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根据黄河三角洲孤东潮位站1a的表层逐日悬沙质量浓度、逐时潮位和风速风向以及多年黄河入海水沙资料,采用线性回归和相关分析等统计方法,分析了孤东近岸悬沙质量浓度的变化规律及其动力机制.结果表明,黄河三角洲孤东近岸悬沙质量浓度具有明显的冬高夏低季节性变化,大小潮周期内悬沙质量浓度呈锯齿状波动,区别于常见的大潮高小潮低的变化规...  相似文献   

几种腐蚀性因子对海底土腐蚀性影响的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在室内可模拟海底土腐蚀环境的电解池中研究了温度和电阻率对钢材在海土中腐蚀电极过程的影响以及温度、电阻率和硫酸盐还原菌对钢材在海土中腐蚀的影响.结果表明,温度升高、电阻率降低都能使钢在海土中的阴、阳极过程变得易于进行;而温度升高、电阻率降低、硫酸盐还原菌含量增加,将不同程度地加快钢材在海土中的腐蚀.  相似文献   

波浪是导致沉积物再悬浮发生的主要动力条件之一,通过室内水槽试验利用浊度剖面仪(Argus Surface Meter IV,简称ASM-IV)研究15 cm恒定波高的波浪持续作用下沉积物再悬浮的发生过程,试验过程中确立了黄河三角洲地区水体悬沙浓度与ASM-IV所测浊度之间的相关关系,研究了波致海床沉积物再悬浮的发生发展过程,分析计算波致沉积物再悬浮泥沙总量及其通量随时间和空间的变化规律,定量地计算出本次试验中波致悬浮泥沙总量以及液化所导致沉积物再悬浮量及其所占比例。研究发现,波致液化作用是沉积物再悬浮的主要动因,液化悬沙量占总悬沙量的76.4%,本试验对进一步探讨波浪作用下海床沉积物再悬浮过程具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

根据2011年5月31日至6月3日在长江口南槽口门附近海域投放三角架观测系统获取的沉积动力观测数据以及现场采集的水样和底质样品,进行底部边界层参数、悬沙粒度及悬沙组分分析,以探讨研究区近底部边界层特征和沉积物再悬浮过程。结果表明,研究区海域的悬沙以粉砂组分为主,潮周期内近底部流速与相应层位的悬沙浓度变化呈正相关,存在显著的再悬浮作用。分析发现,随着水体中悬沙砂组分的增加,再悬浮通量随之显著增加;砂组分减小,则再悬浮通量亦减小。因此,悬沙砂组分是对再悬浮过程响应的敏感组分,在一定程度上可指示和"示踪"再悬浮效应。  相似文献   

以黄河三角洲莱州湾西岸防潮工程海堤断面为工程实例,结合当地的水位及波浪参数,利用物理模型试验的方法,得出了护面块体稳定的极限条件及不同堤坝型式下海堤的冲淤状况,从而验证了海堤护面块体稳定性。  相似文献   

利用对江苏北部废黄河口水下斜坡和平坦海床上同步声学多普勒测流仪(ADP)测流和悬浮体取样数据,分析了本区近海水动力条件和泥沙运移。三站的同步调查显示,本海区潮周期悬沙净通量方向以南向为主,净通量在103~104kg/m之间。依据三站同步资料,初步估算穿过本区的泥沙通量接近长期侵蚀输沙的平均值。潮周期内悬浮泥沙含量呈周期性变化,靠近岸边浅水区的悬浮泥沙含量变化尤其明显。流速数据和悬浮体含量数据对比显示,底层流速与悬浮体含量的关系密切。这说明悬浮体含量变化与海底沉积物的再悬浮有关。悬沙含量峰值出现在急流后,ADP测流垂向断面数据显示急流时,流速梯度高,因而,急流时有较大的剪切速度,使沉积物受到侵蚀或再悬浮,从而使悬沙含量在急流后达到峰值。  相似文献   

对长江口崇明东滩盐沼边缘及邻近光滩处的水深、流速和悬沙含量的潮周期变化过程进行了现场实测,并对横向悬沙通量进行了计算和分析。研究结果表明,在平静天气条件下光滩和盐沼上的流速过程有明显差异,植被缓流作用在落潮期更为显著,流速在涨潮由光滩向盐沼不断增大。与涨潮流速优势相对应,涨潮期平均悬沙含量是落潮期的1.8倍。横向悬沙通量以向岸输移为主,悬沙总通量与潮次内最大水深的四次方呈显著正相关。在平静天气条件下潮汐作用控制着盐沼前缘地带泥沙输移水平,盐沼滩面保持稳定淤积,前缘光滩淤积速率高于盐沼处的,盐沼逐渐向海延伸。在大风天气条件下潮次内的流速和悬沙含量水平提高了数倍,悬沙输移量大增,净输移仍以向岸方向为主,在盐沼上部和前缘光滩均可能在短期内发生大量淤积。  相似文献   

