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The Late Cretaceous Chagai arc outcrops in western Pakistan, southern Afghanistan and eastern Iran. It is in the Tethyan convergence zone, formed by northward subduction of the Arabian oceanic plate beneath the Afghan block. The oldest unit of the Chagai arc is the Late Cretaceous Sinjrani Volcanic Group. This is composed of porphyritic lava flows and volcaniclastic rocks, and subordinate shale, sandstone, limestone and chert. The flows are fractionated low-K tholeiitic basalts, basaltic-andesites, and andesites. Relative enrichment in their LILE and depletion in HFSE, and negative Nb and Ta and positive K, Ba and Sr anomalies point to a subduction-related origin. Compared to MORB, the least fractionated Chagai basalts have low Na2O, Fe2O3T, CaO, Ti, Zr, Y and 87Sr/86Sr. Rather than an Andean setting, these results suggest derivation from a highly depleted mantle in an intraoceanic arc formed by Late Cretaceous convergence in the Ceno-Tethys. The segmented subduction zone formed between Gondwana and a collage of small continental blocks (Iran, Afghan, Karakoram, Lhasa and Burma) was accompanied by a chain of oceanic island arcs and suprasubduction ophiolites including Semail, Zagros, Chagai-Raskoh, Kandahar, Muslim Bagh, Waziristan and Kohistan-Ladakh, Nidar, Nagaland and Manipur. These complexes accreted to the southern margin of Eurasia in the Late Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Sediment mixing and recycling through a subduction zone canbe detected in lead isotopes and trace elements from basaltsand sediments from the Kermadec-Hikurangi Margin volcanic arcsystem and their coupled back-arc basins. Sr, Nd and Pb isotopesfrom the basalts delineate relatively simple, almost overlapping,arrays between back-arc basin basalts of the Havre Trough-NgatoroBasin (87Sr/86Sr = 0.70255; Nd=+9.3; 206Pb/204Pb = 18.52; 208Pb/204Pb= 38.18), island arc basalts from the Kermadec Arc togetherwith basalts from Taupo Volcanic Zone (87Sr/86Sr 0.7042; Nd= +5; 206Pb/204Pb= 18.81; 208Pb/204Pb = 38.61), and sedimentsderived from New Zealand's Mesozoic (Torlesse) basement (87Sr/86Sr 0.715; Nd —4; 206Pb/204Pb 18.86; 208Pb/204Pb 38.8).Basalts from the arc front volcanoes have high Cs, Rb, Ba, Th,U and K, and generally high but variable Ba/La, Ba/Nb ratios,characteristic of subduction-related magmas, relative to typicaloceanic basalts. These signatures are diluted in the back-arcbasins, which are more like mid-ocean ridge basalts. Strongchemical correlations in plots of SiO2 vs CaO and loss on ignitionfor the sediments (finegrained muds) are consistent with mixingbetween detrital and biogenic (carbonate-rich) components. Otherdata, such as Zr vs CaO, are consistent with the detrital componentcomprising a mixture of arc- and continent-derived fractions.In chondrite-normalized diagrams, most of the sediments havelight rare earth element enriched patterns, and all have negativeEu anomalies. The multielement diagrams have negative spikesat Nb, P and Ti and distinctive enrichments in the large ionlithophile elements and Pb relative to mantle. Isotopic measurementsof Pb, Sr and Nd reveal restricted fields of Pb isotopes butwide variation in Nd and Sr relative to other sediments fromthe Pacific Basin. Rare K-rich basalts from Clark Volcano towardthe southern end of the oceanic Kermadec Island Arc show unusualand primitive characteristics ( 2% K2O at 50% SiO2, Ba 600p.p.m., 9–10% MgO and Ni > 100 p.p.m.) but have highlyradiogenic Sr, Nd and Pb isotopes, similar to those of basaltsfrom the continental Taupo Volcanic Zone. These oceanic islandarc basalts cannot have inherited their isotope signatures throughcrustal contamination or assimilation—fractional crystallizationtype processes, and this leads us to conclude that source processesvia bulk sediment mixing, fluid and/or melt transfer or somecombination of these are responsible. Although our results showclear chemical gradients from oceanic island arc to continentalmargin arc settings (Kermadec Arc to Taupo Volcanic Zone), overlapbetween the data from the oceanic and continental sectors suggeststhat the lithospheric (crustal contamination) effect may beminimal relative to that of sediment subduction. Indeed, itis possible to account for the chemical changes by a decreasenorthward in the sediment flux into the zone of magma genesis.This model receives support from recent sediment dispersal studiesin the Southern Ocean which indicate that a strong bottom current(Deep Western Boundary Current) flows northward along the easterncontinental margin of New Zealand and sweeps continental derivedsediment into the sediment-starved oceanic trench system. Thetrace element and isotopic signatures of the continental derivedcomponent of this sediment are readily distinguished, but alsodiluted in a south to north direction along the plate boundary. KEY WORDS: subduction zone basalts; sediments; Sr-, Nd-, Pb-isotopes; trace elements *Present address: School of Earth Sciences, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Vic. 3052, Australia.  相似文献   

