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The Cretaceous(Albian-Cenomanian) Dalmiapuram Formation is one of the economically significant constituents in the hydrocarbon-producing Cauvery rift basin, SE India that opened up during the Late Jurassic e Early Cretaceous Gondwanaland fragmentation. The fossil-rich Dalmiapuram Formation,exposed at Ariyalur within the Pondicherry sub-basin of Cauvery Basin, rests in most places directly on the Archean basement and locally on the Lower Cretaceous(Barremian-Aptian) Basal Siliciclastic Formation. In the Dalmiapuram Formation, a facies association of tectonically-disturbed phase is sandwiched between two drastically quieter phases. The early syn-rift facies association(FA 1), records the first carbonate marine transgression within the basin, comprising a bar-lagoon system with occasionally storms affecting along the shore and a sheet-like non-recurrent biomicritic limestone bed on the shallow shelf that laterally grades into pyrite e glauconite-bearing dark-colored shale in the deeper shelf. Spectacular breccias together with varied kinds of mass-flow products comprise the syn-rift facies association(FA 2). While the breccias occur at the basin margin area, the latter extend in the deeper inland sea. Clast composition of the coarse clastics includes large, even block-sized limestone fragments and small fragments of granite and sandstone from the basement.Marl beds of quieter intervals between tectonic pulses occur in alternation with them. Faulted basal contact of the formation, and small grabens filled by multiple mass-flow packages bear the clear signature of the syntectonic activity localized contortions, slump folds, and pillow beds associated with mega slump/slide planes and joints, which corroborates this contention further. This phase of tectonic intervention is followed by another relatively quieter phase and accommodates the late syn-rift facies association(FA 3). A tidal bar-interbar shelf depositional system allowed a transgressive systems tract motif to grow eventually passing upwards into the Karai Shale Formation, whose contact with the Dalmiapuram Formation is gradational.  相似文献   

准噶尔盆地石南地区清水河组一段层序地层特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
清水河组一段是石南31井区岩性油藏、石南44井区微幅构造油藏及整个腹部地区的重要产层,探究其层序地层特征对于指导研究区及整个腹部地区清水河组一段的隐蔽油气藏勘探有重要意义。通过对岩心、测井、地震等资料综合分析,指出清水河组一段相当于下白垩统第一个三级层序的低位及湖侵体系域。其层序地层特征显著,表现为:低位体系域以沟谷残余可容纳空间充填沉积为特点,分布较为局限,沟谷主要沉积辫状河道砂砾岩;湖侵体系域以退积型三角洲和三角洲前缘滑塌浊积扇沉积为主。建立了石南31井区的成藏模式,并指出三南凹陷中西部是岩性—地层油气藏勘探的有利区带。沟谷砂砾岩及三角洲前缘滑塌浊积扇可形成岩性圈闭,退积型三角洲可形成地层超覆圈闭;湖侵体系域顶部的泥岩可做为区域盖层;斜坡古地貌、深大断裂—中浅层断裂系统与不整合匹配为有效的输导体系。  相似文献   

The southernmost occurrence of the early Maastrichtian larger benthic foraminifera (LBF) in Tethys is known from the Kallankuruchchi Formation in the Cauvery Basin, SE India, represented by Lepidorbitoides-Siderolites assemblages. The systematics, age and paleobiogeography of Lepidorbitoides here have as yet remained unresolved due to lack of information particularly on the nepionic arrangement, whereas their links with the Western Tethyan and Caribbean biogeographic domains were speculated. Lepidorbitoides, studied from the same level in seven samples in two separate areas, invariably possess quadriserial nepionts and adauxiliary chamberlets, whose mean number ranges from 3.79 to 4.67. The ratio between the sample means of the internal diameter of deuteroconch and protoconch varies between 1.72 and 1.86. The equatorial layer in the early stage consists of arcuate chambers with basal stolons, and ogival-to spatulate chamberlets with annular and oblique stolons in the later stages. These features are consistent with the phylogenetically advanced members of the Western Tethyan Lepidorbitoides lineage, such as L. minor (Schlumberger) and L. socialis (Leymerie), and all samples were assigned to the transitional development stages of these species based on the morphometry. The taxonomic status of some Lepidorbitoides species, originally described from the Kallankuruchchi Formation and widely adopted in previous works, such as L. blanfordi (Rao) and L. inornata (Rao), are not justified. We extend the geographic range of Western Tethyan Lepidorbitoides to southern India.  相似文献   

