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Sludge pretreatment prior to anaerobic digestion has been found to reduce sludge production in wastewater treatment. Sludge disintegration using physical, chemical, biological, or mechanical methods can increase biogas production and reduce sludge quantities. Ultrasonication is one of the most effective means of mechanical disintegration. This study aims to investigate ultrasonication as a means for solubilizing waste activated sludge (WAS) to enhance its digestability. Sonication was applied by the use of two different probes providing different powers and energies into the sludge after which the soluble chemical oxygen demand (sCOD) increases were measured. The samples were then digested anaerobically in 250 mL serum bottles for about 50 days. Along with the biogas measurements, the rate of methane production is calculated to be able to quantify the effect of pretreatment and compare the results between different applications. The results showed that with the increase of sonication power and sonication time, sCOD increased. An introduction of higher sonication energy made the sCOD rise sharply, however, this increase was not indefinite; it became gradually lower with the further increase of energy. The results indicated that specific methane production, specific methane yield, and the first order methane generation rate increased with increasing energy input.  相似文献   

Thermocatalytic low temperature conversion (LTC) is a new method for the disposal of sewage sludge. Using this method, sludge is converted into a residual solid (coal) along with reaction water, oil, and non‐condensable gases. The oil can be used as an energy source and the coal as a substitute for charcoal. To this end, it is important to determine whether there are any easily available contaminants present in the coal generated by the process. Contaminants that can be strongly sorbed by sewage sludge solids are, e. g., pharmaceuticals and disinfectants. As an example the fate of the persistent and strong adsorbing disinfectant benzalkonium chloride (BAC) has been investigated within the LTC process. The sewage sludge was spiked with BAC and then subjected to the LTC process. The resulting coal was extracted and analyzed using LC‐LC/ESI‐MS/MS (ion trap). BAC could not be detected in the LTC coal, although it could be extracted from the spiked sludge before the LTC treatment. It can thus be concluded that the investigated compound is not easily available in the coal, and hence that its use does not present a risk.  相似文献   

张晨  宋迪迪  廉铁辉 《湖泊科学》2020,32(2):370-379
2014年南水北调中线一期工程通水后,天津市的水源结构发生变化,由单一滦河水源变为双水源.引水结构变化导致于桥水库入库水量变化,从而影响水库的总磷(TP)滞留.一般认为,入库总磷负荷随入库水量减少而降低,且水力停留时间越长,将越有利于总磷滞留,从而水库TP浓度降低.但根据统计数据发现,南水北调通水后于桥水库入库水量降低,TP负荷反而升高,水库TP浓度升高.何种TP滞留机制造成了这样的结果?本文通过分析2001-2018年间入库水量(WIN)、入库总磷负荷(TPLIN)在南水北调通水前后的变化规律,采用Vollenweider模型推求水库TP浓度和磷滞留量(RP),探讨水力停留时间(T)对库区总磷滞留量的影响机制,并估算双水源新情势下控制于桥水库磷滞留量的生态水量.结果表明:TPLIN随WIN呈先降低后升高趋势;引水期τ与RP之间存在显著的正相关关系,随着τ增加,正相关性下降,但同时考虑非引水期和引水期τ时,RP受较小的TPL...  相似文献   

A comparative study of methane recovery by co-digesting kitchen waste and saline sewage sludge is performed to evaluate its feasibility for waste minimization. The experiment is performed at 37 °C having a mixing speed of 100 rpm and pH of 6.49–7.5 in anaerobic mixed batch reactors. The higher salinity level of the saline sewage sludge reduces the degradation rate of kitchen waste causing an enhancement in soluble chemical oxygen demand by 133% compared with 280% when co-digesting with the non-saline sample. The inhibitory behavior is in line with the low volatile solid elimination efficiency of 31% of saline against 55% of non-saline sludge. The Gompertz modeling, based on the outcomes, fits the cumulative methane generation trends quite well, with a strong correlation coefficient (>0.994). Besides, use of the non-saline sludge results in three times more methane production than the saline sample digestion. Sludge recovery is 0.07 m3 sludge m−3 wastewater, and water recovery is 0.84 m3 m−3 wastewater. The liquid produced from the fermentation of the slurry can be used for irrigation as well as fertilization. Kitchen waste co-digestion with both sludge samples has been proven to be a practical method for exploiting the extra digestion capacity of wastewater treatment plants currently in operation, but it is more practical for non-saline sludge.  相似文献   

