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Nonlinear propagation of dust-acoustic waves in an unmagnetized dusty plasma consisting of negatively charged mobile dust, nonextensive ions following nonextensive q-distribution and two distinct temperature superthermal electrons following superthermal kappa distribution each, is investigated by employing lower and higher order nonlinear equations, namely the Korteweg-de-Vries (K-dV), the modified Korteweg-de-Vries (mK-dV) and the Gardner equations. The characteristic features of the hump (positive potential) and dip (negative potential) shaped dust-acoustic (DA) Gardner solitons are found to exist beyond the K-dV limit. The effects of two superthermal temperature electrons and ions nonextensivity on the basic characteristics of DA K-dV, mK-dV and Gardner solitons have also been investigated. It has been found that the DA Gardner solitons exhibit either negative or positive potential solitons only for q<q c where, q c is the critical value of the nonextensive parameter q. The possible applications of our results in understanding the localized nonlinear electrostatic structures existing in solar atmosphere, Saturn’s magnetosphere etc. (where the tails of the high energetic particles at different temperatures follow power-law like distribution) are also briefly discussed.  相似文献   

A rigorous theoretical investigation has been made on the obliquely propagating dust-acoustic (DA) waves in a magnetized dusty plasmas consisting of distinct temperature q-distributed electrons with distinct strength of nonextensivities, nonthermal ions and negatively charged mobile dust grains, and analyzed by deriving the Zakharov-Kuznetsov equation. It is found that the characteristics and the properties of the DA solitary waves (DASWs) are significantly modified by the external magnetic field, relative temperature ratio of ions, relative number densities of electrons as well as ions, the nonextensivity of electrons, nonthermality of ions and the obliqueness of the system. The possible implications of the results obtained from this analysis in space and laboratory dusty plasmas are briefly addressed.  相似文献   

Small amplitude dust-acoustic solitary waves in an unmagnetized dusty plasma consisting of electrons and two temperature ions obeying the q-nonextensive distribution are investigated. Employing reductive perturbation method, the Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation is derived. From the solitonic solutions of KdV equation, the influence of nonextensivity of electrons as well as ions and dust concentration on the amplitude and width of dust-acoustic solitary waves has been studied. It is observed that both positive and negative potential dust acoustic solitary waves occur in this case. The modified KdV (mKdV) equation is derived in order to examine the solitonic solutions for the critical plasma parameters for which KdV theory fails. The parametric regimes for the existence of mKdV solitons and double layers (DLs) have also been determined. Positive potential double layers are found to occur in the present study.  相似文献   

The Gardner equation is derived and numerically solved. This equation shows the existence of compressive and rarefactive dust-acoustic (DA) solitons with two-temperature ions beyond the K-dV (Korteweg–de Vries) limit. These may be referred to as DA Gardner solitons (DA-GSs). Here we deal with a dusty plasma, composed of negatively charged cold mobile dust fluids, inertialess Boltzmann electrons and ions with two distinctive temperatures. The basic features of the compressive and rarefactive DA solitons are identified. These solitons are found to exist beyond the K-dV limit, i.e. they exist for μ i1μ c. Here μ i1=n i10/Z d n d0, Z d is the number of electrons residing upon the dust grain surface, and n i0 (n d0) is the lower temperature ion (dust) number density at equilibrium. These DA-GSs are completely different from the K-dV solitons, because μ c (the critical value) corresponds to vanishing of the nonlinear coefficient of the K-dV equation, and μ i1μ c corresponds to K-dV solitons, with extremely large amplitude, for which the validity of the reductive perturbation method breaks down. It has been found that, depending on whether the parameter μ i1 is less than or greater than the critical value, the DA-GSs exhibit compression for μ i1>μ c and rarefaction for μ i1<μ c. The basic features of double layers with arbitrary amplitude are also briefly discussed, employing the pseudo-potential approach. The present investigation might be relevant to the electrostatic solitary structures observed in various cosmic dust-laden plasmas, such as supernova shells, Saturn’s F-ring, the ionopause of Halley’s comet, etc.  相似文献   

The properties of propagation of small amplitude ion acoustic solitary waves (IASWs) are studied in a plasma containing cold fluid ions and multi-temperature electrons (cool and hot electrons) with nonextensive distribution. Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation with finite amplitude is derived using a reductive perturbation method. From the solitary solutions of KdV equation, the combined effects of nonextensivity and density ratio are studied on characteristics of ion acoustic (IA) solitary waves. Positive as well as negative polarity solitons exist. Since singularity exists for A=0 so we have also derived modified Korteweg de Vries (mKdV) equation to study the solitonic solution for critical values of physical parameters (q,f,σ). The nonextensivity of electrons (via q) and density ratio of electrons and ions (via f) and temperature ratio (σ) significantly influence the characteristics of ion acoustic solitary structures.  相似文献   

