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We use a combination of a cosmological N -body simulation of the concordance Λ cold dark matter paradigm and a semi-analytic model of galaxy formation to investigate the spin development of central supermassive black holes (BHs) and its relation to the BH host galaxy properties. In order to compute BH spins, we use the α model of Shakura & Sunyaev and consider the King et al. warped disc alignment criterion. The orientation of the accretion disc is inferred from the angular momentum of the source of accreted material, which bears a close relationship to the large-scale structure in the simulation. We find that the final BH spin depends almost exclusively on the accretion history and only weakly on the warped disc alignment. The main mechanisms of BH spin-up are found to be gas cooling processes and disc instabilities, a result that is only partially compatible with Monte Carlo models where the main spin-up mechanisms are major mergers and disc instabilities; the latter results are reproduced when implementing randomly oriented accretion discs in our model. Regarding the BH population, we find that more massive BHs, which are hosted by massive ellipticals, have higher spin values than less massive BHs, hosted by spiral galaxies. We analyse whether gas accretion rates and BH spins can be used as tracers of the radio loudness of active galactic nuclei (AGN). We find that the current observational indications of an increasing trend of radio-loud AGN fractions with stellar and BH mass can be easily obtained when placing lower limits on the BH spin, with a minimum influence from limits on the accretion rates; a model with random accretion disc orientations is unable to reproduce this trend. Our results favour a scenario where the BH spin is a key parameter to separate the radio-loud and radio-quiet galaxy populations.  相似文献   

In this paper, we explore the gravitomagnetic interaction of a black hole (BH) with a misaligned accretion disc to study BH spin precession and alignment jointly with BH mass M BH and spin parameter a evolution, under the assumption that the disc is continually fed, in its outer region, by matter with angular momentum fixed on a given direction     . We develop an iterative scheme based on the adiabatic approximation to study the BH–disc co-evolution: in this approach, the accretion disc transits through a sequence of quasi-steady warped states (Bardeen–Petterson effect) and interacts with the BH until the spin   J BH  aligns with     . For a BH aligning with a corotating disc, the fractional increase in mass is typically less than a few per cent, while the spin modulus can increase up to a few tens of per cent. The alignment time-scale     is of  ∼105–106 yr  for a maximally rotating BH accreting at the Eddington rate. BH–disc alignment from an initially counter-rotating disc tends to be more efficient compared to the specular corotating case due to the asymmetry seeded in the Kerr metric: counter-rotating matter carries a larger and opposite angular momentum when crossing the innermost stable orbit, so that the spin modulus decreases faster and so the relative inclination angle.  相似文献   

We use long-slit spectroscopic optical data to derive the properties of the extended emitting gas and the nuclear luminosity of a sample of 18 Seyfert 2 galaxies. From the emission-line luminosities and ratios we derive the density, reddening and mass of the ionized gas as a function of distance up to 2–4 kpc from the nucleus. Taking into account the geometric dilution of the nuclear radiation, we derive the radial distribution of covering factors and the minimum rate of ionizing photons emitted by the nuclear source. This number is an order of magnitude larger than that obtained from the rate of ionizing photons 'intercepted' by the gas and measured from the Hα luminosity. A calibration is proposed to recover this number from the observed luminosity. The He  ii λ4686/Hβ line ratio was used to calculate the slope of the ionizing spectral energy distribution (SED), which in combination with the number of ionizing photons allows the calculation of the hard X-ray luminosities. These luminosities are consistent with those derived from X-ray spectra in the eight cases for which such data are available and recover the intrinsic X-ray emission in Compton-thick cases. Our method can thus provide reliable estimates of the X-ray fluxes in Seyfert 2 galaxies for the cases where it is not readily available. We also use the ionizing SED and luminosity to predict the infrared luminosity under the assumption that it is dominated by reprocessed radiation from a dusty torus, and find a good agreement with the observed IRAS luminosities.  相似文献   

