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The Azores archipelago (Portugal) is located on an oceanic plateau, in a geodynamic environment prone to intense seismic and volcanic activity. In order to investigate the crustal structure in this region, we have conducted a local earthquake tomography study in the area of the islands of Faial, Pico and S. Jorge using data recorded in July 1998. The July 9th 1998 earthquake, near Faial Island, triggered an aftershock sequence of thousands of events that lasted for several months and were recorded by a total of 14 stations located on the three islands surrounding the epicentral area. In the upper crustal layers, consistency is seen between the tomographic results and the islands' surface volcanic units. Beneath the Faial central volcano a low Vp (< 6.0 km/s) anomaly roughly located at 3–7 km depth, suggests a connection to the plumbing system, possibly the presence of a magma chamber. In NE Faial, a high Vp (> 6.3 km/s) body was found located at mid-lower crust, most likely an intrusion of gabbroic composition, that is bordered by the registered seismic activity; its shape suggesting a tectonic controlled mechanism. The relocated hypocenters, together with the overall analysis of the Tomographic model, suggest a tectonic segmentation of Faial Island. The crustal thickness under the islands volcanic buildings of the Faial–Pico area was estimated at around 14 km.  相似文献   

Abstract: The ratio of P- to S-wave velocities (Vp/Vs) is regarded as one of the most diagnostic properties of natural rocks. It has been used as a discriminant of composition for the continental crust and provides valuable constraints on its formation and evolution processes. Furthermore, the spatial and temporal changes in Vp/Vs before and after earthquakes are probably the most promising avenue to understanding the source mechanics and possibly predicting earthquakes. Here we calibrate the variations in Vp/Vs in dry, anisotropic crustal rocks and provide a set of basic information for the interpretation of future seismic data from the Wenchuan earthquake Fault zone Scientific Drilling (WFSD) project and other surveys. Vp/Vs is a constant (Ф0) for an isotropic rock. However, most of crustal rocks are anisotropic due to lattice-preferred orientations of anisotropic minerals (e.g., mica, amphibole, plagioclase and pyroxene) and cracks as well as thin compositional layering. The Vp/Vs ratio of an anisotropic rock measured along a selected pair of propagation-vibration directions is an apparent value (Фij) that is significantly different from the value for its isotropic counterpart (Ф0). The usefulness of apparent Vp/Vs ratios as a diagnostic of crustal composition depends largely on rock seismic anisotropy. A 5% of P- and S-wave velocity anisotropy is sufficient to make it impossible to determine the crustal composition using the conventional criteria (Vp/Vs≤1.756 for felsic rocks, 1.7561.944 fluid-filled porous/fractured or partially molten rocks) if the information about the wave propagation-polarization directions with respect to the tectonic framework is unknown. However, the variations in Vp/Vs measured from borehole seismic experiments can be readily interpreted according to the orientations of the ray path and the polarization of the shear waves with respect to the present-day principal stress directions (i.e., the orientation of cracks) and the frozen fabric (i.e., foliation and lineation).  相似文献   

The ratio of P- to S-wave velocities (Vp/Vs) is regarded as one of the most diagnostic properties of natural rocks. It has been used as a discriminant of composition for the continental crust and provides valuable constraints on its formation and evolution processes. Furthermore, the spatial and temporal changes in Vp/Vs before and after earthquakes are probably the most promising avenue to understanding the source mechanics and possibly predicting earthquakes. Here we calibrate the variations in Vp/Vs in dry, anisotropic crustal rocks and provide a set of basic information for the interpretation of future seismic data from the Wenchuan earthquake Fault zone Scientific Drilling (WFSD) project and other surveys. Vp/Vs is a constant (φ0) for an isotropic rock. However, most of crustal rocks are anisotropic due to lattice-preferred orientations of anisotropic minerals (e.g., mica, amphibole, plagioclase and pyroxene) and cracks as well as thin compositional layering. The Vp/Vs ratio of an anisotropic rock measured along a selected pair of propagation-vibration directions is an apparent value (φij) that is significantly different from the value for its isotropic counterpart (φ0). The usefulness of apparent Vp/Vs ratios as a diagnostic of crustal composition depends largely on rock seismic anisotropy. A 5% of P- and S-wave velocity anisotropy is sufficient to make it impossible to determine the crustal composition using the conventional criteria (Vp/Vs<1.756 for felsic rocks, 1.756l.944 fluid-tidied porous/fractured or partially molten rocks) if the information about the wave propagation-polarization directions with respect to the tectonic framework is unknown. However, the variations in Vp/Vs measured from borehole seismic experiments can be readily interpreted according to the orientations of the ray path and the polarization of the shear waves with respect to the present-day principal stress directions (I.e., the orientation of cracks) and the frozen fabric (I.e., foliation and lineation).  相似文献   

