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谢广龙  姜娇  吴小平  欧阳珊 《海洋科学》2015,39(11):126-131
作者于2013年5月至6月调查了位于江西北部地区岩溶地貌陆生贝类资源,共采得陆生贝类63种及亚种(含5个未定种),分别隶属于12科21属,其中1个新种,即石钟山弯螺(Sinoennea shizhongshanensis sp.nov),优势种为雪土鸥螺(Georissa niva)、细纹喇叭螺(Boysidia gracilis)、囊喇叭螺(Boysidia dorsata)和灰尖巴蜗牛(Bradybaena ravida ravida)。区系成分以东洋界成分为主,占总种类数的61.90%。计算了江西北部地区岩溶地貌陆生贝类多样性指数,其中Margalef丰富度指数(dMA)为2.205~4.273,Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H′)为1.960~3.374,Pielou均匀度指数(Jsw)为0.448~0.681。与邻近自然保护区比较,江西北部地区岩溶地貌陆生贝类较为丰富,与其他自然保护区物种相似性较低。  相似文献   

Our study investigates biomarker responses and survival of Macoma nasuta exposed to sediments collected from six locations in northern San Francisco Bay. Biomarkers analyzed were stress proteins (hsp70) in gill, mantle and digestive gland, lysosomal membrane damage and histopathologic lesions. Sediments and clam tissues were analyzed for a comprehensive suite of heavy metals and trace organic pollutants. Sediment grain size and organic carbon content were determined. Clams accumulated metals, polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and organochlorine pesticides (aldrin and p,p(')-DDT and its metabolites p,p(')-DDD and p,p(')-DDE). Pearson and Spearman correlation analysis revealed that mortality, hsp70 in gill and histopathologic lesion scores in gonads, and lysosomal membrane damage were significantly correlated with tissue concentrations of DDT and/or its metabolites. Tissue concentrations of metals, in particular nickel, chromium, and copper, were associated with macrophage aggregates in digestive gland and germ cell necrosis. Cadmium was linked to mortality and lysosomal membrane damage.  相似文献   

用锰纤维富集-射气法测量了北黄海水体的^224 Ra,研究了该海域夏季和冬季2个季节^224 Ra比活度及其垂直分布,并对其进行了比较研究.北黄海夏季^224 Ra 比活度为0.24—3.48Bq/m2,平均值为1.14Bq/m2;冬季^224 Ra比活度为0.37~6.68Bq/m2,平均值为0.94Bq/m2.北黄海的表层水有3个^224 Ra 高值区,分别位于东北部海域、渤海海峡南部和北黄海中北部海区.30m水深将^224 Ra比活度的垂直分布分成上层和下层2层.在0~30m水层,夏季,随着水深增加^224 Ra比活度逐渐增加,比活度变化较小;冬季部分站位由表层向下^224 Ra比活度逐渐降低.30m水深以下,^224 Ra比活度随着水深的增加而增加,而且变化幅度较大.由^224 Ra比活度的垂直分布得出该海域的垂直涡动扩散系数为2.5~43.5cm2/s,夏季北黄海冷水团中心海域底层溶解态化学物质输运补给到上层所经历的时间为9~15d左右.  相似文献   

The Plio-Pleistocene succession of the Venice area represents part of the infill of a foreland region located between three mountain chains: the Northern Apennines, the Southern Alps and the Dinarides. This structural setting favored the development of a complex stratigraphic architecture of the succession, mostly due to the conveying of sediments from the Southern Alps to the north and the Northern Apennines to the south, in particular since the activation of strong subsidence related to the NE-ward migration of the Apennine foredeep in the early Pleistocene. Accordingly, the studied succession is composed of five third-order sequences mostly controlled by tectonics, the most recent of which display complex patterns due to the interfingering of sedimentary bodies showing contrasting directions of progradation and pinch-out. Despite this, the sequence stratigraphic method still can be applied in the present context, allowing to recognize diagnostic stratal architectures and reconstruct the relative sea-level history of the region. Moreover, the recognized peculiar stratigraphic architecture of the basin fill may serve as an analogue that needs to be taken into account to predict the distribution of porous coarse-grained sedimentary units in similar contexts, aiding for a profitable exploration and production of reservoirs and source/sealing rocks.  相似文献   

