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In recent years, shrimp aquaculture, which is undertaken largely in the tropical countries, has experienced spectacular growth in response to expanding global demand and higher economic return. Shrimp exports bring substantial foreign exchange to the producing countries and also generate employment for various stakeholders related to this industry. Despite a number positive aspects (e.g., foreign exchange, employment and food) of shrimp farming, the industry has serious negative environmental impacts. Because of the degradation of natural resources, commercial shrimp farming imposes socio-economic costs on rural resource-reliant communities as their traditional means of food production and livelihoods are displaced. Bangladesh produces 2.5 percent of the global production of shrimp. The country earned about 400 million dollars (U.S.) from shrimp exports during 2004-2005, up from only US$3.17 million in 1971-72. Bangladesh is suffering because of unplanned expansion of this aquaculture and increasingly called as “a desert in the delta”. The purpose of this paper is to identify the impact of commercial saltwater shrimp farming on rural livelihood patterns in southwest Bangladesh using different Participatory Research methods. The authors suggest that vulnerabilities in livelihoods of the rural communities increased due to narrowing down agricultural production, income sources and natural supply of food. Other socio-economic impacts (e.g., landuse patterns, homestead and family structure, daily movement pattern and activities, drinking water, and law and order) also followed as a reaction to the changing ecological conditions. It is also found that economic benefits from shrimp cultivation to the communities was minimal or even negative due to the polarization and outflow of profits, which is augmenting the threat of poverty.  相似文献   

《Marine Policy》2001,25(4):265-279
The objective of this paper is to provide an overview of shrimp aquaculture from the perspectives of economics. It is offered as a contribution to the on-going policy debate on this globally important industry. The paper is organised into four sections: the benefits of shrimp aquaculture, the problems of shrimp aquaculture, economic development perspectives on shrimp aquaculture, and conclusions. Four main conclusions are drawn: there is a lack of independent analysis of the factors affecting the production strategies of private firms in the shrimp industry; there is a need to overcome polarisation in order to promote sustainable shrimp aquaculture; wider perspectives on shrimp aquaculture will be beneficial to policy formation; and it is in the long-run self-interest of shrimp producers to incorporate the external costs of production into planning decisions. The paper includes a review of the international literature which provides a valuable resource for policy-makers.  相似文献   

In Mexico shrimp pond aquaculture is the main activity and contributes with 45.9% of the total fisheries volume and 74.3% of gross profit generated by the national products, being Sonora, Sinaloa and Nayarit in the east coast of the Gulf of California the states generating around 70% of region gross profit. The main species cultivated is the white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei, and for this reason academic and government sector devoted much attention in this species, however, still researching on economic feasibility is scarce and needed. In this paper, the technical, economics, production and environment parameters of 80 semi-intensive commercial in these states are analyzed and discussed. The results showed the main external constraints affecting short and long run farm performance. The overall observations pointed out that there is an increase on yield and income when shrimp farms invest in higher quality inputs such as equipment and technology for more efficiency in using water, use of certified post-larvae and better design of farm facility. Nevertheless, further research is needed to adjust shrimp production strategies to specific farm requirement by investing in premium quality inputs. Furthermore, the most serious threat from shrimp aquaculture is the potential effect on water quality and the infrastructure associated, that having more serious effects on the environment, particularly in the coastal wetlands. The economic and the environment care must be driven to lead a more sustainable scenario.  相似文献   

The neritic waters of the state of Sergipe in Northeastern Brazil is adjacent to the main nesting area of the olive ridley sea turtles (Lepidochelys olivacea) in the Western Atlantic Ocean and an important area for shrimp trawl fishery. To address the problem of incidental mortality of sea turtles captured during trawling and reduce the risk of overexploitation of shrimp stocks, Projeto TAMAR/ICMBio, a Brazilian sea turtle conservation program, has adopted two main strategies: (1) the implementation of a marine monitoring program and (2) active participation in local forums. This paper describes the conflicts among stakeholders, the arrangements and established mechanisms of negotiation aimed to protect sea turtles and shrimp grounds, and strategies to reduce conflicts between user groups. The analysis of this co-management process highlights the importance of stakeholder participation in resource management decision-making through a cooperative process, the role assumed by non-governmental organizations as mediators, and the factors that influence this system. The key factors and actions learnt from the current study include clear identification of the conflicts, identification of stakeholders – both local and external, and local leaders, encouragement of actors and leaders to participate, support and strengthening of local groups, legitimization of the discussion forums through involvement with government, formalization of decisions taken through legislation, and monitoring of the management efficacy.  相似文献   

