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海岸带是受人类活动和全球海平面上升影响的敏感地带,海岸线的提取和监测是海岸带生态系统研究和社会管理的重要内容。本文在遥感和地理信息系统的支持下,以修正的归一化水体指数(Modified Normalized Difference Water Index,MNDWI)为基础,结合遥感影像处理和直方图均衡化等技术,实现了大连市獐子岛1985—2016年海岸线的自动化提取。结果表明:(1)通过与三位专家目视解译的成果比对,本文提取海岸线的精度能满足后续研究的要求(相对误差分别为0.045%,0.032%和0.023%);(2)近30年来,獐子岛海岸线总体呈现蚀退趋势,岸线长度与岛屿面积分别呈现变短和变小的趋势,獐子岛(主岛)和大耗岛的岸线蚀退速率最大,褡裢岛次之,小耗岛最小;在人类活动较为密集的区域,海岸线呈现出较为强烈的增长趋势,海水养殖和圈海建坝是岸线增长的主要驱动力;(3)獐子岛海岸线具有显著的分形性质,分形维数随时间呈现增大的趋势,獐子岛(主岛)的分形维数最大,褡裢岛的分形维数最小。 相似文献
基于GF-1卫星遥感影像的海岸线生态化监测与评价研究——以营口市为例 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
海岸线是海洋与陆地的分界线,也是重要的生态交错线。本文采用GF-1卫星遥感影像,通过监测大潮高潮时刻和小潮低潮时刻海岸水陆边界线,构建了潮间带完整性系数,以此为依据将海岸线划分为自然海岸线、具有基本生态功能的人工海岸线、具有部分生态功能的人工海岸线、具有有限生态功能的人工海岸线、具有少量生态功能的人工海岸线和无生态功能的人工海岸线。在此基础上,结合潮间带完整性系数及其毗邻海岸线长度,构建了海岸线生态化指数,用以评价区域海岸线的生态化程度。营口市海岸线以无生态功能的人工海岸线、自然海岸线和具有少量生态功能的人工海岸线为主,分别占到海岸线总长度的45.74%、18.31%和15.53%。营口市总体海岸线生态化指数为0.29,其中西城区、老边区、盖州北、鲅鱼圈区和盖州南分别为0.55、0.17、0.40、0.10和0.55。 相似文献
基于数字岸线分析系统的海岸线时空变化速率分析——以海州湾为例 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
本文选取1985−2018年间具有代表性的6期Landsat遥感影像,运用数字海岸线分析系统,综合利用面积法和基线法定量分析海州湾的岸线变迁,并进行岸线分类和驱动力分析。结果表明,30多年来海州湾岸线整体呈持续向海推进的态势,增长岸线比例总体处于不断增加的趋势,除了2005−2009年发生短暂的减小;1985−2018年,岸线长度增加了10.40 km,陆域面积增加了52.84 km2;海州湾岸线以人工岸线为主,且比重日渐增大,从1985年的47.90%到2018年的70.88%,前中期的沿海围垦养殖及后期的围海造陆是海岸线变迁的主要驱动力;其终点变化速率为26.09 m/a,净海岸线变化为155.12 m,记录增加总横断面在各个时期均大于50%,岸线变迁最剧烈的区域为新沭河−高公岛段,陆域增长点在于赣榆新城、连云新城建设和连云港港口建设。 相似文献
In the present paper, the Holocene sea level changes and coastline shifts in Zhejiang, China are discussed, based on the ancient coastline evidence related with sea level changes and 21 14C dat-ings of shell, peat or mud and wood samples along the Zhejiang coast. The development of Zhejiang coastline during the Holocene period can be divided into four stages. A lot of data of historical period and modern times have shown that tracing coastline shifts back to its source, we have to consider tremendous effects of man's activities besides natural factors, such as elevation and subsidence of the earth crust, sea level changes, supply of sediment, and littoral hydrodynamics. 相似文献
准确计算珊瑚礁的面积是评估其资源、环境效应的基础,但我国迄今对南海珊瑚礁的面积估算仍缺乏共识,缺少可靠的估算方法是导致这一现象的重要原因。针对这一问题,本文以西沙群岛羚羊礁为例,提出了一种利用多时相多光谱遥感影像低成本半自动化估算珊瑚礁面积的方法。首先快速目视确定地貌带分界线的粗略位置,然后利用基于梯度向量场的主动轮廓线模型(Gradient Vector Flow-Snake, GVF-Snake)实现这些分界线位置的自动精化,最后将不同时相的瞬时分界线转换为面要素进行多时相的融合,从而得到珊瑚礁的面积。基于53景Sentinel-2 多光谱成像仪(MSI)影像的实验表明,羚羊礁的总面积为17.22 km2(Landsat 8 陆地成像仪(OLI)用于方法稳定性的验证,得到的羚羊礁面积为17.29 km2),其中礁前斜坡、礁坪?潟湖坡、潟湖的面积分别为1.76 km2、10.29 km2、5.17 km2。该数值与实测数据具有较好的一致性。具体地,该方法获得的地貌带分界点与实测水深所指示分界点的位置偏差能控制在0.2~4.9 m的范围内(不超过0.5个像素),珊瑚礁最外轮廓线与30 m等深线的位置偏差亦在1个像素大小内(5.7~9.5 m),而估算面积与高分辨率WorldView-2影像解译得到的面积差异为0.02%。同时,该方法获得的珊瑚礁边界线的完整度、正确度、提取质量精度能够由单时相平均的60%、64%和54%分别提高至84%、83%和72%。此外,该方法能够减小基于不同遥感数据源的珊瑚礁面积估算结果的差异,即6景以上的多时相Sentinel-2 MSI和Landsat 8 OLI影像提取的珊瑚礁面积标准差分别不超过0.01 km2和0.05 km2,仅相当于珊瑚礁总面积的0.2%和0.5%。总而言之,该方法能够用低成本的10 m分辨率Sentinel-2 MSI和30 m分辨率Landsat 8 OLI影像获得接近1.8 m分辨率WorldView-2影像的面积估算精度,且具有良好的稳定性和可靠性。 相似文献
江苏中部淤泥质海岸岸线变化遥感监测研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
海岸线监测是了解海岸冲淤变化的基础。针对淤泥质海岸潮间带坡度平缓的特点,考虑到潮汐对遥感海岸线监测的影响,基于多潮位站插值校正的水边线离散点潮位赋值及坡度计算对水边线方法进行了改进,并结合潮间带实测坡度资料校正,推算遥感海岸线。选择江苏中部冲淤变化频繁、自然岸线保有率较高的扁担河口至川东港岸段开展海岸线变迁遥感监测研究。结果表明,研究区坡度主要在0.001~0.002之间,潮间带宽度由北向南越来越宽。北部扁担河口至射阳河口岸段处于冲刷环境中,大量以养殖塘围堤为主的人工岸线不断被侵蚀后退;射阳河口至四卯酉河口岸段以海岸线在自然状态下的动态变化为主,2010-2015年平均冲淤速率小于10 m/a,变化幅度较小;南部四卯酉河口至川东港岸段,自然岸线淤长明显,同时人工围垦导致岸线不断向海推进。根据监测结果,认为新洋港至斗龙港岸段应为研究区由北部侵蚀转向南部淤长的过渡带。 相似文献
