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Spatial variations of Quaternary deformation and tectonic activity of faults along the Acambay graben are assessed using geomorphic and morphometric approaches. The Acambay graben is an east–west trending structure of apparent Quaternary age, located in the central part of the Mexican Volcanic Belt, which gives rise to pronounced scarps over a distance of about 80 km. Continuing tectonic activity in the Acambay graben is confirmed by recent well documented seismic episodes. The intensity of active tectonics has been interpreted through a detailed geomorphic study of the fault-generated mountain fronts and fluvial systems. The combined geomorphic and morphometric data provide evidence for relative variations in tectonic activity among the Acambay graben faults. Geomorphic indices suggest a relatively high degree of tectonic activity along the Venta de Bravo and the Acambay–Tixmadeje faults, followed, in order of decreasing activity, by the Pastores, Temascalcingo and Tepuxtepec faults. Spatial variations within faults have also been identified, suggesting a higher level of tectonic activity at the tips of the faults. This pattern of variation in the relative degree of tectonic activity is consistent with field evidence and seismic data for the Acambay graben. Geomorphic evaluation of the Acambay graben faults suggests that the Acambay–Tixmadeje and Venta de Bravo faults, and specifically the tips of these faults and a central segment near the town of Venta de Bravo, should be considered as areas of potentially high earthquake risk. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

冲绳海槽弧后张裂构造及其动力机制讨论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在总结、讨论冲绳海槽弧后张裂构造的地形地貌、地球物理场和动力背景特征的基础上,归纳出海槽北、中、南三段之间的差异,以及它们在陆坡、槽底、岛坡上的不同表现特征.槽底雁行排列的地堑及断层斜切入陆坡,伴随的断块隆眷作用往南加强,使得钓鱼岛一赤尾屿隆起带区别于其北边的陆架外缘隆起带,吕宋岛向台湾的碰撞挤压引起的旋张活动加强了海槽南段的地壳拉张,从北往南岛坡侧都可以追踪出双列岛孤特性.海槽内部构造现象不能为笼统的构造动力背景所能完全解释,需要对各个典型中央地堑的具体深入探测研究.鉴于地堑、地垒、断层以及它们所界定的构造单元和它们内部发生的岩浆作用各有特点,最后讨论了各个地段中央地堑的构造属性、动力要素的差异及变化规律,以期为海槽构造动力的进一步深入研究提供借鉴参考.  相似文献   

We examined the characteristics of landslides triggered by the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake (Mw = 7.0: focal depth=10.0 km) in forests and grasslands within two affected watersheds (Tokosegawa: 6.9 km2 and Nigorigawa: 6.1 km2) in southwestern Japan. We identified 190 landslides using aerial photographs and analyzed their sizes by geographic information system (GIS). Field investigations were conducted to obtain landslide depth, volume and residual sediment for 38 selected landslides (21 in forests and 17 in grasslands). The minimum area of detected landslides in grasslands (400 m2) was smaller than in forests (1000 m2), probably because of reduced detectability of landslides under tree cover. The ratio of total area occupied by landslides for a given range of slope gradient in the watersheds increased from 3.2% on gentle grassland slopes (10–15°) to 15.5% on steep (>45°) slopes, whereas the maximum landslide-area ratio in forest sites (7.4%) occurred on relatively gentle slopes (25–30°). Estimated landslide volume ranged from 27 to 9622 m3, based on mean depth of each landslide measured around individual landslide scars. Moreover, the volumetric ratio of landslide deposit volume to total landslide volume exceeded 100% for 48% of the landslides within forests and 35% of the landslides within grasslands. Our findings show that land cover had extensive and recognizable effects on the characteristics of landslides and resulting in-channel sediment accumulations. Resetting sediment dynamics after earthquakes associated with different land cover distributions needs to be considered within watersheds. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