We here present the results of the inverse modeling of crustal S-phases recorded from a 400-km-long seismic profile, with azimuth nearly N30W, from Lianxian, near Hunan Province, to Gangkou Island, near Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, in the southern margin of South China continent. The finding in this case is that many shot gathers provided by this wide-angle seismic experiment show relatively strong reflected and refracted S-phases, in particular some crustal refractions (Sg waves) and Moho reflections (SmS waves or simply Sm waves). The P-wave velocity structure of the crust and uppermost mantle was already obtained through the interpretation of vertical-component shot gathers. Now, with constraints introduced by the P-wave velocity architecture and after picking up S-wave traveltime data on the seismograms, we have obtained the S-velocity model of the crust by adjusting these traveltimes but keeping the geometry of the crustal reflectors. Our results demonstrate: (1) the average crustal S-velocity is about 3.64 km/s to the northwest of the Wuchuan-Sihui fault, and 3.62 km/s to the southeast of this fault; (2) relatively constant S-velocity of about 3.42 km/s for the upper crust, 3.55 km/s for the middle crust and laterally varying shear velocity around 3.82 km/s for the lower crust; (3) correspondingly, Vp/Vs ratio is 1.73 for the upper crust, 1.71 for the middle crust and 1.74 for the lower crust. Both shear velocities and Vp/Vs ratio correlate well with the major active faults that break the study area, and show significant changes especially in the upper crust. High Poisson’s ratio (1.8) is observed at shallow depth beneath the Minzhong depression to the southeast of the Wuchuan-Sihui fault and the Huiyuan depression in the southern margin of South China continent. In contrast, a very low Vp/Vs ratio (1.68) is observed between 8 and 14 km depth beneath Huiyuan. At deeper depth, a high Vp/Vs ratio (1.76) is observed in the lower crust beneath the Minzhong depression.  相似文献   

Through analysis of seismic ambient noise recorded by the GHENGIS array, we constructed a high‐resolution 3‐D crustal shear‐wave velocity model for the central Tien Shan. The obtained shear‐wave velocity model provides insight into the detailed crustal structure beneath the Tien Shan. The results obtained at shallow depths are well correlated with known subsurface geological features. Low velocities are found mainly beneath sedimentary basins, whereas high velocities are mainly associated with mountain ranges. At greater depths of ~43–45 km, high velocities were observed beneath the Tarim Basin and Kazakh Shield; these high velocities extend forward in opposite directions and tilt down towards the central Tien Shan to a depth of in excess of 50 km, most likely reflecting lateral variations in crustal thickness beneath the Tien Shan and surrounding platforms.  相似文献   

High resolution Vp and Vp/Vs tomography of the Campi Flegrei caldera is obtained using active and passive seismic data. We find a continuous ring of high Vp anomaly that defines the caldera rim associated to the last collapse. A sharp Vp/Vs decrease is observed between 2 and 4 km depth, suggesting the absence of magmatic fluids and the presence of rock volumes with over‐pressured gas within the source region of uplift. Atmospheric water penetrating within the caldera and deep CO2 fluids are presumably heated by a magmatic body located at depth greater than 4 km nested within the limestone layer. Along the fractures bordering the shallow high Vp rim, deep gas and CO2 fluids up‐raise and are released in the Pozzuoli solfatara. We hypothesize that the past unrest episode is more likely due to pressure changes within the shallow geothermal reservoir located at the top of the magma intrusion.  相似文献   