Palaeocene (c. 55–58 Ma) adakitic andesites from the Yanjiarea, NE China, are typically clinopyroxene-bearing sodic andesitescontaining 60· 9–62· 2% SiO2 and 4·02–4· 36% MgO, with high Mg-number [100 Mg/(Mg+ Fe) atomic ratio] from 65· 5 to 70· 1. Whole-rockgeochemical features include high Cr (128–161 ppm) andNi (86–117 ppm) concentrations, extremely high Sr (2013–2282ppm), low Y (10–11 ppm) and heavy rare earth elements(HREE; e.g. Yb = 0· 79–1· 01 ppm), and mid-oceanridge basalt (MORB)-like Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic compositions[e.g. 87Sr/ 86Sr(i) = 0· 70298–0· 70316,Nd(t) = +3· 8 to +6· 3 and 206Pb/ 204Pb = 17·98 – 18· 06], analogous to high-Mg adakites occurringin modern subduction zones. However, mineralogical evidencefrom clinopyroxene phenocrysts and microcrystalline plagioclaseclearly points to magma mixing during magma evolution. Iron-richclinopyroxene (augite) cores with low Sr, high Y and heavy REEcontents, slightly fractionated REE patterns and large negativeEu anomalies probably crystallized along with low-Ca plagioclasefrom a lower crustal felsic magma. In contrast, high Mg-numberclinopyroxene (diopside and endiopside) mantles and rims havehigher Sr and lower HREE and Y concentrations, highly fractionatedREE patterns (high La/Yb) and negligible Eu anomalies, similarto those found in adakites from subduction zones. The Yanjiadakitic andesites can be interpreted as a mixture between acrust-derived magma having low Mg-number and Sr, and high Yand HREE, and a mantle-derived high Mg-number adakite havinghigh Sr and low Y and HREE concentrations. During storage and/orascent, the mixed magma experienced further crustal contaminationto capture zircons, of a range of ages, from the wall rocks.The absence of coeval arc magmatism and an extensional tectonicregime in the Yanji area and surrounding regions suggest thatthese Palaeocene adakitic andesites were formed during post-subductionextension that followed the late Cretaceous Izanagi–Farallonridge subduction. Generation of these adakitic andesites doesnot require contemporaneous subduction of a young, hot oceanicridge or delamination of eclogitic lower crust as suggestedby previous models. KEY WORDS: magma mixing; adakitic andesites; Palaeocene; NE China  相似文献   

林蕾  邱检生  王睿强  洪宇飞  徐航 《地质学报》2018,92(12):2388-2409
尼木渐新世黑云母二长花岗岩中含有丰富的形态各异的暗色镁铁质微粒包体。本文报道了寄主岩和镁铁质包体的年代学、元素地球化学及Sr- Nd- Hf同位素组成,据此阐明了岩石的成因,并探讨了岩浆混合作用在成岩中的意义及其对陆壳增生的启示。锆石LA- ICP- MS U- Pb定年结果表明,寄主岩和镁铁质包体的成岩年龄在误差范围内基本一致,均为约30Ma,说明它们同时形成。元素地球化学组成上,寄主黑云母二长花岗岩为高钾钙碱性、准铝质,富集Rb、Th、U等大离子亲石元素,亏损Nb、Ta、Ti、P等高场强元素,且具有高Sr、低Y和Yb含量,Sr/Y比值高,缺乏明显铕负异常,表现出埃达克质岩石的特征。镁铁质包体贫硅,富铁、镁,具有与寄主岩相似的稀土与微量元素分布模式。二者的全岩Sr、Nd同位素和锆石Hf同位素组成也相近\[寄主岩:(87Sr/86Sr)i=0.7057~0.7064,εNd(t)=-1.45~0.35,εHf(t)=1.21~7.34;镁铁质包体:(87Sr/86Sr)i=0.7058~0.7064,εNd(t)=-2.23~-1.57,εHf(t)=2.40~7.04\]。综合分析表明,尼木渐新世黑云母二长花岗岩应主要起源于碰撞加厚的新生镁铁质下地壳的部分熔融,镁铁质包体应为幔源玄武质岩浆与其诱发加厚地壳熔融形成的埃达克质岩浆经不均匀混合作用的产物。结合对冈底斯带岩浆岩已有资料的全面分析,表明幔源玄武质岩浆的底侵及其诱发的岩浆混合作用既是冈底斯岩基形成的主要方式,也是导致青藏高原陆壳增生的重要途径。  相似文献   

