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Summary A number of small Palaeoproterozoic granitoid plutons were emplaced in the Khetri Copper Belt, which is an important Proterozoic metallogenic terrane in the northeastern part of Aravalli mountain range. Contiguous Biharipur and Dabla plutons are located about 15 km southeast of Khetri, close to a 170 km long intracontinental rift zone. The plutons are composed of amphibole-bearing alkali-feldspar granites, comprising microcline-albite granite, albite granite and late-stage microgranite. The albite granite in Biharipur is confined to the margins of the pluton, and shows extensive commingling with the synchronous mafic plutonics. Geochemically, the albite granites are characterised by low K2O (∼0.5 wt.%) and elevated Na2O (∼7.0 wt.%) abundances. By contrast, the microcline-albite granite does not show any significant mafic-granite interactions and shows normal concentrations of alkali elements. The granitoids display high concentrations of the rare earth (except Eu) and high field strength elements, high values of Ga/Al (>2.5), agpaitic index and Fe*-number. These features together with their alkaline metaluminous and ferroan nature classify the rocks as typical A-type within-plate granites. All the granitoid facies display similar REE and incompatible element profiles indicating their cogenetic nature. These granitoids were emplaced in a shallow crustal chamber under relatively low pressures, high temperature (≥850 °C) and relatively oxidising conditions. The oxidised nature, HFSE concentrations and Nd isotope data (ɛNd = −1.3 to −2.9) favour derivation of these granitoid rocks from crustal protoliths. The generation of albite granite is attributed to the replacement of alkali feldspar and plagioclase of the original granite by pure albite as a consequence of pervasive infiltration of a high Na/(Na + K) fluid at the late-magmatic stage. This model may have wider significance for the generation of albite granites/low-K granites or albitites in other areas. The A-type plutonism under consideration seems to be an outcome of ensialic rifting of the Bhilwara aulacogen.  相似文献   

The Khetri Copper Belt (KCB), a part of the Proterozoic Delhi–Aravalli fold belt in western India, hosts several Cu deposits, which are known to contain considerable Au, Ag, Co and Ni. Although many Co-bearing phases have been reported from the KCB and adjacent areas, detailed textural and geochemical data are either unavailable or scant except for mackinawite. In this study, we describe the textures and compositions (determined by EPMA) of two very rare Co-rich phases, namely cobaltian mackinawite (containing up to 12.68 wt.% Co, 1.90 wt.% Ni and 2.52 wt.% Cu) and cobalt-pentlandite (containing up to 49.30 wt.% Co and 10.19 wt.% Ni), identified based on composition, from the Madan-Kudan deposit. To the best of our knowledge, neither cobalt-pentlandite nor such highly Co-rich mackinawite have previously been reported from this area. The common sulphide minerals viz. chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite and rare pyrite occur in chalcopyrite-pyrrhotite ± pyrite-magnetite-chlorite-blue amphibole (Cl-rich hastingsite-pargasite-sadanagaite) ± marialitic scapolite ± allanite ± uraninite veins in amphibole-bearing feldspathic quartzite and garnetiferous chlorite schist. Cobaltian mackinawite is invariably associated with chalcopyrite and occurs as exsolution and inclusion within chalcopyrite or outside, but at the contact of chalcopyrite. On the other hand, cobalt-pentlandite is invariably associated with pyrrhotite and shows similar textural relation with pyrrhotite as that of mackinawite with chalcopyrite. Mineralogically diverse undeformed sulphide veins comprising Cl-rich amphibole and locally Cl-rich marialitic scapolite suggests epigenetic hydrothermal mineralization involving Cl-rich saline fluid in the Madan-Kudan deposit. Transport of metals, derived from a mafic source rock with high intrinsic Ni:Co ratio, by Cl-rich fluid can suitably explain the high Co:Ni ratio of the studied ore minerals. Presence of such highly Co-rich phases and other circumstantial evidences, enumerated in this work, are consistent with variants of Fe oxide (–Cu–Au) (IOCG) style mineralization, at least for some stages of mineralization in the Madan-Kudan deposit.  相似文献   

