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A common characteristic of gold deposits is highly skewed frequency distributions. Lognormal and three-parameter lognormal distributions have worked well for Witwatersrand-type deposits. Epithermal gold deposits show evidence of multiple pulses of mineralization, which make fitting simple distribution models difficult. A new approach is proposed which consists of the following steps: (1) ordering the data in descending order. (2) Finding the cumulative coefficient of variation for each datum. Look for the quantile where there is a sudden acceleration of the cumulative C.V. Typically, the quantile will be above 0.85. (3) Fitting a lognormal model to the data above that quantile. Establish the mean above the quantile, Z H * . This is done by fitting a single or double truncated lognormal model. (4) Use variograms to establish the spatial continuity of below-quantile data (ZL) and indicator variable (1 if below quantile, 0 if above). (5) Estimate grade of blocks by (1*) (Z L * )+(1 – 1*) (Z H * ), where 1* is the kriged estimate of the indicator, and Z L * is the kriged estimate of the below quantile portion of the distribution. The method is illustrated for caldera, Carlin-type, and hot springs-type deposits. For the latter two types, slight variants of the above steps are developed.  相似文献   

载炭泡塑吸附法对金有良好的吸附性能,但只能用于抽滤吸附不能振荡吸附,分析手续繁杂。本文以载炭泡塑振荡吸附-电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法测定金矿石的金量。样品在650℃高温灼烧2 h,用50%王水和10%氯化铁加热溶解,溶液冷却后加入5%高锰酸钾氧化,用中密度规格的载炭泡塑两次振荡吸附溶液中的金,然后于580℃高温灼烧后以50%王水溶解灰分,直接用ICP-OES测定金量。方法检出限(3σ)为0.002μg/g,精密度(RSD,n=11)小于3.7%。本方法对金的吸附率大于99.9%,测定范围为0.01~90μg/g,对不同类型金矿石的适应性强,解决了以往泡塑吸附法吸附率较低、标准系列与样品需同时预处理的问题,对低含量和高含量样品均有较高的准确度。  相似文献   

芦秀茹 《吉林地质》2013,(4):115-116
活性炭吸附碘量法测定金对加工样品的设备及伴生元素处理有着重要关系。地区不同、含金颗粒大小不同,设备及处理方法也不同。  相似文献   

北京市得田沟金矿床矿物特征和金的赋存状态   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
得田沟金矿床是受韧性剪切带控制的石英脉-蚀变岩型金矿床。容矿岩石主要为太古宙受混合岩化的角闪岩相变岩系。矿石矿物主要为黄铁矿、方铅矿、闪锌矿、黄铜矿、碲铅矿及金、银(铋)的单质和化合物等;脉石矿物主要为石英、方解石、绿泥石、绿帘石、绢云母、阳起石等。Au、Ag(Bi)主要呈细粒自然金、自然银、碲金银矿、针碲金银矿、碲银矿、六方碲银矿、螺状硫银矿、未定名矿物AgS1+xTe1-x和Bi5Te6存在。  相似文献   

陕西小秦岭金矿床中金的赋存状态及分布规律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陕西小秦岭脉状金矿床中,金的赋存状态及其分布与硫化物的发育程度密切相关,金优先赋存于硫化矿物中,只有当硫化物不发育时,才主要以金矿物形式赋存于石英等矿物中。金矿物的Ag/Au比率主要受成矿温度、硫化物发育程度、成矿热液中Cl/S浓度比值等因素制约。  相似文献   

新疆卡特巴阿苏金矿床是那拉提-红柳河金-铜-镍-铅锌-玉石-白云母成矿带内近几年发现的特大型金矿之一。在野外地质调查和室内综合整理基础上,利用显微镜鉴定、扫描电镜观察和X射线能谱仪测试分析等手段和方法,对金矿石中金的赋存状态进行了研究。结果表明,卡特巴阿苏金矿床金矿物主要以自然金和含银自然金的形式存在,自然金成色为764.5‰~1 000‰;主要载金矿物为黄铁矿,有少量黄铜矿及脉石矿物;金的嵌布类型有裂缝金、晶间金和相对较少的包裹金3种形式;矿石中自然金均为粒度小于40μm的显微粒金。  相似文献   

Native ruthenium and platinum-bearing hedleyite were recognized two gold deposits contained in Archaean metamorphic rocks in northern China.They are coexistent with native gold,quartz and pyrite.The high W content of native ruthenium may reflect the precipitation of ores in a W-rich hydrothermal system at moderate to high temperatures,The presence of platinum-group minerals(PGM)in the two deposits suggests that Au and PGE were both derived from mantle-source rocks.  相似文献   

