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油气汇聚体系是一个不同于含油气系统和油气成藏系统的概念,它提出的目的旨在讨论层序格架中油气成藏单元与层序级次之间的关系。油气汇聚体系由储集系统和油气输导系统构成,储集系统可以分为高连通、大容量,中连通、中等容量,低连通、小容量3种类型;油气输导系统分为单一型和综合型两种类型。油气汇聚体系分为大型、中型、小型3种类型,每种类型所对应的储集系统和油气输导系统各不相同。该概念的提出,为研究层序格架中各种规模的油气汇聚体系与层序格架之间的关系提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

The concept of ‘wellbeing’ has received growing interest in policy domains in the UK, and internationally, as a multi-dimensional approach to understanding and measuring social progress and development. Policy makers and scientists alike are debating the potential of wellbeing to deliver a people-centred, and holistic, analysis of what matters to people in terms of the quality of life people pursue and are able to achieve. There is also growing interest in how the concept of wellbeing might be applied to fisheries, especially in terms of deepening assessment of the ways in which decline in the fisheries sector is affecting fishing-dependent families, and the wider community. This paper applies a three-dimensional wellbeing framework and methodology to gain insight into the wellbeing of fishing society in Northern Ireland, a region that has faced substantial decline in its fisheries over the past 100 years. A three-dimensional approach considers material, relational and cognitive dimensions; putting resources, relationships and subjective reflections on life satisfaction together as a whole assessment. All three dimensions are important for a full assessment of wellbeing. Following an overview of the methodology used and data collected, the paper then assesses the extent to which a three-dimensional well-being approach can provide useful insights for sustainable fisheries policy in Northern Ireland.  相似文献   

The declining health of marine ecosystems around the world is evidence that current piecemeal governance is inadequate to successfully support healthy coastal and ocean ecosystems and sustain human uses of the ocean. One proposed solution to this problem is ecosystem-based marine spatial planning (MSP), which is a process that informs the spatial distribution of activities in the ocean so that existing and emerging uses can be maintained, use conflicts reduced, and ecosystem health and services protected and sustained for future generations. Because a key goal of ecosystem-based MSP is to maintain the delivery of ecosystem services that humans want and need, it must be based on ecological principles that articulate the scientifically recognized attributes of healthy, functioning ecosystems. These principles should be incorporated into a decision-making framework with clearly defined targets for these ecological attributes. This paper identifies ecological principles for MSP based on a synthesis of previously suggested and/or operationalized principles, along with recommendations generated by a group of twenty ecologists and marine scientists with diverse backgrounds and perspectives on MSP. The proposed four main ecological principles to guide MSP—maintaining or restoring: native species diversity, habitat diversity and heterogeneity, key species, and connectivity—and two additional guidelines, the need to account for context and uncertainty, must be explicitly taken into account in the planning process. When applied in concert with social, economic, and governance principles, these ecological principles can inform the designation and siting of ocean uses and the management of activities in the ocean to maintain or restore healthy ecosystems, allow delivery of marine ecosystem services, and ensure sustainable economic and social benefits.  相似文献   

目前国内海岸带城市洪水淹没风险领域中较多关注单一致灾因子(风暴潮)导致的淹没,缺乏对导致海岸带洪水发生的其他致灾因子的自然属性和社会属性的综合考量。根据风险的内涵,借鉴国外综合性风险评价理念,将洪水淹没自然机理模型与概念框架模型相结合,选取能表征风险发生概率的自然过程指标以及能表征风险危害性后果的社会经济类指标,构建具有针对性的海岸带型洪水淹没风险评价指标体系,对青岛市洪水淹没风险进行综合评估。研究得出青岛市洪水淹没风险指数值为0.3240,根据我国主要海域自然灾害等级划分(表3),可知其风险等级为3,危险性属于中等水平;确定了青岛市洪水淹没风险的各类致灾体与其影响因素之间的相关性;并得出洪水淹没风险的自然因素和人为可控因素两类关键性控制指标制定短期和长期性的适应策略和行动,充分利用可调节因素,有效加强并提高防范性指标,以期到达最大程度上降低青岛市洪水淹没风险。  相似文献   

