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采用不同季节样本设计了为期一年(2006年)的太平洋海面卫星高度计资料同化实验,并与控制实验及Evensen(2003)提出气候态样本的简单EnOI方法实验进行比较,利用日本海面融合产品MGDSST资料和Argo浮标廓线资料比较了3组实验结果的均方根误差和相关分布.结果表明:不同季节样本同化方法的主要特点是避免了人为给...  相似文献   

为快速获取大范围、准实时的海洋内部结构,海面遥感数据被广泛应用于构建温度剖面垂直结构,但卫星遥感仅能获得较为准确的海洋表面或者近表层数据。为了提高全海深温度剖面的反演精度,本文以水下固定深度处温度为约束,通过径向基函数神经网络生成海表面温度和海平面高度异常等海表遥感数据与温度剖面之间的非线性映射,并对约束深度选取的理论依据进行讨论。南海海域温度剖面的反演结果表明,第1阶经验正交函数系数可以表征温跃层的垂直位移,而第1阶经验正交函数基函数极值点对应深度处的温度与第1阶经验正交函数系数之间具有强相关性。当增加该深度处温度为约束时,温跃层的反演精度比仅使用海面遥感数据约提高0.35℃,反演温度剖面的平均均方根误差约为0.33℃。  相似文献   

基于ROMS模式的南海SST与SSH四维变分同化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
卫星遥感观测获得了大量高分辨率的海面实时信息,包括海面温度(SST)和海面高度(SSH)等,同化进入数值模式可有效提升模拟精度。本文基于ROMS模式与四维变分同化方法(4DVAR),使用AVHRR SST和AVISO SSH数据,开展了南海区域同化实验。为检验同化的效果,分别利用HYCOM再分析资料和Argo温盐实测数据分析了同化结果的海面高度、流场及温盐剖面的精度。对比结果表明,SST和SSH的同化能够改善ROMS的模拟结果:同化后海面高度场能够更为准确地捕捉海洋的中尺度特征,与HYCOM海面高度再分析资料相比,平均绝对偏差和均方根误差分别为0.054 m和0.066 m;与HYCOM 10 m层流场相比,东向与北向流速平均绝对偏差分别为0.12 m/s和0.11 m/s,相比未同化均提升约0.01 m/s;温盐同化结果与Argo温盐实测具有较高的一致性,温度和盐度平均绝对偏差为0.45℃、0.077,均方根误差为0.91℃、0.11,单个的温盐廓线对比说明,同化结果与HYCOM再分析资料精度相当。  相似文献   

卫星遥感海表温度资料和高度计资料的变分同化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用国家气候中心正在发展的第二代全球海洋资料同化系统(BCC_GODAS2.0),针对多变量同化的协调性问题,发展了一种基于三维变分框架(3DVAR)下的高度计和海表温度(SST)相互约束的同化方法。该方法使海面高度和SST资料在同一个动力约束关系下进行同化。在一般方法中,海面高度和SST观测项是代价函数中2个独立的观测项,海面高度项引入动力高度计算公式,海表温度项用统计关系进行垂向投影。在代价函数的实际求解的计算过程中,虽然其总体积分效应受海面高度观测的约束,但整个水柱中各层温盐分析变量的调整是无序的。针对这个问题,文章提出一种新的同化方案。该方案将SST的观测项并入海面高度观测项中,海面高度的一部分,确切说是上层海洋部分,由SST决定,因此至少在SST的统计关系能影响到深度的上层海洋,在代价函数的求解过程中,温盐的调整是受较强的统计关系约束的,而这种统计关系的有效性已经在很多SST的同化试验中被其他学者广泛应用并证明。利用该方法,对1993—1997年的AVHRR卫星遥感海表温度资料进行变分同化试验,用TAO、OISST和SODA数据集进行检验证明,通过对卫星遥感资料的同化能够有效改进对海洋温度和盐度的估...  相似文献   

张洁  田杰  王兆徽 《海洋预报》2020,37(1):1-10
利用机器学习的方法,对14个周期HY-2A卫星高度计数据:风速、有效波高和海面高度差值进行训练,探究海况偏差和风速、有效波高之间的关系,创建海况偏差核函数非参数模型(NPSSB),并与参数模型中具有代表性的BM3、BM4模型进行对比。研究表明:(1)核函数NPSSB模型能够很好的反映SSB与U、SWH之间的关系,SSB与U呈二次函数关系,SSB与SWH呈反比例函数关系;(2)核函数NPSSB模型对SSB的模拟能力与训练数据集相关,数据量越多,模拟能力越好;(3)核函数NPSSB模型与BM3、BM4模型都存在0~-0.03 m的差值,随着风速和有效波高的增加,差值的绝对值越大。  相似文献   

