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The ecological classification of coastal waters has become an important issue in ecosystem water quality assessment. Previous studies have suggested that abiotic variables seem to be a suitable alternative to biological data for classifying coastal areas at different scales. The study presented here proposes a downscaling methodology for the classification of coastal waters at a regional scale within the NE Atlantic based on standardized data and objective decision rules. Physical variables (temperature, wave exposure, tidal range and radiation) were selected because of their ecological role, availability and statistical decision rules. This information was based on satellite data and mathematical modelling of natural coastal processes. The N and NW Spanish coastline was subdivided into 41 20‐km segments that were classified according to physical variables using the self‐organizing map and k‐means algorithms. To validate the classification with biological data, 21 sites representing the entire range of physical typologies in the study area were simultaneously and consistently sampled. Intertidal macroalgae were identified in each of 10 quadrats of 50 × 50 cm for two to three transects per site, according to a stratified sampling procedure. The coverage of macroalgae was obtained by photographic analysis. The physical classification shows four typologies: Lower Rias, Upper Rias, West Cantabric and East Cantabric. Statistical analyses confirmed the ecological significance of these typologies at the tidal levels where seaweeds were the major structural element (lower and middle intertidal). According to the biological data, the greatest differences were found between the Upper Rias and the rest of the N and NW Iberian Peninsula coast. Thus, the classification methodology has potential application as a management tool.  相似文献   

20世纪70年代以来,全球性的生态恶化、资源短缺、人口激增等问题日益严重,景观生态研究受到重视,而文化景观的经济价值和生态价值亦受到了相当的重视,在旅游开发、区域规划与城市规划、农业发展、海洋发展、环境保护等领域已经得到开发利用,取得了较好的经济效益和社会效益。本着弘扬中华海洋文化,发挥海洋人文景观优势的宗旨,文章对中国现存的海洋人文历史景观进行较为系统全面的分类和梳理,从海洋文化、旅游开发、城市规划、海洋发展以及生态保护的角度认识这些宝贵的人类海洋文化遗产至关重要。  相似文献   

The stratigraphy of Quaternary marine sediments in Corsica is summarised: Holocene (Versilian) deposits occur at 2–5m and last interglacial sediments (Tyrrhenian Stage) from 2 to 10–15m altitude. Locally, two older deposits, up to 30–40m above present sea-level, indicate the first transgressive phase of the last interglacial stage, and the penultimate interglacial stage.Sections are described where Quaternary hydrodynamic conditions were different from present ones in the same locality. At some sites which are high energy at present, sand deposits and sandstones provide evidence of low or medium energy conditions during the last interglacial and the penultimate interglacial stages. These variations correlate with sea-level changes, particularly at Cala d'Ancone, where sedimentation occurred during the transgressive phase of the interglacial stage, and where cementation terminated during the subsequent regressive phase.The occurrence of pebbles in localities where low energy conditions prevail at present, probably represent fluvial material reworked by wave action, during the last as well as the penultimate interglacial stages.Local variations in hydrodynamic intensity correlate with sea-level changes along the western Corsican shore, although general energy conditions remained constant throughout the interglacial stages.  相似文献   

Marine protected areas (MPAs) are increasingly used as a management tool to preserve species and habitats. Testing hypotheses about the effectiveness of MPAs is important for their implementation and to identify informative criteria to support management decisions. This study tested the general proposition that MPAs affected assemblages of algae and invertebrates between 0.0 and 0.5 m above the mean low water level of rocky coasts on two islands in the Tuscan Archipelago (northwest Mediterranean). Protection was concentrated mainly on the west coasts of the islands, raising the possibility that neither the full range of assemblages nor the relevant scales of variation were properly represented within MPAs. This motivated the comparison of assemblages on opposite sides of islands (habitats). The effects of MPAs and habitat were assessed with a multifactorial sampling design; hypotheses were tested about differences in structure of assemblages, in mean abundance of common taxa and in univariate and multivariate measures of spatial variation. The design consisted of three replicate shores for each condition of protected and reference areas on the west side of each island and three unprotected shores on the eastern side. Assemblages were sampled independently four times on each island between June 1999 and January 2001. At each time of sampling two sites were selected randomly at each of two tidal heights to represent midshore and lowshore assemblages on each shore. Estimates of abundance were obtained using non-destructive sampling methods from five replicate 20x20 cm quadrats at each site. Results indicated differences among habitats in structure of assemblages, in mean abundance of common taxa and in univariate and multivariate measures of spatial variation at the scale of shores. Most of these patterns were inconsistent with the predicted effect of management through MPAs. The data suggest that designation of MPAs in the Tuscan Archipelago should proceed through management of multiple shores and types of habitat selected to guarantee protection to a representative sample of assemblages and to the processes responsible for maintenance of spatial patchiness at different scales. This study also shows that considerations of spatial heterogeneity are important to underpin management decisions about the number, size and location of MPAs.  相似文献   