We construct fine-scale 3D P- and S-wave velocity structures of the crust and upper mantle beneath the whole Japan Islands with a unified resolution, where the Pacific (PAC) and Philippine Sea (PHS) plates subduct beneath the Eurasian (EUR) plate. We can detect the low-velocity (low-V) oceanic crust of the PAC and PHS plates at their uppermost part beneath almost all the Japan Islands. The depth limit of the imaged oceanic crust varies with the regions. High-VP/VS zones are widely distributed in the lower crust especially beneath the volcanic front, and the high strain rate zones are located at the edge of the extremely high-VP/VS zone; however, VP/VS at the top of the mantle wedge is not so high. Beneath northern Japan, we can image the high-V subducting PAC plate using the tomographic method without any assumption of velocity discontinuities. We also imaged the heterogeneous structure in the PAC plate, such as the low-V zone considered as the old seamount or the highly seismic zone within the double seismic zone where the seismic fault ruptured by the earthquake connects the upper and lower layer of the double seismic zone. Beneath central Japan, thrust-type small repeating earthquakes occur at the boundary between the EUR and PHS plates and are located at the upper part of the low-V layer that is considered to be the oceanic crust of the PHS plate. In addition to the low-V oceanic crust, the subducting high-V PAC plate is clearly imaged to depths of approximately 250 km and the subducting high-V PHS zone to depths of approximately 180 km is considered to be the PHS plate. Beneath southwestern Japan, the iso-depth lines of the Moho discontinuity in the PHS plate derived by the receiver function method divide the upper low-V layer and lower high-V layer of our model at depths of 30–50 km. Beneath Kyushu, the steeply subducting PHS plate is clearly imaged to depths of approximately 250 km with high velocities. The high-VP/VS zone is considered as the lower crust of the EUR plate or the oceanic crust of the PHS plate at depths of 25–35 km and the partially serpentinized mantle wedge of the EUR plate at depths of 30–45 km beneath southwestern Japan. The deep low-frequency nonvolcanic tremors occur at all parts of the high-VP/VS zone—within the zone, the seaward side, and the landward side where the PHS plate encounters the mantle wedge of the EUR plate. We prove that we can objectively obtain the fine-scale 3D structure with simple constraints such as only 1D initial velocity model with no velocity discontinuity.  相似文献   

Analysis of teleseismicP-wave residuals observed at 15 seismograph stations operated in the Deccan volcanic province (DVP) in west central India points to the existence of a large, deep anomalous region in the upper mantle where the velocity is a few per cent higher than in the surrounding region. The seismic stations were operated in three deployments together with a reference station on precambrian granite at Hyderabad and another common station at Poona. The first group of stations lay along a west-northwesterly profile from Hyderabad through Poona to Bhatsa. The second group roughly formed an L-shaped profile from Poona to Hyderabad through Dharwar and Hospet. The third group of stations lay along a northwesterly profile from Hyderabad to Dhule through Aurangabad and Latur. Relative residuals computed with respect to Hyderabad at all the stations showed two basic features: a large almost linear variation from approximately +1s for teleseisms from the north to—1s for those from the southeast at the western stations, and persistance of the pattern with diminishing magnitudes towards the east. Preliminary ray-plotting and three-dimensional inversion of theP-wave residual data delineate the presence of a 600 km long approximately N−S trending anomalous region of high velocity (1–4% contrast) from a depth of about 100 km in the upper mantle encompassing almost the whole width of the DVP. Inversion ofP-wave relative residuals reveal the existence of two prominent features beneath the DVP. The first is a thick high velocity zone (1–4% faster) extending from a depth of about 100 km directly beneath most of the DVP. The second feature is a prominent low velocity region which coincides with the westernmost part of the DVP. A possible explanation for the observed coherent high velocity anomaly is that it forms the root of the lithosphere which coherently translates with the continents during plate motions, an architecture characteristic of precambrian shields. The low velocity zone appears to be related to the rift systems (anomaly 28, 65 Ma) which provided the channel for the outpouring of Deccan basalts at the close of the Cretaceous period.  相似文献   