太行山东缘汤阴地堑地壳结构和活动断裂探测   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
采用深、浅地震反射和钻孔地质剖面相结合的探测方法,对太行山东缘汤阴地堑的地壳结构和隐伏活动断裂进行了研究.结果表明,该区地壳厚度约36~42 km,莫霍面从华北平原区向太行山下倾伏.汤阴地堑是一个受汤东断裂控制的半地堑构造,其基底面形态与莫霍面展布呈"镜像"关系.汤东断裂是1条继承性的隐伏活动断裂,该断裂向上错断了埋深约20 m的中更新世晚期地层,向下延伸至上地壳底部.综合分析深地震反射和已有深地震宽角反射/折射剖面结果,发现深地震反射剖面上的中-下地壳强反射层和壳幔过渡带反射,与深地震宽角反射/折射剖面上出现的中-下地壳正负速度梯度变化层有着较好的对应关系,这表明本区中-下地壳和壳幔过渡带可能为一系列速度递变层或高低速物质的互变层,埋深约15~16 km的强反射带为上地壳与中-下地壳的转换带,壳幔过渡带的底界为地壳与地幔的分界.研究结果为深入理解该区的深部动力学过程、分析研究深浅构造关系、评价断裂的活动性提供了依据.  相似文献   

西藏打加错南北向地堑系处于冈瓦纳大陆北缘,地堑系总体延伸方向(175~190°),延伸长度>50 km,延伸宽度5~15 km.根据该地堑构造带内发育的鱼鳞山组(N2Qy)玄武岩测年结果以及地堑构造带内发育的活动温泉,判断该地堑构造活动时期早于13.43 Ma,现今仍在强烈活动.在打加错地堑系东西两侧的地垒中共发现5处金属矿(化)点,各矿(化)点与中酸性岩体活动及近SN断裂构造有密切关系,特别是近南北向展布的中酸性小岩体更易形成斑岩型铜矿.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate the triggering of shallow landslides through the analysis of physical experiments performed in an artificial hillslope. The physical model consists of a reinforced concrete box containing a soil prism with maximum height of 3.5 m, length of 6 m, and width of 2 m. In order to analyse and examine the factors leading to the failure and the triggering modes, the hillslope is equipped with sensors to monitor the pore water pressure and moisture content response to rainfall in a 60 cm thick sand layer overlying a sandy clay soil. Two experiments were performed with different degrees of the sand initial compaction, to investigate the role of porosity on the hydrologic response and the subsequent failure. The experimental results showed that, with initially loose sand, the failure occurred suddenly, without premonitory signs, the soil behaving like a viscous fluid. The collected data showed a rapid increase of the water pressure contextual to the failure of the sand layer. In the second experiment, with initially dense sand, three levels of instability were observed: (i) abundant runoff with limited erosion of the ground surface; (ii) local slip detachments involving a soil thickness of few centimetres; and (iii) a slow advancement of the entire sand layer volume. The hydrologic dynamics observed in the landslide experiments were simulated with numerical solutions of the Richards equation. The results of the simulations agree well with the experiments for the loose sand, while for the dense sand the comparison between experimental and numerical results shows some limitations related to the assumptions of single phase and rigid soil matrix implicit in the Richards equation. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The widely distributed thick gravel deposits along the rim of the Tibetan Plateau have been long thought to be the product of rapid tectonic uplift of the plateau. However, this has been challenged by recent works that suggest these thick gravels may be the result of climate change. In this paper we carried out a detailed field measurement of gravel grain sizes from the Jiuquan and Gobi Gravel Beds in the top of the Laojunmiao section in the Jiuxi Basin in the northern margin of Qilian Mts. (northern Tibetan Plateau). The results suggest that the grain sizes of the Jiuquan and Gobi Gravel Beds over the last 0.8 Ma are characterized by nine coarse-fine cycles having strong 100-ka and 41-ka periodicities that correlate well with the loess-paleosol monsoon record and isotopic global climatic record from deep sea sediments as well as by a long trend of coarsening in gravel grain size. The coarse gravel layers were formed during the warm-humid interglaciations while the fine layers correspond to the cold-dry glaciations. Because the paleoclimate in NW China began to get dramatically drier after the mid-Pleistocene, we think the persistent coarsening of gravel grain size was most probably caused by the rapid uplift of the northern Tibetan Plateau, and that the orbital scale cyclic variations in gravel grain size were driven by orbital forcing factors that were superimposed on the tectonically-forced long-term coarsening trend in gravel size. These findings also shed new light on the interaction results of climate and tectonics in relation to the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

