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An analysis has been made of the fraction of ultra high energy cosmic rays (above 1018 eV) which could be due to processes involved in two possible ‘Models’. The first is the Giant Magnetic Halo Model and the second is the Dark Matter Halo Model. We find that the former, in which heavy nuclei are trapped in a giant halo, fails for energies above about 3 × 1019 eV. For the Dark Matter Halo Model, in which relic particles follow the “conventional” dark matter and whose decays give ultra high energy cosmic rays, the predicted anisotropies are much higher than those observed. The lack of observation of a finite flux from the Andromeda Galaxy means that the conclusion is insensitive to the spatial scale size of the assumed halo distribution. It is concluded that less than 10% of the ultra high energy cosmic rays come from relic particles in the Galactic halo.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a comprehensive study of the heavy quark production in ultra high energy cosmic ray interactions in the atmosphere considering that the primary cosmic ray can be either a photon, neutrino or a proton. The analysis is performed using a unified framework – the dipole formalism – and the saturation effects, associated to the physical process of parton recombination, are taken into account. We demonstrate that the contribution of heavy quarks for cosmic ray interactions is in general non-negligible and can be dominant depending of the process considered. Moreover, our results indicate that new dynamical mechanisms should be included in order to obtain reliable predictions for the heavy quark production in pp collisions at ultra high cosmic ray energies.  相似文献   

All the components of Cosmic Rays (CR) have ‘structure’ in their energy spectra at some level, i.e. deviations from a simple power law, and their examination is relevant to the origin of the particles. Emphasis, here, is placed on the large-scale structures in the spectra of nuclei (the ‘knee’ at about 3 PeV), that of electrons plus positrons (a shallow ‘upturn’ at about 100 GeV) and the positron to electron plus positron ratio (an upturn starting at about 5 GeV).Fine structure is defined as deviations from the smooth spectra which already allow for the large-scale structure. Search for the fine structure has been performed in the precise data on positron to electron plus positron ratio measured by the AMS-02 experiment. Although no fine structure is indicated, it could in fact be present at the few percent level.  相似文献   

We discuss the possibility of observing ultra high energy cosmic ray sources in high energy gamma rays. Protons propagating away from their accelerators produce secondary electrons during interactions with cosmic microwave background photons. These electrons start an electromagnetic cascade that results in a broad band gamma ray emission. We show that in a magnetized Universe (B≳10−12 G) such emission is likely to be too extended to be detected above the diffuse background. A more promising possibility comes from the detection of synchrotron photons from the extremely energetic secondary electrons. Although this emission is produced in a rather extended region of size ∼10 Mpc, it is expected to be point-like and detectable at GeV energies if the intergalactic magnetic field is at the nanogauss level.   相似文献   

HEMAS-DPM is a Monte Carlo for the simulation of very high energy cosmic ray showers, which includes the DPMJET-II code based on the two component Dual Parton Model. DPMJET-II provides also charm production in agreement with data and, for p exceeding 5 GeV/c, with perturbative QCD results in proton-proton interactions. In this respect, a new scheme has been considered for the inclusive production of D mesons at large p in hadronic collisions in the framework of perturbative fragmentation functions, allowing an analysis at the Next to Leading Order (NLO) level which goes beyond the fixed I(s3) perturbative theory of open charm production. We have applied HEMAS-DPM to the calculation of the prompt muon component for Eμ ≥ 1 TeV in air showers considering the two extreme cases of primary protons and Fe nuclei.  相似文献   

With the help of empirical data concerning the latitudinal distribution of galactic gamma rays the contribution of inverse Compton scattered gamma rays is calculated using various models concerning the distribution of high energy cosmic ray electrons perpendicular to the galactic plane. It is shown that gamma ray astronomy from regions with vanishing stellar and interstellar matter densities at energies greater than 100 MeV provides instructive information on the cosmic ray electron density. We find evidence for the existence of a broad galactic electron disk with a total thickness of at least 6.4 kpc. The uncertainties of the cosmic ray electron spectrum measurements above 100 GeV imply an additional uncertainty in the inverse Compton source function of at least a factor 6.  相似文献   

