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We give the results of photographic observations of the recurrent nova WZ Sge during its 1978 outburst, between December 5 and 25, using the double astrograph of Beijing Observatory. We discuss the observed properties and calculate the total energy released during the outburst to be about 1.07 (+40) erg. We estimate that the next outburst will occur around the year 2011.  相似文献   

We have constructed the light curves of the symbiotic nova V1016 Cyg for the period 1971–2007 in a homogeneous photometric system close to UBV using our observations with the Zeiss-600 SAI telescope. Based on the observational data obtained with the 125-cm SAI telescope in 2000–2007, we have performed absolute spectrophotometry of the star in the range λ3700–9300 Å. The derived line intensities are compared with the data of other authors in the preceding years (1965–1988). The behavior of nebular lines showed the variations in electron density and, probably, electron temperature in the [OIII] emission region caused by a variable stellar wind from the hot component. All the available observations of the star confirm the theoretical conclusion that the nova-like outburst of V1016 Cyg was produced by a thermonuclear flash in the accreted envelope of a white dwarf.  相似文献   

We present near-infrared photospectroscopy in the H and K bands of the 2006 outburst of the recurrent nova RS Ophiuchi. The observations cover the period between 1 and 94 d after the eruption. The near-infrared light curve is presented. An extensive set of spectra is presented, lines identified and the general characteristics of the spectra discussed. Analysis of the H  i line profiles shows the presence of broad wings on both flanks of a strong central component indicating the presence of a bipolar velocity flow in the ejecta. Such a flow is kinematically consistent with the bipolar structure that the object displays in high-resolution spatial images. We discuss the behaviour and origin of the Fe  ii lines at 1.6872 and 1.7414 μm that are prominently seen throughout the span of the observations. It is examined and shown that Lyman α and Lyman continuum fluorescence are viable mechanisms to excite these lines. We draw upon the result, that collisional excitation can also contribute in exciting and significantly enhancing the strength of these Fe  ii lines, to propose that these lines originate from a site of high particle density. Such a likely site could be the high-density, low-temperature contact surface that should exists in the shock front in between the shocked ejecta and red giant wind. Recombination analysis of the H  i lines indicates deviations from case B conditions during most of the span of our observations indicating optical depth effects. It appears likely that the breakout of the shock front had not yet occurred till the end of our observations. An analysis is made of the temporal evolution of the [Si  vi ] 1.9641 μm coronal line and another coronal line at 2.0894 μm which is attributed to [Mn  xiv ]. Assuming collisional effects to dominate in the hot coronal gas, estimates are made of the ion temperature in the gas.  相似文献   

During the scanning observations of the Galactic center region in late August–September 2016 we detected a new (third) outburst of the historical X-ray nova GRS 1739-278, a presumed black hole in a low-mass X-ray binary. This was reported in the Astronomer’s Telegrams (Mereminskiy et al. 2016). In this paper we present the results of INTEGRAL and Swift observations of the outburst development. According to these observations, the flux from the source in the hard X-ray band (20–60 keV) rose from ~11 (September 3) to ~30 mCrab (September 14), was at the attained level for ~8 days, and then returned to ~15 mCrab. The spectrum of the source taken at its peak brightness in the energy range 0.5–150 keV could be fitted by a single power law with a photon index of 1.86 ± 0.07 distorted only by photoabsorption corresponding to the hydrogen column density log10 (N H) = 22.37 under the assumption of a solar abundance. This means that the source at this time was in the low/hard state. Infrared observations with the RTT-150 telescope near the X-ray brightness peak of the source revealed no emission down to \(22_ \cdot ^m 0\) (in the r’ band) and \(20_ \cdot ^m 9\) (in the i’ band). At the time of writing the paper we do not yet know whether this outburst ended or only its initial stage was observed. If it ended, then based on the light curve and spectra, we can state that it was a “failed” outburst, i.e., the amount of accreted matter in this episode was insufficient to reach the high or very high state with a soft blackbody component in the spectrum characteristic of developed outbursts.  相似文献   

Super-active region NOAA 6555 was highly flare productive during the period March 21st–27th, 1991 of its disk passage. We have st udied its chromospheric activity using high spatial resolution Hα filtergrams taken at Udaipur along with MSFC vector magnetograms. A possible relationship of flare productivity and the variation in shear has been explored. Flares were generally seen in those subareas of the active region which possessed closed magnetic field configuration, whereas only minor flares and/or surges occurred in subareas showing open magnetic field configuration. Physical mechanisms responsible for the observed surges are also discussed.  相似文献   