The present paper records eight Rhodophycean taxa from the Kallakudi limestone of the Uttatur Group (Lower Cretaceous) exposed in the quarries at Kallakudi and Olaipadi near Govindarajapatnam of the Cauvery Basin, south India. Of these, four species (Melobesioideae gen. et sp. indet 1, Melobesioideae gen. et sp. indet 2, Lithophyllum alternicellum and Pseudoamphiroa propria) belong to corallinaceae family, one species (Polystrata alba) is assigned to Peyssonneliaceae family, two species (Solenopora urgoniana and Parachaetetes asvapatii) are placed under Solenoporaceae; and one species (Sporolithon sp.) is referable to Sporolithaceae family. Among these, three taxa (Solenopora urgoniana, Lithophyllum alternicellum and Pseudoamphiroa propria) are recorded for the first time from India. The study also includes observations on ultrastructural morphological features of Parachaetetes asvapatii. The observations reveal absence of cell fusions, which confirms its affinities with Solenoporaceae. Palaeoecological data indicate that the assemblage from the sequence at the Kallakudi quarry is characteristic of lagoonal to reefal environment, whereas the Olaipadi quarry sequence near Govindarajapatnam points to 20 m to 30 m deep environment characterized by high- to moderate energy conditions.  相似文献   

川中东北部须家河组与珍珠冲段地层划分   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过地震反射终端研究,认为上三叠统须家河组(J2x)与下侏罗统(J1z)的分界面为一层序界面(T3x被界面截削,J1z沿界面上超);因此可依据LUNA法则予以确定。LUNA认为,层序边界不整合可依据可容空间生成速率突变的岩层几何形态来识别,表现在古河道规模和河道砂岩的叠置方式,而拼合砂岩体底面乃是层序界面(SB)之所在...  相似文献   

The Albian-Danian limestones of Cauvery Basin show a wide range of d13C and d18O values (–13.2 to +1.1% and –9.0 to –2.5%, respectively). The cement samples show negative carbon and oxygen isotope values (–18.9 to –3.9% and –9.0 to –4.3%, respectively). The petrographic study reveals the presence of algae, molluscs, bryozoans, foraminifers and ostracods as major framework constituents. The limestones have microspar and equant sparry calcite cements. The pore spaces and vugs are filled with sparry calcite cement. The bivariate plot of d13C and d18O suggests that most of the samples fall in the freshwater limestone and meteoric field, while few samples fall in the marine limestone and soil calcite fields. The presence of sparry calcite cement, together with negative carbon and oxygen isotope values, indicates that these limestones have undergone meteoric diagenesis.  相似文献   

依据吉林九台的野外地质勘察资料,通过分析营城组二段内部建筑结构、岩性、岩相等地质特征,运用层序地层学的理论和研究方法,对松辽盆地营城组二段砾岩进行精细的层序地层研究和层序划分对比。野外砾岩露头精细解剖揭示以辫状水道沉积最为发育,厚层砾岩由多期辫状水道垂向切叠而成,可划分为三级基准面旋回层序(1个长期、3个中期、8个短期)。  相似文献   

根据工区内现有的钻井、测井和地震资料,应用以多级次基准面旋回为参照面的高分辨层序地层学理论与研究方法,对松辽盆地南部海坨子—大布苏地区的泉四段—姚家组地层进行了详细的层序地层研究,共识别出5个长期基准面旋回(相当于三级层序),9个中期基准面旋回(相当于四级层序),建立了研究区的层序划分方案,在连井剖面的层序地层对比基础上,建立了该区的地层格架,并对层序构成特征进行了分析,研究了储集层在层序格架内的分布规律,揭示出浊积砂体和三角洲前缘相的分流河道形成于基准面上升期,三角洲前缘相的河口坝、远砂坝和席状砂沉积形成于基准面下降期,指出浊积砂体和三角洲前缘相的远砂坝、席状砂沉积是研究区形成岩性油气藏的有利储集体。  相似文献   