It is shown that the observed characteristic of cosmic-ray air showers is not inconsistent with the hypothesis that the initiating primary particles cannot be charged dust grains of radii (3×10–63×10–5 cm).  相似文献   

The origin of observed extremely high energy cosmic rays remains an astrophysical enigma. We show that a single evaporating primordial black hole should produce 8.5·1014 particles over a 1020 eV threshold. This emission results from direct production of fundamental constituents and from hadronization of quarks and gluons. The induced flux on the Earth is studied as a function of the local density of exploding black holes and compared with experimental data. The discovery potential of future detectors is finally reviewed.  相似文献   

We propose and test new statistical tools to study the distribution of cosmic rays based on the use of the minimal spanning tree. The method described is particularly sensitive to filamentary structures, as those expected to arise from strong sources of charged cosmic rays which get deflected by intervening magnetic fields. We also test the method with data available from the AGASA and SUGAR surface detector arrays.  相似文献   

We propose a model for the particle acceleration to energy E≈1021 eV in Seyfert galactic nuclei. The model is based on the theory of active galactic nuclei by Vilkoviskij et al. (1999). The acceleration takes place in hot spots of relativistic jets, which decay in a dense stellar kernel at a distance of 1–3 pc from the center. The maximum energy and chemical composition of the accelerated particles depend on the jet magnetic-field strength. Fe nuclei acquire the largest energy, E≈8×1020 eV, if the jet field strength is B≈16 G. At a field strength B~5–40 G, the nuclei with Z≥10 acquire energy E≥2×1020 eV; the lighter nuclei are accelerated to E≤1020 eV. In a field B~1000 G, only the particles with Z≥23 gain energy E≤1020 eV. The protons are accelerated to E<4×1019 eV, and they do not fall within the energy range concerned at any field strength B. Interactions with infrared photons do not affect the accelerated-particle escape from the sources if the galactic luminosity L≤1046 erg s?1 and if the angle between the normal to the galactic plane and the line of sight is sufficiently small, i.e., if the galactic-disk axial ratio is comparatively large. The particles do not lose their energy through magnetodrift radiation if their deflection from the jet axis does not exceed 0.03–0.04 pc at a distance R≈40–50 pc from the center. The synchrotron losses are small, because the magnetic field frozen in the galactic wind at R≤40–50 pc is directed (as in the jet) predominantly along the motion. If this model is correct, then the detected protons are nuclear fragments or are accelerated in other sources. The jet magnetic fields can be estimated by using the cosmic-ray energy spectrum and chemical composition.  相似文献   

The average characteristics of the diurnal and semi-diurnal anisotropy of cosmic ray intensity at relativistic energies have been obtained by using data from the worldwide grid of neutron monitor for the period 1989 to 1996. The complex behaviour of the diurnal amplitudes and time of maxima (phase) and its association with the Ap index on a long-term and day-to-day basis have been studied. Even though the general characteristics, on a yearly average basis, have not changed significantly during this period, both the diurnal and semi-diurnal amplitudes and phases vary significantly, besides significant changes being observed for different interplanetary conditions on a short-term basis. It is found that the relationship between the Ap index and the diurnal vector is out of phase during the period 1991 to 1995. On a long-term basis, the correlation of diurnal variation with Ap index has been found to vary during the solar cycle. On a short-term basis, it has been observed that the high Ap days are usually associated with higher amplitudes with phase shifted to earlier hours.  相似文献   

The consequences of antimatter bodies on the very high energy primary cosmic ray flux are considered. The effects of various models of cosmic ray origin and properties of astrophysical parameters are discussed. A simple expression for the production of antiprotons inNN collisions as a function of energy of the incident proton is obtained by utilizing characteristics of particles produced in high energy collisions. It is assumed that sufficient time will have elapsed for all antibaryons to decay to antiprotons. It is shown that the measurement of antinuclei in the primary cosmic ray spectrum above 1017 eV could help to establish the size of antimatter bodies.This research was supported by A.F.O.S.R. Grant No. F-44620-69-C-0019.  相似文献   

