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白云石化作用及白云岩储层研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
白云石化作用和白云岩储层一直都是碳酸盐岩研究中的重要领域。近年来,随着实验分析技术的进步以及油气勘探的深入,对白云岩的研究也取得了诸多进展:1数值模拟技术逐步应用到白云岩研究中,实现了白云石化模式研究由定性到定量的转变;2对微生物白云石化的研究不断加强,识别出了微生物相关白云石的特殊显微形貌特征并对其生物矿化机制进行了分析;3对已有白云石化模式的重新审视:包括对混合水白云石化的修正、对回流白云石化的扩展以及对构造—热液白云石化模式的丰富;4在白云石化与孔隙相关关系的研究中,突破了白云石化增孔的传统认识,逐步强调白云石化在孔隙保存方面的作用;5注重研究白云岩结构、成岩环境、原始相带以及白云岩形成之后的溶蚀改造等因素对白云岩储层发育的控制作用。在未来的研究中,应加强3个方面内容,一是对白云岩结构演化规律的定量研究,二是在成岩流体示踪方面要加强对新技术手段(如二元同位素、Mg同位素)的使用,同时注意借鉴成矿流体研究中的成熟技术和方法,三是要加强对深部白云岩储层形成和保存机制的探索。  相似文献   

"白云岩问题"一直是沉积地质学研究的热点和难点之一,白云岩在我国和世界范围内都是重要的油气储层。因此,深入认识白云岩成因对于碳酸岩油气勘探具有重要参考意义。白云岩成因有多种解释模式,如萨布哈蒸发模式、渗透回流模式、埋藏调节模式、混合水模式、潮汐泵模式等。近几十年来,随着低温白云石研究的不断深入,微生物白云石模式作为一种新的成因模式被提出并不断被完善。本文回顾了微生物成因白云石的研究进展,总结了低温白云石形成的3个动力学障碍(镁离子的高水合能、硫酸根的存在、碳酸根离子的低浓度和低活度),简要介绍了微生物成因白云石模式的建立、微生物成因白云石的生长过程及发育特征,系统分析了微生物在白云石形成过程中的调节作用,指出微生物(如硫酸盐还原菌、古甲烷菌)的存在可以改变溶液中的离子平衡,进而有利地克服白云石形成过程中的动力学障碍,并列举了低温微生物成因白云石的氧同位素指标在古温度恢复和过去气候变化研究中的应用,最后对微生物成因白云石相关研究方向(如多学科交叉、新技术应用等)加以展望。对微生物成因白云石模式的深入认识,将为正确解释"白云岩问题"提供新的途径,也将为石油学家关心的白云岩储层问题提供新的理论基础和研究思路。  相似文献   

塔里木盆地和田河气田下奥陶统白云岩成因   总被引:33,自引:6,他引:33  
杨威  王清华 《沉积学报》2000,18(4):544-548
塔里木盆地和田河气田是最近探明的大型碳酸盐岩气田,下奥陶统主要发育两类白云岩。下部为层状白云岩,以细晶为主,阴极发光呈紫红色和蓝紫色,有序度为0.57~0.68,Sr、Na含量低,碳氧同位素偏负,成岩深度约1500m;上部斑状灰质白云岩与层状白云岩相比,晶形较粗、以中晶为主,有序度较高、为0.85~0.90,Sr偏高、Na偏低,碳氧同位素更偏负,成岩深度约2000m。通过对上述特征综合研究,认为层状白云岩形成于早期浅埋藏海水-淡水混合环境,提出斑状灰质白云岩形成于晚期深埋藏压实流-淡水混合环境,总结了两种成因机理,建立了相关的白云石化模式。  相似文献   

在分析大量国内外文献资料的基础上,将现有的20余种白云石的成因划分为原生白云石和次生白云石化两类模式,根据镁钙比等指标又将次生白云石化模式进一步细分为高镁钙比、低镁钙比、正常镁钙比白云石化及其它白云石化4种模式类型,并对其中几种经典的白云石化模式的真实性和适用性进行了探讨。认为蒸发泵白云石化模式和回流渗透白云石化模式受到了普遍认可;混合水白云石化模式遭受到持续挑战;海水白云石化模式和埋藏白云石化模式得到了广泛关注;热液白云石化模式和微生物白云石化模式逐渐成为新的主流模式。  相似文献   

