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By use of GMS-4 infrared brightness temperature and visible albedo data from January to February in 1995,the method for extracting of sea ice parameters is developed.The digital remote sensing picture is obtained on Liaodong Bay.Based on the difference in physical properties between ice and water,a criterion distinguishing ice from water is set up.Ice thickness has been calculated according to the relationship between ice thickness and brightness as well as albedo.Ice concentration is retrieved due to the difference on albedo between ice and water.The results indicate that the accuracy of ice-water distinguishing is 84.8%,the errors of ice thickness and ice concentration are 3.8 cm and 22%,respectively.  相似文献   

GMS实时资料遥感海冰的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用1995年1,2月GMS-4的红外亮温和可见光反照率资料,以辽东湾海冰为对象,根据冰水物理特性的差异,建立了冰水识别的判据和冰厚与亮温、反照率的对应关系,反演出冰厚和冰密集度数字分布。结果表明,冰水识别的准确率为84.8%,冰厚反演误差为3.8cm,密集度反演误差为22%。  相似文献   

EOS/MODIS卫星对渤海海冰的观测研究   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
本文对MODIS数据进行了处理和分析,探讨了利用MODIS数据提取渤海海冰信息的方法,得到三个不同时相的海冰分布情况。研究结果表明,利用MODIS提取的海冰纹理很清楚,可以很好的刻画出海冰的外缘线及冰块之间的缝隙。因此,利用MODIS准确监测海冰的分布及其面积变化是十分可行的。  相似文献   

由GMS卫星资料获取我国夏季地表辐射收支   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
陈渭民  高庆先  洪刚 《大气科学》1997,21(2):238-246
地表辐射收支是一个重要的基本辐射参数,本文导得卫星可见光和红外波段测值与地表辐射收支的基本关系,据此利用GMS静止气象卫星可见光和红外通道数值化资料和地面辐射收支观测资料,建立了几个由卫星资料估计地面辐射收支的模式,选择效果最佳的一种模式,通过内插方法求取全国辐射收支分布,回归效果与实测结果比较表明,方法有实际应用价值。  相似文献   

By using a 2-layer AGCM designed by Institute of Atmospheric Physics,Chinese Academy ofSciences.this paper investigates influences of thickness and extent variations in Arctic sea ice onthe atmosphere circulation,particularly on climate variations in East Asia.The simulation resuhshave indicated that sea ice thickness variation in the Arctic exhibits significant influences onsimulation results,particularly on East Asian monsoon.A nearly reasonable distribution of sea icethickness in the model leads directly to stronger winter and summer monsoon over East Asia.andimproves the model's simulation results for Siberia high and Icelandic low in winter.On the otherhand,sea ice thickness variation can excite a teleconnection wave train across Asian Continent,andin low latitudes,the wave propagates from the western Pacific across the equator to the easternPacific.In addition,the variation of sea ice thickness also influences summer convective activitiesover the low latitudes including South China Sea and around the Philippines.Effects of winter sea ice extents in the Barents Sea on atmospheric circulation in the followingspring and summer are also significant.The simulation result shows that when winter sea iceextent in the target region is larger (smaller) than normal.(1)in the following spring (averagedfrom April to June).positive (negative) SLP anomalies occupy the northern central Pacific.whichleads directly to weakened (deepened)Aleutian low.and further favors the light (heavy) sea icecondition in the Bering Sea:(2)in the following summer,thermal depression in Asian Continent isdeepened (weakened).and the subtropical high in the northwestern Pacific shifts northward(southward) from its normal position and to be strengthened (weakened).  相似文献   

By using a 2-layer AGCM designed by Institute of Atmospheric Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences.this paper investigates influences of thickness and extent variations in Arctic sea ice on the atmosphere circulation,particularly on climate variations in East Asia.The simulation results have indicated that sea ice thickness variation in the Arctic exhibits significant influences on simulation results,particularly on East Asian monsoon.A nearly reasonable distribution of sea ice thickness in the model leads directly to stronger winter and summer monsoon over East Asia.and improves the model's simulation results for Siberia high and Icelandic low in winter.On the other hand,sea ice thickness variation can excite a teleconnection wave train across Asian Continent,and in low latitudes,the wave propagates from the western Pacific across the equator to the eastern Pacific.In addition,the variation of sea ice thickness also influences summer convective activitiesover the low latitudes including South China Sea and around the Philippines.Effects of winter sea ice extents in the Barents Sea on atmospheric circulation in the following spring and summer are also significant.The simulation result shows that when winter sea ice extent in the target region is larger (smaller) than normal.(1)in the following spring (averaged from April to June).positive (negative) SLP anomalies occupy the northern central Pacific.which leads directly to weakened (deepened)Aleutian low.and further favors the light (heavy) sea ice condition in the Bering Sea:(2)in the following summer,thermal depression in Asian Continent is deepened (weakened).and the subtropical high in the northwestern Pacific shifts northward(southward) from its normal position and to be strengthened (weakened).  相似文献   

