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We derive an occurrence frequency for white-light flares (WLF) of 15.5 ± 4.5 yr?1 during a 2.6 year period following the maximum of solar cycle 21. This compares with a frequency 5–6 yr?1 derived by McIntosh and Donnelly (1972) during solar cycle 20. We find that the higher frequency of the more recently observed WLFs is due to the availability of patrol data at shorter wavelengths (λ ? 4000 Å), where the contrast of the flare emission is increased; the improved contrast has allowed less energetic (and hence more frequently occurring) events to be classified as WLFs. We find that sufficient conditions for the occurrence of a WLF are: active region magnetic class = delta; sunspot penumbra class = K, with spot group area ≥ 500 millionths of the solar hemisphere; 1–8 Å X-ray burst class ≥ X2.  相似文献   

We describe observations of three flares made at 5 and 15 GHz with the VLA, two subflares near the limb on 1981 November 21 and 22, and an M7.7 flare on 1981 May 8. Even though the time histories of the November flares indicated simple impulsive bursts, the VLA observed no 5 GHz radiation at all from one flare, and from the other, the 15 GHz radiation emanated from a source which was smaller, lower and displaced from the 5 GHz source. Without the spatial information, we would have derived incorrect results from the assumption that photons of different energy (both at X-ray and radio wavelengths) arose from one homogeneous volume. The 1981 May 8 flare was intense and complex, having two. or more sources at both 5 and 15 GHz. Prior to the peak of the flare, the sources grew in size to > 20″ to 40″, after which they were not visible to the VLA; only (weak) subsources could be seen. These were located between or at the edge of the Hα ribbons and the two hard X-ray sources imaged by the Hinotori. Highly polarized, bursty radiation observed at Toyokawa at 1 and 2 GHz, indicated that an electron-cyclotron maser operated during the flare. We derive 360 to 660 gauss as the maximum field strength in flaring loops.  相似文献   

X-ray observations from Vela-5 spacecraft of five flares occurring in November and December 1969 were leduced to temperatures and emission measures as a function of time. This reduction was done assuming a thermal spectrum including free-free and free-bound emission. A phenomenological model is proposed to explain the nature of the time behavior of the temperature and emission measure.Solar Division, Kitt Peak National Observatory, P. O. Box 4130, Tucson, Arizona 85717.Major USAF, AFWL/SAY, Kirtland Air Force Base, Albuquerque, New Mexico.  相似文献   

Peter Foukal 《Solar physics》1993,148(2):219-232
We analyze the record of facular areas compiled by the Royal Greenwich Observatory (RGO) from daily white-light observations between 1874 and 1976. Curiously, the relative amplitudes of the three largest sunspot cycles 17, 18, and 19 in this record are reversed when they are ranked by facular area. We show that this negative correlation arises from a general decrease of the ratioA F/A S, of facular to sunspot area, with increasingA S. Within a given cycle,A F/A Sdecreases in active regions of largeA S, butA F/A Sis also lower at allA S, in cycles of higher peak amplitude inA S. This decrease ofA F/A Sin large spot groups is consistent with its decrease in younger, more active solar-mass stars, and it may explain why stars only slightly more magnetically active than the Sun tend to exhibit much greater variability in broad-band photometry. We suggest that the physical explanation is an increased spatial filling factor of magnetic flux, favoring formation of sunspots over faculae. We also explain why the decrease inA F/ASis not seen in the disc-integrated Ca K plage areas, nor in theF10.7 microwave index, both of which exhibit remarkable linearity when plotted against smoothed sunspot area. This explanation suggests how complementary data on faculae and plages from RGO and Mt. Wilson could be used to improve empirical models of total irradiance variation, extending back to 1874.  相似文献   

Temporal and spectral characteristics of X-ray emission from 60 flares of intensity ≥C class observed by the Solar X-ray Spectrometer(SOXS) during 2003–2011 are presented. We analyze the X-ray emission observed in four and three energy bands by the Si and Cadmium-Zinc-Telluride(CZT)detectors, respectively. The number of peaks in the intensity profile of the flares varies between 1 and 3. We find moderate correlation(R ≈0.2) between the rise time and the peak flux of the first peak of the flare irrespective of energy band, which is indicative of its energy-independent nature. Moreover, the magnetic field complexity of the flaring region is found to be highly anti-correlated(R = 0.61) with the rise time of the flares while positively correlated(R = 0.28) with the peak flux of the flare. The time delay between the peak of the X-ray emission in a given energy band and that in 25–30 keV decreases with increasing energy, suggesting conduction cooling is dominant in the lower energies. Analysis of 340 spectra from 14 flares reveals that the peak of differential emission measure(DEM) evolution is delayed by 60–360 s relative to that of the temperature, and this time delay is inversely proportional to the peak flux of the flare. We conclude that temporal and intensity characteristics of flares are dependent on energy as well as the magnetic field configuration of the active region.  相似文献   

