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This work tests the robustness of policies and procedures designed to protect South Australia's marine environment through a case study of the Adelaide Desalination Plant—the most expensive (∼A$1.8 billion) infrastructure project in South Australia's history. Although this project has been subject to an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)—the highest level of assessment in Australia—on inspection it appears that the current operating licence for the desalination brine discharge breaches Government approval conditions and ignores the collective expert scientific advice of the project's Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). Hence, the EIA process in South Australia for this project is flawed. Improvements could be made to the South Australian system by including the requirements for operating licences as an integral part of the EIA.  相似文献   

疏浚物倾抛对海洋环境影响的研究述评   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
虞志英  张勇 《海洋与湖沼》1999,30(4):460-464
从当前国内外对疏浚物倾倒海洋后所产生的环境影响研究现状出发,就研究历史产生影响的生物、物理、化学过程,现场监测技术,疏浚物处理新技术的应用等方面的研究作了全面评述,这对港口、航道部门的疏浚土处理和防止海洋污染具有参考应用价值。  相似文献   

海洋功能区划符合性判别方法初探——以港口功能区为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王江涛  刘百桥 《海洋通报》2011,30(5):496-501
借鉴国外用海兼容性和土地使用兼容性,分析了海洋功能区划符合性内涵,基奉原则,并以港口功能区为例,分析了港口用海对海洋环境的影响,建立了港口功能特征指标,以及港口功能区与海域使用之 间对照表.通过搭建起海域使用和海洋功能区划之间的桥梁,更好地为海域使用审批管理提供技术支持.  相似文献   

国家管辖范围以外区域(Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction,ABNJ)海洋生物多样性养护与可持续利用问题是当前国际社会共同关注的一个焦点。联合国大会2015年通过关于BBNJ(Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction)养护和可持续利用问题的69/292号决议,决定在《联合国海洋法公约》框架下制定具有法律约束力的新协定(BBNJ国际协议)。环境影响评价是BBNJ国际协议的重要组成部分。对ABNJ当前主要的人类活动以及现有环境管理机制进行梳理,结合国际层面和区域组织的环境影响评价框架以及主要国家的环境影响评价实践,对ABNJ主要人类活动的环境影响评价筛选机制进行研究,着重分析以“重大不利影响”作为环境影响评价的启动门槛的正当性;并从项目的选址、项目特征和项目影响这3个主要因素出发,阐明适用于ABNJ的环境影响评价筛选标准;最后,基于不同类型活动的综合分析,就ABNJ环境影响评价的适用活动范围进行初步探讨,并尝试为ABNJ环境影响评价适用的活动清单提出方案设想。  相似文献   

象山港避风锚地工程潮流泥沙模型试验研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在分析现场实测资料的基础上,借助象山港整体变态物理模型,通过潮汐水流定床和悬沙淤积试验,对湾内拟建奉化市避风锚地工程实施后,附近海域的潮流场变化和海床淤积情况进行了系统研究。研究结果表明,避风锚地工程对航道、渔港等周边重要设施的影响有限。从而为工程的海洋环评、海域使用论证及工程设计提供了技术支撑,也为半封闭港湾内其它类似涉海工程的可行性论证提供了可借鉴的经验。  相似文献   

相比陆上油气开发工程和其他海洋工程而言,海洋油气开发工程有其自身的特点,海洋油气开发工程环境影响评价应关注的内容与其他工程有所不同。文章通过分析海洋油气开发工程的特点以及对环境影响的特点,提出海洋油气开发工程环境影响评价要点,即包括施工期悬浮泥沙及钻井液钻屑排放对海洋生态环境的影响、运营期含油生产水排放对海洋生态环境的影响、工程建设对海洋环境敏感目标的影响、溢油事故环境风险分析、污染防治及生态保护措施,并针对目前海洋油气开发工程环境影响评价存在的问题提出改进建议。  相似文献   

海洋开发活动在产生社会经济效益的同时也造成了海洋资源的损耗,并对海洋环境及其生态服务功能产生影响。根据江苏省海洋资源开发活动特点,筛选出江苏海岸带资源开发中常见的5种典型的开发利用方式,选取了经济效益指标、社会效益指标、资源损耗指标、环境成本指标构成海洋开发活动综合效益评估体系,采用灰色关联法定量分析各项目以及其评价指标对综合效益的贡献程度。其中围海养殖、海上风电、排污倾倒、城镇建设与综合效益的关联度均值分别为0.464,0.459,0.509和0.490;临港工业开发方式与综合效益的关联度均值为0.657,处于较好状态,所以建议优先选择临港工业开发方式,从而得出海洋开发方式的选择依据。  相似文献   