近年来,随着对微生物白云石模式研究的不断深入,为解释“白云石问题”提供了新思路。前人对微生物白云石成因研究侧重于微生物对未固结沉积物的改造,即有机准同生白云石化作用,这与实验室中以微生物为媒介形成的“有机原生白云石”在成因机理上存在差异。笔者将微生物白云石机理引入湖相原生白云石成因解释中,认为在湖水—沉积物交界处也会发生微生物成因的原生白云石沉淀,即有机原生白云石。湖水与沉积物交界处的微环境存在明显区别,总体可分为有氧和缺氧2种亚环境,不同亚环境中生活有不同的微生物群落。根据湖泊亚环境特性和微生物种类及其在白云石形成过程中所发挥的作用,可以区分出细菌有氧氧化模式、硫酸盐还原模式和产甲烷模式3种微生物白云石模式。不同模式对应于不同的湖泊环境: 细菌有氧氧化模式主要发生于有氧、高Mg/Ca值的咸水/盐湖环境;硫酸盐还原模式主要发生于缺氧、高Mg/Ca值的咸水/盐湖环境;产甲烷模式主要发生于缺氧、低Mg/Ca值的淡水/咸水湖环境。另外,还探讨了pH值变化、SO42-的存在和硫化物对镁水合物脱水的影响以及微生物白云石沉淀的环境因子。对微生物成因的原生白云石模式的深入认识,将为湖相白云石成因研究提供新的理论基础和研究思路。  相似文献   

白云岩成因的研究现状及相关发展趋势   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
白云岩占地壳沉积岩体积的20%,是碳酸盐岩地层中最主要的油气储渗体。白云岩成因是碳酸盐岩岩石学中最复杂、争论时间最久、最难解决的问题之一。根据机理的不同,当前各种主要的白云岩成因模式可划分为三大类:(1)原生白云石模式;(2)次生白云石化模式;(3)其他模式。虽然原生白云石的例子已被大量发现,但是,它们是否属真正的原生白云石仍将继续讨论下去。次生白云石化成因的实例远比原生白云石成因的多,这类模式可再细分为高盐度白云石化、低盐度白云石化、正常海水白云石化、热液白云石化等。其他模式主要有埋藏白云石化、生物白云石化、沉积—热液模式、玄武岩淋滤白云石化、出溶作用模式等。白云岩研究的热点问题及研究发展方向可以归纳为五个方面:全球气候变化与白云石化事件;大地构造环境和沉积作用对白云岩分布的控制;白云石化作用与层序地层学(相对海平面变化);新的研究手段的应用;“盖帽”白云岩。  相似文献   

新疆乌鲁木齐二叠系湖相微生物白云岩成因   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
新疆乌鲁木齐地区养牛场剖面中二叠统芦草沟组以发育浅湖至半深湖背景下的中层深灰色、灰色碳酸盐岩、粉砂岩、细砂岩与中、厚层灰黑色泥岩、油页岩的互层沉积为特点.湖相碳酸盐岩以微晶白云岩为主体,其次为微晶灰岩.微晶白云岩主要由白云石、铁白云石及少量方解石等组成,常混有泥质组分且富含有机质.镜下观察白云石主要为微晶(<4μm)及微亮晶(4-10 μm),极少数为亮晶(>10μm).扫描电镜分析发现微晶白云岩中存在微球状(直径约9μm)、微棒状(长度约0.3~1.2μm)及微米级它形(< 5μm)等3种微形貌的白云石,其中微米级它形白云石在白云岩中占绝大多数.在微晶灰岩中还发现了直径约70-150nm,形态与球菌相似的纳米微粒,具有微生物矿化的特征.研究区白云岩Sr丰度及Sr/Ca比总体持平或略高于微晶灰岩,Mn丰度远高于微晶灰岩,C、O同位素均高于微晶灰岩,暗示了白云岩可能形成于比微晶灰岩更深及盐度更大的水下还原环境,二者之间缺乏明显的交代关系.芦草沟组白云岩的δ13CPDB介于9.2 ‰~15.6‰,强烈正偏的δ13CPDB可能是产甲烷古菌的代谢活动引起有机质碳同位素分馏的结果.以上特征表明,研究区芦草沟组白云石的沉淀可能与产烷带厌氧微生物的代谢活动引起的甲烷生成作用有关.  相似文献   

