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Air sparging has been used for several years as an in situ technique for removing volatile compounds from contaminated ground water, but few studies have been completed to quantify the extent of remediation. To gain knowledge of the air flow and water behavior around air injection wells, laboratory tests and model simulations were completed at three injection flow rates (62, 187, and 283 lpm) in a cylindrical reactor (diameter - 1.2 m, depth = 0.65 m). Measurements of the air flux distribution were made across the surface of the reactor at 24 monitoring locations, six radial positions equally spaced along two orthogonal transects. Simulations using a multiphase flow model called T2VOC were completed for a homogeneous, axisymmetric configuration. Input parameters were independently measured soil properties. In all the experiments, about 75 percent of the flow injected exited the water table within 30 cm of the sparge well. Predictions with T2VOC showed the same. The averages of four flux measurements at a particular distance from the sparge well compare satisfactorily with T2VOC predictions. Measured flux values at a given radius varied by more than a factor of two, but the averages were consistent between experiments and agreed well with T2VOC simulations. The T2VOC prediction of the radial extent of sparging coincided with the distance out to which air flow from the sparge well could not be detected in the reactor. The sparging pattern was relatively unaffected by the air injection rate over the range of conditions studied. Changes in the injection rate resulted in nearly proportional changes in flux rates.  相似文献   

Strawberry Point, located on Hinchinbrook Island, Alaska, is the site of a Federal Aviation Administration air navigation facility that is contaminated with gasoline- and diesel-range hydrocarbons in soil and ground water. An air sparging system was installed to promote bioremediation in the zone of seasonal ground water fluctuation where the contaminant is concentrated. The sparge wells were placed in a homogeneous formation, consisting of fine-grain beach and eolian sands. The system was then evaluated to determine the ground water region of influence and optimum frequency of operation. Neutron probe borehole measurements of percentage; of fluid displacement during sparging at two wells revealed dynamic air distributions defined by an initial and relatively rapid expansion phase followed by a consolidation phase. Air distribution was stable within 12 hours after startup, reaching a peak air saturation of greater than 50 percent. The radius of peak expansion varied with time and depth, with measurable fluid displacement occurring beyond 12 feel from the sparge well near the water table. The percentage of air saturation stabilized within one hour following cutoff of the air flow, leaving pockets of entrapped air near the water table. When air injection was resumed, air saturation levels were found to be repeatable. The observations at this site indicated that the effective region of influence is relatively small and that frequent pulsing is needed to optimize oxygen distribution.  相似文献   

Air sparging was evaluated for remediation of tetrachloroethylene (PCE) present as dense nonaqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) in aquifers. A two-dimensional laboratory tank with a transparent front wall allowed for visual observation of DNAPL mobilization. A DNAPL zone 50 cm high was created, with a PCE pool accumulating on an aquitard. Detailed process control and analysis yielded accurate mass balances and insight into the mass-transfer limitations during air sparging. Initial PCE recovery rates were high, corresponding to fast removal of residual DNAPL within the zone influenced directly by air channels. The vadose zone DNAPL was removed within a few days, and the recovery in the extracted soil vapors decreased to low values. Increasing the sparge rate and pulsing the air injection led to improved mass recovery, as the pulsing induced water circulation and increased the DNAPL dissolution rate. Dissolved PCE concentrations both within and outside the zone of air channels were affected by the pulsing. Inside the sparge zone, aqueous concentrations decreased rapidly, matching the declining effluent PCE flux. Outside the sparge zone, PCE concentrations increased because highly contaminated water was pushed away from the air injection point. This overall circulation of water may lead to limited spreading of the contaminant, but accelerated the time-weighted average mass removal by 40% to 600%, depending on the aggressiveness of the pulsing. For field applications, pulsing with a daily or diurnal cycling time may increase the average mass removal rate, thus reducing the treatment time and saving in the order of 40% to 80% of the energy cost used to run the blowers. However, air sparging will always fail to remove DNAPL pools located below the sparge point because the air will rise upward from the top of a screen, unless very localized geological layers force the air to migrate horizontally. Unrecognized presence of DNAPL at chlorinated solvent sites residual and pools could potentially hamper success of air sparging cleanups, since the presence of small DNAPL pools, ganglia or droplets can greatly extend the treatment time.  相似文献   