The frequency distribution for several characteristics of a solar flare obeys a power law only above a certain threshold, below which there is an apparent loss of small scale events presumably caused by limited instrumental sensitivity and th:e corresponding event selection bias. It is also possible that this deviation in the power law can have a physical origin in the source. We propose two fitting models incorpo- rating a power law distribution with a low count rate cutoff plus a noise component for the frequency distribution of the hard X-ray peak count rate of all solar flare sam- ples obtained with HXRBS/SMM and BATSE/CGRO observations. Our new fitting method produces the same power-law index as previously developed methods, a low cutoff of the power-law function and its corresponding noise level, which is consistent with measurements of the actual noise level of the hard X-ray count rate. We found that the fitted low cutoff appears to be related to the noise level, i.e., flares are only recognized when their peak count rate is 3or greater than noise. Therefore, the fitted low cutoff, which is smaller than the aforementioned threshold, might be attributed to selection bias, and probably not to the actual count rate cutoff in flares at smaller scales. Whether or not the actual low cutoff physically exists needs to be checked by future observations with increased sensitivities.  相似文献   

A mathematical criterion describing the abrupt increase in brightness of a class of solar flares is obtained.  相似文献   

Veronig  A.  Vršnak  B.  Temmer  M.  Hanslmeier  A. 《Solar physics》2002,208(2):297-315
The timing of 503 solar flares observed simultaneously in hard X-rays, soft X-rays and H is analyzed. We investigated the start and the peak time differences in different wavelengths, as well as the differences between the end of the hard X-ray emission and the maximum of the soft X-ray and H emission. In more than 90% of the analyzed events, a thermal pre-heating seen in soft X-rays is present prior to the impulsive flare phase. On average, the soft X-ray emission starts 3 min before the hard X-ray and the H emission. No correlation between the duration of the pre-heating phase and the importance of the subsequent flare is found. Furthermore, the duration of the pre-heating phase does not differ for impulsive and gradual flares. For at least half of the events, the end of the non-thermal emission coincides well with the maximum of the thermal emission, consistent with the beam-driven evaporation model. On the other hand, for 25% of the events there is strong evidence for prolonged evaporation beyond the end of the hard X-rays. For these events, the presence of an additional energy transport mechanism, most probably thermal conduction, seems to play an important role.  相似文献   

We present the analysis of observations of the August flares at Big Bear and Tel Aviv, involving monochromatic movies, magnetograms and spectra. In each flare the observations fit a model of particle acceleration in the chromosphere with emission produced by impact and by heating by the energetic electrons and protons. The region showed inverted polarity and high gradients from birth, and flares appear due to strong magnetic shears and gradients across the neutral line produced by sunspot motions. Post flare loops show a strong change from sheared, force-free fields parallel to potential-field-like loops, perpendicular to the neutral line above the surface.We detected fast (5 s duration) small (1') flashes in 3835 at the footpoints of flux loops in the August 2 impulsive flare at 1838 UT, which may be explained by dumping of > 50 keV electrons accelerated in individual flux loops. The flashes show excellent time and intensity agreement with > 45 keV X-rays. In the less impulsive 2000 UT flare a less impulsive wave of emission in 3835 moved with the separating footpoints. The thick target model of X-ray production gives a consistent model for X-ray, 3835 and microwave emission in the 18:38 UT event.Spectra of the August 7 flare show emission 12 Å FWHM in flare kernels, but only 1 to 2 Å wide in the rest of the flare. The kernels thus produce most of the H emission. The total emission in H in the August 4 and August 7 flares was about 2 × 1030 erg. We belive this dependable value more accurate than previous larger estimates for great flares. The time dependence of total H emission agrees with radio and X-ray data much better than area measurements which depend on the weaker halo.Absorption line spectra show a large (6 km/s-1) photospheric velocity discontinuity across the neutral line, corresponding to sheared flow across that line.This work has been supported by NASA under NGR 05 002 034, NSF Atmospheric Sciences program under GA 24015, and AFCRL under FI9628-73-C-0085.  相似文献   

The mean durations of spotless H flares, SFs were calculated as a function of their importance. Totally 3569 SFs chosen from theQuarterly Bulletin (QB) andSolar Geophysical Data (SGD) were used in the present analysis for the period 1947–1990. The detailed analysis of average life and rise times of SFs is discussed.  相似文献   