考虑人类活动的海岸线分类体系 ——近期浙江省海岸线调查的实践与思考 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
海岸线是海陆分界线,定义为多年平均大潮高潮位的痕迹线,兼具海洋与陆地的空间资源管理界限功能。海岸线具有重要的生态功能和资源价值,其功能和价值源于所依附的海岸带。随着海岸带地区的经济与社会快速发展,海岸带资源的保护与开发的矛盾日益凸显。在此背景下,中国构建了以自然岸线保有率为核心的海岸线管理办法。2018年实施的浙江省地方标准《海岸线调查统计技术规范(DB33/T2106—2018)》提出了海岸线的三级分类体系,包括自然岸线、人工岸线和河口岸线3个一级类。该《规范》综合反映了海岸线的科学定义和国家需求。首先,该《规范》给出海岸线定义是"平均大潮高潮时水陆分界的痕迹线",突出了"大潮高潮位"和"痕迹线"对海岸线界定工作的指示意义。其次,该《规范》将自然岸线定义为"由海陆相互作用形成的海岸线",由此推论,人工岸线的地貌动力学功能是隔断了原有的海陆相互作用。第三,该《规范》提出了"原生自然岸线"、"自然恢复的岸线"和"整治修复的岸线"等概念,将曾经受过人类活动影响但恢复了(或拥有了)某种自然海岸形态特征和生态功能的岸线纳入自然岸线的统计口径。由于河口岸线是没有"水陆分界痕迹"可循的特殊类型,现有的海岸线定义未能体现河口岸线的内涵,因此我们建议将海岸线的定义扩展为"平均大潮高潮位的海陆分界痕迹线,以及河流入海口附近按一定规则人为划分的海域与陆域水体的分界线"。从海岸带地貌动力学的角度来看,海岸线的类型和变化主要受地质基底、海平面位置、沉积物供应条件和海岸动力环境等因素影响。因此,海岸线的定义和分类应该综合考虑这四个因素,而人类活动主要从海岸动力作用环境和沉积物供应条件两方面影响海岸带系统状态。 相似文献
实施海洋可持续发展与海岛振兴战略是我国建设海洋强国的重大课题之一,当前中国“一带一路”建设的推进和粤港澳大湾区、海南自由贸易港的战略部署,都为大型海岛城市的发展带来了重大机遇。舟山市是我国第一大群岛城市,地处长江口要冲,是长三角一体化发展国家战略和国际级群岛新区的交汇地,对于建设全球海洋中心城市有着极大的发展空间和示范区探索意义。文章将在分析舟山群岛的地理区位、资源环境、生态系统、人文历史现状基础上,对标国家战略定位,探讨其存在的问题并结合国外海岛成功的开发经验,提出促进舟山群岛全面发展的对策和建议,从交叉学科角度提出需要优先关注海洋生态文明建设、以海定陆的流域统筹发展、智慧绿色港口建立等研究方向的建议,以便为丰富重要窗口的科学与技术内涵、舟山群岛“十四五”规划实施提供参考。 相似文献
A combined assessment of beach occupancy and public perceptions of beach quality: A case study in the Costa Brava, Spain 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Elisabet Roca Claudia Riera Míriam Villares Rosa Fragell Rosa Junyent 《Ocean & Coastal Management》2008,51(12):839-846
The main objective of this paper is to present an approach that contributes to evaluate beach quality based on a combined analysis of beach occupancy and the perception of beach users. The study area is a major Mediterranean tourist destination in NE Spain. Six beaches that fulfilled different environmental and social criteria were assessed. Sampling took place during 2004 and 2005. An analysis of beach occupancy showed that highly accessible urban beaches suffer the most from overcrowding. A comparison of the two approaches (occupancy and perception) indicates that a higher sand availability increased user satisfaction, although not as much as might have been expected because other parameters are also highly relevant in evaluating beach quality from the perspective of beach user such as physical characteristics, landscape and facilities. 相似文献
《Marine Policy》2014
Future fish demand-supply scenarios project that investment in aquaculture will be needed to ensure fish for food security in Solomon Islands. In 2010 a study of two peri-urban areas of Solomon Islands analysed the demand and potential for inland aquaculture, and the role of the introduced Mozambique tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) in household livelihoods and existing value chains. Of 178 households interviewed, marine reef fish were the preferred fish for consumption, although tinned fish was also common. At the study sites, Mozambique tilapia was accessible and contributed to food security, particularly for inland households. Sixty five percent of the people actively fished for tilapia at least monthly; 13% of these fished on almost a daily