A nearly 500-km-long seismic profile with reflective and refractive wide-angle Ocean Bottom Seismometer (OBS) data and Multi-Channel Seismic (MCS) data was acquired across the northeastern continental margin of the South China Sea (SCS). The S-wave crustal structure and Vp/Vs ratios have been obtained based on a previously published P-wave model using the software RayInvr. Modeling of vertical- and horizontal-component OBS data yields information on the seismic crustal velocities, lithology, and geophysical properties along the OBS-2001 seismic profile. S-wave velocities in the model increase generally with depth but exhibit high spatial variability, particularly from the shelf to the upper slope of the northeastern SCS margin. Vp/Vs ratios also reveal significant lithological heterogeneity. Dongsha–Penghu Uplift (DPU) is a tectonic zone with a thicker crust than adjacent areas and a high magnetic anomaly. With a Vp/Vs of 1.74 and a P-wave velocity of 5.0–5.5 km/s, the DPU primarily consists of felsic volcanic rocks in the upper crust and is similar to the petrology of Zhejiang–Fujian volcanic provinces, which perhaps is associated with a Mesozoic volcanic arc. The ocean–continent transition (OCT) in the northeastern SCS is characterized by a thinning continental crust, volcanoes in the upper crust, and a high velocity layer (HVL) in the lower crust. The S-wave velocity and Vp/Vs ratio suggest that the HVL has a mafic composition that may originate from underplating of the igneous rocks beneath the passive rifted crust after the cessation of seafloor spreading.  相似文献   

We investigated the seismic shear-wave velocity structure of the crust beneath nine broadband seismological stations of the Shillong–Mikir plateau and its adjoining region using teleseismic P-wave receiver function analysis. The inverted shear wave velocity models show ∼34–38 km thick crust beneath the Shillong Plateau which increases to ∼37–38 km beneath the Brahmaputra valley and ∼46–48 km beneath the Himalayan foredeep region. The gradual increase of crustal thickness from the Shillong Plateau to Himalayan foredeep region is consistent with the underthrusting of Indian Plate beyond the surface collision boundary. A strong azimuthal variation is observed beneath SHL station. The modeling of receiver functions of teleseismic earthquakes arriving the SHL station from NE backazimuth (BAZ) shows a high velocity zone within depth range 2–8 km along with a low velocity zone within ∼8–13 km. In contrast, inversion of receiver functions from SE BAZ shows high velocity zone in the upper crust within depth range ∼10–18 km and low velocity zone within ∼18–36 km. The critical examination of ray piercing points at the depth of Moho shows that the rays from SE BAZ pierce mostly the southeast part of the plateau near Dauki fault zone. This observation suggests the effect of underthrusting Bengal sediments and the underlying oceanic crust in the south of the plateau facilitated by the EW-NE striking Dauki fault dipping 300 toward northwest.  相似文献   

Regional surface wave tomography in the sub-Antarctic Scotia Sea is helpful in revealing the nature of the crust and the S-wave seismic velocity profile beneath the Bransfield Strait. The joint use of our regional network, global seismographic network stations and local temporary arrays provide better lateral resolution than that obtained in our previous studies concerning the Scotia Sea region.Tomographic analysis of data obtained using 10 broad band seismic stations and more than 300 regional events, shows that the Bransfield Basin is characterised by a strong group velocity reduction of 8% with respect to the surrounding areas, in the period range from 15 s to 50 s.The crustal and upper mantle models of the eastern, central and western Bransfield Basin are obtained by joint inversion of Rayleigh and Love local dispersion curves from 15 s to 50 s. In addition our data set is expanded to a broader period interval (1–80 s), in central Bransfield Strait in order to better constrain the upper mantle and shallow crust.The main results can be summarized as follows: (a) the crust thins distinctly from W toward E; the variation is consistent with the type of volcanism, earthquake distribution and bathymetric observations, (b) low upper mantle velocities (soft lid) extend down to depths exceeding 70 km as a consequence of elevated temperatures, (c) the crust beneath the central Bransfield Basin displays continental characteristics with a gradually increasing S-wave velocity distribution versus depth analogous to the East African Rift structure of Kenya, (d) negative velocity gradients are present in the lower crust beneath the eastern Bransfield Basin; these could be interpreted as magmatic bodies originating from decompression melting of the mantle.  相似文献   

