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Biological soil crusts (BSCs), which are widespread in arid and semiarid regions, such as sandy deserts, strongly influence terrestrial ecosystems. Once sand‐binding vegetation has been established on sand dunes, BSCs are colonized and gradually develop from cyanobacteria dominated crusts to lichen and moss dominated crusts on dune surfaces. We conducted this study to determine if the occurrence and development of BSCs in the Tengger Desert could be used to determine sand‐binding vegetation changes via altering soil moisture and water cycling using long‐term monitoring data and field experimental observation. BSCs changed the spatiotemporal pattern of soil moisture and re‐allocation by decreasing rainfall infiltration, increasing topsoil water‐holding capacity and altering evaporation. Changes in the soil moisture pattern induced shifting of sand‐binding vegetation from xerophytic shrub communities with higher coverage (35%) to complex communities dominated by shallow‐rooted herbaceous species with low shrub coverage (9%). These results imply that BSCs can be a major factor controlling floristic and structural changes in sand‐binding vegetation and suggest that the hydrological effects of BSCs must be considered when implementing large‐scale revegetation projects in sandy deserts. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Biological soil crusts (BSCs), which cover 35% of the continents and exceed 70% of the living cover in parts of region, play important ecological roles in the evolution of soil–water–plant systems in arid and semiarid areas. Since the 1980s, studies of BSCs have become hot topics in physical geography. By reviewing the last 30 years of study reports, the present paper proposes the following future research focus: (1) Understanding the function of BSCs in carbon and nitrogen fixation in the micro‐scale (block), monitoring its distribution patterns in the macro‐scale (region) by remote sensing technology and geographic information systems, and evaluate the role of carbon and nitrogen fixation in the whole ecological system. The response of BSCs to global climate change should also be evaluated. (2) Studying techniques for the artificial fast cultivation or restoration of BSCs, and implementing engineering propagation and application of artificial BSCs, and determining the appropriate parameters for environmental criteria, including light, temperature, soil water moisture, and fertilizer, among others. Artificial cultivation and rapid propagation techniques could present significant perspectives for engineering applications.  相似文献   

Several studies illustrate the wind and water erosion‐reducing potential of semi‐permanent microbiotic soil crusts in arid and semi‐arid desert environments. In contrast, little is hitherto known on these biological crusts on cropland soils in temperate environments where they are annually destroyed by tillage and quickly regenerate thereafter. This study attempts to fill the research gap through (a) a field survey assessing the occurrence of biological soil crusts on loess‐derived soils in central Belgium in space and time and (b) laboratory flume (2 m long) experiments simulating concentrated runoff on undisturbed topsoil samples (0.4 × 0.1 m2) quantifying the microbiotic crust effect on soil erosion rates. Three stages of microbiotic crust development on cropland soils are distinguished: (1) development of a non‐biological surface seal by raindrop impact, (2) colonization of the soil by algae and gradual development of a continuous algal mat and (3) establishment of a well‐developed microbiotic crust with moss plants as the dominant life‐form. As the silt loam soils in the study area seal quickly after tillage, microbiotic soil crusts are more or less present during a large part of the year under maize, sugar beet and wheat, representing the main cropland area. On average, the early‐successional algae‐dominated crusts of stage 2 reduce soil detachment rates by 37%, whereas the well‐developed moss mat of stage 3 causes an average reduction of 79%. Relative soil detachment rates of soil surfaces with microbiotic crusts compared with bare sealed soil surfaces are shown to decrease exponentially with increasing microbiotic cover (b = 0·024 for moss‐dominated and b = 0·006 for algae‐dominated crusts). In addition to ground surface cover by vegetation and crop residues, microbiotic crust occurrence can therefore not be neglected when modelling small‐scale spatial and temporal variations in soil loss by concentrated flow erosion on cropland soils in temperate environments. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Biological soil crusts (BSCs) have impacts on soil detachment process through surface covering, and binding and bonding (B&B) mechanisms, which might vary with successional stages of BSCs. This study was conducted to quantify the effects of surface covering, binding and bonding of BSCs on soil detachment capacity by overland flow in a 4 m long hydraulic flume with fixed bed. Two dominant BSC types, developed well in the Loess Plateau (the early successional cyanobacteria and the later successional moss), were tested using natural undisturbed soil samples collected from the abandoned farmlands. Two treatments of undisturbed crusts and one treatment of removing the above‐ground tissue of BSCs were designed for each BSC type. For comparison, bare loess soil was used as the baseline. The collected soil samples were subjected to flow scouring under six different shear stresses, ranging from 6.7 to 21.2 Pa. The results showed that soil detachment capacity (Dc) and rill erodibility (Kr) decrease with BSC succession, and the presence of BSCs obviously increased the critical shear stress, especially for the later successional moss crust. For the early successional cyanobacteria crust, Dc was reduced by 69.2% compared to the bare loess soil, where 37.7% and 31.5% are attributed to the surface covering and B&B, respectively. For the later successional moss crust, Dc decreased by 89.8% compared to the bare loess soil, where 68.9% and 20.9% contributed to the surface covering and B&B, respectively. These results are helpful in understanding the influencing mechanism of BSCs on soil erosion and in developing the process‐based erosion models for grassland and forestland. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Rainfall is considered as the dominant water replenishment in desert ecosystems, and the conversion of rainfall into soil water availability plays a central role in sustaining the ecosystem function. In this study, the role of biological soil crusts (BSCs), typically formed in the revegetated desert ecosystem in the Tengger Desert of China, in converting rainfall into soil water, especially for the underlying soil moisture dynamics, was clarified by taking into account the synthetic effects of BSCs, rainfall characteristics, and antecedent soil water content on natural rainfall conditions at point scale. Our results showed that BSCs retard the infiltration process due to its higher water holding capacity during the initial stage of infiltration, such negative effect could be offset by the initial wet condition of BSCs. The influence of BSCs on infiltration amount was dependent on rainfall regime and soil depth. BSCs promoted a higher infiltration through the way of prolonged water containing duration in the ground surface and exhibited a lower infiltration at deep soil layer, which were much more obvious under small and medium rainfall events for the BSCs area compared with the sand area. Generally, the higher infiltration at top soil layer only increased soil moisture at 0.03 m depth; in consequence, there was no water recharge for the deep soil, and thus, BSCs had a negative effect on soil water effectiveness, which may be a potential challenge for the sustainability of the local deep‐rooted vegetation under the site specific rainfall conditions in northwestern China.  相似文献   

Planting of sand‐binding vegetation in the Shapotou region on the southeastern edge of the Tengger Desert began in 1956. The revegetation programme successfully stabilized formerly mobile dunes in northern China, permitting the operation of the Baotou‐Lanzhou railway. Long‐term monitoring has shown that the revegetation programme produced various ecological changes, including the formation of biological soil crusts (BSCs). To gain insight into the role of BSCs in both past ecological change and current ecological evolution at the revegetation sites, we used field measurements and HYDRUS‐1D model simulations to investigate the effects of BSCs on soil hydrological processes at revegetated sites planted in 1956 and 1964 and at an unplanted mobile dune site. The results demonstrate that the formation of BSCs has altered patterns of soil water storage, increasing the moisture content near the surface (0–5 cm) while decreasing the moisture content in deeper layers (5–120 cm). Soil evaporation at BSC sites is elevated relative to unplanted sites during periods when canopy coverage is low. Rainfall infiltration was not affected by BSCs during the very dry period that was studied (30 April to 30 September 2005); during periods with higher rainfall intensity, differences in infiltration may be expected due to runoff at BSC sites. The simulated changes in soil moisture storage and hydrological processes are consistent with ongoing plant community succession at the revegetated sites, from deep‐rooted shrubs to more shallow‐rooted herbaceous species. