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 Dolomite rock formations underlie large areas of the Gauteng, North, North-West and Mpumalanga Provinces in South Africa. Sinkholes, subsidences and dolines that may form at any place and at any time on these formations pose a threat to the properties and lives of thousands of people who live and work there. Since much urban, industrial and mining development has taken place in these areas, and the demand for housing development is on the increase, the risk of surface damage must be minimized by means of proper site investigations, hazard and risk evaluation and selection of appropriate development. The legal aspects pertaining to development on dolomite land in South Africa and the requirements for geotechnical investigations as outlined in the various ordinances and acts are reviewed here. Received: 15 September 1996 · Accepted: 12 May 1998  相似文献   

 A method is proposed to assess the risk for sinkhole formation in dolomitic areas where changes in land use are envisaged. Data from geotechnical site investigations are used for the zoning and characterization of sites in terms of the hazard (maximum size of sinkhole that can form), while the inherent risk for this hazard to occur is assessed by assuming that the site may be developed or treated incorrectly (abused). By considering both the hazard and the inherent risk, it is possible to select appropriate types of development and precautionary measures to reduce the final (development) risk to an acceptable level. Received: 15 September 1996 · Accepted: 12 May 1998  相似文献   

津巴布韦矿产资源丰富,赋存矿产30余种,是世界上黄金、铬、石棉、金刚石等矿种的重要生产国,是非洲第五大金资源国,其中具有优势的矿种包括金、铬铁矿、铂族元素、镍、煤、铁、铜、钴等。文章总结了津巴布韦区域成矿地质背景、矿产地质特征,结合相关成矿理论和成矿规律研究的新成果,对津巴布韦的成矿规律进行了初步研究,并进行成矿区带划分,共划分了10个Ⅲ级成矿区带。  相似文献   

Deformed and metamorphosed dolomite marbles in the Kragerø area of the Bamble Shear Belt occur as lenses within metasupracrustal sequences, as matrix in bodies resembling magmatic breccias, and as veins/dykes cutting amphibolites and metagabbros. A common origin is not evident from the field relationships, but is nevertherless probable due to great geochemical similarities between dolomite from the different occurrences. They are characterized by higher REE, Ni, Co, Cr and Sc, and lower Ba and Sr contents relative to metasedimentary marbles occurring nearby. Sm-Nd isotope data shows that the dolomites are of Sveconorwegian age (1175±37 Ma). The dolomite marbles are very weakly LREE-enriched and display in most cases positive Eu anomalies. Their stable isotope compositions are uniform (18O=+9.6 to +10.7; 13C=-8.5 to-6.2), their initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios are high (0.706–0.709), whereas their age corrected Nd varies from +0.7 to-1.5. Geochemically the dolomitic marbles differ considerably from sedimentary or metasedimentary marbles as well as from carbonatites. The Kragerø dolomite marbles represent deformed and metamorphosed hydrothermal veins or vein-complexes deposited in tensional fractures in the deep crust. Although the dolomitic marbles regionally are of minor volume, the dolomite deposition represents a specific and important event in the geological evolution of the Bamble Shear Belt. Their geochemical and isotopic homogeneity on a regional scale suggest that the hydrothermal solutions were supplied from a very large, homogeneous reservoir. Trace elements, stable and radiogenic isotopes, and field and isotopic age relationships are consistent with a deposition from hydrothermal solutions which were exsolved from crystallizing charnockitic intrusions and subsequently interacted with the crust. The parental magma to these intrusions underplated the crust and raised the geotherm of a carbonated ultramafic uppermost mantle, and imposed decarbonation and fluid release. These fluids were channelled into a large degassing zone now found as a deformed, regional zone with hydrothermal dolomite deposits, albitites, apatite-veins and widespread scapolitization. Whether the CO2-rich fluids, which precipitated the Kragerø dolomites, pervasively infiltrated crustal rocks at a deeper level and caused granulitization is ambiguous, but possible.  相似文献   