A theoretical investigation has been made of obliquely propagating dust-acoustic solitary waves in a magnetized three-component dusty plasma, which consists of a negatively charged dust fluid, ions, and nonextensive electrons. The reductive perturbation method has been employed to derive the Korteweg-de Vries equation which admits a solitary wave solution. It has been shown that the combined effects of external magnetic field (obliqueness), ions, and electron nonextensivity change the behavior of these electrostatic solitary structures that have been found to exist with positive and negative potential in this dusty plasma model. The implications of our results in astrophysical and cosmological scenarios like vicinity of the Moon, magnetospheres of Jupiter and Saturn, dark-matter halos, hadronic matter, quark-gluon plasma, protoneutron stars, stellar polytropes etc. have been mentioned.  相似文献   

Gardner solitons (GSs) and double layers (DLs) of dust ion acoustic (DIA) waves in an electronegative plasma (composed of inertial positive and negative ions, Maxwellian cold electrons, non-thermal hot electrons, and negatively charged static dust) are studied. The reductive perturbation method is employed to derive the Korteweg-de Vries (K-dV), modified K-dV, and standard Gardner equations, which admits solitary wave and DLs solutions for σ around its critical value σ c (where σ c is the value of σ corresponding to the vanishing of the nonlinear coefficient of the K-dV equation). The parametric regimes for the existence of the GSs and DLs, are obtained. The basic features of DIA GSs and DLs (associated with negative structure only) are analyzed. It has been found that the characteristics of DIA GSs and DLs, are different from that of the K-dV solitons and mK-dV (mixed K-dV) solitons. The implications of our results to different space and laboratory plasma situations are discussed.  相似文献   

The properties of nonplanar (cylindrical and spherical) ion-acoustic solitary waves (IA SWs) in an unmagnetized, collisionless electron-positron-ion (e-p-i) plasma, whose constituents are q-distributed electrons and positrons and inertial ions, are investigated by deriving the modified Gardner (MG) equation. The well known reductive perturbation method is employed to derive the MG equation. The basic features of nonplanar IA Gardner solitons (GSs) are discussed. It is found that the properties of nonplanar IA GSs (rarefactive and compressive) are significantly affected by the particle nonextensivity.  相似文献   

Weak dust ion-acoustic (DIA) double- layers (DLs) in a dusty plasma with nonextensive electrons are addressed. A generalized Korteweg-de Vries equation with a cubic nonlinearity is derived. It is shown that under certain conditions, the effect of electron nonextensivity can be quite important. In particular, it may be noted that due to the net negative dust charge and electron nonextensivity, the present dusty plasma model may admit compressive as well as rarefactive weak DIA-DLS. Considering the wide relevance of nonlinear oscillations in space dusty plasmas, our investigation may be taken as a prerequisite for the understanding of the nonlinear structures observed in the ionosphere and the auroral acceleration regions.  相似文献   

The nonlinear amplitude modulation of dust-ion acoustic wave (DIAW) is studied in the presence of nonextensive distributed electrons in dusty plasmas with stationary dust particles. Using the reductive perturbation method (RPM), the nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLSE) which governs the modulational instability (MI) of the DIAWs is obtained. Modulational instability regions and the growth rate of nonlinear waves are discussed. It is shown that the wave characters are affected by the value of nonextensive parameter and also relative density of plasma constituents.  相似文献   

Linear and nonlinear analysis are presented for an electronegative dusty plasma system. Linear analysis shows that the dispersive nature of the plasma system changes considerably due to the presence of nonthermal q-nonextensive distributed electrons. The presence of both compressive and rarefactive Sagdeev solitons is investigated and shown that the addition of even a small population of dust particles will significantly modify the large amplitude Sagdeev solitons. The coexistence of both compressive and rarefactive solitons for a certain set of parameters is also noticed in such system. The effect of variation of entropic index q, θ i (ratio of positive ion temperature to electron temperature), θ n (ratio of negative ion temperature to electron temperature) and dust particles concentration (R) is elaborated with the help of suitable parameters.  相似文献   

