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A ∼35 km coastal transect of the Halifax Pluton in South Mountain Batholith (SMB) reveals 96 m-scale ring schlieren, clustered in four locations. Ring schlieren are alternating melanocratic gradational to leucocratic bands in granites forming open to closed, nested, circular to elliptical, concentric to eccentric structures with centres aligned along the major axis or minor axis of the outer ellipse, with a cylindrical form in three dimensions, and in which cross-cutting relations suggest a younging direction towards the centre. We use detailed geometric measurements of these ring schlieren to interpret the process(es) of their formation, and to indicate the relative timing of emplacement of the SMB. The dimensions and orientations of the rings are highly variable: major-axis lengths (1.39 ± 1.43 m), minor-axis lengths (1.01 ± 0.79 m), ellipticities (1.34 ± 0.25), and major-axis orientations (008°±54°). Ring schlieren appear to be the youngest structures in this part of the batholith. Modal-abundance and grain-size variation in the rings suggests that they result from shear flow. In three dimensions, the rings are nested vertical cylinders, and probably represent vertical fossil pathways, either of descending xenoliths or of ascending supercritical vapour bubbles. Such processes can produce, and preserve, a track in a crystal-melt mush having a degree of crystallinity between 55 and 75%. Two miarolitic cavities within one multi-ring structure suggest that a rising bubble train may have produced the rings.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1995,10(2):175-195
Sediments in Halifax Harbour have accumulated contaminant metals Hg, Cu, Zn, and Pb as a result of discharge of untreated sewage and industrial waste, leaching of land fill waste, and surface drainage. Concentrations of contaminants in210Pb dated sediment cores became significant about 1880 and rose rapidly after 1900, reaching maximum concentrations in the decades between 1950 and 1980. Mean concentrations of Hg increased from 0.2 μg g−1 in pre 1890 sediments to 1.6 μg g−1 in the 20th century. Similar enrichments for Cu changed the concentration from 26 to 88 μg g−1; for Zn from 90 to 250 μg g−1, and for Pb the increase was from 12 to 206 μg g−1 Statistical factor analyses of geochemical data have been used to identify: (1) primary contaminants directly associated with waste discharge, these include total and organic-bound forms of Cu, Zn, and Pb; (2) secondary contamination attributed to leaching and modification of primary contaminants include acid labile forms of Zn, Ni, and Cu; (3) diagenetic modification of buried sediments are identified by total and labile forms of Mn; (4) dispersion of contaminants from land surface drainage are characterized by fine-grained aluminosilicates. Historical trends in the changing dominance of these environmental factors reflect changes in industrial activity, urban growth, and changes in the use of metals in paints, domestic and industrial chemicals, and in the combustion of fuels.  相似文献   

The start of deglaciation is recorded in the Minas Basin region of Nova Scotia by the deltaic, glaciofluvial and glaciomarine sediments of the Five Islands Formation. Shell dates on bottomset beds of a delta at Spencers Island range from 14,300 to 12,600, 14C yearsB.P. The time of complete deglaciation of Nova Scotia is still unknown; the uncertainty is at least partially due to evidence for a climatic oscillation at the end of the Late Wisconsinan. Peat beds were deposited during the interval between 12,700 and 10,500 B.P. They overlie previous glacial and fluvial deposits and are overlain by deposits of various origins. Pollen in these peat beds records the migration of spruce into the region indicating climatic warming, and a subsequent deterioration of climate is recorded by the return of tundra-like flora. The peat beds are truncated by a variety of deposits, including fluvial gravel and sand, lacustrine sand, silt and clay, and diamictons. Periglacial landforms and structures have been observed in some of these deposits. At Collins Pond, on the shore of Chedabucto Bay, a diamicton overlying a peat bed is characterized by strong fabrics parallel to the trend of other ice-flow landforms in the region. The evidence suggests that at least some of these deposits are glacigenic, indicating that glaciers were active in Nova Scotia until about 10,000 B.P.  相似文献   