In this study, we assess coral health by detecting the severity of coral diseases and compromised health states on massive Porites. Field surveys are conducted at twenty-two sites covering the eastern, inner and western Gulf of Thailand as well as the Andaman Sea during 2010-2015. A total of nine coral diseases and signs of compromised health are observed in the waters of Thailand, consisting of pigmentation responses (pink lines, pink patches, pink spots and pink borers), white syndromes (white patches, white bands and ulcerative white spots), growth anomalies, and unusual bleaching patterns. The highest severity of all observed coral diseases and signs of compromised health are found at Ko Khang Khao in the inner Gulf of Thailand, while that observed in the Andaman Sea is relatively low. Composition of the diseases vary across the study sites. Four groups of study sites, in which there is an 80% similarity of diseases or signs of compromised health composition, are clustered and detected based on the Bray-Curtis similarity. The canonical analysis of principal coordinates reveal that most study sites in the Gulf of Thailand, especially the inner Gulf of Thailand, tend to show a high severity of the diseases. The association of disease severity and composition and the level of human impact are also detected. The study sites located near the shores and/or the areas with intensive tourism tend to have higher human impact, especially on poor water quality, which may be linked to the higher severity and composition of coral diseases and signs of compromised health in the Gulf of Thailand. Fish bites are also observed in many study sites. The severity of fish bites in the Gulf of Thailand is much lower compared to the Andaman Sea. Ko Rawi exhibits the highest severity, following by Ko Surin Nua and Ko Butang. The study sites within marine national park boundaries have a significantly higher severity of fish bites than those outside of the marine national park boundaries. This study suggests that higher coral diseases and signs of compromised health severity might be linked to anthropogenic disturbances on coral communities in the waters of Thailand.  相似文献   

胡聪  尤再进  毛海英 《海洋科学》2016,40(8):150-156
为了拓展发展空间,围填海已经成为沿海国家海洋开发活动的重大举措,围填海带来巨大的社会和经济效益的同时,对海洋资源会产生许多不利影响,要确定围填海对海洋资源影响程度,急需采用适宜的评价指标体系。分析了受围填海开发活动影响的海洋资源及其影响程度评价指标和权重的确定方法,构建了用于评价围填海开发活动对海洋资源产生影响程度的层次结构指标体系。利用德尔菲法通过三轮专家咨询给出了影响评价指标的权重。研究结果表明:围填海开发活动影响的海洋资源可划分为港航资源、旅游资源、渔业资源、空间资源和其他资源5个方面,在20个评价指标中,浅海滩涂损失率、自然岸线损失比例和珍稀物种资源损失价值的权重较大,陆域空间利用率、人工岸线增加比例、游客增长率、旅游开发投资和海域使用金的权重较小。  相似文献   

文章分析上海市海洋倾废管理在法制建设、资源化利用、倾倒活动控制、采样检测和评价标准、审批效率以及倾废监管机制等方面存在的问题,针对问题提出加快推进海洋倾废管理法制建设、引导促进疏浚泥的资源化利用、科学调控海洋倾废活动、制定新的疏浚物采样和成分检测评价标准、通过审批标准化提高审批效率、建立海洋倾废综合监管机制6个方面的对策措施,从管理、审批和执法3个环节对海洋倾废活动实施全方位、全覆盖和全过程监管,为上海市海洋环境综合管理提供保障。  相似文献   

生态文明是海洋经济发展的自然基础和约束条件,赋予了海洋经济发展更丰富的内涵。海洋经济高质量发展是生态文明背景下海洋经济发展的必然趋势,其内涵包含:(1)转变海洋经济增长方式,优化产业结构,增强内生动力,实现海洋经济量的稳定增长;(2)有效提升海洋生态产品供给能力;(3)提升社会福祉。海南省作为我国海洋面积最大的省,具有...  相似文献   

随着社会经济的发展和海洋资源开发利用水平的提高,海上人工构筑物呈现种类、数量和规模都迅速增长的态势。但目前我国大部分海上构筑物尚未纳入统一的管理体系,导致管理权限不清和管理环节缺位。文章分析我国海上构筑物管理的现状和存在的问题,从海洋管理实践出发,对海上构筑物管理进行有益探索,提出在协调众多涉海部门的基础上,从审批、登记、竣工验收、弃置管理、事中事后监管等方面,解决最紧迫的管理需求,先易后难地完善海上构筑物管理的缺位环节,逐步建立和完善海上构筑物管理制度体系,更好地服务于海洋经济建设。  相似文献   

文章参考并借鉴现阶段土地集约利用的研究方法,结合海域利用的特点,提出海域集约利用的概念,对其内涵进行分析,从海洋投入强度、海洋利用结构程度、海洋经济效益和生态环境4个层面选取指标,建立了海域集约利用评价的指标体系,并对各指标的设立进行了解释说明,以期能为以后对海域集约利用的研究、制定正确有效的集约利用政策提供参考。  相似文献   

