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The ca. 2.7–2.5 Ga Slave Province is a granitegreenstone terrane comprising deformed sedimentary and subordinate volcanic belts extensively intruded by granitoid rocks. The Nd isotopic data are reported for 58 samples of supracrustal and granitoid rocks exposed along a 400 km, east-west, transect at 65°N across the structural grain of the province. Initial Nd values reveal distinctly different crustal sources in the eastern compared to the western parts of the province, as expected from tectonic assembly of the province through accretion of juvenile crust to older continental crust. Supracrustal sequences (ca. 2.71–2.65 Ga) from the central and eastern parts of the province have positive Nd(1) values (+0.3 to +3.6), consistent with juvenile sources and formation remote from significantly older crust. Syn to late-deformation (ca. 2.63–2.60 Ga), mantle-derived diorites and related tonalites (type I) from the central and eastern parts of the province have similar initial Nd values (-0.1 to +2.7). In contrast, samples from the westernmost plutons, which intrude exposed pre-3.1 Ga crust, have much lower Nd(1) values (-1.0 to4.6) suggesting contamination of these magmas by older crust. The Nd(1) values of post-deformation granites (s.s.) (type II) also vary systematically across the province: values for granites west of longitude 110°30W range from-0.2 to -5.3; those to the east range from +0.6 to +3.7. These data suggest mixed crustal sources dominated by Mid to Early Archean material ( Nd-2.6 to- 17 at 2.6 Ga) for the western granitoid rocks and juvenile sources for the eastern granites. The Nd isotopic data are consistent with the geology of the province in that exposures of Mid to Early Archean crustal rocks, predating the principal 2.7–2.5 Ga orogenic event are restricted to the western part of the province. The asymmetric pattern defined by the Nd isotopic data indicates the presence of distinct crustal rocks beneath the Slave Province. Similar isotopic variations observed across Phanerozoic collisional orogens have been interpreted to reflect tectonic assembly of crust by accretion of juvenile crustal terranes to an older continental margin. This process may also have been an important mechanism in the cratonization of the Slave Province.  相似文献   

Ph isotopic analyses are reported for 119 samples of late Archaean (ca. 3000-2800 Myr) calc alkaline orthogneisses and associated anorthosites from southern West Greenland. Over most of the area. PbPb whole rock isotope systematics indicate derivation of the magmatic precursors of the gneisses and anorthosites from a source region with a typically mantle-type UPb ratio (μ1 value of 7.5) at. or shortly before, ca. 3000-2800 Myr ago. In contrast, in the Godthaabsfjord region, late Archaean Nûk gneisses and associated anorthosites were emplaced into or through early Archaean (ca. 3700 Myr) Amîtsoq gneisses, and crystallised with variable proportions of two isotopically distinct types of Pb which commenced their respective crustal developments at ca. 3000-2800 Myr and at ca. 3700 Myr ago. Isotopic and other geochemical constraints demonstrate that Nûk gneisses and their temporal equivalents were not produced by reworking or melting of Amîtsoq gneisses. Mixing of early and late Archaean Pb results from contamination of the magmatic precursors of Nûk gneisses and anorthosites (characterised by mantle-type Pb at time of emplacement) with ancient, unradiogenic Pb derived from ca. 3700 Myr-old Amîtsoq-type continental crust invaded by the Nûk magmas. The contaminant is considered to be a trace-element enriched fluid phase released from dehydrating older continental crust during progressive burial and heating by emplacement of calc alkaline magmas in the late Archaean ‘accretion differentiation superevent’. This was followed by mixing of the released fluids with younger Nûk magmas.Pb isotopic compositions of late Archaean gneisses and anorthosites outside the Godthaabsfjord region provide no evidence for the presence of early Archaean Amîtsoq-type continental crust in southern West Greenland in areas more than a few tens of km outside the known outcrop of Amîtsoq gneisses. We suggest that early Archaean crust does not exist at depth in late Archaean areas with undisturbed Pb-isotope systematics, either in Greenland or elsewhere in the North Atlantic craton.Pb-isotope evidence for crust magma interaction, involving selective extraction of certain trace elements by a fluid phase from wall rock and subsequent mixing between magma and contaminant fluid, provides a powerful tool for detection, sub-surface ‘mapping’, and geochronological and geochemical characterisation of deep, ancient continental crust.  相似文献   