The Palaeoproterozoic Dabla granitoid pluton of the North Khetri Copper Belt is located to the east of a NNE-SSW trending lineament with numerous albite-rich intrusives, the intraplate ‘albitite line’. The Dabla pluton is essentially made up of calcic amphibole-bearing granitoids, displaying a concentric bimodal distribution of alkali-feldspar granites, comprising a microcline-albite granite and an albite-granite. The dominant rock type is pink-coloured granite, which is characterised by quartz, microcline, albite and hastingsitic hornblende, and occurs in the marginal parts of the pluton. The volumetrically subordinate albite-granite in the central part of the pluton is invariably white in colour, non-foliated and is mainly composed of quartz, albite and amphibole of actinolite to ferro-actinolite composition. The albite-granite is characterised by low K2O (0.06-0.09%), Rb (<5 ppm) and Ba (<20 ppm), high Na2O (7.19-7.36%) and high Na/K ratios (122.4-185.2) as compared to the granite. These rocks are not subjected to any metamorphic overprint, especially the albite-granite, which shows pristine abundances of major and trace elements. The rocks are highly evolved as reflected in their high SiO2 (72 to 78%) contents and high DI (89.5-97) values. The Dabla granitoids are characterised by similar REE and spider patterns, displaying LREE enriched slopes, flat HREE profiles and strong negative Sr, P, Ti and Eu anomalies suggesting their comagmatic nature. Nevertheless, the granite is relatively more fractionated [(La/Yb)N = 3.89-8.19] and show higher REE abundances (466-673 ppm) as compared to the albite-granite [(La/Yb)N = 1.97-2.96; REE = 220-277 ppm]. Distinctive features of these rocks are their low Ca (0.21-1.53%), Mg (<0.02-0.19%), Al (11.84-12.96%) and Sr (12-46 ppm) abundances, high Zr (155-631 ppm), Y (67-156 ppm), Nb (14-91 ppm), and Ga (20-31 ppm) concentrations and high Fe*-number, high Ga/Al ratio and high agpaitic index (AI) values. These features, coupled with their ferroan, alkaline and metaluminous nature, are typical of within-plate aluminous A-type granites. The geochemical data further indicate that the Dabla magma was generated at fairly high temperature, apparently in an upper mantle region, under relatively low H2O activities and reduced conditions and emplaced at a shallow depth in an extensional tectonic environment.  相似文献   

运用LANDSAT ETM+和ASTER数据进行岩性分类   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
余海阔  李培军 《岩石学报》2010,26(1):345-351
本文评价了运用ASTER和LANDSAT ETM+数据进行岩性制图的性能。分别利用ASTER数据不同波段区图像及其组合,以及ETM+数据进行岩性分类,并探讨了将ASTER和ETM+数据叠加在一起进行了岩性分类; 利用现有地质图对所有分类结果进行了定量评价。结果表明,ASTER数据不同波段的岩性识别能力不同,并且较ETM+数据能更准确地识别岩性。更重要的是,把ASTER与ETM+数据结合在一起进行岩性分类,可获得比用任一数据单独分类更高的分类精度,表明二者的光谱特征具有一定的互补性。  相似文献   

利用ASTER数据反演陆面温度的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王坤  姜琦刚  程彬 《世界地质》2007,26(3):309-312
目前利用ASTER数据反演陆面温度的算法可划分为3类:ASTERTES(Temperature/Emissivity Separation)算法,多通道算法,辐射传输算法。对上述3类方法进行了分析比较,提出了今后工作中要:实现遥感的综合反演、地表发射率的精确获取以及反演实用价值更大的组分温度的努力方向。  相似文献   

