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论乡村可持续性与乡村可持续性科学   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
面对全球环境挑战,可持续发展备受关注,成为21世纪举世瞩目的新兴领域。乡村可持续性科学作为可持续性科学的重要组成部分,是一门以跨学科思维、多尺度视角来理解和改善乡村人地关系的、以应用为导向的整合型学科。与城市可持续性科学相互对应并相互联系,乡村可持续性科学是应对乡村衰退、促进乡村可持续发展所急需的科学支撑。本文在讨论可持续性、乡村可持续性与乡村可持续性科学概念基础上,以农业可持续性、社区可持续性与农民福祉为主要内容,构建了一个多学科综合的乡村可持续性科学研究框架。中国是一个农业大国,城乡差距明显,“三农”问题复杂,1978年改革开放以来,乡村发展迅速,但也面临艰巨挑战。乡村振兴战略的实施是推动中国乡村向可持续发展转型的有效途径,但其理论与实践体系尚不完善。具有中国特色的乡村可持续性科学的发展,可以为乡村振兴战略实施提供理论、技术与决策支撑。为此,本文对中国乡村可持续发展现状进行了分析,并基于文献分析探讨了中国乡村可持续研究的不足。结论显示,中国乡村迫切需要向可持续发展转型,但乡村可持续性科学基础薄弱,需借鉴国际经验,立足本国国情,强化跨学科研究与人地系统耦合研究,聚焦9个适应中国当前乡村发展需求的核心议题,并因地制宜地将乡村可持续性研究成果转化为指导乡村振兴发展的行动策略。  相似文献   

Stewart Barr 《Area》2003,35(3):227-240
Policymakers are becoming increasingly interested in the means by which individuals can be encouraged to engage in environmental actions around the home. This paper uses evidence from existing empirical research and a large questionnaire survey undertaken by the author to argue that environmental action is open to a range of influences, focusing especially on environmental values, situational characteristics and psychological variables. Accordingly, the paper asserts that strategies for promoting environmentally responsible behaviours (such as energy saving, water conservation and waste recycling) should take account of these factors. The implications for the study of environmental behaviour are considered.  相似文献   

The implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) will challenge traditional single discipline or single issue approaches to research, requiring instead new forms such as 'sustainability science'. Sustainability science requires the integration of multiple perspectives to resolve place-based problems. This paper will illustrate some of the challenges and emergent understandings that were observed during three research projects that could be characterised as attempting to practice sustainability science. The first two projects focused on designing and developing an integrated assessment approach to analyse possible programmes of measures for the WFD. The third project is an evaluation of a European project that piloted specific measures that might be implemented under WFD. The findings highlight the institutional changes required to deliver sustainability science. To summarise, both the 'rules-in-use' and the 'play-of-the-game', to use the language of the institutional analysis and development framework, will have to change to provide sufficient incentives to make the transition from traditional science to sustainability science.  相似文献   


Although the term “sustainability” did not gain traction until the 1980s, concerns about the consequences of transportation technology started long before. This paper reviews the literature on urban transportation sustainability using three frameworks. First, urban transportation can be unsustainable environmentally, economically, and socially (the three pillars of sustainability). Second, sustainable strategies tend to fall into two paradigms. Sustainable Transport Technology improves current patterns of modes and trips by consuming less resources and generating less waste. Sustainable Travel Behavior and Built Environment takes a more holistic approach that targets more sustainable travel choices, recognizing that changes in the built environment that currently constrains those choices are also essential. Third, the Planner’s Triangle helps explain commonly encountered situations where inherent tradeoffs can impede win-win-win strategies across environmental, economic, and social domains. The paper concludes with future research directions and concluding thoughts about urban transportation and sustainability.  相似文献   

This article explores the urban governmentalities that are emerging through the discursive constitution of cycling as a form of sustainable transport. It has two main aims. The first is to explore and critique the strategies and discourses used to promote cycling as a sustainable form of transport. We argue that cycling advocacy displays totalising tendencies which obscure social and cultural difference, ignore the embodied and affective dimensions of transport practices and fail in part to apprehend the heterogeneity of environmental responsibility. Our second aim is to tentatively suggest a more productive way of knowing and talking about cycling that might be constitutive of a less exclusionary affective ethical sensibility.  相似文献   