Integral field spectroscopy has been obtained for the nuclear regions of three large, well-studied, early-type galaxies. From these spectra we have obtained line-strength maps for about 20 absorption lines, mostly belonging to the Lick system. An extensive comparison with multilenslet spectroscopy shows that accurate kinematic maps can be obtained, and also reproducible line-strength maps. Comparison with long-slit spectroscopy also produces good agreement.
We show that Mg is enhanced with respect to Fe in the inner disc of one of the three galaxies studied, the Sombrero. [Mg/Fe] there is larger than in the rest of the bulge. The large values of Mg/Fe in the central disc are consistent with the centres of other early-type galaxies, and not with large discs, like the disc of our Galaxy, where [Mg/Fe] ∼0. We confirm with this observation a recent result of Worthey: that Mg/Fe is determined only by the central kinetic energy, or escape velocity, of the stars, and not by the formation time-scale of the stars.
A stellar population analysis using the models of Vazdekis et al. shows that our observed H γ agrees well with what is predicted based on the other lines. Given the fact that H β is often contaminated by emission lines, we confirm the statement of Worthey & Ottaviani, Kuntschner & Davies and others that if one tries to measure ages of galaxies, H γ is a much better index to use than H β . Using the line strength of the Ca  ii IR triplet as an indicator of the abundance of Ca, we find that Ca follows Fe, and not Mg, in these galaxies. This is peculiar, given the fact that Ca is an α element. Finally, by combining the results of this paper with those of Vazdekis et al., we find that the line-strength gradients in the three galaxies are primarily caused by variations in metallicity.  相似文献   

Photometry and long-slit spectroscopy are presented for a sample of six galaxies with a low surface-brightness stellar disc and a bulge. The characterizing parameters of the bulge and disc components were derived by means of a two-dimensional photometric decomposition of the images of the sample galaxies. Their surface-brightness distribution was assumed to be the sum of the contribution of a Sérsic bulge and an exponential disc, with each component being described by elliptical and concentric isophotes of constant ellipticity and position angle. The stellar and ionized-gas kinematics were measured along the major and minor axes in half of the sample galaxies, whereas the other half was observed only along two diagonal axes. Spectra along two diagonal axes were obtained also for one of the objects with major and minor axis spectra. The kinematic measurements extend in the disc region out to a surface-brightness level  μ R ≈ 24  mag arcsec−2, reaching in all cases the flat part of the rotation curve. The stellar kinematics turns out to be more regular and symmetric than the ionized-gas kinematics, which often shows the presence of non-circular, off-plane and non-ordered motions. This raises the question about the reliability of the use of the ionized gas as the tracer of the circular velocity in the modelling of the mass distribution, in particular in the central regions of low surface-brightness galaxies.  相似文献   

We present evolutionary tracks of binary systems with high-mass companion stars and stellar-through-intermediate mass black holes (BHs). Using Eggleton's stellar evolution code, we compute the luminosity produced by accretion from the donor during its entire evolution. We compute also the evolution of the optical luminosity and colours of the binary system taking the disc contribution and irradiation effects into account. The calculations presented here can be used to constrain the properties of the donor stars in ultraluminous X-ray sources by comparing their position on the Hertzsprung–Russell or colour–magnitude diagrams with the evolutionary tracks of massive BH binaries. This approach may actually provide interesting clues also on the properties of the binary system itself, including the BH mass. We found that, on the basis of their position on the colour–magnitude diagram, some of the candidate counterparts considered can be ruled out and more stringent constraints can be applied to the donor masses.  相似文献   

We make a case for the existence for ultra-massive black holes (UMBHs) in the Universe, but argue that there exists a likely upper limit to black hole (BH) masses of the order of   M ∼ 1010 M  . We show that there are three strong lines of argument that predicate the existence of UMBHs: (i) expected as a natural extension of the observed BH mass bulge luminosity relation, when extrapolated to the bulge luminosities of bright central galaxies in clusters; (ii) new predictions for the mass function of seed BHs at high redshifts predict that growth via accretion or merger-induced accretion inevitably leads to the existence of rare UMBHs at late times; (iii) the local mass function of BHs computed from the observed X-ray luminosity functions of active galactic nuclei predict the existence of a high-mass tail in the BH mass function at   z = 0  . Consistency between the optical and X-ray census of the local BH mass function requires an upper limit to BH masses. This consistent picture also predicts that the slope of the   M bh–σ  relation will evolve with redshift at the high-mass end. Models of self-regulation that explain the co-evolution of the stellar component and nuclear BHs naturally provide such an upper limit. The combination of multiwavelength constraints predicts the existence of UMBHs and simultaneously provides an upper limit to their masses. The typical hosts for these local UMBHs are likely the bright, central cluster galaxies in the nearby Universe.  相似文献   