Investigation of gold metallogeny in the Paleozoic Meguma terrane (Canada) is conducted through LA-ICP-MS analysis of arsenopyrite collected from eight slate-belt style vein gold deposits using a novel approach integrating elemental distribution maps and their derived elemental paragenesis with multi-element binary plots. The data reveal two distinct gold events: 1) an early event characterized by a Co-Ni-Mo-Sb-Se elemental association related to initial growth of arsenopyrite that reflects the presence of invisible gold (>10 ppm); and 2) a second event, spatially associated with late fracture sets, that is characterized by an Al-Ti-V-Mn element association and reflects either remobilization or upgrading of primary invisible gold and is manifest as visible gold.The results of this study indicate a complex and protracted history of gold mineralization which has important ramifications for the Meguma gold deposits, as well as other orogenic gold districts globally. In the case of the Meguma Terrane, it involves an initial gold event that is followed by element mobilization and, in the case of precious metals (Au, Ag), an upgrading through a zone refining process. In addition, the variable coupling and decoupling of elements is only revealed using in-situ derived LA-ICP-MS data.  相似文献   

Uranium and tin occurrences in the South Mountain Batholith are preferentially found in or near a para-intrusive rock suite which is characterized by strong granophile element enrichments. Furthermore, bodies which show a Th-enrichment trend with increasing differentiation appear to be more favorable exploration targets than spatially associated bodies in which Th is depleted.  相似文献   

The Sydney Coalfield is the largest in Atlantic Canada in which about 100 coal mines with varied lifespan have been opened since 1720. In the Glace Bay sub-basin, coal seams subcrop close to the Atlantic coast and dip seaward. Coal has been mined at 〉1200 m depth and 11 km from the coastline. Deposited possibly under a marine influence, the coals are enriched in pyrite. During mining abundant acidic sulfates such as melanterite, rozenite, copiapite and halotrichite have accumulated in the underground workings due to pyrite oxidation. The dissolution of these efflorescent salts upon mine flooding at closure gives rise to acidic mine pools wherever insufficient acid-neutralizing materials are present. A major challenge of mine decommissioning in the area is to prevent the discharge of this acidic water into the open ocean. Water monitoring in the 1B Hydraulic System, which consists of ten mines connected at various depths by natural or man-made conduits, shows that the mine pool chemistry varies with the mining practice employed. Although coal has invariably been mined by the room and pillar method, the extent of pillar removal varies from mine to mine. In mines with minimal pillar removal, coal extraction could be as low as 45%, leaving much pyrite for oxidation prior to eventual flooding and an acidic mine pool occurs. In contrast, in mines with extensive pillar removal, coal extraction could amount to 85%, leaving much less pyrite for oxidation. Moreover, the extensive pillar removal caused the collapse of the overlying strata which in some areas include limestone. The infilling of mine workings with carbonate-rich material offsets the effects of acidic effiorescent salts and a mine pool with near-neutral pH results. Geochemical modeling has affirmed the control of local water chemistry by the prevalent mineral assemblage.  相似文献   

Two felsic plutons of Late Devonian (385–370 Ma) age in the Meguma Zone of southwestern Nova Scotia contain three circa 376 Ma synplutonic mafic-intermediate intrusions that collectively record progressive stages of in situ hybridisation. A 5 m wide spessartite dyke in the Port Mouton Pluton probably underwent rapid cooling and crystallisation immediately after intrusion, which heated and coarsened the adjacent tonalite. An 85 m long sheet of pillowed kersantite (also in tonalite of the Port Mouton Pluton) presumably contained residual magma after quenching and obtained K, P, Ba, Rb, more radiogenic Sr, Zr, Nb, and light REE from the tonalite during magma mingling. The third synplutonic body, a >100 m wide diorite sheet, intrudes granodiorite of the adjacent Shelburne Pluton and has a circa 45 m wide gradational contact of metaluminous hornblende-tonalite. This tonalite dominantly records magma mixing by the transfer of Ti, Mg, Fe, Ca, and V in hornblende, biotite, plagioclase, and (at least in part) apatite xenocrysts derived from dioritic pillows that were originally disaggregated in the granodiorite, probably in response to convection. Scattered data points, unusual “concave-down” variation trends for Al2O3, P2O5, and Sr, and non-hyperbolic Sr-Nd isotopic characteristics in the tonalite, apparently reflect syn- or post-mixing fractionation and accumulation of xenocrysts from residual magma. Phosphorus may have assisted diffusion of Sr, Zr, Nb, and light REE, and caused premature quenching of the hybrids at Mcleods Cove and Birchtown, during magma mingling and mixing. Received: 1 January 1996 / Accepted: 3 August 1996  相似文献   