北极海冰对青海省春季(3—5月)降水的可能影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
用北极海冰面积指数及北半球500hPa高度资料、青海省春季降水资料,分析了它们之间的相互关系。结果表明北极海冰面积Q指数和M指数与我省春季降水的相关性较为一致,即相关性较好的区域皆为Ⅱ区,相关性较好的月份毕为当年1、3、4月及春季3-5月和前一年的6-8月;海冰是通过影响大气环流系统从而影响我省春季降水的,当年春季和前一年夏季海冰面积的变化对青海省春季降水的影响最明显。  相似文献   

In order to study the mechanisms of climate natural variability under the united effects of antarc-tic ice cover(AIC)and sea surface temperature(SST),we have done a series of numerical experi-ments for the climate variability of the period from January 1981 to December 1983 by using a three-level atmospheric general circulation model(AGCM).Firstly we conduct climate integration for sixyears,then 3 years'control integration from January 16 of the seventh year.Moreover,we do threesensitivity experiments,which are the sensitivity experiments forced by observed SST and AIC.ob-served SST and climatic AIC,observed AIC and climatic SST respectively,to study the climate vari-ability and its mechanisms affected by SST and AIC.We put emphasis on the variability of East Asiamonsoon and the Southern Hemisphere(SH)circulation.In this paper,introduction is made to theresults of control test and the sensitivity experiment forced by observed SST and AIC,and the pre-dictability of the monsoon climate variability is discussed.  相似文献   

用GMS—5气象卫星资料遥感监测白天雾的研究   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
用日本GMS-5静止气象卫星的可见光通道和长波红外通道的资料,采用多通道合成和图像增强技术生成云雾彩色图像,分析了云雾的纹理特征、运动规律和消散规律,探讨了白天雾和低层云的遥感监测和识别方法,对沪宁高速公路沿线大雾进行了实时监测。  相似文献   

In order to study the mechanisms of climate natural variability under the united effects of antarctic ice cover(AIC) and sea surface temperature(SST),we have done a series of numerical experiments for the climate variability of the period from January 1981 to December 1983 by using a threelevel atmospheric general circulation model(AGCM).Firstly we conduct climate integration for sixyears,then 3 years' control integration from January 16 of the seventh year.Moreover,we do threesensitivity experiments,which are the sensitivity experiments forced by observed SST and AIC.observed SST and climatic AIC,observed AIC and climatic SST respectively,to study the climate variability and its mechanisms affected by SST and AIC.We put emphasis on the variability of East Asiamonsoon and the Southern Hemisphere(SH) circulation.In this paper,introduction is made to theresults of control test and the sensitivity experiment forced by observed SST and AIC,and the predictability of the monsoon climate variability is discussed.  相似文献   

应用GMS可见光和红外通道数值化资料,针对梅雨锋云系特点,选用云顶红外计数值、可见光计数值、红外计数值梯度等因子,用逐步回归法导得高层高积云、多层云和积雨云的降水与上述因子的关系。并将估计结果与理论、实测降水比较,表明该方法估计效果较好,采用云分类降水估计结果比无云分类的要好。  相似文献   

Some typical samples are used to explore the quantitative correlation with their features between a convective cloud and its rainfall field,with which to develop two morphological functions for the correlation and by singling out their most suitable groups of parameters we propose a model for quantitatively estimating precipitation in the context of the in-advance recognition of meso-α convective system properties and its precipitating center.From the model fitting precision and forecasting accuracy we find that it is feasible to utilize geostationary meteorological satellite (GMS) digitalized imagery for estimating short-term rainfall in a quantitative manner.Also,evidence suggests that the model is supposed to be restricted in its applicability due to the fact that the employed samples are from rather typical rainfall events that are large-scale,slow-moving and have well-defined genesis and dissipative stages.  相似文献   

采有英国Hadley中心的GISST海冰面积资料,NCFP/NCAR再分析资料以及中国160站气温和降水资料,分析了春季格陵兰海冰面积与夏季中国区域气温和降水的关系。初步研究表明,春季格陵兰海冰面积变化和随后夏季我国黄河长江中下游之间地区气温以及8月份华北和西南地区降水呈明显正相关,而和6月黄河中上游地区降水则具有明显的负相关。同时,春季格陵兰海冰异常时期对应着北半球大气环流的明显主为化,表明海冰与我国气温及降水之间的联系具有一定的环流背景。  相似文献   

