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We present the results of the study of the eclipsing polar CRTS CSS081231 J071126+440405. Photometric observations allowed us to refine the orbital period of the system \(P_ \circ = 0_ \cdot ^d 0.08137673\). Considerable changes in the appearance of the object’s spectra have occurred over the period of September 20–21, 2001: the slope of the continuum changed from “red” to “blue”, and the variability of the line profiles over the duration of the orbital period has also changed. Doppler maps have shown a shift of the emission line-forming region along the accretion stream closer to the white dwarf. We measured the duration of the eclipse of the system and imposed constraints on the inclination angle \(78_ \cdot ^ \circ 7 < i < 79_ \cdot ^ \circ 3\). The derived radial velocity amplitude was used to obtain the basic parameters of the system: M1 = 0.86 ± 0.08M, M2 = 0.18 ± 0.02 M, q = 0.21 ± 0.01, RL2 = 0.20 ± 0.03 R, A = 0.80 ± 0.03 R. The spectra of the object exhibit cyclotron harmonics. Their comparison with model spectra allowed us to determine the parameters of the accretion column: B = 31–34 MG, Te = 10–12 keV, θ = 80–90°, and Λ = 105.  相似文献   

We consider a spherically symmetric general relativistic perfect fluid in its comoving frame. It is found that, by integrating the local energy momentum conservation equation, a general form of g 00 can be obtained. During this study, we get a cue that an adiabatically evolving uniform density isolated sphere having ρ(r,t)=ρ 0(t), should comprise “dust” having p 0(t)=0; as recently suggested by Durgapal and Fuloria (J. Mod. Phys. 1:143, 2010) In fact, we offer here an independent proof to this effect. But much more importantly, we find that for the homogeneous and isotropic Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) metric having p(r,t)=p 0(t) and ρ(r,t)=ρ 0(t), \(g_{00} = e^{-2p_{0}/(p_{0} +\rho_{0})}\). But in general relativity (GR), one can choose an arbitrary tt ?=f(t) without any loss of generality, and thus set g 00(t ?)=1. And since pressure is a scalar, this implies that p 0(t ?)=p 0(t)=0 in the Big-Bang model based on the FRW metric. This result gets confirmed by the fact the homogeneous dust metric having p(r,t)=p 0(t)=0 and ρ(r,t)=ρ 0(t) and the FRW metric are exactly identical. In other words, both the cases correspond to the same Einstein tensor \(G^{a}_{b}\) because they intrinsically have the same energy momentum tensor \(T^{a}_{b}=\operatorname {diag}[\rho_{0}(t), 0,0, 0]\).  相似文献   

We calculate the parameters of the two-point correlation function of quasars w(r) = (r c /r) γ on the basis of the SDSS DR3 data. The correlation functions are first determined from projected distances with the use of a special technique for compiling randomized catalogs. Next the parameters of the spatial correlation function are obtained with the assumption of local isotropy. For the quasars with redshifts z = 0.8–2.1, we obtained the estimates γ = 1.76 ± 0.14, r c = 6.60 ± 0.85 h ?1 Mpc in the comoving distance range 2–30 Mpc and γ = 1.90 ± 0.11, r c = 6.95±0.57 h ?1 Mpc in the range 2–50 Mpc. These estimates agree, within the limits of errors, with the estimates obtained for the redshifts 0.4 < z < 2.1. The original catalog shows some deficit of pairs with separations less than 1 Mpc.  相似文献   