Ex‐situ bioremediation of real‐field crude petroleum sludge was evaluated to elucidate the role of co‐culture (bioaugmentation) and external nutrients supplementation (biostimulation) under anaerobic microenvironment. Maximum removal of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) was observed by integrating biostimulation with bioaugmentation (R5, 44.01%) followed by bioaugmentation alone (R4, 34.47%), co‐substrate supplemented operations [R6, 23.36%; R3, 16.5%; R2, 9.88%] and control (R1, 4.36%). Aromatics fraction showed higher degradation in all the conditions studied. Fate of six selected polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) was evaluated during bioremediation. Among these, four ring PAHs compounds showed good degradation by integration of biostimulation with bioaugmentation (R5) while bioaugmentation alone (R4) documented good degradation of three ring PAHs. Lower ring PAHs compounds showed good degradation with the application of biostimulation (R6). Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) detected the presence of known PAHs degrading microorganisms viz., Bacillus, Pseudomonas, Acido bacteria, Sulphur reducing bacteria Firmicutes, etc. Application of biostimulation and bioaugmentation strategies alone or in combinations documented noticeable influence on the degradation of petroleum sludge.  相似文献   

The effect of a reactive azo dye (the hydrolyzed form of Reactive Orange 107, HRO107) on the digestion of municipal waste sludge (WS) was studied. The study also focused on the effect of acclimation of the anaerobic mixed culture on dye treatment. Anaerobic batch assays were carried out in serum bottles under mesophilic conditions. Unacclimated and acclimated anaerobic mixed cultures were used for the study. Both unacclimated and acclimated anaerobic cultures completely reduced HRO107 during WS digestion. Inhibitory HRO107 concentration was found to be 800 mg/L for unacclimated mixed culture. Acclimation increased the inhibitory concentration level from 800 to 3200 mg/L. Sulfanilic acid and four other unidentified dye reduction end products were detected at the end of the assays. The results of this study indicated that anaerobic municipal WS digesters have the potential to be a cost efficient and effective pre treatment method.  相似文献   

Two types of river sediments with contrasting characteristics (anoxic or oxic) were resuspended and the release of heavy metals and changes in water chemistry were investigated. During resuspension of the anoxic sediment, the dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration and redox potential of the water layer decreased abruptly within the first 1 min, followed by increases toward the end of the resuspension period. Heavy metals were released rapidly in the first 6 h, probably due to the oxidation of acid volatile sulfide (AVS) of the anoxic sediment, and then the aqueous phase concentrations of the heavy metals decreased due to resorption onto the sediment until the 12‐h point. During resuspension of the oxic sediment, the DO concentration and redox potential remained relatively constant in the oxic ranges. The heavy metals were released from the oxic sediment gradually during a 24‐h resuspension period. The temporal maximum concentrations of Ni, Cu, Zn, and Cd in the aqueous phases in both experiments frequently exceeded the USEPA water quality criteria or the water quality guidelines of Australia and New Zealand. This suggests that a resuspension event could bring about temporal water quality deterioration in the two sediment environments.  相似文献   

动三轴试验是将试样在轴对称的三轴应力下进行固结,在不排水条件下进行的振动试验,同时可测定土样的动剪切模量比和阻尼比。土的动剪切模量比和阻尼比是土动力学特性的2个重要参数,在工程场地地震安全性评价工作和土层地震反应分析中不可缺少。为了减少工期,提高工效,及时而又准确地提交报告,我们结合自己多年的土工试验经验,对可塑状态以上的粘性土试样进行了缩短固结时间的对比试验,并得到理想的试验结果。  相似文献   

