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The Marine Strategy Framework Directive, adopted by the EU, and several other initiatives to improve marine environmental management emphasize the need to integrate environmental and social analyses. This article proposes and tests a general Behavior-Pressure-State-Impact-Response (BPSIR) framework for identifying and structuring environmentally relevant social data. The framework is compatible with the widely applied Driver-Pressure-State-Impact-Response (DPSIR) framework, but emphasizes actors and their behavior and defines ‘impact’ more specifically. In particular, it distinguishes between: (i) actors directly involved in activities causing physical, chemical, and biological disturbances, and (ii) actors who indirectly affect marine resource use and the pressures on marine ecosystems. Three case studies of chemical and biological disturbances in the Swedish parts of the North and Baltic seas demonstrate the need to balance current ecosystem monitoring with systematically collected and organized data on social factors, i.e., both direct and indirect actors and stakeholders, their adaptation to policy measures, and the role of general trends in consumption and production.  相似文献   

海洋空间规划是协调用海活动和保护生态环境的海洋综合治理机制,也是提升海洋资源可持续利用和发展蓝色经济的有效工具。《柬埔寨海洋空间规划(2018-2023年)》运用实地调查、综合评价、GIS空间数据分析和专家咨询等技术方法,构建了柬埔寨海洋功能区分类体系,划分了9类33个功能区,制定了功能区管理要求、行动计划和用途管控清单,提出了"发展目标+功能分区+用途管控+实施引导+决策系统"的空间规划编制和实施模式。  相似文献   

Although high seas resources are being exploited, reciprocal legal obligations to protect its environment have not been met. Marine spatial planning (MSP) is clearly a practical way forward, particularly for the high seas, where non-spatial monitoring is difficult, and where data gaps obstruct conventional management approaches. To ensure the effective application of MSP in the high seas, however, some institutional reforms are necessary. This paper outlines the main hurdles, summarizes existing high seas spatial protections, presents an example of a high seas marine protected area that resulted through MSP, identifies three institutional priorities, and suggests three immediate steps.  相似文献   

文章分析上海市海洋倾废管理在法制建设、资源化利用、倾倒活动控制、采样检测和评价标准、审批效率以及倾废监管机制等方面存在的问题,针对问题提出加快推进海洋倾废管理法制建设、引导促进疏浚泥的资源化利用、科学调控海洋倾废活动、制定新的疏浚物采样和成分检测评价标准、通过审批标准化提高审批效率、建立海洋倾废综合监管机制6个方面的对策措施,从管理、审批和执法3个环节对海洋倾废活动实施全方位、全覆盖和全过程监管,为上海市海洋环境综合管理提供保障。  相似文献   

海洋环境大数据是诸多学科研究领域的基础,也是实施海洋强国战略和建设海洋强国奋斗目标的先决条件。文章从全球海洋环境观测计划及系统出发,探讨现阶段全球海洋环境大数据观测、国家数据库建设、数据质控方法以及数据应用现状,阐明了海洋环境大数据在国家发展中的重要性,客观地分析了目前海洋环境大数据发展在基础设施、数据处理及数据质控能力建设等方面面临的关键问题与挑战,以期为将来海洋环境大数据在多尺度、多学科、多行业的深入发展与深度融合提供可靠的资料与建议。  相似文献   

海洋空间规划是重要的海洋空间管理工具,构建科学高效的海洋空间规划体系是海洋生态文明建设的重要组成部分。文章基于对海洋空间规划及其体系的基本认知,结合国家生态文明建设和海洋空间治理需求,提出海洋空间规划体系构建的时代背景、着力点和基本路径。研究表明,海洋空间规划体系是由各类海洋空间规划组成的,具有一定逻辑组织关系的管理制度集合,是海洋空间发展与资源环境管制的基础性机制集合;其构建应满足时代发展要求和海洋空间治理需求,体现国家海洋生态文明意志和海洋空间治理现代化,以总结多样化实践、建立完善协调机制和统一技术体系为基本路径。  相似文献   