山东三甲金矿的矿体变化特征及其找矿意义   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
通过对乳山中东部地区金矿体侧伏规律的研究,发现金矿体在NNE方向上呈共轭,在NE方向上则一致。根据这一规律,指出三甲金矿矿体深部应向南侧伏。通过对矿体产状变化的观察,指出矿体在走向上具明显的近等间距膨缩现象,膨缩距在160~180m之间。金矿体厚度等值线呈波状变化,其波峰的连线走向为NNW351°,波峰的侧伏角为45°。在-306m中段以下,矿体厚度向南向下有变大的趋势。基于以上的认识,提出了三甲金矿的深部预测意见。  相似文献   

秦岭板块内已发现五十多个金矿床(点),它们基本上赋存于志留、泥盆纪等沉积盆地中的容矿地层,受制于主造山期形成的成矿构造模型,可划分出细碎屑岩改造型、细碎屑岩-碳酸盐岩改造型、热水沉积改造型、火山-沉积改造型4种类型.矿床具层控特征,呈带状分布,形成于印支-燕山期.通过对区内典型金矿床金成色的对比研究,在空间上自北向南,除北部地区为中等金成色外,其余大部分地区为高成色;自东向西则呈波浪式变化.在时间上表现为随地层(层位)由老到新,总体呈逐步降低的趋势.在成矿深度及物质来源方面,则提供了该区中深度成矿、中深部物质来源的佐证.  相似文献   

内蒙古白音哈尔金矿床矿石及金矿物特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
内蒙古白音哈尔金矿床矿石类型以贫硫化物含Au石英脉型为主,深部见含Au破碎蚀变岩型,主要载金矿物是石英,黄铁矿和褐铁矿,金的赋存状态为包裹体金,裂隙金和晶隙金,金矿物主要以中粗粒以上颗粒为主,占面积比的91.21%。矿床的形成经历2个成矿期4个成矿阶段,即热液期的石英,多金属贫硫化物及碳酸盐阶段和表生期的氧化淋滤阶段。  相似文献   

The experiments on the enrichment of gold by bacteria indicate that bacteria have a very intense capacity of enriching gold and act as an arrester of trace gold in sea water,Bacteria enrich gold in two forms:absorption and adsorption.Absorption means that gold finds its way into organisms and it is combined with the mercapto group of protein,whereas adsorption means that gold is adsorbed on organisma by amino acid secreted by cell walls,Bacteria are organisms with very high vitality and reproductive capacity and huge productivity in nature Bacteria,which are important geolgical agents for gold enrichment and can exert effects on geological environments by their metabolism,are of important geochemical significance for the formation of gold-bearing black rock series.  相似文献   

根据测量不确定度的评定方法,对活性炭吸附-碘量法测定金矿石中的金进行不确定度评定。实验样品从低温升至650℃灼烧2 h除硫,用50%(体积分数)的王水溶解1 h,经活性炭动态吸附抽滤,将载金炭灰化复溶,用硫代硫酸钠标准溶液滴定,该方法简便、快速、实用性强。测量结果的不确定度由滴定样品消耗的硫代硫酸钠标准工作溶液体积、硫代硫酸钠对金的滴定度、称量质量、重复测定等不确定度分量组成。对各个不确定度分量进行分析并量化,合成得到测量结果的标准不确定度,换算成扩展不确定度。通过评定不确定度主要是由硫代硫酸钠对金的滴定度引入。  相似文献   

未来不同排放情景下气候变化预估研究进展   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
概述未来不同排放情景下气候变化预估研究的主要进展。首先,对用于开展气候变化预估研究的不同复杂程度的气候系统及地球系统模式及其模拟能力进行了简要的介绍,指出虽然目前气候系统模式在很多方面存在着较大的不确定性,但大体说来可提供当前气候状况的可信模拟结果;进而介绍了IPCC不同的排放情景,以及不同排放情景下全球与东亚区域气候变化预估的主要结果。研究表明,尽管不同模式对不同情景下未来气候变化预估的结果存有差异,但对未来50~100年全球气候变化的模拟大体一致,即全球将持续增温、降水出现区域性增加。在此基础上,概述了全球气候模式模拟结果的区域化技术,并重点介绍了降尺度方法的分类与应用。同时对气候变化预估的不确定性进行了讨论。最后,对气候变化预估的研究前景进行了展望,并讨论了未来我国气候变化预估研究的重点发展方向。  相似文献   

