impact of water depths changes on biogeochemical cycling in lakes.  相似文献   

We examine sediment distribution patterns in seven Florida lakes and discuss implications for paleolimnological studies of shallow, subtropical lakes. The study lakes are highly productive and should exhibit thick organic sediment deposits, but organic sediments are often grossly lacking because basins are shallow, and frequent mixing, lack of stratification, and warm temperatures lead to breakdown of organic material.Organic sediment distribution patterns are highly variable. We observe three types of distribution patterns. When organic sediments are abundant, there may be (1) uniform sediment distribution. In lakes lacking organic sediments, there are (2) distribution to deeper areas if present, or (3) distribution to peripheral areas and embayments when deep waters are absent. We advocate the use of systematic mapping surveys to locate optimal coring sites for paleolimnological studies of shallow, wind-stressed lakes. Because numerous factors affect diagenesis and sediment redistribution, sediment abundance and location are not predictable. Sediment chronologies may be discontinuous and disturbed even in accumulation zones. The extent to which sedimentary records are discontinuous or disturbed is not quantifiable in any practical manner. 210Pb and 137Cs radioisotopic profiles provide qualitative evidence of the degree of stratigraphic disturbance. Total excess 210Pb inventories show that sediments are focused into depositional zones when sediment distribution is uneven. Excess 210Pb inventories are not informative about the completeness of sedimentary profiles unless small inventories suggest discontinuous sedimentation or erosional events. We present examples of disturbed and undisturbed profiles, and discuss how we use radioisotopic and geochemical evidence, and multiple cores to assess stratigraphic continuity.Journal Series No. R-04815 of the Florida Agricultural Experiment Station.  相似文献   

Sedimentary diatom frustules and chironomid remains, in addition to the chemical stratigraphy of 32 elements and resin acids, were studied from short-core samples taken from two basins and a sheltered bay of Lake Päijänne in southern Finland (about 61 °10–62 °15 N, 25 °30 E). The lake was formerly oligotrophic but has been subject to effluent loading from pulp and paper mills during the past century since the opening of the first pulp mill in the 1880s. Four developmental phases were distinguished and named mainly according to the effects found in the basin close to the pollution source: (1) the pre-industrial phase (from the 1800s to ca. 1920), including the early years of industrialization, with low impacts; (2) the phase of increasing pollution (ca. 1920–1969); (3) the phase of severe pollution (1970–1981); and (4) the water protection phase (1982 onwards).Distinct differences were observed between pelagic (diatoms) and benthic (chironomid) ecosystems in their response to pollution. Effluent loading from the pulp and paper mills had a pronounced impact on chironomid assemblages, but only a slight influence on diatoms in the basin close to the pollution source. In the southern basin, approximately 60 km downstream, an increase in acidophilous species was observed in the diatom assemblages during the early years of pollution, but changes in chironomids in this basin were negligible. The water protection work of the past 30 years, which has led to an improvement in water quality and a marked recovery of the profundal biota, has also resulted in a slight increase in primary production of the lake. The decrease in brown-coloured effluent water has led to an increase in thickness of the lake's photic productive layer, while the toxicity of the water has simultaneously diminished. Rapid changes in chironomid assemblages and sedimentation observed in the sheltered bay highlight the importance of local land-use activities as causes of environmental change in this area, and especially their effects on sedimentation and benthic life.  相似文献   

New England has received significant amounts of precipitation with a pH between 4.2 and 4.6. Paleolimnological studies based on siliceous microalgal remains support the hypothesis that some lakes in northern New England have acidified as a result of the acidic deposition. However, paleolimnological analyses from five software lakes in southern New England suggest that these lakes have not acidified in recent years. In all of the study lakes the inferred pH has remained relatively stable, and in two lakes the pH has actually increased slightly in recent years. Despite the relatively stable inferred pH reconstructions, significant shifts in species assemblages were observed in each lake, many of which are believed to correlate with land use changes. It is possible that effects of land use changes (e.g. increased urbanization) have masked potential effects of acid deposition.  相似文献   