Paleogene surface tectonics in Japan is not well understood because of the paucity of onshore Paleogene stratigraphic records except for those from accretionary complexes. Paralic Paleogene formations remaining in SW Japan are usually so thin that it is difficult to decipher the tectonics from them. However, the Eocene paralic sedimentary package with a thickness of kilometers indicates syn-depositional tectonic subsidence by a few kilometers in the Amakusa archipelago, west of Kyushu Island. Thus, we made a detailed geological map of the Eocene formations in an area of ~50 square kilometers in the northwestern part of the archipelago. We identified NE-SW and NW-SE trending normal faults, most of which were recognized by previous researchers, and also discovered low-angle faults. NW-SE trending ones are known to be of the Miocene. NE-SW trending and low-angle normal faults are the oldest map-scale structures in the Eocene ones. It is not obvious within the above-mentioned area whether those normal faults are accompanied by growth strata. However, the significant southeastward thickening of the Eocene formations across the Amakusa archipelago suggests that they filled a large half graben with the basin margin fault along the eastern side of the archipelago. This basin model is consistent with the N-S to NW-SE transport directions of the low-angle and NE-SW trending normal faults. Since many NE-SW to EW trending Eocene grabens were formed in the offshore regions west of Kyushu Island and in the East China Sea, the Amakusa region was probably a northeastern branch of the rift system. The geologic structures and depositional ages of the Eocene formations indicate that the Eocene extensional tectonics removed the overlying strata to some extent for the high-P/T Takahama Metamorphic Rocks which crops out to the south of our study area.  相似文献   

Landslides and runoff are dominant erosional agents in the tectonically active alpine South Westland area of New Zealand, characterized by high uplift rates and extreme orographic precipitation. Despite a high density of shallow debris slides and flows, the geomorphic imprints of deep‐seated bedrock failures are dominant and persistent. Over 50 large (>1 km2) landslides comprising rock slide[sol ]avalanches, complex rotational and rock‐block slides, wedge failures, and deep‐seated gravitational slope deformation were detected on air photos and shaded‐relief images. Major long‐term impacts on alpine rivers include (1) forced alluviation upstream of landslide dams, (2) occlusion of gorges and triggering of secondary riparian landslides, and (3) diversion of channels around deposits to form incised meandering gorges. Remnants of large prehistoric (i.e. pre‐1840) landslide deposits possibly represent the low‐frequency (in terms of total area affected yet dominant) end of the spectrum of mass wasting in the western Southern Alps. This is at odds with high erosion rates in an active erosional landscape. Large landslides appear to have dual roles of supplying and retaining sediment. The implications of these roles are that (1) previous models of (shallow) landslide‐derived sediment flux need to be recalibrated, and (2) geomorphic effects of earthquake‐induced landsliding may persist for at least 102 years. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A typhoon (Typhoon No. 10) attacked Shikoku Island and the Tyugoku area of Japan in 2004. This typhoon produced a new daily precipitation record of 1317 mm on Shikoku Island and triggered hundreds of landslides in Tokushima Prefecture. One catastrophic landslide was triggered in the Shiraishi area of Kisawa village, and destroyed more than 10 houses while also leaving an unstable block high on the slope. The unstable block kept moving after the event, showing accelerating and decelerating movement during and after rainfall and reaching a displacement of several meters before countermeasures were put into place. To examine the mechanism for this landsliding characteristic, samples (weathered serpentinite) were taken from the field, and their shear behaviours examined using ring shear tests. The test results revealed that the residual shear strength of the samples is positively dependent on the shear rate, which may provide an explanation for the continuous accelerating–decelerating process of the landsliding. The roughness of the shear surface and the microstructure of the shear zone were measured and observed by laser microscope and SEM techniques in an attempt to clarify the mechanism of shear rate effect on the residual shear strength. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Volcanic history and tectonics of the Southwest Japan Arc   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract Remarkable changes in volcanism and tectonism have occurred in a synchronous manner since 1.5–2 Ma at the junction of the Southwest Japan Arc and the Ryukyu Arc. Although extensive volcanism occurred in Kyushu before 2 Ma, the subduction-related volcanism started at ca 1.5 Ma, forming a NE–SW trend volcanic front, preceded by significant changes in whole-rock chemistry and mode of eruptions at ca 2 Ma. The Median Tectonic Line has intensified dextral motion since 2 Ma, with a northward shift of its active trace of as much as 10 km, accompanied by the formation of rhomboidal basins in Central Kyushu. Crustal rotation and incipient rifting has also occurred in South Kyushu and the northern Okinawa Trough over the past 2 million years. We emphasize that the commencement age of these events coincides with that of the transition to the westward convergence of the Philippine Sea plate, which we interpret as a primary cause of these synchronous episodes. We assume that the shift in subduction direction led to an increase of fluid component contamination from subducted oceanic slab, which then produced island-arc type volcanism along the volcanic front. Accelerated trench retreat along the Ryukyu Trench may have caused rifting and crustal rotation in the northern Ryukyu Arc.  相似文献   