Risk communication has recently evolved from the design of unidirectional (from scientists to the public) information flow toward a more integrative deliberative procedures (involving scientists, policymakers, stakeholders and the general public) aimed at reconciling diverging social constructs of risk. Furthermore, risk communication is seen now as an activity that is transverse to the risk governance process as a whole. Risk communication is therefore part of the preassessment, appraisal, characterization/evaluation and management phases of risk governance. At the same time the development of risk management Decision Support Systems are increasingly geared at facilitating decision making while taking into account and streamlining all the phases of the risk governance process. These recent trends lead to a redefinition of the role of risk communication in the context of the development of DSS.This paper explores these issues by analysing how risk communication can be integrated into THESEUS's DSS. A first step of this analysis consists of applying grounded theory to analyse stakeholders' perception in three of THESEUS's application settings. We then compare this theorization to the grounded theorization of the foundational model of THESEUS's DSS. The result of this comparison points to diverging, yet not incompatible, paradigmatic views on the nature of coastal risks. These divergences are further analysed through semi-structured interviews with key informants involved in the development of the DSS.Building on these results we develop a communication scheme that should allow a progressive convergence of paradigmatic views occurring through the use of the DSS; we are thus proposing that the DSS in itself be a locus where risk communication as a deliberative practice occurs. In order to achieve this we propose that the cognitive pathways followed by DSS users be proactively designed and involves integrative exchanges between designers, users and policy makers.  相似文献   

Recent habitat suitability models used to predict the occurrence of vulnerable marine species, particularly framework building cold-water corals, have identified terrain attributes such as slope and bathymetric position index as important predictive parameters. Due to their scale-dependent nature, a realistic representation of terrain attributes is crucial for the development of reliable habitat suitability models. In this paper, three known coral areas and a noncoral control area off the west coast of Ireland were chosen to assess quantitative and distributional differences between terrain attributes derived from bathymetry grids of varying resolution and information content. Correlation analysis identified consistent changes of terrain attributes as grain size was altered. Response characteristics and dimensions depended on terrain attribute types and the dominant morphological length-scales within the study areas. The subsequent effect on habitat suitability maps was demonstrated by preliminary models generated at different grain sizes. This study demonstrates that high resolution habitat suitability models based on terrain parameters derived from multibeam generated bathymetry are required to detect many of the topographical features found in Irish waters that are associated with coral. This has implications for marine spatial planning in the deep sea. Supplemental materials are available for this article. Go to the publisher's online edition of Marine Geodesy to view the free supplemental file.  相似文献   

Drawing on some recent developments in so-called “interactive governance theory”, it is argued that fisheries and coastal governance is basically a relationship between two systems, which could be termed a “governing system” and a “system-to-be-governed.” The former system is social: it is made up of institutions and steering mechanisms. The latter system is partly natural, partly social: it consists of an ecosystem and the resources that it harbors, as well as a system of users and stakeholders who form political coalitions and institutions among themselves. Obviously, we need to be concerned with the relationship and interaction between the governing system and the system-to-be-governed, which forms a system in its own right. According to governance theory, these systems share similar structural attributes: they are diverse, complex, dynamic and vulnerable. In order for governance to work they must somehow be compatible, in order to be mutually responsive. This is not a matter of natural mechanism but of institutional design by societal actors such as legislative bodies, planning agencies and civic organizations—alone, or in concert. What conditions, mechanisms and institutions are conducive to creating a better rapport between the governing system and the system-to-be-governed? Before we can start this discussion, we need to rethink our basic assumptions of what governance is, what governors do, and what we can expect from governance. How do we get from where we are now to where we want to be? In order to accomplish this we need something other than an instrumental, rational model. We need “a technology of foolishness” that emphasizes institutional experimentation and learning by doing.  相似文献   

