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Xenotime (YPO4) of detrital, diagenetic, and hydrothermal origin within siliciclastic rocks of the Archaean Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa, has been identified on the basis of petrography and in situ ion microprobe (SHRIMP) age data. The chemical composition of xenotime, determined by in situ electron microprobe analysis, can be correlated with its origin. This allows the origin of any xenotime grain to be assessed by a non-destructive microanalytical method prior to ion microprobe geochronology. The main chemical discriminators are MREE-HREE abundance, normalised HREE slope and Eu anomaly, and, in some cases, U and Th contents. Igneous-detrital xenotime (> 2800 Ma) is distinguished from diagenetic (∼2780 Ma) and hydrothermal (< 2780 Ma) xenotime in having lower Eu, Dy, and Gd concentrations and a distinctively lower Gd/Yb ratio. Hydrothermal xenotime has distinctively lower U and Th concentrations when compared to igneous-detrital and diagenetic xenotime. Three separate hydrothermal fluid events and episodes of post-diagenetic xenotime growth are recognised in the geochemical and geochronological data, which correspond in time to the extrusion of the Ventersdorp lavas at ∼2720 Ma, the emplacement of the Bushveld Igneous Complex at ∼2061 Ma, and an event of unknown affinity at ∼2210 Ma. Although geochemical discrimination of the xenotime types from the Witwatersrand Basin, in combination with careful petrography, appears achievable, universal application of these discriminators to xenotime in other sedimentary basins remains untested.  相似文献   

A 1600-m succession of quartz arenites and associated shaley deposits comprising the Hospital Hill Subgroup at the base of the Witwatersrand Supergroup is considered to have been deposited largely under the influence of tidal processes. Facies analysis indicates that deposition occurred in the following environments: (1) marine shalf; (2) shallow subtidal to intertidal; (3) intertidal flat; and (4) tidal inlet. The presence of strong tidal currents implies that the Witwatersrand Basin was open to an ocean basin, at least during the early stages of its evolution. Palaeocurrent trends and isopach data suggest that this probably lay to the southwest, an area now occupied by the high grade Natal—Namaqua metamorphic belt. The contrast between the supermature quartz arenites of the Hospital Hill Subgroup and the overlying gold-bearing immature subgreywackes, feldspathic quartzites and conglomerates of fluvial origin is believed to be a function of tidal reworking of sediments.  相似文献   

With a few exceptions, shales from the Archean Witwatersrand Supergroup (~2800 Ma) in South Africa are depleted in Na, Ca, LILE, REE and HFSE compared to Phanerozoic shales. Cr, Co and Ni are enriched in all Witwatersrand shales and Fe and Mg are high in shales from the West Rand Groups (WRG) and lower Central Rand Group (CRG). Shales from the CRG and uppermost WRG are enriched in Na, Al, LILE, REE, HFSE and transition metals relative to shales from the lower WRG. Chondrite-normalized REE patterns for all Witwatersrand shales are enriched in light-REE and exhibit small to moderate negative Eu anomalies. A positive correlation of REE and Al2O3 contents in the shales suggests that REE are contained principally in clay minerals.Relative to shales from the CRG, shales from the WRG exhibit depletions of Na, Ca and Sr, a feature probably reflecting intense chemical weathering of their source rocks. CIA indices in Witwatersrand shales are variable (chiefly 70–98), even within the same shale unit. Such variations reflect chiefly variable climatic zones or rates of tectonic uplift in source areas with perhaps some contribution from provenance and element remobilization during metamorphism.Compared to present-day upper continental crust, all but the Orange Grove, Roodepoort, and K8 shales appear to have been derived from continental sources depleted in LILE, REE, and HFSE and enriched in transition metals. Computer mixing models based on six relatively immobile elements (Th, Hf, Yb, La, Sc, Co) and four source rocks indicate that the relative proportions of granite, basalt and komatiite increased with time in sediment source areas at the expense of tonalite. The contributions of basalt and komatiite appear to reach a maximum during deposition of the Booysens shale, and granite during deposition of the K8 shales and possibly during deposition of the Orange Grove shales.  相似文献   

