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We introduce a new code for cosmological simulations, PHo To Ns, which incorporates features for performing massive cosmological simulations on heterogeneous high performance computer(HPC) systems and threads oriented programming. PHo To Ns adopts a hybrid scheme to compute gravitational force, with the conventional Particle-Mesh(PM) algorithm to compute the long-range force,the Tree algorithm to compute the short range force and the direct summation Particle-Particle(PP) algorithm to compute gravity from very close particles. A self-similar space filling a Peano-Hilbert curve is used to decompose the computing domain. Threads programming is advantageously used to more flexibly manage the domain communication, PM calculation and synchronization, as well as Dual Tree Traversal on the CPU+MIC platform. PHo To Ns scales well and efficiency of the PP kernel achieves68.6% of peak performance on MIC and 74.4% on CPU platforms. We also test the accuracy of the code against the much used Gadget-2 in the community and found excellent agreement.  相似文献   

Harman  S.  Hrabik  T.  Kasher  J.C.  Smith  D.  Wilkins  D. 《Solar physics》1999,185(2):227-254
Supergranule revolution rate and lifetime can be measured by cross-correlating pairs of Doppler-velocity maps that have been filtered (by Hathaway's method) to remove other flows. As a conceptual framework for that analysis, this exploratory paper develops an idealized, phenomenological model of supergranule flows. Assumptions made about supergranule cells on the Sun's photosphere include: random location in space and time, and horizontal flows with circular symmetry and having a Simon–Weiss velocity function. Each supergranule is stable for a time, dies, and after a while, a daughter is born at a nearby position determined by a random walk. The effect on the cross-correlations of changing projection onto the line-of-sight as the Sun rotates is analyzed. The total cross-correlation for strips of constant latitude depends on two generic, slowly-varying projection functions. Effects of differential rotation and time-evolution are also considered. GONG observations of June 1994 show systematic variations in the width and shape of correlation peaks with latitude; our model suggests that projection effects alone can account for these without invoking any intrinsic variations of the supergranules.  相似文献   

Fast radio bursts (FRBs) with unknown origin emit a huge luminosity (about 1 Jy at 1 GHz) with a duration of milliseconds or less at extragalactic distances estimated from their large dispersion measure (DM). We propose herein a scenario for a collision between a neutron star (NS) and a white dwarf (WD) as the progenitor of the FRBs by considering the burst duration scaling to the collision time and the radio luminosity proportional to the kinetic energy of the collision. The relations among the observed flux density, pulse width, and the DM are derived from the model and compared with the statistical results from the observed FRBs. Although the sample is quite small, we tentatively report a nearly inverse-square correlation between the observed peak flux density and the DM excess, which is an consequence of the assumption that the DM excess (i.e. that not due to our Galaxy) is dominated by the intergalactic medium. We also tentatively note a correlation among the duration of the FRB and the DM excess (possibly interpreted as due to the broadening of the signal in the intergalactic medium) and a correlation among the duration of the FRB and the flux density (shorter burst should be brighter), both roughly in agreement with the proposed model.  相似文献   