We model the optical to X-ray continuum spectrum of the narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy RE J1034+396. We show that the flat optical spectrum is consistent with emission from an irradiated accretion disc. The X-ray emission can be modelled with a disc blackbody and a Comptonized component. The temperature at the inner edge of the disc     Using this constraint, we show that the flat optical spectrum is consistent with emission from the irradiatively heated outer part of the accretion disc. We constrain the outer radius of the optically thick disc     and the inner radius of the irradiation-dominated region     . Our optical and X-ray spectral fits indicate a mass     , and do not rule out a low (i.e. face-on) inclination angle for the system.  相似文献   

We present spatially resolved 10-μm spectra of the nucleus of IC 5063 that are near-diffraction-limited. The observations were obtained with T-ReCS, the mid-infrared (mid-IR) imager and spectrometer on the 8.1-m Gemini South telescope, with the slit aligned at a position angle on the sky along the direction of the cone of narrow-line emission. The spectra cover the nucleus and the inner reaches of the ionization cones at a spatial resolution of approximately 0.4 arcsec (90 pc). Individual spectra, extracted in steps in the spatial direction along the slit, reveal variations in continuum slope and silicate feature profile and depth on subarcsecond scales, illustrating in unprecedented detail the complexity of the circumnuclear regions of this galaxy at mid-IR wavelengths. The dust population in the vicinity of the narrow-line region, north-west of the nuclear position, is significantly warmer than that to the south-east of the nucleus. This is consistent with an observation of the cooler dust associated with the outer reaches of the postulated torus that obscures the type 1 nucleus in this object.  相似文献   

Fifty-three spectrograms in the optical region (3700–7300 Å) with the spectral resolution ~8 Å have been obtained for the Seyfert nucleus of the galaxy NGC 3227 with the 6-m telescope on January 1977, while the nucleus was in the historically important epoch of its extreme maximum brightness. Width of the slit was 1″, length of the box during the spectra measurements was 1.5″. Data obtained by us and those compiled from literature showed that profiles of the Balmer lines Hα, Hβ and Hγ are different, evidencing that the gas emitting these lines is highly self-absorbed. It was shown that narrow components of the profiles revealed by Rubin and Ford kept their positions (radial velocities) over 25 years. The components showed intensity variations compared to the central one from minimum to maximum of the nucleus brightness. The same variations were observed by us earlier in the emission line profiles of the NGC 7469 nucleus spectrum. Narrow profile components can reflect long-lived flows or jets in the broad line region (BLR). Obtained facts evidenced that long-lived gas streams and flows causing narrow components of broad line profiles presented not only when BLR of accretion disc is strong but when BLR of accretion disc declined. Blue bump at radial velocity of ?5000 km/s in Hγ profile was revealed in spectra of high states of the nucleus, which disappeared in low state. One of the interpretations of this event can be in the framework of a model of one-sided or two-sided gas ejection during the high state of the nucleus, positive radial velocities of which being screened out by a circumnuclear disk.  相似文献   