The Wolhyeonri complex in the southwestern margin of the Korean Peninsula is divided into three lithotectonic units: Late Paleozoic Zone I to the west, Middle Paleozoic Zone II in the middle and Early Paleozoic Zone III to the east. Zones II and III display characteristics of continental arc magmatic sequence. Zone II is dominated by mafic metavolcanics, whereas zone III is characterized by the presence of dismembered serpentinite bodies including chaotic mélange. These zones are proposed to have been formed in a convergent margin setting associated with subduction. Here we present zircon SHRIMP U–Pb ages from the various units within the Wolhyeonri complex which reveal the Paleozoic tectonic history of the region. The Late Carboniferous ages obtained from the main shear zone between the Wolhyeonri complex and the Paleoproterozoic Gyeonggi massif are thought to mark the timing of continental arc magmatism associated with the subduction process. In contrast, Zone I with Neoproterozoic arc magmatic remnants might indicate deposition in a forearc basin. The Wolhyeonri complex also preserves strong imprints of the Triassic collisional event, including the presence of Middle Triassic high-pressure metabasites and eclogites near the eastern boundary of the Zone III. These range of radiogenic ages derived from the Wolhyeonri complex correlate well with subduction and accretion history between the North and South China cratons. Similar geochronological features have also been indentified from the Qinling, Tongbai–Xinxian, and northern Dabie areas in east-central China. The existence of Paleozoic coeval subduction in East Asia prior to the Triassic collision is broadly consistent with a regional tectonic linkage to Gondwana.  相似文献   

Laser Raman spectroscopy and cathodoluminescence (CL) images reveal that most zircon separated from paragneiss and orthogneiss in drillhole CCSD‐PP2 at Donghai, south‐western Sulu terrane, retain low‐P mineral‐bearing inherited cores, ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) mineral‐bearing mantles and low‐P mineral‐bearing (e.g. quartz) rims. SHRIMP U–Pb analyses of these zoned zircon identify three discrete and meaningful age groups: Proterozoic protolith ages (> 680 Ma) are recorded in the inherited cores, the UHP metamorphic event in the coesite‐bearing mantles occurred at 231 ± 4 Ma, and the late amphibolite facies retrogressive overprint in the quartz‐bearing rims was at 211 ± 4 Ma. Thus, Neoproterozoic supracrustal protoliths of the Sulu UHP rocks were subducted to mantle depths in the Middle Triassic, and exhumed to mid‐crustal levels in the Late Triassic. The exhumation rate deduced from the SHRIMP data and metamorphic P–T conditions is 5.0 km Ma?1. Exhumation of the Sulu UHP terrane may have resulted from buoyancy forces after slab break‐off at mantle depths.  相似文献   

The Klipriviersberg Group is a small continental flood-typetholeiitic suite forming the basal unit of the Ventersdorp Supergroup,an undeformed late-Archaean supracrustal sequence covering 200000km2 in the SW part of the Kaapvaal Craton. From the base up,the Klipriviersberg Group consists of the Westonaria, Alberton,Orkney, Jeannette, Loraine, and Edenville formations, with amaximum combined thickness of 1–8 km. Samples were obtainedfrom several borehole cores in the Klerksdorp goldfield closeto the type area of the Klipriviersberg Group. This sample suiteincludes a detailed collection from a 1–36-km core intersection.These samples reveal that the Westonaria Formation is absentfrom the succession and that the Jeannette Formation is representedby a thin sequence of breccias. The remaining units are builtof lavas ranging from siliceous picrite basalts to tholeiiticandesites in composition. All lavas exhibit the effects of greenschistfacies metamorphism but igneous textures are well preservedand reveal that most lavas are aphyric to sparsely porphyritic.A well-developed geochemical stratigraphy exists in the lavasequence and is characterized by an upward trend from evolvedto primitive lavas. The Alberton (mg-number = 0.53–0.43;Zr= 108–137 ppm) and Orkney (mg-number = 0.51–O.42;Zr = 90–110ppm) lavas have a narrow compositional rangeand are more differentiated than the compositionally more variableLoraine/Edenville lavas (mg-number = 0.75 0.47; Zr = 34–97ppm). Unusual inter-element correlations in the Alberton andOrkney lavas suggest that magma mixing processes were importantin their petrogenesis. Compositional variation in the Loraine/Edenvillelavas is consistent with simple fractional crystallization dominatedby orthopyroxene. Collectively, all these lavas are light rareearth element (LREE)-enriched and have negative Nb-Ta, P, andTi anomalies on mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB)- or primitivemantle-normalized abundance diagrams. In this they resemblemafic lavas from modern subduction-zone environments and manyArchaean and early Proterozoic siliceous high-magnesium basalts.The Klipriviersberg lavas also have initial Nd-isotopic compositionsthat cluster about the chondritic uniform reservoir (CHUR) valueregardless of degree of differentiation. It is unlikely thatcrustal contamination has influenced the composition of theKlipriviersberg lavas to any significant extent, and their geochemicalfeatures have probably been inherited from lithospheric mantlesources.  相似文献   

