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We study the solar cycle evolution during the last 8 solar cycles using a vectorial sunspot area called the LA (longitudinal asymmetry) parameter. This is a useful measure of solar activity in which the stochastic, longitudinally evenly distributed sunspot activity is reduced and which therefore emphasizes the more systematic, longitudinally asymmetric sunspot activity. Interesting differences are found between the LA parameter and the more conventional sunspot activity indices like the (scalar) sunspot area and the sunspot number. E.g., cycle 19 is not the highest cycle according to LA. We have calculated the separate LA parameters for the northern and southern hemisphere and found a systematic dipolar-type oscillation in the dominating hemisphere during high solar activity times which is reproduced from cycle to cycle. We have analyzed this oscillation during cycles 16–22 by a superposed epoch method using the date of magnetic reversal in the southern hemisphere as the zero epoch time. According to our analysis, the oscillation starts by an excess of the northern LA value in the ascending phase of the solar cycle which lasts for about 2.3 years. Soon after the maximum northern dominance, the southern hemisphere starts dominating, reaching its minimum some 1.2–1.7 years later. The period of southern dominance lasts for about 1.6 years and ends, on an average, slightly before the end of magnetic reversal.  相似文献   

F. H. Busse 《Solar physics》1973,33(2):413-423
An analytical solution is derived for the nonlinear magnetostatic balance between the Lorentz forces on one side and the pressure and gravitational forces induced by the magnetic inhibition of granular convection in a sunspot on the other. In order to exhibit the mathematical structure of the problem it has been reduced to the simplest case which still contains the basic physical features. Although the results of a model with a two-dimensional periodic magnetic field are not quantitatively comparable with sunspot observations the conclusion can be drawn that an upper limit on the size of sunspots exists. The results suggest that this upper limit is close to the size of observed large sunspots.  相似文献   

Naked sunspots     
Naked sunspots are spots seen in Hα to be devoid of associated plage. In magnetograms and K-line little if any opposite polarity field is found, and in soft X-ray images a blank appears in the region of the spot. In almost all cases studied in which naked spots resulted the spot groups had emerged in unipolar regions of the same polarity as the naked spot. At least half of the naked spots are associated with coronal holes. The naked spots are long-lived and show rotation rates close to the Newton-Nunn curve. Most of the naked spots had bright rims in Hα, and the one spot observed to disappear left no trace in the background magnetic field. These spots may be a means by which separation of p from f magnetic polarity occurs.  相似文献   

A penumbra model in hydrostatic equilibrium is presented. The model accounts for the continuum observations as well as the observations of Fraunhofer lines in the penumbra. The uncertainty in the model in deeper layers is discussed. It is shown that the penumbra is probably not in strict radiative equilibrium.  相似文献   

The records of sunspot number, sunspot areas and sunspot locations gathered over the centuries by various observatories are reanalysed with the aim of finding as yet undiscovered connections between the different parameters of the sunspot cycle and the butterfly diagram. Preliminary results of such interrelationships are presented.  相似文献   

Existing models for the evolution of sunspots and sunspot groups, describing the subsurface structure of the magnetic fields and their interactions with the convective motions, are briefly reviewed. It is shown that they are generally unable to account for the most recent data concerning the relationship between the large-scale solar magnetic field structures and the magnetic fields of active regions. In particular, it is shown that the former do not arise directly from the decay of the latter, as required by the Babcock model and all other models based on it. Other observations which are not adequately explained by current models are also cited.A new model is put forward based on the expulsion of toroidal magnetic flux by the dominant (i.e. giant) cells of the convection zone. The flux expelled above these cells forms the large-scale field and thus the configuration of this field provides a clue to the structure of the giant cell patterns. The flux expelled below the cells becomes twisted into a rope as in the Babcock model but a loop or stitch forms only in the region of upflow of the giant cells. The interaction of this loop with intermediate-sized cells as it rises to the surface determines the configuration and extent of the active region which appears at the surface. The compatibility of the model with other observations is discussed and its implications for theories of the solar cycle are noted.  相似文献   