Magmatic evolution on the active volcano of Agrigan in the northern Mariana Island Arc is interpreted as resulting in the production of calc-alkaline andesites by the fractional crystallization of high-alumina basalt. Basaltic products predominate, but the ratio of andesites to basalts increases with time up to an event of voluminous andesitic pyroclastic ejection accompanied by caldera-collapse; post-collapse lavas are entirely basaltic. Moderate iron-enrichment is demonstrated for the volcanic suite, with indications of a progressive, pre-caldera decrease in iron-enrichment; post-caldera lavas display a return to moderate Fe-enrichment. Overall, the lavas are enriched in the LIL elements (K, Rb, Ba, Sr) and depleted in Ti, Mg, Cr, and Ni. From the oldest to the youngest pre-caldera volcanic sequence, the LIL elements increase 3-6X while Ca and Mg decrease by 50% or more. Approximately constant K/ Rb (430±60) and 87Sr/86Sr (0.7032–0.7034) indicate consanguinity of the basalts and the andesites. Cumulate plutonic xenoliths, common in the lavas, are composed of mineral phases also encountered as phenocrysts. The following order of crystallization is indicated: olivine; anorthite-bytownite; clinopyroxene; orthopyroxene and titanomagnetite. Co-existing xenolithic olivines (Fo74–83) and plagioclase (An88–96) are typical of calc-alkaline island-arc assemblages and contrast with assemblages in the tholeiites from the Mariana Trough to the west. The relatively fayalitic composition and low abundances of Ni in olivines and Cr in clinopyroxenes indicate equilibrium with an already-fractionated liquid. These data, along with structural evidence, high Ca in the olivines, and comparison of the observed assemblages with experimental studies, suggests that these xenoliths formed as crystal cumulates at the floor of a shallow ( 7 km) crustal magma chamber.Major element modeling studies using the separation of observed xenocrystic and phenocrystic phases from assumed parental liquids reproduce the observed temporal and geochemical variations in the lavas. Trace element modeling parallels this evolution with the exception of Cr and Ni in the andesites. An extensive (16.3 km3) gabbroic body is required by this modeling to be present beneath Agrigan to produce the inferred volumes of the various lithologies preserved in the volcano's evolution. The sum of stratigraphic, geochemical, and isotopic evidence on Agrigan supports the derivation of calc-alkaline andesite by the removal of about 75% solids from a high-alumina basalt accompanied by a process of K and Rb enrichment, such as volatile-transfer. Considerations of 87Sr/86Sr, 143Nd/144Nd, and 3He/4He isotopic data indicate that the source region of these parental liquids lies in the mantle, not subducted crust. In the northern Marianas, the model of a shallow-crustal origin for andesite is preferred over one requiring andesite generation in the deeper mantle and/or subducted slab.  相似文献   

An 40Ar/39Ar age of 45·1 Ma determined for lavas fromnorthern Saipan confirms that these high-silica rhyolites eruptedduring the ‘proto-arc’ stage of volcanism in theIzu–Bonin–Mariana system, which is characterizedelsewhere by eruption of boninitic lavas. Incompatible traceelement concentrations and Sr, Hf, Nd, and Pb isotope ratiosfor these rhyolites are transitional between those of c. 48Ma boninitic lavas and post-38 Ma ‘first-arc’ andesitesand dacites from Saipan and Rota that have typical subduction-relatedcompositions. These transitional compositions are modeled bycrystal fractionation of parental tholeiitic basalt combinedwith assimilation of young boninitic crust. A second stage ofRayleigh fractionation in the upper crust is required by SiO2concentrations that exceed 77 wt % and near-zero compatibleelement concentrations. First-arc magma compositions are consistentwith fractionation of basalt and assimilation of crust similarin composition to the first-arc magmas themselves. The mantlesources of the proto-arc and first-arc lavas from Saipan andRota are similar to those of Philippine back-arc basin basaltsbased on Nd and Hf isotopic compositions. The Pb isotope compositionsof these lavas are between those of Pacific sea-floor basaltsand Jurassic and younger cherty and clay-rich sediments. Thiscontrasts with the boninitic proto-arc volcanic rocks from Guamand Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 458 and 459 that have Pbisotope compositions similar to Pacific basin basalts and volcaniclasticsediments. The preferred explanation for the difference in thenature of proto-arc volcanism between Saipan and other fore-arclocations is that the crust ceased extending 3–4 Myr earlierbeneath Saipan. This was caused by a change from mantle upwelling,fore-arc extension, and shallow melting to an environment dominatedby more normal mantle wedge convection, stable crust, and deepermelting. KEY WORDS: rhyolite; andesite; Mariana arc; isotope ratios; trace elements  相似文献   