Interannual variability of the Japan/East Sea (JES) sea surface temperature (SST) is investigated from the reconstructed NOAA/AVHRR Oceans Pathfinder best SST data (1985–2002) using the complex empirical function (CEOF) analysis. The iterative empirical function analysis is used for the SST data reconstruction. The first two leading CEOFs account for 86.0% of total variance with 66.4% for the first mode and 19.6% for the second mode. The first CEOF mode represents a standing oscillation and a maximum belt in the central JES. There are two near-7-year events and one 2–3-year event during the period of 1985–2002. The first mode oscillates by adjacent atmospheric systems such as the Aleutian Low, the North Pacific High, the Siberian High, and the East Asian jet stream. Positive correlation in a zonal belt between the first mode JES SST anomaly and the background surface air temperature/SST anomaly reveals intensive ocean-atmosphere interaction near the Polar Front in the North Pacific. The second CEOF mode represents two features: standing oscillation and propagating signal. The standing oscillation occurs in the northern (north of 44°N) and southern (south of 39°N and west of 136°E) JES with around 180° phase difference. A weak southwestward propagating signal is detected between the two regions. The eastward propagating signal is detected from the East Korean Bay to near 135°E. The second mode contains 4–5-year periodicity before 1998 and 2–3-year periodicity thereafter. It is associated with the Arctic Oscillation, which leads it by 1–5-year. Furthermore, a strong correlation with the background surface air temperature/SST anomaly is detected in the tropical to subtropical western Pacific.  相似文献   

邱云  胡建宇 《海洋科学》2006,30(6):59-65
利用1992年10月~2002年7月的TOPEX/POSEIDON(T/P)卫星高度计月平均格点数据分析了热带大西洋(15°S~25°N,5°~50°W)海面高度距平的低频变化。由热带大西洋大约10 a海面高度距平变化的标准差分析得到:在赤道附近海区(2°~5°N,25°~45°W)、非洲沿岸海区(11°~16°N,16°~18°W)海面高度波动剧烈。对海面高度距平进行经验正交函数(EOF)分析,得到EOF的3个模态分别占有方差比例为51.5%,13.2%和7.9%。第一模态揭示的是热带辐合带(ITCZ)的季节性迁移导致海面高度距平沿着ITCZ平均位置经向倾斜的1 a周期变化,第一模态还显示了太阳辐射的季节差异引起南北两个海盆海面高度的整体升降。第二模态描述了中心分别位于(3°N,40°W)和(7°N,45°W)附近两个涡漩的变化。第三模态表征的是几内亚海湾上升流和赤道北部下降流在6~7月强度达到最大。对EOF时间系数曲线的经验模态分解(EMD),结果表明热带大西洋低频变化包含的成分主要有:0.5,1,2,4和6 a。其中1 a周期是热带大西洋海面高度变化最主要的周期成分,0.5 a周期和2 a周期也是热带大西洋海面高度变化的重要形式;而4 a和6 a周期所占的比例较小。另外EMD方法还分解出1997~1998年太平洋El Nino事件对热带大西洋海面高度的影响。  相似文献   

1 Introduction Ocean upper mixed layer, with nearly uniform temperature, salinity and density, is formed by sea sur- face forces such as wind stress, buoyancy flux and sur- face waves, etc. Under the mixed layer, thermocline and halocline often exist. Usually the depth of them is almost equal. But in the tropical ocean, the halocline is often shallower than the thermocline. Then between the layer of uniform salinity and the thermocline, there is a layer which has a rather strong density gradi…  相似文献   

Complex perturbations in the profile and the sparsity of samples often limit the validity of rapid environmental assessment (REA) in the South China Sea (SCS). In this paper, the remote sensing data were used to estimate sound speed profile (SSP) with the self-organizing map (SOM) method in the SCS. First, the consistency of the empirical orthogonal functions was examined by using k-means clustering. The clustering results indicated that SSPs in the SCS have a similar perturbation nature, which means the inverted grid could be expanded to the entire SCS to deal with the problem of sparsity of the samples without statistical improbability. Second, a machine learning method was proposed that took advantage of the topological structure of SOM to significantly improve their accuracy. Validation revealed promising results, with a mean reconstruction error of 1.26 m/s, which is 1.16 m/s smaller than the traditional single empirical orthogonal function regression (sEOF-r) method. By violating the constraints of linear inversion, the topological structure of the SOM method showed a smaller error and better robustness in the SSP estimation. The improvements to enhance the accuracy and robustness of REA in the SCS were offered. These results suggested a potential utilization of REA in the SCS based on satellite data and provided a new approach for SSP estimation derived from sea surface data.  相似文献   

利用原国家海洋局北海分局浮标所测有效波高数据对Jason-2卫星高度计所测有效波高数据进行验证,采用50km空间窗和0.5h时间窗,得到219个时空配准点。对配准结果进行统计分析表明,Jason-2卫星高度计测得有效波高与浮标测量结果存在-0.277m的偏差,均方根误差为0.372m。利用最小二乘回归(OLR)对Jason-2有效波高数据进行校正可使其均方根误差下降至0.247m,减少34.5%。基于第三代海浪模式WAVEWATCH III对Jason-2有效波高数据进行最优插值同化试验,其中背景误差相关函数取为指数形式,相关距离尺度选为500km。与浮标观测数据比较表明,同化后模式有效波高均方根误差比未同化时减少11.56%,,能够有效地改善模式精度。以此为初始场进行为期3d的数值预报实验。与未同化实验相比,卫星高度计有效波高数据同化对模式0~72 h预报有不同程度的改善,改善程度随预报时间的增加而降低。  相似文献   

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