We discuss the spatial and temporal characteristics of X-ray flares occurring in the active region NOAA2372 from April 6 to 13, 1980. The flares are seen to extend in most cases across the whole active complex, involving several magnetic features. They originate in an intermediate bipole, between the two main sunspots of the active region, where high magnetic shear was detected. A rapid expansion is seen in some cases, in conjunction with the start of the impulsive hard X-ray bursts. We also detect, in the late phases of some of the events, a large soft X-ray structure overlying the whole active region, which also shows up as a noise storm region at metric wavelengths. These large loops cool by heat conduction but, in some cases, Hα condensations seem to appear, probably as a result of magnetic compression and a condensation mode of the thermal instability. The topological aspects of the field configuration are discussed, in the context of flare models invoking magnetic reconnection at the site of the primary energy release. In such a model, the intermediate bipole is the natural site of initial magnetic reconnection, particle acceleration and heating. In one particular case of a flare observed at the limb, we find possible evidence of particle acceleration in a neutral sheet at the boundary between two clearly defined magnetic structures.  相似文献   

The onset of most flares at the meter wavelengths consists of type III bursts and their variants. These bursts usually occur during the explosive phase of flare events and in close association with similar impulsive bursts at other wavelengths. Pre-burst brightenings, corresponding to the preexplosive-phase heating observed at microwave and shorter wavelengths, have so far not been reported from observations with the Culgoora meterwave heliograph. At the same time, if substantial pre-heating occurred in the coronal source regions of meterwave radiation, then, on theoretical grounds, significant, but not spectacular, pre-burst brightenings would be expected at short meter wavelengths. A search for such pre-burst brightenings will become possible when the Culgoora heliograph begins to operate in a new mode which will allow all incoming data (rather than selected segments, as at present) to be kept for further analysis.On leave from the CSIRO-Division of Radiophysics, Sydney, Australia.Visiting Scientist, High Altitude Observatory, national Center for Atmospheric Research. The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

In the present study, we consider six years data of spot groups that have well developed leading and following spots obtained from the Kodaikanal Observatory white light pictures and occurrence of Hα flares. From the daily observations, we compute the variations in rotation rates, meridional velocity, the areas and longitudinal separations. We find that among all these variations, the occurrence of abnormal rotation rates (the rotation rates that have greater than 1σ and longitudinal minimum separation during the course of their evolution eventually lead to triggering of flares. We also find that the events of abnormal rotation rates, longitudinal minimum separation and the flares occur mainly during the 50–80% of the sunspots’ life span indicating magnetic reconnection probably below (0.935R⊙) the solar surface. Relevance of these results with the conventional theory of magnetic reconnection is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Donald F. Neidig 《Solar physics》1989,121(1-2):261-269
The basic results of white-light flare (WLF) photometric and spectrographic observations are reviewed. WLFs represent the most extreme density conditions in solar optical flares and are similar to stellar flares in many respects. It is shown that WLFs originate in the low chromosphere and upper photosphere, and that their huge radiative losses remain difficult to explain within the context of known mechanisms of energy transport.Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under contract with the National Science Foundation. Partial support for the National Solar Observatory is provided by the USAF under a Memorandum of Understanding with the NSF.  相似文献   

The extent to which the early phases of solar-flare development can be accounted for by a simple high-temperature chromospheric explosion model is investigated without involving a particular energy source. A model is developed in which it is shown that a point explosion in the lower chromosphere can be treated as a virtually instantaneous release of energy throughout a volume of radius R 100 km, which subsequently expands as a classical hydrodynamic blast wave in which R~ t ( < 2/3). This model is in substantial agreement with areal growth-rate observations of disk flares. An explanation for the fact that limb-flare observations can imply > 2/3 is suggested by considering the effects of the large atmospheric density gradient in the lower chromosphere on an upward travelling shock wave.  相似文献   

The magnetic nature of solar flares   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The main challenge for the theory of solar eruptions has been to understand two basic aspects of large flares. These are the cause of the flare itself and the nature of the morphological features which form during its evolution. Such features include separating ribbons of H emission joined by a rising arcade of soft x-ray loops, with hard x-ray emission at their summits and at their feet. Two major advances in our understanding of the theory of solar flares have recently occurred. The first is the realisation that a magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) catastrophe is probably responsible for the basic eruption and the second is that the eruption is likely to drive a reconnection process in the field lines stretched out by the eruption. The reconnection is responsible for the ribbons and the set of rising soft x-ray loops, and such a process is well supported by numerical experiments and detailed observations from the Japanese satellite Yohkoh. Magnetic energy conversion by reconnection in two dimensions is relatively well understood, but in three dimensions we are only starting to understand the complexity of the magnetic topology and the MHD dynamics which are involved. How the dynamics lead to particle acceleration is even less well understood. Particle acceleration in flares may in principle occur in a variety of ways, such as stochastic acceleration by MHD turbulence, acceleration by direct electric fields at the reconnection site, or diffusive shock acceleration at the different kinds of MHD shock waves that are produced during the flare. However, which of these processes is most important for producing the energetic particles that strike the solar surface remains a mystery. Received 2 January 2001 / Published online 17 July 2001  相似文献   

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