用ASTER数据进行不同类型矿床蚀变异常提取研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
张玉君  杨建民  姚佛军 《矿床地质》2006,25(Z3):507-510
文章在利用多光谱ASTER数据进行不同矿床蚀变异常提取的地质和波谱前提的基础上,对东天山斑岩型Cu矿床、镁铁质岩型Cu-Ni矿床和矽卡岩型Pb-Zn矿床的羟基ASTER蚀变异常提取方法进行了研究;对于铁染异常,利用ASTER数据可提取的只有黄钾铁矾异常。对黄山东Cu-Ni矿及沙泉子Pb-Zn矿的蚀变分带现象进行了初步研究,其结果有助于区分矿床类型。此外还利用多光谱ASTER数据研究了识别某些矿物的可能性。  相似文献   

Listwaenites are highly altered ultramafic rocks that are potentially associated with economic mineralization and research on these is extremely important worldwide. In the present study, the classification of mineralized listwaenites developed along the serpentinite–amphibolite interface of the Semail Ophiolite, its associated lithology and the zones of alteration and mineralization in the Fanjah Saddle of the Central Oman Mountains region of the Sultanate of Oman are carried out, using Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) satellite data. The developed band ratioing, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and the Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM) supervised classification and image processing techniques applied on the ASTER data set have proved their capability for better interpretation and identification of hydrothermally altered rocks and associated mineralization. The hyperspectral tools (Minimum Noise Fraction (MNF), Pixel Purity Index (PPI) and nD-visualizer) extracted end member spectra and SAM classification clearly show the occurrence of minerals and their spatial distributions.The promising results are verified and confirmed in the field by identification of alteration and mineralization such as listwaenites, silicification, serpentinization and talc alteration and are validated further through laboratory analysis. The confirmation of the occurrence of base metal mineralization along the serpentinite–amphibolite interface in listwaenites suggests that detailed investigation in this and other arid regions which have similar geological conditions may locate mineral deposits. The hyperspectral tools applied on ASTER satellite data show that these can be used as a powerful tool to explore the listwaenites and the potential associated mineralization in other arid geographical regions worldwide.  相似文献   

黄照强  张显峰 《岩石学报》2010,26(12):3589-3596
本文通过对西藏雅鲁藏布江缝合带泽当-罗布莎地区蛇绿岩套的主要岩石组成和蚀变矿物的标准波谱吸收特征分析,比较了标准光谱库的相应岩性光谱吸收特征和ASTER数据波段特征之间的关系,采用连续统去除、比值法和光谱角制图法对ASTER影像数据进行处理及相关岩性和矿物提取。结果表明,蛇绿岩组分岩性中亚铁离子和Fe-OH,Mg-OH的可见-短波红外吸收特征显著,而且有一个宽波长范围的Si-O热红外光谱特征,基于这些光谱特征采用ASTER数据和比值法与光谱角制图法可有效地识别蛇绿岩的主要岩性和相关矿物成分及其空间分布,结果与地质资料基本吻合。  相似文献   

基于ASTER数据的蛇绿岩组分识别:以德尔尼矿区为例   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
本文运用高级星载热辐射和反射探测器(ASTER)反射率数据对青海德尔尼蛇绿岩的主要岩石组成和蚀变矿物进行探测.以现有的标准光谱库数据作为参照,采用光谱角制图法来提取感兴趣的岩性和矿物信息,并通过与现有地质图对比,验证结果的精度.实验结果表明,运用ASTER数据和标准的光谱库数据,可较有效地识别蛇绿岩的主要岩性和相关矿物成分,但不同岩性的识别精度不同.  相似文献   

