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蒋全荣  郑定英 《气象科学》1997,17(2):143-150
分析表明,北太平洋中纬度地区海水表层铅直热通量收支的分布特征与海流密切有关。暖流区的受热相对较小或失热相对较大,冷流区则反之。海水表层铅直热通量收支的季节变化分别具有一年、半年和四个月三种周期,并分别与太阳辐射、海流以及大气环流等相系。海温变化的滞后时间,基本场为2个月,扰动场为1个月。  相似文献   

The effects of sea surface temperature(SST) and its diurnal variation on diurnal variation of rainfall are examined in this study by analyzing a series of equilibrium cloud-resolving model experiments which are imposed with zero large-scale vertical velocity.The grid rainfall simulation data are categorized into eight rainfall types based on rainfall processes including water vapor convergence/divergence,local atmospheric drying/moistening,and hydrometeor loss/convergence or gain/divergence.The rainfall contributions of the rainfall types with water vapor convergence are insensitive to the increase in SST from 27°C to 29°C during the nighttime,whereas they are decreased during the daytime.The rainfall contributions of the rainfall types with water vapor convergence are decreased as the SST increases from 29°C to 31°C but the decreases are larger during the nighttime than during the daytime.The rainfall contributions of the rainfall types with water vapor convergence are decreased by the inclusion of diurnal variation of SST with diurnal difference of 1°C during the nighttime,but the decreases are significantly slowed down as the diurnal difference of SST increases from 1°C to 2°C.The rainfall contributions of the rainfall types with water vapor convergence are insensitive to the inclusion of diurnal variation of SST during the daytime.  相似文献   

青藏高原地面加热场日变化对亚洲季风区大气环流的影响   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
利用1982-1996年每天两次的NCEP丙分析资料,研究青藏高原地面加热场的日变化对亚洲季风区环流的影响。结果表明;青藏高原地面加热场的日变化是引起亚洲季风区大气环流日变化的主要因子,青藏高原地区,阿拉伯海,盂加拉湾和菲律宾附近地区是四个主要的日变化显著区,青藏高原地区是垂直运动的负值日变化中心,其它三个区域的日变化与青藏高原地区的日变化有反相关系,这种特征一年四季都存在,但各显著区域范围的大小,中心位置及环流日变化的强度随季节有不同程度的变化,青藏高原加热场日变化对我国东部地区环流的影响主要发生在夏季。  相似文献   

The sensitivity of precipitation to sea surface temperature(SST) and its diurnal variation is investigated through a rainfall partitioning analysis of two-dimensional cloud-resolving model experiments based on surface rainfall budget.For all experiments,the model is set up using zero vertical velocity and a constant zonal wind and is integrated over 40 days to reach quasi-equilibrium states.The 10-day equilibrium grid-scale simulation data and a time-invariant SST of 29°C are used in the control experiment.In the sensitivity experiments,time-invariant SSTs are 27°C and 31°C with an average value of 29°C when the minimum and maximum values of diurnal SST differences are 1°C and 2°C,respectively.The results show that the largest contribution to total rainfall is from the rainfall with water vapor convergence and local atmospheric drying and hydrometeor gain/divergence(~30%) in all experiments.When SST increases from 27°C to 29°C,the contribution from water vapor convergence decreases.The increase of SST reduces the contribution of the rainfall with water vapor convergence primarily through the decreased contribution of the rainfall with local atmospheric drying and hydrometeor gain/divergence and the rainfall with local atmospheric moistening and hydrometeor loss/convergence.The inclusion of diurnal variation of SST with the diurnal difference of 1°C decreases the rainfall contribution from water vapor convergence primarily through the decreased contribution of the rainfall with local atmospheric moistening and hydrometeor loss/convergence.The contribution of the rainfall from water vapor convergence is barely changed as the diurnal difference of SST increases from 1°C to 2°C.  相似文献   