The Younger Andesites and Dacites of Iztacc?huatl volcano, Mexico,constitute a medium-K calcalkaline rock suite (58–66 wt.per cent SiO2) characterized by high Mg-numbers (100Mg/(Mg+0?85Fe2+=55–66) and relatively high abundances of MgO (2?5–6?6wt. per cent), Ni(17–158 p.p.m.), and Cr (42–224p.p.m.). Chemical stratigraphy plots of eruptive sequences indicatethe existence of a plexus of long-lived dacite magma chambersperiodically replenished by influxes of basaltic magma ascendingfrom depth. Short-term geochemical evolution after batch influxwas dictated by magma mixing and eventual dilution of the basalticcomponent by ‘quasi-steady state’ hornblende dacitemagma. The chemical data support textural and mineralogicalevidence for rapid homogenization of originally diverse magmasby convective blending of residual liquids accompanied by dynamicfractional crystallization (Nixon, 1988). Internally-consistent mixing calculations used to derive thecomposition of basaltic magma influx incorporate analyticaluncertainties and the observed range of salic end-member compositions.Mafic end-members are basalts to basaltic andesites (52–54wt. per cent SiO2) with Mg-numbers (73–76), MgO (9–11wt. per cent), Ni (250 p.p.m.), and Cr (340–510 p.p.m.)concentrations, and liquidus olivine compositions (Fo90–88),appropriate for unfractionated partial melts of mantle peridotite.The majority of model compositions are Ol-Hy-normative, similarto those of primitive basaltic lavas on the flanks of Iztacc?huatland in the Valley of Mexico. However, calculated magma batchesrange from weakly Qz-normative to strongly Ne-normative. Bothcalculated and analyzed basaltic compositions are distinguishedby highly variable abundances of alkalies and incompatible traceelements, notably Rb, Ba, Sr, P, Zr, and Y. Initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios for Iztacc?huatl lavas (0?7040–0?7046;n=24) are comparable to those for primitive basaltic rocks (0?7037–0?7045;?=4) and indicate that (1) mantle source regions are isotopicallyheterogeneous; and (2) contamination of iztacc?huatl magma chambersby radiogenic crustal rocks was not a significant factor inthe evolution of calc-alkaline andesites and dacites. The replenishment of Iztacc?huatl dacite reservoirs by Ne-normativemagmas late in the history of cone growth precludes exhaustionof mantle source regions by progressive partial melting. Thewaning stages of volcanic activity at Iztacc?huatl appear toreflect the inability of dense basaltic influxes to successfullypenetrate a large high-level chamber of low density hornblendedacite magma.  相似文献   

Hana Ridge, the longest submarine rift zone in the Hawaiianisland chain, extending from Maui 140 km to the ESE, has a complexmorphology compared with other Hawaiian rift zones. A totalof 108 rock specimens have been collected from the submarineHana Ridge by six submersible dives. All of the rocks (76 bulkrocks analyzed) are tholeiitic basalts or picrites. Their majorelement compositions, together with distinctively low Zr/Nb,Sr/Nb, and Ba/Nb, overlap those of Kilauea lavas. In contrast,the lavas forming the subaerial Honomanu shield are intermediatein composition between those of Kilauea and Mauna Loa. The compositionalcharacteristics of the lavas imply that clinopyroxene and garnetwere important residual phases during partial melting. The compositionsof olivine and glass (formerly melt) inclusions imply that regardlessof textural type (euhedral, subhedral–undeformed, deformed)olivine crystallized from host magmas. Using the most forsteriticolivine (Fo90·6) and partition coefficients  相似文献   

