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The Marda complex is a sequence of andesitic to dacitic to rhyolitic volcanic rocks filling a synformal structure in submarine basalt, banded iron-formation and siliceous sediments in the Archaean Yilgarn Block of Western Australia. The Marda volcanic rocks are in part subaerial and exhibit calc-alkaline chemistry. Their Rb/Sr age is 2635 ± 80 m.y. with an initial Sr87Sr86 ratio of 0.7029 ± 0.0015. The Marda lavas represent products of a differentiated late to syn-tectonic, anatectic magma derived from the base of the Archaean crust. Calc-alkaline volcanic complexes are uncommon in the Yilgarn Block.  相似文献   

Ewarara is a small layered ultramafic intrusion which forms part of the Giles Complex. The flat‐lying body displays both sub‐horizontal and vertical layering, which appear to have different origins. Petrographically the intrusion consists of a lower olivine bronzitite unit and an upper pyroxenite unit. These display a small cryptic variation with the upper layer being the more iron‐rich. Many of the primary igneous textures have been destroyed by deformational effects but the intrusion retains many features of a body formed by gravity accumulation of crystals precipitating from a magma. Crystallisation of the magma is believed to have occurred near the base of the crust.  相似文献   

Over one hundred non-orogenic ring complexes comprising various proportions of granites, gabbros, syenites and some carbonatites occur in a belt 250 km wide by 700 km N-S in eastern Sudan. The intrusions and related dyke swarms cut Precambrian gneisses, greenschist assemblages, batholithic granites and late acid effusives and appear to be early Palaeozoic and late Mesozoic in age. Structural alignments are rare but the complexes cluster along old interplate suture zones. Tin, tungsten and molybdenum mineralization is known in Egyptian ring complexes, and is to be expected in this newly recognized province.  相似文献   

Analysis of 3.3 Ga tonalite–trondhjemite–granodiorite (TTG) series granitoids and greenstone belt assemblages from the Bundelkhand craton in central India reveal that it is a typical Archaean craton. At least two greenstone complexes can be recognized in the Bundelkhand craton, namely the (i) Central Bundelkhand (Babina, Mauranipur belts) and (ii) Southern Bundelkhand (Girar, Madaura belts). The Central Bundelkhand greenstone complex contains three tectonostratigraphic assemblages: (1) metamorphosed basic or metabasic, high-Mg rocks; (2) banded iron formations (BIFs); and (3) felsic volcanics. The first two assemblages are regarded as representing an earlier sequence, which is in tectonic contact with the felsic volcanics. However, the contact between the BIFs and mafic volcanics is also evidently tectonic. Metabasic high-Mg rocks are represented by amphibolites and tremolite-actinolite schists in the Babina greenstone belt and are comparable in composition to tholeiitic basalts-basaltic andesites and komatiites. They are very similar to the metabasic high-Mg rocks of the Mauranipur greenstone belt. Felsic volcanics occur as fine-grained schists with phenocrysts of quartz, albite, and microcline. Felsic volcanics are classified as calc-alkaline dacites, less commonly rhyolites. The chondrite-normalized rare earth element distribution pattern is poorly fractionated (LaN/LuN = 11–16) with a small negative Eu anomaly (Eu/Eu* = 0.68–0.85), being characteristic of volcanics formed in a subduction setting. On Rb – Y + Nb, Nb – Y, Rb – Ta + Yb and Ta – Yb discrimination diagrams, the compositions of the volcanics are also consistent with those of felsic rocks formed in subduction settings. SHRIMP-dating of zircon from the felsic volcanics of the Babina belt of the Central Bundelkhand greenstone complex, performed for the first time, has shown that they were erupted in Neoarchaean time (2542 ± 17 Ma). The early sequence of the Babina belt is correlatable with the rocks of the Mauranipur belt, whose age is tentatively estimated as Mesoarchaean. The Central Bundelkhand greenstone complex consists of two (Meso- and Neoarchaean) sequences, which were formed in subduction settings.  相似文献   