湖岸线是水陆沉积的分界线,为探讨其迁移规律与层序间的关系,利用SEDPAK二维层序模拟软件,以鄂尔多斯盆地山2段作为地质原型,对湖岸线迁移进行了定量模拟,进而提出了其可以有效指示层序及内部体系域识别的新认识.对湖岸线迁移规律在水平方向与垂直方向重新进行了划分、定义.在水平方向上,向物源区方向的迁移定义为“正向”,对应于...  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地延长组长7湖相页岩油地质特征评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
页岩油是重要的非常规油气资源之一。利用地球化学、测井、X射线衍射、扫描电镜等资料对鄂尔多斯盆地延长组长7页岩油的地质特征展开了研究。研究结果表明,鄂尔多斯盆地延长组长7湖相页岩层十分发育,根据岩性组合、地球化学等特征可以将长7页岩划分为"砂岩-页岩互层"、"厚层状Ⅰ类页岩"与"厚层状Ⅱ类页岩"等三种类型。长7湖相页岩层分布范围广且厚度较大,提供了页岩油成藏的基本地质条件;岩石中脆性矿物含量高,为页岩油勘探开发的必要条件;有机质丰度高、有机质类型好且有机质热演化程度适中,奠定了页岩油聚集成藏的物质基础;虽然长7页岩十分致密,但在扫描电镜下可见微米级裂隙,并且湖盆中部等地区发育物性相对较好的薄砂岩夹层,提供了页岩油的储集空间。分析测试资料显示,长7页岩含油性较好,并具有一定的含气量;薄砂岩夹层油源充足,紫外光下具有较强的荧光显示。综合地质条件及含油气性研究,"砂岩-页岩互层"分布区被评价为最有利的页岩油勘探目标区,"Ⅰ类页岩"较"Ⅱ类页岩"生烃条件更好,脆性更强,微米级裂缝更为发育,含油气性较好,为第二类有利勘探目标区。  相似文献   

大兴安岭北部漠河盆地广泛发育漠河组,其形成时代、物源区特征及大地构造背景等对研究盆地的形成与演化具有重要意义.本文在漠河盆地西缘恩和哈达地区漠河组内发现了2层凝灰岩夹层.采用LA-ICP-MS U-Pb测年方法进行了锆石U-Pb年代学研究,分别获得(158±1)Ma、(157±2)Ma的年龄,表明漠河组形成于晚侏罗世早...  相似文献   

Major ion chemistry of water and elemental geochemistry of suspended and surficial sediments collected from the Cauvery Estuary were studied to understand the geochemical processes in this tropical estuarine system. Specific conductance (EC), total dissolved solids (TDS), and total suspended matter (TSM) increased conservatively with increasing chlorinity. In general, SO4 2?, Na, K, Ca, and Mg showed an increasing trend while H4SiO4 and PO4 3? showed a decreasing trend toward the sea. Additional removal mechanisms operating for these ions in the Cauvery Estuary have been identified based on observed concentrations. Factor analysis pointed out the sources contributing to the observed trends in estuarine water chemistry. POC and PON decreased toward the high chlorinity zone. TSM in the Cauvery Estuary were mostly of inorganic nature. Stable carbon isotope values showed that the carbon was equally of marine and terrestrial origin and helped to delineate the contribution of river water and seawater. The ? mean size (a logarithmic grain size scale commonly used by sedimentologists) indicated that the surficial sediments were primarily comprised of coarse and silt, whereas suspended sediments were principally silt and clay. Suspended sediments were enriched in clays compared to surficial sediments. Quartz and feldspar were abundant among detritals while chlorite, kaolinite, and montmorillonite were dominant among clays. Silicon was the most abundant element in the sediments followed by Al, Ca, Na, K, Fe, Mn, and P. Heavy metals were enriched in the suspended sediments compared to the surficial bottom sediments as follows: Fe = 3.5, Mn = 7.4, Pb = 1.1, Zn = 15.2, Cu = 7.4, and Cr = 4.0. The levels of Cd, Cr, Zn, and Fe increased up the middle reaches and then decreased toward the sea due to urban effluent and fertilizer input. Size fractionation studies indicated that the metal concentration in the finer fraction was 50% higher by mass than the coarse silt and fine silt fractions. Chemical fractionation studies showed that the abundance of metals were in the order of residual > organic/sulfide > carbonate > Fe/Mn oxide > exchangeable fractions.  相似文献   