Clay mineral assemblages in alluvial mudrocks are important for paleoclimatic interpretation and for understanding burial diagenetic cementation in sandstones, but it is commonly difficult to unravel the relative importance of source weathering, pedogenesis and diagenesis in their origin. The clay mineral assemblages in fluvial overbank mudrocks from the Lower Cretaceous Chaswood Formation in central Nova Scotia, investigated by X-ray diffraction analysis of the < 2 µm fraction of 45 samples, include kaolinite, illite, vermiculite, and mixed layer kaolinite/expandable clay and mica/vermiculite. The assemblages vary with depositional facies. Wetland organic-rich mudrocks have large amounts of amorphous material and kaolinite is the dominant clay mineral. In the eastern part of the basin, where overbank mudrocks were episodically uplifted by syn-sedimentary strike-slip faulting, cumulate ultisol and alfisol paleosols are common. In the ultisols, hematite is enriched and kaolinite increases at the expense of illite in the B horizon. Alfisols contain more illite and vermiculite and the B horizon is enriched in goethite. In the western part of the basin, where thin sandstones with abundant diagenetic kaolinite cement are interbedded with the mudrocks, the distinctive clay mineral assemblage of mica/vermiculite mixed layer, vermiculite with 15.5 Å peak, and kaolinite/expandable mixed layer clay with a 17.7 Å peak is interpreted to result from bacterially-mediated oxidation of organic matter below the paleo-water table during early burial diagenesis. Deeper burial diagenesis may lead to slightly higher kaolinite crystallinity. Volcanic ash appears to alter to kaolinite/expandable mixed layer clay with a 7.9 Å peak. Comparison with the continuously subsiding and rapidly accumulated Wessex Formation of southern England, formed at a similar paleolatitude, shows the strong role of pedogenic processes and early diagenesis by meteoric water in development of clay mineral assemblages in the locally tectonically uplifted Chaswood Formation.  相似文献   

Spinel-sapphirine-corundum-rutile parageneses in metapelitic xenoliths from the lamprophyric Popes Harbour dyke are enclosed by feldspathic (±rare quartz) haloes that embay aluminosilicates and biotite. These feldspathic haloes contain plagioclase (An20–40) and/or an alkali or ternary (hypersolvus) feldspar, and show a variety of igneous and devitrification textures, suggesting an anatectic origin. The spinel-bearing parageneses are interpreted as the refractory residue formed by the incongruent melting of biotite, aluminosilicates and associated phases.

Equilibration temperatures of these assemblages are estimated from an empirical sapphirine-spinel Mg---Fe exchange thermometer derived from literature data on both silica-saturated and undersaturated sapphirine granulites. Linear regression (R=0.81) of the calibrant data yields the expression T(°C) = [800 + (228*InKd)] − 273 where


Precision is estimated at ± 100°C, but will likely be less for highly oxidized sapphirine granulites owing to (1) errors in the stoichiometric estimation of XFe3+ from microprobe data and (2) the formation of magnetite at the expense of spinel or sapphirine, leading to an increase in XMg in either or both phases during cooling. Application of this expression to the reduced (graphite-bearing) Popes Harbour xenoliths yields T of 725–795°C. Anatexis is attributed to thermal metamorphism by the lamprophyric magma prior to and/or during entrainment of xenolith material in the dyke. Higher-T assemblages were quenched before the xenoliths attained thermal equilibrium with the magma, consequently prograde reaction textures and compositional zoning patterns are preserved.  相似文献   