In conglomerates of the Archaean Swaziland Supergroup (> 3200 m.y.) pebbles of a characteristic oolite were found, the source rock of which is a well-defined marker horizon at the base of the sedimentary succession. From the pebble finds it can be concluded that this oolite was deposited over a belt several km wide and up to 100 km long. This is comparable in size to recent conditions of oolite formation on the Great Bahama Bank.  相似文献   

BRYAN KRAPEZ 《Sedimentology》1985,32(2):223-234
Five local varieties of the Ventersdorp Contact placer at the East Driefontein Gold Mine, Carletonville, are distinguished by clast-type assemblage, reflecting discrete provenances. The placer further comprises six lithofacies which are not restricted to specific provenance-varieties. The six lithofacies are: massive, matrix-supported conglomerate (facies Gms): massive, or crudely bedded, clast-supported conglomerate (facies Gm); channel-based conglomerate (facies Gt); single clast layers (facies Glag); horizontally stratified sandstone (facies Sh); and trough cross-stratified sandstone (facies St). Facies Gms represents debris-flow deposits, whereas the other facies are stream deposits. Lithofacies and provenance-varieties are complexly interrelated in local environments, which are themselves complexly related to geomorphic elements of a degradation surface. The maximum thickness of the placer is 7 m. The placer was deposited on a hard, i.e. non-alluvial, bedrock surface, suggesting that it is a pediment mantle. It owes its preservation to a capping of conformably overlying basalts. Economic gold mineralization is present in all the conglomerate facies and all the provenance-varieties. Gold concentrations are high in gravel-bar deposits and channel fills but are not restricted to these environments. A major feature of gold concentration is its variability between provenance-controlled varieties. The gold concentration of a specific primary source is interpreted to be a major control on gold concentration in the final deposit. The origin of the placer as a pediment mantle, and its subsequent preservation by lava-flows, suggests that there was little potential for selective reworking of heavy minerals. Nevertheless, the Ventersdorp Contact placer on the Carletonville Goldfield is one of the richest gold placers in the Witwatersrand Basin.  相似文献   

This paper provides further evidence for the ongoing discussion as to whether the Dabie UHPM belt formed in Triassic or Palaeozoic time, and whether the Sulu UHPM belt formed in Triassic or Neoproterozoic time. Combined use of laser Raman spectrometer (LR), cathodoluminescence imaging (CL), and ion probe U–Pb in‐situ dating (SHRIMP) provided accurate ages of UHPM from rocks collected from Weihai, NE Sulu UHPM belt. LR was used to identify coesite and other UHP minerals as inclusions in zircon separates from an amphibolized peridotite and an eclogite. CL was used to examine the zoning structure of these zircon, and SHRIMP dating was performed on specific spots on zircon to obtain ages of different geological events. An age of 221 ± 12 Ma was obtained for coesite‐bearing zircon from the amphibolized peridotite; an age of 228 ± 29 Ma for eclogite was obtained from the lower intercept of a concordia plot. These ages are interpreted as the time of UHPM in the Weihai region. Ultramafic rocks to the east of Weihai yield a magmatic age at 581 ± 44 Ma. The zircon in the ultramafic rocks possibly also records a thermal event at c. 400 Ma, but no independent geological evidence for this event has been found. The eclogite protolith formed in the Middle Proterozoic (1821 ± 19 Ma), which is similar to the age of country rock gneisses of 1847–1744 Ma. The new geochronological data confirm that UHPM occurred in the Triassic in the Sulu area when subduction took the ultramafic body and the eclogite protolith, together with the adjacent supracrustal rocks, to mantle depths.  相似文献   