为了探讨海洋表层沉积物的孢粉分布与可能陆源地区植被、气候以及孢粉传播机制的关系,为南海古环境研究提供可靠的基础,采用野外取样、室内实验、计算孢粉百分比和孢粉浓度等方法,对广东沿海及海南岛东南部(108°34′12″—120°E,17°—23°43′12″N,水深为37—3370m)40个表层沉积物样品进行孢粉分析,揭示表层孢粉在整个广东沿海及海南岛东南部的分布和传播规律,尤其关注以往未涉及的广东沿岸海域的孢粉分布情况。研究发现草本花粉如禾本科Poaceae、蒿属Artemisia、藜科Chenopodiaceae、十字花科Brassiceae除在广东沿海近岸带含量较高外,一般都低,可能与沿岸热带亚热带草地分布以及水稻、甘蔗、蔬菜种植有关,推测是以冬季表层环流为动力由北向南传播的。松属Pinus花粉百分比高(20%)且传播较远,以珠江口和东沙群岛附近的样点最高,向西南逐渐降低,说明松属花粉是以冬季风为主要动力传播的。近海区域表层沉积的芒箕孢子含量很高(60%),可能与剧烈的人类活动干扰有关。而热带、亚热带阔叶林花粉(如栲属和栎属)的数量却远远低于其在陆地植被中的数量。广东沿岸的栲属Castanopsis、栎属Quercus、三缝孢Trilete-spore等花粉主要来源于海南岛和广东沿岸,可能是随河流及南海北部表层环流输送的。单缝孢及水生植物莎草科Cyperaceae的百分含量以靠近珠江口的样点较高,可能与河流的注入有关。  相似文献   

Expectations about ecosystem based management (EBM) differ due to diverging perspectives about what EBM should be and how it should work. While EBM by its nature requires trade-offs to be made between ecological, economic and social sustainability criteria, the diversity of cross-sectoral perspectives, values, stakes, and the specificity of each individual situation determine the outcome of these trade-offs. The authors strive to raise awareness of the importance of interaction between three stakeholder groups (decision makers, scientists, and other actors) and argue that choosing appropriate degrees of interaction between them in a transparent way can make EBM more effective in terms of the three effectiveness criteria salience, legitimacy, and credibility. This article therefore presents an interaction triangle in which three crucial dimensions of stakeholder interactions are discussed: (A) between decision makers and scientists, who engage in framing to foster salience of scientific input to decision making, (B) between decision makers and other actors, to shape participation processes to foster legitimacy of EBM processes, and (C) between scientists and other actors, who collaborate to foster credibility of knowledge production. Due to the complexity of EBM, there is not one optimal interaction approach; rather, finding the optimal degrees of interaction for each dimension depends on the context in which EBM is implemented, i.e. the EBM objectives, the EBM initiator’s willingness for transparency and interaction, and other context-specific factors, such as resources, trust, and state of knowledge.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of dredging intensity on the physical and biological recovery times of the seabed following marine aggregate dredging. Two areas of seabed, previously subject to, respectively, relatively high and lower levels of dredging intensity, were identified on the Hastings Shingle Bank. Two reference areas were also selected for comparative purposes. All four sites were monitored annually over the period 2001–2004, using a combination of acoustic, video and grab sampling techniques. Since the site was last dredged in 1996, this was intended to provide a sequence of data 5–8 years after cessation of dredging. However, an unexpected resumption of dredging within the high intensity site, during 2002 and 2003, allowed an additional assessment of the immediate effects and aftermath of renewed dredging at the seabed. The early stages of recovery could then be assessed after dredging ceased in 2003. Results from both dredged sites provide a useful insight into the early and latter stages of physical and biological recovery. A comparison of recent and historic dredge track features provided evidence of track erosion. However, tracks were still visible 8 years after the cessation of dredging. Within the high dredging intensity site, recolonisation was relatively rapid after the cessation of dredging in 2003. Rather than indicating a full recovery, we suggest that this initial ‘colonization community’ may enter a transition phase before eventually reaching equilibrium. This hypothesis is supported by results from the low intensity site, where biological recovery was judged to have taken 7 years. Further monitoring is needed in order to test this. An alternative explanation is that the rapid recovery may be explained by the settlement of large numbers of Sabellaria spinulosa. As the resumption of dredging within the high intensity site limited our assessment of longer-term recovery it is not yet possible to assume that a 7-year biological recovery period will be applicable to other, more intensively dredged areas at this or more distant locations.  相似文献   

