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The study area is one of the watersheds of North Pennar basin, covering an area of 570 km2 in Pavagada taluk of Tumkur district. The watershed has been subdivided into nine sub-watersheds namely Dalavayihalli, Maddalenahalli, Talamaradahalli, Puluvalli tank, Nagalamadike, Gowdatimmanahalli, Naliganahalli, Devadabetta and Byadanur. These nine sub-watersheds have been evaluated to delineate groundwater potential zones based on the characteristics of geomorphic units together with slope, geology, lineaments, borewell data using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS) techniques. Slope varies from nearly level (0–1%) to very steep (>35%). The different geomorphic units in each sub-watershed consist of denudational hills, residual hills, inselbergs, pediment inselberg complex, pediments, shallow weathered pediplains, moderately weathered pediplains and valley fills. The lineament map for each sub-watershed has been prepared and the trends were analysed with rose diagrams. The analysis of borewell locations and their yield data in association with lineaments at subwatersheds level reveals that the lineaments are acting as a pathway for groundwater movement. The integrated map comprising groundwater potential zones prepared by “Union” function using GIS indicate that valley fills and moderately weathered pediplains are very good to good, shallow weathered pediplains are good to moderate, pediment inselberg complex and pediments are moderate to poor and denudational hills, residual hills and inselbergs are poor to very poor groundwater prospect zones.  相似文献   

The study area is a part of Kagna river basin in the Gulburga district of Karnataka, India. It covers an area of 1320 km2 and it has been subdivided into 4 sub-basins namely Wadi, Chitapur, Sedam and Kurkunta, which range in area from 184 to 537 km2. The drainage pattern of these sub-basins are delineated using Geo-coded FCC bands 2,3,4 of IRS 1C and 1D(LISS III+PAN merged) on 1:50,000 scale and Survey of India toposheets as reference. The morphometric parameters are computed using ArcInfo and ArcView GIS softwares. The drainage pattern of the study area is dendritic to sub-dendritic with stream orders ranging from IV to VII orders. Drainage density ranges from 1.40 to 1.86 km/km2 suggesting coarse to moderate drainage texture. The change in values of stream length ratio indicate their late youth stage of geomorphic development. The values of bifurcation ratio ranging from 2.00 to 4.71 indicate that all the sub-basins fall under normal basin category. The values of form factor and circulatory ratio, suggest that the Kurkunta sub-basin is elongated and the remaining sub-basins are more or less circular in shape. Elongation ratio indicates that the Wadi sub-basin is a region of very low relief whereas the other sub-basins are associated with moderate to high relief and steep ground slopes. It is concluded that remote sensing and GIS have been proved to be efficient tools in drainage delineation and updation. In the present study these updated drainages have been used for the morphometric analysis.  相似文献   

Human activities have great influence on fragile coastal ecosystem. For sustainable use of coastal resources it is very important to understand land use/land cover changes and its implications on coastal systems. Remote sensing data because of its synoptic, multispectral and multi temporal nature can be a very good source for mapping, monitoring and understanding these changes. IRS LISS III sensor data were used to find out the rate of land use/land cover changes in Hazira area near Surat, Gujarat. Because of major industrial activities it has become a hot spot area which requires regular monitoring. In the present study, land cover information of the period 1970–1972 from the Survey of India topographical maps, and satellite data of the year 1989 and 1999–2002 have been used and visual analysis has been carried out to measure the land use/land cover changes. Erosion and deposition has been observed around the newly constructed jetty. Forest area and agriculture area is found to decreased, whereas built-up area has increased.  相似文献   