The Miocene Vogelsberg volcano in Central Germany produced maficmagmas ranging in composition from basanite to quartz tholeiiteand limited amounts of evolved magmas. Trace element and Nd,Sr and Pb isotopic compositions reveal the presence of threedistinct mantle sources: (1) a trace element enriched, asthenosphericplume-type source, similar to the European Asthenospheric Reservoircomposition inferred for many other Tertiary volcanic provincesin Central Europe; (2) a depleted mantle source, located inthe lithospheric mantle or uppermost asthenosphere; (3) a veinedlithospheric mantle source. The oldest basanites of the Vogelsbergvolcano have distinctly higher Ti, Al, Sc and V contents thanyounger basanites. These high-Ti basanites may have been producedby partial melting of a veined lithospheric mantle source, formedduring the earliest stages of uplift of the Rhenish Shield,  相似文献   

义敦岛弧是三江特提斯复合造山带的重要组成部分。文章对义敦岛弧海子山花岗岩体进行锆石U-Pb年代学、全岩地 球化学及Sr-Nd-Pb同位素地球化学进行分析,探讨其成因与构造意义。海子山花岗岩锆石U-Pb年龄为93.7±1.1 Ma(MSWD= 2.1, 2σ),为晚白垩世早期岩浆活动产物,岩石具高硅、富碱的特征,铝饱和指数A/CNK=1.04~1.12,属于弱过铝质岩石。 稀土配分曲线呈燕式分布,Eu/Eu*=0.05~0.32,具有明显的Eu负异常。富集Rb、Th、U、Ta、Pb等元素,明显亏损Ba和 Sr,表现出A型花岗岩的特征。岩石的εNd(t)=–4.8~-3.4,二阶段模式年龄TDM2= 0.91~1.00 Ga,结合岩石的Pb同位素特征及 低的CaO/Na2O比值与高的Al2O3/TiO2比值,说明其应起源于泥质岩石的部分熔融并有少量地幔组分加入。综合地球化学、 同位素特征及义敦岛弧地区构造资料,表明海子山花岗岩是造山后伸展背景下形成的A型花岗岩,为地壳拉张、减薄,软 流圈地幔上涌引起中上地壳泥质岩部分熔融的产物,具有壳幔物质混合的特征。  相似文献   

BARSDELL  M. 《Journal of Petrology》1988,29(5):927-964
The mineralogy, petrography and geochemistry of a suite of clinopyroxene-richolivine tholenite lavas from Merelava island, Vanuatu are described.Located at the southern end of the Northern Trough back-arcbasin, this suite displays all the characteristics of primitiveisland arc lavas: flat REE patterns, depleted HFSE, enrichmentin K-group elements relative to LREE, highly calcic plagioclase(to An9 3 and Cr-rich spinels (cr-number80) Analysis of groundmasscompositions demonstrates that the variation in MgO within thelava suite (from 13?7 to 4?3% MgO) represents only a small departurefrom a liquid line of descent. Some of the more primitive lavas contain low-Al2O3 clinopyroxenemegacrysts (mg-number = 100Mg/(Mg+Fe2 + and ultramafic xenoliths,the latter ranging from fine-grained, tectonite wehrlites andchnopyroxene-bearing harzburgites, to coarse-grained cumulatewehrlites. The cumulate nodules, megacrysts and phenocrysts are shown tobe co-magmatic, and an empirical compositional relationshipis demonstrated for equilibrium olivine-clinopyroxene pairs,covering the observed fractionation range (mg-numberCpx=0?6375mg-numberO1 + 35?3). On the basis that the most primitive olivine(mg-number 91 7) is close to the liquidus composition, thiscompositional relationship demonstrates that clinopyroxene (mg-number=94,and containing no Fe3+) was also a liquidus phase. Clinopyroxeneswith mg-number>94 are the product of local oxidation duringmixing of primitive, relatively reduced magmas, and more evolved,oxidized magmas. This mixing also gave rise to relatively narrow,reversely zoned, internal rims on many clinopyroxene and olivinephenocrysts, cumulus crystals, and clinopyroxene megacrysts. Fractionation modelling demonstrates that the most differentiatedsample with 19 wt.% Al2O3 can be derived from the most primitivesample with 10?3% Al2O3 by removal of 48% crystals of clinopyroxeneand olivine in the proportions 73:27 Plagioclase is a late crystallizingphase and has an insignificant role in the fractionation process. The parent melt composition (mg-number=77) is deduced from themost primitive olivine composition and the liquid line of descent,and is shown to contain equal amounts of MgO and CaO (137 wt.%),a high CaO/Al2O3 ratio of 1?3 and an unusually low Ni contentof 137 ppm. Data from published high pressure (8–20 kb)experiments on melting of peridotite and pyrolite do not providean explanati in for the large normative diopside component inthis parent melt (38 mol.%), and a hypothesis is proposed wherebyhigh degrees of melting of refractory Iherzolite or harzburgite+acomponent of lower crustal pyroxenite and/or wehrlite takesplace at the base of the crust (5–55 kb). At this depth,and initially under hydrous conditions, high degrees of meltingwould progressively eliminate orthopyroxene and then clinopyroxeneto produce a dunite residue. The liquid produced near the pointof clinopyroxene elimination would be compatible with the highCaO and Sc contents, and high Sc/Ni, Cr/Ni and D1/Hy ratiosof the lavas, and the refractory nature of the phenocrysts.  相似文献   

