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In the present study, efforts have been made to identify and map areas affected by various soil degradation processes in Hanumangarh district of western Rajasthan. Soil degradation processes were identified by using IRS-1B satellite image of the year 1998, SOI toposheets, ground truth verification and soil studies. The kind, extent and degree of soil degradation have been mapped in an area of 9703 km2. The study reveals that the soil degradation problems were mainly due to wind erosion/deposition and water-logging, followed by salinity/alkalinity, water erosion and wind and water erosion combinedly. Nearly 38.7% area is subjected to slight and moderate degradation, which can easily be combated by adopting the suggested techniques and 17.1% area is free of hazard. Soil degradation processes have resulted in the loss of organic carbon, available Phosphorus and Potassium. Soil degradation due to water logging/salinization has also shown a significant increase in electrical conductivity and available potassium content of soil.  相似文献   

In certain agricultural fields of Khambhat Taluka in Gujarat State, the salinity has increased considerably rendering the land completely infertile. The occurrence of salinity in this area can be attributed partly to subsurface sea‐water ingress and partly to improper land and water management practices prior to implementation of irrigation. Landsat MSS or TM and IRS IA LISS II data was used to test the feasibility of delineating saline soils by both visual image interpretation and digital analysis. The study of saline soils using multi‐temporal Landsat images of the year 1977, 1983, and 1987, indicated an evident increase in saline areas in past few years. The Soil Brightness Index (SBI) generated from the IRS‐IA data by the application of MSS equivalent coefficients brought out different categories of soil degradation. The supervised classification scheme aided in generating various salinity levels. The analysis of the soil samples of the above area exhibited increasing values of Electrical Conductivity (ECe), and the soluble cations with increasing levels of salinity.  相似文献   

朱爽  张锦水  李长青  郑阔 《测绘通报》2019,(11):8-11,43
区域尺度土地利用/覆盖分类研究是当今国际上开展土地利用/覆盖变化研究的重要领域之一。及时、准确地获取地球表面特性对于掌握人类和自然现象之间的关系和相互作用至关重要。本文根据土地覆盖遥感分类方法特点,从硬分类方法、软分类方法以及最新的软硬分类方法出发,总结了国内外的各研究成果,分析了各种方法的分类策略与特点及其方法适用性。研究结果表明:软硬分类方法能够灵活适用于遥感图像上纯净、混合像元并存的特点,可以有效解决光谱的异质性,在土地覆盖遥感监测中具有广阔的应用潜力。文中提出了基于变端元的软硬分类土地覆盖制图方法框架,并指出了今后的研究重点。  相似文献   

A World Bank-aided project on sodic land reclamation in Uttar Pradesh is being executed by U.P. Bhumi Sudhar Nigam, Lucknow, and Remote Sensing Applications Centre, U.P., Lucknow has the responsibility of sodic land mapping for the execution of land reclamation programme at the cadastral level. Sodic lands are mainly concentrated in the Gangetic alluvial plains but the problem of sodicity is particularly acute in the canal-irrigated areas. A study of the distribution pattern of sodic lands in canal and noncanal command areas in a reclamation site (covering 60 villages out of which sodic lands were mapped in 51 villages) of Etah district in Uttar Pradesh, indicates that 18.39 per cent area of the canal command villages was barren sodic which was 13.41 per cent of the total geographical area of the site (15417 ha), however, 11.69 per cent area was recorded to be barren sodic in the non-canal command villages which was only 3.16 per cent of the geographical area of the site. The results of soil chemical analysis indicate that barren sodic lands of canal command area are saline-sodic with higher concentration of soluble salts (pH2 >8.5, EC2 >4 dSm−1), however, those of non-canal command area are sodic (pH2 >8.5, EC2 <4 dSm−1). The post-monsoon ground level in the canal-irrigated areas was in the critical and semicritical zone (< 3.0 mbgl) whereas it was well below the semi-critical zone in the non-canal command area, which indicates that the high ground water level is a major factor to higher the area under sodicity.  相似文献   

