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Faceted garnets from a wide range of geological ages, environments and locations have been studied in polished grain mounts by a combination of backscattered electron microscopy and elemental mapping using energy-dispersive X-ray analysis. In all cases, the areas apparently showing positive relief on the faceted garnet surfaces are compositionally identical to the adjacent grain cores despite a wide variation in detrital garnet compositions. In one case, zoning within the grain core can be traced into the faceted areas on the grain surface. Thus, faceted areas must be considered to form part of the original detrital grains. Together with previously published studies on experimental garnet etching, thermodynamic conditions for garnet growth, textural relationships between faceted garnets and authigenic and detrital phases, and distribution of faceted garnets in the subsurface, this paper provides conclusive proof that faceted garnet surfaces form as a result of dissolution, not overgrowth.  相似文献   

The experimentally determined equilibrium curves for the subsolidus olivineplagioclase reaction fall into two groups: those with positive slopes (dP/dT) that suggest reaction during cooling, and those with zero slopes that imply reaction by increase of pressure. Corona structures were developed in the mafic cumulates of northern Norway at different times during Caledonian almandine amphibolite facies metamorphism, as individual intrusions cooled from solidus temperatures. Unless pressure increases coincided fortuitously with subsolidus cooling, these relationships suggest that the positive-slope models are most analogous to natural systems.  相似文献   

GERAINT OWEN 《Sedimentology》1994,41(2):211-213
Current crescents are well preserved on the upper surfaces of quartzite beds in the Lower Cambrian Herreria Formation of the Cantabrian Mountains in northern Spain. Within a sequence of nearshore deposits, the current crescents are interpreted as having formed by flow separation of wave backwash around obstacles on a beach. The obstacles are not preserved and are inferred to have been perishable organic material, such as stranded algae or jellyfish, which subsequently decayed.  相似文献   

Unusually thick, coarse grained edgewise intraclast conglomerates occur at eight or more horizons within subtidal nodular and ribbon bedded wackestones and packstones of the Lower Cambrian Sellick Hill Formation, South Australia. The intraclast beds are flat based and laterally discontinuous, forming bar-like structures that must have exhibited bathymetric relief of as much as 1 m. The internal fabrics of these beds are variable. Thinner beds are dominated by flat-lying intraclasts; thicker beds contain both chaotic, randomly oriented, steeply inclined intraclasts and clusters of fan-shaped, vertically stacked edgewise intraclasts. The Sellick Hill Formation intraclast conglomerates are inferred to have been formed by intense, storm-generated combined flows on a broad, subtidal carbonate ramp. Superimposition of wave-induced oscillatory motions on geostrophic bottom flows during large storms generates short-lived, but exceptionally high instantaneous shear stresses in the bottom boundary layer. Entrainment of the relatively large intraclasts occurs through sliding, rather than pivoting. Edgewise fabrics are a product of asymmetric acceleration and deceleration of intraclasts during passage of waves and the chaotic nature of collisions between intraclasts moving within the boundary layer. Collisions between intraclasts impart a rotating moment, causing intraclasts to tip up during maximum fluid shear stress. Lodgement or packing of clasts in vertical or steeply inclined positions occurs within scours, where intraclasts can wedge between other vertically inclined clasts, or where intraclasts are pinned in steep orientations by collisions with shallowly inclined intraclasts. Differential erosional resistance of the intraclast deposits probably led to the development of sharp lateral changes in thickness. The Sellick Hill Formation intraclast conglomerates record erosion and reworking of subtidal, subfairweather wave base environments by exceptionally intense and presumably rare storm flows. The intraclast horizons represent a substantial loss in stratigraphic resolution due to widespread erosion of the ramp.  相似文献   