对长江口崇明东滩盐沼边缘及邻近光滩处的水深、流速和悬沙含量的潮周期变化过程进行了现场实测,并对横向悬沙通量进行了计算和分析.研究结果表明,在平静天气条件下光滩和盐沼上的流速过程有明显差异,植被缓流作用在落潮期更为显著,流速在涨潮由光滩向盐沼不断增大.与涨潮流速优势相对应,涨潮期平均悬沙含量是落潮期的1.8倍.横向悬沙通量以向岸输移为主,悬沙总通量与潮次内最大水深的四次方呈显著正相关.在平静天气条件下潮汐作用控制着盐沼前缘地带泥沙输移水平,盐沼滩面保持稳定淤积,前缘光滩淤积速率高于盐沼处的,盐沼逐渐向海延伸.在大风天气条件下潮次内的流速和悬沙含量水平提高了数倍,悬沙输移量大增,净输移仍以向岸方向为主,在盐沼上部和前缘光滩均可能在短期内发生大量淤积.  相似文献   

中国于2012年在北欧海的罗弗敦海盆布放了一套海气耦合浮标,断断续续地工作了三年。本文对数据质量进行了全面评估,并以2014年6月—2015年1月的数据为例,给出了该海域各参数的变化特点。经与ERA5数据对比,气压、气温、湿度、风速、水温、辐射、热通量、波浪的参数可靠,与ERA5差别较大的是风向,本文的分析认为,浮标的风向是可靠的。由此得出,除了数据明显异常的时段之外,浮标的数据质量可靠,可以直接用于研究使用。有些参数未见明显异常,但仍可存在数据漂移和数据偏差等问题,需要在使用时精心分析和判断。罗弗敦海盆夏季海表面气压高,风速小,气温高,湿度大,感热和潜热都很小;冬季气压降低,气旋数目增多,强度变大,风速增大,降温过程频繁,降温幅度和持续时间都更大,感热和潜热增大,高热通量事件出现的次数增多,持续时间更长,对大气过程产生不可低估的影响。  相似文献   