The stratigraphical interpretation of the strata of Nubia allows for the first time — in connection with structural, petrological and sedimentological investigations — to reconstruct the geological development of this cratonal area. After cratonization during the PanAfrican event, extensional trends in WSW-ENE direction caused a structural relief, striking NNW-SSE. The collision between Gondwana and the northern continents during the Carboniferous resulted in the uplifting of large parts of the northeast African Plate and was accompanied by more or less East-West striking faults and magmatic intrusions. Erosion of Paleozoic sediments in middle and southern Egypt and reversal of the main drainage direction was the consequence. This caused deposition of Karroo-type strata in northern Sudan, including glacial deposits at the base along the Sudanes Egyptian border.The breaking apart of Pangea during Jurassic time led to a northward tilt of NE-Africa again and consequently, the main drainage system began to follow its original north-ward directions. New structural elements developed, partly following older trends. Differing resistence against the northward drift of northeast Africa including Arabia led to the separation of Arabia from Africa and to the formation of the Red Sea — Gulf of Suez — Gulf of Akaba-Graben system. All major structural events were accompanied by magmatic activity.
Zusammenfassung Die Klärung der stratigraphischen Stellung der Sedimentserien Nubiens hat zusammen mit den Ergebnissen sedimentologischer, tektonischer und petrologischer Untersuchungen Einblicke in die Entwicklung dieses kratonalen Gebietes zur Folge, die bisher nicht möglich waren.Die bekannten globaltektonischen Gro\ereignisse haben danach seit dem frühen Paläozoikum auf dem Ostsahara Kraton die Verteilung von Abtragungs- und Ablagerungsgebieten entscheidend beeinflu\t und waren dort von bruchtektonischen Vorgängen und magmatischen Ereignissen begleitet.Danach bestand im Paläozoikum bis ins Karbon ein WSW-ENE gerichtetes Dehnungsrelief mit daraus resultierender Anordnung entsprechend NNW-SSE gerichteter Gro\schollen. Die Kollision Gondwanas mit den Nordkontinenten hatte im Karbon Aufwölbung von Teilen des Ostsahara Kratons entlang einer Ost-West Achse zur Folge, begleitet von Ost-West gerichteten Bruchsystemen und nachfolgend von der Intrusion intermediärer Magmatite.Eine Folge der Aufwölbung war die völlige Umkehr der Entwässerungssysteme und entsprechende Erosion vorher mit paläozoischen Sedimenten bedeckter Bereiche vor allem Mittel- und Südägyptens. Lokale Vergletscherung im späten Karbon und Karroo-ähnliche Sedimentationsbedingungen bis in den Unterjura waren im Nordsudan eine weitere Folge.Mit dem Auseinanderbrechen des Superkontinentes Pangea während des Jura stellte sich die bereits im Paläozoikum übliche Nordneigung der Ostsaharatafel wieder ein, neue bruchtektonische Elemente entwickelten sich, und es kam zu erneuter Umkehr der Haupt-Entwässerungsrichtung und damit zur Annäherung an die heutige Situation. Differenzierter Widerstand gegen die Nordrift der Ostsaharaplatte führte schlie\lich zur Abtrennung Arabiens und damit zur Entwicklung des Grabensystems Rotes Meer — Akaba — Suez.

Résumé L'établissement de la stratigraphie de la série sédimentaire de Nubie et des régions voisines, joint aux données récentes sédimentologiques, tectoniques et pétrologiques, permet aujourd'hui de reconstituer l'histoire de ce domaine cratonique, chose qui était jusqu'ici impossible.Après la cratonisation du Sahara occidental à la fin du cycle panafricain, les événements géodynamiques (tectonique cassante et magmatisme) ont déterminé dans cette région la répartition des aires d'érosion et de sédimentation.Ainsi au PaléozoÏque s'installe une tendance à l'extension dans le sens WSW-ENE qui perdura jusqu'au Carbonifère avec pour conséquence un relief structural d'orientation NNW-SSE. La collision du Gondwana avec les continents septentrionaux au cours du Carbonifère a provoqué le soulèvement d'une grande partie de l'Est saharien, accompagné d'un système de cassures E-W et d'intrusions magmatiques.Ce soulèvement a eu pour conséquence une inversion complète du système de drainage et l'érosion des sédiments paléozoÏques en Egypte moyenne et méridionale. Une autre conséquence a été, dans le Nord du Soudan, l'établissement de glaciers locaux et le dépÔt de sédiments de type Karroo.La dislocation de la Pangée au Jurassique a été accompagnée d'un nouveau basculement vers le Nord du Sahara oriental, avec nouvelle inversion du système de drainage. Finalement, la résistance inégale rencontrée dans sa dérive vers le Nord par la plaque nord-est africaine amena la séparation de l'Arabie avec formation du système des grabens Mer Rouge — Akaba — Suez.

, , , , . - , , , - , . , , WSW-ENE, (NNW-SSE) . - , , E-W , , . , , . , , , . , , , , .