我国对虾养殖净收益影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
海水养殖是海洋经济重要的组成部分。中国是世界上最大的对虾养殖国,对虾养殖净收益直接影响对虾养殖户的生产积极性,进而影响对虾养殖产业持续稳定健康发展。文章以山东省、江苏省和广东省对虾养殖户的调查数据为依据,运用多元线性回归模型,对对虾养殖净收益的影响因素进行实证分析。结果表明,影响对虾养殖净收益的3个主要因素是:①每年对虾养殖的造数;②是否参加对虾养殖农业合作社;③对虾出塘的销售价格。对虾养殖者的年龄,受教育程度,是否混养其他品种生物,养殖模式,养殖面积对对虾养殖净收益影响不显著。基于回归结果,笔者提出完善对虾养殖基础设施;发展对虾养殖农业合作社和养殖协会;建立稳定的对虾市场价格调控体系等政策建议。  相似文献   

Work migration is increasing in Norway, particularly in the production sector of the aquaculture industry. This sector is growing rapidly and manual labor needed in the industry is consistently being sought through Eastern European networks and temp-agencies. This article looks at the island community of Frøya, in Sør Trøndelag in Norway, where around 20% of the population is of foreign descent, and where stakeholders in the production line experience a lack of upward mobility due to their lack of Norwegian language skills, and the insecure nature of their employment status. The capacity of the island community to adapt to a 3-fold increase in aquaculture production will depend on this segment of society as well being able to adjust, and on their inclusiveness in society. Based on a stakeholder driven workshop looking at the perceptions of a set of foreign workers in the aquaculture industry,segmented labor market theory was applied to the experience of the workers. The priority issues of the migrant population of Frøya involved in the aquaculture industry was also explained, and their wish for upward mobility and job security, as well as inclusiveness in society elaborated upon. This upward mobility, however, would lead to the bottom segment of the labor market on Frøya – the aquaculture production line – to have to be filled with another lower segment group of workers.  相似文献   

Brazilian legislation defines coastal zone as a national patrimony – the geographic space of interaction of air, sea and land formed by the counties directly influenced, but not necessarily by those located in the coastline; also included are those distant until 50 km from the coastline, holding activities of great impact for the coastal zone or its ecosystems. The definition includes also the territorial sea of 12 nautical miles. Coastal management is conducted by a national plan legally enforced, complemented by states and counties plans, and a coastal ecologic-economic zoning limited to small portions of the coastal zone. A resolution of the “Environmental National Council” defines as “permanent preservation areas”, of very restricted use, coastal ecosystems as mangroves, sand dunes, and reproduction sites of wild fauna. One could expect that the Brazilian coast should be more protected and properly managed than other countries where a national management plan is lacking (Argentina) or where the guidelines exist but are not yet legally enforced (South Africa). Notwithstanding, we note today in Brazil an intensification of conflicts opposing small-scale vs. industrial fishermen; shrimp farming vs. mangrove crab harvesting; resorts installation vs. native communities; oil and gas activities vs. NGOs; and conflicts on environmental permit between federal and state governmental agencies. This paper evaluates the possible reasons for the failure of the complex legal suite available in Brazil and suggests that participatory management and concerted actions with relevant stakeholders are the key elements for the successful cases.  相似文献   

The impact of milkfish fish pens on the distribution of the alpheid shrimp Alpheus macellarius was studied in the Bolinao area, Philippines. In addition, the impact of the alpheid shrimp on sediment biogeochemistry, including organic matter mineralization, nutrient and sulfur cycling was compared in sediments affected and unaffected by fish farming. The fish farming activity had negative impact on the distribution of shrimps by reducing the abundance up to 60% in the vicinity of the net pens, and to almost absence inside the net pens. At a farm site abandoned seven month prior to sampling the abundance of shrimps was still low and sediment pools of reduced sulfur high, indicating a slow benthic recovery. The shrimp had large physical impact on the sediments, and the mineralization rates were stimulated by the presence of the shrimp in pristine sediments, whereas the fish farm impacted sites showed high mineralization rates both in sediments with and without the presence of the shrimp suggesting that the organic matter enrichment stimulated the mineralization in these low-organic sediments, whereas the shrimp had less impact. Sulfate reduction rates and in particular pools of sulfides increased in the farm impacted sediments, and sulfate reduction was an important process for organic matter mineralization (>67%) in all sediments. Although the shrimp had minor effect on the organic matter mineralization and nutrient fluxes in the farm impacted sediments, they appeared to increase the oxidation of sulfides by increasing the zone of oxidized surface sediment and thereby improving the sediment conditions for recolonization after fish farming has ceased.  相似文献   

The Sundarbans region of West Bengal in India is inhabited by small-scale farmers and traditional rice paddy-cum-prawn cultivators. Recent policy initiatives by the Government of India may facilitate expansion of commercial shrimp aquaculture in the future, setting the stage for potential conflicts between local stakeholders. We used qualitative and quantitative methods to analyse the preferences of local stakeholders for alternative management options related to shrimp aquaculture development in the region. We then derived management recommendations for the development of shrimp aquaculture in the region that would minimize the environmental impacts of shrimp aquaculture, distribute the economic benefits of shrimp aquaculture more equally and develop alternative opportunities for income generation, especially for shrimp Fry Collectors.  相似文献   