An integrated approach of petrographic analysis, whole rock geochemistry and microprobe analysis has been applied to obtain information on the geodynamic development and the provenance for Ordovician to Permian siliciclastic successions exposed within the Carnic Alps (Austria). Sandstone detrital mode and geochemical results refine previous geodynamic interpretations. Late Ordovician samples indicate a stable craton and recycled orogenic and, possible, extensional setting. The Early Carboniferous is interpreted to represent a compressional environment, followed by a Late Carboniferous molasse-type foreland basin, and a Permian extensional geodynamic setting. Contrasting geochemical patterns of post-Variscan and Permian sequences suggest a rift setting. Electron microprobe data of detrital white mica also indicate changes in the provenance. Compositional data reflect a shift from low- to medium-grade metamorphic (Ordovician) to high-grade metamorphic (Carboniferous) to low- to medium-grade metamorphic and plutonic source rocks (Permian). Additionally, our data show that various chemical discrimination diagrams do not include all possible ranges of sandstones, and that high contents of detrital mica and ultra-stable heavy minerals may cause misclassification. Consequently, we propose the use of multi-method approach for provenance studies, including the control of geochemical data by modal analysis and heavy mineral investigations.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Usually well preserved fluidization pillars and sand filled fluidization pipes occur within submarine channel sands of the basal Uratanna Formation (Lower Cambrian) in the Adelaide Geosyncline of South Australia. The morphology of these structures reflects complex lateral and vertical movement of fluids during liquefaction and dewatering. Fluidization pipes acted as conduits for highly concentrated, upward directed fluid flow. The formation and maintenance of these pipes was dependent upon the development of a pipe wall composed of clay plugged fine sand. Formed during initial fluidization, this lining acted as a permeability barrier, confining and concentrating fluidized flow within the pipe. Each of the pipes is surrounded by a cylindrical fluidization halo in which leakage through the pipe lining produced partial fluidization of the surrounding sediment. Fine scale structures within these haloes indicate that fluids flowed radially and upward out of the fluidization pipes at an acute angle. These fluids merged with and influenced the orientation and size of adjacent fluidization pillars. The fluidization pipes of the Uratanna Formation may represent unusual preservation of the unstable fluid flow conditions that occur during incipient fluidization of sand beds.  相似文献   

Abstract Linking siliciclastic diagenesis to sequence stratigraphy allows a better understanding of the parameters controlling the spatial and temporal distribution of diagenetic alterations, and hence of reservoir quality. A study of the coal-bearing, alluvial, deltaic, estuarine and shallow-marine sandstones of the Rio Bonito Formation, early Permian, Paraná Basin (southern Brazil), reveals that the distribution of diagenetic alterations and of related reservoir quality evolution can be constrained within a sequence stratigraphic framework. Calcite, dolomite, siderite, kaolinite and pyrite cementation is consistently linked to sequence and parasequence boundaries, transgressive and maximum flooding surfaces and is systematically distributed within lowstand, transgressive and highstand systems tracts. Diagenesis of coal layers at parasequence boundaries has promoted the formation of stratabound calcite (detectable in resistivity wire line logs), concretionary pyrite and kaolinite and of silicate grain dissolution in sandstones located above and below these boundaries, particularly in the transgressive systems tract. Meteoric water diagenesis caused grain dissolution and the formation of kaolinite in sandstones below sequence boundaries and in lowstand systems tract sandstones. Carbonate bioclasts and low sedimentation rates in lag deposits at parasequence boundaries, transgressive and maximum flooding surfaces favoured the formation of grain-rimming siderite. The results of this study are relevant to the exploration of coal-bed methane and other coal-bearing reservoirs, where it is crucial to unravel and predict the distribution and quality of reservoirs and compartments.  相似文献   