Vapor extraction (soil venting) has been demonstrated to be a successful and cost-effective remediation technology for removing VOCs from the vadose (unsaturated) zone. However, in many cases, seasonal water table fluctuations, drawdown associated with pump-and-treat remediation techniques, and spills involving dense, non-aqueous phase liquids (DNAPLS) create contaminated soil below the water table. Vapor extraction alone is not considered to be an optimal remediation technology to address this type of contamination.
An innovative approach to saturated zone remediation is the use of sparging (injection) wells to inject a hydrocarbon-free gaseous medium (typically air) into the saturated zone below the areas of contamination. The contaminants dissolved in the ground water and sorbed onto soil particles partition into the advective air phase, effectively simulating an in situ air-stripping system. The stripped contaminants are transported in the gas phase to the vadose zone, within the radius of influence of a vapor extraction and vapor treatment system.
In situ air sparging is a complex multifluid phase process, which has been applied successfully in Europe since the mid-1980s. To date, site-specific pilot tests have been used to design air-sparging systems. Research is currently underway to develop better engineering design methodologies for the process. Major design parameters to be considered include contaminant type, gas injection pressures and flow rates, site geology, bubble size, injection interval (areal and vertical) and the equipment specifications. Correct design and operation of this technology has been demonstrated to achieve ground water cleanup of VOC contamination to low part-per-billion levels.  相似文献   

Bair ES  Metheny MA 《Ground water》2002,40(6):657-668
Remediation of ground water and soil contamination at the Wells G & H Superfund Site, Woburn, Massachusetts, uses technologies that reflect differences in hydrogeologic settings, concentrations of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and costs of treatment. The poorly permeable glacial materials that overlie fractured bedrock at the W.R. Grace property necessitate use of closely spaced recovery wells. Contaminated ground water is treated with hydrogen peroxide and ultraviolet (UV) oxidation. At UniFirst, a deep well completed in fractured bedrock removes contaminated ground water, which is treated by hydrogen peroxide, UV oxidation, and granular activated carbon (GAC). The remediation system at Wildwood integrates air sparging, soil-vapor extraction, and ground water pumping. Air stripping and GAC are used to treat contaminated water; GAC is used to treat contaminated air. New England Plastics (NEP) uses air sparging and soil-vapor extraction to remove VOCs from the unsaturated zone and shallow ground water. Contaminated air and water are treated using separate GAC systems. After nine years of operation at W.R. Grace and UniFirst, 30 and 786 kg, respectively, of VOCs have been removed. In three years of operation, 866 kg of VOCs have been removed at Wildwood. In 15 months of operation, 36 kg of VOCs were removed at NEP. Characterization work continues at the Olympia Nominee Trust, Whitney Barrel, Murphy Waste Oil, and Aberjona Auto Parts properties. Risk assessments are being finalized that address heavy metals in the floodplain sediments along the Aberjona River that are mobilized from the Industri-Plex Superfund Site located a few miles upstream.  相似文献   