In this paper we present an exact solution of Einstein’s field equations describing the Schwarzschild black hole in dark energy background. It is also regarded as an embedded solution that the Schwarzschild black hole is embedded into the dark energy space producing Schwarzschild-dark energy black hole. It is found that the space-time geometry of Schwarzschild-dark energy solution is non-vacuum Petrov type D in the classification of space-times. We study the energy conditions (like weak, strong and dominant conditions) for the energy-momentum tensor of the Schwarzschild-dark energy solution. We also find that the energy-momentum tensor of the Schwarzschild-dark energy solution violates the strong energy condition due to the negative pressure leading to a repulsive gravitational force of the matter field in the space-time. It is shown that the time-like vector field for an observer in the Schwarzschild-dark energy space is expanding, accelerating, shearing and non-rotating. We investigate the surface gravity and the area of the horizons for the Schwarzschild-dark energy black hole.  相似文献   

Particle bursts detected on the earth's surface during thunderstorms by various particle detectors originated from the relativistic runaway electron avalanches (RREAs) initiated by free electrons accelerated in the strong atmospheric electric fields. Two oppositely directed dipoles in the thundercloud accelerate electrons in the direction of the earth's surface, and to the open space. The particle bursts observed by orbiting gamma ray observatories are called terrestrial gamma ray flashes (TGFs, with energies of several MeV, only sometimes reaching tens of MeV); ones registered by particle detectors located on the ground – are called thunderstorm ground enhancements (TGEs, with energies, usually reaching 40-50 MeV). Balloons and aircraft in the troposphere register gamma ray glows (with energies of several MeV). Recently, high-energy atmospheric physics includes also, so-called, downward TGFs (DTGFs), intense particle bursts with a duration of a few milliseconds.Well-known extensive air showers (EASs) originate from the interactions of galactic protons and fully-stripped nuclei with the atmosphere atoms. EAS particles have very dense cores around the shower axes. However, high-energy particles in the EAS cores comprise a very thin disc of (a few tens of ns), and a particle detector traversed by an EAS core will not register a particle burst, but only one very large pulse. Only neutron monitor, by collecting delayed thermal neutrons from EAS core particle interactions with soil, can register particle bursts. We discuss the relation between short particle bursts available from the largest particle arrays with EAS phenomena. We demonstrate that the neutron monitors can extend the EAS “lifetime” up to a few milliseconds, a time comparable with DTGFs duration. The possibility to use the network of neutron monitors for high-energy cosmic ray research is also deliberated.Plain Language Summary: Short and extended particle bursts are registered in space, the troposphere, and the earth's surface. Coordinated monitoring of the particle fluxes, near-surface electric fields, and lightning flashes makes it possible to formulate a hypothesis on the origin of intense bursts and their relation to extensive air showers and atmospheric discharges. Analysis of the observational data and possible origination scenarios of particle bursts allows us to conclude that the bursts can be explained by the electron acceleration in the thunderous atmosphere and by gigantic showers developed in the terrestrial atmosphere by high-energy protons and fully-stripped nuclei accelerated in Galaxy.  相似文献   

The maximum energy for cosmic ray acceleration at supernova shock fronts is usually thought to be limited to around 1014–1015 eV by the size of the shock and the time for which it propagates at high velocity. We show that the magnetic field can be amplified non-linearly by the cosmic rays to many times the pre-shock value, thus increasing the acceleration rate and facilitating acceleration to energies well above 1015 eV. A supernova remnant expanding into a uniform circumstellar medium may accelerate protons to 1017 eV and heavy ions, with charge Ze , to Z ×1017 eV. Expansion into a pre-existing stellar wind may increase the maximum cosmic ray energy by a further factor of 10.  相似文献   