近年来休闲渔业与海洋牧场的结合作为新兴的渔业产业模式逐渐发展起来。在生态环境退化和近海渔业资源持续衰退的大背景下,以海洋牧场建设为基础、以休闲渔业和旅游业为带动的渔业模式不断发展。我国近海海岛众多,具备围绕海岛综合开发建设海岛类海洋牧场的天然优势,可以预见以海岛为中心、立足海岛生态开发构建海洋牧场的发展模式将是近海海洋...  相似文献   

Fishing communities are subject to economic risk as the commercial fisheries they rely on are intrinsically volatile. The degree to which a community is exposed to economic risk depends on a community׳s ability to confront and/or alter its exposure to volatile fishery conditions through risk-reduction mechanisms. In this article, economic risk – as measured by community-level fishing gross revenues variability – is characterized across Alaskan fishing communities over the past two decades, and exploratory analyses are conducted to identify associations between community attributes and revenues variability. Results show that communities’ fishing portfolio size and diversification are strongly related to fishing revenues variability. Communities with larger and/or more diverse fishing portfolios experience lower fishing revenues variability. Portfolio size and diversification appear to be related to the number of local fisheries, indicating that communities’ portfolios may be constrained to the set of local fisheries. Hotspots of relatively higher fishing revenues variability for communities in north and west Alaska were identified, mirroring the spatial distribution of fishery-specific ex-vessel revenues variability. This overall pattern suggests that a community׳s fishing portfolio – and hence its exposure to risk – may be “predetermined” by its location, thereby limiting the policy options available to promote economic stability through larger and/or more diverse fishing portfolios. For such communities, diversifying income across non-fishing sectors may be an important risk reduction strategy, provided any potential negative cross-sector externalities are addressed.  相似文献   

过去的几十年里,三维地震技术已经成为描述地下地层和沉积体系必不可少的工具。地震地层学和地震地貌学的快速发展大幅度提升了应用3D地震数据解释深水区沉积地层的能力。时间切片和层属性分析等技术能够增强对古地貌的解释,并且当与地层分析手段相结合时,能够对储层和盖层分布进行预测。多属性叠加技术能够进一步突出其常规技术方法容易忽视的地质现象。本文提出将频谱分解的不同组分与相干属性叠加突出深水水道沉积要素的边界和砂体分布,进而精细描述水道结构要素。通过应用该技术在研究区识别出四种沉积要素(1)点坝,(2)迁移的曲流环,(3)侵蚀水道,(4)决口。研究发现深水水道平面上从低弯曲度向高弯曲度变化。这个技术方法有助于解释人员识别复杂的沉积要素并且可以定性预测水道富砂要素,这对于勘探和开发中降低钻井风险是至关重要的。  相似文献   

Worldwide demand for energy is growing and predicted to increase by up to three times by 2050. Renewable energy will play a vital role in meeting this demand whilst maintaining global climate change targets. Around the British Isles, development of wind farms has entered Round three, with large, high capacity wind parks being planned to enhance energy security and achieve 2020 renewable energy targets. Such developments place additional pressure on existing sea space and may result in conflicts with other marine activities and users. Co-location of certain activities, marine protected areas, aquaculture and commercial fishing in particular, has therefore been proposed as an option to ease demands on space. Using the UK guided by EU and regional policy, as a case study, following the criteria-based planning system, co-location is legally feasible. Crucially, co-location options will depend on site specific characteristics and site management plans. The biology, ecology and hydrology of the site as well as consideration of important commercial and economic factors will be determining factors of success. For marine protected areas compatibility with conservation objectives for the site will be fundamental. Where possible, it is suggested that activities suitable for co-location will develop in tandem with renewable energy projects. The importance of developing joint projects in this manner is particularly true for aquaculture projects to ensure tenure security and commercial viability. Adaptive management will be a basis for evolution of the concept and practice of co-location. Pilot projects and continued monitoring will be essential in shaping the future of co-location of activities. As the Marine Management Organisation continues the development of marine plans for the English inshore and offshore waters, a study into potential solutions for resolving sea use conflicts is timely. This paper therefore provides a concise overview of the current regulation affecting co-location of key marine activities within wind farm zones and provides suggestions on how co-location projects can be adopted and taken forward, using the UK as a case study.  相似文献   

Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) is emerging as key tool in the delivery of more effective sea use management and the integration ambitions of MSP are central to its rise to prominence. This paper reviews three key strands of thinking (integrated coastal and ocean management; integrated water resource management; and terrestrial spatial planning) that are informing the development of MSP and sets out a framework encompassing different dimensions of integration that those engaged in MSP might find it helpful to consider. The paper then explores how this framework can inform MSP development and related activity by using it to structure reflections on experience in the Irish Sea. Here the paper draws upon the outputs of a project that was funded by the UK's Economic and Social Research Council concerning Transnational Partnership Working in Support of Marine Spatial Planning in the Irish Sea. The analysis highlights the integration strengths and weaknesses associated with the emerging MSP structures in the Irish Sea and areas where further attention may be beneficial. The paper concludes by reflecting upon the value of the integration framework proposed, how it could be developed, and on key issues that those engaged in MSP in other contexts might need to address in rising to the integration ambitions of MSP.  相似文献   

Within the field of resource and environmental management, the paramount value of a spatial analysis system is as a tool for regionalising a case-area in diverse directed ways, each being useful for (i) increasing scientific understanding of that area (intellectualisation) or (ii) for allocating operational categories (for example, funding categories, regulatory categories) differentially between parts of the case-area (called operations support or policy support). Success in serving these scientific and administrative values depends in turn upon two primary attributes of the spatial analysis system and a larger number of secondary attributes. These primary attributes are (i) the range and quality of geocoded data sets held in store or able to be accessed and (ii) the range of spatial analysis techniques which can be called upon for operating on stored data sets. Secondary attributes influencing a spatial analysis system's value include its accessibility to potential users, its ease of use, the judgment and experience of its users and the quality of its cartographic and other outputs. The present paper is a status report on the Australian Coastal And Marine Resources Information System, CAMRIS, a spatial analysis system developed as a demonstration for Australia. CAMRIS contains or can access raw and value-added data sets which comprehensively cover both terrestrial and marine components of the Australian maritime estate. Onshore, for the immediate coastal strip, data held or accessible include geocoded data on vegetation, geology, landform, wetland and coastline type, land use, climate and population. For coastal drainage basins, data sets include river networks, river flows, wetland attributes, soils, geology, elevation, vegetation, mineral deposits, beach attributes, population and bird distributions. Nearshore data include geocoded data on estuary attributes, island attributes, seagrass beds and marine protected areas. Offshore (oceanic) geocoded data held or accessible include bathymetry, sea surface temperature and salinity/dissolved oxygen profiles, together with a variety of geophysical records including gravity, magnetics, seismic track lines, substrates, waves, winds, storms, tides and cyclones. While raw data are stored as such whenever available, many of these data sets are in value-added form, held perhaps as a surface or choropleth or as a function of primary data items. A range of spatial analysis techniques is routinely available for application to CAMRIS data sets including those within the SPANS, Arc Info, and Idrisi geographic information systems, the S Plus exploratory data analysis package, and specialist in-house packages such as PATN for multivariate positive classification and LUPIS for resource allocation and normative classification. CAMRIS demonstration studies in various stages of completion address: (1) selection of coastal and marine protected areas; (2) identification of priority areas for the management of land-based marine pollution; (3) planning for coastal population growth; and (4) synoptic impacts of climatic change in the coastal zone. Further candidate studies being considered include mariculture prospects and proactive management of oil spills and leaks. An important indicator of success for the CAMRIS project would be for it to be seen as a prototype for a properly-funded multi-agency national maritime (coastal and marine) spatial analysis system. Australia, with one of the worlds largest and most diverse maritime estates and with a small population imposing increasing pressures on that estate, needs powerful policy and operations support tools.  相似文献   