Three controlled experiments were conducted at the Oregon Graduate Institute (OGI) with the purpose of evaluating electrical resistance tomography for imaging underground processes associated with in-situ site assessment and remediation. The OGI facilities are unique: a double-wall tank 10 m square and 5 m deep, filled with river bottom sediments and instrumented for geophysical and hydrological studies. At this facility, liquid contaminants could be released into the confined soil at a scale sufficiently large to represent real-world physical phenomena.In the first test, images of electrical resistivity were made before and during a controlled spill of gasoline into a sandy soil. The primary purpose was to determine if electrical resistivity images could detect the hydrocarbon in either the vadose or saturated zone. Definite changes in electrical resistivity were observed in both the vadose and saturated soils. The effects were an increase in resistivity of as much as 10% above pre-release values. A single resistive anomaly was imaged, directly below the release point, principally within the vadose zone but extending below the phreatic surface. The anomaly remained identifiable in tomograms taken two days after the release ended with clear indications of lateral spreading along the water table.The second test involved electrical resistance measurements before, during, and after air sparging in a saturated soil. The primary purpose was to determine if the electrical images could be used to detect and delineate the extent of the zone influenced by sparging. The images showed an increase of about 20% in resistivity over background values within the sparged zone and the extent of the imaged zone agreed with that inferred from other information.Electrical resistivity tomography measurements were made under a simulated oil storage tank in the third test. Comparison of images taken before and during separate releases of brine and water showed effects of changes induced by the water or brine. The simulated leak and its location were imaged as a conductive anomaly centered near the point of origin and were observed to spread with time during the release.  相似文献   

1,4‐Dioxane is totally miscible in water, sequestering in vadose pore water that can serve as a source of long‐term groundwater contamination. Although some 1,4‐dioxane is removed by conventional soil vapor extraction (SVE), remediation is typically inefficient. SVE efficiency is hindered by low Henry’s Law constants at ambient temperature and redistribution to vadose pore water if SVE wells pull 1,4‐dioxane vapors across previously clean soil. It was hypothesized that heated air injection and more focused SVE extraction (“Enhanced SVE” or XSVE) could increase the efficiency of 1,4‐dioxane vadose treatment, and this new process was tested at former McClellan Air Force Base, CA. The XSVE system had four peripheral heated air injection wells surrounding a 6.1 m × 6.1 m × 9.1 m deep treatment zone with a central vapor extraction well. After 14 months of operation, soil temperatures reached as high as ~90 °C near the injection wells and the treatment zone was flushed with ~20,000 pore volumes of injected air. Post‐treatment sampling results showed reductions of ~94% in 1,4‐dioxane and ~45% in soil moisture. Given the simplicity of the remediation system components and the promising demonstration test results, XSVE has the potential to be a cost‐effective remediation option for vadose zone soil containing 1,4‐dioxane.  相似文献   

Air sparging has proven to be an effective remediation technique for treating saturated soils and ground water contaminated by volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Since little is known about the system variables and mass transfer mechanisms important to air sparging, several researchers have recently performed laboratory investigations to study such issues. This paper presents the results of column experiments performed to investigate the behavior of dense nonaqueous phase liquids (DNAPFs). specifically trichloroethylene (TCE), during air sparging. The specific objectives of the study were (1) to compare the removal of dissolved TCE with the removal of dissolved light nonaqueous phase liquids (LNAPLs). such as benzene or toluene; (2) to determine the effect of injected air-flow rate on dissolved TCE removal; (3) to determine the effect of initial dissolved TCE concentration on removal efficiency; and (4) to determine the differences in removal between dissolved and pure-phase TCE. The test results showed that (1) the removal of dissolved TCE was similar to that of dissolved LNAPL: (2) increased air-injection rates led to increased TCE removal at lower ranges of air injection, but further increases at higher ranges of air injection did not increase the rate of removal, indicating a threshold removal rate had been reached; (3) increased initial concentration of dissolved TCE resulted in similar rates of removal: and (4) the removal of pure-phase TCE was difficult using a low air-injection rate, but higher air-injection rates led to easier removal.  相似文献   

Laboratory Study of Air Sparging: Air Flow Visualization   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Laboratory flow visualization experiments, using glass beads as the porous medium, were conducted to study air sparging, an innovative technology for subsurface contaminant remediation. The purpose of these experiments was to observe how air flows through saturated porous media and to obtain a basic understanding of air plume formation and medium heterogeneity effects. The experiments indicate that air flow occurring in discrete, stable channels is the most probable flow behavior in medium to fine grained water saturated porous media and that medium heterogeneity plays an important role in the development of air channels. Several simulated scales of heterogeneities, from pore to field, have been studied. The results suggest that air channel formation is sensitive to the various scales of heterogeneities. Site-specific hydrogeologic settings have to be carefully reviewed before air sparging is applied to remediate sites contaminated by volatile organic compounds.  相似文献   