本文介绍用网格模型对海洋环境中放射性核素的扩散进行新的数学探讨,假设模型运移系数是水体运动和间隔空间几何形状的函数,该模型系统与放射学历史无关。  相似文献   

This paper uses spatial, temporal, and use-intensity data for 27 major marine uses in Washington waters to feature a method for assessing potential use conflicts in a variety of scenarios. The study represents a first step towards quantifying potential conflicts within Washington’s Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) study area by using a cumulative analysis to highlight high- and low-use intensity areas and the novel Marine Potential Conflict Index (MPCI), which incorporates space, time, and intensity of use, to quantify pairwise potential conflicts between uses. About 10% of pairs of uses do not overlap spatially and are likely compatible with one another. Temporally, the number of uses peaks in July and August and falls during January and February. Additionally, the MPCI identified three important use types with a substantial degree of potential conflict: commercial fishing, tribal fishing, and shipping. External data were used in three cases to ground-truth the analysis, as a limited test of its utility in managing any potential conflict. This article assesses the extent of Washington’s existing marine uses along spatial, temporal, and intensity axes, and more broadly provides a straightforward way to examine potential conflicts between marine uses.  相似文献   

海洋地理信息系统(MGIS)研究进展   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
海洋占全球面积的71%,21世纪是海洋开发的时候,其中海岸带及近海为开发利用的重点,海洋产业部门、沿海国家的各级政府及军事部门均需要快速获得有关海洋环境的综合信息和行为的决策依据。最近国际上出现的海洋地理信息系统(MGIS)已成为发展“数字海洋”的核心,通过MGIS的内涵基本功能,决策支持系统及应用实例介绍MGIS的应用前景。  相似文献   

广东省作为海洋强省,海洋经济总量连续多年居全国首位,不断助力海洋强国建设。海洋生态环境的有效保护是海洋经济高质量发展的重要前提,文章在分析广东省近年来海洋生态环境状况、面临的机遇和挑战的基础上,提出海洋生态环境保护的建议,主要包括:健全源头管控,制定各类型入海排污口管控措施,实施动态监管;开展入海江河整治,减少入海营养盐负荷,逐步建立“河长制”和“湾长制”的衔接机制;加强用海风险防范,严控海洋环境风险,构建事前防范、事后管控、事后处置的全过程海洋生态风险防范体系;实施洁净海岸带工程,强化海洋生态修复,提升公众亲海岸线的生态空间品质;强化海洋资源高效利用,坚持海洋经济绿色发展,加快推动海洋经济高质量发展;推动人才队伍建设,保障监测技能提能增效,提升全省海洋环境监测信息化水平。  相似文献   

文章以江苏省连云港市连云区海域为研究区,提出了兼顾海洋资源开发与生态环境保护的海洋空间规划分区体系,包括工业与城镇建设区、生物资源利用区和生态保护区3个类别;构建了海洋环境生态承载力评价和海洋开发利用适宜性评价指标体系,基于ArcGIS完成了规划区网格划分和相关评价,并据此进行叠置分析,完成连云区海域分区的空间划分,其中工业与城镇建设区总面积占比为23.58%、生物资源利用区占55.52%、生态保护区占20.90%。海洋空间规划分区体系和基于ArcGIS划分方法在连云区的应用实践表明,该方法体系能够较好地协调海洋保护与开发的空间格局划分,可以为我国海洋空间规划分区研究和实践提供借鉴。  相似文献   

近年来海洋工程建设项目随着海洋经济的繁荣日益增多,在带动海洋经济发展的同时也增加了危害海洋环境的可能性,过度的海洋开发活动加重了对海洋环境的污染及生态系统的破坏程度。我国虽在立法上制定了一系列法规政策、专门条例为海洋工程污染防治保驾护航,但是目前海洋工程污染防治并未引起法学界的过多关注和深入研究。在我国海洋工程污染防治中仍然存在如下问题亟待解决:海洋工程环境影响评价制度的程序及责任设定问题、海洋工程听证制度公众参与度不足、海洋工程环境高风险领域责任保险制度不够完善、监管力度不足、公民对海洋工程污染防治知情权的缺失等。通过对以上问题进行法律分析及原因分析,对相关条例、法律及政策进行总结评析,提出解决对策。通过完善环境影响评价制度,健全听证制度相关规定,加强环境污染责任保险制度建设,提升对海洋工程污染防治的监管力度,明确公民知情权等方式来解决所提出的问题,为海洋工程污染防治提供更多的法律助推力量。  相似文献   

Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) has experienced vigorous growth on the international scale in recent years, and several practices has emerged from different countries. The demand for specific training in the preparation and implementation of marine planning has therefore already shown itself to be quite relevant on a global scale. Educational initiatives related to MSP have to respond to the increased complexity of MSP, which integrates environmental and economic perspectives on marine resources and maritime sectors, considering governance framework as well as maritime affairs and legislation.This paper aims at addressing the educational and training needs for the development of both academic education and professional training in MSP. Learning skills, contents and methods of an ‘ideal’ MSP course are depicted from widely accepted operative guides on MSP and from the EU Framework Directive on MSP (2014/89/EU). They are considered for the analysis of the current educational offer around MSP, performed in a sample of countries that have already undergone a process of implementation of MSP by Law. As result, beside the great variety of courses, it emerges that MSP education seems to be often regarded from an environmental perspective – in continuity with Integrated Coastal Management education – while planning theory and experiences in MSP are the least represented contents. Results are discussed in relation to three major challenges: i) how educational offer reflects on transdisciplinarity, ii) the role of theory in MSP courses, and iii) the enforceability of Plans as major concern in MSP.  相似文献   

海洋空间资源开发利用质量与政府公共资源规划配置决策、资源使用者利用方式密切相关。文章通过对目前海洋空间资源开发利用特征研究,揭示了影响海洋资源开发质量的资源储备、规划配置、生态环境、开发方式等方面的制约因素,并从政府机制建设和使用者资源开发模式两个层面提出完善和改进对策。一是政府在海洋资源收储、统筹集约规划、生态环境保护方面建立保障与引导机制;二是资源使用者选择技术创新和精细化开发策略,以期为实现海洋空间资源高质量开发利用提供参考。  相似文献   

The coming into effect of the Directive 2008/56/EC (Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD)) will induce European Union member States to create mechanisms for managing maritime space in order to comply with the goals set out in this binding legislation. This leads one to think that marine spatial planning in various countries in the EU will be directed at complying with the Directive's environmental goals, as is the case in Spain, rather than undertaking proactive planning for developing the maritime sectors. To put the case of Spain into perspective, a review is conducted of the initiatives taken, especially in Europe and the European Union, exploring the correlations between the main focuses of the maritime sectors and the planning systems. The analysis of the Spanish initiative demonstrates how the maritime economy model and geopolitical factors explain the planning options for the marine environment. In other respects, with the coming into effect of the MSFD, a dual institutional course for marine spatial planning seems to be opening up in the EU: Integrated Maritime Policy vs. the Marine Strategy Framework Directive.  相似文献   

Marine spatial planning (MSP) is advocated as a means of managing human uses of the sea in a manner that is consistent with the maintenance of the ecological goods and services of the marine environment. Support for the process is evident at international and national levels but the degree to which it is acceptable to local level stakeholders is not clear. An Daingean (formely Dingle) is a small sea-oriented town situated on the southwest coast of Ireland in which marine-based tourism and other relatively new uses of the sea are pursued along side traditional fishing activities. Stakeholders in An Daingean are found to be positively disposed to a local process of MSP that incorporates meaningful local involvement.  相似文献   

The Continuous Plankton Recorder survey provides pan-oceanic data on geographic distribution, species composition, seasonal cycles of abundance, and long-term change during the last 70 years. In this paper we compare and contrast some of the historic data-analytic protocols of the survey, focusing primarily on the various means by which spatio-temporal information in CPR data has been exposed. Relative strengths and limitations are assessed, followed by suggestions for future approaches to the visualisation and summarising of CPR data.  相似文献   

南海区海洋垃圾污染日益恶化对治理提出了严峻的挑战,公众既是海洋垃圾污染的直接受害者,也是海洋垃圾治理的直接受益者,更可以成为南海区海洋垃圾治理的参与者。文章阐述公众参与南海区海洋垃圾治理有助于从源头上控制南海区海洋垃圾污染状况、提升南海区海洋垃圾治理决策的科学性和针对性、降低政府治理南海区海洋垃圾的人力、物力成本的必要性,分析南海区海洋垃圾治理公众参与存在公众海洋垃圾治理参与意识薄弱、公众海洋垃圾治理参与方式不足、知情权和参与权未得到充分保障、海洋环保NGO的作用未充分发挥等问题,借鉴日本濑户内海、美国墨西哥湾、厦门五缘湾等国内外区域海洋垃圾治理公众参与的实践经验,提出培育参与意识和技能、开发新兴参与方式、建立健全政策法规、发展海洋环保NGO等完善公众参与治理的对策。  相似文献   

为充分认识海洋环境监测与评价需求,提高海洋生态环境监测能力,突破传统的监测方式和评价模式,更好地为社会公众服务。2014年,面向浙江沿海进行了海洋环境监测与评价需求调查,分析了海洋环境监测、海洋环境评价、海洋环境监管、海洋监测机构发展模式的认识和需求情况等,给出了提升海洋环境监测与评价的建议。  相似文献   

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