 The seasonal frequency and duration of low pH events at three sites located in southwestern Nova Scotia were analyzed using measured and synthetic daily pH data. The basins varied in size from 0.3 to 300 km2 and were subject to frequent snowmelt events in winter and spring, as well as occasional runoff events during summer and fall. Results showed that, in order to fill in missing data from periods where collection was interrupted, statistical approximations using discharge were not totally acceptable, as generated data consistently missed the extreme values measured. Despite a lack of totally accurate event pH estimates for periods where daily data were missing, analysis showed that in this region, low pH episodes can occur year-round including summer. The highest probabilities of low pH episodes nevertheless occurred in the winter and spring when snowmelts were frequent. Received: 12 November 1999 · Accepted: 18 July 2000  相似文献   

Mesoproterozoic metaplutonic rocks in northern Cape Breton Island,Nova Scotia, occur in a tectonic inlier within the Appalachianorogen. Although they have been multiply metamorphosed and variablydeformed, the petrology and geochemistry of these rocks provideinsight into the tectonomagmatic evolution of easternmost Laurentia.Anorthosite, syenite, and granitoid plutons (1100–980Ma) intruded the Sailor Brook and Polletts Cove River gneisses.New Nd isotopic data are presented from a biotite-rich partof the Sailor Brook gneiss (  相似文献   

Scheelite and rutile from several metaturbidite-hosted gold-bearing quartz vein deposits of the Meguma Terrane of Nova Scotia were analyzed for trace elements including rare earth elements, niobium and tantalum. Scheelites have high concentrations of Sr, Nb, Y and rare earth elements (REE) with bell-shaped chondrite-normalized REE patterns accompanied by both positive and negative Eu anomalies. They also have high Nb/Ta ratios (80–300). Three distinct trace element types of the scheelites are interpreted to reflect chemical differences in the pulses of hydrothermal fluids. Hydrothermal rutiles have high contents of W (up to 4.2 wt.% WO3), are rich in Ta compared to Nb and have a very low Nb/Ta ratio (~0.3). Hydrothermal fluids which produced both scheelite with a high Nb/Ta and rutile with a low Nb/Ta ratio are an efficient medium for fractionation of this ratio although these two minerals play an important role during the process.  相似文献   

Seams from the St. Rose and Chimmey Corner coalfields, Nova Scotia, Canada, were sampled and examined for petrographic and geochemical composition. Rank determinations indicate a rank of high volatile C-B bituminous. Seams show regular alternations of dull and bright microbanded lithotypes, with dull lithotypes predominant in the central portion of the main seam (No. 5 seam). Brighter lithotypes are dominated by vitrinite (>80%), with minor inertinite (avg. 12%) and minor liptinite. Duller lithotypes contain greater amounts of inertinite (up to 40%) and liptinite (primarily sporinite). Mineral matter consists of epigenetic pyrite, with lesser amounts of clay and quartz. Cabonates are common in the Chimney Corner seams. Elemental composition of the seams is similar to other Canadian coals and fall within world coal ranges, with the exception of high concentrations of Cl, Zn, Ni, Mo, Pb, Cu and As.Depositional environment of the seams as indicated by maceral composition, lithotypes and geology suggest a predominance of wet forest to reed moor conditions, in a fluvial-lacustrine setting. Periodic episodes of flooding and drying are indicated by lithotype, maceral and mineral variations.  相似文献   

Twenty-five drinking water samples collected from the household property and from the Sydney Regional Municipality well bores and lakes were analyzed to evaluate the various inorganic parameters, level of concentrations of the priority elements and polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The pH of the majority of the water samples was below the guidelines adopted by Health and Welfare Canada (1996), although the drinking waters supplied by the Sydney Regional Municipality were within the guidelines. Only three water samples (13 and 14: Point Aconi area and 16: Port Morien fish plant) have elevated concentrations of various PAHs compared to the detection limit. Eight samples have higher concentrations of manganese and two samples (number 7: Sydney Airport and number 1: RCMP Office; Reserve Mines) have higher concentrations of priority elements (especially lead) than the recommended guidelines (>0.05 mg/l). These priority elements and the PAHs in the drinking water samples may have originated from the leaching of the individual coal seams within that part of the Sydney Basin. Other potential sources of these elements and PAHs (Power Plant disposal, Sydney Tar Pond, metalliferous rocks, hydrocarbon reservoir rocks) are not located close enough to the sampling sites of the water samples. Therefore, they are not considered the source of these elements and PAHs.  相似文献   