The spatial variation of sea surface temperature anomalies(SSTA) in the North Pacific Ocean during winter is investigated using the EOF decomposition method.The first two main modes of SSTA are associated with Pacific Decadal Oscillation(PDO) mode and North Pacific Gyre Oscillation(NPGO) mode,respectively.Moreover,the first mode(PDO) is switched to the second mode(NPGO),a dominant mode after mid-1980.The mechanism of the modes’ transition is analyzed.As the two oceanic modes are forced by the Aleutian Low(AL) and North Pacific Oscillation(NPO) modes,the AR-1 model is further used to examine the possible effect and mechanism of AL and NPO in generating the PDO and NPGO.The results show that compared to the NPO,the AL plays a more important role in generating the NPGO mode since the 1970s.Likewise,both the AL and NPO affect the PDO mode since the 1980s.  相似文献   

The characteristics and possible physical mechanism of interdecadal variation of the intensity of the South Asian High (SAH) in summer are analyzed using the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data and NOAA extended reconstructed sea surface temperature (SST) data. The results indicate that a remarkable interdecadal transition occurred in the late 1970s that increased the intensity of SAH, or, an abrupt climate change was around 1978. A comparative analysis between the weak and strong period of the SAH intensity shows that the related anomalous patterns of the atmospheric circulation (including wind field, air temperature field and vertical velocity field) are nearly opposite to each other. The surface latent heat flux anomalies over the plateau (especially in the northwest of the plateau) in summer exert great influence on the interdecadal variation of the SAH intensity and the surface sensible heat flux anomalies play a more important role. Consistent with the interdecadal variation of the SAH intensity, the monopole mode of the tropical Indian Ocean SST in summer also experienced a low to high transition in the late 1970s. To some extent, this can reveal the impact of the anomalous monopole mode of the tropical Indian Ocean SST in summer on interdecadal variation of the SAH.  相似文献   

用1958~1998年NCEP再分析资料、Reynolds海温及中国160站月降水资料分析了印度洋.太平洋不同季节海温年际变异的主要空间分布特征以及它们之间的相互联系,探讨了夏季亚澳季风区海温异常型与我国夏季降水的关系。结果表明:冬季印度洋一太平洋海温年际变化的第一模态与随后春季的第一模态、夏秋季亚澳季风区的海温异常型(第二模态)有非常显著的相关关系,即如果冬季海温异常为E1 Nino(La Nina)型,则其后的春季也为E1 Nino(La Nina)型,而随后的夏、秋季在亚澳季风区的热带海温有暖(冷)异常。夏季亚澳季风区海温异常与我国长江中游至江南的夏季降水有显著的正相关,即夏季亚澳季风区热带海温暖(冷)异常对应长江中游及江南的夏季降水偏多(少)。与东亚冬季风异常有关的冬季北太平洋海温异常型,可以通过与夏季亚澳季风区海温的异常有显著相关性进而影响到东亚夏季风。  相似文献   

相对广义温度平流在强对流天气分析和预报中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李厚楹  孙承旬 《高原气象》1996,15(3):363-369
利用1994年4月6-7日发生在鄂、赣、皖交界地区的强风暴过程和8次历史个例,对其前一日资料作了温度平流和广义温度平流的计算分析。分析指出:广义温度平流上下层之差的负值中心附近是未来较强对流天气最可能出现的地区。  相似文献   

In this study, the observed CMORPH precipitation data from 1998 to 2015 are used to analyze diurnal variation of global precipitation. The results reveal that the strong diurnal signals of precipitation occur over equatorial continental areas where the annual precipitation centers are located. The phase of diurnal variation of global precipitation reveals a distinct land-sea contrast with nocturnal peaks at sea and afternoon maxima over continents. The analysis of six selected area reveals that precipitation peak over equatorial land areas occur in afternoon and maximum diurnal signals appear in autumn or winter. Eastern equatorial Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) barely shows diurnal signals in the entire year. Precipitation over Sichuan Basin and northwestern Pacific shows nocturnal peak and the maximum diurnal amplitude in summer. Precipitation over coastal areas off eastern China shows an afternoon peak and the largest diurnal amplitude in summer.  相似文献   

低纬平均经圈环流异常与海表温度异常关系的诊断分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用NCEP/NCAR的40年大气再分析资料中的月平均经向风速及垂直速度,计算了纬向平均经圈环流的质量流函数,分析了纬向平均的海表温度和纬向平均的经圈环流的气候态及异常态特征,结果表明,(1)南、北半球Hadley环流圈的共同上升支偏于赤道附近的夏半球一侧,与[SST↑-]极大值位置相对应;强下沉支位于冬半球一侧;(2)El Nino事件中低纬[SST]′是异常经圈环流产生的重要外强迫源,但其影响程度受基本气流和[SST↑-]及[SST]′的季节变化和年际差异的影响甚大。  相似文献   