Spatial distribution of altered minerals in rocks and soils in the Gadag Schist Belt (GSB) is carried out using Hyperion data of March 2013. The entire spectral range is processed with emphasis on VNIR (0.4–1.0 μm) and SWIR regions (2.0–2.4 μm). Processing methodology includes Fast Line-of-sight Atmospheric Analysis of Spectral Hypercubes correction, minimum noise fraction transformation, spectral feature fitting (SFF) and spectral angle mapper (SAM) in conjunction with spectra collected, using an analytical spectral device spectroradiometer. A total of 155 bands were analysed to identify and map the major altered minerals by studying the absorption bands between the 0.4–1.0-μm and 2.0–2.3-μm wavelength regions. The most important and diagnostic spectral absorption features occur at 0.6–0.7 μm, 0.86 and at 0.9 μm in the VNIR region due to charge transfer of crystal field effect in the transition elements, whereas absorption near 2.1, 2.2, 2.25 and 2.33 μm in the SWIR region is related to the bending and stretching of the bonds in hydrous minerals (Al-OH, Fe-OH and Mg-OH), particularly in clay minerals. SAM and SFF techniques are implemented to identify the minerals present. A score of 0.33–1 was assigned for both SAM and SFF, where a value of 1 indicates the exact mineral type. However, endmember spectra were compared with United States Geological Survey and John Hopkins University spectral libraries for minerals and soils. Five minerals, i.e. kaolinite-5, kaolinite-2, muscovite, haematite, kaosmec and one soil, i.e. greyish brown loam have been identified. Greyish brown loam and kaosmec have been mapped as the major weathering/altered products present in soils and rocks of the GSB. This was followed by haematite and kaolinite. The SAM classifier was then applied on a Hyperion image to produce a mineral map. The dominant lithology of the area included greywacke, argillite and granite gneiss.  相似文献   

利用OpenStreetMap数据进行高空间分辨率遥感影像分类   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对高分辨率遥感影像分类样本标注困难的问题,提出了一种利用OpenStreetMap (OSM)数据自动获取标注样本的方法。与现有的利用OSM数据进行分类的方法不同,该方法加入了空间特征以弥补单独使用光谱特征分类的不足。首先,基于OSM数据提供的地物类别和位置信息进行样本标注,为了降低OSM数据中少量错误信息对分类结果的影响,采用聚类分析的方法对样本进行提纯;其次,使用形态学轮廓来提取影像的结构特征,挖掘高分辨率遥感影像丰富的空间信息,与光谱特征相叠加并输入分类器进行分类。试验证明,本文提出的方法能够有效避免人工样本标注所需要的人力物力;同时,联合影像的光谱空间特征能够更好地描述地物特性,得到较高的分类精度。  相似文献   

Pavagada taluk of Tumkur district in Karnataka is one of the most backward taluks receiving less than 500 mm annual rainfall. The maximum area of the taluk is under monocropping, reasons for the same were not documented well. The present study was carried out using remote sensing data along with field survey and laboratory analysis for assessing the potentials and limitations of soil. Using the basic information on soil, climate and topography based on the matching exercise between the growth and production requirements of the crop, suitability of soils for groundnut, paddy and finger millet was assessed as per FAO land evaluation. The soil suitability maps were prepared using Arc GIS software. About 48 per cent of the total area was moderate to marginally suitable and 13 per cent of the area was not suitable for both groundnut and finger millet. Lowland areas covering 12 per cent of the area was highly suitable, 15 per cent was moderate to marginally suitable and 20 per cent was not suitable for paddy cultivation.  相似文献   


This paper presents a technique for the assessment and mapping of land biodiversity by using remote sensing data. The proposed approach uses a fuzzy model that encapsulates different ecological factors influencing biodiversity. We implemented our approach as a web service for the Pre-Black Sea region of the Ukraine.  相似文献   

The Burhi Dining river flows in a meandering course for about 220 km through alluvial plains of Assam including a short rocky and hilly tract in between. Sequential changes in the position of banklines of the river due to consistent bank erosion have been studied from Survey of India topographic maps of 1934 and 1972, and digital satellite data of 2001 and 2004 using GIS. Two broad kinds of changes have been observed, e.g. alteration of direction of flow due to neck cut-off and progressive gradual change of the meander bends that accounts for translational, lateral, rotational, extensional and other types of movement of the meander bends. Study of bankline shift due to the bank erosion has been carried out for the periods 1934–1972, 1972–2001, 2001–2004 and 1934–2004 at 13 segments spaced at 5′ longitude interval (average 15 km) as the river course trends nearly east to west. The amounts of the bank area lost due to erosion and gained due to sediment deposition are estimated separately. The total area eroded in both banks during 1934–1972 was more (26.796 km2) as compared to sediment deposition (19.273 km2), whereas total sediment deposition was more (34.61 km2) during 1972-2001 as compared to erosion (23.152 km2). Erosion was again more in 2001–2004 (7.568 km2) as compared to sediment deposition (2.493 km2). During the entire period (1934–2004) of study the overall erosion on the both banks was 31.169 km2 and overall sediment deposition was 30.101 km2. The highest annual rates of bank erosion as well as bank building of the river are 21055.47 m2/km in 2001–2004 and 9665.81 m2/km in 1972-2001, respectively. Similarly the highest average annual rates of erosion as well as sediment deposition in both banks are observed during 2001–2004 and 1972–2001, respectively. The hard rocks of the hilly tract situated in between result in development of entrenched meandering and this tract has suffered minimum bank erosion.  相似文献   