The frequency of nuisance algal blooms has been increasing during the last two decades in the shallow, headwater East Pond (Smithfield, Maine, USA). Meanwhile, the hydrologically linked North Pond has not experienced an increase in algal blooms, despite similar morphometry and higher external nutrient loads. Possible explanations for this difference include stronger trophic cascade effects from planktivorous white perch (Morone americana) in East Pond as well as differences in phosphorus (P) release from the sediments of these two lakes. We conducted a paleolimnological investigation of these two lakes to assess whether sedimentary evidence supported trophic cascade effects based on cladoceran ephippia size, diatom fossils, and fossil pigments or biogeochemical controls based on potential sedimentary P release as the primary driver of these increased algal blooms in East Pond. At the time of white perch introduction (~1930–1950), ephippia size increases in East Pond, although no changes are observed in either diatom abundance or trends in the algal pigments. Instead, algal pigments increase in recent decades (~1980 to present) along with an increase in diatom taxa with higher TP optima These results suggest that predation by white perch is not resulting in top-down effects on algal abundance in East Pond, as predicted by the trophic cascade hypothesis. While the P content of sediments from both lakes is relatively equal, the releasable P in the top 10 cm of sediment in East Pond constitutes a greater percentage of the P extracted. Also, North Pond sediments exhibit a greater capacity to permanently bury P via the mechanisms of sorption to Al(OH)3(s) and a slower mineralization of organic P compounds. The results of this investigation suggest that the ultimate driver of the recent algal blooms in East Pond is internal P release from the sediments instead of trophic cascade effects.  相似文献   

Short sediment cores from two gulfs, Monche Bay and Kunchast Bay, of Lake Imandra (Kola Peninsula, northern Russia) were analysed for sediment chemistry and chironomid head capsule remains. Monche Bay has been receiving metals from the Severonikel copper-nickel smelter since the late 1930's. Kunchast Bay was selected in the remotest lake basin as an internal reference site. There were no pronounced changes in the chironomid assemblages with the beginning of slight metal contamination of Kunchast Bay. Based on the reconstructed environmental variables and chironomid assemblages, three developmental stages were distinguished from the chironomid fauna history of Monche Bay: (1) A natural development stage; (2) the early warning stage; and (3) the developing crises stage. During the first period, the changes in the chironomid fauna reflect an anthropogenically undisturbed assemblage, with Micropsectra insignilobus dominating (17–23%). The changes during the second period reflect the initial phase of anthropogenic succession associated with the beginning of metal pollution. The main species showed opposite distributional patterns in this period: the abundance of M. insignilobus decreased, whereas the abundance of Chironomus, Procladius and Sergentia coracina increased. At the same time, maximal numbers were attained for species richness (45) and Shannon-Weaver diversity (4.85) of chironomid assemblages, and the highest head capsule concentration (75 head capsules · g–1 of dry sediment). The third period was characterized by a major shift in the faunal assemblages, from M. insignilobus to other dominant species, including Chironomus (22–44%), Procladius (10–30 %) and S. coracina (15–18%). Besides fauna changes, assemblages of the third period are distinguished by the occurrence of mouthpart deformities in Chironomus head capsules.  相似文献   

Richards Island, Northwest Territories, Canada, is characterized by thermokarst lakes which record Holocene limnological change. This study is the first report of thecamoebian assemblages and continuous annual lake water temperatures from these Arctic lakes. Ecological environments on Richards Island are influenced by a climatic gradient resulting from the contrasting influences of the cold Beaufort Sea to the north and the warm waters of the Mackenzie Delta to the east and west. This climatic gradient in turn influences modern thecamoebian assemblages, and is an indication of the complexity involved in interpreting past conditions from core material in this area.Population abundance and species diversity of thecamoebian assemblages on Richards Island are not significantly different from those reported from temperate and semi-tropical latitudes. However, certain assemblage characteristics, such as large and coarse agglutinated tests, dominance of assemblages by one or two species and low morphological variation are interpreted to be diagnostic of Arctic conditions. Thecamoebian assemblages in core material from the area indicate that the local paleolimnological conditions may have changed within the last 3 ka, and this is unrecorded in previously reported pollen data.Paleoenvironmental interpretations in a permafrost landscape have to take into account morphological instability of thermokarst lakes, which can be the cause of paleolimnological and consequently faunal change. In this area ecosystem development is clearly related to geomorphology and local climatic effects and is not exclusively controlled by regional climate change.  相似文献   