basis. Fish were consumed by men, women and children and sold by both men and women in local village markets. Mozambique tilapia is considered to perform poorly in aquaculture. While other species like Nile tilapia or milkfish (Chanos chanos) are being considered for aquaculture by the Solomon Islands Government, Mozambique tilapia is currently the only cost-effective and widely available alternative for farming fish for household food security. This study lends weight to the premise that peri-urban households that are cash poor are likely to benefit nutritionally from easier access to tilapia or other freshwater fish. 相似文献
土地潜力评价是编制土地利用规划的前提,把握土地的潜在经济效能是城镇化、工业化快速推进背景下土地资源合理配置的重要命题。本文甄选自然条件、生态敏感性、经济发展和空间结构指标建立了土地发展潜力评价体系,分别采用模糊综合评价法与网络层次分析法赋权指标体系与计算权重,测度发展潜力值并划分了杭州湾南岸余姚、慈溪和镇海的海岸带土地发展潜力区。结果显示:(1)低发展潜力区面积为237.14 km2,占比为17.73%;中发展潜力区面积为323.08 km2,占比为24.15%;高发展潜力区面积为473.34 km2,占比为35.38%;极高发展潜力区面积为304.27 km2,比例为22.74%。(2)按照地类的级别面积分析,交通运输用地和自然保留地面积在极高潜力区中达到峰值,呈由高向低等级面积递减态势;耕地、其他农用地、城乡建设用地和其他建设用地在高潜力区中占比最大,且基本布局于极高、高潜力区;园地、河流水面、水利建设用地集中于中潜力区,而沿海滩涂与林地基本分布于低、中潜力区。(3)余姚、慈溪和镇海海岸带土地发展潜力分区呈现不同特点,余姚属于待提升型,慈溪为均衡发展型,镇海是高质发展潜力型。 相似文献
Wave energy resource assessment and trends around Indonesian's ocean has been carried out by means of analyzing satellite observations. Wave energy flux or wave power can be approximated using parameterized sea states derived from satellite data. Unfortunately, only some surface parameters can be measured from remote sensing satellites, for example for ocean surface waves: significant wave height. Others, like peak wave period and energy period are not available, but can instead be estimated using empirical models. The results have been assessed by meteorological season. The assessment shows clearly where and when the wave power resource is promising around Indonesian's ocean. The most striking result was found from June to August, in which about 30–40 kW/m(the 90 th percentile: 40–60 kW/m, the 99th percentile: 50–70 kW/m) wave power energy on average has been found around south of the Java Island. The significant trends of wave energy at the 95% level have also been studied and it is found that the trends only occurred for the extreme cases, which is the 99th percentile(i.e.,highest 1%). Wave power energy could increase up to 150 W/m per year. The significant wave heights and wave power have been compared with the results obtained from global wave model hindcast carried out by wave model WAVEWATCH III. The comparisons indicated excellent agreements. 相似文献
As elsewhere in Indonesia, local inhabitants in the Pangkajene and Kepulauan (PANGKEP) Regency, Spermonde Archipelago area and along the south-west coast of Sulawesi traditionally regard the coral reefs as their livelihood source. Since human activities as well as natural disturbances pose major threats to the coral reefs, these livelihoods may also be at risk. Currently, no comprehensive information on the status and condition of coral reefs in this area is available for this resource management. We determined the changes of coral reef habitat over a period of 20 years from 1994 to 2014 using a satellite Landsat multi-temporal image substantiated with in situ measurement data collected in 2014. The spectral value of coral reefs was extracted from