The basic physics of air flow through saturated porous media are reviewed and implications arc drawn for the practical application of air sparging. A conceptual model of the detailed behavior of an air sparging system is constructed using elements of multiphase flow theory and the results of recent experimental work. Implications of the conceptual model on air sparging topics are discussed. The meaning of radius of influence in the context of air sparging is found to be ambiguous. The hydrodynamic effects of air sparging such as mounding of ground water and flow impedance are explored. Limitations on rates of remediation and operational strategics for improving sparging effectiveness are examined.  相似文献   

Horizontal air sparging (HASP) wells offer several potential advantages compared to linear arrays of vertical air sparging wells. For some of these advantages to be realized, however, HASP wells must be able to deliver air uniformly along the length of the well. HASP wells can fail to deliver air uniformly for either engineering or geological reasons.
A 58 m (190-foot) long HASP well, with a 15 m (50-foot) long screen interval, was designed, installed, and tested in eolian dune sand. The relative uniformity of the geologic medium allowed specific evaluation of the impact of the well design on air delivery. A variety of monitoring approaches were used during a six-day pilot test. Pressure drop within the sparge well was found to be negligible through the screen interval of the well. Soil gas pressure and ground water mounding responses were very similar at both ends of the well screen, suggesting relatively uniform air delivery throughout. Electrical resistance tomography results confirmed that airflow in the formation was similar at both ends of the screen interval and that the principal region of airflow was within 1.5 m (5 feet) of the axis of the well. Increased dissolved oxygen was primarily limited to a region within 2.3 m (7.5 feet) of the well and occurred throughout the length of the screen interval. These monitoring results show that HASP wells, properly constructed and installed, can supply air in a generally uniform manner along their length.  相似文献   

An important operation parameter in the design of a pulsed air sparging (PAS) system is the pulse duration (PD). To study the effect of the PD on the remediation process, a series of laboratory experiments and numerical simulations were performed. The experimental apparatus was a cylindrical tank, packed with fine sand and partially filled by water contaminated with toluene. Toluene concentrations in water and in effluent air were measured over time during the application of PAS, which was applied with three different PD. Next, the T2VOC model, an extension of the TOUGH2 simulation program, was used to simulate the two-phase flow and transport processes for these cases. The simulation model was calibrated to the experimental results, and then run with a range of PD values. Results showed that there exists an optimal PD which yields the highest remediation efficiency. Next, it was shown that this PD may be obtained by performing a PAS pilot test and measuring the groundwater pressure response in a monitoring well. The characteristic time which describes the exponential decay of the pressure response was shown to provide an adequate estimate for the optimal PD. The estimation improved by taking a number of injection cycles.  相似文献   

An Overview of In Situ Air Sparging   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In situ air sparging (IAS) is becoming a widely used technology for remediating sites contaminated by volatile organic materials such as petroleum hydrocarbons. Published data indicate that the injection of air into subsurface water saturated areas coupled with soil vapor extraction (SVE) can increase removal rates in comparison to SVE alone for cases where hydrocarbons are distributed within the water saturated zone. However, the technology is still in its infancy and has not been subject to adequate research, nor have adequate monitoring methods been employed or even developed. Consequently, most IAS applications are designed, operated, and monitored based upon the experience of the individual practitioner.
The use of in situ air sparging poses risks not generally associated with most practiced remedial technologies: air injection can enhance the undesirable off-site migration of vapors and ground water contamination plumes. Migration of previously immobile liquid hydrocarbons can also be induced. Thus, there is an added incentive to fully understand this technology prior to application.
This overview of the current state of the practice of air sparging is a review of available published literature, consultation with practitioners, a range of unpublished data reports, as well as theoretical considerations. Potential strengths and weaknesses of the technology are discussed and recommendations for future investigations are given.  相似文献   

