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Stable isotope composition of syngenetic and epigenetic ice wedges, radiocarbon age, and pollen spectra of the surrounding deposits were studied during long term investigations at the "Belyi Klyuch" site on the first(6-8 m height) terrace of the Chara River(720 m.a.s.l.) in northern Transbaikalia to assess climatic conditions during ice-wedge formation. It was revealed that Holocene ice wedges had been formed from 10 to 7.5 ka 14 C BP. The isotope composition(δ~(18)O, δ~2 H) of relict ice wedges is the lightest and amounts-23‰ and-185‰, correspondingly. The isotopic compositions of ice lenses from sandy loam above ice wedges are-15.7‰, and-133‰; of small ice wedge in peat and sand are-15.3‰ and-117.9‰, accordingly.Interpretation of the ice wedge isotope composition has yielded that mean winter temperatures during cold stages of Holocene optimum were lower than today, during warm stages they were close to modern ones. During the coldest stages of Holocene optimum the total annual freezing index varied from-5100 to-5700 ℃ degree days, i.e. 300-600 ℃ degree days colder than during extremely severe modern winters. The total annual thawing index varied from 1300 to 1800 ℃ degree days, which was slightly higher than modern ones.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(11-12):1547-1556
A new method of permafrost dating with the cosmogenic radionuclide 36Cl is presented. In the first application, syngenetic ice wedges are dated using the ratio of 36Cl and Cl concentrations in ice as the signal. 36Cl is produced in the atmosphere by nuclear reactions of cosmic rays on argon. Stable chlorine enters the atmosphere from the oceans. Their ratio does not depend on chloride concentration in precipitations and on sublimation of snow. In situ production of 36Cl in permafrost ice via cosmic ray-induced reactions and neutron capture are calculated and the dating age limit is estimated as 3 million years. 36Cl/Cl ratios in permafrost samples from cape Svyatoy Nos (Laptev Sea coast), North-Eastern Siberia, are measured by accelerator mass spectrometry. Analysis of the first results and the calculated dates support the feasibility of the 36Cl permafrost dating method  相似文献   

Petrological data provide a good record of the thermal structure of deeply eroded orogens, and, in principle, might be used to relate the metamorphic structure of an orogen to its deformational history. In this paper, we present two‐dimensional thermal modelling of various subduction models taking into account varying wedge geometry as well as variation of density and topography with metamorphic reactions. The models clearly show that rock type accreted in the wedge has important effects on the thermal regime of orogenic wedges. The thermal regime is dominated by radiogenic heat production. Material having high radioactive heat production, like the granodioritic upper crust, produces high temperature metamorphism (amphibolitic conditions). Material with low radioactive heat production results in low temperature metamorphism of greenschist or blueschist types depending on the thickness of the wedge. Application of this model to seemingly unrelated areas of the Central Alps (Lepontine Dome, Grisons) and Eastern Alps (Tauern Window) explains the coexistence and succession of distinct Barrovian and blueschist facies metamorphic conditions as the result of a single, continuous tectonic process in which the main difference is the composition of the incoming material in the orogenic wedge. Accretion of the European upper continental crust in the Lepontine and Tauern Domes produces Barrovian type metamorphism while accretion of oceanic sediments results in blueschist facies metamorphism in the Valaisan domain.  相似文献   

Studies of the stratigraphy, sedimentology, structure and isotope composition of a buried massive ice body and its encompassing sediments at Ledyanaya Gora in northwestern Siberia demonstrate that the ice is relict glacier ice, probably emplaced during the Early Weichselian. Characteristics of this ice body should serve as a guide for the identification of other relict buried glacier ice bodies in permafrost regions.  相似文献   