We determine the color excesses, photometric distances, ages, astrometric parallaxes and proper motions for 94 open clusters in the northern part of the Milky Way. We estimate the color excesses and photometric distances based on the data from IPHAS photometric survey of the northern Galactic plane using individual total-to-selective extinction ratios Rr = Ar/Er?i for each cluster computed via the color-difference method based on IPHAS r, i, and Hα-band, 2MASS J-, H-, and Ks-band, WISE W1-band, and Pan-STARRS i-, z-, and y-band data. The inferred Rr values vary significantly from cluster to cluster spanning the Rr = 3.1–5.2 interval with a mean and standard deviation equal to 〈Rr〉 = 3.99 and σRr = 0.34, respectively.We identified cluster members using (1) absolute proper motions determined from individual-epoch positions of stars retrieved from IPHAS, 2MASS,URAT1, ALLWISE,UCAC5, and Gaia DR1 catalogs and positions of stars on individual Palomar Sky Survey plates reconstructed based on the data provided in USNO-B1.0 catalog and (2) absolute proper motions provided in Gaia DR2 catalog, and computed the averageGaia DR2 trigonometric parallaxes and propermotions of the clusters. Themean formal error of the inferred astrometric parallaxes of clusters is of about 7 μas, however, a comparison of astrometric and photometric parallaxes of our cluster sample implies that Gaia DR2 parallaxes are, on the average, systematically underestimated by 45 ± 9 μas. This result agrees with estimates obtained by other authors using other objects. At the same time, we find our photometric distance scale to be correct within the quoted errors (the inferred correction factor is equal to unity to within a standard error of 0.025).  相似文献   

A family of well behaved perfect fluid balls has been derived starting with the metric potential g 44=B(1+Cr 2) n for all positive integral values of n. For n≥4, the members of this family are seen to satisfy the various physical conditions e.g. c 2 ρp≥0,dp/dr<0,/dr<0, along with the velocity of sound \((\sqrt{dp/c^{2}d\rho} )< 1\) and the adiabatic index ((p+c 2 ρ)/p)(dp/(c 2 ))>1. Also the pressure, energy density, velocity of sound and ratio of pressure and energy density are of monotonically decreasing towards the pressure free interface (r=a). The fluid balls join smoothly with the Schwarzschild exterior model at r=a. The well behaved perfect fluid balls so obtained are utilised to construct the superdense star models with their surface density 2×1014  gm/cm3. We have found that the maximum mass of the fluid balls corresponding to various values of n are decreasing with the increasing values of n. Over all maximum mass for the whole family turns out to be 4.1848M Θ and the corresponding radius as 19.4144 km while the red shift at the centre and red shift at surface as Z 0=1.6459 and Z a =0.6538 respectively this all happens for n=4. It is interesting to note that for higher values of n viz n≥170, the physical data start merging with that of Kuchowicz superdense star models and hence the family of fluid models tends to the Kuchowicz fluid models as n→∞. Consequently the maximum mass of the family of solution can not be less than 1.6096 M Θ which is the maximum mass occupied by the Kuchowicz superdense ball. Hence each member of the family for n≥4 provides the astrophysical objects like White dwarfs, Quark star, typical neutron star.  相似文献   

In 1946, E. Sevin postulated the global vibrations of the Sun with a period P 0 = 1/9 day and a “wavelength” L 0 = c × P 0 = 19.24 AU and predicted the tenth planet at a mean distance of 4.0 × L 0 ≈ 77.0 AU from the Sun (c is the speed of light). The global vibrations of the Sun, precisely with the period of 1/9 day, were actually detected in 1974. Recently, the largest Kuiper Bell object 2003 UB313, or Eris, with an orbital semimajor axis ≈ 3.5 × L 0 ≈ 67.5 AU was discovered. We adduce arguments for the status of Eris as our tenth planet: (i) the object is larger and farther from the Sun than Pluto and (ii) the semimajor axis of Eris agrees well with the sequence of planetary distances that follows from the resonance spectrum of the Solar system dimensions (with the scale L 0 and for all 11 orbits, including those of Pluto, Eris, and the asteroid belt). We point to a mistake of the Prague (2006) IAU Assembly, which excluded Pluto from the family of planets by introducing a new, highly controversial class of objects—“dwarf planets.”  相似文献   

Our goal is to study the regime of disk accretion in which almost all of the angular momentum and energy is carried away by the wind outflowing from the disk in numerical experiments. For this type of accretion the kinetic energy flux in the outflowing wind can exceed considerably the bolometric luminosity of the accretion disk, what is observed in the plasma flow from galactic nuclei in a number of cases. In this paper we consider the nonrelativistic case of an outflow from a cold Keplerian disk. All of the conclusions derived previously for such a system in the self-similar approximation are shown to be correct. The numerical results agree well with the analytical predictions. The inclination angle of the magnetic field lines in the disk is less than 60°, which ensures a free wind outflow from the disk, while the energy flux per wind particle is greater than the particle rotation energy in its Keplerian orbit by several orders of magnitude, provided that the ratio r A/r ? 1, where r A is the Alfvénic radius and r is the radius of the Keplerian orbit. In this case, the particle kinetic energy reaches half the maximum possible energy in the simulation region. The magnetic field collimates the outflowing wind near the rotation axis and decollimates appreciably the wind outflowing from the outer disk periphery.  相似文献   