The age of the marine Nodular Limestone Formation of the Bagh Group is refined at Substage level through ammonoid and inoceramid index taxa. The study is based on the fresh collections from three well-defined successive intervals (Lower Karondia, Upper Karondia and Chirakhan members) of this formation having excellent exposures in different localities of the Narmada Basin, central India. The first record of the widely distributed Turonian ammonoid genera Spathites Kummel and Decker and Collignoniceras Breistroffer from the Nodular Limestone Formation constrained its age exclusively to Turonian. The Early Turonian species Spathites (Jeanrogericeras) aff. revelieranus (Courtiller) and Mytiloides labiatus (Sclotheim) occur in the lower part, while the Middle Turonian marker Collignoniceras cf. carolinum (d’Obrbigny) and Inoceramus hobetsensis (Nagao and Matsumoto) occurs in the upper part of the Karondia Member. The record of the index species Inoceramus teshioensis (Nagao and Matsumoto) in association with Placenticeras mintoi Vredenburg from Chirakhan Member allows a definite Late Turonian age. The present contribution is an attempt to resolve the controversies in the age of the Nodular Limestone Formation and also demarcation of the three divisions (Early, Middle and Late) of the Turonian Stage in the Narmada Basin, central India.  相似文献   

The exposed Cretaceous shelf succession of the Cauvery Basin, southeastern India, has provided a world-class record of mid and Late Cretaceous invertebrates, documented in a substantial literature. However, the lithostratigraphy of the succession has been little studied and previously subject to a range of nomenclature. It is revised here, on the basis of intensive regional mapping, to stabilize the definition and nomenclature of lithostratigraphic units. The Uttattur Group is restricted in outcrop to the Ariyalur district and divided into the Arogypapurum Formation (new; Albian), Dalmiapuram Formation (late Albian), and Karai Formation (late Albian–early Turonian) for which the Odiyam and Kunnam Members are recognized. The Trichinopoly Group follows unconformably and is also restricted in outcrop to the Ariyalur district. It is divided into the Kulakkalnattam Formation (Turonian) and Anaipadi Formation (late Turonian–Coniacian). The Ariyalur Group is more widely distributed. In the Ariyalur district, the Sillikkudi Formation (Santonian–Campanian) and its Kilpaluvari Member, the Kallakurichchi Formation (early Maastrichtian), the Kallamedu Formation (mid and Late Maastrichtian) and the Niniyur Formation (Danian) are recognized. The sequence in the Vriddhachalam area consists of the Parur and Patti formations (Campanian), Mattur Formation (late Campanian–earliest Maastrichtian) and Aladi Formation (Maastrichtian). For the Pondicherry district, the Valudavur and Mettuveli formations (Maastrichtian) and Kasur and Manaveli formations (Paleocene) comprise the succession. The interpreted depositional environments for the succession in the Ariyalur district indicate four eustatic cycles in the mid and Late Cretaceous and earliest Tertiary: late Albian–early Turonian, late Turonian–Santonian, Campanian, Maastrichtian, and Paleocene. Overall the Cauvery Basin sequence is arenaceous and relatively labile in terms of framework grain composition, and contrasts with the pelitic assemblage developed on the west Australian margin from which eastern India separated in the Early Cretaceous (Valanginian). The difference is ascribed to palaeoclimate as controlled by palaeolatitude. For the Late Cretaceous, the Cauvery Basin drifted north on the Indian plate from 40 to 30°S. This zone is inferred to constitute Southern Hemisphere horse latitudes for Late Cretaceous time, characterized by an arid climate, physical weathering and the production of labile sands. By contrast, the west Australian margin of matching tectonic history remained in a high palaeolatitude (>40°S) throughout the Late Cretaceous, experiencing a pluvial climate, the dominance of chemical weathering and the production of clays.  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地三叠系延长组长7暗色泥页岩是重要的烃源岩。最近的勘探表明,长7具有良好的页岩气开发前景。重点利用鄂尔多斯盆地279口测井资料、18口取心井的347块岩样实验室多种分析测试资料,开展了鄂尔多斯盆地中生界延长组长7页岩气的岩性、岩相、孔隙类型、有机碳含量、热演化程度、含气性、气体储存方式及其在测井曲线的反响研究;在页岩气形成条件的研究基础上,建立了岩性、含气性、有机质含量与自然伽马、声波时差、电阻率之间的关系,有效地识别含气泥页岩;选择容积法对延长组页岩气资源量进行计算,为未来页岩气的勘探和开发奠定基础。  相似文献   