Esmeralda Bank is the southernmost active volcano in the Izu-Volcano-Mariana Arc. This submarine volcano is one of the most active vents in the western Pacific. It has a total volume of about 27 km3, rising to within 30 m of sea level. Two dredge hauls from Esmeralda recovered fresh, nearly aphyric, vesicular basalts and basaltic andesites and minor basaltic vitrophyre. These samples reflect uniform yet unusual major and trace element chemistries. Mean abundances of TiO2 (1.3%) and FeO* (12.6%) are higher and CaO (9.2%) and Al2O3 (15.1%) are lower than rocks of similar silica content from other active Mariana Arc volcanoes. Mean incompatible element ratios K/Rb (488) and K/Ba (29) of Esmeralda rocks are indistinguishable from those of other Mariana Arc volcanoes. On a Ti-Zr plot, Esmeralda samples plot in the field of oceanic basalts while other Mariana Arc volcanic rocks plot in the field for island arcs.Incompatible element ratios K/Rb and K/Ba and isotopic compositions of Sr (87Sr/86Sr=0.70342–0.70348), Nd (ND=+7.6 to +8.1), and O(18O=+5.8 to +5.9) are incompatible with models calling for the Esmeralda source to include appreciable contributions from pelagic sediments or fresh or altered abyssal tholeiite from subduction zone melting. Instead, incompatible element and isotopic ratios of Esmeralda rocks are similar to those of intra-plate oceanic islands or hot-spot volcanoes in general and Kilauean tholeiites in particular. The conclusion that the source for Esmeralda lavas is an ocean-island type mantle reservoir is preferred.Esmeralda Bank rare earth element patterns are inconsistent with models calling for residual garnet in the source region, but are adequately modelled by 7–10% equilibrium partial melting of spinel lherzolite. This is supported by consideration of the results of melting experiments at 20 kbars, 1,150° C with CO2 and H2O as important volatile components. These experiments further indicate that low MgO (4.1%), MgO/FeO*(0.25) and Ni(12 ppm) in Esmeralda Bank melts are characteristic of initial melts generated by moderate degrees of melting of hydrous and carbonated mantle. Consideration of experimental determinations and spinel-lherzolite to garnet-lherzolite stabilities indicates Esmeralda Bank melts were generated by partial melting within the upper 60–110 km of the mantle.  相似文献   

Voluminous andesite and dacite lavas of Daisen volcano, SW Japan,contain features suggesting the reverse of normal fractionation(anti-fractionation), in the sense that magma genesis progressedfrom dacite to andesite, accompanied by rises in temperature.A positive correlation exists between phenocryst content (0–40vol. %) and wt % SiO2 (61–67%). Phenocryst-rich dacitescontain hornblende and plagioclase that are generally unaltered,clear, and euhedral. However, phenocryst-poor rocks containsieve-textured plagioclase, resorbed plagioclase, and opacitein which hornblendes are pseudomorphed. Some Daisen rocks containtwo coexisting pyroxenes. Many orthopyroxene phenocrysts fromtwo-pyroxene lavas have high-Ca overgrowth rims (up to 50 µm),a feature consistent with crystallization from a higher-temperaturemagma than the core. Rim compositions are similar from phenocrystto phenocryst in individual samples. Temperatures of 800–900°Care obtained from the cores, whereas temperatures of 1000–1100°Care indicated for the rims. Lavas ranging from aphyric andesite(  相似文献   