Summary Some Archaean granitoids occurring along the north-western and western edge of what is classically known as the Witwatersrand Basin have been hydrothermally altered in two different styles. Both styles - pervasive and vein-controlled alteration - are characterised by sulphide mineralisation as well as by thorium-, uranium-, gold- and REE-rich nodules of carbonaceous material (fly-speck carbon). All of the granitoids displaying these characteristic alteration styles are associated with secondary moderate-to high-salinity, Ca-rich fluid inclusions with low homogenisation temperatures in magmatic quartz and quartz veins. C-isotopes of the fly-speck carbon and the fluid composition of the associated fluid inclusions are typical of modified basin brines. Similar types of Ca-rich fluid inclusions were found in authigenic quartz and hydrothermal quartz veins from gold-bearing, hydrothermally altered sediments of the Witwatersrand Basin, although the salinities of the fluids in the basement granitiods are somewhat higher. The moderate- to high salinity of this inclusion fluid and its present composition is considered to be the result of modifications by fluid-rock interaction during transport and subsequent metamorphism within the Witwatersrand Basin. Available age data on the hydrothermally derived minerals in these granitoids range between 2.7 and 2.0 Ga indicating several fluid pulses, with fluids repeatedly expelled during the dewatering of the Witwatersrand Basin. These data are consistent with the conclusion that major parts of the alteration are the result of sediment dewatering which affected both the granitoids and the gold-bearing strata within the Witwatersrand Basin.
Ein Vergleich zwischen Formationswässern in archaischen Granitoiden und dem Witwatersrand Becken
Zusammenfassung Einige archaische Granitoide, die am nordwestlichen und westlichen Rand des Witwatersrand Beckens vorkommen, zeigen zwei Arten von hydrothermaler Überprägung. Beide Arten, pervasiv und gangförmig, sind mit einer Sulfidmineralisation und Thorium-, Uran-, Gold-, und SEE-reichen Knollen aus kohliger Substanz assoziiert. Alle Granitoide, die sich durch diese spezielle hydrothermale Überprägung auszeichnen, besitzen sekundäre moderat- bis hochsalinare, Ca-reiche Fluideinschlüsse mit niedrigen Homogenisierungstemperaturen in magmatischen und hydrothermalen Quarzen. Diese Fluide werden als modifizierte Beckenwässer gedeutet. Ähnliche Ca-reiche Fluideinschlüsse wurden in authigenen und hydrothermalen Quarzen in goldführenden, hydrothermal veränderten Sedimenten des Witwatersrand Beckens beobachtet, obwohl die Salinitäten der wässrigen Fluide in den Granitoiden noch höher sind. Die moderate bis hohe Salinität und die derzeitige Zusammensetzung der Einschlußfluide wird als eine Konsequenz aus der Fluid-Gesteinswechselwirkung, die während des Transportes im Becken stattfand, und der nachfolgenden Metamorphose angesehen. Vorläufige Altersdaten von den hydrothermal gebildeten Mineralen weisen auf mehrere hydrothermale Ereignisse während einer Zeitspanne zwischen 2.7 und 2.0 Ga hin. Während dieser Zeitspanne kam es durch Beckenentwässerung zu wiederholten Fluidschüben aus dem Becken in die Granitoide aufgrund lokaler tektonischer Ereignisse. Diese Daten deuten an, daß ein großer Teil der hydrothermalen Überprägung sowohl der Granitoide als auch der goldführenden Sedimente durch Formationswässer aus dem Witwatersrand Becken gebildet worden ist.

Eclogite-grade metamorphism of the Seve Nappe Complex (SNC) in Norrbotten, Sweden, records the attempted subduction of the Baltic continental margin during the early Palaeozoic evolution of the Iapetus Ocean. Metamorphic titanite sampled from several calcsilicate gneisses of the SNC in Norrbotten occurs as part of a prograde, eclogite facies metamorphic mineral assemblage and yields concordant to nearly concordant U/Pb ages of 500–475  Ma. Later structural disruption of these rocks occurred during the Siluro-Devonian Scandian phase of the Caledonide orogeny, but the U/Pb systematics show no evidence of a second generation (metamorphic or recrystallized) of titanite, or of post-Early Ordovician disturbance through Pb loss. Hence the U/Pb ages are believed to record the time of prograde mineral growth during eclogite facies metamorphism of the SNC.
These results support earlier Sm/Nd and 40Ar/39Ar studies indicating an Early Ordovician metamorphic age for the eclogitic Norrbotten SNC, and confirm the Early Ordovician destruction of at least this segment of the Palaeozoic passive margin of Baltica. These results indicate that the SNC in the northern Scandinavian Caledonides was subducted and metamorphosed to high grade some 50–70  Myr prior to the high-grade metamorphism of the SNC in the central Scandinavian Caledonides. This result requires significantly different early Palaeozoic tectonic histories for rocks mapped as SNC in the northern Caledonides and those in the central Caledonides, despite a seemingly similar tectonostratigraphic position and broadly similar high-grade metamorphism.  相似文献   