To study the possibility of improving the precision of retrieving precipitation through GMS-5infrared data,the relationship between the data of GMS-5 infrared channel 1(IR1)andprecipitation sounded by TRMM/PR was carefully studied through some cases gathered during theHUBEX 1998.First of all,the relationship between the brightness temperature(Tb)and PR-sounded near-surface rainfall rate(NSRR)was studied.Then,as PR can sound the innerstructure of rainfall area.a unique advantage of this new instrument,the relationship between Tband PR-sounded rainfall rate in each layer was also studied.Still,as PR can tell the rain type,those relationships were studied again according to the different types of precipitation(i.e.convective and stratiform).After comparing these outcomes with those from other references,itcan be concluded that the relationship between Tb and PR-sounded rainfall rate is acceptable and itis possible to calibrate precipitation retrieved through Tb by PR data.  相似文献   

The SST anomaly of the central-eastern equatorial Pacific and the arctic sea ice anomalies of the four districts lo-cated respectively in 160°E—110°W,110°W—20°W,70°E—160°E and 20°W—70°E are taken as five separate factors.And the relationship between each factor and the atmospheric general circulation and the climate is investigated byobservational analysis and numerical experiments.It is shown that the effects of the arctic sea ice anomalies on the varia-tions of atmospheric circulation and climate are comparable to or even in some cases greater than that of EI Ninoevents.So one should pay much attention to the study of polar sea ice anomalies in climate research.  相似文献   

To study the possibility of improving the precision of retrieving precipitation through GMS-5 infrared data,the relationship between the data of GMS-5 infrared channel l(IRl) and precipitation sounded by TRMM/PR was carefully studied through some cases gathered during the HUBEX 1998.First of all,the relationship between the brightness temperature(Tb) and PR-sounded near-surface rainfall rate(NSRR) was studied.Then,as PR can sound the inner structure of rainfall area.a unique advantage of this new instrument,the relationship between Tb and PR-sounded rainfall rate in each layer was also studied.Still,as PR can tell the rain type,those relationships were studied again according to the different types of precipitation(i.e.convective and stratiform).After comparing these outcomes with those from other references,it can be concluded that the relationship between Tb and PR-sounded rainfall rate is acceptable and it is possible to calibrate precipitation retrieved through Tb by PR data.  相似文献   

An ocean model developed by the Institute of Marine Research and the University of Bergen in Norway (BOM) and a state-of-the-art sea ice model developed by NCAR (CSIM4) are coupled, Considering influences of 9 major rivers,forced by the NCEP reanalysis atmospheric fields and the Levitus surface salinity,the Arctic sea ice climatic variation from January 1949 to December.1999 was simulated through the coupled model.The comparison of simulated results and observations shows that:(1)the long-term ice concentration variation tendencies are in consistent with the observations in the divisional ocean regions;(2)simulated ice thickness horizontal distribution is reasonable.Simulated ice thickness has a decreasing tendency in the central Arctic,which agrees with the submarine observations.Simulated annually maximum ice thickness is highly related to observed fast-ice thickness off the Russian coast;and (3)sea ice area/volume fluxes through the Fram Strait are in accord with the satellite-derived data.Generally,the coupled model successfully simulated the Arctic Ocean sea ice climatic variation.  相似文献   

By using a three-level atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM),we have completed severalnumerical experiments to study the impacts of sea surface temperature anomaly (SSTA) and antarctic icecover anomaly (AICA) during 1981—1983 on climate variability.The results show that during the ElNino period of 1982—1983 the impact of SSTA overrides that of AICA.SSTA mainly affects equatorialzonal circulation and produces PNA wave train,and SE-NW wave train in East Asia to influence theweather of China.AICA produces west-east anomalous vortex streets in the middle latitudes of bothhemispheres and affects the intensity of the polar vortex of Southern Hemisphere.  相似文献   

By using a three-level atmospheric general circulation model(AGCM),we have completed several numerical experiments to study the impacts of sea surface temperature anomaly(SSTA) and antarctic ice cover anomaly(AICA) during 1981-1983 on climate variability.The results show that during the El Nino period of 1982-1983 the impact of SSTA overrides that of AICA.SSTA mainly affects equatorial zonal circulation and produces PNA wave train,and SE-NW wave train in East Asia to influence the weather of China.AICA produces west-east anomalous vortex streets in the middle latitudes of both hemispheres and affects the intensity of the polar vortex of Southern Hemisphere.  相似文献   

An EOF analysis was performed to investigate the variations of sea surface temperature (SST) of Pacific and Indian Oceans.Result shows that the distribution of SST anomaly exhibits a distinct anticorrelation pattern between Northwest and Southeast Pacific,as well as between Northwest Pacific and the Arabian Sea.It also shows that the sea level pressure (SLP) anomaly between North Pacific and North Indian Oceans is of a seesaw pattern,which we named the North Paci-fic and North Indian Ocean Oscillation (PIO).Such a phenomenon is closely correlated with the cold summer in East Asia.  相似文献   

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