This paper presents the findings of risk identification and risk perception research conducted in relation to the fisheries systems of four distinct and diverse European countries: Faroes, Iceland, Greece and the UK. Risk research traditionally attempts to quantify the potential threat or consequences from a range of risk events or hazards. This research, however, adopted a social sciences perspective and so assumed that a risk event or hazard can mean different things to different people and that these perceptions are also context and culturally dependent. Risk perceptions were examined and risk registers developed in each country for a range of stakeholder groups. A ‘mental modelling’ approach was adopted in a series of qualitative interviews. Findings were examined in terms of a wide range of psychological, social and cultural risk theories. Differences in risk perceptions were noted between stakeholder groups and countries and contextual influences were examined such as the widely differing fisheries management systems used in each country. This research provides one of the first attempts to systematically evaluate risks and perceptions across a range of fisheries-systems. The findings support social science theories which argue that risk is a subjective, as opposed to objective, concept and that this subjectivity will therefore affect our attempts to assess and manage those hazards we think we can potentially influence or control.  相似文献   

Regional co-development and security:: a comprehensive approach   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Concepts of security are no longer limited to the military form, but other potential, economic, ecological, social aspects are becoming included.Emphasis needs to be put on integration of all dimensions of security. Many environmental problems present threats to human health and welfare and hence to the well-being of nations. The environmental issues cannot be ignored in context of any comprehensive security concept, but environmental security should not be treated in isolation.Integration of sustainable development and regional security may address many of the current maritime issues. Such integration may best be handled jointly and at regional levels.With this in mind and the realization that there is now a clear awareness and understanding that issues such as poverty, underdevelopment, population growth, environmental quality and sustainable resource use, are interrelated and interdependent and must be dealt with as such, the paper aims to highlight some aspects of regional security and sustainable development issues with reference to the Mediterranean basin. The aim is to initiate a process to pursue integration of sustainable development and comprehensive regional security with focus on the Mediterranean.The approach is based on the concept of the Common Heritage of Mankind as proposed by Arvid Pardo in 1967. It has 4 dimensions: economic; ethical; environmental; peace and security. In dealing with the proposal of Arvid Pardo the United Nations General Assembly decided to split up the concept: the Conference on the Law of the Sea was to deal with the peaceful uses of oceans and sea-beds; the Conference on Disarmament with the security aspects, then considered as military. UNCED 92 maintained the separation in addressing only environment and development, with management also included. However, peace and security were not included. It is time now to include these elements, and also consider the enforcement issue. The paper aims at illustrating this need through some examples from the Mediterranean basin.  相似文献   

浅剖和单道地震是大范围研究新近纪以来沉积特征的主要技术方法,由于地震资料分辨率的限制,往往只能划分大的沉积单元,不能识别亚相、微相等,而地震资料的瞬时属性可以更加精细地刻画地层信息。基于2013年在南黄海陆架获得的单道地震资料,对南黄海中西部海域第四系进行了分析,并利用单道资料的三瞬属性对地层进行地震地层单元划分、沉积环境分析,总结出该区域不同沉积相的三瞬波阻特征。研究结果表明,在测线的Qc2钻孔位置处,根据三瞬属性在海底以下74.64m深度内划分了7个地震地层沉积单元,并划分出多个亚相。它所反映的沉积相与该区已知Qc2钻孔的地层对应度较高。瞬时相位较为清楚的显示地下地层的接触情况,更好地展示了地震层序在空间上的关系,解决了该测线在常规地震剖面上无法清晰、精细识别沉积相的问题。三瞬属性的应用可以在缺少钻井资料时提高在地震资料剖面划分地层、识别接触面的能力,为大陆架科学钻探项目中未知井位选址提供参考。  相似文献   

Guidelines for developing and implementing sustainability indicators for marine capture fisheries were drafted during a recent expert consultation jointly organised by Australia and FAO in Sydney (Australia). This paper provides an overview of the guidelines and illustrates their application with an Australian example. As a background to the guidelines, the concept of sustainable development (SD) for marine capture fisheries was discussed and an agreed set of definitions and usage of common terms developed. The guidelines then outline the five sequential steps that need to be addressed in developing a meaningful set of indicators in the context of a Sustainable Development Reference System (SDRS). The five steps are:
  • 1.specifying the scope of the SDRS;
  • 2.developing a framework to agree on components within the system;
  • 3.specifying criteria, objectives, potential indicators and reference values;
  • 4.choosing the set of indicators and reference values;
  • 5.specifying the method of aggregation and visualisation.
These steps are further elaborated in terms of how to scope the SDRS, define the dimensions and hierarchical levels to be included in the system, set multiple objectives and link these to indicators and reference values (e.g. targets, thresholds and/or standards). The guidelines also provide some examples of possible indicators, criteria for selecting some indicators over others and present ways of aggregating and visualising the indicators so that progress towards achieving sustainable development can be communicated easily to decision-makers.  相似文献   