UVIS occultation data show clumping in Saturn’s F ring and at the B ring outer edge, indicating aggregation and disaggregation at these locations that are perturbed by Prometheus and by Mimas. The inferred timescales range from hours to months. Occultation profiles of the edge show wide variability, indicating perturbations by local mass aggregations. Structure near the B ring edge is seen in power spectral analysis at scales 200–2000 m. Similar structure is also seen at the strongest density waves, with significance increasing with resonance strength. For the B ring outer edge, the strongest structure is seen at longitudes 90° and 270° relative to Mimas. This indicates a direct relation between the moon and the ring clumping. We propose that the collective behavior of the ring particles resembles a predator–prey system: the mean aggregate size is the prey, which feeds the velocity dispersion; conversely, increasing dispersion breaks up the aggregates. Moons may trigger clumping by streamline crowding, which reduces the relative velocity, leading to more aggregation and more clumping. Disaggregation may follow from disruptive collisions or tidal shedding as the clumps stir the relative velocity. For realistic values of the parameters this yields a limit cycle behavior, as for the ecology of foxes and hares or the “boom-bust” economic cycle. Solving for the long-term behavior of this forced system gives a periodic response at the perturbing frequency, with a phase lag roughly consistent with the UVIS occultation measurements. We conclude that the agitation by the moons in the F ring and at the B ring outer edge drives aggregation and disaggregation in the forcing frame. This agitation of the ring material may also allow fortuitous formation of solid objects from the temporary clumps, via stochastic processes like compaction, adhesion, sintering or reorganization that drives the denser parts of the aggregate to the center or ejects the lighter elements. Any of these more persistent objects would then orbit at the Kepler rate. We would also expect the formation of clumps and some more permanent objects at the other perturbed regions in the rings… including satellite resonances, shepherded ring edges, and near embedded objects like Pan and Daphnis (where the aggregation/disaggregation cycles are forced similar to Prometheus forcing of the F ring).  相似文献   

Recent observations of Halley's Comet show a broad absorption band centred at 3.4 m and which can be explained on the basis of a bacterial grain model.  相似文献   

Recent observations of Halley's Comet show a broad absorption band centred at 3.4 μm and which can be explained on the basis of a bacterial grain model. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The model is intended to respond to the recent findings in the Venus atmosphere from the Venus Express and ground-based submillimeter and infrared observations. It extends down to 47 km for comparison with the kinetic model for the lower atmosphere (Krasnopolsky, V.A. [2007]. Icarus 191, 25–37) and to use its results as the boundary conditions. The model numerical accuracy is significantly improved by reduction of the altitude step from 2 km in the previous models to 0.5 km. Effects of the NUV absorber are approximated using the detailed photometric observations at 365 nm from Venera 14. The H2O profile is not fixed but calculated in the model. The model involves odd nitrogen and OCS chemistries based on the detected NO and OCS abundances. The number of the reactions is significantly reduced by removing of unimportant processes. Column rates for all reactions are given, and balances of production and loss may be analyzed in detail for each species.The calculated vertical profiles of CO, H2O, HCl, SO2, SO, OCS and of the O2 dayglow at 1.27 μm generally agree with the existing observational data; some differences are briefly discussed. The OH dayglow is ~30 kR, brighter than the OH nightglow by a factor of 4. The H + O3 process dominates in the nightglow excitation and O + HO2 in the dayglow, because of the reduction of ozone by photolysis. A key feature of Venus’ photochemistry is the formation of sulfuric acid in a narrow layer near the cloud tops that greatly reduces abundances of SO2 and H2O above the clouds. Delivery of SO2 and H2O through this bottleneck determines the chemistry and its variations above the clouds. Small variations of eddy diffusion near 60 km result in variations of SO2, SO, and OCS at and above 70 km within a factor of ~30. Variations of the SO2/H2O ratio at the lower boundary have similar but weaker effect: the variations within a factor of ~4 are induced by changes of SO2/H2O by ±5%. Therefore the observed variations of the mesospheric composition originate from minor variations of the atmospheric dynamics near the cloud layer and do not require volcanism. NO cycles are responsible for production of a quarter of O2, SO2, and Cl2 in the atmosphere. A net effect of photochemistry in the middle atmosphere is the consumption of CO2, SO2, and HCl from and return of CO, H2SO4, and SO2Cl2 to the lower atmosphere. These processes may be balanced by thermochemistry in the lower atmosphere even without outgassing from the interior, though the latter is not ruled out by our models. Some differences between the model and observations and the previous models are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