Owing to lack of observational data and accurate definition,it is difficult to distinguish the Kuroshio intrusion water from the Pacific Ocean into the South China Sea(SCS).By using a passive tracer to identify the Kuroshio water based on an observation-validated three-dimensional numerical model MITgcm,the spatio-temporal variation of the Kuroshio intrusion water into the SCS has been investigated.Our result shows the Kuroshio intrusion is of distinct seasonal variation in both horizontal and vertical directions.In winter,the intruding Kuroshio water reaches the farthest,almost occupying the area from 18°N to 23°N and 114°E to 121°E,with a small branch flowing towards the Taiwan Strait.The intrusion region of the Kuroshio water decreases with depth gradually.However,in summer,the Kuroshio water is confined to the east of 118°E without any branch reaching the Taiwan Strait;meanwhile the intrusion region of the Kuroshio water increases from the surface to the depth about 205 m,then it decreases with depth.The estimated annual mean of Kuroshio Intrusion Transport(KIT) via the Luzon Strait is westward to the SCS in an amount of –3.86×106 m3/s,which is larger than the annual mean of Luzon Strait Transport(LST) of –3.15×106 m3/s.The KIT above 250 m accounts for 60%–80% of the LST throughout the entire water column.By analyzing interannual variation of the Kuroshio intrusion from the year 2003 to 2012,we find that the Kuroshio branch flowing into the Taiwan Strait is the weaker in winter of La Ni?a years than those in El Ni?o and normal years,which may be attributed to the wind stress curl off the southeast China then.Furthermore,the KIT correlates the Ni?o 3.4 index from 2003 to 2012 with a correlation coefficient of 0.41,which is lower than that of the LST with the Ni?o 3.4 index,i.e.,0.78.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional wave radiation stress is introduced into the hydrodynamic sediment coupled model COHERENS-SED,which has been developed through introducing wave-enhanced bottom shear stress,wave dependent surface drag coefficient,wave-induced surface mixing,SWAN,damping function of sediment on turbulence,sediment model and depth-dependent wave radiation stress to COHERENS.The COHERENS-SED is adopted to study the effects induced by wave-induced three-dimensional longshore current on suspended sediment spreading of the Huanghe River (Yellow River) mouth.Several different cases divided by setting different wave parameters of inputting boundary waves are carried out.The modeling results agree with measurement data.In terms of simulation results,it is easy to know that three-dimensional wave radiation stress plays an obvious role when inputting boundary wave height is stronger than 3 m.Moreover,wave direction also affects the sediment spreading rules of the mouth strongly too.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional wave radiation stress is introduced into the hydrodynamic sediment coupled model COHERENS-SED, which has been developed through introducing wave-enhanced bottom shear stress, wave dependent surface drag coefficient, wave-induced surface mixing, SWAN, damping function of sediment on turbulence, sediment model and depth-dependent wave radiation stress to COHERENS. The COHERENS-SED is adopted to study the effects induced by wave-induced three-dimensional longshore current on suspended sediment spreading of the Huanghe River (Yellow River) mouth. Several different cases divided by setting different wave parameters of inputting boundary waves are carried out. The modeling results agree with measurement data. In terms of simulation results, it is easy to know that three-dimensional wave radiation stress plays an obvious role when inputting boundary wave height is stronger than 3 m. Moreover, wave direction also affects the sediment spreading rules of the mouth strongly too.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional suspended sediment model(SED)developed by the present authors is coupled with the combinatorial model of COHERENS(Luyten et al.,1999) (the three-dimensional coupled hydrodynamical-ecological model for Regional and Shelf Seas) and SWAN(Holthuijsen et al.,2004) (the third generation wave model).SWAN is regarded as a subroutine of COHERENS and gets time-and space-varying current velocity and surface elevation from COHERENS.COHERENS gets time-and space-varying wave relevant parameters provided by SWAN.Effects of wave on current are applied in bottom shear stress,wave-induced depth-dependent radiation stress and surface drag coefficient calculation.At the same time,the damping function of suspended sediment on turbulence is introduced into COHERENS.So the sediment model SED has feed back on circulation model COHERENS.The SED obtains current as sociated parameters from COHERENS.Then a couple dhydrodynamic-sediment model COHERENS-SED being able to account for interaction between wave and current is obtained.COHERENS-SED is adopted to simulate three-dimensional suspended sediment transport in the Huanghe River delta.In terms of simulation results,there is obvious diffierence between top and bottom layer of wave-induced longshore current.The values of time series of sediment concentration gotten by COHERENS-SED have,generally,an accepted agreement extent with measurement.Significant wave heights and wave periods obtained by COHERENS-SED show that wave simulation case with current’s effect can give better agreement extent with measurement than case without current’s effect.In the meantime,suspended sediment concentration distributing rule obtained by COHERENS-SED is similar to former researches and measurement.  相似文献   

The sedimentary sequence of the upper 4 m deposits in the Huanghe Harbour Pit is as follows, 1, Distributary mouth bar deposits formed before 1964; 2. lower delta plain (tidal flat) and subaqueous delta lateral deposits formed in the period of 1964-1972; 3. deposits of crevasse splay and distributary channel near mouth, formed in the period of 1972-1974; 4. tidal flat deposits formed in the period of 1975-1984. The sequence shows superimposition of sedimentary environments parallel to coastline.  相似文献   

现代黄河三角洲钓口叶瓣体沉积相及其沉积动力环境特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Huanghe River captures the Diaokou River in 1964 and forms a deltaic lobe in the subsequent 12 a. The progradational process of the Diaokou lobe is in associated with complicated evolution of riverine sheet flooding,merging, and swinging. On the basis of 11 borehole cores and 210 km high resolution seismic reflection data set,the sedimentary sequence and dynamic environment of the Diaokou lobe(one subdelta lobe of the modern Huanghe River Delta) are studied. The stratigraphy of the lobe is characterized by an upward-coarsening ternary structure and forms a progradational deltaic clinoform. Totally six seismic surfaces are identifiable in seismic profiles, bounded six seismic units(SUs). These SUs correspond to six depositional units(DUs) in the borehole cores, and among them, SUs 4–6(DUs D to F) consist of the modern Diaokou lobe. Lithological and seismic evidences indicate that the delta plain part of the Diaokou lobe is comprised primarily by fluvial lag sediments together with sediments from sidebanks, overbanks, fluvial flood plains and levees, while the delta front part is a combination of river mouth bar sands(majority) and distal bar and deltaic margin sediments(minority). As a result of the high sedimentation rate and weak hydrodynamic regime in the Huanghe River Delta, the sediments in the delta front are dominated by fine-grained materials. The grain size analysis indicates the Huanghe River hyperpycnal-concentrated flow shows the suspension, transportation and sedimentation characteristics of gravity flow, and the sediment transportation is primarily dominated by graded suspension, while uniform suspension and hydrostatic suspension are also observed in places. The strength of the hydrodynamic regime weakens gradually offshore from riverbed, river mouth bar, sidebank, distal bar subfacies to delta lateral margin and flooding plain subfacies.  相似文献   