In the present study efforts have been made to identify and map areas affected by various land degradation processes with the aid of Landsat TM imagery data of 1988 and ground truth verification. The kind, extent and degree of land degradation have been mapped. In an area of over 4,124 sq. km. 51% was affected by water erosion and 30% area by wind erosion. Nearly 1.14% area is affected by salinity. Degradation due to combined effect of water and wind erosion and water erosion and salinization has affected 8.20% of the study area. 1.53% area is free from any hazard. Remaining 7.85% area comes under hills and rivers. Nearly 44 percent of the affected area is subjected to moderate and severe degradation which can easily be combatted by techniques referred.  相似文献   

Delineation of Banikdih Agricultural watershed in Eastern India was carried out and various watershed parameters were extracted using Geographic Information System (GIS) and Remote Sensing. Digital Elevation Model (DEM) was developed with a contour interval of 10 m in the scale of 1:25000 using ARC/INFO modules. Sub watershed, drainage, slope, aspect, flow direction, soil series, soil texture, and soil class maps were independently generated and they were properly registered and integrated for analysis. The watershed was digitally delineated using AVSWAT model that couples hydrological model and GIS with appropriate threshold value of cell size. Subsequently, stream characteristics through the interface were generated. Indian Remote Sensing Satellite IRS-1D LISS-III data pertaining to the period of October 29, 1998 and October 23, 2000 was used to develop land use/land cover thematic map using ERDAS- 8.4 version image processing software. Eight major land use/land cover classes namely water body, lowland paddy, upland paddy, fallow land, upland crop (non-paddy crops), settlement, open mixed forest, and wasteland were segregated through digital image processing techniques using maximum likelihood algorithm. The information generated would be of immense help in hydrological modeling of watershed for prediction of runoff and sediment yield, thereby providing necessary inputs for developing suitable developmental management plans with sound scientific basis.  相似文献   

The rapid increase in human population has increased the groundwater resources demand for drinking, agricultural and industrial purposes. The main purpose of this study is to produce groundwater potential map (GPM) using weights-of-evidence (WOE) and evidential belief function (EBF) models based on geographic information system in the Azna Plain, Lorestan Province, Iran. A total number of 370 groundwater wells with discharge more than 10 m3s?1were considered and out of them, 256 (70%) were randomly selected for training purpose, while the remaining114 (30%) were used for validating the model. In next step, the effective factors on the groundwater potential such as altitude, slope aspect, slope angle, curvature, distance from rivers, drainage density, topographic wetness index, fault distance, fault density, lithology and land use were derived from the spatial geodatabases. Subsequently, the GPM was produced using WOE and EBF models. Finally, the validation of the GPMs was carried out using areas under the ROC curve (AUC). Results showed that the GPM prepared using WOE model has the success rate of 73.62%. Similarly, the AUC plot showed 76.21% prediction accuracy for the EBF model which means both the models performed fairly good predication accuracy. The GPMs are useful sources for planners and engineers in water resource management, land use planning and hazard mitigation purpose.  相似文献   

Availability of groundwater varies spatially and temporally depending upon the terrain. The scarcity of water affects the environmental and developmental activities of an area. Construction of small water harvesting structures across streams/watersheds is gaining momentum in recent years. In the present study, potential sites for construction of rainwater harvesting structures in the Bakhar watershed of Mirzapur District, Uttar Pradesh, India have been identified by using remote sensing and GIS techniques. Various thematic maps such as Landuse/Landcover, geomorphology and lineaments, etc. were prepared using remote sensing. These layers along with geology and drainage were integrated using GIS techniques to derive suitable water harvesting sites. Each theme was assigned a weightage depending on its influence on ground water recharge (for example weightages 20,18,15,25,25 and 0 were assigned to geomorphology, landuse, geology, lineament, drainage and road and villages respectively). Each class or unit in the map was assigned a knowledge based ranking of one to four depending on its significance in storage and transmittance of groundwater, and these values were multiplied with layer weightage to form score. The average score for excellent region is greater than 200, for good 121 to 200, for moderate 81 to 121 and the other polygon having value less than 80 (excluding zero) were assigned to poor category. The final map showing different categories of suitability sites for water harvesting structures such as Check dams, Contour bunding, Recharge pits, Wells and Contour trenching have been suggested.  相似文献   