Geospatial techniques play a crucial role in geomorphic studies, particularly in the challenging terrains like mountainous regions, inaccessible areas and densely vegetated landscapes, where geomorphic features cannot be recorded easily. Tectono-geomorphologic observations provide important clues regarding the landscape evolution, morpho-dynamics and ongoing tectonism of the region. The present study has been carried out in the Zanskar Basin (ZB), located to the south of the Indus Tsangpo Suture Zone (ITSZ), in the hinterland of the NW Himalaya. This study has been carried out to assess and evaluate active tectonics by employing tectono-geomorphic analysis, dynamics in drainage networks, geomorphological field observations and the Geographic Information System (GIS) environment. High-resolution satellite images, topographic maps and the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) Digital Elevation Model (DEM) were used to generate primary data sets, which were corroborated with field investigations for valid inferences. The geometry of the ZB suggests that continuous tectonic activity exerts first-order control on the overall shape, size and structure of the ZB. This first-order response is clearly reflected in the landforms modified by tectonic processes, namely, linear mountain fronts, elongated shape and tilting of the basin, braided and meandering river courses and lower stream length gradient index values in hard rock terrain. The ZB exhibits several eye-catching geomorphic features, such as well-defined triangular facets with wide base lengths and wine-glass valleys with small outlets along the footwall block of the Zanskar Shear Zone/South Tibetan Detachment System (ZSZ/STDS), as well as the presence of wind gaps, water gaps, bedrock incision, incised and entrenched valleys, narrow gorges and a high incision rate inferring active tectonics and recent uplift in the region. In addition, the existence of uplifted river terraces, as well as the stepped morphology of fans and strath terraces, suggests that the region is experiencing recent activity and ongoing tectonic uplift. These modified geomorphic characteristics suggest that the hinterland, which is part of the NW Himalaya, is tectonically quite active and has experienced a differential rate of tectonics during its evolution. The quantified geomorphic indices and their relations with the tectonics, climate and erosion activity infer that the basin geometry is mostly controlled by the ZSZ/STDS that dips 20°–70° NE, the south-dipping Zanskar Counter Thrust (ZCT) and other local tectonic elements like the Choksti Thrust (CT), Stondgey Thrust, Zangla Thrust and tectonic structures. The synergised results of quantified geomorphic indices and tectono-geomorphic evidence in the ZB strongly indicate that both the past and ongoing tectonism have significantly shaped and modified geomorphology of the ZB.  相似文献   

Introduction Northwestern Beijing covers the mountainous area from 114~116.5E and 39~41N, which is located at the joint place of the basically E-W trending Yanshan, the NE to NNE-trending Shanxi and the NW-trending ZhangjiakouPenglai active tectonic belts (regions). The long history of development and evolution in tectonics have formed the features of basin-range tectonics and multi-sets of fault systems with different ranges. Generally, they can be divided as NNE-NE, NNW-NW and appr…  相似文献   

青藏高原东缘地区活动断裂极其发育,强震繁发,特别是2008年5月12日的汶川Ms8.0级地震的发生,使得众多地球科学家认识到有必要更为全面地了解和认识该地区的地应力场背景和地球动力学环境.本论文结合活动构造的性质和分布特征,在考虑重力因素的条件下,利用三维粘弹性有限元模拟分析青藏高原东缘现今地应力场的分布特征和控制因素.模拟结果表明,印度板块与欧亚板块的持续碰撞和稳定华南块体的阻挡控制着青藏高原东缘总体的动力学环境,主要活动断裂和次一级活动断裂的展布对地应力场分布特征具有不同程度的影响,在不同的构造位置具有不同的地应力场特征,同时决定了相应活动断裂的性质.巴颜喀拉块体的水平最大主应力方向总体上为东西向;印度板块向北运动过程中对缅甸块体产生的剪切拉伸的作用和南海伸展性的边界使得水平最大主应力方向在川滇地块发生了偏转,同时造成了围绕喜马拉雅东构造结的旋转变形.青藏高原东缘在近地表区域由于受到地形地貌的影响,地应力随深度发生了不同程度的变化,在地形梯度较大和块体边界地壳结构发生较大变化的区域,如龙门山断裂带附近,地壳浅部的地应力随深度发生较为明显的变化,而地势比较平缓和地壳岩石物性比较稳定的地区,由浅到深的地应力变化较小.  相似文献   