In the Slave Craton of northern Canada, extensive areas weremetamorphosed in broad aureoles (typically ca. 10–15 kmwide) around granitie batholiths emplaced about 2575 m.y. ago.Meta-greywackes and meta-pelites from two areas traversing oneof these aureoles near Yellowknife have been studied. New petrographicdata are given and integrated with previously published mineralogicaldata to elucidate the metamorphic history of the area. Metasedimentsin the aureole contain the concentrically zoned succession ofindex minerals chlorite, biotite, cordierite, gedrite, andalusite,sillimanite. In addition, garnet, staurolite, and parageneticallylate andalusite occur more irregularly, and cummingtonite characterizessubordinate calcic rock-types. The chemistry of all these mineralsis given and their origins discussed. The aureole evolved by the development and decay of a thermaldome. This was a continuous process, but three recognizablemetamorphic phases can be correlated as follows with establisheddeformational phases. The cycle began with a deformation phase(D1) unaccompanied by metamorphism. This evolved into D2 whichwas accompanied by broad regional metamorphism M2 (characterizedby the index succession chlorite, biotite, garnet, staurolite)as thermal doming began. With continued updoming of the isotherms,the third phase (D3) produced only minor folding but causedmajor metamorphic recrystallization (M3), culminating in theemplacement of granite at the core of the thermal dome. A concentriczonation of the metamorphic index minerals biotite, cordierite,gedrite, andalusite+sillimanite was superimposed on earlierassemblages. This M3 phase occurred at lower pressure (2.5–3.5kb) than M2 because of erosional unloading, but the temperatureswere more extreme, ranging up to about 700 °C. With deformationthen complete, the thermal dome decayed, and minor mineralogicalchanges occurred in this (M4) decay phase. The region has sincebeen effectively stable.  相似文献   

Because of the strongly different conditions in the mantle of the early Earth regarding temperature and viscosity, present-day geodynamics cannot simply be extrapolated back to the early history of the Earth. We use numerical thermochemical convection models including partial melting and a simple mechanism for melt segregation and oceanic crust production to investigate an alternative suite of dynamics which may have been in operation in the early Earth. Our modelling results show three processes that may have played an important role in the production and recycling of oceanic crust: (1) Small-scale (x×100 km) convection involving the lower crust and shallow upper mantle. Partial melting and thus crustal production takes place in the upwelling limb and delamination of the eclogitic lower crust in the downwelling limb. (2) Large-scale resurfacing events in which (nearly) the complete crust sinks into the (eventually lower) mantle, thereby forming a stable reservoir enriched in incompatible elements in the deep mantle. New crust is simultaneously formed at the surface from segregating melt. (3) Intrusion of lower mantle diapirs with a high excess temperature (about 250 K) into the upper mantle, causing massive melting and crustal growth. This allows for plumes in the Archean upper mantle with a much higher excess temperature than previously expected from theoretical considerations.  相似文献   

晚太古代Sanukite(赞岐岩)与地球早期演化   总被引:9,自引:12,他引:9  
Shirey and Hanson(1984)将某些太古代的高镁闪长岩套称为sanukite(赞岐岩),类似于日本中新世(11~15Ma)Setouchi火山岩带的高镁安山岩。Sanukitoids由闪长岩-二长闪长岩-花岗闪长岩组成,不同于TTC岩套(奥长花岗岩-英云闪长岩-花岗闪长岩)。Sanukitoids具有下列地球化学特征:富Mg,Mg~#>0.60,Ni和Cr>100μg/g,Sr和Ba>500μg/g,LREE富集(大于球粒陨石100倍),无Eu异常。高镁安山岩在太古代很少见,而其相应的侵入岩高镁闪长岩或sanukitoids,虽然数量也很少,但却是各地晚太古代地体中随处可见的。Sanukitoids的原始岩浆是交代的地幔楔部分熔融形成的,随后可能经历了广泛的分离结晶作用。TTC和sanukitoids岩套可以相伴产出,二者均与板片熔融有关,TTG与其直接有关,sanukitoids可能与其间接有关。全球Sanukitoids主要集中在晚太古代时期,可能暗示板块的消减作用在~3.0Ga以后才起了重要的作用。  相似文献   