Remapping the Chalk of the Central Chalk Mass of the Isle of Wight between Carisbrooke (Newport), Calbourne and Shalcombe, including the Bowcombe Valley, has identified a complex series of tectonic ‘rolls’ and ‘flats’ in a region that has been interpreted to be a relay ramp between the Needles and the Sandown faults. A major new WNW trending fault at Cheverton throws the Chalk down by >50 m to the SW in a 80-100 m wide zone of faulting within which some chalk blocks have near vertical dips. The fault location and trend closely follows the edge of the Cranbourne-Fordingbridge High and could also reflect, for the first time, the surface expression of part of the Needles Fault, a major inversion reverse fault. Located along this fault zone deep Quaternary weathering of the Chalk and Quaternary gravel deposits are present. The trend of the Cheverton Fault brings it towards Gotten Leaze where a groundwater pumping station is located and groundwater springs regularly cause flooding on the Brighstone-Calbourne Road. Analyses of the jointing in the Chalk show that stratabound fracture patterns typical of the Chalk formations elsewhere in Southern England are present in the Central Mass. In addition, there are numerous small faults along which valleys have formed. Tectonic structure and lithology have had a profound influence on the geomorphology and groundwater flow in the Chalk in the Central Mass.  相似文献   

The igneous rocks of the Kialineq area on the East Greenland coast at 67 ° N comprise, gabbro, acid-basic breccia and net-vein complexes, syenite and granite and minor volcanics. Rb-Sr whole-rock and mineral isochrons for the epizonal syenites, granites and acid-basic complexes indicate a consanguineous mantle origin at 35±2 m.y. B.P. in agreement with the age obtained by K-Ar dating of biotites and hornblendes. This igneous activity may be associated with major reorganisation of plate geometry in the North Atlantic and Arctic oceans at this time.  相似文献   

The main rock types of the Nemeiben ultramafic complex form grossly concentric layers of clinopyroxenite, websterite, wehrlite and dunite. These rocks were partially amphibolitized late in the Hudsonian orogeny; consequently numerous relict primary textural and mineralogical features are preserved. Disseminated primary magmatic nickeliferous pyrrhotite, pentlandite, chalcopyrite, magnetite and chromite occur throughout this complex and local concentrations of sulfides occur. Textures, mineralogy and chemistry of these phases are indicative of a high temperature magmatic origin. Unmixing phenomena in pyrrhotite are attributable to post crystallization dissociation of a high temperature Fe-Ni-Cu-Co monosulfide solid solution. A secondary assemblage of fine-grained iron oxides, sulfides and native metals developed in altered ultramafic rocks. Magnetite and hematite, bravoite, violarite and millerite are among the minerals formed during serpentinization. Trace amounts of nickeliferous copper, native gold and silver occur in hematite veinlets and at the center of hematized former sulfide grains. Supergene alteration has affected most of the sulfides. Thus the most plausible explanation of the opaque minerals is that they represent a metamorphosed primary magmatic assemblage modified by supergene alteration.  相似文献   

苏丹穆格莱德盆地油气地质新进展与勘探新领域   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苏丹穆格莱德盆地Bentiu组-Aradeiba组主力成藏组合构造油气藏勘探进入成熟期,可钻探圈闭日趋减少,勘探难度越来越大。通过成藏地质条件研究,结合近期的勘探实践,提出了浅层次生油藏、岩性油藏、基岩潜山油藏和天然气藏等4个勘探新领域;同时,明确了下步勘探的有利方向,即:Kaikang凹陷断阶带及凹陷内部的古突起是继续寻找浅层次生油藏的有利区,Fula凹陷、Bamboo凹陷、Sufyan凹陷及Neem南斜坡等地区是寻找岩性油藏的有利区,凹陷斜坡区或低部位被Abu Gabra组二段或四段烃源岩整体覆盖的潜山圈闭是寻找基岩潜山油藏的有利目标,Neem地区、Fula-Moga构造带、Sharaf-Abu Gabra构造带、Sufyan凹陷中央构造带Abu Gabra组五段构造圈闭是寻找大中型天然气藏的有利目标。  相似文献   

The petrogenesis of the igneous complex in the Spanish Peaks region, Colorado, is reevaluated with Sr isotopic data (published and new) and new trace element data of REE and other transition metals. These data indicate that the diverse rock types ranging from ultrabasic lamprophyres to granitic porphyry of the igneous complex have independent origins.The lamprophyric magmas could be derived from the upper mantle by small degrees of partial melting of garnet peridotite source(s). Limited intra-type crystal fractionation is responsible for the small differences in REE and other elemental abundances. The intermediate syenodiorites were also derived by partial melting of some mantle sources with garnet as a residual phase. However, the major and trace element data suggest that the source for the syenodiorites is distinctly different from that of the lamprophyres. The narrow range of K/Rb ratios observed in minettes (449–464), camptonites (384–450) and syenodiorites (370–460) suggest that amphibole fractionation is not important in the generation of these intra- and intertype rocks.The granitic rocks were derived by melting of a lower crust whose composition varied from that of a granodioritic granulite to an amphibolite. It is suggested that the high alkali contents of the granitic porphyries are due to the introduction of alkalis into the source granulites shortly prior to the melting.  相似文献   