Summary The auriferous conglomerate horizons (reefs) in the Witwatersrand Basin of South Africa are in many places cut by hydrothermal quartz veins that frequently contain sulphide, bitumen, and, less commonly, free gold. New Pb isotopic results for the Ventersdorp Contact Reef which has experienced particularly intense hydrothermal alteration, reaffirm the radiogenically enriched nature of the Pb in this reef and provide additional insight into its origin. This study focuses on analyses of galena, chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, and bitumen from quartz veins, which presumably formed during the 2.020 Ga Vredefort meteorite impact event. The radiogenic, mainly uranogenic, component of the Pb appears to have been derived almost entirely from uraninite in the surrounding reef rock. Assigning a 2.02 Ga age of mineralization and constructing secondary isochrons for paragenetically early galena and chalcopyrite, ages of the source uraninite are calculated as 2.6–2.4 Ga. No special significance is ascribed to these source ages, which likely reflect extensive radiogenic Pb loss from originally somewhat older detrital uraninite during transport, sedimentation, and post-burial alteration. Analyses of detrital(?), syngenetic, and epigenetic pyrite from a reef conglomerate define a subsidiary linear array with a considerably shallower slope. Interpreted as a secondary isochron, the array gives an implausibly young mineralization and/or source age indicative of a superimposed isotopic disturbance.Five analyses of paragenetically late chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite plot on a207Pb/204pb versus206Pb/204Pb diagram with nearly constant207Pb/204Pb of 24.1–24.6 despite a huge range in206Pb/204Pb from 60–230. This trend is further revealed by Pb with similar207Pb/204Pb but still higher206Pb/204Pb ratios (up to 949) in bitumen globules deposited on quartz crystals lining cavities in the veins. This nearly horizontal array cannot be interpreted as a secondary isochron, and requires the addition of virtually pure206pb to a more normal, radiogenically-enriched Pb. The most plausible explanation for this decoupling of the238U and235U decay schemes is that an intermediate daughter isotope, most likely222Rn, diffused from uraninite and was selectively captured by the bitumen where it subsequently decayed to206Pb. Whether the 206 Pb was acquired mainly at the time of hydrothermal activity by fluids at elevated temperatures, or more or less continuously until the present remains unresolved.
Durch Rn erzeugtes206Pb in hydrothermalen Sulfid-Mineralen und Bittunen vom Ventersdorp Contact Reef, Südafrika
Zusammenfassung Die goldhältigen Konglomeratehorizonte (Reefs) im Witwatersrand Becken von Südafrika werden vielerorts von hydrothermalen Quarzadern durchkreuzt, die verschiedene Sulfide, Bitumen, und Spuren von Gold führen. Neue Pb-Isotopendaten vom Ventersdorp Contact Reef (VCR), welches besonders intensive hydrothermale Veränderung erfahren hat, bestätigen die abnormal radiogene Natur des Pb in diesem speziellen Reef. Darüber hinaus führen sie zu einem neuen Verständnis der Herkunft dieses Pb. Schwerpunkt dieser Studie war die Analyse von Bleiglanz, Kupferkies und Bitumen in Quarzadern, deren Bildung dem 2.020 Ga Vredefort Impaktereignis zugeschrieben wird. Die radiogene, hauptsächlich uranogene Pb-Komponente kann beinahe ausschließlich von Uraninit im umgebenden Reef abgeleitet werden. Von sekundären Isochronen, deren Berechnung auf der Annahme eines Mineralisationsalters von 2.02 Ga beruht, lassen sich Alter von 2.6–2.4 Ga für den Uraninit ableiten. Diesen Altern wird jedoch keine weitere Bedeutung beigemessen, da sie wohl eher erheblichen radiogenen Pb-Verlust eines ursprünglich etwas älteren Uraninit während Transport, Sedimentation und spät- bis post-diagentischer Alteration widerspiegeln. Analysen von detritischem (?), syngenetischem und epigenetischem Pyrit von einem Reef-Horizont folgen einem abweichenden Trend mit erheblich geringerer Neigung in einem206Pb/204Pb versus207Pb/204Pb Diagramm. Als sekundäre Isochrone betrachtet, entspricht dieser Trend entweder einem unwahrscheinlich jungen Alter oder er drückt eine spätere Störung des Isotopensystems aus.Fünf Analysen von paragentisch spätem Kupferkies und Magnetkies haben ein nahezu konstantes207Pb/204Pb Verhältnis von 24.1–24.6 trotz einer enormen Spanne in deren206Pb/204Pb Verhältnissen (60–230). Dieser Trend wird weiters duch Pb mit ähnlichen207Pb/204Pb aber noch höheren206Pb/204Pb Verhältnissen (bis zu 949) in Bitumen-Aggregaten innerhalb von Quarz-Drusen unterstrichen. Diese extrem flache Datenverteilung in einem207Pb/204Pb versus206Pb/204Pb Diagramm kann nicht als sekundäre Isochrone interpretiert werden, sondern verlangt die Zufuhr von praktisch reinem206Pb zu eher normalem, radiogen angereichertem Pb. Diffusion eines intermediären Tochterisotops, höchst wahrscheinlich222Rn, und selektiver Einbau desselben in das Bitumen mit anschließendem Zerfall zu206Pb halten wir für die naheliegendste Erklärung dieser Entkoppelung der238U- und239U-Zerfallsreihen. Offen bleibt die Frage, ob der Einbau des206Pb hauptsächlich zum Zeitpunkt der hydrothermalen Überprägung oder mehr oder weniger kontinuierlich bis heute stattgefunden hat.