Although orogeny tapers off in western Taiwan large and small earthquakes do occur in the Taiwan Strait, a region largely untouched in previous studies owing mostly to logistical reasons. But the overall crustal structure of this region is of particular interest as it may provide a hint of the proto-Taiwan before the orogeny.By combining time domain empirical Green’s function (TDEGF) from ambient seismic noise using station-pairs and traditional surface wave two-station method (TS) we are able to construct Rayleigh wave phase velocity dispersion curves between 5 and 120 s. Using Broadband Array in Taiwan for Seismology (BATS) stations in Taiwan and in and across the Strait we are able to derive average 1-D Vs structures in different parts of this region. The results show significant shear velocity differences in the upper 15 km crust as expected. In general, the highest Vs in the upper crust observed in the coastal area of Mainland China and the lowest Vs appears along the southwest offshore of the Taiwan Island; they differ by about 0.6–1.1 km/s. For different parts of the Strait, the upper crust Vs structures are lower in the middle by about 0.1–0.2 km/s relative to those in the northern and southern parts. The upper mantle Vs structure (Moho – 150 km) beneath the Taiwan Strait is about 0.1–0.3 km/s lower than the AK135 model. The overall crustal thickness is approximately 30 km, much thinner and less variable than under the Taiwan Island. The inversion of seismic velocity structures using shorter period band dispersion data in the sea areas with water depth deeper than 1000 m should take water layer into consideration except for the continental shelves.  相似文献   


The land-sea transition zone in the northern South China Sea (SCS) records important information from the continental rifting to the seafloor spreading. The crustal structure is the key to explore the deep tectonic environment and the evolution of the SCS. In 2015, the onshore-offshore 3D deep seismic experiment was carried out on the Pearl River Estuary (PRE). Explosions and air guns were used as sources on land and at sea respectively in this experiment.Onshore seismic stations and Ocean Bottom Seismographs (OBSs) synchronously recorded the seismic signals. We focus on an onshore-offshore seismic profile (L2, SE-trending) along the eastern side of the PRE. By modelling the seismic travel times, we constructed a P-wave velocity model along the profile. The model shows that the sediment on land is thin and has seismic velocities of 4.5–5.5 km/s. In contrast, thickness of the offshore sediment gradually increases to more than 4.0 km, and the velocities vary between 2.0 km/s and 4.5 km/s. The onshore and offshore crustal velocities are 5.8–6.8 km/s and 5.5–6.8 km/s, respectively. At depth between 15 km and 20 km, a low-velocity layer (LVL; only 5.9 km/s) is detected, pinching out under the Littoral Fault Zone (LFZ). The LVL has probably accommodated the crustal extension beneath the land area, resulting in low extent of the crustal thinning. A slightly uplifted Moho exists beneath the Dongguan fault depression zone, representing a place where hot mantle materials ascend. Localized thickening of the sediments and rapid thinning of the crust characterize the LFZ, and it can be regarded as a tectonic boundary between the South China (SC) with normal continental crust and the northern SCS margin with extended continental crust.  相似文献   

High seismic Vp velocity anomalies (8.7–9.0 km s− 1) have long been known about in regions of the uppermost mantle of the Siberian craton, often in association with kimberlite fields. Laboratory measurement of seismic properties of five xenoliths, three peridotites and two eclogites, from the Udachnaya kimberlite under confining pressures up to 600 MPa were extrapolated to uppermost mantle PT conditions of 1500 MPa and 500 °C, however none of the velocities are high enough to explain the observations. Eclogites or peridotites are commonly considered to be the source of anomalous high velocities. We prefer a peridotitic source to an eclogitic source due to the unusual chemistry and regional uniformity of eclogitic garnets required, maximum velocity limitations on laboratory measurements of seismic properties of natural eclogites, and purported abundance of eclogites in the lithosphere. Alternatively, a highly depleted peridotite, such as dunite or harzburgite, can produce velocities high enough to match observations. Olivine petrofabrics in most peridotites, including the three peridotites used in this study, are great enough to produce the observed high velocities provided olivine petrofabrics are continuous enough and correctly oriented to be seismically detectable and the modal proportion of olivine is high. There have been suggestions by other authors that the Siberian upper mantle is highly depleted and that a lithosphere-scale shear zone exists, which may have acted to organize fabrics into segments large enough for detection. Anomalously high Vp–Vs velocity ratios of greater than 1.8 are expected parallel to the olivine [100] maxima required to be present in a high-velocity olivine-dominated upper mantle. Vp–Vs velocity ratios can serve as a means of inferring large-scale anisotropy when limited seismic data are available, as in Siberia.  相似文献   