We present spectroscopy of the eclipsing recurrent nova U Sco. The radial velocity semi-amplitude of the primary star was found to be     from the motion of the wings of the He  ii λ 4686-Å emission line. By detecting weak absorption features from the secondary star, we find its radial velocity semi-amplitude to be     . From these parameters, we obtain a mass of     for the white dwarf primary star and a mass of     for the secondary star. The radius of the secondary is calculated to be     , confirming that it is evolved. The inclination of the system is calculated to be     , consistent with the deep eclipse seen in the light-curves. The helium emission lines are double-peaked, with the blueshifted regions of the disc being eclipsed prior to the redshifted regions, clearly indicating the presence of an accretion disc. The high mass of the white dwarf is consistent with the thermonuclear runaway model of recurrent nova outbursts, and confirms that U Sco is the best Type Ia supernova progenitor currently known. We predict that U Sco is likely to explode within ∼700 000 yr.  相似文献   

R. Poggiani 《New Astronomy》2010,15(8):657-661
We report the spectroscopic follow-up of the nova V5558 Sgr carried out in 2008 and 2009 at the Loiano Observatory, Italy, during the decline stage, as a part of an ongoing monitoring campaign. The spectra suggest that V5558 Sgr has entered the nebular stage, as shown by the presence of high ionization lines, and confirm that it is very similar to the slow nova V723 Cas, as previously suggested. We have estimated the decline time by three magnitudes, 170 ± 2 days, typical of slow novae. We have revised the estimation of the absolute magnitude at maximum (?6.3 to ?5.9) and the distance (1.3–1.6 kpc) of V5558 Sgr, in agreement with previous results. The revised white dwarf mass (0.58–0.63 M) confirms that V5558 Sgr is a critical system whose mass is close to the lower limit to trigger the nova outburst.  相似文献   

We present the analysis of spectrograms obtained during quiescence and during an ordinary outburst of the SU UMa type dwarf nova WX Hyi (ESO 3.6m telescope, B&C spectrograph with Image Disector Scanner, 171 Åmm–1, range 4000–7000 Å, time resolution 6min.). The radial velocities of these spectra have been discussed by Schoembs and Vogt (1981) who also derived the orbital elements of WX Hyi. The phasesmax refer to these elements. All velocities discussed here are with respect to the white dwarf, not to the center of mass of the binary system.Inquiescent state we did not find significant radial velocity variations. The equivalent widths W of the He I emission lines revealed periodic variations with an amplitude of 30%, maximal values of W were observed atmax=0.0...0.2. In contrast, the equivalent widths of the Balmer lines were not variable.Duringoutburst we found periodic radial velocity variations of the emission peak of H, H and He I 5875 with an amplitude of100 km s–1,max0.5. Also the broad Balmer absorption lines revealed periodic radial velocity variations, with a similar amplitude (max=0.3...0.5). The equivalent width of the H central emission peak varies with an amplitude of30%,max0.85. No variations of the equivalent width of the Balmer absorption lines were found.The outburst observations suggest that the preceeding part of the disc is brighter than the following one (in orbital motion). This is probably due to heating of the preceeding part by collisions with circumbinary matter, which seems to have an enhanced density in outburst as compared to the quiescent state. The emission lines are formed in outer layers or in a halo around the disc. The equivalent width variations can be interpreted in terms of interactions between this halo and the optically thick part of the disc.A more detailed discussion of the data is being published elsewhere.Paper presented at the IAU Colloquium No. 93 on Cataclysmic Variables. Recent Multi-Frequency Observations and Theoretical Developments, held at Dr. Remeis-Sternwarte Bamberg, F.R.G., 16–19 June, 1986  相似文献   

On the basis of photoelectric observations performed at the Teramo Observatory, the V lightcurve of Nova Cygni 1975 from August 1975 to July 1977 is given. Since three days after maximum thereafter, the decline pursued smoothly according the law V = 2.5 + 3.9 lg t, and 680 days after maximum the star had weakened by 12.5 mag. The well-known shortperiod light variation, which at the time of the early decline showed an amplitude smaller than 0.2 mag in V light, on December 13, 1976, displayed an amplitude as high as 0.5 mag.  相似文献   