Dolomites from the upper calcareous-siliceous member of the Miocene Monterey Formation exposed west of Santa Barbara, California, were analysed for geochemical, isotopic and crystallographic variation. The data clearly document the progressive recrystallization of dolomite during burial diagenesis in marine pore fluids. Recrystallization is recognized by the following compositional and crystallographic variations. Dolomites have decreasing δ18O and δ13C compositions, decreasing Sr contents and increasing Mg contents with increasing burial depths and temperatures from east to west in the study area. δ18O values vary from 5·3‰ in the east to − 5·5‰ PDB in the west and are interpreted to reflect the greater extent and higher temperature of dolomite recrystallization in the west. δ13C values correlate with δ18O and decrease from 13·6‰ in the east to − 8·7‰ PDB in the west. Sr concentrations correlate positively with δ18O values and decrease from a mean of 750 ppm in the east to a mean of 250 ppm in the west. Mol% MgCO3 values inversely correlate with δ18O values and increase from a minimum of 41·0 in the east to a maximum of 51·4 in the west. Rietveld refinements of powder X-ray diffraction data indicate that the more recrystallized dolomites have more contracted unit cells and increased cation ordering. The fraction of the Ca sites in the dolomites that are occupied by Ca atoms increases slightly with the approach to stoichiometry. The fraction of the Mg sites occupied by Mg atoms strongly correlates with mol% MgCO3. Even in early diagenetic, non-stoichiometric dolomites, there is little substitution of Mg in Ca sites. During recrystallization, the amount of Mg substituting for Ca in Ca sites decreases even further. Most of the disorder in the least recrystallized, non-stoichiometric dolomites is related to substitution of excess Ca on Mg sites.  相似文献   

Reading provenance from heavy-mineral suites is hampered by the depletion of diagnostic, but unstable, heavy minerals through intrastratal solution, a common phenomenon in deep sedimentary basins such as the North Sea. This paper demonstrates the potential of electron microprobe analysis in overcoming this problem, by concentrating on the compositional variations shown by detrital garnets, which are relatively resistant to intrastratal solution. Studies of the garnets from the Brent Group (Middle Jurassic) of the Murchison and Tern oilfields in the northern North Sea reveal that three distinct areas supplied detritus. Association 1 which characterizes the Broom Formation in both areas and recurs higher in the sequence in the Tern field, is ascribed to an Orkney-Shetland source. The location of the areas supplying the garnets of Association 2, best represented in Murchison, and Association 3, common to both fields, is less clear. Their ultimate sources clearly include high-grade metamorphics, and therefore probably lie on the Norwegian landmass, the Orkney-Shetland Platform, or, conceivably, the Scottish landmass, but the possibility of recycling makes it difficult to judge their immediate provenances. Nevertheless, the presence of three garnet associations indicates that the most widely accepted model of Brent sedimentation, with sands derived from a domal uplift in the outer Moray Firth and channelled northward along the Viking Graben, is untenable.  相似文献   

寒武纪微生物岩中的Girvanella化石在地层中广泛分布,这为微生物参与微生物岩的形成提供了更直观的证据.豫西渑池地区寒武系第三统馒头组二段碳酸盐岩中发育了数量丰富的微生物岩类型——核形石,其核心、纹层及围岩中保存的Girvanella丝状体化石具有密度大、完整度高的特点.对核形石的微观分析表明,其核心、包壳等各个部位均大量保存有Girvanella丝状体.这些丝状体为任意弯曲、不分节、不分枝的管状集合体,单管直径约为20 μm,最大延伸长度约为400 μm.核形石核心以丝状体包绕的灰泥团块或砾屑为特征,局部可见丝状体包绕生物碎屑成核;包壳内的丝状体多出现在暗色纹层中,其分布表现为缠绕叠覆、穿层、凸起和匍匐(或水平状)这4种方式.在核形石的任意部位,Girvanella丝状体均具有相似的分布形式,表明它们的生长条件是相似的.核形石中Girvanella丝状体的大量出现与其形成于低能的滨岸鲕粒滩滩间或滩后低洼地带有关,这种低能条件对Girvanella的生长及保存十分有利.对研究区核形石中的Girvanella化石在微生物岩中的分布特征、微组构等的进一步研究将为寒武纪其他微生物岩的成因及微生物与环境的相互作用提供重要实证.   相似文献   