The 2.6 Ga Keskarrah Formation, located in the central Slave Province, Northwest Territories, Canada, is a late-orogenic, tectonically controlled sedimentary sequence that developed under unusual climatic and depositional conditions. The formation is adjacent to the crustal-scale, north-trending Beniah Lake Fault and overlies the 3.15 Ga Augustus Granite, the 2.69–2.7 Ga mafic volcanic Peltier Formation and the turbiditic Contwoyto Formation unconformably. Principal lithofacies in the Keskarrah Formation include conglomerate, sandstone and siltstone–sandstone. The conglomerate lithofacies represents coalescing gravelly streamflow-dominated fan deltas adjacent to topographic highs. Up-section quartz-rich arenites and quartz arenites of the sandstone lithofacies are interpreted to be shallow-water shoreface deposits influenced by wave action and tides. The overlying feldspathic litharenites of the siltstone–sandstone lithofacies are consistent with a lower shoreface to proximal offshore environment dominated by wave and tide interaction. Tidal influence in both sandstone-dominated lithofacies is inferred from the presence of mudstone laminae between bedforms and on foresets of cross-beds, as well as from abundant reactivation surfaces with local mudstone drapes. Intense chemical weathering during the Archaean, resulting from elevated atmospheric levels, higher temperatures and moist climatic conditions, played an important role in the development of quartz-rich arenites that appear to be first-cycle deposits. Few lithic fragments and feldspar grains are preserved due to in-situ host rock weathering, chemical weathering during transport and wave and tide action. Hydraulic sorting and abrasion in the shoreface environment contributed to the continued breakdown and transport of labile minerals. Increased proportions of lithic fragments in sandstone beds of the conglomerate lithofacies are the result of shorter transport distances from source areas to the depositional environment. Abundant conglomerate with up to 4-m large granitic boulders derived from the adjacent Augustus Granite and mafic clasts from the Peltier Formation indicate high relief and fault-related uplift and subsidence. The intimate association of fan deltas and wave- and tide-influenced shallow-marine deposits in association with quartz-rich sandstones forming in a high-relief area make the Keskarrah Formation remarkable in the rock record.  相似文献   

Lower crustal xenoliths recovered from Eocene to Cambrian kimberlites in the central and southern Slave craton are dominated by mafic granulites (garnet, clinopyroxene, plagioclase±orthopyroxene), with subordinate metatonalite and peraluminous felsic granulites. Geothermobarometry indicates metamorphic conditions of 650–800 °C at pressures of 0.9–1.1 GPa. The metamorphic conditions are consistent with temperatures expected for the lower crust of high-temperature low-pressure (HT-LP) metamorphic belts characteristic of Neoarchean metamorphism in the Slave craton. U–Pb geochronology of zircon, rutile and titanite demonstrate a complex history in the lower crust. Mesoarchean protoliths occur beneath the central Slave supporting models of an east-dipping boundary between Mesoarchean crust in the western and Neoarchean crust in the eastern Slave. At least, two episodes of igneous and metamorphic zircon growth occurred in the interval 2.64–2.58 Ga that correlate with the age of plutonism and metamorphism in the upper crust, indicating magmatic addition to the lower crust and metamorphic reworking during this period. In addition, discrete periods of younger zircon growth at ca. 2.56–2.55 and 2.51 Ga occurred 20–70 my after the cessation of ca. 2.60–2.58 Ga regional HT-LP metamorphism and granitic magmatism in the upper crust. This pattern of younger metamorphic events in the deep crust is characteristic of the Slave as well as other Archean cratons (e.g., Superior). The high temperature of the lower crust immediately following amalgamation of the craton, coupled with evidence for continued metamorphic zircon growth for >70 my after ‘stabilization’ of the upper crust, is difficult to reconcile with a thick (200 km), cool lithospheric mantle root beneath the craton prior to this event. We suggest that thick tectosphere developed synchronously or after these events, most likely by imbrication of mantle beneath the craton at or after ca. 2.6 Ga. The minimum age for establishing a cratonic like geotherm is given by lower crustal rutile ages of ca. 1.8 Ga in the southern Slave. Transient heating and possible magmatic additions to the lower crust continued through the Proterozoic, with possible additional growth of the tectosphere.  相似文献   