Anorthosite-gabbro-granite-granophyre suite of rocks occurring in the Precambrian migmatitic gneiss of Cannanore district, Kerala and spatially related to the Bavali lineament, constitute the Ezhimala igneous complex (EIC). The granophyres exhibit typical cuneiform and radiating fringe-type intergrowths. Geochemistry indicates a tonalitic—trondhjemitic to granitic composition of the residual magma. Petrochemical characters and lithologic association suggest that the EIC represents a complete differentiation sequence derived by strong fractionation and crystal cumulation of a parent basaltic magma which followed a tholeiitic differentiation trend, with no significant crustal participation as implied by the low initial strontium isotope levels. Occurrence of the complex along the Bavali lineament, which is a major rift-zone, emphasises a rift-controlled magmatism in this part of the Indian shield.  相似文献   

The Girnar massif of Kathiwar plateau, Western India, occurs within the Deccan volcanic province and manifests a wide range of fractional crystallisation of the parent basic magma. Mineralogical variation in the suite comprising: gabbro-diorite-lamprophyric rock-nepheline syenite, has been studied in detail. The alkalinity of the suite is pronounced after crystallisation of gabbro and increases with fractionation of the magma. The history of fractional crystallisation has been influenced by growing water content of the magma followed by a depletion of water in the final residual liquid. Silicic porphyries developed in close spatial association with the Girnar massif, are established to have no genetic relation with the alkalic suite. Chemical variation for both major and minor elements in the suite is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Spinel occurs in the pyroxenitic, peridotitic and gabbroic layers of the Ivrea-Verbano layered igneous complex. Its composition varies between picotite and Mg-hercynite. Maximum Cr2O3 contents are found in the spinels of the dunitic cumulitic layers occurring at some height above the base of the complex. Chromium deposits are absent. The lack of chromite and of chromium deposits is attributed to the early fractionation of clinopyroxene (which depleted the residual liquid in chromium) instead of olivine, as a consequence of the relatively high pressure prevailing during crystallization (8 kb). The relationships betweenfO2-composition of spinel-composition of the silicate phases indicate thatfO2 exerted a major control on the internal stratigraphy of the single layers and on the pattern of fractionation. The variation offO2 are on their turn related to accidental variations of the pressure acting on the magma.It is finally suggested that chromium deposits are limited to low pressure layered intrusions, where the magma has been emplaced rapidly into a shallow magma chamber. No chromium concentration is to be expected in those complexes that crystallized into deep-seated magma chambers and that fractionated at relatively high pressure, not markedly different from that at which the magma was produced. One of the major controls on the presence of chromium deposits results, therefore, to be the geotectonic environment of intrusion.
Chrom-Spinell im geschichteten vulkanischen Komplex von Ivrea-Verbano, Westalpen, Italien
Zusammenfassung Für die Spinelle der Pyroxenit-, Peridotit- und Gabbro-Lagen des Ivrea-Verbano-Intrusivkomplexes wurde eine Zusammensetzung im Bereich Picotit und Mg-Herzynit bestimmt. Die Dunit-Lagen im basalen Anteil des Komplexes führen Spinelie mit Cr2O3-Gehalten bis zu 30 Gew-%. Chromerz-Konzentrationen fehlen jedoch, was auf die fraktionierte Kristallisation von Klinopyroxen (und Entstehung Cr-Restschmelzen) an Stelle von Olivin, als Folge der bei relativ hohem Druck (8 kbar) erfolgten Intrusion, zurückzuführen ist. Die Beziehungen zwischen Sauerstoffpartialdruck und Spinell- und Silikat-Zusammensetzung zeigen den bedeutendenfO2-Einfluß auf den stratigraphischen Aufbau der einzelnen Gesteinslagen und auf die fraktionierenden Kristallisationsvorgänge. Die schwankendenfO2-Werter stehen in Zusammenhang mit den ebenfalls variierenden auf das Magma wirkenden Drücken.Es ist anzunehmen, daß Chromerzkonzentrationen nur in geschichteten Intrusivkomplexen vorkommen, die sich unter niederem Druck bzw. in einer oberflächennahen Magma-Kammer bildeten, und nicht in jenen, die tiefer intrudierten und bei hohem Druck kristallisierten. Von großer Bedeutung für die Bildung von Chromerzlagerstätten ist also das geotektonische Milieu der Intrusion.

With 7 Figures  相似文献   

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