The sunspot models published so far do not reproduce the observed run of the umbral continuum intensities over the entire spectral range 0.5 < < 4 m. Moreover, in several previous models is the temperature gradient smaller than both the adiabatic and the radiative equilibrium gradient.Agreement between intensities computed from acceptable models and measured intensities can be obtained by introducing an additional opacity for 0.8 m, which is probably caused by the crowding of atomic and molecular lines. We present a new umbral model atmosphere with a wavelength dependent opacity enhancement factor which explains the continuum intensities and also reproduces plausible center-to-limb variations and line profiles. This model is in radiative equilibrium down to 0.5 = 1.5, with an effective temperature of 4000 ± 100K. For the deeper superadiabatic layers a small but probably significant departure from radiative equilibrium is indicated by the intensities in the range 1.5 < < 2.4 m.The uncertainties in the present model and the effect of the additional opacity on line profiles are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

M. Vazquez 《Solar physics》1973,31(2):377-387
This study is based on photographs taken during the period March 1971 to June 1972. Various morphological features observed are described and their possible role in sunspot evolution discussed. It is pointed out that a light-bridge looks like the re-establishment of photospheric-like conditions.  相似文献   

As a first step in constructing three-dimensional decaying sunspot models we select the relevant observational data. From these we conclude:
  1. sunspots, except the smallest, obey a radial and evolutionary similarity;
  2. sunspots may be considered as isolated, fairly well defined flux tubes, wrapped in thin current sheets;
  3. a substantial number among stable regular spots show a phase of slowest decay whose rate is independent of the spot's area.
Arguments are given that the slowest rate of decay is ultimately determined by Ohmic dissipation in the inner part of the current sheet. Preliminary asymptotic models for the deep layers (deeper than 2000 km below the photosphere) are given which satisfy the above three constraints. To meet the observed rate of slowest decay the current sheet has to be very thin, about 10?5 to 10?4 times the umbral radius. Radial large-scale fluid motions are required in the current sheet to maintain the similarity of the structure. The radial motions are linked with the vertical motions which may be connected with the Evershed flow. Finally we discuss details which are less relevant in the large-scale structure of stable sunspots, such as fine structures, twists, the break-down of the similarity and the relation between sunspots and smaller magnetic structures, and the intrinsic scatter in some observed quantities.  相似文献   

A remarkable vortical distribution of sunspots, photographed at National Solar Observatory, Tucson, may be an important indication that a vortex flow is essential in the formation of sunspots. It is argued that the concept of vortex flow around a spot is not a heresy, since a generation mechanism of non-trivial force-free fields requires the presence of time varying vorticity in the photosphere.  相似文献   

Prokakis  Th. 《Solar physics》1974,35(1):105-110
Good quality photographs of many regular sunspots were obtained in three spectral regions, with the use of narrow band filters. Isodensity contours were used for measurements of the umbra and penumbra size along different axes of sunspots. A parameter based on the morphology of the whole sunspot was defined for a better study of the Wilson effect. Some interesting results are the following: (a) an east-west asymmetry of the Wilson effect was clearly observed, (b) differences in the phenomenon in the three spectral regions were barely significant compared with observational errors and (c) measurements indicate that larger sunspots have greater depth.  相似文献   

Magnetic field strengths in small umbrae and pores are measured using the line Ti i 6064.6 Å, which is formed purely in umbrae. We find field strengths between 1900 and 2600 G in the darkest parts of small umbrae and of well established pores; the spread is partly intrinsic. The field strength in diffuse transient protopores amounts to 1500 ± 250 G.We demonstrate that usage ofthe well-known magnetic line 6173.3 Å and other Fe i lines yield systematically smaller magnetic field strengths than Ti i 6064.6 Å. This is due to blending ofthe components with the central component due to photospheric stray light and the component. Routine measurements are therefore unreliable for small spots 251-01Based on observations at Sacramento Peak Observatory, Sunspot, New Mexico, U.S.A.  相似文献   