The late-orogenic Archaean Duparquet, Kirkland and Stormy basins of the Canadian Superior Province are characterized by bounding crustal-scale faults and abundant porphyry stock emplacement. Lava flows and pyroclastic deposits are restricted to the Kirkland and Stormy basins, and coarse clastic detritus characterizes the Duparquet basin. Seven distinct lithofacies are identified: (1) mafic volcanic, (2) felsic volcanic, (3) pyroclastic, (4) volcaniclastic, (5) conglomerate-sandstone, (6) sandstone-argillite  conglomerate), and (7) argillite-sandstone  tuffaceous sandstone). The mafic and felsic volcanic lithofacies represent effusive lava flows, the pyroclastic lithofacies is formed of subaerial surge and airfall deposits and the volcaniclastic lithofacies is composed of reworked volcanic debris. The conglomerate-sandstone lithofacies is interpreted as alluvial fan, fan delta or proximal braided stream deposits, whereas the sandstone-argillite lithofacies is consistent with sandy-dominated flood- or braidplain deposits. A dominantly shallow-water lacustrine setting is inferred for the argillite-sandstone lithofacies. These different lithofacies record the basin history and can be used to identify basin-forming processes. Lithofacies stacking and rapid lateral changes of lithological units in conjunction with interformational unconformities and basin margin faults suggest tectonically induced sedimentation. Volcanism can also influence basin evolution and the delicate balance between erosion, sedimentation, and prevalent transport processes is affected by volcanic input. Catastrophic influx of pyroclastic material facilitated mass-wasting processes and formation of non-confined hyperconcentrated flood flow deposits account for local congestion of alluvial or fluvial dispersal patterns. Confined stream flow processes govern sedimentation during intravolcanic phases or prominent tectonic uplift. In addition, climate which controls the weathering processes, and vegetation which stabilizes unconsolidated material, affects the transport and depositional process. A CO2-rich aggressive weathering, humid Archaean atmosphere favours traction current deposits and an absence of vegetation promotes rapid denudation. Although tectonism is the prevalent long-term controlling factor in restricted basins, the effects of volcanism, climate and lack of vegetation can also be detected.  相似文献   

The Li isotopic composition of the upper continental crust is estimated from the analyses of well-characterized shales, loess, granites and upper crustal composites (51 samples in total) from North America, China, Europe, Australia and New Zealand. Correlations between Li, δ7Li, and chemical weathering (as measured by the Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA)), and δ7Li and the clay content of shales (as measured by Al2O3/SiO2), reflect uptake of heavy Li from the hydrosphere by clays. S-type granites from the Lachlan fold belt (-1.1 to -1.4‰) have δ7Li indistinguishable from their associated sedimentary rocks (-0.7 to 1.2‰), and show no variation in δ7Li throughout the differentiation sequence, suggesting that isotopic fractionation during crustal anatexis and subsequent differentiation is less than analytical uncertainty (±1‰, 2σ). The isotopically light compositions for both I- and S-type granites from the Lachlan fold belt (-2.5 to + 2.7 ‰) and loess from around the world (-3.1 to + 4.5‰) reflect the influence of weathering in their source regions. Collectively, these lithologies possess a limited range of Li isotopic compositions (δ7Li of −5‰ to + 5‰), with an average (δ7Li of 0 ± 2‰ at 1σ) that is representative of the average upper continental crust. Thus, the Li isotopic composition of the upper continental crust is lighter than the average upper mantle (δ7Li of + 4 ± 2‰), reflecting the influence of weathering on the upper crustal composition. The concentration of Li in the upper continental crust is estimated to be 35 ± 11 ppm (2σ), based on the average loess composition and correlations between insoluble elements (Ti, Nb, Ta, Ga and Al2O3, Th and HREE) and Li in shales. This value is somewhat higher than previous estimates (∼20 ppm), but is probably indistinguishable when uncertainties in the latter are accounted for.  相似文献   