Ralf Hesse   《Quaternary Research》2009,71(3):426-436
Aeolian dunes are widely used to reconstruct paleoenvironmental conditions. However, terminal dune fields (ergs) in the coastal desert of southern Peru – where information regarding Quaternary paleoenvironmental conditions is very limited – have until now not been used for paleoenvironmental reconstructions and the time depth of their accumulation is unknown. Here, different estimates are derived to constrain the time depth recorded in the Dunas Pampa Blanca, a terminal dune field in coastal southern Peru. Dune field age is calculated using the volume of the Dunas Pampa Blanca and (i) recent aeolian transport rate in migrating transverse dunes feeding the Dunas Pampa Blanca (derived from digital processing of sequential Landsat and Quickbird images) and (ii) limitations posed by recent fluvial sediment supply to the source of aeolian transport. The resulting maximum age estimate of 70 ± 8 ka (from aeolian transport) compares with a minimum age estimate of 4–75 ka (from sediment supply). However, a minimum age estimate of 110–450 ka is deduced from the tectonic and topographic evolution of the region. This discrepancy contradicts the hypothesis of late Quaternary stability in the Peruvian coastal desert and indicates that recent conditions of aeolian sediment supply and transport are not representative for the late Quaternary.  相似文献   

A multi-channel, steady-state flow-through (SSFT), soil-CO2 flux monitoring system was modified to include a larger-diameter vent tube and an array of inexpensive pyroelectric non-dispersive infrared detectors for full-range (0–100 %) coverage of CO2 concentrations without dilution. Field testing of this system was then conducted from late July to mid-September 2010 at the Zero Emissions Research and Technology project site located in Bozeman, Montana, USA. Subsequently, laboratory testing was conducted at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Richland, WA, USA using a flux bucket filled with dry sand. In the field, an array of 25 SSFT and 3 non-steady-state (NSS) flux chambers was installed in a 10 × 4 m area, the long boundary of which was directly above a shallow (2-m depth) horizontal injection well located 0.5 m below the water table. Two additional chambers (one SSFT and one NSS) were installed 10 m from the well for background measurements. Volumetric soil moisture sensors were installed at each SSFT chamber to measure mean moisture levels in the top 0.15 m of soil. A total flux of 52 kg CO2 day?1 was injected into the well for 27 days and the efflux from the soil was monitored by the chambers before, during, and for 27 days after the injection. Overall, the results were consistent with those from previous years, showing a radial efflux pattern centered on a known “hot spot”, rapid responses to changes in injection rate and wind power, evidence for movement of the CO2 plume during the injection, and nominal flux levels from the SSFT chambers that were up to sevenfold higher than those measured by adjacent NSS chambers. Soil moisture levels varied during the experiment from moderate to near saturation with the highest levels occurring consistently at the hot spot. The effects of wind on measured flux were complex and decreased as soil moisture content increased. In the laboratory, flux-bucket testing with the SSFT chamber showed large measured-flux enhancement due to the Venturi effect on the chamber vent, but an overall decrease in measured flux when wind also reached the sand surface. Flux-bucket tests at a high flux (comparable to that at the hot spot) also showed that the measured flux levels increase linearly with the chamber-flushing rate until the actual level is reached. At the SSFT chamber-flushing rate used in the field experiment, the measured flux in the laboratory was only about a third of the actual flux. The ratio of measured to actual flux increased logarithmically as flux decreased, and reached parity at low levels typical of diffusive-flux systems. Taken together, the results suggest that values for advective CO2 flux measured by SSFT and NSS chamber systems are likely to be significantly lower than the actual values due to back pressure developed in the chamber that diverts flux from entering the chamber. Chamber designs that counteract the back pressure and also avoid large Venturi effects associated with vent tubes, such as the SSFT with a narrow vent tube operated at a high chamber-flushing rate, are likely to yield flux measurements closer to the true values.  相似文献   