By means of direct canonical transformations, the Poincaré-Von Zeipel perturbation method may be modified into a more useful form. Two particular variants of this approach are examined and explicit formulas are given for carrying them out to at least the 4-th order.  相似文献   

Mass transport in the transition zone above a sunspot has been studied in theCiv line at 1548 Å, formed at 100 000 K. Four spectral rasters have been used, each covering 60×50 are sec. These have been observed with the High Resolution Telescope and Spectrograph during the Spacelab-2 mission in 1985.Flow velocities are derived from multiple Gaussian components fitted to the observed line intensity profiles. Density sensitive lines were used to find a relation between theCiv line intensity and the particle density. This relation is used in the mass flux calculations. The investigation indicates a clear net downward mass flux above sunspots.Paper presented at the 11th European Regional Astronomical Meetings of the IAU on New Windows to the Universe, held 3–8 July, 1989, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.  相似文献   

Ekmann  G.  Maltby  P. 《Solar physics》1974,37(2):317-321
It is proposed that present observations of the chromosphere and transition region in EUV, optical and mm wavelengths are best described by a three-component concept. The three components are taken to be: the interiors of supergranular cells, the hot plagettes overlying faculae, and the cooler, transient mottles which surround them in the network boundaries. The enhanced emission of the hot plagettes in transition ions is interpreted as a direct result of the increased pressure scale height over faculae relative to the cell interiors.  相似文献   

The line intensities are calculated at temperatures of 263 K and 3500 K for the H2O band 201 at 0.94 m. The possibility of detecting these lines in sunspots is discussed. The amount of H2O is estimated to be 4.2 × 1020 molecules or 0.013 g cm–2 above optical depth equal to unity. However, other bands at longer wavelengths are more favourable for detection of H2O.  相似文献   

Observations nowadays reveal more and more details about the small‐scale structure of the penumbra and umbra. Recent measurements of the motions in the penumbra indicate that (i) the Evershed flow is confined to a thin photospheric layer and (ii) the material rises from and sinks to subphotospheric layers within the penumbra. This flow pattern solves the question of the mass budget of the Evershed flow in a natural way. The nature of umbral dots and their role for the spot's energy budget remains unclear, since they are obviously unresolved even in the best existing measurements.  相似文献   

The thermal contrast , and the umbra-penumbraA u/A p, were calculated for 63 sunspots of various sizes and morphologies. Contrary to the assumptions of the PSI model, andA u/A p were found to be quite variable. The values of ranged from 0.1807 to 0.4266;A u/A p ranged from 0.0089 to 0.4899. The values of andA u/A p correlated well (r = 0.6018;p<0.005) and the regression for andA u/A p was obtained: = (0.220 ± 0.016) + (0.340 ± O.06)A u/A p. The values of andA u/A p were then compared with complexity ratings, magnetic field strength, time, and . The quantities andA u/A p were found to be independent of the complexity, magnetic field strength, and time factors. The correlation between andA u/A p lead to the proposed division of into an umbral thermal contrast u, and a penumbral thermal contrast p. These values were calculated from the photometric data: u = 0.57 ± 0.01 and p = 0.26 ± 0.006.  相似文献   

We suggest a quantitative sunspot model developed in terms of mean-field magnetohydrodynamics (MHD). The model consistently describes the distributions of magnetic field, fluid velocity, and thermodynamic parameters in a sunspot and the surrounding matter. Two versions of the model allow the MHD equilibrium in sunspots and their slow decay to be analyzed. The baroclinic flow converging to the sunspot plays an important role in the equilibrium. Several calculated characteristics—almost uniform distributions of brightness and magnetic field inside sunspots, their abrupt changes at the boundary, and nearly linear decreases in the area and magnetic flux of decaying sunspots with time—qualitatively agree with the observations.  相似文献   

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