In Situ Biorestoration as a Ground Water Remediation Technique   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In situ biorestoration, where applicable, is indicated as a potentially very cost-effective and environmentally acceptable remediation technology. Many contaminants in solution in ground water as well as vapors in the unsaturated zone can be completely degraded or transformed into new compounds by naturally occurring indigenous microbial populations. Undoubtedly, thousands of contamination events are remediated naturally before the contamination reaches a point of detection. The need is for methodology to determine when natural biorestoration is occurring, the stage the restoration process is in, whether enhancement of the process is possible or desirable, and what will happen if natural processes are allowed to run their course.
In addition to the nature of the contaminant, several environmental factors are known to influence the capacity of indigenous microbial populations to degrade contaminants. These factors include dissolved oxygen, pH, temperature, oxidation-reduction potential, availability of mineral nutrients, salinity, soil moisture, the concentration of specific pollutants, and the nutritional quality of dissolved organic carbon in the ground water.
Most enhanced in situ bioreclamation techniques available today are variations of hydrocarbon degradation procedures pioneered and patented by Raymond and coworkers at Suntech during the period 1974 to 1978. Nutrients and oxygen are introduced through injection wells and circulated through the contaminated zone by pumping one or more producing wells.
The limiting factor in remediation technology is getting the contaminated subsurface material to the treatment unit or units, or in the case of in situ processes, getting the treatment process to the contaminated material. The key to successful remediation is a thorough understanding of the hydrogeologic and geochemical characteristics of the contaminated area.  相似文献   

Groundwater beneath the former Nebraska Ordnance Plant (NOP) is contaminated with the explosive hexahydro‐1,3,5‐trinitro‐1,3,5‐triazine (RDX) and trichloroethene (TCE). Previous treatability experiments confirmed that permanganate could mineralize RDX in NOP aquifer material. The objective of this study was to determine the efficacy of permanganate to transform RDX in the field by monitoring a pilot‐scale in situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) demonstration. In this demonstration, electrical resistivity imaging (ERI) was used to create two‐dimensional (2‐D) images of the test site prior to, during, and after injecting sodium permanganate. The ISCO was performed by using an extraction‐injection well configuration to create a curtain of permanganate. Monitoring wells were positioned downgradient of the injection zone with the intent of capturing the permanganate‐RDX plume. Differencing between ERI taken preinjection and postinjection determined the initial distribution of the injected permanganate. ERI also quantitatively corroborated the hydraulic conductivity distribution across the site. Groundwater samples from 12 downgradient wells and 8 direct‐push profiles did not provide enough data to quantify the distribution and flow of the injected permanganate. ERI, however, showed that the permanganate injection flowed against the regional groundwater gradient and migrated below monitoring well screens. ERI combined with monitoring well samples helped explain the permanganate dynamics in downgradient wells and support the use of ERI as a means of monitoring ISCO injections.  相似文献   

Air injection into porous media is investigated by laboratory experiments and numerical modelling. Typical applications of air injection into a granular bed are aerated bio-filters and air sparging of aquifers. The first stage of the dynamic process consists of air injection into a fixed or a quasi-fixed water-saturated granular bed. Later stages could include stages of movable beds as well, but are not further investigated here. A series of laboratory experiments were conducted in a two-dimensional box of the size 60 cm × 38 cm × 0.55 cm consisting of glass walls and using glass beads of diameter 0.4–0.6 mm as granular material. The development of the air flow pattern was optically observed and registered using a digital video camera. The resulting transient air flow pattern can be characterized as channelled flow in a fixed porous medium with dynamic tree-like evolution behaviour. Attempts are undertaken to model the air injection process. Multiphase pore-scale modelling is currently disregarded since it is restricted to very small scales. Invasion percolation models taking into account gravity effects are usually restricted to slow processes. On the other hand a continuum-type two-phase flow modelling approach is not able to simulate the observed air flow pattern. Instead a stochastic continuum-type approach is discussed here, which incorporates pore-scale features on a subscale, relevant for the immiscible processes involved. Consequently, the physical process can be modelled in a stochastic manner only, where the single experiment represents one of many possible realizations. However, the present procedure retains realistic water and air saturation patterns and therefore produces similar finger lengths and widths as observed in the experiments. Monte Carlo type modelling leads to ensemble mean water saturation and the related variance.  相似文献   