Humic compounds were determined in sediments collected in an area of the Adriatic sea receiving fresh waters from the river Po. Sediment cores (10 cm) were sectioned into four layers which were analysed separately for redox potential (Eh), total phosphorus (TP), total organic carbon (TOC), humic (HA) and fulvic acid (FA) content. The structure of HA and FA was also investigated. The results showed that the TOC and TP content decreased from the coast to the open-sea stations. Humic and fulvic acid concentrations were also inversely correlated to the distance from the coast. Moreover, the humic and fulvic acids were closely correlated to the total organic content and to the total phosphorus content. The correlations found between humic substances (HS) and TOC and TP, respectively, could be explained both by an in situ formation due to the high content of nutrients and organic matter, and by a common source of HS, TOC and TP, namely the River Po discharge. The predominant presence of aliphatic carbon in the humic structures, the low degree of substitution and the high nitrogen content suggest that primarily humified compounds were formed in situ. Nevertheless, the River Po can act both as supplier of organic matter of which decomposition products lead to the formation of humic compound and as carrier of humified compounds.  相似文献   

Near-bottom currents play important roles in the formation and dynamics of deep-water sedimentary systems.This study examined the characteristics and temporal variations of near-bottom currents, especially the tidal components, based on two campaigns(2014 and 2016) of in situ observations conducted southeast of the Dongsha Island in the South China Sea. Results demonstrated near-bottom currents are dominated by tidal currents, the variance of which could account for ~70% of the total current variance. Diurnal tidal currents were found stronger than semidiurnal currents for both barotropic and baroclinic components. The diurnal tidal currents were found polarized with predominantly clockwise-rotating constituents, whereas the clockwise and counterclockwise constituents were found comparable for semidiurnal tidal currents. It was established that diurnal tidal currents could induce strong current shear. Baroclinic tidal currents showed pronounced seasonal variation with large magnitude in winter and summer and weak magnitude in spring and autumn in 2014. The coherent components accounted for ~65% and ~50% of the diurnal and semidiurnal tidal current variances,respectively. The proportions of the coherent and incoherent components changed little in different seasons. In addition to tidal currents, it was determined that the passing of mesoscale eddies could induce strong nearbottom currents that have considerable influence on the deep circulation.  相似文献   

Our study investigates biomarker responses and survival of Macoma nasuta exposed to sediments collected from six locations in northern San Francisco Bay. Biomarkers analyzed were stress proteins (hsp70) in gill, mantle and digestive gland, lysosomal membrane damage and histopathologic lesions. Sediments and clam tissues were analyzed for a comprehensive suite of heavy metals and trace organic pollutants. Sediment grain size and organic carbon content were determined. Clams accumulated metals, polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and organochlorine pesticides (aldrin and p,p-DDT and its metabolites p,p-DDD and p,p-DDE). Pearson and Spearman correlation analysis revealed that mortality, hsp70 in gill and histopathologic lesion scores in gonads, and lysosomal membrane damage were significantly correlated with tissue concentrations of DDT and/or its metabolites. Tissue concentrations of metals, in particular nickel, chromium, and copper, were associated with macrophage aggregates in digestive gland and germ cell necrosis. Cadmium was linked to mortality and lysosomal membrane damage.  相似文献   

Recently dead fragments of the spatangoid echinoid Pericosmus sp. are recorded from the northern Bay of Plenty, 288–318 m. This record adds a further genus of Indo‐Pacific echinoderms to the New Zealand fauna.  相似文献   

Differences in fluids origin, creation of overpressure and migration are compared for end member Neogene fold and thrust environments: the deepwater region offshore Brunei (shale detachment), and the onshore, arid Central Basin of Iran (salt detachment). Variations in overpressure mechanism arise from a) the availability of water trapped in pore-space during early burial (deepwater marine environment vs arid, continental environment), and b) the depth/temperature at which mechanical compaction becomes a secondary effect and chemical processes start to dominate overpressure development. Chemical reactions associated with smectite rich mud rocks in Iran occur shallow (∼1900 m, smectite to illite transformation) causing load-transfer related (moderate) overpressures, whereas mechanical compaction and inflationary overpressures dominate smectite poor mud rocks offshore Brunei. The basal detachment in deepwater Brunei generally lies below temperatures of about 150 °C, where chemical processes and metagenesis are inferred to drive overpressure development. Overall the deepwater Brunei system is very water rich, and multiple opportunities for overpressure generation and fluid leakage have occurred throughout the growth of the anticlines. The result is a wide variety of fluid migration pathways and structures from deep to shallow levels (particularly mud dykes, sills, laccoliths, volcanoes and pipes, fluid escape pipes, crestal normal faults, thrust faults) and widespread inflationary-type overpressure. In the Central Basin the near surface environment is water limited. Mechanical and chemical compaction led to moderate overpressure development above the Upper Red Formation evaporites. Only below thick Early Miocene evaporites have near lithostatic overpressures developed in carbonates and marls affected by a wide range of overpressure mechanisms. Fluid leakage episodes across the evaporites have either been very few or absent in most areas. Locations where leakage can episodically occur (e.g. detaching thrusts, deep normal faults, salt welds) are sparse. However, in both Iran and Brunei crestal normal faults play an important role in the transmission of fluids in the upper regions of folds.  相似文献   