Until recently, major anthropogenic impacts on freshwater ecosystems were believed to be rare in North America prior to the period of European colonization. However, recent paleolimnological and archaeological data collected from the Canadian Arctic suggest that the whaling activities of Thule Inuit, who lived in small, nomadic communities, altered freshwater ecosystems centuries earlier. Using a comparative paleolimnological approach from two ponds situated adjacent to a former Thule winter settlement on south-eastern Bathurst Island (Nunavut, Arctic Canada), we record marked ecological changes in pond ecology due to eutrophication from the Thule’s activities. The geography of our study site provided an interesting and rare opportunity for a comparative paleolimnological study of long-term Thule impacts on polar limnology, because our two study ponds (only ~50 m apart) were nearly identical in size and in geological and climatic settings, but differed markedly in the magnitude of Thule influence. Here, we recorded striking changes in diatom species assemblages, spectrally-inferred primary production, and nutrient geochemistry, indicating eutrophication in a small pond draining 18 Thule whale houses. Input of marine-derived nutrients from sea mammal carcasses used by the Thule for both sustenance and the construction of winter settlements, as well as other anthropogenic activities, coincided with a notable increase in the eutrophic diatom taxon Stephanodiscus minutulus, whereas no comparable changes were recorded in the nearby control pond for the duration of the sedimentary record. Although the diatom changes recorded in the affected site persisted after the period of Thule occupation, the most recent sediments and water chemistry suggest that the pond has largely recovered to near pre-impact conditions.  相似文献   

The comparative limnology of high arctic, coastal, meromictic lakes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Five important features appear in rough order from the surface downwards in physical and chemical profiles from high arctic coastal meromictic lakes. These features are: (1) a supersaturated oxygen maximum, (2) the center of the oxycline, (3) a thermal maximum, (4) a major absorption maximum, and (5) an anoxic stratum. The depth of the absorption maxima and the top of the anoxic strata are both statistically correlated to light penetration and to each other. The depth of the thermal maximum also shows a statistical correlation to light penetration among lakes with a relatively shallow chemocline. The temperature of the thermal maximum appears to be maintained by inputs of light energy while the oxygen maximum is maintained to a large extent by photosynthesis. Thus, these major features are all influenced by light penetration. With the exception of the supersaturated oxygen maximum, all of the above features are dependent for their existence upon the primary chemocline stabilizing the water column. Apparently, in at least some lakes, a near surface secondary chemocline or cool (ca. 4°C) secondary inverse thermocline will enhance the stability of the water column above the primary chemocline sufficiently to allow a supersaturated oxygen maximum to develop in this region. However, the supersaturated oxygen maximum can extend into the primary chemocline, and in highly transparent Sophia Lake (Cornwallis Island, N.W.T.) this feature extends below the primary chemocline.Where the chemocline is found below depths with adequate illumination, features other than the supersaturated oxygen maximum should be found in deeper water as well, or they should be eliminated from the profiles. Thus, where the chemocline is relatively shallow, the depth of features like the thermal maximum or anoxic strata are related most closely to light penetration, but where chemoclines are deep, as in Lake Tuborg (Ellesmere Island, N.W.T.), the depth of the chemocline determines the depth of the oxycline, thermal maximum, absorption maximum and anoxic stratum.This is the second in a series of papers published in this issue on the Taconite Inlet Lakes Project. These papers were collected by Dr R. S. Bradley.  相似文献   