The interannual variations of atmospheric heat sources and moisture sinks over the Equatorial Pacific and their relations with the SST anomalies are studied using ECMWF reanalysis data from 1979 to 1993. It is found by singular value decomposition (SVD)…  相似文献   

利用1961—2017年中国地面观测站日降水资料、全球大气多要素和海表温度月资料,分析华南区域持续性强降水过程的气候特征,诊断并比较与华南前汛期、后汛期区域持续性强降水年际变化相关的大气环流和海表温度异常特征。结果表明,3—12月华南都可能出现持续性强降水过程,其中汛期4—9月的占了94.4%。伴随着区域持续性强降水的年际变化,华南本地垂直上升运动显著异常是前汛期和后汛期的共同点,但前汛期、后汛期在华南及周边环流异常、水汽输送来源以及海温异常分布等方面都存在一定差异。在前汛期华南区域持续性强降水偏重年,赤道西太平洋区域海温偏低,由于大气罗斯贝波响应使西太平洋副热带高压偏强,热带西太平洋向华南区域水汽输送加强,从而有利于区域持续性强降水偏重。后汛期华南区域持续性强降水偏重年的海温异常分布是赤道中东太平洋区域正异常、东印度洋至西太平洋暖池区负异常,海温异常通过西北太平洋副热带高压、南海热带季风强度、水汽输送和垂直环流等多方面,导致后汛期区域持续性强降水偏重。   相似文献   

本根据“实验3号”科学考察船在TOGA-COARE(1992年11月-1993年2月)定点(2°15'S,158°00'E)连续观测的大气,海洋资料,利用考虑风速和大气层结影响的整体输送动力学公式,计算给出了在西太平洋热带海域强对流天气过程中动量、感热和潜热等湍流通量垂直交换和水平输送的一些特性,并与该海域其它天气过程湍流通量交换和输送的特性作了比较,此外,中还讨论了更接近实际的曳力系数,感热  相似文献   

热带海温变化对云南初夏干湿转换季节雨量的影响   总被引:13,自引:8,他引:13  
通过相关分析、诊断分析以及数值模拟试验来研究热带海温异常对云南初夏干温转换季节雨量变化的影响,研究表明前期热带海温异常对云南初夏干湿转换季节雨量有明显的影响,海温与雨量的显著关相关区与Walker环流的上升下沉支相对应。提前的时间尺度越长,海温所提供的可预报信息越少;时间尺度越短,提供的可预报信息越大。诊断分析及 数值模拟研究还表明在赤道中东太平洋的暖位相期,孟加拉湾地区的季风低压和初夏索马里附近的越赤道气流及印度洋西南季风减弱,反之则加强。海温变化通过海气相互作用影响到季风活动,从而对云南初夏干湿转换季节雨量产生影响。  相似文献   

The mass stream function of zonal mean meridional circulation is calculated in terms of NCEP/NCAR monthly meridional wind speed and vertical velocity, and the climatic and anomalous features of zonal mean SST and meridional circulation are investigated. Results show that (1) a joint ascending branch of Northern and Southern Hadley circulation is on the side of the summer hemisphere near the equator ,being well consistent with the extremum of [SST ],and a strong descending by the winter-hemispheric side.(2)El Nino-related [SST] in low latitudes is an important outer-forcing source for anomaly meridional circulation, which is affected by seasonal variation of basic airflow and [SST ], and interannual and interdecadal changes of [SST] .  相似文献   

西南地区降水量的气候特征及变化趋势   总被引:25,自引:4,他引:21  
董谢琼  段旭 《气象科学》1998,18(3):239-247
本文利用云,贵,川(包括重庆市)76个基本站1951-1995年降水资源,通过-0系列计算分析,得出西南地区降水的气候学特征和近40多年来的变化趋势特点如下;西南地区的降水量分布受地影响较大,空间分布不均,局地差异大,年降水量分布由东,南向西北减少,全区年降水率多在10-20%之间,降水量的季节分配不均匀,冬季雨量最少,夏季最多,大部分地区秋雨多于春雨,各季降水量的相对变率都比年降水量的大,冬季最  相似文献   