Perennial ice from caves on and to the east of the Canadian Great Divide yield δ18O and δD values, which are unusually high measurements when compared with the average precipitation for the region. Furthermore, these ice data fall below and along lines of lower slope than the Global Meteoric Water Line. To explain the observed relationships, we propose the following process. A vapour-ice isotopic fractionation mechanism operates on warm-season vapour when it precipitates as hoar ice on entering the caves. The subsequent fall of hoar to the cave floor through mechanical overloading, along with ice derived from ground-water seepage (with a mean annual isotopic composition), results in massive ice formation of a mixed composition. This mixed composition is what is observed in the characteristic relationships found here. Such findings suggest that a warm versus cold climate interpretation for ancient cave ice may be the opposite of that found in the more familiar polar and glacial ice cores.  相似文献   

Hydrogen isotope composition of deep-seated water   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
D/H ratios of phlogopites and amphiboles from rocks of possible mantle origin and also those of water from (glass?) inclusions in olivines of the olivine nodule and peridotites have been determined. The mantle water seems to have aδD value of —85±10‰ on the basis of results of inclusions in the nodule-olivine.  相似文献   

A massive increase in public concern in the last 20 years about the health effects of atmospheric airborne particulates has caused a surge in research activities and has led to ever more stringent government air-quality standards.  相似文献   

The sulfur isotope composition of tholeiitic basalts, olivine alkali basalts and alkalirich undersaturated basalts were investigated. A method of preparation was devised
  1. for the extraction of the small amounts of sulfur contained in the rock samples (about 100 ppm S),
  2. for the separation of sulfide- and sulfate-sulfur.
Tholeiitic and olivine alkali basalts show a predominance of sulfide-sulfur. Alkali-rich undersaturated basalts show sulfide- and sulfate-sulfur. The oxidation potential of the magma is reflected in the proportions of sulfide- and sulfate-sulfur. Differences in the conditions of oxidation are also the cause of the sulfur isotope fractionation observed. The mean in the isotope composition of the sulfur in the olivine alkali basalts (with the exception of two samples which show extreme deviation) is δ 34S= +1.3 per mil. The values for the olivine alkali basalts are concentrated around this mean in a remarkable way, showing only small deviation for the individual samples. When the tholeiitic basalts deviate from this mean, it is only with a relative enrichment in the 32S isotope. With a pronounced variation of the individual values, the mean for the sulfide-sulfur is δ 34S=?0.3 per mil. The few sulfate values of both types of basalt are without significance for the discussion of their origin. However, this does not apply to the alkali-rich undersaturated basalts. Due to the higher water content, this basaltic magma had a higher oxygen partial pressure which favoured the formation of SO2 and SO 4 2? besides H2S while pressure was released during the ascent of the magma. The sulfur isotope fractionation connected with this oxidation led to a total enrichment of 34S in the rock, (δ 34S for total sulfur: +3.1 per mil) with particular favouring the sulfate (δ 34S=+4.2 per mil). It is accepted that the sulfur of all three types of basalts derives directly from the mantle. The olivine alkali basalts show the least deviation from the mantle value, which, in the place of origin of the basalts from the region investigated, would probably have been δ 34S=+1.3(±0.5) per mil. From this it may be concluded that the olivine alkali basalts — the most frequent type of basalt in this region — had their origin in the partial melting of the mantle without further differentiation. From the sulfur isotope data we concluded that the primary isotope composition of the continental tholeiitic basalts probably corresponds to that of the olivine-alkali basalts, and to that of the mantle. However, due to degasing in the layers near to the surface, some samples lost 34S, which may be related to the formation of SO2 during the release of pressure. There is no positive indication of a differentiation in shallow depths (<15 km — in the sense of Green and Ringwood, 1967). The reason for the obvious isotopic fractionation of the alkali-rich undersaturated basalts may be seen in their higher primary water content. This is a pronounced indication of the origin of this type of magma. Bultitude and Green (1968) proved by experiment, that the formation of alkali-rich undersaturated basaltic magma is possible in the mantle in the presence of water. Only a small amount of water is available for the formation of magma in the mantle. With a water content higher than normal for basalts, only small amounts of magma can be formed, but at lower temperatures this would allow the melting of a larger fraction of mantle material. By reaction with the wall rock, these magmas could be enriched in those components of mantle minerals which have the lowest melting point. This may help to explain their geochemical characteristics.  相似文献   