Examination of columnar carbonaceous material or thucholite from gold-bearing conglomerate revealed internal structures morphologically resembling filamentous, branched and apparently septate cells of obvious biological origin partially encrusted with gold, as well as silicified structures which could be identified as primitive fungi. The columnar structures could be part of a differentiated, apparently symbiotic organism which formed carpet-like colonies of up to several square metres in extent. On the basis of the chemical composition and the apparent ability of the suggested organism to assimilate gold and other inorganic material, the apparent presence of a symbiotic alga and the assumed nature of the Precambrian environment, an organism is proposed that has many morphological similarities with lichens but has otherwise no known living equivalent.  相似文献   

Four samples from the metamorphic aureole around the Beni Bousera ultramafic massif were studied in detail for U–Th–Pb electron microprobe dating on monazite. The samples include three meta-sedimentary granulites (kinzigites), collected at variable distance from the peridotites, and one kyanite-bearing leucosome in the kinzigite. Two types of monazite were identified in thin section, using SEM. The main population consists of interstitial grains, 20–70  μ m in size, while the second population consists of small grains (<20  μ m), included in garnet. A total of 64 U–Th–Pb electron microprobe measurements on 53 monazite crystals were undertaken. Most crystals have a Pb content lower than the Pb detection limit, indicating that they crystallized, or were reset, during a young event, probably Cainozoic in age. Few crystals, all entirely included in garnet, have Hercynian age, the best estimate of which is 284±27 Ma. This is a direct demonstration of the shielding effect of garnet for the U–Th–Pb system in monazite. The grains in inclusion in garnet are not reset by the post-Hercynian events, despite the high temperature reached at this time (>850 °C). Thus, the monazite closure temperature depends on its textural position in the host rock. The data also show that a Hercynian event occurred in the Beni Bousera granulitic metapelites, which equates with a high- P , high- T  event. The emplacement of the peridotite in the Cainozoic may be linked a low- P , high- T  event, followed by a low- P , low- T  retrogression. These two events reset the U–Th–Pb system in almost all monazite grains, except for the few crystals shielded by garnet.  相似文献   

The Hongqiling (HQL) magmatic Ni–Cu sulfide deposits (Jilin Province, NE China) are located at the southern margin of the eastern Xing'an–Mongolian Orogenic Belt (XMOB) of the eastern Central Asian orogenic belt (CAOB), situated between the Siberian Craton (SC) and the North China Craton (NCC). The HQL ore-bearing mafic–ultramafic intrusions intrude into the metamorphic rocks of the lowermost Huangyingtun Formation of the Hulan Group (HLG), whose lithology is herein identified as a hornblende–zoisite gneiss. SHRIMP zircon U–Pb dating for the HLG, country rock of the HQL deposits, indicated a maximum deposition age of 272.2 ± 4.3 Ma (95% confidence level, MSWD = 2.6, n = 14).Six pyrrhotite samples separated from massive Ni–Cu sulfide ores of the Fujia (No. 7) deposit yielded a Re–Os isotopic isochron age of 208 ± 21 Ma (95% confidence level, MSWD = 2.4, n = 6), indicating that the ore-formation age was Late Triassic. Re–Os isotope analyses showed an initial 187Os/188Os ratio of 0.315 ± 0.050. The γOs values ranged from + 137 to + 161 with an average of + 151, indicating that its ore-forming materials were mainly derived from mantle with possibly < 30% crustal Os contamination. Large scale magmatic Ni–Cu mineralization in eastern Jilin occurred in post-collisional tectonic setting in the Late Triassic.Our new results suggest that the ages of the Ni–Cu sulfide deposits in the CAOB within China tended to become younger from west to east, as manifested by the Late Caledonian (~ 440 Ma), through the Late Hercynian (300–265 Ma) to the Late Indosinian (225–200 Ma). Such variation could reflect the gradual closure and post-collisional orogeny between the SC and the NCC from west to east.  相似文献   