We studied the 3D velocity structure of the crust and uppermost mantle beneath the Baikal region using tomographic inversion of ∼25,000 P and S arrivals from more than 1200 events recorded by 86 stations of three local seismological networks. Simultaneous iterative inversion with a new source location algorithm yielded 3D images of P and S velocity anomalies in the crust and upper mantle, a 2D model of Moho depths, and corrections to source coordinates and origin times. The resolving power of the algorithm, its stability against variations in the starting model, and the reliability of the final results were checked in several tests. The 3D velocity structure shows a well-pronounced low-velocity zone in the crust and uppermost mantle beneath the southwestern flank of the Baikal rift which matches the area of Cenozoic volcanism and a high velocity zone beneath the Siberian craton. The Moho depth pattern fits the surface tectonic elements with thinner crust along Lake Baikal and under the Busiyngol and Tunka basins and thicker crust beneath the East Sayan and Transbaikalian mountains and under the Primorsky ridge on the southern craton border.  相似文献   

Seismic tomography studies reveal distinct velocity and VP/VS anomalies in the mantle transition zone (MTZ) beneath the Yangtze Craton and Cathaysia Block in southeastern China. The anomalies under the Yangtze Craton are characterized by high velocity (both VP and VS) and low VP/VS ratio, while those beneath the Cathaysia Block are characterized by low velocity (especially VS) and high VP/VS ratio. Here, we conduct analyses of phase relations and thermoelasticity to model the effects of thermal and chemical homogeneities in the MTZ, by taking advantage of recent simultaneous VP and VS seismic tomography results under southeastern China. We attempt to quantify the seismic tomography results and examine the effects of temperature, chemical composition, and water (or protonization) on velocity anomalies in the deep mantle. We find VP/VS to be a powerful parameter in distinguishing the various effects of temperature, chemical composition, and protonization. We conclude that an ancient stagnated oceanic slab is most likely the main cause of the observed fast velocity and low VP/VS anomalies in the MTZ under the Yangtze Craton. This ancient slab material is most likely a product of paleo Pacific subduction around 100–125 Ma ago, when the oceanic plate abruptly changed its direction of motion. Such an event has been shown to be closely related to the magmatic activities around eastern China, the ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism zone between the Yangtze Craton and the North China Craton, and the destruction of the lower crust of the North China Craton. The anomalies under the Cathaysia Block, on the other hand, are likely due to dehydration-induced partial melting of subducted Pacific slab materials. Here the large low VS anomaly in MTZ coincides with the extensive Mesozoic to Cenozoic igneous features on the surface, suggesting a state with lower viscosities in the upper mantle. Dehydration-induced partial melting in MTZ may have also promoted deformation of the South China fold belt. Our results suggest that these lithospheric processes are directly related to the tectonic interaction between the oceanic and continental plates in southeastern China and that a better understanding of past deep mantle dynamic processes may place important constraints on the evolution of the cratons in China.  相似文献   

Crustal shear wave velocity structure beneath the Malawi and Luangwa Rift Zones (MRZ and LRZ, respectively) and adjacent regions in southern Africa is imaged using fundamental mode Rayleigh waves recorded by 31 SAFARI (Seismic Arrays for African Rift Initiation) stations. Dispersion measurements estimated from empirical Green's functions are used to construct 2-D phase velocity maps for periods between 5 and 28 s. The resulting Rayleigh wave phase velocities demonstrate significant lateral variations and are in general agreement with known geological features and tectonic units within the study area. Subsequently, we invert Rayleigh wave phase velocity dispersion curves to construct a 3-D shear wave velocity model. Beneath the MRZ and LRZ, low velocity anomalies are found in the upper-most crust, probably reflecting the sedimentary cover. The mid-crust of the MRZ is characterized by an ~3.7% low velocity anomaly, which cannot be adequately explained by higher than normal temperatures alone. Instead, other factors such as magmatic intrusion, partial melting, and fluid-filled deep crustal faults might also play a role. Thinning of the crust of a few kilometers beneath the rifts is revealed by the inversion. A compilation of crustal thicknesses and velocities beneath the world's major continental rifts suggests that both the MRZ and LRZ are in the category of rifts beneath which the crust has not been sufficiently thinned to produce widespread syn-rifting volcanisms.  相似文献   

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