Hyperspectral remote sensing has demonstrated great potential for accurate retrieval of canopy water content (CWC). This CWC is defined by the product of the leaf equivalent water thickness (EWT) and the leaf area index (LAI). In this paper, in particular the spectral information provided by the canopy water absorption feature at 970 nm for estimating and predicting CWC was studied using a modelling approach and in situ spectroradiometric measurements. The relationship of the first derivative at the right slope of the 970 nm water absorption feature with CWC was investigated with the PROSAIL radiative transfer model and tested for field spectroradiometer measurements on two test sites. The first site was a heterogeneous floodplain with natural vegetation like grasses and various shrubs. The second site was an extensively grazed fen meadow.  相似文献   

An area of about 7500 km2 covering Cauvery delta has been studied from airphotos (1:60,000), Landsats (1:250,000) and survey of India topographic sheets (1:50,000) with a view to delineate various landforms, soils, land use, hydromorphic units, drainage, and flood intensity of the delta. The delta is composed of mainly ancient channels, delta p ains, fossil islands, levees, beach ridges, mangroves marshes and coastal dunes. The various soil types are clayey soils, silty soils, silty loams, sandy loams, coastal sands and alkaline clays. Paddy and sugarcane are dominant crops. The old channels are found to be zones of high ground water potential. The growth of delta seems to be from south to north with twelve abandoned meander lobes and three delta fronts with gradual influx of material into Bay of Bengal. The old rivet courses lying parallel to the present active Coleroon river in third stage of the growth of the delta seem to be severely affected by floods. Moderate to low growth is noticeable in the second stage of the of the delta. The oldest river course which debouched into Bay of Bengal near Adirama-patnam is less affected by floods. The delta plains, fossil islands, disturbed ridges and beach ridges are unaffected. Basing on landforms, soils, land use, hydrogeomorphology and flood intensity the land capability of the delta has been evaluated. About seven classes of land are interpreted.  相似文献   

朱安然  孙睿  王梦佳 《遥感学报》2021,25(6):1227-1243
光能利用率表征植被通过光合作用将所截获/吸收的能量转化为有机碳的效率,是遥感估算植被生产力的关键参数.由于植被分布和气候环境的综合影响,光能利用率表现出显著的空间异质性和时间动态性,光能利用率的不确定性成为后续生产力模型估算精度不高的重要原因.本文以Fluxnet全球通量站点数据和MODIS LAI/fPAR产品为数据...  相似文献   

邸凯昌  刘斌  刘召芹  邹永廖 《遥感学报》2016,20(5):1230-1242
对月球探测任务、月球遥感制图技术与产品进行综述。从1958年开始,全世界已开展126次(其中70次成功)月球探测工程任务,其中月球遥感制图是其必需的基础性工作。由于月球环境的特殊性,其遥感制图技术与对地观测制图相比具有很大的挑战和更大的难度。目前,中国嫦娥二号轨道器获取的7 m分辨率立体影像是覆盖全月球分辨率最高的立体影像数据,美国月球侦察轨道器LRO任务的激光雷达高度计LOLA数据是精度和密度最高的激光测高数据,LRO NAC影像的分辨率最高(0.5—2 m)但未覆盖全球。在各个探测任务中,基于月球遥感数据和摄影测量技术,已经制作了大量的全球及区域的影像拼图、正射影像图和数字高程模型等制图产品。对月球遥感制图技术发展进行展望,探讨了利用国际多探测任务数据建立新一代控制网和进行精细制图的必要性及技术思路。  相似文献   

Some of the studies involving digital temporal data require normalisation. Many of the normalisation methods need information on prevailing atmospheric conditions, sensor-related details etc., whereas some other methods use only the information which are within the data set. A study was conducted in Kudremukh Iron Ore miningsite, Karnataka using multi-date data from Landsat MSS of 1976 and 1985. A normalisation method using only the scene statistics of the images is suggested which brings the multi-date data at par. This method is compared with some of the other methods which use only the information content of the data set. Comparison of these methods was made by scattergrams, distance measure etc. By generating scattergrams for various combinations of non-normalised and normalised images, different methods were compared. Based on ground information, some changed and unchanged classes were noted on the various normalised and original images. Using the distance measure for classes in different images, the normalisation procedures were compared. The proposed method turned out to be the best among the methods compared.  相似文献   