multi-temporal Landsat imagery data, while the diffuse attenuation coefficient of water was obtained by using statistical analysis between the ratio of live coral cover and the spectral value of the visible bands. By using the unsupervised classification integrated with the data ground truth, it is stated that there has been a decline in live coral cover over a period of 20 years from 7716 ha in 1994 to 4236 ha in 2014, with a degradation rate of 174 ha/year. Based on the results, the ratio of the coral cover in the coral reef transects varied from the average of 24% for live corals to 96% for coral rubbles, implying the degraded status of coral reefs in the study area. 相似文献
以舟山本岛为研究单元,利用1995年,2005年和2015年的遥感影像,采用生态学分析、空间统计学分析、城市扩张指数等方法来探究舟山本岛滩涂围垦活动和城市用地扩张的特点,并分析两者之间的关联。结果表明:(1)在1995—2015年的20 a间,滩涂围垦的面积不断扩大。(2)1995—2005年的滩涂资源利用以近陆域的海涂为主,2005—2015年逐渐向浅海发展。(3)1995—2015年间,城市用地面积前10 a增长强度为0.53,增长速度为3.01 km2/a,后10 a增长强度为1.46,增长速度为8.11 km2/a。(4)舟山本岛的城市发展重心在20 a间经历了一个自西向东移动而后向北跳跃的过程,各区域间协同发展,使舟山本岛经济整体性和城市功能合理性得到提升。(5)滩涂围垦形成的土地与城市用地扩张之间存在着正相关关系,且从研究数据来看两者之间发生自然演替需要时间,大约为8~10 a,人工干预可以大幅缩短这个过程所需要的时间。 相似文献
The most extensive and thickestHalimeda bioherms reported from modern seas occur along both open and protected margins of Kalukalukuang Bank, eastern Java Sea (Indonesia). Seismic profiles suggest these features average 20 to 30 m thick (maximum 50 m) and developed over large areas by coalescence of individual mounds. Bioherm morphologies range from numerous small mounds ( 10–20 m diameter) through hay-stack features ( 100 m diameter) to broad swells. Some modern bank bioherms display surface forms that appear related to onbank flow from Makassar Strait. Upwelling of cold, nutritive water is likely responsible for unusualHalimeda productivity and large bioherm development. 相似文献
A three-dimensional (3-D) finite volume coastal ocean model (FVCOM) was used for the study of water cir culation and seawater exchange in the Benoa Bay, Bali Island. The M2 tidal component was forced in open boundary and discharge from six rivers was included in the numerical calculation. The M2 tidal elevation produced by the FVCOM has a good agreement with the observation data. The M2 tidal current is also suc cessfully calculated under the ebb tide and flood tide conditions. The non-linear M2 tidal residual current was produced by the coastline geometry, especially surrounding the narrow strait between the Serangan Is- land and the Benoa Peninsula. The tidal residual current also generated two small eddies within the bay and one small eddy in the bay mouth. The salinity distribution influenced by river discharge could be success- fully calculated, where the numerical calculation and the observation results have a good correlation (r2) of 0.75. Finally in order to examine the seawater exchange in the Benoa Bay, the Lagrangian particle tracking method and calculation of residence time are applied. The mechanism of particle transport to the flushing of seawater is depicted clearly by both methods. 相似文献
根据1985、1995、2005、2013和2020年的Landsat卫星图像,采用人机交互手段将三门湾海岸线分为基岩岸线、砂质岸线、淤泥质岸线、人工岸线和河口岸线。采用交互式监督分类将三门湾海岸带的土地利用分为水体、林地、裸地、建设用地和农业用地。研究结果表明:近40年三门湾人工岸线和基岩岸线变化最大,分别增加了80.3 km和减少了79.3 km;近40年三门湾海岸带面积累计增加了130 km2,建设用地和水体是围填海新增土地的主要利用类型,主要的土地转移形式为裸地向建设用地、农业用地的转变以及林地转为建设用地;近40年三门湾岸线分形维数由1.22减小至1.201,人工岸线比例和建设用地占比分别上升了13%和22.57%,总体上呈现向海推进、人工化加强的趋势。人类活动是造成三门湾岸线及海岸带变化的主要原因,随着对海岸带保护与合理利用的推进,三门湾海岸带开发利用格局正逐渐稳中向好。 相似文献