Bottled waters are an increasingly significant product in the human diet. In this work, we present a dataset of stable isotope ratios for bottled waters sampled in Greece. A total of 25 domestic brands of bottled still waters, collected on the Greek market in 2009, were analysed for δ18O and δ2H. The measured stable isotope ratios range from − 9.9‰ to − 6.9‰ for δ18O and from − 67.50‰ to − 46.5‰ for δ2H. Comparison of bottled water isotope ratios with natural spring water isotope ratios demonstrates that on average the isotopic composition of bottled water tends to be similar to the composition of naturally available local water sources, showing that bottled water isotope ratios preserve information about the water sources from which they were derived and suggesting that in many cases bottled water should not be considered as an isotopically distinct component of the human diet. This investigation also helped to determine the natural origin of bottled water, and to indicate differences between the natural and production processes. The production process may influence the isotopic composition of waters. No such modification was observed for sampled waters in this study. The isotopic methods applied can be used for the authentication of bottled waters and for use in the regulatory monitoring of water products.  相似文献   

Chondritic Mg isotope composition of the Earth   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The processes of planetary accretion and differentiation have potentially been recorded as variations in the stable isotope ratios of the major elements between planetary objects. However, the magnitude of observed isotopic variations for several elements (Mg, Fe, Si) is at the limit of what current analytical precision and accuracy are able to resolve. Here, we present a comprehensive data set of Mg isotope ratios measured in ocean island and mid-ocean ridge basalts, peridotites and chondrites. The precision and accuracy were verified by isotopic standard addition for two samples, one carbonaceous chondrite (Murchison) and one continental flood basalt (BCR-1). In contrast with some previous studies, our data from terrestrial and chondritic materials have invariant Mg isotope ratios within the uncertainty of the method (0.1‰ for the 26Mg/24Mg ratio, 2SD). Although isotopic variations of less than about 0.1‰ could still be present, the data demonstrate that, at this level of uncertainty, the bulk silicate Earth and chondritic Mg reservoir have a homogeneous δ26Mg = −0.23‰ (26Mg/24Mg ratio of the sample relative to the DSM3 standard set to zero by definition). This implies that neither planetary accretion processes nor partial mantle melting and subsequent shallow-level differentiation have fractionated Mg isotope ratios. These observations imply in particular that the formation of the Earth cannot stem from preferential sorting of chondrite constituents that would have been fractionated in their Mg isotope composition. It also implies that unlike oxygen isotopes, there was no zonation in Mg isotopes in the inner solar system.  相似文献   

The equilibrium fractionation factors between mirabilite (Na2SO4·10H2O) and saturated sodium sulphate solution at 25°C and 0°C and between ice and 2·5 molal sodium chloride solution at ?10°C have been measured. For mirabilite, the deuterium factors are 1·017 and 1·019, and the oxygen-18 factors are 1·0014 and 1·0020 at 25°C and 0°C, respectively. For ice, the factors are 1·024 for deuterium and 1·0022 for oxygen-18 at ?10°C. These fractionation factors are used to estimate the fractionation factors between ice and mirabilite and concentrated sea water at ?10°C. It is concluded that the average binding strengths of hydrogen in ice and mirabilite are very similar.  相似文献   