《Resource Geology》2018,68(1):65-82
The B angonghu–N ujiang metallogenic belt is considered to be T ibet’s third copper belt after the Y ulong and G angdese copper belts. The D uolong gold‐rich porphyry copper deposit, located in the western part of the B angonghu–N ujiang belt was recently recognized as a superlarge prospect. The A dvanced S paceborne T hermal E mission and R eflection R adiometer (ASTER ) was used to characterize the D uolong porphyry deposit alteration area, and three methods, color enhancement, band ratio transformation, and spectral angle mapping, were utilized to extract the phyllic and argillic alteration zones, which are typically considered the most important predictors of porphyry copper. Seven prospecting areas, which match mapped alteration zones, were delineated in the D uolong deposit. In addition, an ASTER image of the eastern region of the B angonghu–N ujiang belt in the X iongmei area was used to extract alteration information, and an area with image characteristics similar to the D uobuza and B olong ore deposits was identified as a prospecting area. Numerous malachite outcrops were identified in the field, and both laboratory analysis and isotopic dating confirmed that the deposit had formed concurrently with the D uobuza deposit (119 M a). Geologic mapping at the 1:5000 scale was conducted in the area, and three types of ore‐bearing rocks were identified, indicating that this area has significant potential to host ore deposits. The discovery of the X iongmei copper mining area is significant for the B angonghu–N ujiang belt.  相似文献   

In the oxidized zone of Rakha-Chapri Block of the Singhbhum Copper Belt, alteration of biotite, chlorite and muscovite extends down to ∼ 60 m. Below this level, these minerals are not altered, implying a supergene origin for the clay alteration products. The altered host-rock profile consists of an upper, predominantly kaolinitic zone and a lower illite-chlorite rich zone, with the clay minerals showing an overall tendency to decrease with depth. Kaolinite is the dominant clay mineral, the proportion of which varies considerably with depth, and chlorite, illite and halloysite are the other clay minerals of the oxidized zone. Incipient removal of copper even from the cap rocks, in-situ transformation of sulphides to oxidized compounds, and the unusual mode of occurrence of copper in the oxidized zone are the characteristic features of the Rakha-Chapri Block. Insufficient localized hydrolysis of silicates is considered responsible for relatively low acidity in the oxidized zone as a whole. Copper forms a component of the clay minerals probably as surface adsorbed or/lattice-bound ions.  相似文献   

This work illustrates the effectiveness of hyperspectal image spectroscopy and lab spectroscopy in identification techniques of minerals in alteration zone of ore body. The adopted procedure involves testing of Hyperion image spectra, their processing for noise, spectral matching and spectral similarity measurement with selected library spectra. Average weighted spectral similarity; visual and statistical matching techniques were used to select end-members from image spectra. Minimum noise fraction and pixel purity index technique were used to retrieve end-member spectra from hyperion image. Hyperspectral image like hyperion has the capability to deliver laboratory standard spectroscopic result. This paper illustrates the capability of hyperion image spectra in copper ore identification and mapping of chalcopyrite outcrop. A systematic approach has been made in this paper. This approach describes how image end member spectra and laboratory spectra can be co-related to fetch accurate spectral form of chalcopyrite ores. Thus, statistical and graphical comparison has been carried out between image derived end member spectra and laboratory spectra of chalcopyrite for better accuracy. The visual measurements is satisfactory, R = 0.973 for fine and 0.976 for medium grained chalcopyrite ore. Excellent statistical significance levels (90–97%) are found while comparing these spectra. There are many success stories of sub-pixel and N-dimensional feature space methods to separate the hydrothermal alteration zones from iron oxide mixed ore bodies. Thus, unmixing methods are very useful for mapping of most dominating mineral parts of a pixel from hyperspectral images which have coarse spatial resolution. Finally, mapping of mineralized zone has been achieved through sub-pixel based classifiers like spectral angle mapper (SAM), constrained energy minimization (CEM) and adaptive coherence estimator (ACE) techniques.  相似文献   