High-magnesian andesite occurs at Hachimantai, northern Honshu,Japan. Disequilibrium zoning features indicate that the phenocrystminerals were derived from three different magmas. Chemicalcompositions and zoning profiles are accounted for by two-stagemagma mixing: the first mixing occurred between a crystal-freebasalt magma and a more differentiated olivine basalt magma;the second stage occurred by mixing between the resultant ofthe first-stage mixing and a hypersthene–augite andesitemagma. Mass balance of phenocryst crystals shows that end-membercompositions were c. 52·0 wt % SiO2 and 10·1 wt% MgO for the mafic end-member and 57·0 wt % SiO2 forthe felsic end-member of the second-stage mixing. Phenocrystminerals of the first-stage mixing end-member indicate the similarityof the end-member composition to that of basalts from nearbyvolcanoes. The counterpart aphyric magma in the first-stagemixing was more magnesian than the estimated mafic end-member.Calculations of the phase equilibria of similar basalts fromnearby volcanoes and comparison of results with previous phaseequilibrium experiments showed that the olivine basalt end-memberof the first stage was hydrous and situated at a depth wherethe pressure was less than 2 kbar. Two-pyroxene thermometryestimates are about 1050°C for the pyroxenes derived fromthe felsic end-member of the second-stage mixing, and about1180°C for groundmass pyroxenes. Crystallization temperaturesof 1170–1230°C are estimated for minerals from themafic end-member of the second-stage mixing based on phase equilibriumcalculations. These similar temperature estimates between thegroundmass and the mafic end-member imply achievement of thermalequilibrium between end-members preceding crystallization. Themagma plumbing system of the eastern Hachimantai is illustratedby a recent volcanic event, involving lateral dike intrusiontoward a pressure source. The encounter of a laterally migratingbasalt dike and an andesite magma chamber triggered the magmamixing that produced the high-magnesian andesite. The modelcan account for the relation between the petrological modeland surface distribution of volcanic rocks. The infrequencyof such mixing-derived high-magnesian andesite stems from therarity of high-magnesian basalt as a potential mixing end-memberin northern Honshu. KEY WORDS: high-magnesian andesite; Hachimantai; Northern Honshu; high-magnesian basalt; two-stage magma mixing  相似文献   

The Daocheng batholiths, located in the east of the Yidun arc, consist of granite, granodiorite and K-feldspar granite. Abundant massive mafic microgranular enclaves (MMEs) mainly developed within the granodiorite and K-feldspar granite, and they have clear contacts with the hosted granites. The MMEs are characterized by the quartz eye structure, quenched apatite, and plagioclases phenocrysts with obvious oscillatory zones. Petrographical studies on MMEs and host granites, zoned plagioclase and whole-rock geochemical analysis were carried out to identify the presence of magma mixing. Combined with the previous studies on the whole-rock Sr-Nd-Hf isotopic signatures, the petrogenesis of Daocheng batholith was discussed. The zoned plagioclases from MMEs have An contents varying between 29 and 44, while those from the host granites have An contents of 21~50. The compositional variations and corrosion structure of plagioclase are probably related to magma mixing. Geochemically, the MMEs have relatively low SiO2 contents (56.34~60.91wt%), high Al2O3 contents of 16.06~17.98wt%, and are enriched in magnesium and iron, belonging to metalumnious series (A/CNK=0.82~0.98). The Daocheng batholith belongs to high-K calc-alkaline series, which have high alkaline contents (Na2O+K2O=6.25~7.79wt%) and low CaO contents (1.40~3.22wt%). Furthermore, both the MMEs and hosted granites are enriched in LILEs (K, Rb and Pb) and LREEs and depleted in HFSEs (Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf, P and Ti), showing affinities of typical arc magmas. Compared with the host granites, the MMEs are characterized by lower (La/Yb)N ratios of 1.99 to 2.46, and much more obvious Eu depletions (Eu/Eu*=0.30~0.50). The host granites have Rb/Sr ratios ranging from 1.0 to 1.9, and they are consistent with the crust-derived materials (Rb/Sr>0.5). Their Zr/Hf ratios range from 27.5 to 36.9, which are close to the transitional Zr/Hf ratios between mantle-and crust-derived materials. This indicates that the formation of Daocheng batholith is genetically related to the mixing between mantle-and crust-derived materials. In addition, the relatively low silica contents and high Mg# values, and the linear patterns of MgO, Al2O3 and Fe2O3 with SiO2 contents from the MMEs and host granites, show that the formation of MMEs is genetically related to magma mixing. Overall, the parent magmas of Daocheng granites are derived from the partial melting of Late Triassic arc lower crust, with the input of minor mantle-derived materials. The MMEs are generated by the mixing of the mafic magma with felsic magma.  相似文献   