Remote sensing techniques have been employed to identify and delineate soils in a part of Dibrugarh district of Assam. Landsat-4 MSS data in the form of FCC (4, 5, 7) were interpreted visually for physiographic analysis in conjunction with Survey of India topographic maps. Ground data were translated in terms of soils using composite interpretation map as base. The abstraction level attained was Families of Soil Taxonomy. Four major physiographic units were delineated, viz. active flood plain, recent alluvial plain, gently undulating old alluvial plain and gently sloping to undulating piedmont plain. Dominant soils identified are: coarse loamy Aeric Fluvaquents and fine loamy Typic Udifluvents in active flood plain; fine Typic Haplaquepts and fine loamy Aquic Dystrochrepts in recent alluvial plain; fine loamy Umbric Dystrochrepts and fine Ultic Hapludalfs in old alluvial plain; coarse loamy Typic Udorthents and fine Mollic Hapludalfs in piedmont plain.  相似文献   

The Sorrentina Peninsula is a densely populated area with high touristic impact. It is located in a morphologically complex zone of Southern Italy frequently affected by dangerous and calamitous landslides. This work contributes to the prevention of such natural disasters by applying a GIS-based interdisciplinary approach aimed to map the areas more potentially prone to trigger slope instability phenomena. We have developed the Landslide Susceptibility Index (LSI) combining five weighted and ranked susceptibility parameters on a GIS platform. These parameters are recognized in the literature as the main predisposing factors for triggering landslides. This work combines analyses conducted on Remote Sensing, Geo-Lithology and Morphometry data and it is organized in the following logical steps: i) Multi-temporal InSAR technique was applied to Envisat-ASAR (2003–2010) and COSMO-SkyMed (2013–2015) datasets to obtain the ground displacement time series and the relative mean ground velocity maps. InSAR allowed the detection of the areas that are subjected to ground deformation and the main affected municipalities; ii) Such deformation areas were investigated through airborne photo interpretation to identify the presence of geomorphological peculiarities connected to potential slope instability. Subsequently, some of these peculiarities were checked on the field; iii) In these deformation areas the susceptibility parameters were mapped in the entire territory of Amalfi and Conca dei Marini and then investigated with a multivariate analysis to derive the classes and the respective weights used in the LSI calculation. The resulting LSI map classifies the two municipalities with high spatial resolution (2m) according to five classes of instability. The map highlights that the high/very high susceptibility zones cover 6% of the investigated territory and correspond to potential landslide source areas characterized by 25°-70° slope angles. A spatial analysis between the map of the historical landslides and the areas classified according to susceptibility allowed testing of the reliability of the LSI Index, resulting in 85% prediction accuracy.  相似文献   

邸凯昌  刘斌  刘召芹  邹永廖 《遥感学报》2016,20(5):1230-1242
对月球探测任务、月球遥感制图技术与产品进行综述。从1958年开始,全世界已开展126次(其中70次成功)月球探测工程任务,其中月球遥感制图是其必需的基础性工作。由于月球环境的特殊性,其遥感制图技术与对地观测制图相比具有很大的挑战和更大的难度。目前,中国嫦娥二号轨道器获取的7 m分辨率立体影像是覆盖全月球分辨率最高的立体影像数据,美国月球侦察轨道器LRO任务的激光雷达高度计LOLA数据是精度和密度最高的激光测高数据,LRO NAC影像的分辨率最高(0.5—2 m)但未覆盖全球。在各个探测任务中,基于月球遥感数据和摄影测量技术,已经制作了大量的全球及区域的影像拼图、正射影像图和数字高程模型等制图产品。对月球遥感制图技术发展进行展望,探讨了利用国际多探测任务数据建立新一代控制网和进行精细制图的必要性及技术思路。  相似文献   