三塘湖盆地中二叠统芦草沟组白云岩成因   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
三塘湖盆地中二叠统的芦草组碳酸盐岩是盆地内重要的储集岩之一,碳酸盐岩中50%以上为白云岩。有纹层状白云岩和斑块状白云岩两种,前者白云石自形程度较好;后者白云石为含铁白云石交代方解石而成,铁白云石晶体粗大,自形程度差,其形成时间晚于纹层状铁白云石。白云岩的Mg/Ca值均小于1;Sr的含量为31×10-6~527×10-6,平均为217.8mg/kg;方解石和白云石的δ18O差值大多数小于6%;芦草沟组膏岩并未普遍存在,盐度指数Z平均为124.43。通过对上述特征综合研究认为,三塘湖盆地中二叠统的芦草组白云岩为混合水成因,并建立了相应的白云石化模式。  相似文献   

库车坳陷古近系白云岩地球化学特征及成因   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为了分析库车坳陷古近系库姆格列木群白云岩的成因,利用薄片染色、微量元素和稳定同位素测试等方法为手段,系统分析该套白云岩地球化学特征,并讨论其成因。研究表明,该套白云岩主要分为膏质云岩和泥(粉)晶白云岩两种类型。白云岩的微量元素和同位素特征表明其形成于较高盐度、高Mg/Ca比、强还原的海陆过渡环境。古近纪早期库车坳陷西部地区间断性海侵和强烈蒸发环境使得水体盐度较高,并为准同生期白云岩的形成提供了镁离子来源。结合沉积、岩相特征认为该套白云岩有蒸发白云石化及回流渗透白云石化两种成因类型,蒸发白云石化形成的膏质云岩主要分布在低能的潮上环境,回流渗透白云石化形成的膏质泥(粉)晶白云岩或膏质砂屑白云岩分布于中低能的潮下—泻湖环境。  相似文献   

<正> 黔桂地区泥盆系—石炭系白云岩分布广泛,层位稳定,厚度数十至数百米,呈层状,主要发育在连陆碳酸盐台地的外缘及邻近广海和深海槽的一些孤立碳酸盐台地上,是该区最有利的油气储集层。其  相似文献   

白云岩有机成因模式:机制、进展与意义   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
白云岩是一种常见的碳酸盐岩,它广泛分布在古代碳酸盐岩台地中,却很少见于全新世沉积物中,这构成了一个未解之谜。近20多年的研究成果表明,早期成岩过程中微生物参与的硫酸盐还原反应、甲烷生成和厌氧氧化反应以及有氧呼吸作用能够促进白云石的沉淀:细菌细胞和胞外聚合物(EPS)带有负电荷,能够聚集溶液中Mg2+和Ca2+;同时上述氧化还原反应产生HCO3-,提高了孔隙水中反应物的浓度;这样在细菌细胞周围形成一个对白云石超饱和的微环境,有利于白云石的沉淀。这是一种新的白云石成因模式,微生物活动和有机质是影响白云石形成最重要的因素,特殊的球状形态和碳同位素特征是鉴别有机成因白云石的重要标志。白云岩有机成因模式为认识地质历史时期大套白云岩的成因、探索"白云岩之谜"提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

The algal dolostone of the Upper Sinian Dengying Formation (corresponding to the Ediacaran system) in the Upper Yangtze Platform of China possesses a rich diversity of microorganisms and is an ideal site for the study of ancient microbial dolomite. We focused on algal dolostone and its microbial dolomite in the Hanyuan area of Sichuan Province, China. The macroscopic petrological features, microscopic morphology, texture characteristics of the fossil microorganisms and microbial dolomite, and geochemical characteristics were investigated. We found rich fossil microorganisms and microbial dolomites in the laminated, stromatolithic, uniform and clotted (algal) dolostones. The microorganisms present were mainly body fossils of cyanobacteria (including Renalcis, Girvanella, Nanococcus, and Epiphyton) and their trace fossils (including microbial mats (biofilms), algal traces, and spots). In addition, there was evidence of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB), moderately halophilic aerobic bacteria, and red algae. The microbial dolomites presented cryptocrystalline textures under polarizing microscope and nanometer-sized granular (including spherulitic and pene-cubical granular) and (sub) micron-sized sheet-like, irregular, spherical and ovoidal morphologies under scanning electron microscope (SEM). The microbial dolomites were formed by microbially induced mineralization in the intertidal zone and lagoon environments during the depositional and syngenetic stages and microbially influenced mineralization in the supratidal zone environment during the penecontemporaneous stage. The microbial metabolic activities and extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) determined the morphology and element composition of microbial dolomite. During the depositional and syngenetic stages, the metabolic activities of cyanobacteria and SRB were active and EPS, biofilms and microbial mats were well-developed. EPS provided a large number of nucleation sites. Accordingly, many nanometer-sized pene-cubical granular and (sub) micron-sized sheet-like microbial dolomites were formed. During the penecontemporaneous stage, SBR, cyanobacteria, and moderately halophilic aerobic bacteria were inactive. Furthermore, nucleation sites reduced significantly and were derived from both the EPS of surviving microorganisms and un-hydrolyzed EPS from dead microorganisms. Consequently the microbial dolomites present nanometer-sized spherulitic and micron-sized irregular, spherical, and ovoidal morphologies. Overall, the microbial dolomites evolved from nanometer-sized granular (including spherulitic and pene-cubical granular) dolomites to (sub) micron-sized sheet-like, irregular, spherical and ovoidal dolomites, and then to macroscopic laminated, stromatolithic, uniform, and clotted dolostones. These findings reveal the correlation between morphological evolution of microbial dolomite and microbial activities showing the complexity and diversity of mineral (dolomite)-microbe interactions, and providing new insight into microbial biomineralization and microbial dolomite in the Precambrian era.  相似文献   