We present the most complete multiwavelength coverage of any dwarf nova outburst: simultaneous optical, Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer and Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer observations of SS Cygni throughout a narrow asymmetric outburst. Our data show that the high-energy outburst begins in the X-ray waveband 0.9–1.4 d after the beginning of the optical rise and 0.6 d before the extreme-ultraviolet rise. The X-ray flux drops suddenly, immediately before the extreme-ultraviolet flux rise, supporting the view that both components arise in the boundary layer between the accretion disc and white dwarf surface. The early rise of the X-ray flux shows that the propagation time of the outburst heating wave may have been previously overestimated.
The transitions between X-ray and extreme-ultraviolet dominated emission are accompanied by intense variability in the X-ray flux, with time-scales of minutes. As detailed by Mauche & Robinson, dwarf nova oscillations are detected throughout the extreme-ultraviolet outburst, but we find they are absent from the X-ray light curve.
X-ray and extreme-ultraviolet luminosities imply accretion rates of  3 × 1015 g s−1  in quiescence,  1 × 1016 g s−1  when the boundary layer becomes optically thick, and  ∼1018 g s−1  at the peak of the outburst. The quiescent accretion rate is two and a half orders of magnitude higher than predicted by the standard disc instability model, and we suggest this may be because the inner accretion disc in SS Cyg is in a permanent outburst state.  相似文献   

We present the spectroscopy of nova V2467 Cyg acquired at the Loiano Observatory, Italy, during the first six months after the outburst. We have used the optical spectroscopy to study the physical properties of the ejected material and the photometry to estimate the nova distance. V2467 Cyg is a fast nova, with decline rates by two or three magnitudes of 7.6 and 14.6 days respectively. The light curve exhibited oscillations during the transition stage. The nova achieved an absolute magnitude at maximum in the range –8.5… –9.1. The distance is in the range 2.6… 3.6 kpc. V2467 Cyg showed an early appearance of forbidden lines during the transition stage. Its evolution is similar to the behavior of V1494 Aql (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We present near-infrared spectroscopy of the recurrent nova RS Ophiuchi (RS Oph) obtained on several occasions after its latest outburst in 2006 February. The  1–5 μ  m spectra are dominated by the red giant, but the H  i , He  i and coronal lines present during the eruption are present in all our observations. From the fits of the computed infrared spectral energy distributions to the observed fluxes, we find   T eff= 4200 ± 200   K for the red giant. The first overtone CO bands at  2.3 μ  m, formed in the atmosphere of the red giant, are variable. The spectra clearly exhibit an infrared excess due to dust emission longward of  5 μ  m; we estimate an effective temperature for the emitting dust shell of 500 K, and find that the dust emission is also variable, being beyond the limit of detection in 2007. Most likely, the secondary star in RS Oph is intrinsically variable.  相似文献   

A radial velocity study of the cataclysmic variable ES Dra (PG 1524+622) is presented. ES Dra is found to have an orbital period of 0.17660 ± 0.00006 day (4.2384 ± 0.0014 h). The mass-losing secondary star of ES Dra is detectable in the spectrum, and it has a spectral type of M2 ± 1. From this, we estimate the absolute magnitude of ES Dra during our spectroscopic observations to have been MR = 6.5 ± 0.5, and its distance to be 720 ± 150 pc. The long-term light curve of ES Dra compiled by the American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO) shows that ES Dra is a Z Cam star, which between 1995 and 2009 spent most of its time in standstill.  相似文献   

As the obliquity of Mars is strongly chaotic, it is not possible to give a solution for its evolution over more than a few million years. Using the most recent data for the rotational state of Mars, and a new numerical integration of the Solar System, we provide here a precise solution for the evolution of Mars' spin over 10 to 20 Myr. Over 250 Myr, we present a statistical study of its possible evolution, when considering the uncertainties in the present rotational state. Over much longer time span, reaching 5 Gyr, chaotic diffusion prevails, and we have performed an extensive statistical analysis of the orbital and rotational evolution of Mars, relying on Laskar's secular solution of the Solar System, based on more than 600 orbital and 200,000 obliquity solutions over 5 Gyr. The density functions of the eccentricity and obliquity are specified with simple analytical formulas. We found an averaged eccentricity of Mars over 5 Gyr of 0.0690 with standard deviation 0.0299, while the averaged value of the obliquity is 37.62° with a standard deviation of 13.82°, and a maximal value of 82.035°. We find that the probability for Mars' obliquity to have reached more than 60° in the past 1 Gyr is 63.0%, and 89.3% in 3 Gyr. Over 4 Gyr, the position of Mars' axis is given by a uniform distribution on a spherical cap limited by the obliquity 58.62°, with the addition of a random noise allowing a slow diffusion beyond this limit. We can also define a standard model of Mars' insolation parameters over 4 Gyr with the most probable values 0.068 for the eccentricity and 41.80° for the obliquity.  相似文献   

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