Based on observations with the 6-m SAO RAS telescope, we have found that chemically peculiar star with a large depression of the continuum at λ5200 Å and strengthened silicon lines in the spectrum has a strong magnetic field. The longitudinal field component Be has a negative polarity and varies from ?300 G to ?2000 G with a period of 1.756 days. Photometric variations of brightness take place with the same period. We determined the variability of the radial velocity at times of about tens of years pointing to a possible binarity of the object. We have built a magnetic model of this star, determined the inclination angles of the rotation axis to the line of sight i = 20° and of the dipole axis to the rotation axis β = 116°, and the field strength at the pole is Bp = 10 kG. We carried out a chemical composition analysis and found a lack of helium for almost an order of magnitude, some overabundance of silicon and metal elements for more than an order of magnitude, particularly, cobalt for three orders of magnitude.  相似文献   

We perform a kinematic analysis of the Hipparcos and TRC proper motions of stars by using a linear Ogorodnikov-Milne model. All of the distant (r>0.2 kpc) stars of the Hipparcos catalog have been found to rotate around the Galactic y axis with an angular velocity of M 13 ? =?0.36±0.09 mas yr?1. One of the causes of this rotation may be an uncertainty in the lunisolar precession constant adopted when constructing the ICRS. In this case, the correction to the IAU (1976) lunisolar precession constant in longitude is shown to be Δp1=?3.26±0.10 mas yr?1. Based on the TRC catalog, we have determined the mean Oort constants: A=14.9±1.0 and B=?10.8±0.3 km s?1 kpc?1. The component of the model that describes the rotation of all TRC stars around the Galactic y axis is nonzero for all magnitudes, M 13 ? =?0.86±0.11 mas yr?1.  相似文献   

Open star clusters from the MWSC (Milky Way Star Clusters) catalogue have been used to determine the Galactic rotation parameters. The circular rotation velocity of the solar neighborhood around the Galactic center has been found from data on more than 2000 clusters of various ages to be V 0 = 236 ± 6 km s?1 for the adopted Galactocentric distance of the Sun R 0 = 8.3 ± 0.2 kpc. The derived angular velocity parameters are Ω 0 = 28.48 ± 0.36 km s?1 kpc?1, Ω0 = ?3.50 ± 0.08 km s?1 kpc?2, and Ω0 = 0.331 ± 0.037 km s?1 kpc?3. The influence of the spiral density wave has been detected only in the sample of clusters younger than 50 Myr. For these clusters the amplitudes of the tangential and radial velocity perturbations are f θ = 5.6 ± 1.6 km s?1 and f R = 7.7 ± 1.4 km s?1, respectively; the perturbation wavelengths are λ θ = 2.6 ± 0.5 kpc (i θ = ?11? ± 2?) and λ R = 2.1 ± 0.5 kpc (i R = ?9? ± 2?) for the adopted four-armed model (m = 4). The Sun’s phase in the spiral density wave is (χ)θ = ?62? ± 9? and (χ)R = ?85? ± 10? from the residual tangential and radial velocities, respectively.  相似文献   

We show that for the discussed scenario of a neutron-star merger in highly neutronized ejecta (Y e ?0.1), neutron-induced fission plays a major role in the r-process cycling and is the main obstacle to the formation of superheavy elements. At the final stage of the r-process, when the free-neutron density is already too low to maintain rapid nucleosynthesis and only beta-decay and beta-delayed fission take place, the leading role in forming the final abundances of chemical elements passes to delayed fission. The latter ultimately changes the abundances of individual isotopes in the region before the second peak and heavier than lead, which, in particular, affects the determination of the age of the Galaxy.  相似文献   