Supermassive black holes (BHs) obey tight scaling relations between their mass and host galaxy properties such as total stellar mass, velocity dispersion and potential well depth. This has led to the development of self-regulated models for BH growth, in which feedback from the central BH halts its own growth upon reaching a critical threshold. However, models have also been proposed in which feedback plays no role: so long as a fixed fraction of the host gas supply is accreted, relations like those observed can be reproduced. Here, we argue that the scatter in the observed BH–host correlations presents a demanding constraint on any model for these correlations, and that it favours self-regulated models of BH growth. We show that the scatter in the stellar mass fraction within a radius R in observed ellipticals and spheroids increases strongly at small R . At a fixed total stellar mass (or host velocity dispersion), on very small scales near the BH radius of influence, there is an order-of-magnitude scatter in the amount of gas that must have entered and formed stars. In short, the BH appears to 'know more' about the global host galaxy potential on large scales than the stars and gas supply on small scales. This is predicted in self-regulated models; however, models where there is no feedback would generically predict order-of-magnitude scatter in the BH–host correlations. Likewise, models in which the BH feedback in the 'bright' mode does not regulate the growth of the BH itself, but sets the stellar mass of the galaxy by inducing star formation or blowing out a mass in gas much larger than the galaxy stellar mass, are difficult to reconcile with the scatter on small scales.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the detailed dynamical properties of a relatively homogeneous sample of disc-dominated S0 galaxies, with a view to understanding their formation, evolution and structure. By using high signal-to-noise ratio long-slit spectra of edge-on systems, we have been able to reconstruct the complete line-of-sight velocity distributions of stars along the major axes of the galaxies. From these data, we have derived both model distribution functions (the phase density of their stars) and the approximate form of their gravitational potentials.
The derived distribution functions are all consistent with these galaxies being simple disc systems, with no evidence for a complex formation history. Essentially no correlation is found between the characteristic mass scalelengths and the photometric scalelengths in these galaxies, suggesting that they are dark-matter dominated even in their inner parts. Similarly, no correlation is found between the mass scalelengths and asymptotic rotation speed, implying a wide range of dark matter halo properties.
By comparing their asymptotic rotation speeds with their absolute magnitudes, we find that these S0 galaxies are systematically offset from the Tully–Fisher relation for later-type galaxies. The offset in luminosity is what one would expect if star formation had been suddenly switched off a few Gyr ago, consistent with a simple picture in which these S0s were created from ordinary later-type spirals which were stripped of their star-forming interstellar medium when they encountered a dense cluster environment.  相似文献   

We present high-quality long-slit spectra for three nearby powerful radio galaxies – 3C 293, 3C 305 and PKS 1345+12. These were taken with the aim of characterizing the young stellar populations (YSP), and thereby investigating the evolution of the host galaxies, as well as the events that triggered the activity. Isochrone spectral synthesis modelling of the wide wavelength coverage spectra of nuclear and off-nuclear continuum-emitting regions have been used to estimate the ages, masses and luminosities of the YSP component, taking full account of reddening effects and potential contamination by activity-related components. We find that the YSP make a substantial contribution to the continuum flux in the off-nuclear regions on a radial scale of 1–20 kpc in all three objects. Moreover, in two objects we find evidence for reddened post-starburst stellar populations in the near-nuclear regions of the host galaxies. The YSP are relatively old (0.1–2 Gyr), massive  (109 < M YSP < 2 × 1010 M)  and make up a large proportion (∼1–50 per cent) of the total stellar mass in the regions of the galaxies sampled by the observations. Overall, these results are consistent with the idea that the nuclear activity of active galactic nuclei in some radio galaxies is triggered by major gas-rich mergers. Therefore, these radio galaxies form part of the subset of early-type galaxies that is evolving most rapidly in the local Universe. Intriguingly, the results also suggest that the radio jets are triggered relatively late in the merger sequence, and that there is an evolutionary link between radio galaxies and luminous/ultraluminous infrared galaxies.  相似文献   

We report results from a spectral and timing analysis of M82 X-1, one of the brightest known ultraluminous X-ray sources. Data from a new 105-ks XMM–Newton observation of M82 X-1, performed in 2004 April, and of archival RossiXTE observations are presented. A very soft thermal component is present in the XMM spectrum. Although it is not possible to rule out a residual contamination from the host galaxy, modelling it with a standard accretion disc would imply a black hole (BH) mass of  ≈103 M  . An emission line was also detected at an energy typical for fluorescent Fe emission. The power density spectrum of the XMM observation shows a variable Quasi-Periodic Oscillation (QPO) at frequency of 113 mHz with properties similar to those discovered by Strohmayer and Mushotzky. The QPO was also found in seven archival RXTE observations, that include those analysed by Strohmayer and Mushotzky, and Fiorito and Titarchuk. A comparison of the properties of this QPO with those of the various types of QPOs observed in Galactic black hole candidates strongly suggests an association with the type-C, low-frequency QPOs. Scaling the frequency inversely to the BH mass, the observed QPO frequency range (from 50 to 166 mHz) would yield a BH mass anywhere in the interval few tens to  1000  M  .  相似文献   