Landslides generate enormous volumes of sediment in mountainous watersheds; however, quantifying the downstream transport of landslide‐derived sediment remains a challenge. Landslide erosion and sediment delivery to the Shihmen Reservoir watershed in Taiwan was estimated using empirical landslide frequency–area and volume–area relationships, empirical landslide runout models, and the Hydrological Simulation Program‐ FORTRAN (HSPF). Landslide erosion rates ranged from 0.4 mm yr‐1 to 2.2 mm yr‐1 during the period 1986–2003, but increased to 7.9 mm yr‐1 following Typhoon Aere in 2004. The percentage of landslide sediment delivered to streams decreased from 78% during the period 1986–1997 to 55% in 2004. Although the delivery ratio was lower, the volume of landslide sediment delivered to streams was 2.81 × 106 Mg yr‐1 in 1986–1997 and 8.60 × 106 Mg yr‐1 in 2004. Model simulations indicate that only a small proportion of the landslide material was delivered downstream. An average of 13% of the landslide material delivered to rivers was moved downstream during the period 1986–1997. In 2004, the period including Typhoon Aere, the annual fluvial sediment yield accounted for approximately 23% of the landslide material delivered to streams. In general, the transfer of sediment in the fluvial system in the Shihmen Reservoir watershed is dominantly transport limited. The imbalance between sediment supply and transport capacity has resulted in a considerable quantity of landslide material remaining in the upper‐stream regions of the watershed. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this work, a transient rainfall infiltration and grid‐based regional slope‐stability model (TRIGRS) was implemented in a case study of Yan'an City, Northwest China. In this area, widespread shallow landslides were triggered by the 12 July 2013 exceptional rainstorm event. A high‐resolution DEM, soil parameters from in‐situ and laboratory measurements, water table depths, the maximum depth of precipitation infiltration and rain‐gauge‐corrected precipitation of the event, were used as inputs in the TRIGRS model. Shallow landslides triggered on the same day were used to evaluate the modeling results. The summarized results are as follows: (i) The characteristics and distribution of thirty‐five shallow landslides triggered by the 12 July 2013 rainfall event were identified in the study area and all were classified as shallow landslides with the maximum depth, area and volume less than 3 m, 200 m2 and 1000 m3, respectively, (ii) Four intermediate factor of safety (FS) maps were generated using the TRIGRS model to represent the scenarios 6, 12, 18 and 24 hours after the storm event. The area with FS < 1 increased with the rainfall duration. The percentage of the area with FS < 1 was 0.2%, 3.3%, 3.8% and 5.1% for the four stages, respectively. Twenty‐four hours after the rainstorm, TRIGRS predicted that 1255 grid cells failed, which is consistent with the field data. (iii) TRIGRS generated more satisfactory results at a given precipitation threshold than SINMAP, which is ideal for landslide hazard zoning for land‐use planning at the regional scale. Comparison results showed that TRIGRS is more useful for landslide prediction for a certain precipitation threshold, also in the regional scale. (iv) Analysis of the responses of loess slope prone to slope failure after different precipitation scenarios revealed that loess slopes are particularly sensitive to extended periods of heavy precipitation. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The present study focuses on the morphotectonic evolution of the axial portion of the Southern Apennine chain between the lower Calore River valley and the northern Camposauro mountain front (Campania Region). A multidisciplinary approach was used, including geomorphological, field‐geology, stratigraphical, morphotectonic, structural, 40Ar/39Ar and tephrostratigraphical data. Results indicate that, from the Lower Pleistocene onwards, this sector of the chain was affected by extensional tectonics responsible for the onset of the sedimentation of Quaternary fluvial, alluvial fan and slope deposits. Fault systems are mainly composed of NW‐SE, NE–SW and W‐E trending strike‐slip and normal faults, associated to NW‐SE and NE–SW oriented extensions. Fault scarps, stratigraphical and structural data and morphotectonic indicators suggest that these faults affected the wide piedmont area of the northern Camposauro mountain front in the Lower Pleistocene–Upper Pleistocene time span. Faults affected both the oldest Quaternary slope deposits (Laiano Synthem, Lower Pleistocene) and the overlying alluvial fan system deposits constrained between the late Middle Pleistocene and the Holocene. The latter are geomorphologically and chrono‐stratigraphically grouped into four generations, I generation: late Middle Pleistocene–early Upper Pleistocene, with tephra layers 40Ar/39Ar dated to 158±6 and 113±7 ka; II generation: Upper Pleistocene, with tephra layers correlated with the Campanian Ignimbrite (39 ka) and with the slightly older Campi Flegrei activity (40Ar/39Ar age 48±7 ka); III generation: late Upper Pleistocene–Lower Holocene, with tephra layers correlated with the Neapolitan Yellow Tuff (~15 ka); IV generation: Holocene in age. The evolution of the first three generations was controlled by Middle Pleistocene extensional tectonics, while Holocene fans do not show evidence of tectonic activity. Nevertheless, considering the moderate to high magnitude historical seismicity of the study area, we cannot rule out that some of the recognized faults may still be active. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The variety of active, exhumed, and buried limestone landforms of northern England, North Wales, and the Isle of Man arises in part from the way in which Dinantian (Lower Carboniferous) sedimentation was affected by a tilt-block basement structure evolved during the closure of the Iapetus Ocean suture to the north, and partly to subsequent plate tectonic movements associated with the closure of the proto-Tethys ocean, the opening of the Atlantic Ocean and the Alpine orogeny. Landforms created during the Dinantian now form important exhumed and buried landscape features. The Permian half-graben structures of the eastern Irish Sea-Cheshire-Worcester Basins account for many of the contrasts between the upland karsts of the Pennines and the lowland karsts of coastal areas.  相似文献   

