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MagnetotelluricsoundingstudyintheregionofZhongshanStation,EastAntarcticaKongXiangru(孔祥儒)andZhangJianjun(张建军)(InstituteofGeoph...  相似文献   

TheobservationsonPolarStratosphericCloudsatZhongshanStation,AntarcticaSunJinhui(孙金辉);XiaQilin(夏其林);QiuJinhuan(邱金桓)andLuDaren(...  相似文献   

Ground-basedmeasurementsofcolumnabundanceofozoneandUV-BradiationoverZhongshanStation,Antarcticainthe1993"OzoneHole"ZhouXiuji(...  相似文献   

ThedigitalmappingproducedwithsatelliteimageoftheZhongshanStationareainAntarcticaSunJiabing(孙家)andGanXinzheng(甘信铮)(WuhanTechni...  相似文献   

ThepigmentalcompositionandtheabsorptionspectralanalysisofUlothrixsp.andbenthicdiatomsintheintertidalzoneofGreatWallStation,An...  相似文献   

MeanionosphericpropertiesinwinteratZongshanStation,AntarcticaTX@刘顺林@贺龙松@刘瑞源MeanionosphericpropertiesinwinteratZhongshanStation,An...  相似文献   

何剑锋  陈波 《极地研究》1996,7(2):150-163
何剑锋,陈波VerticaldistributionandseasonalvariationinicealgaebiomassincoastalseaiceoffZhongshanStation,EastAntarctica¥Hejianfengan...  相似文献   

AtmosphericboundarylayerstructureandtubulentfluxtransferovertheZhongshanStationarea,AntarcticaTX@曲绍厚@高登义@邹捍Atmosphericboundarylay...  相似文献   

Analysesonthephysio-psychologicalstateoftheexpeditionersinAntarcticaZhangWencheng(张文诚);WuWen(巫雯)andYuYongzhong(于永中)(BeijingIn...  相似文献   

Aninvestigationof330kmglaciologicalpofilefromZhongshanStationtoinlandofAntarcticaTX@康建成@汪大立Aninvestigationof330kmglaciologicalpro...  相似文献   

The auroral occurrence over Zhongshan Station, Antarctica   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The auroral data observed by all sky TV camera during 1995 and 1997 at Zhongshan Station of Antarctica are used to analyze the statistic characteristics of the aurora over Zhongshan Station. Around postnoon (1200 - 1600UT ) and midnight (2000 - 0100 UT ), the aurora appears more frequently and stronger than those in evening (1600- 2000UT ). The corona type auroras mainly occur at poleward and overhead of Zhongshan Station during postnoon and around midnight. The hand type auroras mainly appear during postnoon. while during evening and around midnight only appear at equatorward. The active surges mostly appear around midnight,while the transpolar arcs mainly occur after midnight. Except for the transpolar arcs. the occurrences of the other three type auroras are related with Kp index. Usually Zhongshan Station enters the auroral oval at postnoon,the exact time depends on Kp index.  相似文献   

Based on the field data acquired in the program of fast ice observation off Zhongshan Station,Prydz Bay,East Antarctica during the austral summer 2005/ 2006,physical properties evolution of fast ice during the ice ablation season is ana- lyzed in detail.Results show that the annual maximum ice thickness in 2005 occurred in later November,and then ice started to melt,and the ablation duration was 62 days;sea water under the ice became warmer synchronously;corresponding to the warming sea ice temperature,a"relative cold mid-layer"appeared in sea ice;the fast ice marginal line recoiled back to the shore observably,and the recoil distance was 20.9 km from 18 December 2005 through 14 January 2006.In addition,based on the data of sea ice thickness survey along the investigation course of MV Xuelong on December 18 of 2005,the ice thickness distribution paten in the marginal ice zone have been described:sea ice thickness increased,but the diversity of floe ice thick- ness decreased from open water to fast ice zone distinctly.  相似文献   

1IntroductionZhongshanStation(76°22′E,69°22′S)ofAntarcticaislocatedinanideaplaceforobservingsolar-terestrialphenomena.AtZhong...  相似文献   

Although temperature extremes have led to more and more disasters, there are as yet few studies on the extremes and many disagreements on temperature changes in Antarctica. Based on daily minimum, maximum, and mean air temperatures(Tmin, Tmax, Tmean) at Great Wall Station(GW) and Zhongshan Station(ZS), we compared the temperature extremes and revealed a strong warming trend in Tmin, a slight warming trend in Tmean, cooling in Tmax, a decreasing trend in the daily temperature range, and the typical characteristic of coreless winter temperature. There are different seasonal variabilities, with the least in summer. The continentality index and seasonality show that the marine air mass has more effect on GW than ZS. Following the terminology of the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(IPCC AR5), we defined nine indices of temperature extremes, based on the Antarctic geographical environment. Extreme-warm days have decreased, while extreme-warm nights have shown a nonsignificant trend. The number of melting days has increased at GW, while little change at ZS. More importantly, we have found inverse variations in temperature patterns between the two stations, which need further investigation into the dynamics of climate change in Antarctica.  相似文献   

南极中山站极区空间环境观测系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
中国南极中山站位于极隙区纬度,可以观测到丰富的日地能量传输过程的电离层征兆和极光现象,非常适合开展极区空间环境观测研究。自1989年开始建设以来,中山站极区空间环境观测系统经历了观测设备的不断完善和发展,现已建立了涵盖地面极光、电离层和地磁观测多要素、多手段的自主观测体系,实现了极区空间环境的连续监测并建立了数据库。所有观测设备的运行状态可实时监控,地磁、宇宙噪声吸收等数据实现了准实时远程传输。最后展望中国极区空间环境观测研究的发展前景。  相似文献   

GIS is applied in glaciological research along the traverse route from Zhongshan Station to Dome A, one of the key routes in ITASE project, to display, process, manage and analyze the data obtained mainly by the 3rd Chinese Inland Expedition, together with Antarctic databases provided by ADD and BEDMAP project. The ways of ADD data merging and clipping, and coordinate projection transformation of field data and BEDMAP data are introduced. Elevation data derived by GPS navigator are corrected using ADD and ArcView's contour interpolation. Sub ice topography and ice thickness along the route are extracted from BEDMAP database. Slope and aspect data are derived at each positioning station. GIS is a convenient and useful tool for us to record, query and display a variety of data in detail along the traverse route.  相似文献   

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