基于ASTER遥感数据的西藏多龙矿集区示矿信息的提取   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
矿化蚀变信息的提取对圈定成矿区具有重要意义。近年来,运用多光谱遥感数据进行示矿信息提取得到了长足的发展。常用的示矿信息提取技术方法包括优化的主成分分析方法、比值算法、光谱角算法等。选取西藏改则县多龙地区为研究区,以区内多不杂斑岩型铜矿为典型的已知矿床,基于ASTER遥感数据,运用多种示矿信息提取方法进行靶区圈定综合研究,多种技术方法相互印证,避免了单一算法的局限性,为成矿靶区的圈定提供了更为准确的遥感依据。  相似文献   

Seepage from hydrocarbon reservoirs can cause a number of chemical and/or mineralogical changes in overlying rocks and soils. These surface changes can be detected by remote sensing imaging systems. The Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) is an advanced multispectral imaging system in the visible and near infrared (VNIR) to shortwave infrared (SWIR) region. Band ratios of ASTER VNIR and SWIR data to detect red bed bleaching and secondary carbonate formation induced by hydrocarbon seepage are proposed through analysis of the spectral properties of rock samples. Results show that ASTER band ratios of 2/1 and 4/8 can discriminate bleached red beds and secondary carbonate minerals due to hydrocarbon seepage in the northern Tian Shan. They are in good agreement with mineral identification using X‐ray diffraction. The ratio technique derived from ASTER data may provide a potential approach for hydrocarbon exploration in areas with sparse vegetation cover.  相似文献   

A new technique for automatic delineation of drainage basin perimeters within digital elevation data is described which applies the topographic primal sketch to digital terrain data, and is much more natural and much more efficient than usual methods that rely upon moving a window over the array of data. This method is able to find drainage channels, mark water flow direction, and recover drainage basin areas. Results appear to be comparable to drainage patterns which can be interpreted visually from contours of the elevation data.  相似文献   

为弥补以往研究中植被覆盖区遥感矿化蚀变信息提取精细化程度不高、蚀变弱异常难以从复杂背景中分离等不足,采用ASTER遥感数据,以植被覆盖较厚的西南三江成矿带宝兴厂矿区为研究区,针对宝兴厂斑岩型铜矿矿化蚀变分带由外至内绿泥石化—钾化硅化—黑云母化硅化分布的特点,在频率域内,采用多重分形“广义自相似性”和“局部奇异性”理论与能谱面积法(S-A法),探索了复杂地质背景条件下斑岩型铜矿蚀变分带与特征矿物弱异常信息增强提取方法。经野外验证,方法应用取得了较好的效果  相似文献   

Chromite deposits in Iran are located in the ophiolite complexes, which have mostly podiform types and irregular in their settings. Exploration for podiform chromite deposits associated with ophiolite complexes has been a challenge for the prospectors due to tectonic disturbance and their distribution patterns. Most of Iranian ophiolitic zones are located in mountainous and inaccessible regions. Remote sensing approach could be applicable tool for choromite prospecting in Iranian ophiolitic zones with intensely rugged topography, where systematic sampling and conventional geological mapping are limited. In this study, Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) and Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) satellite data were used for chromite prospecting and lithological mapping in the Neyriz ophiolitic zone in the south of Iran. Image transformation techniques, namely decorrelation stretch, band ratio and principal component analysis (PCA) were applied to Landsat TM and ASTER data sets for lithological mapping at regional scale. The RGB decorrelated image of Landsat TM spectral bands 7, 5, and 4, and the principal components PC1, PC2 and PC3 image of ASTER SWIR spectral bands efficiently showed the occurrence of major lithological units in the study area at regional scale. The band ratios of 5/3, 5/1, 7/5 applied on ASTER VNIR‐SWIR bands were very useful for discriminating most of rock units in the study area and delineation of the transition zone and mantle harzburgite in the Neyriz ophiolitic complex. Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM) technique was implemented to ASTER VNIR‐SWIR spectral bands for detecting minerals of rock units and especially delineation of the transition zone and mantle harzburgite as potential zones with high chromite mineralization in the Neyriz ophiolitic complex. The integration of information extracted from the image processing algorithms used in this study mapped most of lithological units of the Neyriz ophiolitic complex and identified potential areas of high chromite mineralization (transition zone and mantle harzburgite) for chromite prospecting targets in the future. Furthermore, image processing results were verified by comprehensive fieldwork and laboratory analysis in the study area. Accordingly, result of this investigation indicate that the integration of information extracted from the image processing algorithms using Landsat TM and ASTER data sets could be broadly applicable tool for chromite prospecting and lithological mapping in mountainous and inaccessible regions such Iranian ophiolitic zones.  相似文献   