The columnar form of carbonaceous layers in some Precambrian Witwatersrand conglomerates after detailed SEM examination has been shown to be a primary plant structure. By oxidation of the organic components at about 500° C a skeleton of length-orientated interconnected filaments is obtained which consist mainly of uranium oxide, lead oxide and gold. Some of the filaments preserved the original microbiological structures in detail.Brief heating of the columns causes a separation into different types of tissue thus making the reconstruction of the original plant possible. A comparison of the inner and outer structure and the probable metabolism with recent plants showed a definite resemblance to certain types of lichens. Following the presently used term of thucholite for the carbonaceous material the name ofThuchomyces lichenoides is suggested for the fossilized plant. A probably parasitic, filamentous fossilized microorganism which occurs in the Basal Reef together with Thuchomyces was namedWitwatersrand conidiophorus. Both fossils are described and their possible environment discussed.
Zusammenfassung Die säulige Form von kohligen Lagen in den präkambrischen Witwatersrand Konglomeraten wurde durch detaillierte Untersuchungen im REM als primäre pflanzliche Struktur erkannt. Durch Oxydation der organischen Komponenten bei etwa 500° C erhält man ein Skelett aus längsorientierten und einander verknüpften mineralischen Filamenten (meist Uranoxyd, Bleioxyd und Gold), die zum Teil die ursprünglichen mikrobiologischen Formen bewahrt haben. Kurzes Erhitzen der Säulen bewirkt eine Aufspaltung in verschiedene Gewebearten wodurch eine Rekonstruktion der ursprünglichen Pflanze möglich wurde. Vergleiche des inneren und äußeren Aufbaus mit rezenten Pflanzen zeigt deutliche Ähnlichkeiten mit bestimmten Flechtenarten. In Anlehnung an die bisher gebräuchliche Bezeichnung Thucholith für die kohlige Substanz wirdThuchomyces lichenoides als Name für die fossile Pflanze vorgeschlagen. Ein wahrscheinlich parasitärer, fadenförmiger, fossiler Mikroorganismus, der im Basal Reef zusammen mit Thuchomyces vorkommt, wurdeWitwateromyces conidiophorus benannt.Die beiden Fossilien werden beschrieben und ihre mögliche Umwelt diskutiert.

Résumé L'étude détaillée, au microscope électronique à balayage, de la forme colonnaire de couches charbonneuses de certains conglomérats Précambriens du Witwatersrand, a permis d'y reconnaître une structure végétale primaire. Par l'oxydation des composants organiques a environ 500°, on obtient un squelette de filaments reliés entre eux et orientés dans le sens de la longueur, principalement à base d'oxyde d'uranium, d'oxyde de plomb, et d'or. Quelques-uns de ces filaments ont conservé leurs structures microbiologiques originelles dans tous leurs détails.Un bref réchauffement des colonnes cause la séparation des différentes sortes de tissus à partir desquels il est possible de reconstituer la plante originelle. Une comparaison de la structure interne et externe et du métabolisme probable avec des plantes récentes indique une ressemblance indéniable avec certaines sortes de lichens. Compte tenu de la désignation de thucholite pour la substance charbonneuse, le nom deThuchomyces lichenoides est suggéré pour cette plante fossile.Un autre micro-organisme filamenteux, probablement parasitaire, découvert dans le Basal Reef, avec Thuchomyces, a reçu le nom deWitwateromyces conidiophorus. Les deux fossiles sont décrits et leur environnement probable, discuté.

. 600° C — . . , —, . , . . «Thucholit» «Thuchomyces lichenoides», , , — «Witwateremyces conidiophorus». .

SHRIMP (Sensitive High‐Resolution Ion MicroProbe) analytical procedures have been developed to enable dating of the small, early diagenetic xenotime overgrowths that commonly occur on zircons in siliciclastic sedimentary rocks. The method will be particularly useful in Precambrian terranes, where diagenetic xenotime dating could play a role equivalent to biostratigraphic dating in the Phanerozoic. Reliable 207Pb/206Pb data are more readily obtained than 206Pb/238U, which also favours application to the Precambrian. However, it is demonstrated that 206Pb/238U dating of larger overgrowths (>10 μm) is also viable and applicable to Phanerozoic samples. SHRIMP Pb/Pb geochronology of authigenic xenotime in an unmetamorphosed Palaeoproterozoic sandstone in the Kimberley Basin has constrained diagenesis to a precision of ± 7 Ma. In contrast, greenschist‐facies metasediments of the Archaean Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa, contain both authigenic and alteration xenotime that record a complex history of growth from early diagenesis to the last major thermal event to affect the basin.  相似文献   