 Artificial lowering of the groundwater level in dolomitic aquifers of the Far West Rand gold mining area has led to the formation of hundreds of sinkholes and subsidences. Where ground movements develop in or around important structures, it has become standard practice to drill boreholes for exploration and to inject mine tailings (slimes), cement and water to fill cavernous zones and arrest further ground movements. Although this method of grouting has mostly been effective, some boreholes accepted such large quantities of grout that the operation became prohibitively expensive. This paper describes an experiment to construct subsurface barriers by pouring wet (high slump) concrete via closely-spaced lines of boreholes into cavernous zones beneath a depression on a provincial road. The barriers required a small quantity of concrete and the zone between barriers was quickly filled by grout. The lack of further ground movements confirmed the success of the project. Received: 22 May 2000 · Accepted: 18 July 2000  相似文献   

Authigenic calcite and dolomite and biogenic aragonite occur in Holocene pan sediments in a Mediterranean‐type climate on the western coastal plain of South Africa. Sediment was analysed from a Late Pleistocene coastal pan at Yzerfontein and four Holocene inland pans ranging from brackish to hypersaline. The pans are between 0·08 and 0·14 km2 in size. The δ18OPDB values of carbonate minerals in the pan sediments range from ?2·41 to 5·56‰ and indicate precipitation from evaporative waters. Covariance of total organic content and percentage carbonate minerals, and the δ13CPDB values of pan carbonate minerals (?8·85 to ?1·54‰) suggest that organic matter degradation is a significant source of carbonate ions. The precipitation of the carbonate minerals, especially dolomite, appears to be mediated by sulphate‐reducing bacteria in the black sulphidic mud zone found in the brine‐type hypersaline pans. The knobbly, sub‐spherical texture of the carbonate minerals suggests that the precipitation of the carbonate minerals, particularly dolomite, is related to microbial processes. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios of pan carbonate minerals (0·7108 to 0·7116) are slightly higher than modern sea water and indicate a predominantly sea water (marine aerosol) source for calcium (Ca2+) ions with relatively minor amounts of Ca2+ derived from the chemical weathering of bedrock.  相似文献   

A first evaluation of the hydrogeology of the Klip River and Natalspruit basins was carried out in order to assess the aquifer's potential for public water supply. The investigation showed that transmissivities in the dolomites are both stratigraphically and structurally controlled. Chert-rich units exhibited better aquifer properties than chert-poor units. Karstification was recognized on near surface and deep pa-laeokarstic horizons. Structural features such as faults, joints, and fractures play an important role in karstification in the area. The volume of effluents discharged into the aquifer is estimated to be approximately 3-times the natural recharge of the aquifer by rainfall. These effluents are derived from sewage purification works and gold treatment plants and have caused extensive deterioration of the quality of surface and groundwater, particularly so in the Natalspruit basin.  相似文献   

中南部非洲优势矿产资源有金、铜、铁、铬、金刚石,锰、铀、镍、钒、钴、铂、锑的储量也居世界前列。主要的矿产集中分布于前寒武纪地体内,中南部非洲前寒武纪地体的形成演化决定了矿产的种类和主要成矿类型。文章总结了中南部非洲的地质构造演化以及其主要矿产资源的成矿类型和分布规律,并划分成矿区带至三级。探讨了部分主要成矿区带的成矿规律:太古宙的矿产主要与花岗-绿岩地体有关;古元古代的矿产主要分布于陆缘盆地,与岩浆作用有关;中元古代的矿产主要与岩浆作用有关,次为沉积变质作用;新元古代的矿产主要与沉积变质作用有关,次为岩浆作用。  相似文献   