张静  张宝民  单秀琴 《地质通报》2017,36(4):664-675
塔里木、四川及鄂尔多斯盆地是中国中西部海相白云岩的主要发育地区。三大盆地重点层系海相白云岩新近的成因研究表明,大规模准同生白云岩和埋藏成因白云岩的发育均与蒸发台地密切相关。蒸发台地中由海水浓缩形成的富Mg~(2+)卤水一方面在准同生期,通过蒸发泵和下渗机制交代碳酸钙沉积物而形成与蒸发岩共生的准同生白云岩,另一方面作为富含Mg~(2+)的地层孔隙水,在准同生-浅埋藏期乃至中、深埋藏期,通过侧向渗透、侧向与垂向压实排挤和垂向热对流机制与粗结构的碳酸钙沉积物发生交代反应,在蒸发岩系周边和上下形成广泛分布的埋藏成因白云岩。与热流体作用有关的白云石化主要依靠构造断裂、裂缝、不同级次的层序界面、孔洞层等输导体系发生,分布较局限。热流体云化常表现为对先期白云岩进行叠加改造而形成热水改造白云岩。热流体性质不一,可以是深埋藏混合热水、深部循环水、地幔深部的岩浆热液等。白云石(岩)的生物成因不仅表现为微生物作用导致白云石直接沉淀,还表现为生物的存在与活动为白云石化作用提供Mg~(2+)和云化流体通道。由微生物和宏观藻释放出Mg~(2+),在埋藏期对方解石进行交代是各种富含藻类的灰岩中部分白云石的重要形成机制。生物扰动可明显改善岩石的孔渗性,从而显著促进白云石化作用的发生。  相似文献   

The study focuses on the formation of lacustrine dolomite in late Miocene lakes, located at the East Mediterranean margins (Northern Israel). These lakes deposited the sediments of the Bira (Tortonian) and Gesher (Messinian) formations that comprise sequences of dolostone and limestone. Dolostones are bedded, consist of small‐sized (<7 μm), Ca‐rich (52 to 56 mol %) crystals with relatively low ordering degrees, and present evidence for replacement of CaCO3 components. Limestones are comprised of a wackestone to mudstone matrix, freshwater macrofossils and intraclasts (mainly in the Bira Formation). Sodium concentrations and isotope compositions differ between limestones and dolostones: Na = ~100 to 150 ppm; ~1000 to 2000 ppm; δ18O = ?3·8 to ?1·6‰; ?2·0 to +4·3‰; δ13C = ?9·0 to ?3·4‰; ?7·8 to 0‰ (VPDB), respectively. These results indicate a climate‐related sedimentation during the Tortonian and early Messinian. Wet conditions and positive freshwater inflow into the carbonate lake led to calcite precipitation due to intense phytoplankton blooms (limestone formation). Dry conditions and enhanced evaporation led to precipitation of evaporitic CaCO3 in a terminal lake, which caused an increased Mg/Ca ratio in the residual waters and penecontemporaneous dolomitization (dolostone formation). The alternating lithofacies pattern reveals eleven short‐term wet–dry climate‐cycles during the Tortonian and early Messinian. A shift in the environmental conditions under which dolomite formed is indicated by a temporal decrease in δ18O of dolostones and Na content of dolomite crystals. These variations point to decreasing evaporation degrees and/or an increased mixing with meteoric waters towards the late Messinian. A temporal decrease in δ13C of dolostones and limestones and appearance of microbial structures in close association with dolomite suggest that microbial activity had an important role in allowing dolomite formation during the Messinian. Microbial mediation was apparently the main process that enabled local growth of dolomite under wet conditions during the latest Messinian.  相似文献   