The volcanic-sedimentary succession of the Ventersdorp Supergroup which is virtually undisturbed tectonically and of low-grade (greenschist facies) metamorphism, affords a unique opportunity for studying the interplay between volcanic and sedimentary processes. The transitional sequence between the Rietgat and Bothaville Formations consists of a number of lithofacies. These are a basal breccia representing pyroclastic and laharic deposits, an overlying breccia—arenite—conglomerate (BAC) which formed by debris flow and fluvial processes, an arenite deposited offshore during a transgression, and an upper conglomerate laid down on a beach. In the volcaniclastic BAC and arenite lithofacies the presence of thin tuff beds, deformed acid lava fragments (bombs?) and glass shards in the arenaceous matrix suggest syndepositional volcanism.Sedimentation took place along the flanks of an asymmetrical, actively volcanic, domal structure which consisted partly of unstable pyroclastic deposits in the east. Resedimentation of the pyroclastic debris by subaerial debris flows and braided streams built a volcaniclastic fan lobe at the foot of the domal structure. As volcanic activity subsided, sands derived from a granitic terrain, mixed with minor air-fall debris to subsequently cover the fan lobe during a regional transgression.  相似文献   

Shrimp U–Pb zircon dating of structurally constrained felsic orthogneiss samples in the western Musgrave Block has been used to delineate discrete magmatic and metamorphic events at c . 1300 and c . 1200  Ma. The dating of pre-D1 and post-D1 felsic orthogneiss constrains D1 to have occurred at 1312±16 to 1324±4  Ma. This is the first geochronological study to identify such a metamorphic and deformation event in the Musgrave Block. D1 was accompanied by a major magmatic event involving the emplacement of voluminous felsic orthogneiss between 1296 and 1324  Ma. Zircon overgrowths on numerous igneous zircon cores give a consistent age of c . 1200  Ma, reflecting zircon growth during a second high-grade metamorphic event (D2). This c . 1200  Ma metamorphic event was followed by the intrusion of a c . 1190  Ma megacrystic granite. The c . 1300 and c . 1200  Ma events in the Musgrave Block can be tentatively correlated with metamorphic events in the Albany-Fraser Orogen, and the Windmill Islands and Bunger Hills in east Antarctica. A major continuous Grenville-age orogenic belt joining these areas may have represented a plate boundary between the pre-Rodinian proto-Australian continent and proto-Antarctica during the formation of Rodinia in the Mesoproterozoic.  相似文献   

Migmatite gneisses are widespread in the Dabie orogen, but their formation ages are poorly constrained. Eight samples of migmatite, including leucosome, melanosome, and banded gneiss, were selected for U–Pb dating and Hf isotope analysis. Most metamorphic zircon occurs as overgrowths around inherited igneous cores or as newly grown grains. Morphological and internal structure features suggest that their growth is associated with partial melting. According to the Hf isotope ratio relationships between metamorphic zircon and inherited cores, three formation mechanisms for metamorphic zircon can be determined, which are dissolution–reprecipitation of pre‐existing zircon, breakdown of Zr‐bearing phase other than zircon in a closed system and crystallization from externally derived Zr‐bearing melt. Four samples contain magmatic zircon cores, yielding upper intercept U–Pb ages of 807 ± 35–768 ± 12 Ma suggesting that the protoliths of the migmatites are Neoproterozoic in age. The migmatite zircon yields weighted mean two‐stage Hf model ages of 2513 ± 97–894 ± 54 Ma, indicating reworking of both juvenile and ancient crustal materials at the time of their protolith formation. The metamorphic zircons give U–Pb ages of 145 ± 2–120 ± 2 Ma. The oldest age indicates that partial melting commenced prior to 145 Ma, which also constrains the onset of extensional tectonism in this region to pre‐145 Ma. The youngest age of 120 Ma was obtained from an undeformed granitic vein, indicating that deformation in this area was complete at this time. Two major episodes of partial melting were dated at 139 ± 1 and 123 ± 1Ma. The first episode of partial melting is obviously older than the timing of post‐collision magmatism, corresponding to regional extension. The second episode of partial melting is coeval with the widespread post‐collision magmatism, indicating the gravitational collapse and delamination of the orogenic lithospheric keel of the Dabie orogen, which were possibly triggered by the uprising of the Cretaceous mid‐Pacific superplume.  相似文献   

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