西藏南羌塘盆地中侏罗世布曲组地层特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘凤侠  李君  刘大玮  王振华 《吉林地质》2011,30(2):18-21,45
南羌塘盆地布曲组广泛分布,主要岩性为灰—灰黑色粉屑灰岩、砂屑粉屑灰岩,夹少量粉屑微晶灰岩、微晶灰岩及泥质灰岩。古油气藏分布区布曲组中部产特征的鲕粒灰岩、颗粒白云岩、礁灰岩。其中产腕足、双壳、菊石等化石,时代为中侏罗世巴通阶(Bathonian)。沉积环境为属滨海前滨环境—咸化潟湖相静水环境。  相似文献   

研究鄂尔多斯盆地延安组的煤层发育特征,首先建立延安组等时的层序地层格架,进而分析可容空间变化对煤层形成的控制作用。通过分析野外露头、钻孔、测井等资料,识别延安组中发育的关键层序地层界面,将延安组划分为3个三级层序;层序由低位正常湖退、湖侵、高位正常湖退和强迫湖退4个体系域组成,并建立了全盆地范围等时的层序地层格架。研究发现:在等时层序地层格架中,煤层主要发育在层序I、层序Ⅱ湖侵和高位正常湖退体系域的中、晚期和层序Ⅲ的湖侵体系域的晚期;在区域上,盆地北部地势较为平坦,发育中等厚度、区域稳定性较好的煤层,盆地南部发育稳定性较差的厚-巨厚煤层;从滨湖平原到三角洲平原再到河流泛滥平原,厚煤层从位于四级基准面上升半旋回的底部逐渐过渡到中上部。综上可知,不同沉积区可容空间增加速率与泥炭堆积速率达到平衡的位置不同,厚煤层主要发育在二者近似处于平衡状态的位置,并且发育随着沉积相带变化有规律地迁移。  相似文献   

The present paper reports the K-Ar ages determined on glauconitic samples collected from the Ukra Member of the Mesozoic Bhuj Formation in two different sections, one located on the Ghuneri-Ghaduli road near Katesar Mahadeo temple and the other at the base of the Ukra hill in the northwestern part of the Kutch Mainland area. Three glauconite samples viz., UkraKT-1, UkraKT-4 and UkraUH-3 have yielded K-Ar ages of 107.9 ± 3.4 Ma, 105.5 ± 3.3 Ma and 103.5 ± 3.4 Ma, respectively. The sample UkraKT-l treated with 0.5N HC1 and analysed in duplicate has yielded a mean age of 104 ± 2.3 Ma while the sample UkraKT-4 treated with 0.1N HCl has given an age of 106.5 ± 3.3 Ma. The ages of the treated and untreated glauconites are indistinguishable within 2σ uncertainty with a mean of 105.2 ± 1.3 Ma, which has been interpreted as the depositional age of the Ukra Member of the Mesozoic Bhuj Formation. The study has further indicated that mild acid treatment (up to 0.5N HCl) does not lead to any loss of radiogenic argon in the glauconites and can be helpful in purification of the samples.  相似文献   

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