The detailed properties of the classical electromagnetic Weibel instability in a semi-relativistic anisotropic plasma are investigated for Maxwellian distribution. In this article, the effects of one particular factor affecting the growth rate of Weibel instability, Coulomb collision effect of electrons and ions, is studied and discussed based on the equilibrium semi-relativistic Maxwellian distribution function, in a dense and unmagnetized anisotropic plasma. An analytical expression is derived for the growth rate of the Weibel instability. The two limiting cases ( $\left| \xi\right| \ll1$ and $\left| \xi\right| \gg1$ ) are considered. It is shown that in the limit $\left| \xi\right| \ll 1$ , the quantity η, which is due to the collision term, will appear in the growth and in the conditions of the rate of the Weibel instability. The quantity χ symbolizes the contribution from relativistic terms which becomes unity as we approach the non-relativistic Maxwellian case, leading to the standard Weibel instability scenario. The increasing of η leads to decreasing of the growth rate, and with the decreasing of η the growth rate will increase.  相似文献   

Making use of the Sagdeev pseudo-potential approach, we derive the energy like equation for dust-acoustic (DA) solitary waves in a complex plasma having negatively charged cold dust, and electrons/ions featuring the Tsallis distribution. The effects of electron and ion nonextensivity on the DA soliton profile are examined. It is shown that depending on the strength of particle nonextensivity, our plasma model may admit compressive as well as rarefactive DA solitary waves. Our results complement previously published results on this problem.  相似文献   

A theoretical investigation has been made on obliquely propagating dust-ion-acoustic solitary waves (DIASWs) in magnetized dusty electronegative plasma containing Boltzmann electrons, trapped negative ions, cold mobile positive ions, and arbitrarily charged stationary dust. The reductive perturbation method has been employed to derive the modified Zakharov-Kuznetsov (MZK) equation which admits solitary wave solution under certain conditions. The multi-dimensional instability of these solitary waves is also studied by the small-k (long wavelength plane wave) perturbation-expansion technique. The basic properties (speed, amplitude, width, instability, etc.) of small but finite amplitude DIASWs are significantly modified by the effects of external magnetic field, obliqueness, polarity of dust, and trapped negative ions. The implications of our results in space and laboratory plasmas are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

A parametric survey on the propagation characteristics of the dust ion-acoustic (DIA) shock waves showing the effect of nonextesivity with nonextensive electrons in a dissipative dusty plasma system has been carried out using the reductive perturbation technique. We have considered continuity and momentum equations for inertial ions, q-distributed nonextensive electrons, and stationary charged dust grains, to derive the Burgers equation. It has been found that the basic features of DIA shock waves are significantly modified by the effects of electron nonextensivity and ion kinematic viscosity. Depending on the degree of nonextensivity of electrons, the dust ion-acoustic shock structures exhibit compression and rarefaction. The implications of our results would be useful to understand some astrophysical and cosmological scenarios like stellar polytropes, hadronic matter and quark-gluon plasma, protoneutron stars, dark-matter halos, etc., where effects of nonextensivity can play the significant roles.  相似文献   

The Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation in unmagnetized plasma having ions and superthermal electrons and positrons has been derived using the reductive perturbation method. The space-time-fractional Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation is formulated applying the Euler-Lagrange variational technique and is solved using the sub-equation method. The effects of space time fractional order and superthermal parameters on the properties of obtained soliton have been investigated.  相似文献   

Arbitrary amplitude electron acoustic (EA) solitary waves in a magnetized nonextensive plasma comprising of cool fluid electrons, hot nonextensive electrons, and immobile ions are investigated. The linear dispersion properties of EA waves are discussed. We find that the electron nonextensivity reduces the phase velocities of both modes in the linear regime: similarly the nonextensive electron population leads to decrease of the EA wave frequency. The Sagdeev pseudopotential analysis shows that an energy-like equation describes the nonlinear evolution of EA solitary waves in the present model. The effects of the obliqueness, electron nonextensivity, hot electron temperature, and electron population are incorporated in the study of the existence domain of solitary waves and the soliton characteristics. It is shown that the boundary values of the permitted Mach number decreases with the nonextensive electron population, as well as with the electron nonextensivity index, q. It is also found that an increase in the electron nonextensivity index results in an increase of the soliton amplitude. A comparison with the Vikong Satellite observations in the dayside auroral zone is also taken into account.  相似文献   

This article presents the first study of the head-on collision of two ion-acoustic solitary waves (IASWs) in magnetized plasmas with nonextensive electrons and positrons using the extended Poincaré-Lighthill-Kuo (PLK) method. The effects of the ion gyro-frequency to ion plasma frequency ratio, the positron to ion number density ratio, the electrons temperature to positrons temperature ratio, and the nonextensive parameter q on the phase shifts are investigated. It is shown that these factors significantly modify the phase shifts.  相似文献   

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