In previous papers (A.D. Erlykin, A.W. Wolfendale, Astropart. Phys. 7 (1997) 1, 203; 8 (1998) 265; J. Phys. G 23 (1997) 979), we presented evidence for structure in the size spectrum of cosmic ray air showers which we interpreted as due to the presence of oxygen and iron nuclei from a local, recent, supernova remnant. Although the energies in question are 3 × 1015 eV and 1.2 × 1016 eV, well above those where direct measurements are possible, the direct measurements are, in fact, relevant. We find that the direct measurements are quite consistent with an extrapolation back of our spectra. Indeed, taken alone, the direct measurements themselves provide strong evidence for the existence of an extra, single source contribution to the total energy spectrum. The paper also includes a discussion of the high energy electron spectrum, anisotropies and the likely site of the local SNR.  相似文献   

During the period of the IQSY, January 1964 through December 1965, the sun remained quiet, accelerating few energetic particles. There were many instances during the IQSY when lowenergy detectors on satellites and space probes registered small intensity increases. However, few of these events were associated with protons of energies exceeding 10 MeV. Moreover, the maximum intensities (E p > 500 keV) were typically 1–8/cm2sec ster. Most of these events were below the threshold of riometer detection.The largest solar cosmic ray event observed in 1964 by polar-based riometers was that of March 16. This event was observed by 30 and 50 Mc/s riometers at McMurdo Sound, Antarctica, and Shepherd Bay, N.W.T., Canada.The largest event in 1965 occurred on February 5 and was the largest during the IQSY. It was associated with a class 2 flare at about 1750 UT, February 5. The propagation time between the sun and Earth was about one hour. This event was well observed by satellites, space probes, and riometers.This paper discusses primarily the 5 February 1965 event. Some discussion is also given to the 16 March 1964 event, other small events during the IQSY, and the recent event in March 1966.  相似文献   

In previous papers, the present authors have shown that the galactic anisotropy is modulated due to cosmic ray orbital deflection in the heliomagnetosphere, and that the sidereal time daily variations of galactic origin can be expressed using the basic vectors, which have been obtained by calculating trajectories of cosmic rays in a model magnetosphere having Parker's Archimedian spiral structure with a flat or a wavy neutral sheet. In the present paper, the magnetic irregularities superposed on the Parker's spiral field have been taken into account, which cause the scattering of cosmic rays and disturb their orbits. We examined the fluctuations of asymptotic directions calculating their orbits by the Monte-Carlo simulation, based on the theory of the multiple scattering process. It is shown that the dispersion of the projected deviation angle is determined mainly by the scattering mean free path and by the structure of the order magnetic field, e.g. the polarity state of the heliomagnetosphere and the extent of the neutral sheet. We investigated also the influence of the fluctuations of asymptotic directions on the sidereal daily variation. It is found that, under some conditions, the scattering causes only the attenuation of the amplitude of the basic vector, and does not change its phase. The attenuation is negligibly small at high rigidities larger than ~ 1000 GV, but becomes more serious with decreasing rigidity. The rigidity dependence curve of the attenuation rate was calculated for various cases. A simple and approximate method is also presented for the derivation of those curves for any value of the magnitude of the mean free path and for various model magnetospheres. It is noted, however, that the lower limiting rigidity below which the present method is not applicable is relatively high in the Positive polarity state.  相似文献   

The radio approach based on the Askaryan effect for detecting the ultra-high energy cosmic neutrinos has become a mature experimental technique. So far the existing calculations of the Cherenkov radiation associated with the Askaryan effect has been mostly based on the far-field approximation, whose validity maybe challenged when the detector is close to the event. In this paper we present an alternative approach to calculate the Cherenkov pulse by a numerical code based on the finite difference time-domain (FDTD) method. This approach has the advantage of providing the solution everywhere in space, contrary to other methods that rely on the far-field approximation. We also present a one-dimensional theoretical model for the shower with analytical solution, which helps to elucidate our nonzero-width simulation results. We show that for a shower with symmetric longitudinal development, the resulting near-field waveform would be asymmetric in time. In addition, we demonstrate that for a shower elongated by the LPM (Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal) effect and thus with a multi-peak structure, a bipolar, asymmetric waveform is still preserved in the near-field regime irrespective of the specific variations of the multi-peak structure, which makes it a generic, distinctive feature. This should provide an important characteristic signature for the identification of ultra-high energy cosmogenic neutrinos.  相似文献   

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