巴基斯坦查盖火山岩浆岩带属于特提斯成矿域的重要组成部分之一,是巴基斯坦境内最重要的斑岩型铜矿带,但目前其相关的遥感研究还较少,制约了对该成矿带的找矿潜力分析。笔者等以山达克矿床及其周边为研究区,对先进星载热辐射与反射辐射计(Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer, ASTER)数据进行RBD (Relative absorption band depth)比值假彩色合成、主成分分析、光谱角制图等处理,获得蚀变遥感异常信息分布特征,通过对蚀变特征和主要控矿要素进行遥感研究,建立了山达克矿床遥感找矿模型并开展成矿预测,为该成矿带矿产勘查提供借鉴。根据建立的遥感找矿模型,圈定了找矿预测靶区10处。对矿区东矿体和矿区北部的2个靶区进行野外验证,证实了提取结果与实际地质事实吻合较好,对矿区岩石样品进行光谱实测,表明样品实测光谱曲线与标准矿物光谱曲线的吸收特征位置高度相似,证实了研究区绢云母化、青磐岩化等蚀变较强且分布较广。结果表明本次研究提取的矿化蚀变结果可信度较高,可为后续找矿勘查工作提供参考。  相似文献   

This paper is focussed on the hazard impact of landslides in the Three Gorges, and represents the progression of our ongoing study on regional land instability assessment in the Three Gorges area using imagery data from the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission Radiometer (ASTER). The key development here is the establishment of a model that integrates land instability with several factors that can relate hazard to human life, such as slope failures occurring in proximity to built-up areas and roads, and areas of high landslide risk along the bank of Yangtze and its major tributaries. The method correctly identifies some of the known destructive landslides in the region, like Qianjiangping and Huangtupo, as belonging to areas of potentially high landslide impact. Our results suggest that several population centres, including the towns of Wushan and Badong, are rated at high landslide hazard levels. This study highlights the importance of differentiating between landslide types within susceptibility assessment, and identifies those locations in the Three Gorges where the probability of landslide occurrence with negative impact to life and property is greatest.  相似文献   

Podiform chromite ore deposits in ultramafic parts of ophiolite rock complexes can be detected using remote sensing data. This study focuses on the discrimination of chromite bearing mineralized zones using Landsat TM and Advance Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) satellite data in Abdasht ophiolite complex, south of Iran. Several image processing methods, including Log residual, Decorellation Stretch, Band ratio and Mixture-Tuned Matched-Filtering (MTMF) have been evaluated for lithological mapping using Landsat ETM and ASTER data. The outcome showed that TIR band ratios of ASTER can discriminate quartzite, carbonate and mafic–ultramafic rocks in the ophiolite complex. Log residual, Decorollation Stretch and MTMF methods were more capable than previous published ASTER methods specifically for lithological mapping at a regional scale. New geological map of Abdasht region was produced based on the interpretation of ASTER image processing results and field verification. Consequently, the proposed methods demonstrated the ability of ASTER and Landsat ETM data to provide information for detecting chromite host rock (serpentinized dunites) that is valuable for chromite prospecting in study area. Additionally, the techniques used in this study are subtle for exploration geologist and mine engineering to identify high-potential chromite-bearing zones in the ophiolite complex, minimizing costly and time-consuming field works.  相似文献   

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