Geological surveys of Australia’s marine territory have revealed significant potential for development of a marine resource industry. As onshore mineral deposits become harder to find, less accessible to their market and more challenging to extract, seafloor exploration and mining becomes an economically viable option. However, evidence from industry and environmental literature suggests that social acceptance will be important in determining the future of this industry in Australia. This paper reports on findings from research investigating the social viability of seafloor mining in Australia. A combination of interviews and focus groups were used to explore industry and community reactions to the possible development of seafloor mining in Australia. Although stakeholders’ reactions were variable, the majority of the participants were reluctant to see development of seafloor mining in Australia, primarily because of concerns about the industry’s potential environmental impact. All stakeholders sought further information about the benefits and costs associated with the industry suggesting that they did not yet have a fixed attitude towards the industry. Stakeholders favoured a precautionary approach towards the industry, supported by rigorous scientific analysis of the potential environmental impacts, transparent and socially responsive management processes and meaningful engagement with stakeholders.  相似文献   

文章基于“结构-行为-绩效”(SCP)范式,从市场结构、市场行为和市场绩效3个方面分析海南省的海水鱼养殖产业。发现:海水鱼养殖业属于原子型市场结构,市场集中度较低,龙头企业竞争力不足;总体进入壁垒较低,市场进入难度较小;种苗产业链分工和定价随机性强,鱼卵价格出现经常性短期波动;海水养殖业资源配置效率较低,许多企业面临环保督察、经营管理、人力资源等诸多危机,产业技术进步贡献度不足。因此,提出如下建议:海南海水鱼养殖业需要在兼顾生态文明建设的前提下,政府需要制定长远的渔业发展规划;加快推进行业的分工与专业化的生产;通过兼并、强强联合加快推进规模经济,进一步提高产品附加值,提高产业综合竞争力。  相似文献   

我国是全球最大的大黄鱼养殖国和出口国。为提升我国大黄鱼的产业发展和国际贸易水平,文章分析我国大黄鱼的出口贸易结构,分别采用显性比较优势指数、出口产品质量升级指数和贸易竞争力指数分析我国大黄鱼的国际竞争力,并在分析影响因素的基础上提出建议。研究结果表明:2008—2017年我国大黄鱼的出口规模总体稳定,出口额增长,出口量下降;我国大黄鱼的出口市场集中在亚洲国家和地区;我国大黄鱼的比较优势极强但正在减弱,以出口价格反映的产品质量偶有下降但总体提升,相对于国际市场同种产品的竞争优势较强,总体来看国际竞争力较高,但仍有提升的空间;影响我国大黄鱼出口贸易结构和国际竞争力的因素主要包括地区饮食习惯、相关行业发展、国际贸易壁垒和产业发展空间,未来我国大黄鱼的生产和贸易应充分发挥产业比较优势、合理规划产业发展空间、积极开拓新兴出口市场和有效应对国际贸易壁垒。  相似文献   

The Bangladeshi shrimp industry brings substantial economic benefits to the Bangladesh economy, as well as significant, negative socio-economic and environmental externalities. Despite numerous domestic environmental protection laws on the shrimp industry, serious concerns regarding biodiversity and coastal protection remain as Bangladesh continues to promote a sustainable shrimp industry.These issues present several impediments to improved environmental outcomes, as well as to compliance with key multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs) entered into by the Bangladeshi government. This article examines the key environmental legislation regulating the domestic shrimp industry, and analyzes the industry's compliance with MEA obligations. This article also recommends potential areas for domestic reform to improve compliance and to promote a sustainable shrimp industry for Bangladesh.  相似文献   

The dearth of generally available, failure data that can be directly applied to marine energy converters (MECs) has been commented on for some years. The advancement of the industry will be fundamentally linked to proven reliability assessments, which is difficult on an industry wide basis. This paper describes how targeted component reliability testing could enable the establishment of relevant failure rate data for the marine renewable energy industry. The necessity of dedicated component testing is briefly reviewed for the wave energy sector together with the experience from other industries. A generic procedure used in test intensive industries for service simulation testing is outlined and applied to wave tank mooring tests. By means of a rainflow analysis procedure and the Palmgren–Miner rule the most severe load cycles, largely contributing to the fatigue damage are identified and reproduced for a possible component test signal. The application of the suggested generic test approach will assist marine energy stakeholders in obtaining evidence of component reliability under simulated operational conditions much more rapidly than can be achieved with prototypes under normal service conditions. Importantly, this would also allow a more accurate estimate of field failure rates and could reveal possible failure modes/design weaknesses ahead of field deployments.  相似文献   