The Malmani Subgroup northwest of Johannesburg consists of dolomite and chert with only minor clastic sediments.A precise upper intertidal to marginal supratidal analogy and the associated relationship of varied structures suggest that much of the succession represents a tidal flat to intertidal complex formed within differing semiprotected to protected conditions. The dolomites from these environments are recrystallized, reflecting a meteoric influence, and the cherts which are commonly developed within them are also related to prevailing lower pH's. This dolomitization is considered to have been enhanced by the influx of meteoric waters which however resulted in the dolomites having undersaturated iron-manganese ratios. Rare colour-banded dolomites containing columnar stromatolites are thought to represent more steeply shelving intertidal conditions than are normally encountered in the epeiric sea. These dolomites contain quartz crystals rather than chert, suggestive of a lower concentration of silica in the original alkaline solutions. The exposure is part of a very widespread carbonate unit, dated at ca. 2.250 m.y.Subtidal conditions in which large elongate stromatolitic domes developed can be related to a marine transgression across a basal clastic beach sand; and secondly to a progradational tidal flat seawards of which a talus breccia developed on a steepened slope leading down to the subtidal regime. These dolomites formed by interaction with marine waters saturated with respect to iron and manganese, while the absence of chert reflects persisting alkaline conditions.A dark chert-free dolomitic facies with high iron and manganese contents of saturated ratios is considered to have developed in an alkaline lagoonal environment behind a subaqueous bar that is now represented by an overlying thick oolitic unit.The succession contains numerous chert breccias with which shales are associated. The breccias represent subaerial exposure phenomena related to regressions which were followed by periods of short-lived terrigenous influx.  相似文献   

纳米比亚矿产资源丰富,是非洲第四大矿产国,现已发现矿产30多种,主要生产金刚石、铀、铜、金、银、铅、锌等,其外汇收入的一半以上来自矿产品。文章在查阅文献资料的基础上,详细研究了该国区域成矿地质背景、矿产资源分布特征,结合成矿理论和成矿规律研究的新成果,对纳米比亚成矿规律进行了研究,提出三级成矿区带划分方案,全区共划分8个Ⅲ级成矿区带,对进一步圈定重要找矿远景区提供了依据。  相似文献   

In the Transvaal Province of the Republic of South Africa, engineering-geological investigations of sites proposed for development are required by law. The investigation produced is depicted on a flowchart. Flowcharts are provided to serve as guidelines in the evaluation of dewatered and non-dewatered sites. The evaluation of dolomitic sites culminates in a 3-fold categorization of the suitability of the site for development. Precautionary measures that are compulsory for development are listed.  相似文献   

A male Dalmatian, Canis familiaris, produced uroliths of almost pure dolomite, 3–8 mm across, in his urinary bladder in less than 8 months at 38°C and about 1 atm. The X-ray diffractogram identified the predominant mineral as dolomite, and the sharp (01.5) peak showed it is ordered dolomite, not the disordered form, protodolomite.Geochemically and biologically plausible causes include (1) renal, respiratory, or metabolic alkalosis, (2) infection by urease-producing (urea-splitting) fungi or bacteria and (3) infection by uric acid-fermenting bacteria. Hematological, bacteriological, urological and geochemical considerations most strongly implicate infection by either anaerobic, urease-producing bacteria or anaerobic, uric acid-fermenting bacteria.The physical and chemical conditions of this urinary system more closely approximate modern and inferred ancient carbonate depositional settings than most previous laboratory experiments, especially in terms of temperature, pressure, total salinity and, possibly, biota. The presence of urease-producing and/or uric acid-fermenting bacteria in urea- and/or acid-containing sediment, such as fecal pellets and algal mats, could promote formation of authigenic dolomite or other carbonates.  相似文献   