Heterogeneous magnesium isotopic composition of the upper continental crust   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
High-precision Mg isotopic data are reported for ∼100 well-characterized samples (granites, loess, shales and upper crustal composites) that were previously used to estimate the upper continental crust composition. Magnesium isotopic compositions display limited variation in eight I-type granites from southeastern Australia (δ26Mg = −0.25 to −0.15) and in 15 granitoid composites from eastern China (δ26Mg = −0.35 to −0.16) and do not correlate with SiO2 contents, indicating the absence of significant Mg isotope fractionation during differentiation of granitic magma. Similarly, the two S-type granites, which represent the two end-members of the S-type granite spectrum from southeastern Australia, have Mg isotopic composition (δ26Mg = −0.23 and −0.14) within the range of their potential source rocks (δ26Mg = −0.20 and +0.15) and I-type granites, suggesting that Mg isotope fractionation during crustal anatexis is also insignificant. By contrast, δ26Mg varies significantly in 19 A-type granites from northeastern China (−0.28 to +0.34) and may reflect source heterogeneity.Compared to I-type and S-type granites, sedimentary rocks have highly heterogeneous and, in most cases, heavier Mg isotopic compositions, with δ26Mg ranging from −0.32 to +0.05 in nine loess from New Zealand and the USA, from −0.27 to +0.49 in 20 post-Archean Australian shales (PAAS), and from −0.52 to +0.92 in 20 sedimentary composites from eastern China. With increasing chemical weathering, as measured by the chemical index of alternation (CIA), δ26Mg values show a larger dispersion in shales than loess. Furthermore, δ26Mg correlates negatively with δ7Li in loess. These characteristics suggest that chemical weathering significantly fractionates Mg isotopes and plays an important role in producing the highly variable Mg isotopic composition of sedimentary rocks.Based on the estimated proportions of major rock units within the upper continental crust and their average MgO contents, a weighted average δ26Mg value of −0.22 is derived for the average upper continental crust. Our studies indicate that Mg isotopic composition of the upper crust is, on average, mantle-like but highly heterogeneous, with δ26Mg ranging from −0.52 to +0.92. Such large isotopic variation mainly results from chemical weathering, during which light Mg isotopes are lost to the hydrosphere, leaving weathered products (e.g., sedimentary rocks) with heavy Mg isotopes.  相似文献   

Late Archaean metagreywackes of the Ranibennur Formation, Dharwar Supergroup, in the Dharwar–Shimoga schist belt of the Western Dharwar Craton (WDC) are texturally and mineralogically immature of the quartz-intermediate type. The SiO2 content in them ranges from 60.58 to 65.26 wt.%. Chemical Index of weathering (CIW) values varies between 50 and 65. 4 indicating a low degree of chemical alteration of the provenance rocks. A high degree of correlation between K2O and Al2O3 (r = ? 0.73) and low Rb/Sr ratios also suggest a low degree of alteration of provenance rocks. Abundances of transition group elements (Cr = 118–221; N = 89–154; V = 89–192 and Sc = 11–16 ppm) as well Zr (132–191 ppm) suggest a mixed mafic–felsic provenance for the metagreywackes. Low HREE and Y content, and low Tb/Yb ratios (0.23–0.41) suggest the presence of tonalite as an important component in the provenance areas. Values of Eu/Eu?(0.78) and Th/Sc (0.55) suggest that the granodioritic upper crust had evolved prior to serving as the provenance. Mixing calculations suggest 50–55 vol.% tonalite, 20–25 vol.% granite, 18–20 vol.% basalt and ~ 5 vol.% komatiite composition for the provenance. Geochemical characteristics of the Ranibennur metagreywackes suggest that sedimentary basin formed in the vicinity of a magmatic arc in a continental island arc setting, and the detritus were shed from the arc rock.  相似文献   

The deep crustal structure of eastern Dharwar craton has been investigated through τ-p extremal inversion of P-wave travel times from a network of seismographs recording quarry blasts. Travel times have been observed in the distance range 30–250 km in a laterally homogeneous lithospheric segment Main features of the inferred velocity-depth relationship include: (a) 29 km thick combined upper and middle crust velocity varying from 6 km/s to 7 km/s, with no observable velocity discontinuity in this depth range; (b) a lower crust (∼ 29–41 km) with velocity increasing from 7.0 to 7.3 km/s; (c) an average upper mantle velocity of 8.1 km/s; and (d) presence of a 12 km thick high velocity crustal layer (7.4 – 7.8 km/s) in the depth range 41–53 km, with a distinct velocity gradient marking a velocity increase of 0.4 km/s. The anomalous 53 km thick crust is viewed as a consequence of magmatic underplating at the base of the crust in the process of cratonization of the eastern Dharwar craton during late Archaean. The underplated material reflects here with the velocity of 7–3 to 7–8 km/s below the depth of 40 km. Our proposition of magmatic underplating is also supported by the presence of large scale I-granitoid, a product of partial melting of the upper mantle material.  相似文献   