金沙江下游梯级水库对氮、磷营养盐的滞留效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
氮、磷是水域重要的营养或污染物质,大型水库修建将对江河氮、磷物质的输运产生重要影响.以金沙江华弹、向家坝水文站2006-2016年实测水质资料为依据,通过建立污染物浓度与流量比值(TN/Q、TP/Q)与含沙量(S)的关系式,对金沙江下游溪洛渡、向家坝梯级水库蓄水前后进出库总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)浓度及通量的变化特征进行研究.结果表明:(1)华弹站不受蓄水影响,TN和TP浓度在0.38~1.41和0.01~0.73 mg/L之间变化,向家坝站蓄水前TN和TP浓度在0.32~1.33和0.03~0.42 mg/L之间变化,蓄水后在0.35~1.29和0.01~0.05 mg/L之间变化,蓄水后TN浓度较蓄水前略有升高,但TP浓度较蓄水前约降低75%;(2)蓄水前华弹站TN浓度与向家坝站基本接近,TP浓度总体低于向家坝站,蓄水后华弹站TN浓度低于向家坝站,TP浓度明显高于向家坝站;(3)金沙江TN以硝态氮(NO3--N)为主,占TN浓度的67.3%~91.8%;(4)两站的TN浓度随流量和含沙量变化较小,TP浓度与流量和含沙量均呈正相关关系;(5)华弹站TN、TP年通量在48357~135827和4720~14163 t之间变化,年均值分别为90337和8932 t,向家坝站蓄水前后TN年通量在64232~130966和71675~149647 t之间变化,蓄水后通量总体高于蓄水前,TP年通量在8851~18624和3131~7300 t之间变化,蓄水后通量远低于蓄水前;(6)水库蓄水对出库TN浓度与通量无明显影响,但TP浓度与通量较蓄水前明显降低,其中通量年均滞留率约为67.0%.  相似文献   

大量微囊藻群体的形成和聚集是微囊藻水华形成的重要条件.氮、磷浓度是影响微囊藻群体生长的重要因素之一.为了探讨氮、磷浓度对微囊藻群体生长的影响,本研究以太湖微囊藻水华优势种之一的水华微囊藻作为研究对象,开展了不同氮、磷浓度对水华微囊藻群体生长的影响研究.以近几年太湖微囊藻水华暴发最严重的梅梁湾氮磷比的平均值作参考,氮、磷浓度设置为5个水平组,依次是T1(TN=0.1 mg/L,TP=0.005 mg/L)、T2(TN=1 mg/L,TP=0.05 mg/L)、T3(TN=10 mg/L,TP=0.5 mg/L)、T4(TN=100 mg/L,TP=5 mg/L)和T5(TN=250 mg/L,TP=5.44 mg/L)(BG-11培养基中氮、磷的浓度).结果显示,T1、T2、T3和T4 4组微囊藻群体均增大,且都发现有大于100个细胞的群体形成,群体大小分别为151、217、437和160 cells,而T5组微囊藻群体实验初期增大,实验后期变小,T5整个实验期间未发现有大于100个细胞的群体形成.研究结果表明相对低的氮、磷浓度有利于水华微囊藻群体的生长,而过高的氮、磷浓度则会抑制微囊藻群体生长.本研究结果也表明目前太湖氮、磷浓度有利于水华微囊藻群体的生长,从而有利于微囊藻水华形成.  相似文献   

The effects of visitor activities on surface soil environmental conditions and aboveground herbaceous biomass in Ayder Natural Park, Turkey, were investigated. Soil properties and aboveground herbaceous biomass were identified and characterized as heavily trafficked site (HTS), moderately trafficked sites (MTS) and control (non‐trafficked site) in grassland in a forest gap. Some soil properties were measured on 60 pits at 0–5 and 5–10 cm soil depths. The intensity of visitor activities had a negative impact on both surface soil properties and the aboveground herbaceous plant biomass and root mass in the study area in Ayder. The soil bulk density and soil penetration resistance increased from 0.94 to 1.47 g cm–3 and 0.55 to 1.65 MPa, respectively, saturated hydraulic conductivity decreased from 77.98 to 8.85 mm h–1, and soil organic matter decreased from 6.71 to 1.77% in moderately and heavily trafficked sites, respectively, at 0–5 cm soil depth. The soil properties were degraded at both the surface layer and the subsurface layer and the greatest degradation was measured in the heavily trafficked site followed by the moderately trafficked site. There was a strong negative linear relationship between soil degradation and aboveground herbaceous plant biomass, which decreased by 50.05 and 78.19% in moderately and heavily trafficked sites, respectively.  相似文献   