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A role of lithobionts in geomorphological processes is increasingly argued, but the spatio‐temporal scale of their impact is largely unexplored in many ecosystems. This study first characterizes in the temperate zone (northwest Italy) the relationships between lithobiontic communities including endolithic lichens and the hardness of their siliceous rock substrate (Villarfocchiardo Gneiss). The communities are characterized, on humid and xeric quarry surfaces exposed for decades and natural outcrops exposed for centuries, in terms of lichen and microbial constituents, using a combined morphological and molecular approach, and with regard to their development on and within the gneiss. A lichen species belonging to Acarosporaceae (Polysporina‐Sarcogyne‐Acarospora group, needing taxonomic revision) chasmoendolithically colonizes both the humid and xeric quarry surfaces, on which epilithic cyanobacterial biofilms and epilithic pioneer lichens respectively occur. Light and electron microscopic observations show the development of the endolithic thalli within rock microcracks and the hyphal penetration along crystal boundaries down to depths of 1 to 3 mm, more pronounced within the humid surfaces. Such colonization patterns are likely related to biogeophysical deterioration, while no chemical alteration characterizes minerals contacted by the endolithic lichen. By contrast, on natural outcrops, where the endolithic colonization is negligible, a reddish rind below epilithic lichens indicates chemical weathering processes. Schmidt Hammer measurements highlight that the endolithic lichens deeply affect the hardness of the gneiss (down to ?60% with respect to fresh controls and surfaces only colonized by cyanobacteria), exerting a significantly higher weakening effect with respect to the associated epilithic lithobionts. The phenomenon is more remarkable on humid than on xeric quarry surfaces and natural outcrops, where epilithic lichens are likely involved in long‐term hardening processes supporting surface stabilization. Endolithic lichens are thus active biogeomorphological agents at the upper millimetric layer of siliceous rocks in temperate areas, exerting their weakening action during the early decade‐scaled stages of surface exposure. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Surface hydrological behaviour is important in drylands because it affects the distribution of soil moisture and vegetation and the hydrological functioning of slopes and catchments. Microplot scale run‐off can be relatively easily measured, i.e. by rainfall simulations. However, slope or catchment run‐off cannot be deduced from microplots, requiring long‐time monitoring, because run‐off coefficients decrease with increasing drainage area. Therefore, to determine the slope length covered by run‐off (run‐off length) is crucial to connect scales. Biological soil crusts (BSCs) are good model systems, and their hydrology at slope scale is insufficiently known. This study provides run‐off lengths from BSCs, by field factorial experiments using rainfall simulation, including two BSC types, three rain types, three antecedent soil moistures and four plot lengths. Data were analysed by generalized linear modelling, including vascular plant cover as covariates. Results were the following: (i) the real contributing area is almost always much smaller than the topographical contributing area; (ii) the BSC type is key to controlling run‐off; run‐off length reached 3 m on cyanobacterial crust, but hardly over 1 m on lichen crust; this pattern remained through rain type or soil moisture; (iii) run‐off decreased with BSC development because soil sealing disappears; porosity, biomass and roughness increase and some changes occur in the uppermost soil layer; and (iv) run‐off flow increased with both rain type and soil moisture but run‐off coefficient only with soil moisture (as larger rains increased both run‐off and infiltration); vascular plant cover had a slight effect on run‐off because it was low and random. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Despite numerous investigations on substrate‐inhabiting microflora, especially lichens, very little is known about the colonization of coastal escarpments by lithobiontic micro‐organisms, inland of a retreating coastline in Africa. Reported herein are the results of a combined field observation and microscopy study focusing on the connection between microrelief of the substrate, colonies of lithobiontic micro‐organisms (in particular the lichen Xanthoria parietina) and microstructures of putative bacterial origin. The occurrence of weathering pits in which the early stages of the biotic development occurs, and the subsequent disintegration of the rock indicate that lichens, mosses and fungi act synergistically by alternating chemical and mechanical weathering. Penetration of grains by expansion and contraction of the hyphae depletes the rock matrix and contributes to the mechanical breakdown of the rock. Calcite rhombs on the weathered surfaces of the calcite‐cemented sandstones are severely etched with well‐developed rhomb‐shaped etch pits (‘spiky calcite’), holes, or has one or more of the faces removed, and their cores exposed and leached. Nanofilaments (c. 100–700 nm) and ‘nanomicrobial’ fruiting bodies (c. 250 nm) emanating from micropores appear to be common on affected crystalline structures. Weddellite present immediately below the thallus is a strong indicator of biomineralization. Quartz responds differently to chemical weathering by producing peeling structures and microbrecciation features. The dissolution of these crystals appears to be a surface reaction‐controlled process mediated by microbial microfilaments and nanofilaments. A model is proposed, firstly indicating early‐stage biochemical weathering, followed by biophysical weathering. Disintegration of the rock outcrops in due to a complex interplay of several events, probably beginning at the nanoscale with penetration of sites on crystal faces. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Evaporation from mosses and lichens can form a major component of the water balance, especially in ecosystems where mosses and lichens often grow abundantly, such as tundra, deserts and bogs. To facilitate moss representation in hydrological models, we parameterized the unsaturated hydraulic properties of mosses and lichens such that the capillary water flow through moss and lichen material during evaporation could be assessed. We derived the Mualem‐van Genuchten parameters of the drying retention and the hydraulic conductivity functions of four xerophilous moss species and one lichen species. The shape parameters of the retention functions (2.17 < n < 2.35 and 0.08 < α < 0.13 cm?1) ranged between values that are typical for sandy loam and loamy sand. The shapes of the hydraulic conductivity functions of moss and lichen species diverged from those of mineral soils, because of strong negative pore‐connectivity parameters (?2.840 < l < ?2.175) and low hydraulic conductivities at slightly negative pressure heads (0.016 < K0 < 0.280 cm/d). These K0 values are surprisingly low, considering that mosses are very porous. However, during evaporation, large pores and voids were air filled and did not participate in capillary water flow. Small K0 values cause mosses and lichens to be conservative with water during wet conditions, thus tempering evaporation compared to mineral soils. On the other hand, under dry conditions, mosses and lichens are able to maintain a moisture supply from the soil, leading to a higher evaporation rate than mineral soils. Hence, the modulating effect of mosses on evaporation possibly differs between wet and dry climates. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

To study the effects of biological soil crusts (BSCs) on hydrological processes and their implications for disturbance in the Mu Us Sandland, the water infiltration, evaporation and soil moisture of high coverage (100% BSCs), middle coverage (40% BSCs) and low coverage (0% BSCs, bare sand) of moss‐dominated crusts were conducted in this study, respectively. The conclusions are as follows: (1) the main effects of moss‐dominated crusts in the Mu Us Sandland on the infiltration of rainwater were to reduce the infiltration depths and to retain the limited rainwater in shallow soil; (2) moss‐dominated crusts have no significant effects on daily evaporation when the volumetric water content at 4 cm depth in 100% BSCs (VWC4) was over 24.7%, on enhanced daily evaporation when the VWC4 ranged from 6.5% to 24.7% and on reduced daily evaporation when the VWC4 was less than 6.5%; and (3) decreasing the coverage of moss‐dominated crusts (from 100% to 40%) did not significantly change its effects on infiltration, evaporation and soil moisture. Our results demonstrated that for the growth and regeneration of shrubs, which were dominated by Artemisia ordosica in the Mu Us Sandland, high coverage of moss‐dominated crusts has negative effects on hydrological processes, and these negative effects could not be significantly reduced by decreasing the coverage of moss‐dominated crusts from 100% to 40%. Therefore, for the sustained and healthy development of shrub communities in the Mu Us Sandland, it is necessary to take appropriate measures for the well‐developed BSCs in the sites with high vegetation coverage in the rainy season. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Biocrusts (topsoil communities formed by mosses, lichens, bacteria, fungi, algae, and cyanobacteria) are a key biotic component of dryland ecosystems. Whilst climate patterns control the distribution of biocrusts in drylands worldwide, terrain and soil attributes can influence biocrust distribution at landscape scale. Multi-source unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) imagery was used to map and study biocrust ecology in a typical dryland ecosystem in central Spain. Red, green and blue (RGB) imagery was processed using structure-from-motion techniques to map terrain attributes related to microclimate and terrain stability. Multispectral imagery was used to produce accurate maps (accuracy > 80%) of dryland ecosystem components (vegetation, bare soil and biocrust composition). Finally, thermal infrared (TIR) and multispectral imagery was used to calculate the apparent thermal inertia (ATI) of soil and to evaluate how ATI was related to soil moisture (r2 = 0.83). The relationship between soil properties and UAV-derived variables was first evaluated at the field plot level. Then, the maps obtained were used to explore the relationship between biocrusts and terrain attributes at ecosystem level through a redundancy analysis. The most significant variables that explain biocrust distribution are: ATI (34.4% of variance, F = 130.75; p < 0.001), Elevation (25.8%, F = 97.6; p < 0.001), and potential solar incoming radiation (PSIR) (52.9%, F = 200.1; p < 0.001). Differences were found between areas dominated by lichens and mosses. Lichen-dominated biocrusts were associated with areas with high slopes and low values of ATI, with soil characterized by a higher amount of soluble salts, and lower amount of organic carbon, total phosphorus (Ptot) and total nitrogen (Ntot). Biocrust-forming mosses dominated lower and moister areas, characterized by gentler slopes and higher values of ATI with soils with higher contents of organic carbon, Ptot and Ntot. This study shows the potential to use UAVs to improve our understanding of drylands and to evaluate the control that the terrain has on biocrust distribution.  相似文献   