通过Wright染色对长鳍裸颊鲷(Lethrinus erythropterus)的头肾、体肾、脾脏、肝脏等组织涂片、印片的观察,发现其头肾、体肾、脾脏是其主要的造血器官。红细胞、粒细胞、淋巴细胞和单核细胞主要在头肾和体肾中发生,其次是脾脏。肝脏中无原始型血细胞,可能不是其造血器官。血细胞的发生大致经过三个阶段,即原始阶段、幼稚阶段、成熟阶段。本文着重描述了长鳍裸颊鲷的红细胞、嗜中性粒细胞、嗜酸性粒细胞、嗜碱性粒细胞、淋巴细胞和单核细胞发生过程中各阶段细胞的形态特征。嗜碱性粒细胞的发育也可以在头肾中被发现。  相似文献   

Climate change with rising sea levels and possible changes in surge levels and wave climate will have a large impact on how we protect our coastal areas and cities. Here the focus is on estuarine locations not only affected by tide and surge propagation, but also potentially influenced by freshwater discharge. Mitigation measures might be diverse ranging from pure hard ‘engineering’ solutions all the way to significant realignment. The variation in the type/origin and extent of the flood sources greatly influences subsequent risk management measures. At the same time, society is increasingly demanding that we take a holistic view on risk management, embracing and balancing safety, ecological and socio-economic aspects. This requires that all these diverse factors need to be considered together and integrated. In this context, the Source–Pathway–Receptor (SPR) approach offers a powerful holistic tool to investigate changing risk connected to extreme events.The traditional SPR approach with a consecutive treatment of the flood, pathway and receptor is well understood and is widely used in coastal flood risk analysis. Here an enhanced 2D conceptual version of the SPR method is used to better describe the system and to allow flexibility in considering multiple scales, flood sources and pathways. The new approach is demonstrated by three estuarine case studies in western Europe: the Gironde estuary, France; the Dendermonde region in the Scheldt estuary, Belgium; and HafenCity (Hamburg) in the Elbe estuary, Germany. They differ considerably in the surface area considered, in the type of flood sources, and hence also in the SPR configuration. After a brief introduction of the typical characteristics of the three study sites including some lessons learned from past flood protection measures, the differences in application and results of the SPR approach are discussed. Emphasis is on the specific aspects for each study site, but embedded in a generic SPR framework. The resulting generic lessons learned about the flood sources and how this shapes subsequent analysis are transferable to numerous important estuaries worldwide.  相似文献   

Sustainable development and integrated coastal management   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Agenda 21, the 40-chapter action plan, agreed to by all nations participating in the 1992 Earth Summit represents an ambitious effort to provide policy guidance across the entire spectrum of environment, development, and social issues confronting mankind. In the area of oceans and coasts (Chapter 17 of Agenda 21), the Earth Summit underscored that the management of oceans and coasts should be ‘integrated in content and anticipatory in ambit.’To assist those responsible for implementing the Earth Summit guidelines on ocean and coastal management, this article first reviews the fundamental shift in paradigm reflected in the Earth Summit agreements as well as the specific recommendations contained in Chapter 17. Next, the article examines the central concept of ‘integrated management,’ noting both its importance and its limits. A general or ‘synthesis’ model of ‘integrated coastal management’ is then presented, addressing such questions as management goals, what is being managed, where, how, and by whom.In a concluding section, methods are proposed whereby the general or ‘synthesis model’ can be tailored to diverse national contexts, involving varying physical, socio-economic, and political conditions.  相似文献   

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