The Home Insulation Program (HIP) in Australia is an outstanding example of a contemporary attempt to intervene in a socio-technical regime. The program, implemented in 2009 under the then Australian Labor Party government led by Kevin Rudd, was targeted at stimulating the retrofit insulation industry. The objective was to both improve the energy efficiency of homes and thereby contribute to Australia’s emissions reduction targets by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and to stimulate the Australian economy at the time of the global financial crisis. The program ended early following a number of economic issues and health and safety concerns. Despite previous investigation into the HIP reviewing its design and implementation, the focus has been on economic issues and health and safety concerns. To date there has been no investigation of the HIP as a sustainability transition. This article integrates socio-technical transition theory (STTT) and political ecology (PE) approaches to analyse the HIP and identify lessons for future sustainability transition initiatives. This is achieved by illustrating the effect of regime management (RM) on the orientation of niche governance (NG) which highlights the importance of considering the RM and NG aspects of STTT with a PE approach in symmetry, in order to adequately account for political and economic contest and power relations, which are ubiquitous in environmental management governance.  相似文献   


Human encounters with waste can trigger reflections on taken-for-granted assumptions about consumption. Taking this observation as its starting point, this paper explores whether and how the introduction of the kitchen caddy and food waste composting at the municipal scale generates new environmental subjectivities in Australian homes. Using visceral research methods, the paper shows that, other than participation in municipal composting, close encounters with food becoming compost do not trigger more experimental or sustainable relationships with food. Rather, they trigger new configurations of cleanliness, tidiness and storage as participants seek to stabilise their home against the disruptive sight, smell and touch of food becoming compost. In unsettling the boundaries between humans and nonhumans, and cleanliness and chaos, food becoming compost produces visceral disgust among residents who are primed through modern home cultures to maintain cleanliness, control and the prevention of nonhuman intrusions at home. The success of municipal composting thus hinges on households’ commitment to ‘sustainability work’ in placing, storing, cleaning and sealing food to reconfigure the modern home for waste recovery. Reconceptualising municipal composting as a co-production of sensory engagement and household practices, we centre a visceral politics of household sustainability at the heart of municipal composting and resource management.  相似文献   

可持续性转型地理研究综述与展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
可持续性转型是近20 a欧洲学界的新兴研究领域,它关注既有社会技术系统向更加可持续的生产与消费模式的根本性转变,对不少国家和地区的绿色转型政策实践已经产生了重要的影响。近年来,越来越多学者开始关注可持续性转型与经济地理的交叉融合,可持续性转型地理逐渐发展成为一个新兴的研究议题,着重从空间根植性与多尺度交互2个维度回答“可持续性转型在哪里发生”的问题。论文在简要总结可持续转型理论与分析框架的基础上,系统回顾和评述了转型地理研究进展与不足,并着重从中国的情境提出未来该议题的几个重点方向:① 基于中国语境下的的转型地理概念化和理论框架构建;② 后发地区可持续性转型与绿色产业追赶;③ 城市可持续性转型差异与联系;④ 多尺度交互下转型主体能动性与权力博弈;⑤ 人工智能等新兴技术对可持续转型的影响。  相似文献   

Although Soviet-era urban-growth controls produced relatively sustainable metropolitan development patterns, low-density suburban sprawl has accelerated markedly in modern Russia. Distinctive features of Moscow's development history are its greenbelt, which dates from 1935 and is becoming increasingly fragmented, proliferation of satellite cities at the urban fringe, conversion of seasonal dachas into full-time residences, the very exclusive Rublevo Uspenskoe Highway development, and today's crippling traffic congestion. The recent economic crisis has slowed development and actually increased the supply of “economy-class” single-family homes, for which there is much pent-up desire but insufficient credit availability to meet the demand. A renewed commitment to sustainability's triple bottom line—environmental quality, equity, and economic prosperity—will require greater government transparency and fairness, stronger planning controls, and an expanded public transportation system.  相似文献   

基于能值的内蒙古可持续发展评价(英文)   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
An integrated environmental accounting of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region(IMAR) is presented in this paper based on emergy analysis with data from 1987 to 2007.Through calculating environmental and economic inputs and a series of emergy indicators,this paper discusses IMAR’s resource use structure,economic situation,and trade status.The results show that more than 85% of the emergy used in IMAR was derived from home sources,indicating a strong capacity for self-sufficiency.Concentrated-used local non-renewable emergy,which provides IMAR economy with most of the driving forces,took the largest share in total emergy use after 2004 and reached 58% in 2007.The Western China Development Plan of 2000 ushered in a rapid growth of coal and electricity production and exportation to other regions of China from IMAR.The export/import emergy ratio of IMAR reached 3.46 in 2007,with the coal exported(3.44 10 23 sej in 2007) without being used by IMAR itself,accounting for almost 100% of the difference between the imports and exports.The results also show that from 1987 to 1998,EmSI values remained higher than 10,suggesting underdevelopment in IMAR;after 1998,EmSI values decreased sharply from 19.07 in 1998 to 1.88 in 2007,indicating that IMAR is characterized by medium-run sustainability and is relying more on non-renewable resources and imports.  相似文献   