Paleolimnological analyses of Chaoborus mandibles were used to assess the status of fish populations over the previous 150 to 300 years in five lakes from the Adirondack region of New York State. Windfall Pond (pH 6.5) has not acidified and currently has viable fish populations. Big Moose Lake (pH 5.0) has acidified in recent years, and the number of fish populations declined from 14 in the 1930's to seven in the early 1980's. The occurrence of only migratory Chaoborus (subgenus Sayomyia) in the cores indicated the long term presence of fish populations in Windfall Pond and Big Moose Lake. Brooktrout Lake (pH 5.0), Deep Lake (pH 4.7) and Upper Wallface Pond (pH 4.8) have all acidified in recent years, and all three are currently fishless. Chaoborus (Sayomyia) was present throughout the Brooktrout Lake core, but the entirely limnetic species, C. americanus, appeared in the topmost interval in the core. The appearance of C. americanus in the top of the core indicated a recent elimination of fish from Brooktrout Lake, probably during the 1970's. Elimination of fish by the 1940's was inferred for Deep Lake because C. americanus appeared above the 1930 level and replaced C. trivittatus as the dominant. Dominance of C. americanus throughout the Upper Wallface Pond core indicated that planktivorous fish were never present. These results strongly suggest that stratigraphic analyses of Chaoborus mandibles provide a useful assessment of the general status of historical fish populations in Adirondack lakes. The technique should be useful in other regions, as well as for applications other than those concerning lake acidification.This is the eleventh of a series of papers to be published by this journal which is a contribution of the Paleoecological Investigation of Recent Lake Acidification (PIRLA) project. Drs. D.F. Charles and D.R. Whitehead are guest editors for this series.  相似文献   

Diatom and chrysophyte assemblages from a sediment core from Whitepine Lake were examined to infer changes in lakewater pH, nickel and aluminum concentrations since pre-industrial times, and to help determine the cause of the virtual extirpation of the lake trout population from the lake during the 1960s and 1970s. Our study indicates that acidification started in the 1920s, and that the maximum inferred pH decline (from 6.2 to 5.8) occurred between 1960 and 1970, coincident with the peak in metal mining and smelting activity in the Sudbury basin. Lakewater [Al] and [Ni], as inferred from our diatom transfer functions, increased. It appears that in addition to the pH decline, elevated [Al] may have played an important role in the decline of lake trout from Whitepine Lake in the 1960s and 1970s. Diatom-inferred lakewater pH and [Ni] have recovered slightly in the recent sediments, which coincides with reductions in emissions that have occurred since the mid-1970s.  相似文献   

With the rapid development of geospatial data capture technologies such as the Global Positioning System, more and higher accuracy data are now readily available to upgrade existing spatial datasets having lower accuracy using positional accuracy improvement (PAI) methods. Such methods may not achieve survey-accurate spatial datasets but can contribute to significant improvements in positional accuracy in a cost-effective manner. This article addresses a comparative study on PAI methods with applications to improve the spatial accuracy of the digital cadastral for Shanghai. Four critical issues are investigated: (1) the choice of improvement model in PAI adjustment; five PAI models are presented, namely the translation, scale and translation, similarity, affine, and second-order polynomial models; (2) the choice of estimation method in PAI adjustment; three estimation methods in PAI adjustment are proposed, namely the classical least squares (LS) adjustment, which assumes that only the observation vector contains error, the general least squares (GLS) adjustment, which regards both the ground and map coordinates of control points as observations with errors, and the total least squares (TLS) adjustment, which takes the errors in both the observation vector and the design matrix into account; (3) the impact of the configuration of ground control points (GCPs) on the result of PAI adjustment; 12 scenarios of GCP configurations are tested, including different numbers and distributions of GCPs; and (4) the deformation of geometric shape by the above-mentioned transformation models is presented in terms of area and perimeter.