A variety of shallow gas indicators and fluid migration pathways have been interpreted from new sub-bottom profiler, multibeam bathymetry, side-scan sonar, and echo-sounder data together with geochemical analyses of sampled sediments from the northern Arafura Sea, offshore Northern Australia. This study provides new geological data and a seismic stratigraphy of the youngest units in the Money Shoal Basin, in an area that has not been closely studied in over 30 years. The shallow gas indicators include pockmarks, low frequency enhanced reflectors and acoustic blanking. These indicators are supported by gas within shallow cores. Geochemistry indicates that this gas has a microbial origin but deeper fluid movement is also suggested by the presence of interpreted hydrocarbon slicks based on synthetic aperture radar data. A region of likely hydrocarbon seepage is indicated by the clear coincidence of shallow gas indicators with an area of increased faulting and a zone of poor quality seismic data (recognised on conventional seismic data), together with anomalies (interpreted on remote-sensing data) aligned with mapped deep structures.  相似文献   

Marine geophysical data including Seabeam, seismic reflection, magnetics, gravimetry and side-scan sonar have been recently collected along the northern Caribbean strike-slip plate boundary between Cuba and Hispaniola, in the Windward Passage area. The analysis of this comprehensive data set allows us to illustrate active strike-slip tectonic processes in relation to the kinematics of the Caribbean Plate. We show that the transcurrent plate boundary trace runs straight across the Windward Passage, from the southern Cuban Margin in the west (Oriente Fault) to the Tortue Channel in the east. The Windward Passage Deep is thus not an active pull-apart basin, as previously suggested. The plate boundary geometry implies that the motion of the Caribbean Plate relative to the North American Plate is partitioned between a strike-slip component, accommodated by the Windward Passage active fault zone, and a convergence component, accommodated by compression at the bottom of the Northern Hispaniola Margin. On the basis of a correlation with onland geological data, an age is given to the stratigraphic sequences identified on seismic profiles. A kinematic reconstruction is proposed that follows the tectonic unconformities recognized at sea and on land (Late Eocene, Early Miocene, Middle Miocene and Late Pliocene). Each one of these tectonic events corresponds to a drastic reorganization of the plate boundary geometry. We propose to correlate these events with successive collisions of the northern Caribbean mobile terranes against the Bahamas Bank. During each event, the plate boundary trace is shifted to the south and a part of the Caribbean Plate is accreted to North America.  相似文献   

Wind data from NCEP and hydrographic data obtained from August 28 to September 10, 1994 have been used to compute circulation in the northern South China Sea and near Luzon Strait using three-dimensional diagnostic models with a modified inverse method. The numerical results are as follows: the main Kuroshio is located above 400 m levels near Taiwan’s eastern coast and above 800 m levels away from it. Near Luzon Strait above 400 m levels a branch of the Kuroshio joins with a part of the northward current, which comes from an area west of Luzon’s western coast and intrudes northwestward, then it branchs into western and eastern parts near 20°30′ N. The eastern part flows northward into an area east of Taiwan, while its western part continues to intrude northwestward, flowing through an area southwest of Taiwan. Net westward intruded volume transport through longitude Section AB at 121°00′ E from 19°00′ N to 21° 43′ N is about 3.5 × 106 m3s−1 in a layer above 400 m levels. The anticyclonic eddies W1 and W3 exist above 700 m levels east of Dongsha Islands and below 200 m levels in the eastern part of the region, respectively. The circulation in the middle region is dominated mainly by a basin-scale cyclonic gyre, and consists of three cyclonic eddies. Strong upwelling occurs in the middle region. The joint effect of baroclinity and relief and interaction between wind stress and relief both are important for real forcing of flow across contours of fH −1 in effecting the circulation pattern.  相似文献   