Through collected precipitation samples continuously to research the precipitation chemical characteristics and the water vapor source in Shiyang River Basin, Northwestern China, a total of 121 precipitation samples had been collected in the Shiyang River Basin from July 2013 to July 2014. The results showed that, during the period of sampling, the variation range of pH value of precipitation ranged from 6.62 to 8.53 in Shiyang River Basin and the average was 7.46. The EC values ranged from 17.28 to 787.00 μs/cm, with a mean 186.66 μs/cm. Ca2+ and Na+ dominated cations and accounted for 71.80% of total cations composition, while SO4 2? and NO3 ? dominated anions with a contribution of 82.18%. The main ionic sources are local dust aerosols and the dust from Central Asia and Northwestern China arid regions brought by the westerly, and the back trajectories also supported it. Back trajectories suggested that the air mass arrived in Shiyang River Basin mainly from the dust sources region in Central or West Asia or Northwestern China through westerly circulation in dry season, while from the Indian Ocean or the Pacific Ocean through monsoon circulation in wet season. The precipitation can be divided into three types based on the vector of water vapor transportation: the monsoon precipitation, the westerly precipitation, and the interaction precipitation (precipitation influenced both by monsoon and westerly). The type of interaction precipitation was major precipitation patterns in study area, and the westerly precipitation came next. The results are also helpful for further understanding the air pollution situation caused by dust events in study area and providing scientific basis for the effective prevention and control of atmospheric pollution.  相似文献   

The hafnium isotope composition of Pacific Ocean water   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The first Hf isotope data for seawater are reported for a series of stations in the Northwestern Pacific and define a range from εHf = 3.5 ± 1.4 to 8.6 ± 1.6. Most samples have values within error of the average of εHf = 5.9, but significant variations are found in intermediate waters at a depth of 600 m, as well as in deep waters. The Nd and Hf isotope compositions of the deep waters fall within the range of values found for surfaces of hydrogenetic ferromanganese crusts in the region, confirming that Hf in the Fe-Mn crusts has been derived from the overlying water column, which thus provide an archive of past seawater compositions. Although the seawater samples are generally close to the global εNd-εHf correlation obtained from ferromanganese crusts, there are significant deviations from this correlation indicating that there is some additional decoupling between Nd and Hf isotope signals, most likely caused by local water mass mixing and differences in residence times. This is not resolved in the crust samples, which integrate seawater signals over 104 years. The combined use of these two isotope systems in seawater therefore provides an additional dimension for tracing water masses in the oceans. Studies of the distribution of oceanic Hf isotope compositions that have been confined to deep water and boundary waters, as recorded in seafloor ferromanganese crusts, can now be extended and aimed at characterising the entire present-day water column. Average Hf concentrations measured in this study are somewhat lower than previously reported, suggesting a shorter residence time for Hf in the global oceans, although the uncertainty in the extent of Hf removal from the water column during estuarine mixing as well as a lack of data on hydrothermal and dust inputs remains a limit on how well the residence time can be defined.  相似文献   

Coal combustion is the primary anthropogenic source of atmospheric iodine, which has important environmental and health effects. The iodine distribution in Chinese coals and the atmospheric iodine emission factors of coal-fired boilers are studied to estimate the iodine atmospheric flux from coal combustion in China from 1995 to 2009. The national average iodine content weighted by coal yield fluctuated from 2.61 mg kg-1 in 1995 to 2.09 mg kg-1 in 2009, recording an annual decline of 1.42 %. By establishing a monitoring program, iodine distribution in coal by-products after the coal is consumed in combustors is measured, and atmospheric iodine emission factors by sectors are calculated. Based on the coal consumption by sectors, the annual atmospheric iodine emission from coal combustion in China increased at an annual rate of 4.3 % from 3031.1 tons in 1995 to 4872.6 tons in 2009. Anthropogenic atmospheric iodine emission is significantly underestimated, and its environmental and health effects must be given more attention.  相似文献   

We report noble gas abundance data for four Antarctic glacial ice samples which were selected to test the hypothesis that the apparent Xe deficiency in the earth's atmosphere relative to meteoritic abundance is due to incorporation of Xe in glacial ice. Our measurements indicate that the concentrations of Xe in glacial ice fall far short (~104) of what the hypothesis requires. The present results complete the survey of all significant atmospheric reservoirs and show that the “missing Xe” is not contained in any of them. It must either be in the solid earth in yet unsampled reservoirs, or else it simply does not exist and the noble gas abundance pattern of the earth is dissimilar to that in meteorites.  相似文献   