The sediment-hosted disseminated gold deposits in the Oinling region are of sedimentation-slight-metamorphic origin superimposed by hydrothermal reworking at moderate-low temperatures and are well comparable with the typical Carlin gold deposits in the United States.In view of the confusing concept concerning the “sediment-hosted”and “Carlin-type” gold deposits,the authors propose that the term“sediment-hosted gold deposit”should be used in a broad sense which encompasses at least the four subtypes,i.e.,the Carlin type,the metamorphic fine clastic type,the hydrothermal sedimentary type and the vein type.In oter words,the “Carlin-type”should not be used as a synonym for “sediment-hosted”but is recommended as a subtype under the general category of “sediment-hosted gold deposits”  相似文献   

藏南查拉普金矿床载金矿物特征与金的赋存状态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄铁矿和毒砂是卡林型和造山型金矿床重要的载金矿物。文章通过电子探针(EPMA)分析研究了藏南查拉普金矿床不同类型黄铁矿和毒砂中Au、As、S、Fe等元素的含量变化和分布规律,发现不同阶段的黄铁矿具有不同的结构特征和元素组成特点。沉积成岩期黄铁矿(Py1)主要呈草莓状、胶状,常构成环带状黄铁矿的核心,其中金的含量最高,显示了金在沉积成岩期的大量富集。热液期早阶段黄铁矿(Py2)主要呈自形-半自形的立方体,与Py1元素(S、Fe、As)组成相近,显示了一定的继承演化关系。热液期主阶段黄铁矿(Py3)与毒砂共生,多呈自形-半自形的五角十二面体、立方体,常包裹早期的黄铁矿形成环带结构。Py3中As的含量明显升高,其增加量近似等于S的减少量,说明As主要进入黄铁矿晶格替代了S的位置。各个阶段的黄铁矿和毒砂中Au的分布在EPMA微束的分辨率下均显示是不均匀的,Au在Py1和大部分Py2中主要以纳米级自然金(Au0)的形式存在;而在Py3中主要以(Au+)的形式存在,少部分以纳米级自然金(Au0)形式存在。Py1的结构及元素组成与典型卡林型金矿和造山型金矿沉积成岩期黄铁矿的特点相似,而Py3的大量发育则符合卡林型金矿的特征。  相似文献   

哈西金矿位于新疆托里县哈图金矿的西南部,是近期发现的一个具有较大成矿潜力的金矿。矿体受北东向安齐断裂控制,长短不一,厚度为0. 10~3. 42 m,Au品位为0. 17~64. 60 g/t,主要赋存在石炭系太勒古拉组中,且与玄武岩关系密切。原生矿石可分为蚀变岩型及石英脉型两种,矿石矿物主要有黄铁矿、毒砂、黄铜矿、辉砷镍矿和自然金等。根据矿物共生组合规律,可将金矿形成的过程划分为2个成矿期次(热液期、表生期)和4个成矿阶段(石英-硫化物阶段、石英-硫化物-自然金阶段、碳酸盐阶段、氧化阶段)。自然金主要赋存形式为裂隙金、包裹金和粒间金,其成色平均为954. 19‰,粒径主要集中在20~50μm之间,属于显微金。  相似文献   

西岭金矿床是胶东金矿集区内近来新发现的超大型破碎蚀变岩型金矿床(475吨@4.56 g/t),位于著名的三山岛金矿床的东侧。本文在详实的野外地质观察的基础上,系统介绍了西岭金矿床的基础地质特征,并运用光学显微镜和扫描电镜观察,结合电子探针分析,系统研究了西岭金矿床金的赋存状态。西岭金矿床大量金矿物(银金矿和自然金)主要赋存在Ⅱ阶段石英-黄铁矿和Ⅲ阶段灰石英-多金属硫化物脉中。西岭金矿床金矿物主要有晶隙金、裂隙金和包体金三种赋存状态,以晶隙金为主。金的主要载体矿物为黄铁矿,次为石英、黄铜矿和方铅矿等。金矿物粒度大小包括粗粒金、中粒金、细粒金和微粒金,以细粒-微粒为主。金矿物形态有粒状、叶片状、线状、钩状、枝杈状和哑铃状等,以粒状为主。金矿物成分以Au和Ag为主,含微量的Cu、Cr、Fe、Ni、Te、S等元素。金成色为685~831,以银金矿为主,含少量自然金。综合地质和地球化学特征,西岭金矿床为蚀变岩型金矿床,是由早白垩世中温岩浆热液充填-交代形成。  相似文献   