Shrimp farming development in southern Sinaloa and its effects on coastal environments were analyzed by municipalities and by region. The study was made on 24 farms that represent 89% of the total farms in the region. This activity grew from 100 to 1820 ha after 14 yr, but there were no serious alterations of the landscape as a consequence of the farm construction, with the exception of those that had invaded lagoon systems. Most of the farms were built on saline, low-productive soils. However, some natural processes in the estuarine systems such as silting and hydrodynamics could have been modified because of the shrimp farm infrastructure (channels, dredging). The characteristics of the activity in the region are similar to those at state and national levels. Most operations are semiintensive systems with white, blue, and brown shrimp as the cultured species. The regional shrimp farms have not developed as much as the ones in other parts of the state, but growth is increasing gradually. We suggest that the development of this activity must be regulated, taking into account characteristics of the estuarine systems, and must incorporate a regional view, including some other interacting activities such as agriculture and fishing, to evaluate its growth potential.  相似文献   

随着经济全球化的发展,港口在整个社会生产和流通中的地位越来越重要,港口资源的开发利用强度也越来越大,舟山等城市的港口职能化现象明显.如何确保港口资源型城市的可持续发展,是迫切需要解决的问题.以舟山这一典型的港口资源型城市为例,从舟山市的自身特点出发,在叙述该市港口和临港工业发展现状和存在问题的基础上,通过建模分析,提出舟山港口资源型城市可持续发展的若干对策建议.  相似文献   

Sustainable farming is a critical issue in aquaculture development. The concept is well understood but the issue is that of methodology for implementing it. It is well recognized that fragmented holdings have been a major constraint in the implementation of farming practices by small-scale farmers. In India 80 per cent of the shrimp production comes from small and marginal holdings which follow different systems of production, including the traditional `pokkali’ farms of Kerala state, improved traditional farming, and scientific methods. Group farming, which was highly successful in paddy farming, was tested among small-scale shrimp farmers practicing paddy and shrimp farming in rotation in a cluster of `pokkali’ fields in Kerala. The model served as an effective extension intervention to educate farmers on sustainability while helping them to improve their farming practices. The farmers, including women, could be equipped with the technology for farming not only shrimp but also finfish, crab and aquaculture feed production by strengthening the farmer–extensionist–researcher–political–administrative linkages. The work was done during 1993–1996 at the Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Cochin, India. The study formed a part of the action research project on empowerment of rural communities through extension.  相似文献   

This article presents a framework for fisheries sector analysis based on the literatures on global value chains (GVCs) and global production networks (GPNs). A value chain approach offers an alternative to focusing primarily on policy as an explanatory variable, by bringing into focus relations among buyers, sellers and other stakeholders as well as their institutional context. After outlining the utility of this approach, the article identifies three questions at the forefront of contemporary debates on the dynamics of GVCs and GPNs. Namely: (1) How institutional context affects distributional and regulatory outcomes; (2) The conditions under which particular institutions that limit or regulate market forces are either productive or perverse; and (3) Why and how particular markets are constituted in the ways that they are. The article then showcases some of the central findings from the case studies brought together in this thematic issue, demonstrating how they contribute to current analytic debates surrounding value chains and core substantive problems facing both fisheries and those engaged in the fishing industry.  相似文献   

India's Sundarbans region lies within the state of West Bengal and is part of the world's largest mangrove ecosystem. Low-intensity shrimp aquaculture is present, but the potential exists for more intensive development. We argue for avoiding environmental damage and social conflict by adopting appropriate policies now. In this study, we combine ecological simulations and a choice experiment to evaluate several policy scenarios. Such comparative evaluations combining different disciplinary tools are rare. While our ecological modelling supports severe restrictions on shrimp farming activities, local stakeholders prefer a more diverse strategy. Both models indicate that large-scale commercial shrimp aquaculture is least desirable.  相似文献   

Tourism is accepted as natural part of the socioeconomic fabric and is juxtaposed with fisheries in some coastal areas in Taiwan. This is the result of governmental policy on diversifying fisheries into tourism. This paper examines how this policy plays out in the context of a declining offshore fisheries industry and a rising demand for marine leisure opportunities. The paper utilizes documentary analysis and personal interviews with relevant stakeholders. It shows diversifying fisheries into tourism is the right direction for progress on the government agenda. However, conflicts between resource users, lack of community capacity, fisher’s business skills, and human resources in local governments, and low market penetration combined together to militate against the success of the policy. It argues for the need to establish negotiation mechanisms, build community capacity, encourage education and training programs, and introduce new coastal economic activities for future improvement. The paper finally suggests a holistic approach with integrated coastal management practices for the fisheries diversification development.  相似文献   

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