废黄河口海域潮流动力与悬沙输运特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
陈斌  周良勇  刘健  王凯 《海洋科学》2011,35(5):73-81
根据2006年废黄河口海域的悬沙、流速、流向的观测资料,应用短期资料的潮流准调和分析方法,对连续海流资料进行了分析,并结合悬沙资料,对悬沙质量浓度与潮流之间的动力关系进行了探讨.研究结果表明:该海域潮流属于正规半日潮流,潮流以往复流为主,离岸越远,旋转性越强;涨潮流流向以SSE为主,落潮流流向以NNW为主.悬沙质量浓度...  相似文献   

冰后期珠江三角洲沉积物通量的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
从珠江三角洲283个钻孔资料中识别出了冰后期海侵旋回底界面,从269个钻孔中识别出了最大海侵面,记录了它们的埋深值,并由此计算了冰后期及其海侵和海退期间的沉积物总量,结果表明,珠江三角洲在冰后期及其海侵和海退期间的沉积物总量分别为114.09,36.70,77.39Gt.海退期沉积量大于海侵期.以现今珠江输沙量的约84%沉积在三角洲范围内计算得到冰后期珠江年均输沙量约为9.91Mt,6000a以来的年均输沙量约为15.35Mt.  相似文献   

许炯心 《海洋学报》2006,28(3):88-97
以黄河流域1955~1990年的资料为基础,研究了不同粒径组入海泥沙的变化趋势及其成因以及各粒径组泥沙对三角洲造陆过程的相对贡献率.研究表明,四个粒径组入海泥沙通量都呈减少的趋势,各粒径组入海泥沙通量减少趋势的显著性按由细到粗的顺序递减,即细颗粒泥沙入海通量的减少趋势要比粗泥沙明显.20世纪70年代以来,水土保持面积增大、人类引水增大和年降水量减少是黄河各粒径组入海泥沙通量减小的原因.大规模的水土保持措施实施以后,细泥沙入海通量的减少幅度要大于粗泥沙.多元回归分析结果表明,年降水量变化对小于0.010,0.010~0.025,0.025~0.050及大于0.050 mm四个粒径组泥沙入海通量变化的贡献率分别为58.52%,62.05%,71.16%,83.37%,随粒径的变粗而增大;水土保持措施变化对小于0.010,0.010~0.025,0.025~0.050和大于0.050 mm四个粒径组泥沙入海通量变化的贡献率分别为41.48%,37.95%,28.89%,16.63%,随粒径的变粗而减小.四个粒径组泥沙入海通量与人类净引水量之间的相关系数也按泥沙粒径由细到粗的顺序减小,即人类引水的变化对细泥沙入海通量的影响较大,对粗泥沙入海通量的影响较小.四个粒径组泥沙入海通量与年降水量之间的相关系数按泥沙粒径由细到粗的顺序增大,即年降水的变化对细泥沙入海通量的影响较小,对粗泥沙入海通量的影响较大.建立了黄河三角洲造陆速率与利津站年径流量和小于0.010,0.010~0.025,0.025~0.050及大于0.050 mm四个粒径组的泥沙量之间的多元回归方程.计算结果表明,入海泥沙量和径流量对三角洲造陆速率变化的贡献率接近相等.在四个粒径组中0.010~0.025 mm的泥沙对三角洲造陆速率变化的贡献率最大,0.025~0.050 mm粒径组次之,大于0.050 mm的粒径组再次之,小于0.010 mm的粒径组最小.中等粗细的粒径组对三角洲造陆的贡献率最大.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate that the effects of different hydrodynamic conditions on sediment resuspension on a tidal mudflat in the Yellow River Estuary. A field experiment was conducted on an intertidal flat of the Yellow River Delta, China. The sediment resuspension concentrations and hydrodynamic conditions were obtained in the field from September 2–7, 2013. The resuspended sediment concentrations induced by wave loading were compared with those induced by coupled wave–current actions in Yellow River Delta. The results were as follows: (1) when the wave height was higher than 10?cm and the shear stress induced by the waves was greater than the critical stress of the seabed sediments, the surface seabed was eroded and sediment was resuspended. In addition, 60% of the significant wave heights were larger than 10?cm on the intertidal flat of the Yellow River Delta. (2) The contribution of waves to sediment resuspension was greater than 30% when the significant wave height is higher than 10?cm, and the average contribution of waves to sediment resuspension was 51%. The mechanism of wave-induced sediment resuspension and processes of sediment resuspension were described in this paper.  相似文献   

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