Abundance of picoplanktonic chroococcoid marine cyanobacteria Synechococcus was monitored weekly over the year 1998 in shallow coastal waters of the northern Levantine Basin. The ambient physical, chemical and biological variables (temperature, salinity, Secchi disk depth, total suspended sediment, nitrate, phosphate, Chl a and phytoplankton) were also measured. Synechococcus was found to be more abundant during summer and early autumn and less during winter and early spring. At the surface and 15 m depth, cell concentrations were in the range 6.4 × 103–1.5 × 105 and 3.2 × 103–1.6 × 105 cells·ml−1, respectively. Based on the Pearson product–moment correlation analysis, a highly significant correlation between Synechococcus abundance and ambient temperature was observed (n = 40, r = 0.558, P < 0.01). As Synechococcus forms blooms that usually do not last more than a week, the short time‐scale survey achieved in this study was appropriate to reveal its abundance dynamics. Several factors such as rapid changes in nutrient concentration (especially nitrate), phytoplankton, light availability, temperature, salinity, freshwater input and vertical mixing played a relevant role on the abundance of Synechococcus over the year in the highly dynamic shallow coastal waters of the Levantine Basin.  相似文献   

Eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) shoot density, seed-bearing shoot abundance, shoot length, and standing stock biomass were monitored during summer months from 1985 to 2000 at three locations in eastern Long Island Sound (LIS) near Millstone Power Station (MPS), Waterford, Connecticut, USA. Short-term declines in eelgrass abundance were directly associated with fouling and overgrowth of eelgrass on two occasions; once by blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) and once by a bloom of green algae (Cladophora spp.). Analysis of long-term trends indicated some degree of decline in most of the parameters examined at all three areas monitored. The spatial relationship of the long-term eelgrass declines suggests primary causal factors other than the power plant discharge or regional climate change. Two populations to the east of MPS and near the fringes of the thermal plume (<1.5 km from the MPS discharge to LIS) exhibited only slight declines over the 16-y study period and thermal input from MPS to these sites was minimal (<1 °C above ambient conditions). By comparison, heavy eelgrass losses were documented in the Niantic River, located >2 km from the power plant thermal plume. Die-offs of entire individual eelgrass study beds in the Niantic River were observed on five separate occasions during the study with no sign of recovery. While the causes were not determined, anthropogenic influences such as nutrient loading from surface run-off and groundwater sources may have contributed to observed declines. The Niantic River has a more restricted tidal inlet and is closer to sources of nutrient enrichment than Jordan Cove. Historically, eelgrass has ranged to far western reaches of LIS, but over the last century has become restricted to the easternmost third of the Connecticut coastline due to nutrient loading and eutrophication of the western portions. This study suggests that the west-to-east declining trend in eelgrass distribution in LIS may be further progressing.  相似文献   

对废黄河水下三角洲北翼LYK钻孔微体生物群的分布特征及属种组合进行研究,共鉴定底栖有孔虫50属67种,介形类30属46种,运用Q型聚类分析,将钻孔内底栖有孔虫划分为5个组合,并结合AMS14C测年结果和沉积物粒度特征,恢复了研究区域千年以来的沉积环境演化:在黄河流入前,研究区发育粒度较细、分选较好的陆架沉积,微体生物群组合接近正常海相;在黄河夺淮入海后,研究区开始接受巨量的粗颗粒沉积物,分选变差,出现了大量近岸半咸水属种的有孔虫和介形虫,沉积环境从典型的浅海向三角洲前缘演变;直到黄河北归后,大量泥沙供给断绝,在波浪和潮流的共同作用下,研究区经历了侵蚀和再沉积过程,沉积物砂泥比升高,微体生物群丰度和分异度急剧下降,广盐类微体生物群增加;随着侵蚀中心逐渐南移,研究区动力条件趋于稳定,前期形成的侵蚀洼地逐渐接受径流和潮流的双向沉积,出现大量浮游有孔虫等异地分子;近年来,伴随波浪和潮汐的改造加工,研究区逐渐形成了趋于平缓的夷平面,由动荡的滨岸逐渐过渡到现今稳定的浅海相沉积环境。  相似文献   

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