The soil and ground water at a General Motors plant site were contaminated with petroleum products from leaking underground storage tanks. Based on the initial assessment, the site was complex from the standpoint of geology (clay layers), hydrology (a recharge zone with a perched water table), and contaminant (approximately 4800 gallons of mixed gasoline and oil). After a thorough study of remedial alternatives, a synergistic remedial approach was adopted including pump and treat, product removal, vapor extraction, and bioventing. The system was designed and implemented at the site through 22 dual-extraction wells. Over a 21-month period, 4400 gallons of gasoline and oil were removed from the system, including 59 percent by vapor extraction, 28 percent by bioventing, and 13 percent by pump and treat. Synergism between the various remedial methods was demonstrated clearly. Ground water pump and treat lowered the water table, allowing air to flow for vapor extraction. The vacuum applied for vapor extraction increased the ground water removal rate and the efficiency of pump and treat. The vapor extraction system also added oxygen to the soil to stimulate aerobic biodegradation.  相似文献   

This report summarizes the initial results of subsurface remediation at Terminal 1, Kenneth International Airport, to remediate soil and ground water contaminated with Jet A fuel. The project was driven and constrained In the const ruction schedule of a major new terminal at the facility. The remediation system used a combination of ground water pumping, air injection, and soil vapor extraction. In the first five months of operation, the combined processes of dewatering, volatilization, and biodegradation removed a total of 36,689 pounds of total volatile and semivolatile organic jet fuel hydrocarbons from subsurface soil and ground water. The. results of this case study have shown that 62 percent of the removal resulted from biodegradation, 21 percent occurred as a result of liquid removal, and 11 percent resulted from the extraction of volatile organic compounds (VOC's).  相似文献   

This study tests the feasibility of an aquifer remediation concept proposed by Gvirtzman and Gorelick (1992) that involves the removal of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) dissolved in ground water. The principal is 10 inject air into a well, creating airlift pumping, which is used as a means of in-well vapor stripping. The partially treated water is diverted away from the well and infiltrates back to the water table, thus allowing remediation of a larger aquifer volume.
A remediation well prototype, constructed in a laboratory aquifer model, was used to demonstrate the processes involved. The removal rates of trichloroethylene, toluene, and chloroform were monitored using eight triple-level observation wells. The continuous decrease of VOC concentrations during the short-term experiment has yielded macroscopic evidence that the process offers some promise. It was found that the flow field in the saturated zone. involving the continuous water circulation between the pumping well and the recharging area, caused temporal and spatial variation in remediation efficiency.  相似文献   

Air sparging (AS) is a commonly applied method for treating groundwater contaminated with volatile organic compounds (VOCs). When using a constant injection of air (continuous mode), a decline in remediation efficiency is often observed, resulting from insufficient mixing of contaminants at the pore scale. It is well known that turning the injection on and off (pulsed mode) may lead to a better remediation performance. In this article, we investigate groundwater mixing and contaminant removal efficiency in different injection modes (i.e., continuous and pulsed), and compare them to those achieved in a third mode, which we denote as “rate changing.” In this mode, injection is always on, and its rate is varying with time by abrupt changes. For the purpose of this investigation, we conducted two separate sets of experiments in a laboratory tank. In the first set of experiments, we used dye plume tracing to characterize the mixing induced by AS. In the second set of experiments, we contaminated the tank with a VOC and compared the remediation efficiency between the different injection modes. As expected, we observed that time‐variable injection modes led to enhanced mixing and contaminant removal. The decrease in contaminant concentrations during the experiment was found to be double for the “rate changing” and “pulsed” modes compared to the continuous mode, with a slightly preferable performance for the “rate changing” mode. These results highlight the critical role that mixing plays in AS, and support the need for further investigation of the proposed “rate changing” injection mode.  相似文献   

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