The application of visual census on Mediterranean rocky habitats   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this study we examined the effect of: observer presence; observer speed; and the impact that multiple surveys had on the number of counted fish in a visual census survey in a typical Mediterranean rocky habitat. SCUBA observer presence had no influence on the number of fish per survey. An improvement in the methodology to estimate the number of fish was demonstrated by using two different speeds: slow speed for benthic species and higher speed for epibenthic ones. No differences in the number of fish per survey were found among successive surveys along the same transects, even with the shortest time interval used: 5 min. We also examined the ability of observers to estimate fish length during visual census by using wooden fish models. Significant differences in size estimations were found using two different estimation methods (i.e. size-classes estimates and continuous measures). Estimating fish length to a size class was more accurate in estimating size, while transformed size to calculate biomass from length estimates was more accurate using continuous measures.  相似文献   

海洋环境分类管理分级控制区划理论体系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以可持续发展理论、协调发展理论、生态学理论为理论基础,根据社会经济发展需要和不同海域在环境质量现状、环境承载力和主导海洋功能上的差异,提出海洋环境分类管理分级控制区划的基本原则、技术方法和区划方案.通过采用空间叠置法、相关分析法等定性和定量分区相结合的方法对各管理区进行划界,将规划海域划分为重点保护区、控制性保护利用区和污染控制区,并确定各分区的环境质量目标.其主要目的是按照社会发展的需要和各分区的海洋资源与环境特点,对海域内及周边区域的开发活动实施分类指导,促进沿海地区海洋经济的可持续发展.  相似文献   

El Hamra mooring pier was constructed on the northwestern Mediterranean coast of Egypt to provide shipping services for offshore oil terminals. Although the pier was built on cylindrical piles to avoid the interruption of sediment transport towards the south, unexpected sedimentation has affected navigation and the attached fire-fighting system. To provide a basis for evaluating the sedimentation problem and to provide possible mitigation strategies, a 23-month measurement program was conducted, including measurements of hydrographic surveying, nearshore waves, longshore currents, longshore littoral transport, currents seawards of the breaker zone, and offshore currents. The results confirm that carbonate sediments are transported southwards to the pier embayment from adjacent up-coast ridges by wave-induced currents. These sediments result from extensive civil engineering works (recreational development) up-coast of the El Hamra region, involving leveling of subaerial carbonate ridges and onshore sediment disposal.  相似文献   

报道中国东南沿海和平水母科2新种,即八辐和平水母Eireneoctonemalis sp.nov.和黑疣真瘤水母Eutimakrampi sp.nov.。  相似文献   

Legislation is considered an effective means to regulate the fishing and trade of marine ornamental fish (MOF), which is an industry with a wide range of environmental and social impacts worldwide. This study analyses Brazilian MOF legislation as a tool for conservation. Brazil's legal framework includes participation in international agreements, such as the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), as well as administrative measures that regulate the capture of certain species in Brazil. However, compared with the laws that pertain to terrestrial fauna, Brazil's MOF legislation remains limited and possibly lacks the necessary technical and scientific foundation. There is a trend to prohibit the capture of organisms according to the criterion of “rarity”. The legislation also includes the use of “positive lists”, which identify which species may be caught and establish maximum individual capture and trade quotas. Nevertheless, the criteria used to determine the quotas are not established a priori and apparently defined without scientific rigour. In this context, it is impossible to affirm that Brazilian MOF legislation fulfils its function as an instrument for the conservation of MOF stocks.  相似文献   