浙江沿海晚中生代拉斑玄武岩浆侵位深度的讨论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
浙江沿海晚中生代复合岩流中拉斑玄武岩高度富集大离子亲石元素,反映除了源区富集作用外还有地壳混染的贡献,Rb、Nb的丰度特征指示玄武岩浆主要与中、上地壳岩石发生了相互作用。用岩石化学成分计算的这种拉斑玄武岩浆熔体的平均密度为ρm = 2.678 g/cm3 , 根据岩浆与周围地壳的压力平衡关系,推算得来自地幔的玄武岩浆一直侵位到距地表约16.3km左右的中地壳时才滞留下来,并被相应的地壳物质所混染。  相似文献   

High temperature mass spectrometric analyses of glasses from quenched pillow rims of andesites dredged from 1170 m water depth in the northern portion of the Mariana Island arc indicate substantially less H2O (~ 1 wt.%) and more CO2 (~ 0.24 wt.%) than previously reported for volcanic arc rocks. Glass-vapor inclusions within plagioclase phenocrysts from quenched rims have CO2H2O ratios of 1:1. These results are similar to analyses of basaltic samples from the Mariana Trough (a back-arc basin). Generally, F and Cl contents are higher and S lower in the arc rocks compared to the samples from the back-arc basin. These results favor models for the production of island arc magmas which involve melting of the subducted slab, rather than just melting of the overlying mantle wedge because of the high volatile content needed to produce island arc magmas from peridotite (10–15 wt.%). The trough samples, although similar in non-volatile composition to mid-ocean ridge rocks, have much higher H2O. somewhat higher CO2 and lower S contents. Either near surface addition of voiatiles has enriched the magmas or H2O must be a more important component in the generation and evolution of back-arc basin lavas than in the genesis of mid-ocean ridge basalts.  相似文献   

Petrov  G. A.  Tristan  N. I.  Borozdina  G. N.  Maslov  A. V. 《Doklady Earth Sciences》2019,489(1):1281-1284
Doklady Earth Sciences - The date of cessation of calc-alkaline volcanic complex accumulation within the Devonian (Frasnian) island arc in the Northern Urals was determined for the first time. It...  相似文献   

Major and trace element data are presented for a suite of lavasand gabbroic xenoliths from the northern Mariana islands inthe west Pacific. Fractional crystallization of a gabbroic mineral assemblage,similar to that observed in the xenoliths, appears to be thepredominant control on major and trace element variation withinthe lavas. Mixing calculations indicate that this ‘extract’has an average composition of PLAG:CPX:MAG:OLIV =60:25:10:5.Amphibole is not thought to be an important component of thefractionating assemblage. Consideration of REE data, in particular the pronounced negativecorrelation between Eu/Eu* and silica, allows the identificationof a ‘parental’ magma composition, representingthe most primitive lavas erupted. These are basaltic andesitein composition with approximately 53 wt.% silica. More evolvedlavas can be produced by the fractionation of a gabbroic assemblage,as noted above, while simultaneous cumulus enrichment processesmay produce apparently less evolved, more basic compositions.Mineral medal data for the lavas provide corroborative evidencefor the operation of this process, which may be common to otherintra-oceanic arc settings. Fractional crystallization appears to be selective, with titanomagnetitebeing removed from the magmatic system more efficiently thanplagioclase, suggesting a control by differential crystal settling. Comparison of the Mariana ‘parent’ with picriticprimary magmas from the Solomons and Vanuatu arcs shows thatthe former can be derived from the latter by simple fractionalcrystallization of olivine and clinopyroxene, which also readilyaccounts for the low Ni and Cr concentrations observed in thesuite. In addition the Mariana ‘parent’ appearsto have been influenced by phase relations involving a reducedplagioclase field, possibly under conditions of moderate Ploadand aH2O. The model has much in common with those currently in favourfor the generation of continental flood basalts, OIBs and someMORBs in that primary magmas are picritic and the crust actsas a ‘density filter’ which prevents the ascentof primary magmas and results in volcanic products dominatedby low pressure fractionates.  相似文献   

Major and trace element compositions and Sr, Nd, Pb, and Hfisotope ratios of Aleutian island arc lavas from Kanaga, Roundhead,Seguam, and Shishaldin volcanoes provide constraints on thecomposition and origin of the material transferred from thesubducted slab to the mantle wedge. 40Ar/39Ar dating indicatesthat the lavas erupted mainly during the last  相似文献   

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