We develop a numerical solver for the integral–differential equations, which describe the radiative transfer of photon distribution in the frequency space with resonant scattering of Lyα photons by hydrogen gas in the early universe. The time-dependent solutions of this equation is crucial to the estimation of the effect of the Wouthuysen–Field (WF) coupling in relation to the 21 cm emission and absorption at the epoch of reionization. However, the time-dependent solutions of this equation have not yet been well performed. The resonant scattering leads to the photon distribution in the frequency space to be piecewise smooth containing sharp changes. The weighted essentially nonoscillatory (WENO) scheme is suitable to handle this problem, as this algorithm has been found to be highly stable and robust for solving Boltzmann equation. We test this numerical solver by (1) the analytic solutions of the evolution of the photon distribution in rest background; (2) the analytic solution in expanding background, but without resonant scattering; (3) the formation of local Boltzmann distribution around the resonant frequency with the temperature to be the same as that of atom for recoil. We find that the evolution of the photon distribution due to resonant scattering with and without recoil generally undergoes three phases. First, the profile of the photon distribution is similar to the initial one. Second, an extremely flat plateau (without recoil) or local Boltzmann distribution (with recoil) form around the resonant frequency, and the width and height of the flat plateau or local Boltzmann distribution increase with time. Finally, the distribution around the resonant frequency is saturated when the photons from the source is balanced by the redshift of the expansion. This result indicates that the onset of the W–F coupling should not be determined by the third phase, but by the time scale of the second phase. We found that the time scale of the W–F coupling is equal to about a few hundreds of the mean free flight time of photons with resonant frequency, and it basically is independent of the Sobolev parameter if this parameter is much less than 1.  相似文献   

We describe a newly developed hydrodynamic code for studying accretion disk processes. The numerical method uses a finite volume, non-linear, Total Variation Diminishing (TVD) scheme to capture shocks and control spurious oscillations. It is second-order accurate in time and space and makes use of a FARGO-type algorithm to alleviate Courant–Friedrichs–Lewy time step restrictions imposed by the rapidly rotating inner disk region. OpenMP directives are implemented enabling faster computations on shared-memory, multi-processor machines. The resulting code is simple, fast and memory efficient. We discuss the relevant details of the numerical method and provide results of the code’s performance on standard test problems. We also include a detailed examination of the code’s performance on planetary disk–planet interactions. We show that the results produced on the standard problem setup are consistent with a wide variety of other codes.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to present and evaluate a new technique to better understand ionospheric convection and it’s magnetospheric drivers using convection maps derived from the Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN). We postulate that the directional derivative of the SuperDARN ionospheric convection flow can be used as a technique for understanding solar wind–magnetosphere–ionosphere coupling by identifying regions of strong acceleration/deceleration of plasma flow associated with drivers of magnetospheric convection such as magnetic reconnection. Thus, the technique may be used to identify the open–closed magnetic field line boundary (OCB) in certain circumstances. In this study, directional derivatives of the SuperDARN ionospheric convection flow over a four and a half hour interval on Nov. 04, 2001, is presented during which the interplanetary magnetic field was predominantly southward. At each one-minute time point in the interval the positive peak in the directional derivative of flow is identified and evaluated via comparison with known indicators of the OCB including the poleward boundary of ultraviolet emissions from three FUV detectors onboard the IMAGE spacecraft as well as the SuperDARN spectral widths. Good comparison is found between the location of the peak in the directional derivative of SuperDARN flow and the poleward boundary of ultraviolet emissions confirming that acceleration of ionospheric plasma flow is associated with magnetic reconnection and the open–closed boundary.  相似文献   

Aparicio  A. J. P.  Lefèvre  L.  Gallego  M. C.  Vaquero  J. M.  Clette  F.  Bravo-Paredes  N.  Galaviz  P.  Bautista  M. L. 《Solar physics》2018,293(12):1-23

The Spectral Irradiance Monitor (SIM) instrument on board the Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment (SORCE) performs daily measurements of the solar spectral irradiance (SSI) from 200 to 2400 nm. Both temporal and spectral corrections for instrument degradation have been built on physical models based on comparison of two independent channels with different solar exposure. The present study derives a novel correction for SIM degradation using the total solar irradiance (TSI) measurements from the Total Irradiance Monitor (TIM) on SORCE. The correction is applied to SIM SSI data from September 2004 to October 2012 over the wavelength range from 205 nm to 2300 nm. The change in corrected, integrated SSI agrees within \(0.1~\mbox{W}\,\mbox{m}^{-2}\) (\(1\sigma\)) with SORCE TIM TSI and independently shows agreement with the SATIRE-S and NRLSSI2 solar models within measurement uncertainties.