The Diep River estuary, a small estuary in suburban Cape Town, South Africa, has been subject to disturbance for centuries. Several earlier studies have documented conditions in the system, providing baselines against which to measure more recent changes. This study: (i) describes major physical and hydrological changes that have occurred within this estuary; (ii) documents faunistic changes subsequent to earlier biological surveys; and (iii) provides an up-to-date faunal list. Salinity measurements and both invertebrate and fish samples were taken at five stations along the estuary in summer and winter 2014. A census of sandprawn Callichirus kraussi densities was also undertaken to compare with earlier surveys. Developments within the Diep River catchment and estuary have resulted in extensive changes in flow and salinity regimes, causing marked reductions in summer salinity levels, changes in frequency of mouth closure, and deteriorations in water quality. These have resulted in major changes in faunal composition and distribution, including an increase in numbers of non-indigenous species. Surveys in the early 1950s recorded 47 invertebrate species, whereas only 23 were found in 1974. A total of 23 species were again recorded in 2014, but these included several freshwater forms not previously reported, which had entered the system due to lowered salinity values, as well as new alien introductions. Only six of the 69 taxa recorded were reported by all three surveys. There have been substantial declines in sandprawn abundance, from 40 million in 1998 to just over 12 million in 2014. In all, 12 fish species were recorded in the 1950s, nine in 1974, but only five in 2014, including the newly detected invasive mosquito fish Gambusia affinis and the translocated tilapia Tilapia sparrmanii. Thus, only three of the original native fish species remain. Contrary to these losses, the present bird fauna appear to be more abundant and diverse than previously. Regular monitoring is recommended to obtain a clearer understanding of ongoing changes, and major management interventions will be needed if further degradation is to be prevented. 相似文献
Len R. Garces Michael D. Pido Robert S. Pomeroy Sonny Koeshendrajana Budi Iskandar Prisantoso Nurul Ahmad Fatan Dedi Adhuri T. Raiful Syamsul Rizal Alexander Tewfik Madan Dey 《Ocean & Coastal Management》2010,53(2):69-79
This paper describes the application of the methodology called Rapid Appraisal of Fisheries Management System (RAFMS) to assess quickly the situation in tsunami-affected coastal fisheries in Aceh Province, Indonesia. As a diagnostic tool, the RAFMS is introduced in terms of its conceptual framework and procedures. The RAFMS was used to appraise the status of the fisheries sector in selected 15 villages. Information generated concerning level of fishing effort, marketing patterns and community perspectives on livelihood options are used as three illustrative examples. The paper also provides some insights in applying the RAFMS methodology in the context of disasters and in the broader context of tropical fisheries management. 相似文献