Lacustrine dolomite nucleation commonly occurs in modern and Neogene evaporitic alkaline lakes. As a result, ancient lacustrine microcrystalline dolomite has been conventionally interpreted to be formed in evaporitic environments. This study, however, suggests a non-evaporitic origin of dolomite precipitated in a volcanic–hydrothermal lake, where hydrothermal and volcanic processes interacted. The dolomite occurs in lacustrine fine-grained sedimentary rocks in the middle Permian Lucaogou Formation in the Santanghu intracontinental rift basin, north-west China. Dolostones are composed mainly of nano-sized to micron-sized dolomite with a euhedral to subhedral shape and a low degree of cation ordering, and are interlaminated and intercalated with tuffaceous shale. Non-dolomite minerals, including quartz, alkaline feldspars, smectite and magnesite mix with the dolomite in various proportions. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.704528 to 0.705372, average = 0.705004) and δ26Mg values (−0.89 to −0.24‰, average = −0.55‰) of dolostones are similar to those of mantle rocks, indicating that the precipitates mainly originated from fluids that migrated upward from the mantle and were subject to water–rock reactions at a great depth. The δ18O values (−3.1 to −22.7‰, average = −14.0‰) of the dolostones indicate hydrothermal influence. The trace and rare earth element concentrations suggest a saline, anoxic and volcanic–hydrothermally-influenced subaqueous environment. In this subaqueous environment of Lucaogou lake, locally high temperatures and a supply of abundant Mg2+ from a deep source induced by volcanic–hydrothermal activity formed favourable chemical conditions for direct precipitation of primary dolomite. This study's findings deepen the understanding of the origin and processes of lacustrine primary dolomite formation and provide an alternative possibility for environmental interpretations of ancient dolostones.  相似文献   

尹政  赵艳娜  杨丽萍 《地下水》2010,32(4):56-59
依据近年来从事项目所收集的资料,结合前人的研究成果,对嘉峪关市北大河南岸新建地下水水源地水文地质条件及水源地运行对现有北大河水源地、傍河水源地、双泉水源地、火车站水源地的影响程度进行了论证,论证结果:酒泉西盆地地下水开采潜力中等,可增加开采量7585.27×10^4m^3/a;拟建水源地设计取水量1 460.00×10^4m^3/a可行;拟建水源地运行对现有各水源地影响程度较小。  相似文献   

Metamorphic fluorine reactions in silica deficient dolomite have been investigated between 300 and 560° C in the pressure range from 700 to 2000 bars.The equilibrium temperature for the reaction: 1 talc + 7 dolomite + 2 fluorite 2 chondrodite + 9 calcite + 5 CO2 + 1 H2O was experimentally determined as a function of the CO2-content of the CO2-H2O gas phase for the total pressure of 2000 bars. The results are given as an isobaric equilibrium curve in the -diagram of Fig. 2. The equilibrium data were checked and confirmed by reversed reactions.Under the specified pressure conditions the equilibrium temperatures for the above reaction changes from 380° C for very low -values to approximately 500° C for -values around 0.5, and then remains slightly above 500° C in the -interval between 0.5 and 1.0. The temperature conditions for the formation of chrondrodite from tremolite, dolomite, and fluorite are similar to those for the reaction including talc.  相似文献   

Fine grained dolomite has been deformed in over twenty compression experiments in a Griggs-type piston-cylinder apparatus at various P and T conditions. Preferred orientation determined quantitatively using X-ray techniques and spherical harmonic analysis of the data is presented in inverse pole-figures of — 2/m symmetry. In most cases specimens display strong preferred orientation which varies mainly as a function of temperature. At all conditions it is very different from calcitic limestone. Although there is no significant grain growth even at 1000 °C the simple c-axes maximum fabric above 700 °C might be the result of recrystallization or translation on c. Below 700 °C, the preferred orientation is much weaker and complex. The primary maximum in the inverse pole-figure is near e, a secondary maximum near a high angle positive rhomb, principal minima are at c and f. This inverse pole-figure is consistent with f-twinning and translation gliding on r (t = a ?), two mechanisms which counteract each other. The latter is a new deformation mechanism for dolomite which we propose in order to explain the pattern of preferred orientation. The minimum at c is less pronounced below 100 ° C suggesting that c-translation may be active, but in these fine-grained aggregates it appears to be less important than is expected from single crystal experiments (Higgs and Handin, 1959), at least at low temperatures.  相似文献   