Impacts of climate change have been observed in natural systems and are expected to intensify in future decades (IPCC in Contribution of Working Groups I, II and III to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IPPC, Geneva, 2014). Governments are seeking to establish adaptive measures for minimizing the effects of climate change on vulnerable citizen groups, economic sectors and critical infrastructure (Adger et al. in Global Environ Change 15(2):77–86, 2005. doi: 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2004.12.005; Smit and Wandel in Global Environ Change 16(3):282–292, 2006. doi: 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2006.03.008). Coastal areas are particularly vulnerable to changing conditions due to rising sea levels and storm event intensification that produce new flood exposures (Richards and Daigle in Government of Prince Edward Island, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 2011 http://www.gov.pe.ca/photos/original/ccscenarios.pdf). However, communities oftentimes lack access to locally-relevant climate change information that can support adaptation planning. This research introduces the use of a Geoweb tool for supporting local climate change adaptation efforts in coastal Canadian communities. The Geoweb tool (called “AdaptNS”) is a web-based visualization tool that displays interactive flood exposure maps generated using local climate change projections of sea level rise and storm surge impacts between the years 2000 and 2100. AdaptNS includes participatory features that allow users to identify and share specific locations to protect against present and future coastal flood events. By soliciting feedback from community members, AdaptNS is shown to support local adaptation through the provision of flood exposure visuals, as a platform for identifying adaptation priorities, and as an avenue to communicate local risks to external entities that could facilitate local adaptation initiatives (e.g. upper levels of government). Future Geoweb research directions include improving the visualization of climate change projection uncertainties, the expansion of informational and participation capabilities, and understanding the potential for long-term adoption of Geoweb tools in adaptation decision-making.  相似文献   

Major and trace elements and nitrogen were analysed in 59 Cambrian and Ordovician slates/phyllites of various lithostratigraphic levels within the Meguma Supergroup, 14 Ordovician slates/phyllites of The Ovens gold mineralisation, and 16 Ordovician slates/phyllites of the Eastville Pb-Zn-Cu mineralisation.The fixed nitrogen content and the normative Nfix/K2O ratio of muscovite separates members of the Goldenville (sandstone-greywacke-quartzite dominated) and Halifax Formation (slate-phyllite dominated). Low fixed nitrogen concentration is related to high manganese concentration. Black slates/phyllites of the saddle-reef-type Au-mineralisation in The Ovens area are characterised by high fixed nitrogen and a high normative Nfix/K2O ratio of muscovite. The nitrogen is of secondary hydrothermal origin. Therefore, it might be possible to use the fixed nitrogen as an exploration tool for black slates/phyllite hosted gold mineralisation in Nova Scotia. Mineralised slates/phyllites of the Eastville stratabound Pb-Zn mineralisation cannot be distinguished from nonmineralised time equivalent lithologies on the basis of the fixed nitrogen distribution or the Nfix/K2O ratio of muscovite.  相似文献   

The nematocide DBCP has been an effective chemical for the control of nematodes but, because of contamination of groundwaters and for health reasons, its use has been curtailed. To evaluate the tendency of DBCP to leach, adsorption and transport characteristics were examined on laboratory samples of a field soil through which the chemical was also leached. Adsorption of DBCP on Panoche clay loam was small, and displacement experiments in soil columns demonstrated that loading rate and flux of water were significant for the dissipation of the chemical by microbial degradation and/or volatilization. Dissipation rate constants were estimated by optimizing the fit to experimental BTCs of the convective-dispersion equation with linear adsorption and a first-order degradation rate. Although field measurements did not establish conclusively that leaching to groundwater would occur in a fine-textured soil, evidence was obtained that leaching below the root zone could occur in many soils.  相似文献   

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