The H emission is searched for 67 spectroscopic binaries of the spectral types B0–B9 and of the orbital period 1–1000 days. Among them the H emission is detected in 13 stars with various intensity. The results of this inspection are presented. When combined with the previous data, our results show that the Be-star frequency in spectroscopic binaries along the orbital periods exhibits a sharp maximum in the period range 100–300 days, and that the stars of strong H emission concentrate in the same period range.  相似文献   

Sixty auroral absorption substorms (30 in IQSY and 30 in IASY) have been analysed on the basis of riometer-recordings taken at some 40 stations distributed over auroral, subauroral and polar cap latitudes. Synoptic maps showing isoabsorption curves have been produced every 15 min (sometimes every 5 min) of the 60 substorms; 705 maps altogether.Some of the results of the analysis are as follows.Initiation of a substorm most frequently occurs near midnight but may occur anywhere between early evening and late morning. The time of onset becomes earlier and the latitude of onset moves equatorward as the level of magnetic activity increases.The longitude expansion velocities are contained in the range 0.7–7 km/sec except for a few extreme values which exceed 20 km/sec.The auroral absorption eastward expansion velocity is smaller than the corresponding velocity of the boundary of the region of activation of the visual aurora after break up by a factor 14?12.The expansion velocity corresponds, in general, to drift velocities of electrons of energies in the range 50–300 keV but, for the extreme speeds, electron energies around 1 MeV are needed.Expansion of the absorption in the westward direction was seen in about half of the substorms studied. In about half of these, expansion along the auroral oval could be indentified, but in almost all of these cases some expansion in the auroral zone latitudes was also seen. In about an equal number of events, expansion was confined primarily to the auroral zone.The velocity of the westward expansion was about 1 km/sec along the auroral oval (i.e. approximately equal with the speed of the westward travelling surge) but about 2 km/sec along the auroral zone.The meridional expansion velocities found agree well with those measured for visual aurora (? 1 km/sec).The variability of the behaviour of different substorms is very large. To illuminate this the following may be mentioned, in addition to what has been stated above about the statistics.Although the absorption maximum practically always moves eastward from the initiation region, exceptions have been seen in which the maximum started moving west and in a later phase went eastward.Sometimes the absorption maximum stays in the injection area or very close to it, although in most cases it moves eastward into the dayside. In extreme eases it has been found to move more than 270° in the eastward direction.There are auroral absorption substorms in which injection seems to take place in more than one area simultaneously.The observations cannot all be understood in terms of gradient and curvature drift of electrons from a small area of injection only. A broad intrusion of hot plasma from the tail into the inner magnetosphere seems to be needed.No strong dependence of particle precipitation on the illumination of the upper ionosphere by sunlight was seen. The results do, therefore, not support the hypothesis of Brice and Lucas (1971) that cold plasma density increases, originating in the ionosphere, significantly increase the precipitation rate of energetic trapped particles.  相似文献   

An interferometer antenna system to observe polarized radio emission from the solar corona at different frequencies in the range 30?–?110 MHz has been commissioned recently by the Indian Institute of Astrophysics at the Gauribidanur Radio Observatory (latitude 13°3612′′N and longitude 77°2707′′E), about 100 km north of Bangalore (http://www.iiap.res.in/centres_radio.htm). This paper describes the antenna system, associated analog/digital receiver setup, calibration scheme, and preliminary results.  相似文献   

Astronomy Letters - Based on long-term SWIFT, RXTE, and MAXI observations of the X-ray novae H 1743-322 (IGR J17464-3213) and GX 339-4, we have investigated the morphology and classified the light...  相似文献   