热带地区云量日变化的气候特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用国际卫星云气候计划(ISCCP)1984—2003年共20年云量资料,统计分析了热带地区的云量日变化特征,研究结果表明,云量峰值时间和变化幅度在全球的分布都较为均匀,而海陆差异明显。高云和低云在变化机制上相对独立,其云量日变化并非同步。全球云量日变化由4类基本形式组成,分别为洋面高云型、陆面高云型、洋面低云型和陆面低云型。高云日变化与地表辐射加热状况密切相关,其形式在洋面和陆面类似,均为早晨出现云量最小值而午后到达云量峰值。相比于洋面,陆面高云的峰值在夜间持续时间较长,可发展至更为稳定深厚的云系。低云多在局地5时附近出现云量峰值,18时左右达到云量极小值,其中陆面低云在12时出现第二峰值。  相似文献   

利用1979—2019年全国160站逐月降水资料、国家气候中心的西太平洋副热带高压特征指数逐月资料、英国Hadley中心逐月海表面温度资料以及NCEP/NCAR逐月再分析资料,结合小波分析、相关分析、信息流以及合成分析方法,分析了广西前汛期降水的变化特征及其与东南太平洋海温变化的因果联系。结果表明:近40 a来广西前汛期降水呈弱增多趋势,在1980年代末至21世纪初存在显著的3~5 a周期。在1980年代至1990年代初为少雨期,而在20世纪末至21世纪初期转为多雨期。东南太平洋是海温影响广西前汛期降水的关键区,同年春季以及同期该区域海温变化是造成广西前汛期降水变化的原因之一,海温升高(降低)能够部分导致降水的减少(增多)。同年春季海温偏冷年,关键区西侧为对流抑制,南太平洋出现异常反气旋环流响应,通过垂直环流引起澳大利亚西北侧上升运动异常,减弱了局地Hadley环流。该异常通过大气桥一方面使得副高增强增大,位置偏西偏南,有利于副高西侧的西南气流向广西输送水汽;另一方面使得广西地区上空局地Hadley下沉支减弱,受异常上升运动控制,对流增强,导致降水正异常。反之亦然。  相似文献   

南亚高压强度的年代际变化及可能原因分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和NOAA ERSST海温资料,对夏季南亚高压的年代际变化特征及其可能机制进行了分析。结果表明,南亚高压由弱到强的年代际转折发生在1970年代末,或者说南亚高压强度在1978年前后发生了年代际突变。对南亚高压偏弱和偏强两个阶段的对比分析表明,大气环流(包括风场、温度场和垂直运动场等)的异常形势和特征显著不同,几乎是相反的。夏季地表潜热通量异常的分析说明,夏季高原(特别是高原西北部)的地表热通量异常对南亚高压强度的年代际变化有重要影响;相对而言,地表感热通量异常可能对南亚高压强度的年代际变化起更重要作用。夏季热带印度洋海温的全区一致型模态在1970年代末也发生了明显的年代际变化,与南亚高压强度的年代际异常有很好的一致性,表明夏季热带印度洋海温一致型模态异常对南亚高压年代际变化有影响。   相似文献   

利用ECMWF(1979~1993年)的再分析资料计算分析了热带太平洋上空大气热源及水汽汇的年际变化及其与海表温度异常之间的联系。通过SVD的分析,发现大气热源的垂直积分〈Q1〉和水汽汇垂直积分〈Q2〉异常与SST异常有着较高正相关关系的热带太平洋区域主要集中在170 E以东的5 S~5 N之间的一个狭长带中。分析大气热源和水汽汇的空间结构,则发现在赤道太平洋中、东部地区,除了最低层(962.5 hPa)和最高层(85 hPa)以外,对流层其余各层Q1、Q2异常与SST异常都存在较高的正相关关系;而在赤道西太平洋地区,850 hPa层以下,Q1异常与SST异常为负相关关系,在962.5 hPa相关系数甚至为 -0.59,其余各层Q1、Q2异常与SST异常也只有很弱的正相关关系。  相似文献   

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