This study proposes a hybrid operational model to manage marine activities. This approach combines cost-benefit analysis (CBA), the analytic hierarchy process (AHP), and the Dempster–Shafer theory (DST), and retains the advantages of CBA as well as facilitating the incorporation of incomplete information into the evaluation process. A particular advantage of this hybrid approach is that it can synthesize evaluation results into an easily understood unit: namely, utility. Conflicts between marine resource users (user–user conflicts) and between users and marine environment (user-environment conflicts) can easily be evaluated using this hybrid operational model. A sea use management system is proposed, which incorporates a permitting process and elements of marine spatial planning (MSP). In the proposed system, marine activities are grouped into three clusters based on their potential environmental impacts and exclusive use, then assigned to competent authorities, a panel of experts or government agencies for review and permit approval. This study suggests that the central and local governments share responsibility for approving permits for marine activities. More importantly, it suggests that the integration of marine activities needs to be handled by the central government. A numerical example is used to illustrate the application of the hybrid operational model.  相似文献   

为深入了解巴拿马的海岸带与海洋管理状况,文章在梳理巴拿马资源环境现状和国家管理框架的基础上,以海事、环境、水产、港口、运河和旅游等重要涉海领域为切入点,分析巴拿马海洋领域相关管理部门的职责调整过程,并将其海洋管理发展历程划分为4个阶段。研究结果表明:巴拿马的海洋管理发展过程体现“从分散到集中、从无序到有序”的特点。一方面,海洋管理权在3个主要管理部门之间不断转移,根据管理实践而不断调整,其实质是实现海洋管理效率的最优化;另一方面,海岸带和海洋管理体系不断简化,具体的管理职能从混乱和破碎的状态逐渐转变为有机整体,使得政府机构精简、行政效率提高以及工作分工更清晰。巴拿马海洋管理的整体特征在宏观上与我国有相似之处,海洋管理是世界沿海国家都面临的问题,各国的经验或许存在差异,但实现海洋管理高效性、协调性和综合性的总体目标是一致的。  相似文献   

杨立 《海洋科学》1998,22(5):53-55
LPB1-1型海洋平台测波系统是一种适用于海洋平台,港口码头,海岛等环境条件测量波浪的仪器。对该系统的工作原理、组成,主要技术性能,特点以及实现方法作了概要描述,并对系统采用的信号处理技术进行简要分析。  相似文献   

为加强对海上油气平台和海底电缆管道的信息化管理,为海洋管理部门的使用审批和相关企业的安全生产提供信息服务和决策支持,文章基于国家海域动态监视监测管理系统,设计开发海上油气平台和海底电缆管道信息化系统。该系统采用多层架构体系,具有较强的扩展性;分为数据整理、行政审批、统计分析、综合展示和系统管理5个功能模块,采用面向服务的软件架构、模型驱动的系统设计和开发以及MVC技术框架等关键技术,实现数据标准化和共享化、审批全过程管理以及二/三维可视化等功能。目前系统运行状况良好,已获取大量海上油气平台和海底电缆管道信息,在三维展示方面仍需完善。  相似文献   

《Marine Policy》1999,23(4-5):413-425
Recent legislation aimed specifically at protecting the marine environment has had a direct impact on the environmental management of port and harbour operations. Effective implementation of suitable policies requires options and responses based on scientific data derived from appropriate technology and methodology. UK ports, operating under an increasingly European regime in terms of legislation, have responded to the environmental challenge through a series of organisational and research initiatives. Fundamental to the notion of sustainable port development is the ability to characterise environmental performance through appropriate monitoring and mapping protocols. Monitoring, the systematic and repeated measurement of the direct or indirect effect of our activity or contaminant on the environment, can play a crucial role in verifying implementation of port policy and evaluating the effectiveness of the management option. Aspects such as adherence to specific regulatory standards, investigation of pollution trends, provision of research data, measurements for the development of standards and early warning of critical changes in certain parameters are all facilitated by an appropriate monitoring protocol. The long established techniques of monitoring physical and chemical parameters to assess environmental quality are increasingly being supplemented by ecological monitoring programmes. By mapping marine habitats with their associated communities and species, the vulnerability and sensitivity of the habitats to port operations can be found and biological indicators such as the occurrence of particular species, species richness and diversity indices can be identified to assist decision making on environmental protection issues.  相似文献   

文章以大连湾跨海交通工程为例,分析其海洋功能区划符合性,结果表明:工程建设符合海域总体布局,不影响旅游休闲娱乐区、保留区和港口航运区的基本功能,符合海洋功能区的海域使用管理要求和海洋环境保护要求,即基本符合海洋功能区划;通过研究用海类型和方式较复杂的大型用海项目与海洋功能区划符合性的基本模式,有利于同类项目的海域使用审批和管理;同时提出制定相关标准,进一步规范论证、审查和评审等工作的建议。  相似文献   

文章在国家东北振兴战略实施和海洋溢油风险日益加大的背景下,以大连市海洋渔业、滨海旅游业、港口和临海工业布局现状为基础,结合海洋溢油风险分区结果,分别提出上述沿海主要产业的布局优化措施,以预防和减少海洋溢油的危害,保障沿海产业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

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