Highly radiogenic Pb isotope compositions determined for volcanic glass beads from the Apollo 14 soil sample 14163 are similar to those commonly determined for mare basalts and are correlated with chemical variations observed in the beads. This indicates that Pb unsupported by in-situ U decay has a similar origin in both glass beads and mare basalt samples and is likely to reflect variations of 238U/204Pb (μ) in the lunar mantle. An alternative explanation that this Pb is a result of late equilibration with the radiogenic Pb present in soil is less likely as it would imply that all other characteristics of glass beads such as their chemistry must also be a consequence of equilibration near the lunar surface. Regardless of the origin of unsupported Pb, observed variations of Pb isotope compositions in the glass beads and mare basalts appear to be a result of two component mixing between a primitive reservoir with a μ-value similar to the Earth’s mantle and KREEP with a μ-value in excess of several thousand. This range cannot be explained by the fractionation of major rock forming minerals from the crystallising Lunar Magma Ocean and instead requires substantial extraction of sulphide late in the crystallisation sequence. The proportion of sulphide required to produce the inferred range places limits on the starting μ of the Moon prior to differentiation, demanding a relatively high value of about 100-200. Low μ indicated by several basalt samples and previously analysed volcanic glass beads can be explained by the preservation of an early (but post Ferroan Anorthosite) sulphide rich reservoir in the lunar mantle, while a complete range of Pb isotope compositions observed in the glass beads and mare basalts can be interpreted as mixing between this sulphide rich reservoir and KREEP.  相似文献   

宗雯  康丛轩  杨献忠 《江苏地质》2022,46(4):366-374
岩石的变形机制和力学性质对认识活动断裂带的孕震机制和发震过程都具有重要意义。圣·安德列斯(San Andreas)转换断层是太平洋板块与北美板块的构造边界,也是重要的地震活动带,总结了美国南加州地震中心对圣·安德列斯断层钻孔断层岩的研究进展。对断层泥的高速摩擦实验发现:动力弱化现象只在高速滑移时才发生,伴随着摩擦生热,岩石的摩擦系数显著降低。断层泥中富镁黏土矿物的富集可以显著降低断层的摩擦系数,促进蠕滑,黏土矿物的不均一分布可导致断裂带变形行为和地震分布的突变。与断层泥和碎裂岩不同,粉碎岩形成于快速传播地震的断裂端部,具高孔隙率和高渗透率,流体活动性强。此外,断层岩的有机质成熟度可用来追溯古地震造成的热异常。在川滇中国地震科学实验场开展科学钻探项目,研究断层岩样品的显微结构、物理性质和变形历史,以期为理解大陆汇聚与转换挤压过程中复杂的地震活动提供重要信息。  相似文献   

The Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP) is one of the largest igneous provinces on Earth, extending more than 5000 km north to south, on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. Its emplacement occurred about 200 Ma ago, at the Triassic–Jurassic boundary, and is linked to the initial breakup of Pangaea. Two areas of the province are studied here: French Guyana/Surinam (South America) and Guinea (West Africa), in order to document the petrogenesis and geodynamical significance of high-Ti and low-Ti basaltic magmas from the CAMP.