刘巧娟  刘特培 《地震工程学报》2007,29(2):183-186,191
采用极限时间法对广东省1970年至今发生在河源、阳江12次ML≧4.7强余震进行h′值计算分析,结果表明该方法对两地强余震有较好的短期(短临)预测能力,可作为两区地震预测参考依据之一。  相似文献   

铜绿微囊藻生长对培养液pH值和氮转化的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
吴剑  孔倩  杨柳燕  肖琳  孙成 《湖泊科学》2009,21(1):123-127
在不同初始pH值条件下培养蓝藻水华优势种铜绿微囊藻(Microcystis aeruginosa),研究其生长过程对培养液的pH值和氮转化的影响,结果表明,处于延迟期和对数生长期的铜绿微囊藻使培养液的pH值上升,pH从初始的7.2、8.0和8.8分别上升到最大值10.02、10.34和10.94;稳定期和衰亡期的微囊藻使培养液pH值降低,初始pH值为8.8时,最终pH降至8.66,在微囊藻生长过程中,培养液中NO3-含量逐渐降低,NO3-含量先升高再降低,分别在60d和67d后降至零.试验结束时,不同pH值培养液中总氮含量比起始时分别下降了25.97%、27.52%和28.16%,说明化合态无机氮可以经过反硝化作用生成氮气而溢出培养液,因此,较大密度水华水体中存在反硝化的脱氮过程.  相似文献   

利用芦苇湿地去除农业污水中的氮是博斯腾湖流域控制富营养化的重要手段.但是,污水中的盐分往往会抑制芦苇(Phragmites australis)湿地的除氮效果.为了探索不同盐度对芦苇湿地脱氮效果的影响和机制,研究4个不同的盐度梯度(淡水、2‰、5‰和10‰)对芦苇表流湿地中氮去除的影响,测定不同盐度下湿地表层(0~10.0 cm)和下层土壤(10.0~20.0 cm)中硝化、反硝化作用强度的变化.结果表明,盐度上升显著降低了湿地氮的去除率,但是不同离子形态的氮变化趋势并不一致.5‰和10‰盐度下的芦苇湿地中总氮、铵态氮去除率分别下降了9.03%、31.80%和23.10%、39.20%,亚硝态氮累积率分别上升了190%、690%,而硝态氮并未发生明显变化.相对于参与反硝化作用的菌群,盐度对参与硝化作用菌群的抑制作用更强是产生此现象的主要原因.除此之外,盐度升高导致植物根系泌氧减少也是土壤中的硝化作用强度降低的重要原因之一.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of O3 and O3/H2O2/Fe2+ in the advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) on the biodegradable and soluble characteristics of semi‐aerobic stabilized solid waste leachate. The biodegradability (BOD5/chemical oxygen demand, COD) ratio improved from 0.034 to 0.05 and 0.1 following O3 and O3/H2O2/Fe2+, respectively. Fractions of biodegradable COD(bi) (24%), non‐biodegradable COD(ubi) (76%), soluble COD(s) (59%), biodegradable soluble COD(bsi) (38%), non‐biodegradable soluble COD(ubsi) (62%), and particulate COD (PCOD) (41%) in stabilized leachate were also investigated. The fraction of COD(bi) increased to 28 and 36% after applying O3 and O3/AOPs, respectively. COD(S) increased to 59% after O3 and to 72% after O3/AOPs, whereas COD(bsi) increased to 38 and 51% after O3 and O3/AOPs, respectively. The removal efficiency of COD(S) was obtained at 5% after O3 alone and improved to 51% following ozone‐based AOPs, whereas the removal efficiency of PCOD improved from 25% after O3 to 71% after ozone‐based AOPs.  相似文献   

天景山断裂带晚第四纪水平活动强度的分时,分段研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
在野外实测工作基础上,统计归纳了天景山断裂带上的冲沟左旋错动资料,分析了各类冲沟形成年代,对断裂带晚第四纪以来的水平活动强度分布,分段进行了研究,结果表明,断裂带晚更新以来的总体活动强度不大,但从时间和空间分析,各段活动的差异比较明显,平均滑动速率为0.23~1.62mm/a。晚更新世早,中期,活动中心位于断裂带西段,平均速率为1.40mm/a,晚更新世晚期以来,活动中心东移到中段,平均速率为1.  相似文献   

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