利用线粒体COX和叶绿体rbcL基因片段对我国东南沿海坛紫菜(Pyropia haitanensis Chang et Zheng)9个野生群体和2个养殖群体(共125个个体)进行遗传多样性分析。比对分析后得到408 bp的COX基因片断和488 bp的rbcL基因片断。联合分析的基因片断长度为896 bp,其中T、C、A、G的含量分别为34.9%、14.6%、34.2%和16.3%。检测到变异位点128个,其中单碱基变异位点19个,简约信息位点109个。群体的平均核苷酸多样性为0.035 9±0.028 4,单倍型多样性为0.817 0±0.024 0。125个个体共定义了31个单倍型,其中Hap1、Hap10和Hap16是核心单倍型,分别占全部样本的32.8%、12.8%和24.8%。群体遗传距离和地理距离相关性检测显示二者呈线性相关(R2=0.002 2,p=0.735 4),即遗传距离随地理距离的增大而增大,但未形成地理隔离。根据单倍型构建的ML树显示,坛紫菜群体之间没有明显的地理谱系结构,表明各个群体之间存在基因交流。  相似文献   

Through the examination of 377 samples collected from the Taiwan Straits, two new species of Eirenidae, i. e. , Eirene octonemalis n. sp. and Eutima krampi n. sp. are described. All type specimens are deposited at the Department of Oceanography, Xiamen University.  相似文献   

谢文勇  黄长江  陈志远  施华宏 《台湾海峡》2002,21(4):444-451,T002
本研究工作采用基于组件式集成方案的ArcInfo GIS软件、Microsoft Access数据库、MapObjects 2.0软件、AutoCAD软件、VB6.0开发语言作为软件平台,以Legend Pentium Ⅲ(933)作为硬件平台,利用ADO数据接口实现与属性库连接,通过ShellExecute函数达到与ArcView软件、相关网址连接,在此基础上建立了中国东南沿岸海域海产腹足类性畸变与有机锡污染查询显示系统,并使其具有显示、缩放、温游、定位、查询、统计、分析、编辑、输出等功能。这是将GIS技术应用于海洋生态系统的调查、管理和保护的新尝试。  相似文献   

The spatial variability of rocky shore assemblages of the northwest Portuguese coast was studied in a total of 12 transects, visited twice between March and August 2003. Each transect was positioned from the upper to the lower shore and four replicate samples (50 × 50 cm) were taken at each visually identified assemblage. Multivariate analysis was used to test the null hypothesis of no significant differences among assemblages located on different heights along the transect and among assemblages located at the same height on different transects. The distribution pattern of organisms along the height was not consistent across transects and significant variability could be found in assemblages located at the same height on the shore. Globally, the variability from the lower to the upper shore (vertical axis) was larger than from transect to transect (horizontal axis) but the distribution pattern along height was clearer in sheltered transects than in exposed ones. The heterogeneity in composition between the visually identified assemblages, within the same transect, was, however, the major source of variability in the study area. In the rocky intertidal northwest coast of Portugal, where tidal amplitude is broad and extremely wave-exposed sites are scarce, height above chart datum was the most important factor determining the distribution and species composition of the assemblages. However, variability along the horizontal axis was also significant and should be considered in studies of spatial patterns of distribution of organisms within this area.  相似文献   

The growth of tidal flats off Zhejiang coasts in southwestern China has provided substantial areas for local agriculture and construction activities. To evaluat...  相似文献   

A two-year series of directional wave measurement off the Eastern Mediterranean coast of Israel reveals an abundance of high storm waves. Some of these waves have significant height in excess of 5 meters and periods as long as 15 sec.The evolution of the storm waves is described and related to the growth and paths of the storm fronts in Mid-Mediterranean. Shorter-period waves are found to always lead the arrival of longer-period swell. This characteristic is explained by a short decay distance and/or a high migration velocity of the storm front.The scatter plot of significant wave height vs period for the recorded events of each storm describes an open-loop time sequence. The difference in period between that of the peak height event and the period of a fully arisen sea of the same height is found to be indicative of the true decay distance the waves have travelled.  相似文献   

The use of lysosomal stability in the mussel, Mytilus galloprovincialis, as a potential biomarker of environmental contamination has been evaluated along the Portuguese coast. To this end, the neutral red retention (NRR) time was measured in mussel haemocytes gathered from nine different locations reflecting different degrees of anthropogenic contamination. Mussels collected in the vicinity of industrial and urban areas showed the lowest lysosomal stability. Additionally, no significant seasonal variability (winter-spring/summer) for NRR time was observed. In order to further support the usefulness of this method as an integrated tool for monitoring marine coastal environments, we compared the levels of xenobiotics in mussel tissues with the obtained NRR values. The results highlighted a consistent pattern, with the lowest lysosomal stability intimately correlated with the higher contaminant concentrations. In summary, this integrated approach further demonstrated that the NRR assay can provide useful and objective indications of the real health status of organisms subjected to different stress agents, being a valid option for environmental monitoring.  相似文献   

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