The study area around Choral river basin in the Narmada valley region, forms a part of Indore and Khargone districts of Madhya Pradesh. The geological, geomorphologic, lineament, hydrogeomorphic and groundwater potential zone maps of the study area have been prepared using IRS IC LISS III FCC imagery on 1:50,000 scale. Various litho-units, different land-forms, lineament fabric and hydro-geomorphic units have been worked out by visual interpretation methods and frequent field checks. The integrated hydro-geomorphological map of the study area reveals that the groundwater potential in denudation landforms such as buried pediplains, plateaus, denudational and residual hills is moderate-to-poor. On the other hand, the groundwater occurrence in structural landforms like structural hills, lineaments/faults and narrow gorges is likely to be good to moderate and the depositional landforms namely alluvial plains, valley-fills and meandering-channels favour the accumulation of sub-surface water and, therefore, may be considered as good recharge zones. From the point of view of groundwater occurrence, various hydro-geomorphic units have been classified as high, moderate and low potential zones.  相似文献   

With growing urban expanses, one of the pre-requisites for effective governance is Urban Information Systems (UIS) with content down to individual properties (and individuals). The basic input i.e., a map, in UIS should show individual property boundaries showing the plan outline of all structures existing within, at a scale of 1:1000 and larger with sub-metre to centimeters planimetric and geometric accuracy. With very high resolution remote sensing data of the order of 1m available in hand, it is possible to prepare maps with high resolution spatial content. The present exercise demonstrates a method of preparing a geometrically and planimetrically accurate urban cadastral map on very large scale for a small area of about 5 sq km. IKONOS merged data with 1m resolution is used for the purpose. Mapping was done in conjunction with on-site measurements and sketches. Guides are used to maintain shape symmetry and accuracy of buildings and other features. Working out cost of mapping per unit area is another objective in the present exercise. For want of fully or semi-automatic methods of information extraction from very high resolution remote sensing data, it is imperative that mapping should be carried out in conjunction with some on-site measurements wherever necessary.  相似文献   

A coupled 1D-2D hydrodynamic model, MIKE FLOOD was used to simulate the flood inundation extent and flooding depth in the delta region of Mahanadi River basin in India. Initially, the 1D model MIKE 11 was calibrated using river water level and discharge data of various gauging sites for the monsoon period (June to October) of the year 2002. Subsequently, the calibrated set up was validated using both discharge and water level data for the same period of the year 2001. The performance of calibration and validation results of MIKE 11 were evaluated using different performance indices. A bathymetry of the study area with a spatial resolution of 90m was prepared from SRTM DEM and provided as an input to the 2D model, MIKE 21. MIKE 11 and MIKE 21 models were then coupled using lateral links to form the MIKE FLOOD model set up for simulating the two dimensional flood inundations in the study area. Flood inundation is simulated for the year 2001 and the maximum flood inundation extent simulated by the model was compared with the corresponding actual inundated area obtained from IRS-1D WiFS image.  相似文献   

An attempt is made to mark regional geology of part of Lalitpur district. The area is characterized by flat topography gently sloping east ward with isolated hillocks. The well contrasted lithology has been marked on the basis of variation in tone, drainage pattern and texture. The main lithounits are foliated granites/gneiss, banded iron formation, granites, ultra basic, quartz reef and basic dykes. The structural elements of lineaments are visible on aerial photos and imagery which range in length from 1 to 10 km. The lineaments at places intersect with each other. The major trends are NNW- SSE. NE- SW. NNH- SSW. These NNW- SSE and NE-SW lineaments are retlected by well aligned body of quartz- sericite schist and quartz reef respectively.  相似文献   

River basin management and development are most important for utilising and conserving the water resources in any region where the average annual rainfall is highly fluctuating, the North Bengal is one of such region. Though there are a large number of rivers having a large catchment area in the hills and carry a huge amount of water during rainy season but they are completely dry in winter and summer. The upper part of majority of river basins arc highly sensitive to water erosion and land slides due to deforestation, intensive cultivation, increased settlements in sloping and erosion prone areas. So, floods in the rainy season and droughts in summer months are frequent features in North Bengal. In view of this proper management and effective conservation of land and water resources is necessary to develop the region. An integrated river basin management consisting soil conservation, afforestation, flood control, and adoption of suitable cropping pattern is essential for economic development of North Bengal.  相似文献   

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