Low-mass galaxies are known to have played the crucial role in the hydrogen reionization in the Universe. In this paper we investigate the contribution of soft x-ray radiation (E ~ 0.1–1 keV) from dwarf galaxies to hydrogen ionization during the initial reionization stages. The only possible sources of this radiation in the process of star formation in dwarf galaxies during the epochs preceding the hydrogen reionization epoch are hot intermediate-mass stars (M ~ 5–8 M) that entered the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stage and massive x-ray binaries. We analyze the evolution of the intergalactic gas in the neighborhood of a dwarf galaxy with a total mass of 6 × 108M formed at the redshift of z ~ 15 and having constant star-formation rate of 0.01–0.1 M yr?1 over a starburst with a duration of up to 100 Myr. We show that the radiation from AGB stars heats intergalactic gas to above 100 K and ensures its ionization xe ? 0.03 within about 4–10 kpc from the galaxy in the case of a star-formation rate of star formation 0.03–0.1 M yr?1, and that after the end of the starburst this region remains quasi-stationary over the following 200–300 Myr, i.e., until z ~ 7.5. Formation of x-ray binaries form in dwarf galaxies at z ~ 15 results in a 2–3 and 5–6 times greater size of the ionized and heated region compared to the case where ionization is produced by AGB stars exclusively, if computed with the “x-ray luminosity–star-formation rate” dependence (LX ~ fXSFR) factor fX = 0.1 and fX ~ 1, respectively. For fX ? 0.03 the effect of x-ray binaries is smaller that that of AGB star population. Lyα emission, heating, and ionization of the intergalactic gas in the neighborhood of dwarf galaxies result in the excitation of the 21 cm HI line. We found that during the period of the starburst end at z ~11.5–12.5 the brightness temperature in the neighborhood of galaxies is 15–25 mK and the region where the brightness temperature remains close to its maximum has a size of about 12–30 kpc. Hence the epoch of the starburst end is most favorable for 21 cm HI line observations of dwarf galaxies, because at that time the size of the region of maximum brightness temperature is the greatest over the entire evolution of the dwarf galaxy. In the case of the sizes corresponding to almost 0.’1 for z ~ 12 regions with maximum emission can be detected with the Square Kilometre Array, which is currently under construction.  相似文献   

The following conclusions about the kinematics and parameters of the gas in the vicinity of TW Hya have been drawn from an analysis of optical and ultraviolet line profiles and intensities. The accreting matter rises in the magnetosphere to a distance z>R* above the disk plane and falls to the star near its equator almost perpendicular to its plane. The matter outflows from a disk region with an outer radius of ≤0.5 AU. The [OI], [SII], and H2 lines originate in the disk atmosphere outside the outflow region, where the turbulent gas velocity is close to the local speed of sound. In the formation region of the forbidden lines, T?8500 K and Ne?5×106 cm?3, and the hydrogen is almost neutral: xe<0.03. The absorption features observed in the blue wings of some of the ultraviolet lines originate in the part of the wind that moves almost perpendicular to the disk plane, i.e., in the jet of TW Hya. The V z gas velocity component in the jet decreases with increasing distance from the jet axis from 200 to 30 km s?1. The matter outflowing from the inner disk boundary, moves perpendicular to the disk plane in the formation region of blue absorption line components, at a distance of ~0.5 AU from the axis of symmetry of the disk. This region of the wind is collimated into the jet at a distance of <3 AU from the disk plane. The gas temperature in the formation region of absorption components is ?2×104 K, and the gas density is <3×106 cm?3. This region of the jet is on the order of several AU away from the disk plane, while free recombination in the jet begins even farther from the disk. The mass-loss rate for TW Hya is \(\dot M_w < 7 \times 10^{ - 10} M_ \odot yr^{ - 1}\), which is a factor of 3lower than the mean accretion rate. The relative abundance of silicon and aluminum in the jet gas is at least an order of magnitude lower than its standard value.  相似文献   