The empirical experiment results for six test blocks in Shanghai demonstrated the following. (1) The translation model hardly improves the positional accuracy because it accounts only for the shift error within digital datasets. The other four models (i.e., the scale and translation, similarity, affine, and second-order polynomial models) significantly improve the positional accuracy, which is assessed at checkpoints (CKPs) by calculating the difference between the updated coordinates transformed from the map coordinates and the surveyed coordinates. On the basis of the refined Akaike information criterion, the two best optimal transformation models for PAI are determined as the scale and translation and affine transformation models. (2) The weighted sum of square errors obtained using the GLS and TLS methods are much less than those obtained using the classical least squares method. The result indicates that both the GLS and TLS estimation methods can achieve greater reliability and accuracy in PAI adjustment. (3) The configuration of GCPs has a considerable effect on the result of PAI adjustment. Thus, an optimal configuration scheme of GCPs is determined to obtain the highest positional accuracy in the study area. (4) Compared with the deformations of geometric shapes caused by the transformation models, the scale and translation model is found to be the best model for the study area.  相似文献   

Declining water quality in reservoirs is of growing concern in many regions, yet there is still little understanding of long-term water quality trends in these systems. Across the landscape, reservoirs have diverse origins, functions, and operational strategies. In temperate environments, winter water-level drawdown is a common operational practice in reservoirs but the long-term impacts of this hydrological modification has not been extensively studied. We paired a comparative, pre-dam-to-contemporary study (i.e. a top–bottom design) of 12 reservoirs with a detailed paleolimnological study of a focal lake to generate quantitative insights into the relative effect of hydrological changes vs. landscape and climatic drivers on water quality. The focal reservoir, Grand Lac Saint-François, is of relatively similar morphometry, geography, and limnology to our other sites, and has experienced annual winter water-level drawdown of?~?5 m since it was dammed approximately 100 years ago. Based on our top–bottom analysis, we did not find strong correlations between long-term changes in water quality (i.e. diatom-inferred TP estimates) and winter water-level drawdown amplitudes. Instead, reservoir morphometry and watershed characteristics (i.e. geography, maximum depth, and cropland areas) appeared to be stronger drivers of trends across the region. From the detailed paleolimnological analysis, we found that sedimentary pigments and DI-TP concentrations significantly increased over the last century based on Mann–Kendall trend analyses. Breakpoint analyses showed that changes in biological-proxy trends, as well as the sedimentology (i.e. lithology and accumulations rates), coincided with dam construction and the onset of water level regulation. However, given the high variability in metrics and the extent of water level monitoring records, we were unable to quantitatively associate the impacts of drawdown with water quality trends at Grand Lac Saint-François. Conversely, we did find that watershed nutrient surpluses from livestock farming, and warming temperatures were significant explanatory variables of water quality metrics.  相似文献   

To investigate the impact of forest harvesting on lake ecosystems, six lakes (four impact, two reference) from central British Columbia, Canada were assessed using cladoceran remains preserved in the lake sediment cores. Two temporal resolutions were analyzed: a decadal scale for the past 70 years, and a high-resolution scale (2 year intervals for ten years before and after harvesting). Three lakes which experienced forestry activity in their watersheds in the early 1960s, and one lake which experienced forestry activityin the mid 1970s, showed subtle but statistically significant changes in cladoceran species composition following forest harvesting (analysis of similarity tests) at the decadal scale, whereas only two of these lakes showed significant changes at the higher resolution. These changes may be due to increased nutrient levels that might be associated with forest harvesting. The two reference lakes, which had not experienced any known large-scale anthropogenic watershed disturbances in the past century, showed no significant shifts in the cladoceran species assemblages at either temporal scale.  相似文献   

Most of the thermokarst lakes are spread appreciably in Beiluhe Basin,Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,China,where ice-rich permafrost exists.Two typical thermokarst lakes with differing area and depth were examined to ascertain their age.We obtained lake-bottom samples of 50 cm length from lake BLH-A and 25 cm length from lake BLH-B.Environmental 137 Cs and 210 Pb and radiocarbon age dating techniques were applied to the 50 cm and 25 cm samples,respectively.The results indicate that the initiation of BLH-A is about 800-900 a B.P.,and approximately 1,450±30 a B.P.to 2,230±30 a B.P.for BLH-B.These results will provide scientific bases for sedimentological study and thermokarst activity in Beiluhe Basin.  相似文献   

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