We study the persistence of warps in galactic discs in the presence of massive haloes. A disc is approximated by a set of massive rings, while a halo is represented by a conventional n -body simulation. We confirm the conclusion of Nelson &38; Tremaine that a halo responds strongly to an embedded precessing disc. This response invalidates the approximations made in the derivation of classical 'modified tilt' modes. We show that the response of the halo causes the line of nodes of a disc that starts from a modified tilt mode to wind up within a few dynamical times. We explain this finding in terms of the probable spectrum of true normal modes of a combined disc–halo system. The key physical point is that in each radial range the halo rapidly aligns with the disc, so calculations based on the assumption that, in the presence of a warped disc, the halo retains a regular spheroidal structure are based on a fatally flawed assumption.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to demonstrate the properties of the magnetospheric model around Kerr black holes (BHs), the so-called fly-wheel (rotation driven) model. The fly-wheel engine of the BH–accretion disc system is applied to the statistics of QSOs/AGNs. In the model, the central BH is assumed to be formed at z ∼102 and obtains nearly maximum but finite rotation energy (∼extreme Kerr BH) at the formation stage. The inherently obtained rotation energy of the Kerr BH is released through a magnetohydrodynamic process. This model naturally leads to a finite lifetime of AGN activity.
Nitta, Takahashi & Tomimatsu clarified the individual evolution of the Kerr BH fly-wheel engine, which is parametrized by BH mass, initial Kerr parameter, magnetic field near the horizon and a dimensionless small parameter. We impose a statistical model for the initial mass function (IMF) of an ensemble of BHs using the Press–Schechter formalism. With the help of additional assumptions, we can discuss the evolution of the luminosity function and the spatial number density of QSOs/AGNs.
By comparing with observations , it is found that a somewhat flat IMF and weak dependence of the magnetic field on the BH mass are preferred. The result explains well the decrease of very bright QSOs and decrease of population after z ∼2.  相似文献   

We are presenting new results on kinematics and structure of the Mrk 334 Seyfert galaxy. Panoramic (3D) spectroscopy is performed at the 6-m telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences using the integral-field Multi-Pupil Fiber Spectrograph (MPFS) and scanning Fabry–Pérot interferometer. The deep images have revealed that Mrk 334 is observed during the final stage of its merging with a massive companion. A possible mass ratio ranges from 1/5 to 1/3. The merger has triggered mass redistribution in the disc resulting in an intensification of nuclear activity and in a burst of star formation in the inner region of the galaxy. The circumnuclear starburst is so intense that its contribution to the gas ionization exceeds that contribution of the active galactic nuclei (AGN). We interpret the nuclear gas outflow with velocities of  ∼200 km s−1  as a galactic superwind that accompanies the violent star formation. This suggestion is consistent with the asymmetric X-ray brightness distribution in Mrk 334. The trajectory of the fragments of the disrupted satellite in the vicinity of the main galaxy nucleus can be traced. In the galaxy disc, a cavern is found that is filled with a low-density ionized gas. We consider this region to be the place where the remnants of the companion have recently penetrated through the gaseous disc of the main galaxy.  相似文献   

We present integral field spectroscopy of the     circumnuclear region of M32 obtained with the 2D_FIS fibre optics spectrographs installed at the 4.2-m William Herschel Telescope. From these spectra line-strength maps have been made for about 20 absorption lines, mostly belonging to the Lick system. We find good agreement with long-slit line-strength profiles in the literature, and no radial gradients in the azimuthally averaged absorption line indices. We fit the mean values of each spectral index and colours from the literature for the inner regions of M32 to the models of Vazdekis et al. and Worthey, finding that the present data can be well interpreted for a single stellar population of an intermediate age (∼4 Gyr) and a metallicity similar to solar      相似文献   

We report on the analysis of the photometric and spectroscopic properties of a sample of 29 low-redshift  ( z < 0.6)  QSOs for which both Hubble Space Telescope ( HST ) WFPC2 images and ultraviolet HST   FOS spectra are available. For each object we measure the R -band absolute magnitude of the host galaxy, the C  iv (1550 Å) linewidth and the 1350 Å continuum luminosity. From these quantities we can estimate the black hole (BH) mass through the   M BH– L bulge  relation for inactive galaxies, and from the virial method based on the kinematics of the regions emitting the broad-lines. The comparison of the masses derived from the two methods yields information on the geometry of the gas emitting regions bound to the massive BH. The cumulative distribution of the linewidths is consistent with that produced by matter laying in planes with inclinations uniformly distributed between ∼10° and ∼50°, which corresponds to a geometrical factor   f ∼ 1.3  . Our results are compared with those of the literature and discussed within the unified model of active galactic nuclei.  相似文献   

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