The present paper is devoted to the construction of a catalog of isolated galaxy pairs extracted from the HyperLEDA extragalactic database. The radial velocities of the galaxies in the pairs are in the range [3000, 16000] km s?1. In order to get an unbiased pair catalog as complete as possible, we have limited the absolute magnitude of the galaxies to M ≤ ?18.5. The criteria used to define the isolated galaxy pairs are the following: 1) velocity criterion: radial velocity difference between the pair members ΔV < 500 kms?1; 2) interdistance criterion: projected distance between the members rp < 1 Mpc; 3) reciprocity criterion: each member is the closest galaxy to the other one, which excludes multiplets; 4) isolation criterion: we define a pair as isolated if the ratio ρ = r3/rp of the projected distance of the pair to its closest galaxy (this one having a velocity difference lower than 500 km s?1 with respect to the pair) and the members projected interdistance rp is larger than 2.5.We have searched for these closest galaxies first in HyperLEDA M-limited source catalog, then in the full one.We have managed not to suppress the small number of pairs having close-by but faint dwarf galaxy companions. The galaxy pair catalog lists the value of ρ for each isolated pair. This method allows the user of the catalog to select any isolation level (beyond the chosen limit ρ > 2.5). Our final catalog contains 13 114 galaxy pairs, of which 57% are fairly isolated withρ > 5, and 30% are highly isolated with ρ ≥ 10.  相似文献   

We have selected and analyzed a sample of OB stars with known line-of-sight velocities determined through ground-based observations and with trigonometric parallaxes and propermotions from the Gaia DR2 catalogue. Some of the stars in our sample have distance estimates made from calcium lines. A direct comparison with the trigonometric distance scale has shown that the calcium distance scale should be reduced by 13%. The following parameters of the Galactic rotation curve have been determined from 495 OB stars with relative parallax errors less than 30%: (U, V,W) = (8.16, 11.19, 8.55)± (0.48, 0.56, 0.48) km s?1, Ω0 = 28.92 ± 0.39 km s?1 kpc?1, Ω'0 = ?4.087 ± 0.083 km s?1 kpc?2, and Ω″ 0 = 0.703 ± 0.067 km s?1 kpc?3, where the circular velocity of the local standard of rest is V0 = 231 ± 5 km s?1 (for the adopted R0 = 8.0 ± 0.15 kpc). The parameters of the Galactic spiral density wave have been found from the series of radial, VR, residual tangential, ΔVcirc, and vertical, W, velocities of OB stars by applying a periodogram analysis. The amplitudes of the radial, tangential, and vertical velocity perturbations are fR = 7.1± 0.3 km s?1, fθ = 6.5 ± 0.4 km s?1, and fW = 4.8± 0.8 km s?1, respectively; the perturbation wavelengths are λR = 3.3 ± 0.1 kpc, λθ = 2.3 ± 0.2 kpc, and λW = 2.6 ± 0.5 kpc; and the Sun’s radial phase in the spiral density wave is (χ)R = ?135? ± 5?, (χ)θ = ?123? ± 8?, and (χ)W = ?132? ± 21? for the adopted four-armed spiral pattern.  相似文献   

The accretion of hot slowly rotating gas onto a supermassive black hole is considered. The important case where the velocities of turbulent pulsations at the Bondi radius r B are low, compared to the speed of sound c s, is studied. Turbulence is probably responsible for the appearance of random average rotation. Although the angular momentum at r B is low, it gives rise to the centrifugal barrier at a depth r c = l 2 /GM BH ? r B, that hinders supersonic accretion. The numerical solution of the problem of hot gas accretion with finite angular momentum is found taking into account electron thermal conductivity and bremsstrahlung energy losses of two temperature plasma for density and temperature near Bondi radius similar to observed in M87 galaxy. The saturation of the Spitzer thermal conductivity was also taken into account. The parameters of the saturated electron thermal conductivity were chosen similar to the parameters used in the numerical simulations of interaction of the strong laser beam radiation with plasma targets. These parameters are confirmed in the experiments. It is shown that joint action of electron thermal conductivity and free-free radiation leads to the effective cooling of accreting plasma and formation of the subsonic settling of accreting gas above the zone of a centrifugal barrier. A toroidal condensation and a hollow funnel that separates the torus from the black hole emerge near the barrier. The barrier divides the flow into two regions: (1) the settling zone with slow subKeplerian rotation and (2) the zone with rapid supersonic nearly Keplerian rotation. Existence of the centrifugal barrier leads to significant decrease of the accretion rate ? in comparison with the critical Bondi solution for γ = 5/3 for the same values of density and temperature of the hot gas near Bondi radius. Shear instabilities in the torus and related friction cause the gas to spread slowly along spirals in the equatorial plane in two directions.As a result, outer (r > r c) and inner (r < r c) disks are formed. The gas enters the immediate neighborhood of the black hole or the zone of the internal ADAF flow along the accretion disk (r < r c). Since the angular momentum is conserved, the outer disk removes outward an excess of angular momentum along with part of the matter falling into the torus. It is possible, that such outer Keplerian disk was observed by Hubble Space Telescope around the nucleus of the M87 galaxy in the optical emission lines. We discuss shortly the characteristic times during which the accretion of the gas with developed turbulence should lead to the changes in the orientation of the torus, accretion disk and, possibly, of the jet.  相似文献   