In Guyana, doleritic and gabbroic dykes are located on the edge of the Guiana Shield, and represent limited volumes of magma. They display low SiO2 (47–50%), high TiO2 (2.5–3.5%) and high FeO tholeiitic trends and show variably enriched trace element patterns ((La/Yb)n=1.5–5.1). Their isotopic signature and ratios of very incompatible elements (εNdi=+5.8 to +4.2, (87Sr/86Sr)i=0.703–0.705, (207Pb/204Pb)i=15.46–15.64) match a depleted PREMA (prevalent mantle)-like source. Their genesis can be modeled by ca. 15% partial melting of a lherzolite source, and a subsequent limited fractional crystallization (5–10%) or a slight upper crustal assimilation–fractional crystallization (AFC, r=0.1, Proterozoic contaminant). In Guinea, in contrast, huge volumes of CAMP magmas were intruded along the Rockelides suture and the West African craton, forming the Fouta Djalon sills and the Kakoulima laccolith. The laccolith is more than 1000 m thick. These features consist of gabbros, dolerites, diorites and mafic (gabbro) and ultramafic (dunite, wherlite) cumulates. Guinean tholeiites show high SiO2 (51–58%), low TiO2 (0.7–1.2%) and FeO trends, with high LILE/HFSE ratios and slight negative Nb–Ta anomalies. Isotopic signatures (εNdi=+0.4 to −5.3, (87Sr/86Sr)i=0.705–0.710, (207Pb/204Pb)i=15.57–15.66) indicate a more enriched source than for Guyana as well as a higher rate of magma–upper crust interaction through an AFC process (r=0.3, Birimian crust contaminant) and, probably, an additional upper crustal contamination for the most differentiated sample.

This geochemical study supports the prevalence in Guinea, as for other low-Ti CAMP tholeiites, of a lithospheric mantle source, previously enriched during ancient subduction events, and preferentially reactivated in late Triassic times by edge-driven convection between cratonic and mobile belt domains. A larger contribution from a depleted asthenospheric source is required to generate high-Ti tholeiites in Guyana, which may reflect the development of CAMP rifting towards the initiation of the Central Atlantic oceanic crust.  相似文献   

The geochemistry and isotope systematics of Archean greenstone belts provide important constraints on the origin of the volcanic rocks and tectonic models for the evolution of Archean cratons. The Kam Group is a approximately 10-km-thick pile of submarine, tholeiitic mafic, and subordinate felsic volcanic rocks erupted between 2712 and 2701 Ma that forms the bulk of the Yellowknife greenstone belt in the dominantly granite-metasedimentary Slave Province. Mafic rocks range from Normal-mid-ocean range basalt-like basalts to slightly light-rare-earth-element-enriched (LREE-enriched) but Nb-depleted basaltic andesites and andesites, whereas dacitic to rhyodacitic felsic rocks are strongly LREE-enriched and highly depleted in Nb. The varepsilonTNd range from +5 to -3 in the mafic to intermediate rocks and from 0 to -5.5 in the felsic rocks. The varepsilonTNd decreases with increasing La/Sm, SiO2 and decreasing Nb/La, suggesting that as the mafic magmas evolved they were contaminated by older basement rocks. Gneissic granitoids >2.9 Ga in age, found at the base of the Kam Group, have varepsilonTNd between -6 and -9 and are excellent candidates for the contaminant. The geochemical and isotopic data, combined with the submarine eruptive setting and field evidence for existing continental basement, support a continental margin rift model for the Kam Group. Similar geochemical-isotopic studies are required on other Slave greenstone belts in order to test evolutionary models for the Slave Province.  相似文献   

赞比亚班韦乌卢地块广泛出露花岗岩,LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb测年结果表明,黑云母花岗岩、二长花岗岩和正长花岗岩的形成时代为1934±27 Ma~1974±9 Ma.岩石地球化学分析结果表明,这些花岗岩SiO2含量为69.4%~72.22%,K2O含量为4.52%~5.08%,Na2O含量为2.94%~3.11%,Al2O3含量为14.12%~14.65%,为高钾钙碱性过铝质I型花岗岩.花岗岩REE明显分异,铕负异常明显;大离子亲石元素Rb和K相对富集而Sr相对亏损;高场强元素Zr、Hf、U和Th相对富集,P、Ti、Nb和Ta相对亏损.锆石的εHf(t)值变化范围为-2.7~3.9和-12.8~1.5,Hf同位素二阶段模式年龄(TDM2)为2.37 Ga~2.83 Ga和2.52 Ga~3.37 Ga,样品的年龄数据投点位于球粒陨石演化线两侧,说明原始岩浆是不均一的,班韦乌卢地块花岗岩原始岩浆可能为新太古代-古元古代壳幔混染物质.  相似文献   

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