Over-abstraction of groundwater is one concern of the Badia Research and Development Programme. The upper aquifer of the Azraq basin forms the largest resource of good-quality water, but current abstraction exceeds both average recharge and the safe yield of the aquifer, which is over-exploited. Although there has been no deterioration in water quality and only minor drawdown, the springs at Azraq have dried up, with severe, undesirable environmental impacts. Total abstraction of 20 × 106 m3 yr−1 appears to be sustainable and would allow some springflow, but this leaves a shortfall of 40 × 106 m3 yr−1 for domestic supply and agriculture.  相似文献   

Resource use by a country is considered in the context of a production relationship. Resources include natural, produced, and human capital. The taxation of each of these resource groups has an impact on the efficient use of these inputs through changes in the relative prices. A computable general equilibrium model (CGE) of the Czech Republic is used to evaluate the impact that various revenue neutral tax structures have on the allocation of economic activity throughout the economy. A Hicksian welfare measure is used to determine the impact on society’s welfare of revenue neutral shifts in taxes. The results demonstrate that the change in the tax structure will result in a welfare improvement by as much as 5% for the Czech Republic. The results provide insight into the role that “getting the prices right” has on sustainability. Although the term “sustainable development” was first introduced in a report by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources in 1980 it did not gain significant notoriety until the Brundtland Commission report in 1987. For a more detailed discussion see Jamieson, 1998.  相似文献   

Over the past three decades the Western Australian wheatbelt has undergone dramatic economic, environmental and social changes precipitated, primarily, by the process of rural restructuring. Farm amalgamation, environmental degradation, labour market adjustments and severe population decline have been consistently noted trends throughout much of the wheatbelt. The ongoing and integrated nature of these problems has led to increasing calls for a more holistic approach to sustainable rural development. This paper argues that while considerable efforts are being made to find solutions to the economic and environmental problems faced in the wheatbelt, these endeavours do not address many important problems faced by rural communities. It therefore advocates the inclusion of a social dimension in any attempt to achieve an overall goal of rural sustainability.  相似文献   

Ethical issues in water use and sustainability   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Adrian Armstrong 《Area》2006,38(1):9-15
The modern debate on water use and sustainability starts with the assumption that protecting the water environment is an ethical imperative, but rarely questions the basis for this viewpoint. This paper aims to identify some of the bases that could underlie such a position, seeking to locate value in the natural world beyond anthropocentric utilitarianism. Only when there is a clear basis for this discussion is it possible to discuss and resolve issues and conflicts that arise in the management of water: between present and future users, between human and non-human users, or between competing human users. We then attempt to develop a 'water ethic', parallel to the famous 'land ethic' of Aldo Leopold, in which we see water as the centre of the web of life in the landscape. Protecting water, its quality and its availability, for all present and future users, is one touchstone for the evaluation of environmental action and policy.  相似文献   

TransportandplanningisuesoftheParisRegion:aquestionofsustainabilityWONGTai-CheDivisionofGeographyNanyangTechnologicalUnivers...  相似文献   

The Knysna Basin, a southern Cape catchment, drains into the Knysna estuary. The landscape characteristics are the product of a long geomorphic evolution resulting in high sensitivity to change. Consideration of the geomorphology is followed by examples of impacts on the estuary and adjacent areas. The need for sustainability in the context of development is argued. The paper is a southern African contribution to the landscape sensitivity issue.  相似文献   

This paper problematises positivist framings of water demand management (WDM) that define the average‐water‐user. Through a situated, case‐study account undertaken in suburban Auckland, we highlight variable social and cultural underpinnings of domestic water use. Activities that are commonly the focus of WDM are shown to be embedded elements of life around which relationships, affects and futures are woven. As a consequence, myopically focusing on the technical–managerial mediation of what are socionatural relations reduces prospects to achieve intended policy outcomes. Reframing WDM as a hydrosocial process provides a basis for water providers to develop more culturally appropriate water management.  相似文献   

While much previous work has been done on the general concept of ecological sustainability, there is relatively little that examines the likely spatial aspects of a socially sustainable rural system. Having defined essential concepts, this study first identifies major current forces for rural change likely to influence any future sustainable system. It goes on to specify those features of modern rural social formations which I believe deserve retention. Finally, some essential requirements for a socially sustainable system are established.  相似文献   

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