In astrophysical studies of Solar System bodies, the measured values of the linear polarization degree Pobs and the position angle of the polarization plane θ are usually considered relative to the plane orthogonal to the scattering plane; and the resulting quantities are designated as Pr and θr, respectively. Parameters of the phase curve of polarization Pr = f(α) serve for determining the physical characteristics of grains composing the regolith surfaces of such bodies as, for example, the Moon, Mercury, asteroids, and planetary satellites, or the polydisperse media, such as cometary comae and tails. In this paper it has been shown that the error in the polarization degree grows \({\sigma _{{P_r}}}\) due to the error \({\sigma _{{\theta _{obs}}}}\) in determining the position angle. The interrelations between these errors were obtained, and the conditions, under which the values of the linear polarization degree Pr relative to the orthogonal system can be used to analyze the phase dependences of polarization, were formulated.  相似文献   

Data on the positions, radial velocities, and proper motions of open star clusters and OB stars are used to obtain the rotation curve of the Galaxy fitted by a polynomial in inverse powers of the distances from the Galactic rotation axis. We determine the locations of the corotation region and the inner and outer Lindblad resonances using a previously estimated pattern speed. Based on data for objects of the Carina-Sagittarius and Orion arms, we have determined the distortion amplitudes of the velocity field of the Galactic disk, ?R = ?3.97±4.79 km s?1 and fθ=+13.27±2.57 km s?1.  相似文献   

Available velocity dispersion estimates for the old stellar population of galactic disks at galactocentric distances r?2L (where L is the photometric radial scale length of the disk) are used to determine the threshold local surface density of disks that are stable against gravitational perturbations. The mass of the disk Md calculated under the assumption of its marginal stability is compared with the total mass Mt and luminosity L B of the galaxy within r=4L. We corroborate the conclusion that a substantial fraction of the mass in galaxies is probably located in their dark halos. The ratio of the radial velocity dispersion to the circular velocity increases along the sequence of galactic color indices and decreases from the early to late morphological types. For most of the galaxies with large color indices (B–V)0>0.75, which mainly belong to the S0 type, the velocity dispersion exceeds significantly the threshold value required for the disk to be stable. The reverse situation is true for spiral galaxies: the ratios Md/LB for these agree well with those expected for evolving stellar systems with the observed color indices. This suggests that the disks of spiral galaxies underwent no significant dynamical heating after they reached a quasi-equilibrium stable state.  相似文献   

We measured the radial velocity of the star θ1 Ori D from IUE spectra and used published observations. Based on these data, we determined the period of its radial-velocity variations, P=20.2675±0.0010 days, constructed the phase radial-velocity curve, and solved it by least squares. The spectroscopic orbital elements were found to be the following: the epoch of periastron passage Ep=JD 2430826.6±0.1, the system's center-of-mass velocity /Gg=32.4±1.0 km s?1, K=14.3±1.5 km s?1, Ω=3.3±0.1 rad, e=0.68±0.09, a1 sin i = 3 × 1010 km, and f1 = 0.0025M. Twice the period, P=40.528±0.002 days, is also consistent with the observations.  相似文献   

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