Barbula fallax Hedw., Erythrodontium julaceum(Schwaegr.) Par., and Bryum argenteum Hedw. are typical rock mosses growing on rocks in different terrestrial habitats. In this study, B. fallax and E. julaceum, which are epilithic mosses growing in rock desertification in Guizhou, China, were used as ecophysiological mosses in a combination of field investigations and laboratory experiments. We also investigated the reference moss B. argenteum, which is a widely distributed moss in habitats with soil as substrate. Our research focused on the response of the antioxidant defense system of epilithic mosses to drought stress. Most antioxidant defense indicators increased initially, then declined at later stages of drought stress. In contrast, the carotenoid content increased constantly. In addition, there was an initial increase(albeit variable) in relative membrane permeability, with this parameter showing a parabolic trend in all of the epilithic mosses. Among the three species, E. julaceum demonstrated the strongest resistance followed by B. fallax and then by B. argenteum. The epilithic mosses displayed stronger resistance compared to the native mosses; the increase in O_2 content and other reactive oxygen species(ROS) at the early stage of drought stress induced the enzymatic and non-enzymatic scavenging systems tosequester ROS. Moreover, the radical scavenging ability and strong drought tolerance was maintained. The longterm growth of bryophyte under drought conditions in a karst environment can help eliminate the intense response of mosses to drought stress as they adapt.  相似文献   

Sandstone structural landscapes in the semi‐arid Torrollones de Gabarda area (Province of Huesca, NE Spain) are often covered by a well developed biological soil crust of lichens, mosses and cyanobacteria and black coatings on vertical surfaces. By using scanning electron microscopy with backscattered detector imaging, the biological soil crust studied evidenced high activity in the sandstone–crust interface. Processes such as physical disintegration, etching and dwelling as well as biomineralization by calcium oxalate and ?xation of mineral particles by extracellular polymeric substances were observed. On the horizontal sandstone surfaces these processes may cause the occurrence of gnammas and the development of a protective coating that favours intense ?aking when the crust is disturbed. On the sandstone cliffs, columnar and tafoni weathering development is clearly guided by the protective action of the biological soil crust. These qualitative observations are important to develop methodologies to address their quantitative importance in geomorphological processes in semi‐arid landscapes. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The term glaciokarst describes a landscape where both glacial and karstic processes have contributed to geomorphological evolution and has been applied to a range of environments from the high arctic to the alpine Mediterranean. Nevertheless, glaciokarstic environments globally often exhibit significant variation in geomorphological processes and landforms due to these geographical differences. The Burren, County Clare, Republic of Ireland, is often quoted as a quintessential glaciokarstic landscape. However, the Burren and other similar environments would appear to lean towards one end of the glaciokarst spectrum, where solutional and biological processes have been dominant throughout the Holocene, in contrast to ice‐dominated glaciokarsts where karstic and biokarstic processes are temperature‐limited and cryospheric processes remain the principal geomorphological agents. Holocene landscape evolution and the development of a range of meso‐, micro‐ and nano‐scale karren features on limestone surfaces appears to be largely biokarstic in origin. Karstification of many glacially scoured limestone pavements would have begun under acidic soil cover, with biological soil processes contributing to smooth, rounded cryptokarstic surface forms. Holocene soil erosion is attributed to anthropogenic activity, climatic fluctuations and the evolution of the karstic groundwater system leading to vertical soil loss through widening grikes. Exposed limestone pavements subject to subaerial conditions often exhibit extensive lichen colonization which has been shown to influence the overall rate of karstification and contribute to the development of micro‐ and meso‐scale bioweathering features. Where cryptokarstic features have been exhumed from beneath soil cover, their evolution under subaerial conditions leads to intermediate, polygenetic karren features. In light of our current understanding of the Burren landscape, it is proposed that the term glaciobiokarstic may be a better expression to encompass the biological processes that have played a fundamental role in the evolution of the Burren and similar landscapes, without neglecting the contribution of glacial and inorganic karstic processes. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A method for the rapid detection of cyanobacteria (blue‐green algae) and their differentiation from eukaryotic algae in natural phytoplankton assemblages is presented. Fluorescence emission of photosynthetic pigments at 670 nm was measured using a microplate fluorescence reader when excited at two different wavelengths – 485 nm and 590 nm. The ratio of fluorescence excited at these wavelengths (590 nm/485 nm) was proportional to the ratio of cyanobacteria and eukaryotic algae, which was determined by the in situ spectrofluorometer for the phytoplankton quantification. The fluorescence intensity was equal to the total chlorophyll‐a content. These two fluorescence values can provide the first warning on a development of potentially toxic cyanobacteria in water.  相似文献   

Biological soil crust, or biocrust communities, are the dominating life form in many extreme habitats, such as arid and semiarid badlands, where water scarcity and highly erodible substrates limit vegetation cover. While climate, soil and biotic factors have been described as environmental filters influencing biocrust distribution in such biomes, little is known about the effect of terrain attributes on creating specific microhabitats that promote or restrict biocrust colonization. This study aimed to identify the main terrain attributes controlling biocrust distribution in the driest badland system in Europe, the Tabernas Badlands (SE Spain). To do this, we analysed the influence of different terrain attributes related to landscape stability and microclimate formation on the spatial distribution of lichen and cyanobacteria, using field measurements and topographical information from a LiDAR survey. Our results showed that the spatial distribution of cyanobacteria-dominated biocrusts, which are physiologically and morphologically adapted to extreme drought and high UVA radiation, was mostly associated with areas of high potential incoming solar radiation. The exception was bare south-aspect hillslopes with very high sediment transport potential, where bare physically crusted soils were the dominant ground cover. Lichen-dominated biocrusts, in contrast, colonized near the top of north-aspect hillslopes, characterized by low potential incoming solar radiation and potential evapotranspiration, and their cover decreased downstream, as conditions became good enough for vascular plants. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

来莱  张玉超  景园媛  刘兆敏 《湖泊科学》2021,33(5):1299-1314
随着湖泊流域经济的快速发展,蓝藻水华频繁暴发的现象越来越严重,水体富营养化已经成为国内外重大环境问题.浮游植物是水体的初级生产者,是衡量水体富营养化程度的主要指标之一,遥感技术则是探测水体浮游植物时空分布的重要手段.在收集整理近千篇国内外水体浮游植物遥感研究论文的基础上,从卫星数据源、研究内容及研究方法等角度,总结了遥感技术在富营养化湖泊浮游植物监测应用的历史进展、研究重点及发展趋势.研究表明,现有的富营养化水体浮游植物遥感研究,以湖泊蓝藻水华问题为切入点,研究视角由水体表层(藻华面积、色素浓度)转至水下三维(藻总量),研究方法从定性识别转向定量反演,研究内容从监测蓝藻水华推进到探测不同类群蓝藻,逐渐形成了以应用为导向,"MODIS/VIIRS大中型湖泊日常监测—GF/Sentinel2小型湖泊针对性监测—无人机应急监测"的浮游植物遥感综合监测体系.上述研究梳理了富营养化水体浮游植物遥感监测湖泊水环境学科的发展动向,以期为从事蓝藻水华生态灾害监测和预警人员提供重要的技术支撑和理论参考.  相似文献   

Nitrogen and phosphorous fertilizers were used to determine their short-term summer effects on algal colonization, abundance, and species composition in moderate herbivory treatments. Secondary succession of algae on coral skeletons was examined in four treatments: an untreated control, a pure phosphate fertilizer, a pure nitrogen fertilizer, and an equal mix of the two fertilizers. Turf algae cover was the only measure of algae abundance to respond significantly to fertilization. Turf cover was three times higher in treatments with added nitrogen when compared with the pure phosphorus treatment. These turfs were dominated by green and cyanobacteria taxa, namely Enteromorpha prolifera, Lyngbya confervoides, and two species of Cladophora. The phosphate treatment was dominated by encrusting corallines and the cyanobacteria L. confervoides, while the controls had the highest cover of frondose brown algae, namely Padina sanctae-crucis and two species of Dictyota. Results indicate that turf algae were co-limited by nitrogen and phosphorus but enrichment appeared to inhibit brown frondose algae that currently dominate these reefs. Number of species was lowest on the pure phosphorus and nitrogen treatments, highest in the controls and intermediate in the mixed treatments, which suggests that diversity is reduced most by an imbalanced nutrient ratio.  相似文献   

贵州红枫湖越冬藻类的空间分布与实验室复苏实验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文选取贵州省红枫湖这一典型的亚深水型湖泊作为研究对象,在8个代表性湖区开展了为期一年的表层水体藻类浮游植物分布的月定量监测,并在4个采样点采集新鲜沉积物进行了越冬藻类赋存与复苏模拟实验研究.研究表明,红枫湖表层水体藻类种群密度蓝藻绿藻>硅藻>甲藻,蓝藻为优势门类,水体藻类种群密度秋季初期最高,其次是春季初期和夏季,具有明显的季节性演化特征.水体中越冬藻类以蓝藻为主,其次是硅藻和绿藻,水深对水体中藻类的种群密度及组成没有显著影响.沉积物中越冬藻类以硅藻为主,基本不含蓝藻.模拟实验表明,水体中的光照条件对藻类的复苏和生长有重要影响,温度和沉积物中藻类的种群密度与组成同样影响藻类的复苏.  相似文献   

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