Beginning in the late 18th Century, the Dolomite Mountains in Northern Italy have been the location for major sedimentological developments, from the discovery of the mineral dolomite to the formulation of the coral-reef hypothesis to explain the origin of the massive dolomite structures that define the splendid scenery of the region. Further, the Dolomite Mountains have inspired voluminous research into the origin of dolomite, questioning whether dolomite is a primary precipitate or a secondary replacement product. Recently, with the recognition that microbes can mediate dolomite precipitation, a new geomicrobiological approach, combining the study of modern natural environments with bacterial culture experiments, is now being used to calibrate or interpret microbial evidence derived from the dolomite rock record. This three-pronged methodology applied to the study of dolomite formation holds great promise for future research into the 'Dolomite Problem' and provides a new impetus to revisit the Dolomite Mountains in the 21st Century.  相似文献   

In the Tarim Basin, dolomite, which formed during the middle Cambrian associated with evaporites, has been attributed to the sabkha-style dolomite formed during the syndepositional period. The sedimentary microfacies suggests dolomite formation in the middle Cambrian is an ancient analogue of the sabkha of Abu Dhabi. Poorly crystallised dolomite spheroids or ovoids within or on the surface of dolomite crystals are a common phenomenon that can be widely observed in different stromatolites in the upper part of the intertidal zone and strongly resemble the morphology in modern sabkha dolomite-producing microbial mats and in microbial culture experiments. These lines of evidence suggest organic substrates for dolomite nucleation. Dolomite formation in the middle Cambrian in the Tarim Basin has been considered a classic analogue for carbonate and evaporate assemblages. The extent of microbial dolomite in ancient sabkha environments is proposed as an alternative model for dolomite formation, in which the mineral properties of organic substrates play a crucial role.  相似文献   

Microbial dolomite crusts from the carbonate platform off western India   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Abstract The occurrence of Late Pleistocene dolomite crusts that occur at 64 m depth on the carbonate platform off western India is documented. Dolomite is the most predominant mineral in the crusts. In thin section, the crust consists of dolomitized microlaminae interspersed with detrital particles. Under scanning electron microscopy, these laminae are made up of tubular filaments or cellular structures of probable cyanobacterial origin. Dolomite crystals encrust or overgrow the surfaces of the microbial filaments and/or cells; progressive mineralization obliterates their morphology. Well-preserved microbial mats, sulphide minerals (pyrrhotite and marcasite) and the stable isotope composition of dolomite in the crusts indicate hypersaline and anoxic conditions during dolomite formation. The crusts are similar to dolomite stromatolites, and biogeochemical processes related to decaying microbial mats under anoxic conditions probably played an important role in dolomite precipitation. The dolomite is therefore primary and/or very early diagenetic in origin. The dolomite crusts are interpreted to be a composite of microbial dolomite overprinted by early burial organic dolomite. The results of this study suggest that a microbial model for dolomite formation may be relevant for the origin of ancient massive dolomites in marine successions characterized by cryptalgal laminites. The age of the crusts further suggests that the platform was situated at shallow subtidal depths during the Last Glacial Maximum.  相似文献   

This paper utilizes multi-methods,such as core observation,slice identification,isotope analysis,trace element analysis,fluid inclusion technique and so on,to study the causes of the dolomite in the Nanpu Sag and the origins of the dolomite reservoir.The study results show that the forming environment of dolomite in the Nanpu Sag is a fresh-water lake environment,and the dolomite is the product of dolomitization which is caused by volcanic thermal fluids in the Early Dongying period.With the development of intergranular pores in the dolomitization process,a lot of dissolved pores/vugs and fractures were formed by denudation in the later periods because of the influence of thermal fluids including the associated fluids of volcanic activities and the expelled hydrocarbon fluids of the source rocks.On the whole,these secondary dissolution spaces greatly enhance the reservoir ability of the dolomite,and there are enough reservoir spaces in the dolomite in the Nanpu Sag.  相似文献   

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