干旱化对成土碳酸盐碳同位素组成的影响   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
土壤碳酸盐的碳同位素组成可以作为古环境变化的指标.本文对黄土高原地区S1以来成土碳酸盐和红粘土中碳酸盐的碳同位素进行了研究.根据渭南、吉县、长武和会宁4个剖面末次间冰期以来土壤碳酸盐的碳同位素分析结果,探讨了不同气候条件下成土碳酸盐碳同位素组成的特征及其环境意义,指出气候的干湿程度可能是影响黄土地区成土碳酸盐δ13C值的主要原因;西峰红粘土序列碳酸盐的碳同位素记录表明,δ13C值在4.0Ma B.P.前后有一个明显增加的趋势,反映了我国西北地区上新世干旱化的发展,可能与青藏高原在这一时期发生较大规模的隆升有关.  相似文献   

李子轩  赵杰臣 《冰川冻土》2019,41(5):1205-1213
对北极沿岸地区固定冰的分析研究,将有助于更全面认识北极海冰的变化趋势,并为进一步探索北极航道的开发利用提供数据支撑。基于美国国家冰中心发布的2008-2018年逐周/逐两周海冰分析图发展了一个数据转化处理方法,准确提取了全北极逐周的固定冰分布格点数据。分析该时间序列发现,北极平均固定冰范围为(9.0±6.3)×105 km2,呈现出(-1.0±3.9)×103 km2·a-1的减小趋势;4月份固定冰范围最大,多年平均值为1.6×106 km2,处于北极冬季的1-6月份的范围均高于百万平方公里,而7-10月份为北半球夏季,几乎无固定冰存在。将MODIS图像作为基准数据对不同月份的七组结果进行对比验证,结果显示:结冰末期和融冰前期的平均偏差较小,如2012年3月12日的固定冰外缘线平均偏差为-0.8 km;而融冰末期的偏差较大,如2009年9月14日的固定冰外缘线平均偏差为-9.4 km;但所有月份的验证误差都小于格点网格的大小(25 km),因此认为该方法是可行的,得到的格点数据可以代表固定冰的真实分布情况。  相似文献   

大气环境氮同位素示踪及生物监测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
肖化云  刘丛强 《地学前缘》2010,17(2):417-424
大气中氮的转化、迁移和沉降等大气过程与地表氮的生物地球化学循环密切相关。氮同位素对大气氮源和氮的大气化学过程的定量研究已引起广泛关注。本文对大气不同氮源的同位素特征、氮在大气过程中的同位素分馏机制以及如何定量化大气氮过程的方法进行了简要阐述,并介绍了苔藓氮同位素作为一种新的研究手段在示踪大气氮源和大气氮过程等方面取得的新进展。对国内开展的有关大气氮同位素以及苔藓氮同位素方面的工作进行了重点介绍。  相似文献   

基于浅层探冰雷达的东南极内陆地区冰盖内部等时层提取   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
中国第32次南极考察内陆队首次使用雪地车载浅层探冰雷达取得了中山站至昆仑站全程1 300 km 的浅层冰盖数据,通过MATLAB对数据进行FFT转换、背景滤波、改变叠加次数去噪和基于曲波变换的图像处理,使用Reflexw对MATLAB处理后数据进行地形校正、二次背景滤波和平滑滤波等处理,成功提取了冰盖浅层等时层并得出了等时层的平均深度、最大深度和波动情况。最后进行了数据的连接,展示了LGB69冰芯处等时层的分布并与冰芯数据结合大体对应了相应等时层的年代和事件。给出了Dome A附近的等时层分布情况。为东南极中山站至昆仑站沿途的物质积累率计算提供重要的数据支撑。  相似文献   

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