ASTROD I is a planned interplanetary space mission with multiple goals. The primary aims are: to test general relativity with an improvement in sensitivity of over three orders of magnitude, improving our understanding of gravity and aiding the development of a new quantum gravity theory; to measure key solar system parameters with increased accuracy, advancing solar physics and our knowledge of the solar system; and to measure the time rate of change of the gravitational constant with an order of magnitude improvement and the anomalous Pioneer acceleration, thereby probing dark matter and dark energy gravitationally. It is an international project, with major contributions from Europe and China and is envisaged as the first in a series of ASTROD missions. ASTROD I will consist of one spacecraft carrying a telescope, four lasers, two event timers and a clock. Two-way, two-wavelength laser pulse ranging will be used between the spacecraft in a solar orbit and deep space laser stations on Earth, to achieve the ASTROD I goals. A second mission, ASTROD (ASTROD II) is envisaged as a three-spacecraft mission which would test General Relativity to 1 ppb, enable detection of solar g-modes, measure the solar Lense–Thirring effect to 10 ppm, and probe gravitational waves at frequencies below the LISA bandwidth. In the third phase (ASTROD III or Super-ASTROD), larger orbits could be implemented to map the outer solar system and to probe primordial gravitational-waves at frequencies below the ASTROD II bandwidth.
Wei-Tou NiEmail:

Wilson  Robert M. 《Solar physics》1998,182(1):217-230
Samuel Heinrich Schwabe, the discoverer of the sunspot cycle, observed the Sun routinely from Dessau, Germany during the interval of 1826–1868, averaging about 290 observing days per year. His yearly counts of ‘clusters of spots’ (or, more correctly, the yearly number of newly appearing sunspot groups) provided a simple means for describing the overt features of the sunspot cycle (i.e., the timing and relative strengths of cycle minimum and maximum). In 1848, Rudolf Wolf, a Swiss astronomer, having become aware of Schwabe's discovery, introduced his now familiar ‘relative sunspot number’ and established an international cadre of observers for monitoring the future behavior of the sunspot cycle and for reconstructing its past behavior (backwards in time to 1818, based on daily sunspot number estimates). While Wolf's reconstruction is complete (without gaps) only from 1849 (hence, the beginning of the modern era), the immediately preceding interval of 1818–1848 is incomplete, being based on an average of 260 observing days per year. In this investigation, Wolf's reconstructed record of annual sunspot number is compared against Schwabe's actual observing record of yearly counts of clusters of spots. The comparison suggests that Wolf may have misplaced (by about 1–2 yr) and underestimated (by about 16 units of sunspot number) the maximum amplitude for cycle 7. If true, then, cycle 7's ascent and descent durations should measure about 5 years each instead of 7 and 3 years, respectively, the extremes of the distributions, and its maximum amplitude should measure about 86 instead of 70. This study also indicates that cycle 9's maximum amplitude is more reliably determined than cycle 8's and that both appear to be of comparable size (about 130 units of sunspot number) rather than being significantly different. Therefore, caution is urged against the indiscriminate use of the pre-modern era sunspot numbers in long-term studies of the sunspot cycle, since such use may lead to specious results.  相似文献   

The STEREO mission has been providing a stereoscopic view of filament eruptions in the EUV. The clearest view during a filament eruption is seen in He ii 304 Å observations. One of the main problems in visualizing filament dynamics in He ii 304 Å is the strong background contrast due to surface features. We present a technique that removes background features and leaves behind only the filamentary structure, as seen by STEREO-A and -B. The technique uses a pair of STEREO He ii 304 Å images observed simultaneously. The STEREO-B image is geometrically transformed to a STEREO-A view so that the background images appear similar. Filaments, being elevated structures, i.e., not lying on the same spherical surface as background features, do not appear similar in the transformed view. Thus, subtracting the two images cancels the background but leaves behind the filament structure. We apply this technique to study the dynamics of the filament-eruption event of 22 May 2008, which was observed by STEREO and followed by several ground-based observatories participating in the Joint Observing Programme (JOP 178).  相似文献   

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