In this study, morphometric analysis and prioritization of the eight miniwatersheds of Mohr watershed, located between Bayad taluka of Sabarkantha district and Kapadwanj taluka of Kheda district in Gujarat State, India is carried out using Remote Sensing and GIS techniques. The morphometric parameters considered for analysis are stream length, bifurcation ratio, drainage density, stream frequency, texture ratio, form factor, circularity ratio, elongation ratio and compactness ratio. The Mohr watershed has a dendritic drainage pattern. The highest bifurcation ratio among all the miniwatersheds is 9.5 which indicates a strong structural control on the drainage. The maximum value of circularity ratio is 0.1197 for the miniwatershed 5F2B5b3. The miniwatershed 5F2B5a2 has the maximum elongation ratio (0.66). The form factor values are in range of 0.29 to 0.34 which indicates that the Mohr watershed has moderately high peak flow for shorter duration. The compound parameter values are calculated and prioritization rating of eight miniwatersheds in Mohr watershed is carried out. The miniwatershed with the lowest compound parameter value is given the highest priority. The miniwatershed 5F2B5b2 has a minimum compound parameter value of 3.12 is likely to be subjected to maximum soil erosion hence it should be provided with immediate soil conservation measures.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to prepare an inventory on soil erosion of a hilly river watershed — the Aglar watershed, part of Tehri Garhwal and Dehradun districts (U.P.), using terrain physiography and soil survey data obtained from interpretation and analysis of Landsat TM FCC (1:62,500 scale) and limited ground investigations. The watershed is divided into four broad physiographic units viz. higher Himalayas (> 2000m elevation); lower Himalayas (< 2000m elevation); river terraces and flood plains. Each physiographic unit has been further divided into subunits on the basis of aspects and landuse. Three major orders of soils viz. Inceptisols, Mollisols and Entisols were found in different physiographic units. Soil, and land properties of soilscape units viz. soil depth, texture, structure, slope, landuse and soil temperature regime were evaluated for soil-erosion hazard. The results indicate that in the whole watershed 19.13%, 45.68%, 26.51% and 7.92% areas have been found to be under none to slight, moderate, severe and very severe soil erosion hazard categories, respectively.  相似文献   


Urban functional zones (UFZs) are important for urban sustainability and urban planning and management, but UFZ maps are rarely available and up-to-date in developing countries due to frequent economic and human activities and rapid changes in UFZs. Current methods have focused on mapping UFZs in a small area with either remote sensing images or open social data, but large-scale UFZ mapping integrating these two types of data is still not be applied. In this study, a novel approach to mapping large-scale UFZs by integrating remote sensing images (RSIs) and open social data is proposed. First, a context-enabled image segmentation method is improved to generate UFZ units by incorporating road vectors. Second, the segmented UFZs are classified by coupling Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) and Support Vector Machine (SVM). In the classification framework, physical features from RSIs and social attributes from POI (Point of Interest) data are integrated. A case study of Beijing was performed to evaluate the proposed method, and an overall accuracy of 85.9% was achieved. The experimental results demonstrate that the presented method can provide fine-grained UFZs, and the fusion strategy of RSIs and POI data can distinguish urban functions accurately. The proposed method appears to be promising and practical for large-scale UFZ mapping.  相似文献   

The present study attempts to delineate different groundwater potential units using remote sensing and geographic information system (GIS) in Khallikote block of Ganjam disrict, Orissa. Thematic maps of geology, geomorphology, land use and land cover, drainage density, lineament density, slope and DEM (digital elevation model) were prepared using the Landsat Thematic Mapper data in 3 spectral bands, band 7 (mid-infrared light), band 4 (near-infrared light), Band 2 (visible green light). Relationship of each layer to the groundwater regime has been evaluated through detailed analysis of the individual hydrological parameters. The SMCE (Spatial Multi-Criteria Evaluation) module in ILWIS (Integrated Land and Water Information System) supports the decision-making process for evaluating the ground water potential zones in the area. The study shows that more than 70% of the block is covered by medium to excellent category having good ground water potential.  相似文献   

Remote sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS) are well suited to landslide studies. The aim of this study is to prepare a landslide susceptibility map of a part of Ooty region, Tamil Nadu, India, where landslides are common. The area of the coverage is approximately 10 × 14 km in a hilly region where planting tea, vegetables and cash crops are in practice. Hence, deforestation, formation of new settlements and changing land use practices are always in progress. Land use and land cover maps are prepared from Indian Remote Sensing Satellite (IRS 1C - LISS III) imagery. Digital Elevation Model (DEM) was developed using 20 m interval contours, available in the topographic map. Field studies such as local enquiry, land use verification, landslide location identification were carried out. Analysis was carried out with GIS software by assigning rank and weights for each input data. The output shows the possible landslide areas, which are grouped for preparation of landslide susceptibility maps.  相似文献   

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