The dolomite problem has a long history and remains one of the most intensely studied and debated topics in geology. Major amounts of dolomite are not directly forming today from seawater. This observation has led many investigators to develop geochemical/hydrologic models for dolomite formation in diagenetic environments. A fundamental limitation of the current models for the growth of sedimentary dolomite is the dearth of kinetic information for this phase, in contrast to that available for calcite and aragonite.We present a simple kinetic model describing dolomite growth as a function of supersaturation using data from published high temperature synthesis experiments and our own experimental results. This model is similar in form to empirical models used to describe precipitation and dissolution rates of other carbonate minerals. Despite the considerable uncertainties and assumptions implicit in this approach, the model satisfies a basic expectation of classical precipitation theory, i.e., that the distance from equilibrium is a basic driving force for reaction rate. The calculated reaction order is high (~ 3), and the combined effect of high order and large activation energy produces a very strong dependence of the rate on temperature and the degree of supersaturation of aqueous solutions with respect to this phase.Using the calculated parameters, we applied the model to well-documented case studies of sabkha dolomite at Abu Dhabi (Persian Gulf), and organogenic dolomite from the Gulf of California. Growth rates calculated from the model agree with independent estimates of the age of these dolomites to well within an order of magnitude. A comparison of precipitation rates in seawater also shows the rate of dolomite precipitation to converge strongly with that of calcite with increasing temperature. If correct, this result implies that dolomite may respond to relatively modest warming of surface environments by substantial increases in accumulation rate, and suggests that the distribution of sedimentary dolomite in the rock record may be to some extent a temperature signal.  相似文献   

To the exclusion of other major atmospheric pollutants, sulfur dioxide is mainly responsible for attack upon dolomite. This article characterizes Laurel Dolomite on the basis of composition, texture, and porosity; describes the mechanism of the SO2 reaction with dolomite; and develops two equations for the prediction of the rate of decay of dolomite. Over a period of 120 yr nearly 3.57 mm surface reduction at protected areas and 0.915 mm surface reduction at unprotected surfaces of a building in Louisville was calculated. However, these values could not be verified because measurement of these quantities in the field cannot be made.Dr. Caner-Saltik worked at the University of Louisville during her sabbatical leave from Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey from September 1989 to August 1990 as a Fulbright scholar.  相似文献   

A tem microstructural study of dolomite with curved faces (saddle dolomite)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Electron diffraction, analytical electron microscopy, and high voltage, high resolution electron microscopy have been used to investigate crystal defects in calcium-rich saddle dolomites having pronounced curvature of the faces. Results show that branching, ribbon-like defects in these so-called saddle dolomites are thin, coherent laths of calcitic material. The ribbons are profuse and explain the characteristic calcium excess found in most saddle dolomites. Because the lattice spacings of calcite are between 3.8% and 6.7% larger than the corresponding lattice spacings of dolomite, a calcitic ribbon causes local distortion of the host dolomite. The branching ribbons have a predominant {10¯14} orientation and are generally present in high density. They may represent the source of crystal distortion that ultimately manifests itself on the macroscopic scale. The calcitic ribbons form during growth from aqueous solution, although they have features in common with similar defects found in carbonatite carbonates. This fine-scale intergrowth microstructure may be a variant of even finer-scale modulated structures found in other sedimentary calcian dolomites.  相似文献   

The incongruent solution of dolomite   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two-mineral solubility diagrams are presented for the system calcite: calcium-rich dolomite which show the effect of calcite on the solubility of calcium-rich dolomite and conversely. These diagrams illustrate the incongruent solution of calcium-rich dolomite at low temperatures and the evolution of solutions of calcite and dolomite in a convenient way. They also show how calcium-rich dolomite may appear to be more soluble than calcite under some conditions.  相似文献   

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