本文以济阳坳陷埕东油田北坡馆陶组河流相砂岩为例,详细阐述了河流相砂体的沉积微相研究方法,将研究区的河流相砂体划分为曲流河、网状河和辫状河三种沉积相,并进一步划分为七类主要的沉积微相。通过单井剖面和井间剖面对比分析,研究沉积微相在垂向上和平面上的变化规律,在此基础上结合地震资料的精细解释,编制了研究区内不同砂层组沉积时期沉积微相平面展布图。  相似文献   

Hopane hydrocarbons contained in organic matter from the Lower Cambrian Sinyaya Formation, southeast of the Siberian platform, were analyzed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. This study first identified C28 28, 30-bisnorhopane and its homologues present in high concentrations in autochthonous organic matter from East Siberian sedimentary basins. These biomarkers can be used in distinguishing between the sources of naphthides on the northern slope of the Aldan anteclise. Two saturated naphthenic hydrocarbons, C31 homohopene and C31 28-norhomohopene, were also detected. This study provides some details on hopane distribution, organic matter accumulation conditions, and the degree of OM catagenesis.  相似文献   

This work examines the different effects meteoric versus marine diagenesis had on Cambro-Ordovician tidal sandstones during episodes of fluctuating sea level. The distribution of diagenetic fabrics was compared to a sequence stratigraphic framework. Initially, a rise in relative sea level (RSL) resulted in deposition of transgressive systems tract sands directly onto crystalline basement. These sandstones display evidence of limited cementation by marine, grain-fringing dogtooth-like and fibrous calcite. A fall in RSL resulted in the progradation of a tidal flat complex and deposition of highstand systems tract (HST) and lowstand systems tract (braided fluvial) sandstones. Contemporaneous meteoric-water flux into sands of all the systems tracts occurred. Sequence boundaries (SB) are marked by fluvial incision of tidal sands and by the development of palaeosols. Meteoric incursion during sea-level lowstands resulted in the dissolution and kaolinitization of feldspars, micas and mud intraclasts in all systems tracts, but is most extensive in HST sandstones below the SB. The effect of meteoric-water flux on the dissolution of marine calcite cements is poorly known. Mesogenetic alterations include intergranular pressure dissolution and formation of variable amounts of syntaxial quartz overgrowths in all systems tracts. Telogenetic alteration (i.e. weathering) in the sandstones includes the formation of goethite and calcite. Thus, the integration of diagenesis with sequence stratigraphy provides a useful tool with which to understand reservoir-quality distribution in sand-dominated, tidal sediments.  相似文献   

豫西登封地区寒武系第三统馒头组三段发育了一套含大量生物成因构造的碳酸盐岩风暴沉积。风暴沉积标志包括冲刷面构造、砾屑灰岩及各类交错层理,生物成因构造包括微生物成因构造-叠层石及后生动物扰动构造-各类垂直潜穴。该区风暴沉积包括3种沉积序列:序列1由侵蚀底面、砾屑灰岩段和交错层理段组成,代表了风暴高峰期和衰减期形成的原地型风暴沉积;序列2由侵蚀底面、砾屑灰岩段和泥岩、泥灰岩段组成,为风暴高峰期和间歇期形成的近源型风暴沉积;序列3由侵蚀底面、交错层理段和叠层石灰岩段组成,反映了风暴衰减期和间歇期形成的远源型风暴沉积。这些风暴沉积代表了不同风暴作用留下的多期不完整风暴沉积记录。  相似文献   