Lawrence R.  Zamoras  Atsushi  Matsuoka 《Island Arc》2004,13(4):506-519
Abstract   Upper Paleozoic to Mesozoic sedimentary sequences of chert (Liminangcong Formation), clastics (Guinlo Formation) and a number of limestone units (Coron Formation, Minilog Formation and Malajon Limestone) constitute the accretionary complex of the North Palawan block, Philippines. Based on chert-to-clastic transitions from different stratigraphic sequences around the Calamian Islands, three accretionary belts are delineated: the Northern Busuanga Belt (NBB), the Middle Busuanga Belt (MBB) and the Southern Busuanga Belt (SBB). The accretion events of these belts along the East Asian accretionary complex, indicated by their sedimentary transitions, began with the Middle Jurassic NBB accretion, followed by the Late Jurassic MBB accretion and the Early Cretaceous SBB accretion. Several limestone blocks that formed over the seamounts became juxtaposed with chert–clastic sequences during accretion. During the Late Cretaceous, accretion-subduction along the East Asian margin subsided bringing tectonic stability to the region. The seafloor spreading during the mid-Oligocene disconnected the entire North Palawan block from the Asian mainland and then migrated southward. The collision between the North Palawan block and the Philippine Island Arc system in the middle Miocene generated a megafold structure in the Calamian Islands as a result of the clockwise turn of the accretionary belts in the eastern Calamian from originally northeast–southwest to northwest–southeast.  相似文献   

The 2013-04-20 Lushan earthquake(seismic magnitude Ms 7.0 according to the State Seismological Bureau)induced a large number of landslides.In this study,spatial characteristics of landslides are developed by interpreting digital aerial photography data.Seven towns near the epicenter,with an area of about 11.11 km2,were severely affected by the earthquake,and 703 landslides were identified from April 24,2013 aerial photography data over an area of 1.185 km2.About 55.56% of the landslide area was less than 1000 m2,whereas about 3.23 % was more than 10,000 m2.Rock falls and shallow landslides were the most commonly observed types in the study area,and were primarily located in the center of Lushan County.Most landslide areas were widely distributed near river channels and along roads.Five main factors were chosen to study the distribution characteristics of landslides:elevation,slope gradients,fault,geologic unit and river system.The spatial distribution of coseismal landslides is studied statistically using both landslide point density(LPD),defined as the number of landslides(LS Number)per square kilometer,and landslide area density(LAD),interpreted as the percentage of landslides area affected by earthquake.The results show that both LPD and LAD have strong positive correlations with five main factors.Most landslides occurred in the gradient range of 40°-50° and an elevation range of 1.0-1.5 km above sea level.Statistical results also indicate that landslides were mainly formed in soft rocks such as mudstone and sandstone,and concentrated in IX intensity areas.  相似文献   

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