广西龙头山金矿床是热液型金矿床,运用扫描电子显微镜对其矿石的微裂隙特征、结构构造及成分进行分析。其结果表明,矿石的微裂隙是相通的;矿液在运移过程中,在相对封闭、酸碱度较适宜的条件下沉淀,形成了较自形的电气石、黄铁矿和金矿物;矿液经过了多期上升过程,对早期形成的矿物不断地进行叠加和改造,使不同期次形成的金矿物成分略有不同;金矿物有次生加大现象。进而认为,该金矿床应有三期以上的成矿期。  相似文献   

Prediction and search for gold deposits in the east of the Siberian Platform are problematic because the study area is overlain by a thick cover of MZ-KZ deposits. Search for gold deposits by the largest geological institutions using conventional methods have not yielded positive results, because the main attention was focused on the discovery of ancient gold-bearing conglomerates of the Witwatersrand type and on the evaluation of the gold ore potential of basic magmatism. Typomorphism of placer gold bears huge information about the genesis of native gold, both its primary endogenous origin and its exogenous transformation, which makes it possible to identify the formation type of mineralization, increases the reliability of the prediction of gold deposits, and ensures their purposeful search in the platform areas. The revealed indicative features of placer gold made it possible to substantiate the formation of the gold ore sources of Precambrian low-sulfide gold-quartz, gold-iron-quartzite, porphyry gold-copper, and gold-PGE mineralization and Mesozoic gold-silver, gold-rare-metal, and gold-sulfide-quartz mineralization in the east of the Siberian Platform. We have established that high-fineness placer gold with microinclusions of pyrite, arsenopyrite, quartz, and carbonates with recrystallized structures and lines of plastic deformation is specific to the ore sources of low-sulfide gold-quartz mineralization. A high content of Cu (up to 4%) in flaky high-fineness gold is one of indicators of porphyry gold-copper mineralization. The angular shape of gold grains, the fine fraction and high fineness of gold, its completely recrystallized and regrown internal structure, and the permanent presence of Fe, Bi, and Cu microimpurities and hematite, ilmenite, and corundum microinclusions are typical of gold-iron-quartzite mineralization. Flaky and laminated high-fineness gold particles with steady Pt, Pd, and Ni impurities and Pt-mineral phases and Au-Pt intergrowths in them testify to the ore sources of gold-PGE mineralization. Laminated and cloddy gold fractions of > 0.25-2.0 mm, the medium and low fineness of gold, its single-crystal or, sometimes, porous internal structure, the wide range of microimpurities (Pb, Zn, As, Sb, Cu, Te, etc.), and microinclusions of native Ag, adularia, Sr-barite, and calcite are indicators of gold-silver mineralization. Laminated, dendritic, and cloddy-angular gold grains, wide variation in gold fineness (307-950‰), and the presence of microinclusions of native bismuth, maldonite, arsenopyrite, and silver tellurides are indicative of gold-rare-metal mineralization. Laminated and cloddy gold grains, their size varying from dust to > 0.25 mm, their mono- and coarse-grained internal structure, wide variation in gold fineness (600-900‰), and the presence of Hg microimpurities (up to 6% and more) and microinclusions of quartz, calcite, pyrite, arsenopyrite, tellurides, selenides, and REE phosphates point to gold-sulfide-quartz mineralization. The established placer gold indicators of the particular formation types of ore sources in the east of the Siberian Platform made it possible to predict Precambrian gold deposits with low-sulfide-gold-quartz mineralization similar to the Kirkland Lake and Porcupine mines and gold deposits with Mesozoic gold-silver mineralization similar to the Cripple Creek mine. The developed criteria for determining the types of mineralization by indicative features of placer gold give an insight into the ore genesis and can be successfully applied to prediction and search for gold deposits and to evaluation of their gold resources.  相似文献   

荒甸子金矿床位于辽东金矿化集中区青城子矿田北东部,矿体严格受地层和构造双重控制,并与印支—燕山期岩浆侵入体相关密切。文章通过对荒甸子金矿床成矿地质背景和主矿体60号金脉带地质特征的阐述,说明金矿体与地层、构造、岩浆岩三位一体的关系,为下一步的找矿工作指明方向。  相似文献   

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