Sandstones from the Neoproterozoic Jinshanzhai Formation in northern Anhui Province, China, were analyzed for major oxides and trace elements to infer their provenance, the intensity of paleo-weathering of their source rocks and the depositional tectonic setting. Diagrams of (SiO2/20)-(Na2O+K2O)-(MgO+TiO2+FeO*), TiO2-Ni, Th-Hf-Co, Hf-La/Th and some ratios of elements indicate that felsic rocks constitute the source rocks in the provenance. The values of Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) are low, which are considered to be affected by K-metasomatism. Whereas the high CIW (Chemical Index of Weathering) values indicate intensive weathering of the source material. Plots of sandstones on bivariate and triangle discriminant diagrams, as well as ICV (Index of Compositional Variation) values revealed that they were deposited on a passive continental margin or in an intra-plate basin. Our recent study, in combination with previous studies and the research progress of the Rodinia super continent, demonstrated that the convergence and extension of the Rodinia super continent were preserved by twice extension as expressed by petrological variation of the southeastern margin of the North China Craton (NCC) during the Neoproterozoic.  相似文献   

Chlorite rims are the most common type of authigenic chlorite in sandstones, and attract particular attention because they are always found in high-quality sandstone reservoirs. This study researches chlorite rims in sandstones of the Chang 9 oil-bearing member of the Triassic Yanchang Formation in the Ordos basin, China. Using casting thin sections, a scanning electron microscope and porosity–permeability data, the following issues were addressed: (1) the formation stage of chlorite rims, (2) the relationship of chlorite rim formation to other diagenetic features, and (3) the relationship of chlorite rims with sandstone reservoir quality. From the results, the following conclusions can be drawn: (1) chlorite rims form during the A–B phase of eodiagenesis, (2) chlorite rims cannot enhance the mechanical strength of rocks and their ability to resist compaction, (3) the reason that chlorite rims inhibit quartz secondary enlargement is a change in pH and silica concentration leading to the cessation of quartz growth. However, chlorite rims have no relationship with the formation of later idiomorphic authigenic quartz; (4) chlorite rims cannot enhance the reservoir quality of sandstone, but can be an indicator of high primary intergranular porosity.  相似文献   

河南登封地区寒武系第三统馒头组二段发育有三种类型的核形石:球状、椭球状核形石与大型柱状叠层石伴生,形成于高能的潮下带;长卵形核形石与小型柱状叠层石伴生,形成于低到中等能量的潮间带;不规则状核形石与近水平状、缓波状叠层石伴生,形成于低能的潮上带和潮间带。从核形石的成因可以看出,核形石等微生物成因构造与后生动物扰动构造存在耦合关系,水动力条件是核形石形态类型变化的决定因素,泥质(陆源物质)供应是影响核形石生长及消亡的直接因素。  相似文献   

粤北晚泥盆世天子岭组遗迹组构及其环境解释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
遗迹组构是由生物成因改造的沉积岩组构,它是物理过程和生物过程相互作用的产物。本文在广东韶关晚泥盆世天子岭组碳酸盐岩沉积中建立了4个遗迹组构,即反映局限台地或封闭海湾环境的Planolies montanus遗迹组构,反映台地潮下低能环境的Thalassinoides—Planolites遗迹组构,反映潮上-潮间环境的.Skolithos遗迹组构和受固底底质控制的Thalassinoides遗迹组构。对遗迹化石和生物扰动构造进行阶层分析,从中识别出受固底底质控制的遗迹化石Thalassinoides.sp,这类遗迹化石常常代表层序地层学中的重要界面。  相似文献   

豫西渑池地区寒武系第三统馒头组二段主要由紫红色、褐黄色页岩夹叠层石灰岩、核形石灰岩和鲕粒灰岩组成,其 下部灰岩中富含核形石,形态和纹层结构多不规则,可见弯曲、不分枝的葛万菌(Girvanella )管状体呈密集而不规则的网 状缠绕于核心和暗色纹层中,在亮纹层中则少些。含核形石地层呈薄层或透镜状夹于鲕粒灰岩之间或被潮上带泥岩覆盖, 形成于低能的滨岸鲕粒滩滩间或滩后洼地。从核形石的特征可以看出,后生动物的匮乏或衰退是渑池地区馒头组二段核形 石产生的决定性因素,不同的水动力条件造就了核形石形态类型的多样化,持续动荡的高能条件和大量泥质(陆源物质) 供应直接导致了核形石消亡。  相似文献   

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